#I have laughed at those jokes. it’s funny. especially the ones where ppl rationalize Elronds movie hairline like *it’s bc he’s stressed*
synechd0che · 3 years
Hmm actually we can stop making jokes abt Hugo Weaving being the wrong casting choice for elrond bc of his hairline. I am always happy to chat about how we think the movies did certain characters dirty or w/e but I’m sick of the hairline jokes.
One of the biggest reasons I’m waffling about starting T or not is because everyone’s like “you have such lovely hair” “omg I love your hair” “wow never cut your hair I wish I had hair like you” and it gives me huge anxiety about male pattern baldness. It should not matter to ppl if I develop pattern baldness. And ftr it’s not just transmascs like myself that I worry for wrt this sort of commentary - so many types of ppl can have hair loss and ageist commentary affects all of them. And hair loss is a normative biological process! There’s more to beauty than youthful beauty y’all.
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