#Feed me more unhinged librarians
silence-of-autumn42 · 10 months
I'm really grateful for the Unhinged Librarian content we've been getting this year. Between Quinn in Destiny 2, and Acrithis in Warframe, and to a lesser extent, Archimedian Yonta (who did come out last year, and isn't a librarian, but has those vibes), as well as Eno Cordova and the Jedha Anchorites from Jedi: Survivor, I feel very catered to.
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dangara2610 · 1 month
(4/10) Alive Ulla AU - Part 15
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Hello guys , finally I'm going faster ~
Well, due to this AU being about Ulla staying alive during her staying on the Eternal Library (and considering the existence rules I imagined and explained before), this would be the main differences:
Not unhinged : Of course it was sad to betrayed , she is angry at her betrayer, but her body is healthy and she even feels renewed, so, less stress or pain/death trauma to deal, she will recover from this.
Faithful: Feeling trapped, the objetive is reach freedom, so, of course she will explore alternatives, possessing a living body is no needed because she is not a ghost, she is a living being, not everything is lost.
New objetive : What will she do once out of this?, Return to her family. She will go back home with Quirin and Varian, if they are too old (or even dead) , she will search her offspring, Varian's sons, daughters or grandchildren, if he died without it, then search for her twin Ulf's offspring, anything left of her family.
What to do meanwhile?: Keep track of time and feed her hunger of knowledge and peace, lots of answers will be reached here, lots of imaginary friends will be met here (autors speaking to the readers, even interactive texts, feels super realistic), she has her support group.
New habilites: She not only learned modern alchemy, or multiple hobbies, she also keeps working at casting her own twist for searching books and organizing unorganized students texts, as the librarian she is at heart.
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The times has come, Varian was able to open the Eternal Library , she is ready since three days ago his arrival, besides, she set a welcome party, delicious food, games and an defense or attack arsenal with her and for his friends.
Why? Because she also learned divination, the limit is her space, she cannot divinate what happens outside the radio of 3m where she stands, besides, she is a scientist who now the "once you observe a phenomena, the phenomena changes" theory.
She found lots of "future lines" where she was dead , ohhhh..., but in this one were she is alive, still, there are lots of incomes
(And me as an author, picked the easer one xD)
Varian gets in, alone, reciently betrayed by that friend Hugo , according to the lots of visions she saw, he is a good guy who will give up Donella and her agresive second visit to the library.
And Ulla steps in, calls her son, and his reaction has no delay, he recognizes her, even when she saw in the visions how they hugged lots of variants and repetitions, when the hug happens in this real life, she feels so overwhelmed and the hug becomes even more emotional than she initially thought it would be.
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Then she hurries him to a desk , and hurries him to read together a notebook she wrote, please do not skip anything, imagine what he reads , or the magic won't work, he looks like he is confused but obeys, he is a fast reader, he smiles because of the silly sweetness of the text, so the task is done quickly.
A portal appears, Ulla invites him in and the magic happens, just as the texts said, both are in a pretty garden in front of a fancy house, a little table set with apple and chocolate desserts, jam and cheese sandwiches....
And his spade he made with electric wires when he was 13 (the one he showed Eugene and by accident, it evaporated a whole paper poster).
And she carefully takes it and hands it to Varian, and tells him to use it to destroy the desks in front of Donella when she arrives, do not hurt Hugo, he will reconciliate with the team, do not let Yong and Nuru near the spade, it's too reactive.
Demand answers to Cyrus and Donella, if they remember Ulla, if they killed her, what were they planned to do with the eternal library.
That would be only to distract them while she operates, operate what? Later, if they attack first, he can send a full blow to them, they won't die (permanently), just like herself.
Daaaaaammmmm... Mom, are you okey? They wanted to kill her, this is her payback, a way to subdue them, besides, they need to be stopped and jailed, she knows a big list of their crimes against the 7 kingdoms and the lives that ended because of their greed.
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The wait time is over, Varian must go outside this notebook, Ulla will go out in 5 minutes once everyone is distracted.
He is not as confident as he was expected to be, is his mom really alive or a ghost? Her body felt firm, or was it a result of the magic here? He won't be a murderer.
Hugo was the first one to arrive and-
Aaaaand this will continue, thankies for reading 🌃🌹🍇🥭🛋️⚗️🎙️🌼🌂🧪🍊🎡💐
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free-for-all-fics · 1 year
Vampire! Namor and Tenoch AU prompts! Please tag me if you’re inspired by any of these ideas, I’d love to read it! 💜 Thanks to @okay-hotshot for helping me out with these!
