#Glitter’s st s5 predictions
Here's my theory: We saw the cgi thing of Dustin, Jonathan and Nancy falling in a car, presumably to the Upside Down. This is backed up by recent pictures of Jon and Nancy in a car, wearing similar outfits to the cgi and to when they first went hunting for the Upside Down in season 1. My thought is they get trapped in the Upside Down by Vecna (The Vanishing of ***** Wheeler -> the missing Wheeler is Nancy), and Mike and Will go to look for them (Will b/c his connection to Vecna, he decides looking for them is worth tyhe risk). They get ready to do so in episode 4, prepping at the Radio Station (pic of Will released on his birthday w/headphones). Here, Mike and Will have a heart-to-heart w/Robin, and Mike and El have a talk abt their relationship (the leaked vid). They leave in the night (the night shoots we saw in Millie's Insta and from the vid of someone saying "you need to run"). While in the Upside Down, they find everyone and get them away from Vecna safely, but smth happens (maybe he loses his headphones/doesn't have music/angsty byler Upside Down scene stops the music's effect) and Vecna gets ahold of Will. He starts getting possessed and everyone starts fighting Vecna/calling out to Will. Will tries to fight it, but gets weaker and weaker. Here, Will grabs Mike by the throat (the "grab him by the throat we heard in the night shoot vid) and tells him "you need to run." Mike refuses, but Will begs of him to do it, and so he does. This is where we might get a confession (either from Will as his final words before full possession or Mike promising Will he'll be back for him). This is where we'll have the rumored second time skip (for angst); this will also give Mike's feelings to develop if he hasn't confessed/realized already. This will lead to him coming up w/a rly risky plan for getting Will out, which will lead to a s3 parallel to when he said he loved El (everyone's telling him it's too risky, he's saying he'll do anything to get Will back b/c he loves him) and convinces everyone to get on board (the leader Mike we've been told will make a comeback). The last few episodes are a fight in the Upside Down, either the series or a big fight before the final battle ending with them getting Will back. Mike holds him gently, and they say smth along the lines of "it's rly you/are you rly here?/I'm here/I didn't stop until we found you" and then they kiss. Then byler is one of the main things (aside from love for the Party and his friends) that keeps Will immune from Vecna (if there's still a final battle) and they defeat Vecna. Yay happy ending!
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