#I just realized catching up this last episode came out on March 26……
dyna-myght · 1 year
Wait. Is boruto over?
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debbiechanclub · 4 years
Best Two Out of Three, Part 4
I frickin’ love this chapter, and I hope y’all do, too. I hope you’re ready for some ~drama~
Also, thank you to everyone who’s reading and supporting this little project. It means more to us than you know <3
Best Two Out of Three
Part: 4/26
Pairing: Kenny Omega x OFC x Hangman Adam Page x OFC?
Warnings: Language use, angst
Word Count: 2.6k
Catch up on previous parts here.
“Hey Britt, can I ask you something?”
Callie caught up with Britt in catering at the next episode of Dynamite. Something had been stewing on her mind that required the opinion of another female; and, of all the women on the roster, Dr. Britt Baker, DMD, was the only one she felt she could truly trust not to go blabbing to Alex.  
“Sure!” Britt smiled as she took a giant bite of banana. Callie didn’t waste any time.
“Do you think there’s anything going on between Adam and Alex?”
Britt abruptly stopped chewing. But Callie went on before she could ask any questions.
“It’s just that… after we got back to the hotel after Double or Nothing, he went somewhere. And ever since he’s been acting… I don’t know… distant.”
Distant was an understatement. In the month-and-a-half since Callie had moved in with Adam, they hadn’t been able to keep their hands off each other; sometimes they could barely make it through the front door before they ripped each other’s clothes off. But ever since Double or Nothing, Adam hadn’t seemed nearly as interested. At first, Callie had tried not to immediately think it was because of Alex. Maybe Adam was just stressed, or maybe the “honeymoon period” of moving in together had finally worn off. But, the more she ruminated, the more she convinced herself that the change in his level of affection had to be because of Alex.  
Britt shifted in her seat as she swallowed. “He didn’t say at all where he was going when he left?”
Callie shook her head. “No. He just said, ‘I’ll be back,’ and walked out before I could even ask. He was only gone ten or fifteen minutes… but still. I can’t help but feel like he went to see her.”
Britt gave a slight pout as she pulled the banana peel down further. “I don’t know. Why don’t you just ask him where he went?”
She expelled a tired sigh. “Because I’m sick of asking him about Alex. It always turns into an argument. He gets defensive and I get angry and we just go around in circles.” She picked at the label on her water bottle, frowning. Even though she didn’t want to admit it, Callie knew she was a bit sensitive when it came to Adam’s relationship with Alex. But how couldn’t she be? It seemed like every other day he gave her a new reason to be suspicious.
Britt’s brow furrowed. “But if it’s bothering you then you should ask him about it, Cal. If you hold it in, it’ll just fester and pus up—like an abscess tooth.”
Callie grimaced. “Thanks for the imagery, Britt.”
She grinned, proud of herself. “That’s Doctor Britt, thank you very much,” she returned; but then something caught her eye across the room. Adam and Alex walked into catering together, talking and laughing about something. Alex playfully shoved Adam on the shoulder. Britt’s face dropped.
Callie’s brow creased. “What?” she asked. She turned around before Britt could stop her. She bit down on her jaw. What. The. Fuck.
Adam said goodbye to Alex and walked over to Callie and Britt. “Hey, baby,” he said. “Why didn’t you tell me you were going to catering? I would’ve come with.” He kissed her on the head as he pulled out a chair and sat down. He was completely oblivious to Callie’s bubbling rage.
“Oh, so I have to tell you where I’m going?” she bit. Her chair screeched against the floor as she abruptly stood from the table. “See you later, Britt,” she muttered, and she left without a second glance.
Adam watched her storm out, utterly confused. He looked back at Britt. “Um, what the hell was that about?”
She pursed her lips. “Really?” she flatly returned. “You have no idea why she could be upset with you?”
He stared back at her before shaking his head. “No.”
Britt rolled her eyes. “Well, you’re not doing much to stop her suspicions about you and Alex are you, Hangman?”
His eyebrows arched when he heard that. “Excuse me?”
Britt interlaced her fingers as she put her elbows on the tabletop and leaned forward. “Last weekend my hotel room was right across the hall from Alex’s. I heard your little powwow with her after Double or Nothing.” She smirked. “I knew you two went back, but I didn’t realize you have history.”
Adam’s eyes steeled. “So what you’re saying is that you eavesdropped on our private conversation.”
She sat back, a smug look on her face. “You’re deflecting. That seems awful guilty.”
That touched a nerve. “Alright, I don’t need this from you, too,” he said as he stood from the table. “Alex and I are friends, and I was checking on my friend after my girlfriend hit her with a chair. That’s it.” He turned to leave—but Britt said something that made him stop.
“Well Callie is my friend, and I don’t like seeing her like this.”
Adam briefly closed his eyes before he turned to face her again. “There’s no excuse for what she did to Alex, Britt.”
She frowned up at him. “I know. But you literally went to talk to Alex in the middle of the night without telling Callie. So can you really blame her for being suspicious?”
Adam’s face fell. There was nothing he could say to that; Alex had essentially said the exact same thing.
Britt let out a remorseful sigh. “Look—I’ve planned a little get-together for the roster after the Dark taping tomorrow. Come with your boys; I think everyone needs to blow off some steam and have a little fun.”
Adam shook out of his thoughts. “Sure; whatever,” he returned, and he turned and walked out of catering.
Britt watched him go—and then she glanced over at Alex. She was sitting alone a couple tables away, her legs propped up and crossed at the ankles on an empty chair, scrolling through her phone. Britt pursed her lips as she stood up and made her way over, tossing her banana in the trash. When she was just a few steps away, Alex looked up.
“Oh; hey, Britt,” she greeted.
“Hey, Alex.” She leaned on the tabletop, grinning down at her. Alex blinked.
“Can I help you wi—”
She cut her off. “Listen. I’m not sure what’s going on between you and your friend Hangman, but you two need to figure it out. And if you don’t, I’ll fill Callie in on the details of the little conversation you had outside my door after Double or Nothing.”
And with that she turned and left, leaving Alex to stare after her, dumbfounded.
* * * * * * * * * *
Callie walked into The Elite’s dressing room, deflated. A million different thoughts flew through her mind at once. She wanted to believe that Adam wasn’t lying to her; that, even if he had gone to see Alex that night, it was completely innocent. But something about the way he’d walked into catering with her, a giant smile plastered on his face; it seemed like he didn’t care about her feelings at all.
A tear fell out of her eye and she angrily wiped it away. She refused to just sit there alone and wallow. It was time she took matters into her own hands.
She jumped up and marched back out of the locker room, making a beeline for production. Kenny stood in a circle with Cody and the Young Bucks, talking about something or other. She didn’t bother to say hello before she interrupted and said, “I want a match against Alex tonight.”
Kenny was utterly taken aback. “What?”
“You heard me,” she said. “We’re wrestlers, Kenny; let us settle our shit in the ring. Or would you rather we keep getting into locker room brawls?”
Cody raised his palms in the air to absolve himself of the situation. “I’ll let y’all deal with this one,” he said as he cast Kenny a look and walked away. Kenny pursed his lips and glanced at Matt and Nick.
“Give us a minute,” he said. Matt and Nick exchanged a knowing look as they left. As soon as they were gone, Kenny turned back to Callie. “I can’t give you a match against Alex tonight.”
Her brow furrowed. “Why the hell not?”
“Well, for one, it’s too late; the show’s already booked,” he explained. “And for two, even if it wasn’t, I don’t think you’re in the right frame of mind to have a match tonight.”
Callie’s eyes widened. She felt her blood start to boil. “Excuse me? What do you mean, I’m not in the right frame of mind?”
“I mean this—how you’re acting right now,” he returned. “I can’t in good conscience give you a match knowing your emotions could get the best of you, Callie. Someone could get seriously hurt.”
She rolled her eyes. “You mean you’re worried Alex could get seriously hurt.”
“And you! You get reckless when you’re angry! You could just as easily hurt yourself as you could Alex!”
Callie glared up at him, her hands balled into fists at her sides. It didn’t matter that Kenny had her safety in mind just as much as he did Alex’s; all she heard was that he thought she was a dangerous hothead. “Well, it’s good to know you think so highly of me,” she spat, and she turned and stormed out of the room. She marched all the way back to the dressing room and into the bathroom. She went into a stall and shut and locked the door, pulling her feet into her chest on top of the toilet. She just needed to be alone.