1. “The most accessible veins are the jugular in the neck and the great saphenous vein that runs just under the skin inside your upper thigh” so just imagine vampire Tenoch sucking your blood from your thighs. Would he do that before or after he eats you out? Or Vamp!Namor or Tenoch and period sex, going absolutely feral and unhinged at the scent of your blood and cum. He purposely fucks you on white bedsheets so you can see the bloody mess you two made. The messier and bloodier the sheets, the better. Bonus: He gifts you white dresses because you look so innocent but it’s also easier to stain and ruin you. He would have a corruption kink.
2. Blood rave, blood rave, blood rave! Dancing with vampire Tenoch at the blood rave. Like the scene from the Blade movies. Either you're human who he feeds on like a personal blood bag or you're also a vampire, up to you.
3. To get out of an arranged marriage you have decided to marry yourself to the sea. You weren’t expecting there to be underwater vampires and for their king to take you up on your offering yourself as a bride. Now you’ve been kidnapped by your “husband”. Sort of Hades/Persephone AU.
4. From Dusk Till Dawn AU with Vampire/Culebra! Tenoch. You escape across the Mexican border after a robbery gone wrong and Tenoch is maybe one of the nine lords who has found his own way to obtain blood, through illicit business like his siblings. But he has some of his humanity left and he keeps you around as a toy or blood bag at first, but feels attracted to you over time.
5. Vampires are stealing blood tainted with sedatives and opioids from hospitals. They use this blood as drugs to other vampires. Vampire Tenoch drinks blood that’s spiked with alcohol, coffee, hallucinogens, or garlic because it gets him high/drunk. Vampires can only get drunk if alcohol is contained in the blood of their prey, for example. Distilling human blood with various different flavors is like an addiction. Vampires basically force feed their captive human (that you have or are sharing with another vampire) the food of their choice, then after a while that flavor starts to run all the way through the human’s blood and “spikes” it. Instead of drinking straight from humans, some vampires prefer blood from the bag, as letting blood cool is the vampire equivalent of cooking food. Oblivious to the little side business you’re involved in, vampires from all over come to your hospital to indulge in the tastiest cuisine and the finest wines.
6. Loosely Midnight Mass inspired: Vampire society have been loyal customers to a carpenter for years. He made the best coffins they have slept in for centuries, and never really got suspicious of so many wealthy people willing to pay premium for the same niche item. As he got old, the vampires try to offer him immortality. Instead the carpenter asks that they save you, his adult granddaughter who's dying. This is how you meet Tenoch. Because you're so sick, your blood is tainted. You can't be bitten or turned the normal way. So he comes to you under the guise of the new town doctor. As you start to feel better, you have no idea the "medicine" he feeds you is actually slowly bringing about your transformation into a vampire.
7. Vampire and human scientists alike have placed a bounty for vampire! Namor to be captured alive. Their reason? He has a genetic mutation wherein he can walk in direct sunlight without dying.
8. Vampires are real, and are mostly employed as librarians. Tenoch is a vampire historian. Unlike most vampires, he decided not to sleep hundreds of years and instead decided to document historical events into books. He now owns a library made for vampires just waking up. You are a vampire. But instead of sucking blood to maintain your immortal life, you are a writer. The more people read your stuff, the longer you live and stronger you are.
9. Vampires are often romanticized, but it's really more of a curse. Feeding not only kills the victim, but attaches their soul to the vampire, effectively haunting them as long as they live. The older the vampire, the more ghosts. Namor is 500 years old and you’re the most persistent ghost he’s ever had haunting him. Most have gotten bored and left by now, but not you.
10. Vampires can't drown. Because of this, many vampires have built a civilization at the bottom of the ocean, away from the sun or any humans. Namor, king of the vampires, is a mutant. He’s the only one who’s still able to walk in the sunlight of the surface world without burning. He’s just successfully brought the sun to his people. Except this one doesn’t burn or harm them. It’s just as beautiful and bright as the one humans have on land.
11. Vampires are real, but humans enacted a powerful ritual millennia ago making them vulnerable to the sun's rays. The vampires fled deep under the sea, where they created an underwater city, Talokan. Desperate for the taste of human blood once again, the vampires are preparing an invasion on dry land.
12. Vampires have returned to the world after their time in the shadows, with the promise to never feed upon humans, lest they too become changed. You, on the other hand, are fair game, due to a rare immunity to the vampire transformation. This makes you a rather hot and highly contested commodity. You spot a vampire who appears to be starving. You take pity on him and allow him to drink your blood. Big mistake. Apparently you have 'good blood' and are given a room in the vampire's underground society. You're treated really well. but you want to leave.
