#FranceNews FranceNews: France News.Net France news
unpluggedtv ยท 2 years
According to The Guardian, during protests in Britain, demonstrators shouted "death to the Islamic Republic" and assaulted police officers guarding Iran's embassy in Knightsbridge. According to police officials, twelve persons were held on "suspicion of violent disruption" and five police officers were injured during the protests. "We respect people's right to protest peacefully and always work with organisers to make that possible," said Commander Karen Findlay of the Metropolitan Police in a statement. "However, we will not tolerate protests that leave other communities feeling unsafe or unprovoked attacks on our officers, as we have seen today."
Read More: https://unpluggedtv.press/police-from-the-uk-and-france-clash-with-iranian-embassy-protesters/
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