* * * * * * * * * *
If there was anything Alex hated, it was petty bullshit drama. And if there was anything she’d learned about Callie since she’d started dating Adam, it was that she wasn’t made of sugar, spice, and everything nice; she was made of pettiness, bullshit, and drama. In fact, the only person more dramatic than Callie on the entire AEW roster was Britt Baker; and if they’d decided to combine their shit-stirring powers against her, Alex knew she would need to get ahead of it—fast.
She marched to The Elite’s locker room and started to burst through the door; but she thought better of it and knocked. Someone called for her to come in, and she pushed her way inside. Kenny was the only person there. Good. He was exactly who she wanted to see.
“Alex.” He sat up on the couch, surprised to see her. “Hey.”
“Hey,” she returned. “Can I talk to you?”
He nodded. “Of course.”
She gave him a tight smile and moved across the room to sit on the opposite end of the couch. He pivoted to face her better. “What’s up?”
She got right down to business. “I want a match against Callie. Not tonight,” she quickly added. “I know the card’s already set. But maybe next week? Hell, put it on Dark—I don’t care as long as I get it.”
Kenny let out a sigh of resignation. “She asked for a match, too,” he revealed. “Well—demanded one. She wanted it tonight.”
Alex rolled her eyes. “Why am I not surprised.”
He frowned at her. “I want to give you a match. But I’m worried it could get out of hand.”
“More out of hand than a locker room brawl?” she charged.
He rolled his eyes. There wasn’t anything he could say to that.
“Look,” she went on. “I know Chuck and Trent aren’t gonna let me go out there by myself. So, if it’ll make you feel better, I won’t object if you and Adam are in Callie’s corner.”
He arched a brow. “You sure about that?”
She pursed her lips. “Just give me the match. Please. You said you would handle it, and this is how I want to handle it.”
Kenny let out another sigh as he looked up at the ceiling. For a moment, Alex worried he would say no; but then he looked back at her. “Alright. Next week on Dynamite you’ll get your match. A regular match—I’m not giving you no DQ or anything like that. It would be a recipe for disaster.”
Alex nodded. That was all she wanted. “Thank you.”
She started to leave; but then Kenny spoke up again. “Alex, wait.” She looked back at him, waiting. He looked reluctant to go on, but then he spit it out. “I hate that I’m even asking this… but there isn’t anything going on with you and Adam, is there?”
Alex’s eyes darkened. “No, Kenny, there isn’t,” she firmly stated. “And even if there was, why would you care?”
“Come on,” he breathed. “I would care. You know I would.”
Her eyes widened. She couldn’t believe him. She couldn’t believe he had the nerve. “Don’t do that.”
“Don’t do what?”
“You know what,” she spat. “We already did this, Kenny. I waited for you to figure out your feelings, and I got sick of waiting so I moved on. So don’t sit there and pretend like you’d actually care if I was fucking someone else.”
She stood up and marched toward the door. Kenny called after her, but she didn’t look back or stop. She was done with the conversation.
And, unbeknownst to either Alex or Kenny, someone hiding in the bathroom had heard the entire thing.
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verdigrisprowl · 6 years
Nov 12 Dancitron Movie Night - The Arrival
Soundwave is all gung ho about translating the alien written language. Prowl helped him graph all the little points on it.
Yesterday NoodlesAtNight 7:30 pm *Soundwave is getting as close to rushing as he ever gets without an actual emergency, making sure everything is Just Right for this particular show.* opatoes 7:31 pm /Smokescreen's coming in with a few snacks and the covenant, and is taking his seat on a couch upside down, head towards the ground and his doorwings very uncomfortable/ NoodlesAtNight 7:32 pm *He has Heard Things about it and he wants things to go just this side of perfectly. Everything's clean. Everything's orderly. All things have a place, and the place they're in is where they should be.*
*....Except Smokescreen. Naturally.* [[What /are/ you doing.]] opatoes 7:33 pm Good to see you too, Soundwave. I'm sitting down! On a couch! NoodlesAtNight 7:33 pm [[Are you certain of that?]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:34 pm ((I forgot that this had a rap part)) opatoes 7:34 pm ... Yeah? I'm pretty sure I'm sitting. I'm definitely not standing, after all. NoodlesAtNight 7:34 pm [[Yes, but you're...]] *Makes a sort of motion indicating a flip upside down.* ((same)) opatoes 7:34 pm Oh! Ohhhh, is that the problem? opatoes 7:35 pm /Smokescreen's turning himself 90 degrees, this time practically hogging the couch./ NoodlesAtNight 7:35 pm *Smokescreen now looks like half the usual guests.* [[Oh, that's better. He was concerned about your internal gyros for a moment.]] opatoes 7:36 pm Aww- you were worrying about me? You really can be a nice bot sometimes, Sounds. opatoes 7:37 pm /Also he's singing along to this song!/ SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:37 pm *enter dragon! with snacks! nothing out of the ordinary tonight, so she'll just put them in the Designated Snack Spot* Hello, Soundwave! NoodlesAtNight 7:37 pm [[Don't say such things where others can hear you.]] [[Greetings, dragon.]] *He'll walk with her and assist. He's in a Good Mood.* opatoes 7:38 pm It's true, though! SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:38 pm 😮! *Soundwave help! it's her lucky day!* Thank you, Soundwave! Swervester 7:39 pm [stumbles in and slumps tiredly against the closest couch] NoodlesAtNight 7:39 pm [[It's not,]] *he says while helping someone.* [[And you're welcome, dragon. You do such good work; he really must consider making you one of Dancitron's official suppliers.]] [[...Feeling poorly, Swerve?]] Swervester 7:39 pm Didn't sleep well last night. Crazy bar party. NoodlesAtNight 7:40 pm [[How so?]] Swervester 7:41 pm Rodimus decided it was Appreciate Swerve Night and threw me a surprise party in the bar. opatoes 7:41 pm Really? It's not like you've proven me wrong recently. You haven't unleashed your tentacles on anyone in a while, so that's pretty nice! SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:41 pm *the dragon puffs up so proudly that she might well be in danger of exploding* It would be an honor. NoodlesAtNight 7:42 pm [[Appreciate Swerve Night? He can see why you are tired.]] *Surely everyone recognizes Swerve's good qualities. They were on full and obvious display during the protoform plague.* [[Then he will look into the paperwork, dear dragon.]] *A tiny head bow in her direction before he heads back to his seat.* [[And that is factually incorrect, Smokescreen.]] Yesterday Swervester 7:42 pm Yeah! It was really nice. Just lasted all night so there was less sleep than expected. opatoes 7:43 pm Really? Have you menaced someone with your tentacles recently, Soundwave? NoodlesAtNight 7:43 pm [[He said nothing about menacing. Merely unleashing.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:43 pm *the dragon is churring and purring all the way to the nearest couch. she's gonna be an official supplier! for Dancitron! that's even better than fighting a god!* opatoes 7:43 pm ... Have you unleashed your tentacles on someone? Poor bot. MedicalMurdersaurus 7:44 pm *SLIIIIIIIIDES in* BIRD! NoodlesAtNight 7:44 pm [[Well, if you must sleep, try to do so after the film. He has heard good things about it. Many, many good things. Fantastic things.]] [[Of course he has.]] *But they don't tend to complain.* opatoes 7:44 pm ((i never realized episode 3 came out the day before my birthday in whatever year it came out aszcxvb)) NoodlesAtNight 7:45 pm {{SWOOOOOOOOP}} MedicalMurdersaurus 7:45 pm HIIII! *bounces* Hi Bird! NoodlesAtNight 7:45 pm *NYOOM can an origami bird knock over a pterodactyl? We're about to find out.* Arcee-Autobot 7:45 pm *Has no idea whats going on but Puts hands up* I'm also Here Hello, Everyone! Swervester 7:45 pm Ooh, what's it a film about? NoodlesAtNight 7:46 pm *Soundwave's mood is, uh. Accidentally catching, a little, among the minicons.*
