#I feel like there'd be way more genuinely evil wizards just in the government and ministry
royalberryriku · 7 months
Actually, fuck it, I'm in the mood for late night talks and rambles. I wanna talk about how Hufflepuff doesn't actually work at all in the Harry Potter universe. Let me explain:
"Those patient Hufflepuffs are true and unafraid of toil".
Hufflepuffs are known for being kind, loyal and patient. They're loving and unafraid to stand up for what's right. Which means they would actually be considered the most evil witches and wizards because they'd defy the most rules and help those who are the most hated. They would harbour those who are rejected, they would push back against the status quo, they would help Slytherins and protest against Azkaban. They would detest how the Wizarding world is run, I fact, I could even see them hating the phrase "The Wizarding World" and seeing it as sexist.
Hufflepuffs would be the biggest rule breakers out of all the houses; they would be seen as villains because they'd be full of people who would not tolerate how the Ministry of Magic is run and rebel against it. All the anarchists would be Hufflepuffs, all the anti establishment punks would be Hufflepuffs. If you wanted sweet, honey, cosy people as your image, you'd have to switch around the moto and make pride and liars the motto.
Because those who are genuinely unafraid of toil do not come in shining armour, but worn and used rags. They are the "Good Samaritans", not the rich pleasent people who smell of sweets and cleanliness. They're the underdog to be certain, and wouldn't appear sweet and appealing, because they're those who are out fighting for what's right and that's not where the rich and pleasent folk are, that's where those who are downtrodden are.
The Hufflepuff Common Room would be a place to help Slytherins who are scared to return home or who are scared of being picked on for being Slytherins. It would be a place where House Elves would go if they wanted to be freed, there's be a whole ass boot and clothes at the ready and a person about to help make it happen one way or another. Hell, they wouldn't have even existed at this point in the narrative if we've actually made a huge collection of "fuck the cruelties of the establishment" people.
Of course, JKR is a bigot of every type compiled into one person, so of course slavery , police brutality and the gap between the rich and poor in the system of the wizarding world would still be seen as okay to "those who love justice" in her mind and even mock those who try make things right or even a bit more bearable (like Hermione, because of course everything the only girl in the main trio does is seen as a giant book-series-long joke of how "a silly girl can't ever be right because girls being smarter than the boys isn't allowed, so she needs to be mocked and showed she's too arrogant for that! Since a girl that knows too much is just too arrogant for knowing anything" because JKR is sexist as fuck in those books).
But being a bit more hopeful here for five seconds and forgetting the writer, if possible, let us just appreciate the fact that Hufflepuff is the biggest plot hole for simply existing. Either the Sorting Hat was lying or the motto isn't true because half the universe wouldn't exist how it is if it were. Could you imagine if you made an automatic assortment of every person who stood up for the downtrodden? Protests would be so much easier if we had one of those. Could you imagine the protests possible if one didn't even have to look for people to organise and find solidarity with? If you didn't even have to find everyone who would support it, but all grew up in the same school house group?? The wizarding and witching world would be full of unions, slavery and police brutality would be a past matter and capitalism would be dead. Also there would be far more push for using magic to help muggles. Like, there's no way they wouldn't have a "let's open the wizarding world" protest every year from Hufflepuffs. They would and you know it. They would literally be the ones sent to prison for refusing to be shitty and since keeping the status quo has been the main method of the shitty keeping said cruelty alive and well.
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