#I don’t know proper tumblr etiquette for art like this so feel free to let me know if I fucked up
mothwithpronouns · 1 month
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Fun ghoul tattoos! Ignore what’s going on at the bottom
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ebelwrites · 5 years
Hisame’s Raffle Prize
Hey, look what finally got done! This was my first attempt at writing ibvs, so I’m a little nervous about how it turned out. But I think it went okay and I hope you like it, Hisame. Sorry I’m not tagging you immediately, I’m trying to use this fic as an experiment to see why my last two fics didn’t show up in searches; the running theory is, in addition to not being allowed to swear in the tags, you also can’t say the f-word at all in text. Anyway, I’ll dm it to you so I know you find it. And so, I hope everyone enjoys! EDIT- Experiment confirmed: You can’t say the f-word in anywhere on tumblr anymore, whether it be tags or text. Tagging Hisame now.
“What happened to your face?” Perhaps that wasn’t the best way to start a conversation, but Isaac didn’t feel the need to adhere to typical conversation etiquette. The angry twin, Nevin, he remembered, glared at him with an eye that was rapidly swelling. He also had a split lip and generally looked roughed up.
“That bastard Quinton,” Nevin spat, wiping away the blood from his mouth. “The coward attacked me with his cronies watching, so I couldn’t use my powers against him.” Isaac grit his teeth; the beginnings of purple bruises were appearing on Nevin’s face.
“Do you want some ice or something? My place isn’t far.” Isaac wasn’t entirely certain why he offered, maybe he didn’t want the guy bleeding in the street or maybe he thought that Nevin would go seeking revenge on Edward if left him to his own devices, but at least Nevin seemed as confused about his offer as he did.
“Why?” The glare hadn’t lessened in the slightest and Isaac suddenly remembered just how little he knew about the other. “What reason could you have for wanting to help me?”
“Because I have a soul? Look, I hate Error about as much as you do,” Nevin snorted at that, “and I enjoy doing things that would piss him off. You also look like you just got mugged, so can you just accept my help without questioning it?” The other was silent for a moment afterwards before he finally spoke again, voice much softer and quieter.
“Okay.” Isaac let out a sigh before turning around.
“Come on. My place is just around the block.”
“Piece of shit Quinton,” Nevin hissed and grit his teeth as Isaac helped to clean his split lip, “The instant I can catch him without witnesses, he’s going to regret it.” Isaac rolled his eyes.
“Or maybe, you could not do that.” The glare Nevin gave him was much less threatening with one eye behind an ice pack.
“I thought you didn’t like Error.”
“I don’t, but that doesn’t mean I think beating him up behind the school is a good idea.” Isaac finished up with what he could do for Nevin’s wounds and sat back. The other boy had a look on his face that said he knew Isaac was right but didn’t like it.
“You know, since he used witnesses against you, how about trying to use them against him?” Nevin raised an eyebrow at that, but he seemed interested. “Your strength means you could jam his locker door or something. If it’s in the school, it just looks to everyone else like bad luck.”
“And he couldn’t say it was me without looking crazy.” An evil grin spread across Nevin’s face. “That’s great! A terrible case of bad luck and he has to stew in the truth that he can’t share.” The black-haired boy started to stand and his ice pack began to slide away before Isaac stopped him.
“Don’t get up, keep icing that eye.” He opened to a blank page in his notebook and took out a pen. “I can write while we brainstorm.” Nevin blinked at him, puzzled.
“You… want to help?” Isaac gave an evil grin that almost outshined Nevin’s earlier one.
“I did say I didn’t like Error. I’d enjoy knocking him down a peg or two.” Nevin remained puzzled for only a few moments more before his enthusiasm returned twice as strong. “Error’s series of unfortunate events. Sounds good?”
Nevin snorted and mumbled something about ‘that show’ before moving closer to Isaac and beginning to pitch ideas. Isaac wasn’t certain why he noticed so sharply that he and Nevin were almost touching.
Hey, Isaac,
The alert made Isaac look at his phone. The ID said ‘Nightmare’; Nevin had told Isaac about that old nickname and the artist felt it fit the strange boy.
I’ve been thinking about the finale. I’m thinking it should be something big, something public, but also something that Error know it’s from us while the rest of the school doesn’t.
Another text came through quickly.
That is, if you’re okay with him knowing you’re involved in this. If not, we’ll just have him know it was me.
They’d started their campaign a couple days ago; Edward was suddenly finding himself with unfortunate and repeat cases of exploding pens in his bag, jammed lockers, and black stains. Isaac could see him growing more and more frustrated with every incident that happened to him, and giving Isaac dark looks whenever he spotted him. Isaac had taken to avoiding the art room just to make sure that Edward couldn’t pull him into another closet.
I’m cool with it, Isaac sent back, we can work out ideas for what to do this afternoon.
That was another part of his routine that had changed. Ever since the first day, Nevin had been coming over every afternoon they could manage and they’d been planning together. Isaac had found himself enjoying the other boy’s company far more than he’d thought.
A soft snort made Isaac quickly glance over to the desk next to him, hiding his phone in a panic. Chris stared back at him with a look of complete amusement. Isaac sighed and tried to calm his racing heart.