[[Greetings, Arcee. It is Arcee, correct?]] *Has the right look, but one never knows.* [[/Communication./]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:46 pm *it's like a physics question. how many treats does one need to place in Laserbeak's gaping maw before her maximum velocity carries enough impact to knock over one dinobot?* *make sure to show all of your work* opatoes 7:47 pm ((Fun fact star wars episode iii is thirteen years old as of this year apparently)) NoodlesAtNight 7:47 pm *There are a bunch of empty cubes behind the bar, if that counts?* ((happy birthday episode 3)) Arcee-Autobot 7:47 pm You're Correct, it is Arcee SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:47 pm ((speaking of birthdays)) opatoes 7:47 pm ((episode iii is old enough to go on forums and complain about star wars)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:47 pm ((as of five days ago I can legally beer)) ((woop woop)) NoodlesAtNight 7:47 pm ((a;ghagwhagah))
((and specs: HAPPY FIVE DAYS AGO BIRTHDAY)) Arcee-Autobot 7:48 pm [[ Happy late Birthday!]] opatoes 7:48 pm ((HAPPY BIRTHDAY i thought you were older than me asdbvxcbn SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:48 pm ((sorry smokeymun I'm only 21)) opatoes 7:48 pm ((im like 23 i think so it's not too big but i thought you were like... 24 for some reason)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:49 pm ((is it because I hang out with Whirlmun? she's, what, 26?)) NoodlesAtNight 7:49 pm ((haha you young'ns)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:49 pm ((crow, ofc, is an official Fandom Elder and can throw dentures at us)) Swervester 7:49 pm //slides a 29 under the table NoodlesAtNight 7:49 pm [[Seat yourself anywhere you like, Arcee. Refreshments are at the bar; midgrade and snacks are free but high grade must be purchased.]] SCProwl 7:50 pm ((/shakes cane at room Yesterday opatoes 7:50 pm ... Wait, snakes are free? Snacks I mean snacks Swervester 7:50 pm I hope snakes are free. Arcee-Autobot 7:50 pm Snakes? NoodlesAtNight 7:50 pm <<Chimera is not free.>> opatoes 7:50 pm Let Chimera be free! SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:50 pm Chimera is free to do whatever they please, right? NoodlesAtNight 7:50 pm <<Oh. Chimera is that free. Chimera is not money free.>> MedicalMurdersaurus 7:50 pm *sees what she's doing and COLLAPSES when hit, laughing the whole way down* Swervester 7:50 pm Free Chimera 2k18? opatoes 7:51 pm Chimera is priceless though, you can't place a price on them. chronosmith 7:51 pm ()(i already tole u but HAPPY BIRTH AGAIN SPECS)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:51 pm Is Chimera free to be hugged? ((HAPPY BORTH ME)) NoodlesAtNight 7:51 pm *Bird sprouts feelers like big secretary bird legs and marches up Swoop to stare down his face.* {{You Swoop dead. This mean Bird Dinobot now?}} NoodlesAtNight 7:52 pm <<Yes! Chimera likes hugs.>> *They slither out from beneath the couch and look around. Where are hugs? Where is affection? It's so lonely, not counting its main companions.* Arcee-Autobot 7:52 pm [[ Brb I've got to go stop a Child from eating a Crayon again]] NoodlesAtNight 7:52 pm ((omg go o)) MedicalMurdersaurus 7:52 pm *does his best BLEH dead impression* yup NoodlesAtNight 7:52 pm {{Kay. Bird go usurp Grimlock now.}} chronosmith 7:52 pm *also has big secretary bird legs, but they're not made of feelers, and attached to him. They're carrying him into the room RIGHT NOW. And rolling at their heels is his Whirlipede* MedicalMurdersaurus 7:53 pm :V King Bird Swervester 7:53 pm [Oh no Chimera's cute. Hello Swerve has a lap] opatoes 7:53 pm /Oops! More people are here! Smokescreen's turning around on the couch so he's upside down on it again./ SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:53 pm *THE HUGS ARE UPON THEE, CHIMERA. dragonflop. It Is Hug Time.* NoodlesAtNight 7:53 pm {{Get tiny crown, neheheh.}}
[[Greetings, Whirl. And - ah. Has it been named yet?]] opatoes 7:53 pm !! Arcee! Cee! Arc! How're you doing? MedicalMurdersaurus 7:54 pm YAH! Little tiny crown for Bird : > Then you bossy everyone kehehheh MORE bossy NoodlesAtNight 7:54 pm *Chimera briefly coils around the dragon in an overjoyed hug before slithering toward the couch and the patted lap.* <<Small dragon comes with Chimera to sit on the Short Legs bot. Yes?>> chronosmith 7:54 pm Not yet. I'm gonna see if our resident braniac can communicate with it, and ask if it has one. NoodlesAtNight 7:55 pm {{Bossiest Bird. It because Bird knows best.}} SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:55 pm As long as the Short Legs bot is alright with it. I know some people have issues with fur. *but she likes These Hugs and will not give them up so easily* Swervester 7:55 pm Sure, come and sit. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:55 pm *mental note to bring a crown for bird next movie night* Yesterday NoodlesAtNight 7:56 pm //Hey! I ain't missed nothin', right?// *Rumble's jogging downstairs.* //Frenzy didn't wanna get the frag outta the washracks. Hey, Whirl! Whirl's tire.// NoodlesAtNight 7:56 pm [[He hopes the resident brainiac is successful.]] chronosmith 7:57 pm Me too. *perks up a bit, and bobs his head at Rumble* Hey, mech. Long time no see. *and with great aplomb, he is on the couch. His tire goes underneath it again* Sorry I haven't made it, y'know. Out much. MedicalMurdersaurus 7:57 pm *bobbles his head in agreement, still "dead" on the floor* NoodlesAtNight 7:59 pm //Hey, you don't gotta apologize. I been stuck on night shifts cuz SOMEONE--// *And here he throws an empty cube at Laserbeak* //Complained she couldn't get no sleep at night with me 'n the bro down here.// MedicalMurdersaurus 7:59 pm !!! chronosmith 7:59 pm ((every time this video comes up I am mesmerized)) opatoes 7:59 pm /Also Smokescreen's going to get up and dance to this!/ chronosmith 7:59 pm ((no matter what I'm doing)) NoodlesAtNight 8:00 pm *Rumble hops up onto Whirl's couch and blows a raspberry at Bird. She blats back at him.* {{It work, too, if Buzzsaw not blab tell Bird not sleeping then.}} NoodlesAtNight 8:01 pm ((AHEM nobody saw that)) NoodlesAtNight 8:02 pm ((we'll start in 5-10)) MedicalMurdersaurus 8:03 pm *pops up* You Bird can hang out with Me Swoop! You can with Swoop instead : > SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:04 pm ((me dissociating)) chronosmith 8:04 pm Pfft. What a narc. Well, I'll try and make these more often. I would say I've been busy, but that's a lie. MedicalMurdersaurus 8:05 pm ((that cat vine is soundwave's life, huh? opening the door and a million cute screaming faces)) NoodlesAtNight 8:05 pm {{Bird do that. Swoop not blabber.}}
((ABSOLUTELY his life)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:05 pm Oh, there was /my/ friday night. chronosmith 8:05 pm *snickers* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:06 pm And this is monday. NoodlesAtNight 8:06 pm {{BIRD}} MedicalMurdersaurus 8:06 pm :V Bird NoodlesAtNight 8:06 pm //Whatcha been doin' then? The ship fixed up all the way yet?// SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:08 pm And /that's/ why docents are a thing. NoodlesAtNight 8:08 pm [[Oh, look. Movie nights.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:08 pm *snickers* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:09 pm OH BIRD NoodlesAtNight 8:09 pm ((all right so, WARNINGS: Actually, not many. Cancer, needles, mention of racism and related -isms, creepy critters from outer space.)) MedicalMurdersaurus 8:09 pm biiiird chronosmith 8:09 pm It's getting there. I've got to convince someone to come down to Cybertron to do work on it for a few days, which is going to be fun, since negotiation isn't really what you'd all my STRONG suit, but y'know. Gotta do what you gotta do. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:09 pm ((o7)) MedicalMurdersaurus 8:10 pm *spazzing out* biRD NoodlesAtNight 8:10 pm {{What!?}} MedicalMurdersaurus 8:10 pm Me SWOOP want to Halloween candy for you!!! NoodlesAtNight 8:10 pm //You want we should lean on 'em?// NoodlesAtNight 8:11 pm {{Pffff. Swoop whole two week late. Halloween not til next year.}} Today MedicalMurdersaurus 8:11 pm No n ono no! SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:11 pm Put dry ice inside their plating until they agree to help you. *the dragon does not know what negotiation is* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:11 pm Me Swoop DO Halloween! Us Dinobots all Halloween. NoodlesAtNight 8:11 pm *Chimera settles in to watch a movie with the Short Legs mech and the Dragon. They're quite content; this is a good night already.* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:11 pm Me Swoop lots and LOTS of candy for You Bird! From trick or treat : > SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:11 pm *loafs up on Chimera. comfy.* NoodlesAtNight 8:11 pm *Her visor has never been so bright, Swoop.* {{You not eat?}} MedicalMurdersaurus 8:12 pm Nah! It for You Bird : > Boomtank 8:12 pm -Is he here in time?- NoodlesAtNight 8:12 pm *Soundwave's attention is RIGHT on the screen. Blaster missed maybe 20 seconds.