#Goons: uh whacha got there
puppetmaster13u · 26 days
I Might Be Writing a Thing For This
So anyway, have a short snippet/wip of it :) It's even Outsider POV :)
   It all started when the boss had missed one of the biweekly meetings- cancelled it and rescheduled for the next day, but still. The red-hooded man (though he barely counted as such, and the amount of heart attacks they had all had at that fact was crazy) had never missed a meeting before. 
   Been late? Only when Black Mask had decided to try and push his luck one night, but miss it entirely? Never. 
   So the lot of them- the second in commands for Hood’s gang that the other goonion members were starting to call his “Merry Men” however jokingly- were already on edge. Their boss may be incredibly competent, but he was also incredibly young, like should still be in high school young, not running a crime ring. 
   But that was Crime Alley for you- everyone grew up far faster than they should, no matter how young they were. 
   Alex- who usually dealt with their lower members- exchanged a look with their usual partner Liam across the table, silently motioning with their head as though to ask if this was actually happening or what they should do. So yes, all of them were worried, some more visibly so than others. 
   Did they go searching for the boss? Did they wait? He wasn’t answering his phone, which was even more concerning than before, even if he did go radio silent sometimes. Everything was melding into a worrying situation that they weren’t entirely sure what to do with. 
   Honestly they were expecting the boss to be covered in blood or dealing with some sort of horrible wound when he finally entered the warehouse almost a full thirty minutes without so much as a message. 
   That? Was not what they got. 
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