“So,” Chris leaned in with a grin that spelled nothing but mischief, “you and Nevin are getting pretty close, huh?”
“Yes,” Isaac drew out the word in suspicion, “I’m helping him with something.”
“Something that requires you to meet practically every day?” There was something in Chris’ tone that made Isaac feel, not threatened but definitely uncomfortable. He felt almost like he’d been caught in a lie or had a secret slip out.
“It’s something he wants done properly, so we’re spending a lot of time on it.” Chris sat back at that and didn’t say anything for a while. It was almost long enough for Isaac’s attention to drift away.
“Do you like him?”
“No.” The answer came quickly, too quickly. Chris raised his eyebrows in disbelief.
“Is that your real answer, or just what you think you should say?” Isaac glowered at his friend before turning away. He heard Chris eventually give up and turn back to his own work, allowing Isaac to pull out his phone again. He had several messages from Nevin, the last asking ‘Something up?’
Isaac hesitated briefly before shaking himself and replying with ‘Chris was just being a jerk, don’t worry about it.’ Chris’ question remained in his head for the rest of the day, and Isaac found he couldn’t find a proper answer for it.
Afternoon came and Isaac found himself sitting in his bedroom with Nevin planning out tomorrow’s Error Unfortunate Events. The smaller was excitedly scribbling ideas so quickly that they were hard to read and talking about as fast as he was writing. Who knew the thing that would get the dark kid all excited like a preschooler was causing misery to someone else? Isaac had been quiet that afternoon, Chris’ question from before still in his head. Was he saying no because that was truly how he felt, or was he saying it because it’s what he was expected to say? And so, Isaac had spent the afternoon mostly silent, just watching the other. Of course, Nevin had asked why when he noticed Isaac was so quiet but he’d just told the other that he was tired. Surprisingly thoughtful, Nevin had asked if Isaac wanted to do this another day; ‘giving Error a day of false hope before starting again’, he’d added.
But that would only be putting off finding the answer he wanted, so he’d said no. And now he observed, waiting for his answer to reveal itself. The more he watched, the more he noticed things. Things like the sparkle of mischievous excitement in his eyes, or the way his free hand gestured enthusiastically with his speech. And it brought to mind other things like his smug grin when the first unfortunate event in their plan went off without a hitch, or the laughter he let out when Isaac had drawn a plan for an idea and included a grumpy and intentionally badly drawn Edward.
Nevin eventually noticed that Isaac was staring at him and turned to look at him. “Are you sure you’re okay?” It was said surprisingly softly, and was that a glimmer of concern? Isaac felt his heart rate starting to pick up, and the pieces that had slowly been fitting themselves together in his mind came into stark relief; finally, an answer. Nevin was still looking at him, waiting for his own answer. Well, if there was one thing Isaac definitely wasn’t, it was a coward.
Isaac leaned forward, and his lips met Nevin’s. The other boy was frozen stiff for several moments, long enough for Isaac to start worrying that he’d made a mistake, before leaning into the kiss himself. They parted soon after, Isaac could feel his heated cheeks and, looking over, it was clear that Nevin had flushed cheeks to match. They sat in silence for a moment, processing what had happened, before Nevin broke it with a chuckle.
“Well, if you’d wanted to kiss me, you only had to ask.” Isaac felt the last bits of worry melt away with that statement.
“So, you’re not mad?” The other shook his head in a negative before shuffling closer to Isaac.
“Nope.” He popped the ‘p’ with a wide grin. “Pretty damn thrilled about it, actually.” He flopped onto Isaac, grin still wide with mischief. “I hope that wasn’t a one-time thing, I’ll be pretty upset if it was.”
“Uh, sure. If you want there to be more.” Isaac wrapped an arm around Nevin to help support the other’s body weight and Nevin continued his scribblings. They were in silence for a few moments more. “Does… this mean we’re boyfriends?”
Nevin looked up at him and gave Isaac the very first small and genuine smile he’d seen from the other. “Yeah, boyfriends sounds nice.”
Nevin’s laughter rang in his ears as they watched Edward’s locker explode with black goop/ink. It only got more intense as Edward realised the little calling card they’d made for him inside and screamed in anger. Isaac joined Nevin in laughing when he heard one of the minions say something along the lines of ‘nope, this is conjuring shit, I’m out’. That told Isaac all he needed to know if he’d worked it perfectly; at the back of Edward’s locker, the ink would have formed the letters ‘N’ ‘I’.
Realising that Error’s face was now apocalyptic and was gazing vaguely in their direction, Isaac decided it would be smart to get out of there and took his boyfriend’s hand to lead them away; Nevin didn’t seem to be in any condition to walk on his own at the moment. Isaac heard the distinct sounds of Edward blaming the two of them for the mess, and knew the entire plan had come to fruition when another student asked ‘are you trying to claim they have witchcraft powers?’
How Isaac wished that he could see Edward’s face when they said that, he certainly heard them go very quiet, but he supposed he’d have to settle for a sense of a job well done and maybe a kiss from his boyfriend too; once his boyfriend was able to breathe again, that is. It looked like it might be a while.
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