* *He waves a feeler over his back. Greetings.* Boomtank 8:12 pm -phew. Going to wave back and sit in a free chair- opatoes 8:13 pm Is that kid a centaur? NoodlesAtNight 8:13 pm [[Don't be silly. It's a toy.]] NoodlesAtNight 8:14 pm *...Oh. Oh, she's -- oh. Her spawn.* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:14 pm *winces. that poor docent.* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:14 pm *wiggles* Me Swoop hide candy so noooo Dinobots can get! It for You Bird : > Boomtank 8:14 pm ...... chronosmith 8:15 pm Nah, nah. Intimidation won't help me a lot here. Gotta trust these people to build my bulkheads, after all. NoodlesAtNight 8:15 pm {{You Swoop - uhhhhhh.}} *She sort of dances from clawfoot to clawfoot.* {{You want share?}} //Oh, huh. Yeah, that's true. Bribe 'em?// Boomtank 8:15 pm ........ NoodlesAtNight 8:15 pm *Oh, look. It's like the tv in Soundwave's apartment.* chronosmith 8:16 pm Sort of. Just paying em. The money isn't the hard part, I've... acquired some shanix. But not a lot of aliens wanna come to Cybertron. MedicalMurdersaurus 8:16 pm No no! *clearly she is confused* Me Swoop not share it. Me Swoop get for Bird! NoodlesAtNight 8:16 pm *Thin birdy squeal.* Boomtank 8:16 pm !!! NoodlesAtNight 8:16 pm [[...Are you all right, Blaster? You feel concerned.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 8:16 pm !!! MedicalMurdersaurus 8:17 pm Keeheh Boomtank 8:17 pm Ah, no, I'm fine Just tired opatoes 8:17 pm Oww Boomtank 8:17 pm -he means it. Mostly- SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:17 pm *that docent is /deeply/ dissociated. how long has it been after the death of her charge?* opatoes 8:17 pm ... Also, hey, Soundwave, I might've brought a book with me, if you wanna read it with me. NoodlesAtNight 8:18 pm *Soundwave glances toward Smokescreen. Then back to the movie. Then the bot, and the movie, and--- hhhhh.* [[What book?]] opatoes 8:19 pm /Smokescreen's still upside down, holding the covenant out./ I mean- we can do it later! /He's half expecting the movie to go into ruined cities and he brought a distraction with him just in case/ NoodlesAtNight 8:20 pm *Light flicker.* [[He would like that. But for the moment--]] *He nods toward the screen. Communication, Smokescreen. He can't miss it.* //So maybe you ask 'em to do the buildin' off Cybertron. Take it to Earth, or somethin'.// SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:21 pm ((ma'am, I would absolutely not be going to class if aliens showed up in america)) NoodlesAtNight 8:21 pm [[She seems so surprised by the lack of students.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:21 pm ((I'd be getting my butt to montana and putting on my chapstick)) NoodlesAtNight 8:21 pm ((LOL)) Impactbabyrobo 8:21 pm ((hee)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:21 pm ((I will be the FIRST person to kissu an alien)) chronosmith 8:21 pm ((count me second)) Arcee-Autobot 8:21 pm [[ Wow Finally back after Wrestling a child]] verdigrisprowl 8:21 pm *arrives late* NoodlesAtNight 8:22 pm ((wb! and hi impact!)) *Soundwave is immediately reaching for Prowl to update him. Prowl. Prowl. You have to see.* Impactbabyrobo 8:22 pm *scoots in, not loudly announcing her presence for once because the movie has already started* ((hiii)) NoodlesAtNight 8:22 pm *Chimera beeps at Impact. They remember her.* Boomtank 8:22 pm Oh! -now the movie has his full attention- verdigrisprowl 8:22 pm *takes his usual s—oh, he's being grabbed at* What did I miss? Arcee-Autobot 8:22 pm [[ turns out the kid wasn't eating the crayon, no no, she had it up her nose and stuck]] Impactbabyrobo 8:22 pm Chimera! 3😀 chronosmith 8:22 pm That's the thing, I can't get it off-planet until it's fixed. ...huh. Appropriate, that we're watching a movie about translation, isn't it? Impactbabyrobo 8:23 pm *skedoodles over to Chimera* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:23 pm *digs around in his subspace to see if he has any goodies on him to give to Bird* Arcee-Autobot 8:23 pm *Arcee takes a seat wherever is available next to whomever is alright with it* NoodlesAtNight 8:23 pm *BAM instant update of data. Human lady's spawn died of sickness, she is very numb, something landed on the planet, people are freaking out. She's being asked to translate alien creatures.* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:23 pm *pulls out one of Arcee's knives instead* NoodlesAtNight 8:23 pm [[He's skipping so many steps.]] NoodlesAtNight 8:24 pm [[Idiot. How do you expect someone to understand a brand new language without exposure?]] Impactbabyrobo 8:24 pm Uh-huh! Boomtank 8:24 pm It can't be done Not with that short of a clip, at that quality opatoes 8:24 pm Are they just expecting her to be like "These growls are probably angry growls" chronosmith 8:24 pm Honestly I don't get why they thought they'd be successful with that. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:24 pm They want a miracle, not an answer. Impactbabyrobo 8:24 pm Boooooo Arcee-Autobot 8:24 pm *Confused Arcee has no real idea whats going on around her* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:25 pm *offers Bird the knife instead* NoodlesAtNight 8:25 pm [[Of course they are. Humans are as fearful as we are. They want a reason to shoot.]] chronosmith 8:25 pm Anyway, hey, Prowl. You figured out how to speak to your little guy. Any chance you might be able to decipher tire? Boomtank 8:25 pm Well SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:25 pm Landing outside of her house? How rude. verdigrisprowl 8:25 pm You know how when an engineer says he can build something in two days and his superior demands it in two hours, like his superior thinks that will get faster results? I think it's that. Boomtank 8:25 pm They REALLY want answers verdigrisprowl 8:25 pm ... "Tire"? Boomtank 8:25 pm And yeah, they're...they're being unreasonable NoodlesAtNight 8:26 pm *Just your average group of bots scattered across the multiverse coming together to chatter about themselves and the movie, Arcee. Nothing too much to think about. Just enjoy yourself.* Impactbabyrobo 8:26 pm *also a Child* NoodlesAtNight 8:26 pm *Bird takes the knife and makes stabbing motions at the air. She's thrilled.*
//I mean, you got a bridge, don't ya? Anyhow, appropriate how?// NoodlesAtNight 8:27 pm [[If she wrote it, he likes her.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 8:27 pm Keehee <3 Impactbabyrobo 8:27 pm ruuuuude opatoes 8:27 pm Wow what an aft Like... Without language, how are you gonna communicate your science? Boomtank 8:27 pm There is more than one cornerstone NoodlesAtNight 8:28 pm [[Thank you, Blaster.]] verdigrisprowl 8:28 pm The cornerstone of civilization is a desire and intent to cooperate. Impactbabyrobo 8:28 pm You need several for a building! verdigrisprowl 8:28 pm They're both thinking too high level. Boomtank 8:28 pm Egos verdigrisprowl 8:28 pm ... But a desire to cooperate leads to language a lot faster than it leads to science. MedicalMurdersaurus 8:28 pm You Bird stab bot! That more fun than talky movie! Boomtank 8:28 pm That's it NoodlesAtNight 8:28 pm [[Yes. Yes it does.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:28 pm It's an egg. Boomtank 8:29 pm And what the hell? NoodlesAtNight 8:29 pm {{Us go stab bot now?}} *Blink blink.* chronosmith 8:29 pm Yeah. Tire creature. *looks down--and then bends over, peeking under the couch. His Whirlipede rolls out, nearly smacking him in the face* That. This. MedicalMurdersaurus 8:29 pm *grins and shrugs, why does she think he has a PLAN?* chronosmith 8:29 pm And, I was referring to this, Rumble. *gestures to himself, Prowl, and the Whirlipede* NoodlesAtNight 8:30 pm //Oh! Oh, yeah, that's - that's appropriate. Don't think your guy comes in no 1200 foot tall egg though. Heh.// verdigrisprowl 8:30 pm Oh. Yes. It was at another movie night recently, wasn't it? SCProwl 8:31 pm *Prowl arrives late as hell* What have I missed so far? NoodlesAtNight 8:31 pm {{...Bird knows bot. Him rude. Call Chimera dumb toy. Us go stab.}} *Soundwave immediately connects the other Prowl to a visual feed and a solid catchup list of data* Boomtank 8:31 pm -squirms- verdigrisprowl 8:31 pm ((WHO SHIT TALKED CHIMERA)) Boomtank 8:31 pm -needles, no thanks- Impactbabyrobo 8:31 pm ((PROTECT CHIMERA)) opatoes 8:31 pm But- that's true, Impact! NoodlesAtNight 8:32 pm ((a dead mech)) SCProwl 8:32 pm Thank you, Soundwave. Impactbabyrobo 8:32 pm 3😀 ((nice)) verdigrisprowl 8:32 pm ((boy, are they ever)) chronosmith 8:32 pm *to Rumble* Not that I know of, but if it does, then damn, I need to ask if I can move in with IT.
