#I gotta get them to a proper gym at some point just for funsies
victorluvsalice · 1 year
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-->And then it was time for upgrades, and things related thereto! Specifically, I had Smiler upgrade their video production station with Increased Memory to make editing videos and adding effects and transitions faster, and I upgraded Smiler themselves to have “Vampiric Might,” the final form of the “Vampiric Strength” power, as they’d gotten the necessary points after drinking from Thomas. Now Alice can give them spare metals she may dig up in her scavenging and they can crush them into elements! Isn’t that cool? :)
-->Victor, meanwhile, attempted to make some more eco upgrade parts -- but once again, the fabricator freaked out on him and attempted to drown him in the printing material. I decided to swap to having him make another candle instead. Funny how working with hot wax seemed safer!
-->And it was around this time that I decided, “You know what? Smiler has not thrown a house party in a while, and they have that party bot sitting in their inventory -- they should invite a few people over!” And so I had them call up a few of their friends -- Julia Wright, Raven Shackleford, Aarush Savaloni, Tristan McMillan, Chad London, and Asama Fujii -- and say “let’s party!” :) All of the guests were immediately added to Smiler’s group and directed upstairs to the party barn for dancing as they arrived, as getting at least three Sims grooving was one of the first party goals. :)
Alice and Victor, of course, handled the incoming party in their own ways -- Alice by doing a bunch of meditation to make sure her Fury levels were nice and low (not ruining another party with a rampage!), while Victor threw on his Smiler hoodie, finished up his AppleFizz and started on some GrapeFizz, then headed upstairs to the party barn area. . .
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