13. You set off with a spare tank, a powerful light and an underwater camera, determined to prove the existence of underwater vampire covens. You’ve held the belief that mermaids are actually vampires that realized the sun could not harm them underwater, but never had the chance to test your theory until now. You were always told never to enter the deeper waters. The Elders said only the shallows were safe, that the monsters never came up this high. That glowing lights in the deep would lead you astray. Why didn't you listen?
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14. CEO! Vampire! Tenoch/Namor AU: Suddenly, it dawned on you. The company you work for, Sunsetters, is run by vampires and bad employees aren't fired, they're food for the bosses. Looking at your calendar, your two year review is coming up.
15. You, an ancient vampire, have been fighting a family of vampire hunters for centuries who vow to avenge their ancestor whom you killed. After a little research things suddenly get awkward as you realize that the ancestor in question is actually you when you were a human.
16. As a vampire, I follow traditions. My fiancée is human and just found out that human brides are to be bit to become a vampire themselves. She absolutely refuses to let that happen, and says the wedding is off unless I refuse to bite her. I feel like she's disrespecting tradition. AITA?
17. When you signed up for a dating app with a gimmick around being comprised entirely of cryptids, you thought it was just an in-joke between all of the users. Now you're on a date with a vampire and need to explain that you're just an ordinary human in a way that won't piss him off.
18. You slap Tenoch, your vampire friend, to shock him out of his bloodlust. In return, he frowns at you in confusion and rubs his cheek. "..OW?"
19. Under the guise of a "Monster Hunter" you've been helping innocent vampires, spirits and other oddities find safer homes instead of killing them. When someone happens upon you escorting one to safety, the townsfolk turn on you.
20. Due to extreme air pollution, people have been dying while others have been mutated into vampires. To protect themselves from the sun, the survivors created a modern underwater city and named it Talokan. Years go by, and everything is fine. Until vampires start drowning for unknown reasons. You are the overseer of one of the many underwater labs, and are tasked by Namor, the King of Talokan and all vampires, to investigate what’s causing this strange drowning phenomenon. Equipped with a variety of gadgets and people, you decide to finally activate your long ranged floor scanner.…And see what the hell has been making those noises outside.
21. A catastrophe leaves Earth's surface uninhabitable, forcing mutated survivors to retreat to undersea bunkers. Centuries pass. Civilization is thriving underwater, with a new nation: Talokan. Ruled by their King, Namor, the mutated vampires are now preparing for the first surface expedition.
22. The submarine had run out of power and was now dead underwater. Slowly, you watched your crew mates die of starvation but, for some reason, you didn't die. You survived months, then years on end in a dead submarine. Fast forward 75 years and your submarine is found. Namor follows the scent and finds you alone, surrounded by blood and carnage. Your crew mates, or pieces of what’s left of them, floating around. He realizes you don’t remember what’s happened. You’re confused as to why the bodies of your crew mates are gone or in pieces, unaware of what you did. You have no memory that you’re a vampire. But he knows. You had to feed, and you got desperate. Contrary to popular belief, vampires can feed on all parts of a human, not just blood. He tells you that he’ll help you, but you must come with him at once.
23. Your family is the most prestigious and successful line of vampire hunters in the world, keeping everyone safe from the shadows. Nobody realizes that you are in fact vampires using your position to strike down competition and maintain supremacy over your own kind.
24. A thief breaks into a luxurious mansion...when the local vampire aristocrats happen to have their soirée there. A rich vampire demonstrates their status by publicly drinking a human's blood. A few seconds later, their body corrodes from the inside out. This is the story of the night a scientist decided to test the blood that killed the aristocrat. The plan quickly switches from "steal" to "survive".
25. Tenoch, an aristocrat, invites you, an old beggar woman, into his castle out of concern that you might be a disguised enchantress. In reality you’re a vampire. You just haven’t been able to feed in far too long. You must feed, soon. How fortunate that this man is either unafraid of you or oblivious to the stories the superstitious locals tell. Perhaps he or members of his staff can provide you with some much needed refreshments.
26. A vampire AU where Tenoch/Namor is similar to Count Strahd von Zarovich. He’s in love with the reader, bordering on obsession and possession. Maybe he even killed her past lovers and husband-to-be in order to have her for himself, but this caused reader to either run away and disappear forever, or die. Once every 100 years or so he will meet a woman whom he believes is Reader reincarnated. He always tries to woo her, but his curse is that the woman inevitably dies. So what if when he finds your most recent incarnation, he keeps you under tight lock and key in his castle, in a room where you can’t escape nor hurt yourself. He keeps a very close eye on you, never leaving you alone. If he’s not watching you, one of his servants is. After all this time, he still wants you as his wife. He’ll make you his bride, he’ll plan a huge celebration for your wedding and transformation into vampirism. “My dear, you shall not leave me again! Why do you run!? Come back, my sweet! Give me a kiss!”
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