*to Prowl* Yep! Hung out a couple of weeks back. *it's rolling around now, having been released from its self-imposed imprisonment under the couch* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:32 pm Yaahhhh! Stabbing! *double fist pump* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:32 pm ((the dragon will kill)) Boomtank 8:32 pm ((murder NoodlesAtNight 8:32 pm [[That is not what he's saying, you--]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:33 pm That's why you bring a rebreather. verdigrisprowl 8:33 pm He's saying that they're taking great pains NOT to suffocate the humans. SCProwl 8:33 pm They've been trained to see threats where there might not even be one. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:33 pm ((scuba is fun)) verdigrisprowl 8:34 pm When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. opatoes 8:34 pm Soundwave, is this like Shape of the Water? Impactbabyrobo 8:34 pm *digs around in her subspace for a bit, before going "aha!" and pulling out a bit of tinsel* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:34 pm ((it would be if I was there)) ((wink wonk)) Impactbabyrobo 8:34 pm Oh, the movie with the lady and fish guy and the romance? NoodlesAtNight 8:34 pm *Bird floats up and sneaks toward the door. She's gonna sneak out and have herself a good night with Swoop in tow.* chronosmith 8:34 pm ((i gotta see the aliens before I make my verdict)) opatoes 8:34 pm Yeah! The romance movie. Impactbabyrobo 8:34 pm *offers tinsel bit to chimera* opatoes 8:34 pm Are they gonna romance the aliens in this one? ... It's not like Alien, is it? NoodlesAtNight 8:34 pm *Get some lessons taught to dumb bots with more mouth than desire to keep their limbs.* opatoes 8:35 pm isn't that the bean in chicago SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:35 pm ((look, if aliens land on earth, idc what they look like. I'm giving 'em a smooching if the smooching is non-harmful to the aliens and they agree to be smooched.)) Impactbabyrobo 8:35 pm anish kapoooooooor! NoodlesAtNight 8:35 pm *Both Ravage and Chimera lift their heads. Tinsel?* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:35 pm ((I /will/ be the first human to smooch an alien)) MedicalMurdersaurus 8:35 pm *is down for both watching AND unnecessarily cauterizing wounds, because that's what friends are for* verdigrisprowl 8:35 pm ((look. i'm ace.)) ((but if aliens landed, i WOULD be dtf.)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:35 pm ((literally same)) opatoes 8:35 pm ((ill be in line to smooch an alien asap NoodlesAtNight 8:35 pm ((agree)) MedicalMurdersaurus 8:35 pm ((James Tiptree has a story about that LOL)) Arcee-Autobot 8:35 pm [[ But what if Aliens want to smooch you??]] Impactbabyrobo 8:36 pm *😮 thinks, then divides tinsel into two pieces* ((saaaame)) NoodlesAtNight 8:36 pm ((then they may form their own line)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:36 pm ((if aliens want to smooch me back hell yeah)) verdigrisprowl 8:36 pm ... I've seen a species that uses craft like that. Impactbabyrobo 8:37 pm *beams and holds out one tinsel bit toward Chimera and one toward Ravage* 3😀 Boomtank 8:37 pm -watching intently- chronosmith 8:37 pm ((same tbh but in movie aliens i got some standards)) opatoes 8:37 pm ((I feel like the best case scenario for aliens is that they come here and are dtf and nice NoodlesAtNight 8:37 pm <<Sit with Chimera and friends,>> *they chirp to Impact, nosing around the tinsel. It's a good couch. Swerve, them, the dragon.* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:37 pm ((that's valid)) NoodlesAtNight 8:37 pm *Ravage just gobbles it with bright optics and streeeeeeetches on the floor.* verdigrisprowl 8:37 pm ((yeah fair. if we're looking at the whole range of fictional aliens we can afford to be choosy. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:37 pm *the dragon is having a cozy loaf on Chimera. all is well with the world.* NoodlesAtNight 8:37 pm [[Which species, Prowl?]] verdigrisprowl 8:37 pm ... ............ I forgot their name. Impactbabyrobo 8:37 pm Okay! *sits!* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:38 pm ((me, grabbing a yaujita in one arm and a protoss in the other: mine)) NoodlesAtNight 8:38 pm [[Oh. If you remember, let him know. He is curious. And... that is an odd way for something to behave on Earth.]] chronosmith 8:38 pm ((me, holding a shoggoth in the air: mine!)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:38 pm Huh. That's not how gravity works. Boomtank 8:38 pm What. verdigrisprowl 8:38 pm ... I don't know whether they do that on the inside. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:38 pm ((you are a big dumb gay and you are BEYOND valid, cy)) Boomtank 8:38 pm Oh wow chronosmith 8:38 pm ((thank you my friend 😎 )) NoodlesAtNight 8:38 pm [[....Fascinating.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:39 pm I want to do that. That would be so much fun to fly in. Impactbabyrobo 8:39 pm Wooaahhh! chronosmith 8:39 pm Yeah, that is pretty damn neat. Wonder if I can get THAT installed. Boomtank 8:39 pm Looks like fun NoodlesAtNight 8:39 pm *Chimera nudges Impact's arm. Welcome to the couch. ... It will bite off a tiny piece of tinsel for her. Sharing!* [[If you get that installed, show him how.]] chronosmith 8:40 pm Will do. NoodlesAtNight 8:40 pm [[He has an idea of how to use it.]] chronosmith 8:40 pm Oh? verdigrisprowl 8:40 pm ... I think that should be possible in our ships. Boomtank 8:40 pm Don't fall Impactbabyrobo 8:40 pm *oh gosh! Impact toys fiddles with the tinsel bit happily* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:40 pm *if people are being hospitalized due to alien stress, you might not want to force someone into the alien ship.* I suppose the space elevators would be like that if the gravity wasn't standardized. chronosmith 8:40 pm All else fails, I can get a really BIG magnet. NoodlesAtNight 8:40 pm *Still thinking, Chimera continues separating their tinsel bit. A portion for Swerve and a portion for the dragon.* Swervester 8:41 pm Thanks. verdigrisprowl 8:41 pm *slowly turns to look at whirl* Impactbabyrobo 8:41 pm ((chimera is too precious)) Swervester 8:41 pm [he's gonna chew on that slowly] chronosmith 8:41 pm Like, the biggest. verdigrisprowl 8:41 pm ... Do you have a potential source for this really big magnet. chronosmith 8:41 pm Not yet I don't. Swervester 8:41 pm Knowing our ship, we probably have one somewhere in Brainstorm's lab verdigrisprowl 8:41 pm Ah. *the slightest hint of disappointment* NoodlesAtNight 8:41 pm [[She is having trouble not panicking, he thinks.]] *Eyeing the linguist.* chronosmith 8:42 pm But that would be a hell of a security system. 'Oh, you wanna cause trouble? Say hello to my electro-magnet, idiot.' NoodlesAtNight 8:42 pm //...Frag's the bird for?// chronosmith 8:42 pm Company? Impactbabyrobo 8:42 pm Oh oh! I think I know! SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:42 pm *the dragon churrs, but pushes her tinsel bit back to Chimera* Organics don't need tinsel. You should eat this. NoodlesAtNight 8:42 pm //Oh. Huh, I guess they might like pets.// Impactbabyrobo 8:42 pm It's like, mining! Boomtank 8:42 pm A bribe? Impactbabyrobo 8:42 pm If the air gets bad, the bird has a hard time first! SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:42 pm If the bird can breathe, so can they, I presume. Boomtank 8:42 pm Is that what he said? Impactbabyrobo 8:42 pm Which is sad for the bird 😞 NoodlesAtNight 8:42 pm //Mining?//
