#However the premise is so bizarre I would need to bet on having enough readers trust me from past work that it wouldn't suck
irenespring · 27 days
Possible House MD AU Project Plan
Someone stop me from making my next project a House MD/School for Good and Evil AU. I think SGE is such a fascinating world (and so much darker than I think people realize, especially people who are only familiar with the movie, there are two genocides in the first three books). I've been obsessed with it since before the third book was published and it is so much fun to adapt characters into. The possible project would be Hilson based, and involve some teacher characters from the actual SGE books.
I did this project with SVU a couple years ago and it was SO MUCH FUN. And all my readers were like "okay I have no idea what SGE is but I trust you" and ended up like "I care about this so much what the fuck is going on at the murder school how will the characters escape." I think the same reason it worked for SVU could make it work for House, though obviously it will be different because the characters are different and have different reactions to things. The issue is I only attempted such a crazy AU after like fifty works published in SVU, compared to what will be seven for House.
So bear with me, here are three possible options:
Everyone (Cuddy, Wilson, House, most side characters) are already in Good, but from vastly different backgrounds. This worked for the SVU AU because I think Good is the more interesting and more horrifying school (at least in Evil you're allowed to be gay). Wilson would be the character from "Woods Beyond" or outside the traditional fairytale realm, from a small village, Gavaldon. House is from an upper-class backgrounds within the fairytale realm. House already knew about the evils of Good, and really doesn't want to be there, because it's what his father trained him for. Wilson realizes he's gay and therefore doomed unless he and House (with help from Cuddy) can escape.
House is sorted into Evil, Wilson is sorted into Good. Mainly focuses on how unjust the sorting system can be, since in the books illustrated that a lot of Evil students were abused as children, which spurred on their behavior. Focuses on whether or not someone can be different from what is assumed (Wilson hates the restrictions and fear in Good, House doesn't want to be Evil).
SGE traditional AU: Wilson is sorted into Evil, House is sorted into Good. They are both from Gavaldon, where they were codependent friends (Wilson was the golden boy, House was the outcast). Everyone is shocked, especially them. But like what happens in the books, they both learn that yeah...maybe there is some truth to the sorting. Wilson does like not having to pretend to be perfect and conform to societal rules, and also having an outlet for his inner mean-streak. House likes not being immediately treated as a monster and learning healing potions. They plan to wait out the school and live together with magic in the woods. Except that House hates Good's rules too, and Wilson discovers about 75% of Evil's students die. Things reach a boiling point when House and Wilson are discovered, and House refuses to apologize. Then they must find a way to escape before they are summarily destroyed.
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