#Genus: Extatosoma
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We’re on an Insect roll at the moment, and here is probably one of the coolest bugs I’ve ever seen: The Spiny Leaf Insect! They are also known as Australian Walking Sticks and are a species of Phasmatids.
Honestly, Spiny Leaf Insect sounds more like a general description than an actual name-
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windienine · 4 years
Mimic! (for the Chuubo's ask meme)
mimic: tell me a weird fact about something?
alright, try this one on for size: some facts about actual real-world mimics.
myrmecomorphy is the term for ant mimicry in other species. it’s often a form of batesian mimicry, as most of these animals have poor defenses and want to blend in with an ant colony because, well-- few self-respecting bugs want to fuck with an entire ant colony. they’re also hoping this stops the ant colony itself from attacking them, too. ants are one of the most widely-mimicked creatures the world over thanks to their wide range and apparent ease to dupe. here’s a short list of some organisms with species that have evolved to fool as many ants as possible:
Mymarachne is an entire genus of ant-mimicking spiders. while most of them are typical batesian mimics, a few of them specifically mimic ants in order to hunt ants undetected. 
several cricket nymphs (Orthoptera) mimic ants before molting into normal-looking adults.
there’s a stick insect species (Extatosoma tiaratum) that not only hatches out as an ant mimic, but its eggs look similar to plant seeds-- leading real ants to take the eggs back to their nests and unknowingly raise their young.
ant-mimicking plants. a few species of passionflower have evolved dark spots on their leaves that vaguely resemble ants-- which is currently thought to be an anti-herbivory strategy that keeps away animals that wouldn’t want a mouthful of ants along with it.
some other types of animals who do this include praying mantises, true bugs, beetles, thrips, parasitoid wasps, mites, and grasshoppers.
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