*Chimera blinks, then gobbles the tinsel.* <<Okay.>> Arcee-Autobot 8:42 pm *Arcee just holds a Large bowl of human popcorn, its weird but she likes it?* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:43 pm ((show us the sexy)) NoodlesAtNight 8:43 pm //Oh. ... Good thing that didn't happen to our Bird.// NoodlesAtNight 8:43 pm *Soundwave IMMEDIATELY on the edge of his seat* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:43 pm ((OH MY GOD THEY ARE OCTOPOGGLES)) chronosmith 8:43 pm (( 👀 )) (( 👀 👀 👀 )) Boomtank 8:43 pm Oh wow NoodlesAtNight 8:43 pm *A feeler already trying to paw at Prowl. Did he. Did he see. Did he see? He saw?* verdigrisprowl 8:43 pm ... The species I know of didn't look like that. MedicalMurdersaurus 8:43 pm ((they did a great job getting inhuman across but man did they make them huggable)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:44 pm ((I know, right)) ((I just wanna smorch)) verdigrisprowl 8:44 pm *yes, yes, he saw, he— takes feeler. are you okay?* Boomtank 8:44 pm What....what were those? How were they moving? The speaking sounds like a...a...a whale NoodlesAtNight 8:44 pm *SOUNDS HOW HE SEES THEM* opatoes 8:44 pm why. why do they have to have tentacles SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:44 pm Because they're a sensible species. NoodlesAtNight 8:45 pm *Yes, he's all right. He's excited. Prowl is getting multiple forms of happy pings.* opatoes 8:45 pm Tentacles aren't sensible! verdigrisprowl 8:45 pm *oh. well then. sends two happy pings back.* Impactbabyrobo 8:45 pm Tentacles are useful! verdigrisprowl 8:45 pm *he's keeping this feeler.* opatoes 8:45 pm They're all wiggly and slimy Boomtank 8:46 pm -the movie has all his attention- They're trying to communicate? SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:46 pm Soundwave isn't slimy. Impactbabyrobo 8:46 pm Yeah! Boomtank 8:46 pm No, they are Impactbabyrobo 8:46 pm I had feelers once! NoodlesAtNight 8:46 pm [[They are not whales. He has seen whales. They look - they resemble octopus. But not right. No, not Earth ones.]] Boomtank 8:46 pm No, they SOUND like whales NoodlesAtNight 8:46 pm [[And his feelers are not slimy.]] *He wiggles the one in Prowl's hands. See.* Boomtank 8:47 pm But yes, the look like octopus verdigrisprowl 8:47 pm They appear to have more... firm joints, than octopus. chronosmith 8:47 pm *peers closely* NoodlesAtNight 8:47 pm [[Oh. They do have similar sounds. To some degree.]] *Nodding.* [[Yes. Like fingers.]] [[Don't introduce your species covered up. You will confuse them.]] Boomtank 8:48 pm Yeah! verdigrisprowl 8:48 pm They might just think humans look orange and wrinkly. chronosmith 8:48 pm Wait around a second. Maybe they're going to get something. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:48 pm To be fair, introducing your species dead might also be a bad thing. Impactbabyrobo 8:48 pm THey might think humans are orange! NoodlesAtNight 8:48 pm [[At least they would be able to see one. ... What is - is that ink?]] chronosmith 8:48 pm Oh damn. It farted. Boomtank 8:48 pm It's not going to help.....oh... SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:48 pm ...Nice. opatoes 8:48 pm .... Ooooh, that's cool NoodlesAtNight 8:48 pm *PERK* [[A symbol.]] Boomtank 8:48 pm It's WRITING Impactbabyrobo 8:49 pm Oooooh! SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:49 pm Writing is easier to analyze, too, compared to trying to get verbal speaking analyzed. NoodlesAtNight 8:49 pm *Already logging the writing and identifying anything that might be important - spires, thicknesses, branch locations, circle breaks--* verdigrisprowl 8:49 pm *squints* ... I wonder if those are sentences or words. Boomtank 8:50 pm -definitely doing the same- chronosmith 8:50 pm *turns his attention to the tire, which is going through a tour of Underneath Everyone's Seat* Can YOU do that?
*it looks at him, briefly, but doesn't respond* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:51 pm ((same with the yucatan peninsula!)) chronosmith 8:51 pm ((the kangaroo one is a myth)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:51 pm ((bah, there's the racism)) ((wait, really?)) ((I know the yuctan- LMAO)) Boomtank 8:51 pm Ah? Impactbabyrobo 8:51 pm ((yucatan?)) chronosmith 8:51 pm Oh, I can translate that. *lowers voice eerily* Before you do... you see the ring. NoodlesAtNight 8:52 pm *Glancing at Prowl, all his ongoing marks on his visor.* [[What makes you ask that?]] *He's curious about what's on Prowl's mind.* chronosmith 8:52 pm And, yeah, isn't it supposed to be, like math? That's how you form a basis of communication? Gotta exchange math. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:52 pm ((apparently "yucatan" means "I don't understand")) verdigrisprowl 8:52 pm If you exchange math, then you know math. NoodlesAtNight 8:52 pm *....Ping to Blaster. Want to compare notes?* chronosmith 8:53 pm Yeah. You do that, bam, you've translated what your numbers look like. Boomtank 8:53 pm -Yes! Pings back excitement- opatoes 8:53 pm ... Oooh, this is cool. chronosmith 8:53 pm ((Joe Alien: my alias for committing crimes in roswell new mexico)) NoodlesAtNight 8:53 pm *Good. He will absolutely be sharing things throughout the movie.*
[[She knows her job well.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:53 pm ((lmao cy I love you)) verdigrisprowl 8:54 pm *glances back at Soundwave* Just trying to figure it out. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:54 pm It's a shame the other humans won't let her /do/ her job. Impactbabyrobo 8:54 pm ((omg)) Mmmhmm! Boomtank 8:54 pm She does. She's knows what she's doing and that's why the military took her there chronosmith 8:55 pm So like, following that line hypothetically... you get your numbers. You exchange math. You can write out "two," and put two of an object down, right? Then they already know the number, and they can figure out what the second part is by looking at the objects. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:55 pm ((mhm, I'm not liking the fact that the symbol for human looks like a planet getting hit by something)) Boomtank 8:55 pm Oh! Write 'human' again and pass it around ....not that opatoes 8:55 pm w. whoa NoodlesAtNight 8:55 pm [[...No. No, he sees what she is doing.]] SCProwl 8:55 pm *trying to analyze the writing herself* Boomtank 8:55 pm Okay, she's...got a point, but yikes verdigrisprowl 8:56 pm Now they might think the word on her board means "naked." SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:56 pm Rebreathers, human. Impactbabyrobo 8:56 pm Hee! SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:56 pm You cannot learn or teach if you are /dead/. NoodlesAtNight 8:56 pm [[If they understand clothes. They do not seem to have any.]] Boomtank 8:56 pm Okay, she's trying, but...no NoodlesAtNight 8:56 pm *Ohhh. What a beautiful appendage.* verdigrisprowl 8:57 pm ((don't tap the aquarium)) chronosmith 8:57 pm Neat. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:57 pm This is not exactly how I would go about things, myself. But I dislike dying. Without her charge... She may not dislike it so much... Boomtank 8:57 pm Oh! NoodlesAtNight 8:58 pm [[Good. This will help.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:58 pm It's a different symbol. ((I love how you can hear the resignation in his voice with this one. just. "sir, the scientists are being fools.")) verdigrisprowl 8:58 pm (("the nerds are fucking around again")) Boomtank 8:58 pm ((yup Boomtank 8:59 pm ((like 'here we go, they're being stupid' chronosmith 8:59 pm So, their n--yeah! verdigrisprowl 8:59 pm Pfff! SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:59 pm Names indicate personhood, which means they can presumably understand a collective and personal "you," which means she's done her job. NoodlesAtNight 8:59 pm [[Look how they move...]] verdigrisprowl 8:59 pm what's alien circle speak for "who's on first?" chronosmith 8:59 pm *snickers* NoodlesAtNight 8:59 pm [[He will tell you as soon as he has the necessary data.]] Impactbabyrobo 9:00 pm *obnoxiously loud HA!