#I came back and noticed how much the userbase has changed on tumblr
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Get to know me tag!
I was tagged by @hannahs-creations in the original post!!! Thank you, Hannah! sorry im a bit late with it haha
Rules: Answer the questions and tag a few people!
I got a bit long-winded on these answers, so I’ll put them behind a readmore!
1. What made you decide to start writing or arting (assuming you write or do art)?
I can’t say I ever consciously decided to start writing - I’ve just always loved reading, and when I first got a school assignment for a creative story, I decided I never wanted to stop!
In terms of art, though, it was sparked by a similar thing: the Dragonology book. My first story was about a dragon in there, and part of that assignment was to make illustrations to accompany it, and I decided I needed to learn how to draw dragons. From there, I just fell in love with making a blank page into something I could look at and enjoy, and I’ve been drawing ever since!
2. What do you like to do more: photo editing or video editing?
Oh, this is a hard one... Video editing is fun for me, especially because, when I make videos, I tend to do speedpaints with commentary, and cutting my ramblings down to a manageable size is so satisfying. On the other hand, I like taking fairly mundane pictures and making them magical...
I’d say, for satisfaction levels, video editing wins. For the actual process, I think photo editing is my favorite!
3. Which do you prefer: YouTube or TikTok?
YouTube, 100%. The only TikToks I’ve ever seen have been sent to me by friends, and I don’t particularly like short videos like that? If it were Vine, though, Vine would win ;aslkdjf
4. How many books have you read in the last 5 years?
A lot, LOL
My favorite have been Six of Crows, The Stormlight Archive, Red rising, and The Fallen Empire!
5. Do you tend to post more cheery/cutesy things, silly things or more serious things to your blog?
I think silly things are the most common? I like to meme with my WIPs, since I just. love meme culture. And I like making jokes about things - it’s a quick and easy way to get myself to smile!
6. How long have you been on Tumblr? Just ramble for a minute about some changes you’ve noticed about the site.
I made my first Tumblr blog in 2013, and I kept that one up until about April of last year, I think, before I decided to remake. 
The biggest change I’ve seen is the shift from sharing things to consuming things, in terms of like, reblog to like ratios and whatnot. Also, the amount of discourse has stayed about the same, but it’s changed in subject for the most part. But fandom discourse is still pretty much the same, just with different shows, now.
Also, reaction gifs have faded out of use pretty heavily since I started. At least, in the areas I’ve been in.
7. If the staff of tumblr came up to you, genuinely wanting advice on how to improve the site, what advice/request(s) would you give them?
I would tell them to rename likes into bookmarks. Also, lift the nsfw ban, and make it so that in order for 18+ blogs to be viewed, the user has to be 18+. Yes, people lie about their age, but so many sex workers lost their audiences and sources of income because of it, and it legitimately threw away a third of the userbase in one hit. 
Also, no matter the pressures from other social sites, don’t make this site less anonymous. It’s one of the beauties of Tumblr - I’m never going to have a boss find my blog and know for sure that it’s me.
8. What was the most challenging thing about starting your favorite hobby? How did you get past it, if you ever did?
Well, at the time I started drawing, the biggest obstacle was finding a way to learn. The art classes in school were never trying to teach us how to draw something, just showing us that we could. I ended up getting “How to draw manga” books and looking up stuff on YouTube.
9. What do you think other people think of when they think of you? For instance, with me, most people think about either tomatoes, chinchillas or black cats, depending on the person and how long they’ve known me.
Well, I hope they think of my jokes, first of all a;lskdjf;aslkdfj
But in terms of like, objects or animals? Sketchbooks, pride flags, and dinosaurs.
10. If every animal except one specific species went extinct but you got to pick which one didn’t go extinct, which species would you pick?
Hmmmmmmm... probably Komodo Dragons. I really like big lizards :)
11. What do YOU feel makes the world go round?
Laughter! Or, really, anything that makes people smile!
12. What would you say to a person if you heard them talking shit about your best friend?
This has actually happened before, and they were saying it to my face without knowing we were best friends. I sat there, nodded along, and when they were done, just said “You know they’ve been my best friend for like, 7 years, right?”
They went so pale it was kind of funny.
13. What is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to you that has stuck with you?
This was more something they did, but when I was going through a nasty friend break up, I texted them, and within 5 minutes they were at my house, texting that person furiously, and letting me cry on them, even though they’re not a very emotional person themself ;-; I felt so loved in that moment, you have no idea.
14. What was the greatest piece of life advice you’ve ever gotten?
You have the rest of your life to wake up and decide who you’re going to be that day, and you should never feel bad about changing who that is from one day to the next.
It was said in the context of me realizing that I wasn’t genderfluid, I was transmasc, and my ongoing crisis over whether I’m fully a guy, or if I’m a bit more fluid than that. It’s helped me a lot with accepting that I might not have all the answers right now, and I don’t need all the answers all the time.
15. What one or two aspects of your childhood personality would you bring back to your current personality if you could?
Honestly? My willingness to just make things, and not care about how they turned out. I made so much art that I cringe at now, but I was learning, and that’s all that matters, really.
Okay, this was long, but I’m going to tag: @nothingisliteral, @violetcancerian, and @morgan-s-writes! Apologies if you’ve been tagged before, and as always, no pressure, and if you want to hop in, feel free to say I tagged you!!
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