#I actually think exploring how Venus would feel living in the shadow of Splinter’s lost daughter would be really fun
ilovebeingaturtle · 7 months
for art recs what if… 2012 venus…
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AA THANK YOU ANON!! I’ve been wanting to draw a 2012!Venus for months AHA, thanks for the final push!
To avoid repetition of Karai in the narrative, I think it’d be cute if Venus actually grew up with the turtles and was never separated from them? This would mean she’d likely have Miwa’s tessen (aa sorry April!!!) but she’d also still be way more spiritually focused than the boys like usual. I wanted to draw her working with April on her psychic powers during the farmhouse arc for this too, also her interacting with Karai and also something for her and Leo’s dynamic but I realised quickly if I kept drawing her I wouldn’t get to the other asks!! AHA so those sketches will have to wait 💚
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