* Boomtank 9:00 pm -miiight be bouncing a bit- verdigrisprowl 9:00 pm They could still be wrong about the names. SCProwl 9:00 pm If this provides us with enough data for that. chronosmith 9:00 pm See, prowl, another reason to teach them numbers first--they can get that 7 x 13 = 28 bit. verdigrisprowl 9:00 pm Maybe they thought the humans were labeling their genders and presented their own. Hff. Fair point. SCProwl 9:00 pm If they have a concept of gender. verdigrisprowl 9:00 pm A big if. verdigrisprowl 9:01 pm An alarming number of organic species do, though. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:01 pm Gender starts as needing to know what bits go together to produce babies. NoodlesAtNight 9:02 pm [[The more humans they present with names the better. They could form groups according to what they consider their genders later.]] verdigrisprowl 9:02 pm ... That can't be right. There are Cybertrons and colonies with genders. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:02 pm Oh. I don't know, then. Boomtank 9:02 pm The more humans they present should look similar, so they don't get too confused NoodlesAtNight 9:02 pm [[...Oh! Humans can create identical twin spawn. Bring a pair of them. Have them introduce their names.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 9:02 pm *elsewhere, swoop is off being such a boy, all the boy, a terrible boy* Boomtank 9:03 pm Because Prowl has a point, it is entirely possible they thought they were introducing gender verdigrisprowl 9:03 pm Or anything else. verdigrisprowl 9:04 pm I use that as an example because organics seem fixated on that. Boomtank 9:04 pm And that is a good idea, identical twins SCProwl 9:04 pm Job. Caste. Skin pigment. NoodlesAtNight 9:04 pm *Pleased hum.* Boomtank 9:04 pm Still, it's correct, they don't know if it's names or what verdigrisprowl 9:05 pm *oh! translations!* chronosmith 9:05 pm *tilts his head. He's honestly interested* Boomtank 9:05 pm OH! -yup, excitement here- NoodlesAtNight 9:05 pm *Oh, his spark. His fans are on and spinning wlidly now. Gotta find out how they got all those.* Impactbabyrobo 9:05 pm Oooooooh SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:05 pm *the dragon is also extremely interested* SCProwl 9:05 pm *memorizes all of those logograms that just appeared* Boomtank 9:06 pm -the curiosity is going to /kill/ him at this rate- NoodlesAtNight 9:06 pm *They shall die together.* Boomtank 9:07 pm -hopefully that isn't the case- verdigrisprowl 9:08 pm I THINK he's trying to apologize for being a jerk. He's not doing very well at it. NoodlesAtNight 9:08 pm [[At least he is trying.]] Boomtank 9:08 pm ............ verdigrisprowl 9:08 pm That's true. ... What's there to protest? The aliens haven't DONE anything. NoodlesAtNight 9:08 pm [[Nothing. They're afraid.]] Boomtank 9:08 pm What....are...are they...ugh Impactbabyrobo 9:08 pm UGH SCProwl 9:09 pm *frowns* opatoes 9:09 pm Uuuugh humans NoodlesAtNight 9:09 pm [[That is /not/ the smartest thing.]] Boomtank 9:09 pm Nooooo, that's a BAD idea Impactbabyrobo 9:09 pm bluuuh SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:09 pm ((whirlmun, the local hyena is not sleeping when she's supposed to be, go swat her on the nose for me)) Boomtank 9:09 pm So far they have done nothing but sit there, don't aggravate them NoodlesAtNight 9:09 pm [[Their species is so advanced you know nothing about how they communicate between ships, or even what the ships are made of, and you think your puny human military can impress them?]] opatoes 9:09 pm Look, they were able to travel from who knows where here. They probably are better equipped and- yeah. chronosmith 9:09 pm Honestly, yeah. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:10 pm Showing your claws is not helpful when the other dragon has bigger ones. chronosmith 9:10 pm I'm a big fan of bigging yourself up, but if you OBVIOUSLY can't back it up, then it's just sad. Boomtank 9:10 pm Don't even know WHY they're there, it could only be to sightsee NoodlesAtNight 9:10 pm //Seriously. Even I know that.// chronosmith 9:10 pm ((and specs I surely will)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:11 pm ((thank u)) NoodlesAtNight 9:11 pm *Snagging everything he can off background shots? Yes.* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:11 pm She's very unconvincing. Boomtank 9:11 pm -good, he may have missed some- chronosmith 9:11 pm ((ALSO, I can still barely see them, but all evidence suggests that these are the kind of aliens I'd 1000% want to smooch on)) Impactbabyrobo 9:11 pm *pokes where her own nose would be if she had one* SCProwl 9:12 pm *not alone in that, Prowl's already trying to analyze the symbols against what's already been shown on screen* Impactbabyrobo 9:12 pm ((get it)) verdigrisprowl 9:12 pm *... pings soundwave* NoodlesAtNight 9:12 pm *Glance?* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:12 pm ((absolutely the smoochable aliens)) verdigrisprowl 9:12 pm *he's started doing what she's doing on the screen: counting and marking all the points and lines and such.* NoodlesAtNight 9:13 pm *!!!!* [[....Er.]] Impactbabyrobo 9:13 pm 😮??? chronosmith 9:13 pm ((time 2 kiss)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:13 pm *what the* chronosmith 9:13 pm Huh. Boomtank 9:13 pm ....um. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:13 pm ((TIME TO KISS)) opatoes 9:13 pm ... I will say those aliens do sound nice NoodlesAtNight 9:13 pm [[....She might need a small break.]] verdigrisprowl 9:13 pm *smooch the heptaknuckle* chronosmith 9:13 pm ((HAHA SPECS)) Boomtank 9:13 pm That....was..... SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:13 pm ((kissu! kissu! kissu!)) verdigrisprowl 9:13 pm ((THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE PARENTHESES)) ((i'm leaving it idc)) opatoes 9:13 pm ((PROWL SMOOCHES THEM NoodlesAtNight 9:13 pm *Honestly, he's almost tempted, Prowl.* verdigrisprowl 9:14 pm ((thanks for covering for me cro ur a hero)) chronosmith 9:14 pm I... hmm. *peers, rubbing the underside of his helm with a claw-tip* Wonder if that's evidence of... telepathy? Like they're trying to talk to her telepathically? NoodlesAtNight 9:14 pm (( *thumbs up* )) chronosmith 9:14 pm ((who can blame prowl? No-one)) NoodlesAtNight 9:14 pm *He pings so many requests for the data Prowl has. ... And, on a whim, his timeline's Prowl as well. Just in case.* *He's offering trades.* verdigrisprowl 9:14 pm Humans typically have nonsense dreams that are made up of a mix of their current experiences. It's likely no more than that. NoodlesAtNight 9:15 pm *Softly.* [[He hopes they are telepathic.]] chronosmith 9:15 pm Yeah, but she could be having experiences she doesn't even realize she's having. Because she's not telepathic. Impactbabyrobo 9:15 pm But dreams almost always mean something in movies! SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:15 pm It may be telepathy. I don't know how it works, but I've heard that it can damage the organic brain. chronosmith 9:15 pm Like a one-way radio. She's receiving messages, but can't send them back. Hey, prowl, look. She's on your level. verdigrisprowl 9:15 pm Hah. NoodlesAtNight 9:15 pm *Horrified moment. They wouldn't be so foolish. Would they?* Boomtank 9:16 pm .......... verdigrisprowl 9:16 pm *hopes for Soundwave that they're telepathic.* Impactbabyrobo 9:16 pm She's writing! NoodlesAtNight 9:16 pm *Didn't they see their own movie about the wargame computer?* Boomtank 9:16 pm Oh no... Impactbabyrobo 9:16 pm So cooooool! SCProwl 9:16 pm *hesitates momentarily before accepting, has been analyzing the logograms compared to other written languages she knows for any possible correlation. nothing found yet, there's only so much information to be gleaned* Boomtank 9:17 pm ..... NoodlesAtNight 9:17 pm *Don't mind Soundwave. He's just gonna slam his timeline's Prowl with everything he and Blaster have already got and seize what she's analyzed.* chronosmith 9:17 pm They're salesmen. NoodlesAtNight 9:17 pm *Spread that back to Blaster.* [[The worst kind of visitor.]] chronosmith 9:17 pm They're intergalactic door-to-door salesmen. SCProwl 9:17 pm *grateful ping* NoodlesAtNight 9:18 pm [[Do /not/ make assumptions with information that delicate!]] verdigrisprowl 9:18 pm A pack of Swindles. Impactbabyrobo 9:18 pm *giggles* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:18 pm It's more complicated than that because politics are problematic. Boomtank 9:19 pm -Awesome, he's going to throw it back into what he's working with to see what he can come up with- SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:19 pm The soldier just broke in, didn't he. opatoes 9:19 pm It'd be really funny if they were just offering them like... a hard egg boiler or something NoodlesAtNight 9:19 pm *Ping ping ping ping date Prowl too. Updated information. What have you got now?* chronosmith 9:19 pm *the Whirlipede has at last satisfied itself that the underside of everyone's chair is up to inspection standards. It halts by the sofa, bouncing and spinning until it gets enough propulsion to launch itself up, roll over to Whirl's side, and settle down* NoodlesAtNight 9:20 pm [[Damned fools. Do not separate. Find out who taught which ones the word 'weapon' and how. See where the similarities pop up.]] Boomtank 9:20 pm Oh that's not good.... verdigrisprowl 9:20 pm *just that one new symbol.* Impactbabyrobo 9:20 pm 😧 NoodlesAtNight 9:21 pm [[....]] *Suspicious.* verdigrisprowl 9:21 pm *all helpfully marked up, but there's no interpretation of it.* opatoes 9:21 pm Oh. Oh no NoodlesAtNight 9:21 pm [[Oh no.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:21 pm IS HE. Impactbabyrobo 9:21 pm Is that a BOMB?! Boomtank 9:21 pm Unless...WHAT NoodlesAtNight 9:21 pm *Marked up is what he wants. It saves him time.* Boomtank 9:21 pm WHAT NO SCProwl 9:21 pm Idiots. opatoes 9:21 pm ... Man, they'll let them die in there won't they chronosmith 9:21 pm Yeah, that;s incredibly dumb. Boomtank 9:21 pm What are they doing, that's so stupid! NoodlesAtNight 9:22 pm [[They don't know.]] [[They don't know...]] chronosmith 9:22 pm I mean, I'm not a linguist, or a diplomat, or a politician, or a commander, or anything even remotely similar, but even I get that. Boomtank 9:22 pm No, the ones who put the bomb there! Impactbabyrobo 9:22 pm *Very anxious tinsel fiddling* Boomtank 9:22 pm -so worried now- SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:23 pm Question mark? NoodlesAtNight 9:23 pm [[Mimic him.]] Boomtank 9:23 pm -internal screaming- NoodlesAtNight 9:23 pm [[He indicates the barrier. Mark it back.]] Impactbabyrobo 9:23 pm Are they trying to warn about the bomb? opatoes 9:23 pm ........... oh primus chronosmith 9:23 pm Yeah, could be. opatoes 9:23 pm I think they are Boomtank 9:24 pm -sorry Soundwave- chronosmith 9:24 pm It's probable that the bomb won't hurt them. verdigrisprowl 9:24 pm Do they know about the bomb? chronosmith 9:24 pm Dunno. (( 👀 )) Impactbabyrobo 9:25 pm THAT'S SO COOL NoodlesAtNight 9:25 pm *Leeeeeeeeeeean* opatoes 9:25 pm OOH SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:25 pm That seemed like telepathy. NoodlesAtNight 9:25 pm [[It does know.]] chronosmith 9:25 pm Neat! NoodlesAtNight 9:25 pm [[What she's thinking.]] opatoes 9:25 pm Costello just RUNS verdigrisprowl 9:25 pm ... There's no way she could control that ink to produce the adequate symbols UNLESS she's utilizing... maybe not telepathy. Telekinesis? NoodlesAtNight 9:25 pm *COPY COPY COPY* NoodlesAtNight 9:26 pm [[Run, humans. Throw the bomb out.]] Swervester 9:26 pm Maybe the alien controlled the ink and just wanted her to make the shapes so she'd understand them? chronosmith 9:26 pm Saved her, then. opatoes 9:26 pm ... they protected them NoodlesAtNight 9:26 pm *Bows his head.* Boomtank 9:26 pm Oh... SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:26 pm Oh. Oh no. Impactbabyrobo 9:26 pm *wounded noise* Boomtank 9:27 pm -low whine- No.... verdigrisprowl 9:27 pm Is Abbott okay? NoodlesAtNight 9:27 pm *Trying to distract himself* [[The - the ink itself could be reactive.]] verdigrisprowl 9:27 pm Yes, but it has to react to something. ... Given. verdigrisprowl 9:28 pm What they were "given." NoodlesAtNight 9:28 pm *Slow turn* [[Hm?]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:28 pm Ah, they are leaving. opatoes 9:28 pm .... Noooo don't leave Boomtank 9:28 pm Can't blame them Impactbabyrobo 9:28 pm 😧 opatoes 9:28 pm 😔 Boomtank 9:28 pm If they are Impactbabyrobo 9:28 pm Noooooo SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:28 pm Gave technology, now they leave. verdigrisprowl 9:28 pm "Give weapon." Weapon-technology-humanity-whatever-else-they-said. Boomtank 9:29 pm BECAUSE YOU ATTACKED THEM verdigrisprowl 9:29 pm They gave. That. NoodlesAtNight 9:29 pm *Diving hard into the symbols. There's so many. So very many. Prowl - Prowls? - help him and Blaster mark. Please.* verdigrisprowl 9:30 pm Maybe that's it, maybe it's—it's a diplomacy mission? They're giving communication? Impactbabyrobo 9:30 pm What're you gonna DO if they don't leave?! They can just float away! SCProwl 9:30 pm ((gd rabbit stop skipping i literally can't follow anything verdigrisprowl 9:30 pm *oh! Yeah, sure, marks up the gibberish.* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:30 pm I'm surprised that they believe they /can/ destroy the aliens. Human hubris at its finest. Impactbabyrobo 9:30 pm Maybe they were giving words? verdigrisprowl 9:30 pm That's what I'm saying. NoodlesAtNight 9:30 pm [[A dictionary?]] Boomtank 9:30 pm -and yes, he's trying to mark this out- Boomtank 9:31 pm -so many of them- NoodlesAtNight 9:31 pm *Primus, they're not going to work out all of those before the movie is over. They won't even work out a fraction. How do you understand something without references? What about things only seen on an alien planet?* chronosmith 9:31 pm Mmm... mutual... ism? SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:31 pm That was not the right move, docent. chronosmith 9:31 pm Is that what she's looking for? SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:31 pm Mutualism sounds right to me, too. verdigrisprowl 9:31 pm Symbiosis? NoodlesAtNight 9:32 pm *Does he have something? What does he have? How do they know where to start?* SCProwl 9:32 pm Gaps in the writing. Ah! Boomtank 9:33 pm AH NoodlesAtNight 9:33 pm [[That's - it's -]] *Leaning back.* [[How - how clever...]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:33 pm What a turnskin. Eaten scourge human politics. Boomtank 9:34 pm ...... Impactbabyrobo 9:34 pm o_o NoodlesAtNight 9:34 pm [[Til all are one.]] *Harsh huff* verdigrisprowl 9:34 pm "Many become one," that's— *looks at Soundwave* Yes. That. chronosmith 9:34 pm Pfft. NoodlesAtNight 9:34 pm *Adoring ping.* [[Do not tell any Rodimuses.]] Boomtank 9:35 pm -soft snort- That phrase is used a lot. Even if in different words. NoodlesAtNight 9:35 pm [[Perhaps there is something to it.]] Impactbabyrobo 9:35 pm She's gonna do something! Swervester 9:36 pm //cAT PLESE CEASE SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:36 pm The question is, why is the Halpern Turnskin such an Eaten-Scourged nuisance. chronosmith 9:36 pm *idly shifts his arm so that he can extrude his fine manipulators, and absent-mindedly scritch at the Whirlipede's shell* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:36 pm ((lol, my cat is sitting on my arm farting)) NoodlesAtNight 9:36 pm [[Because he is government-driven military.]] ((bad cat!)) Swervester 9:36 pm //she decided it was time to walk on the keys and smash against my face] chronosmith 9:36 pm ((INTO THE SPACE ELEVATOR)) Boomtank 9:36 pm ....... Impactbabyrobo 9:36 pm Elevator elevator go back up! SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:37 pm ((honestly. I'm glad. because the dumb idiot ate cooked chicken bones out of the trash. so I'm happy she wants to hang out with me and not hide somewhere.)) NoodlesAtNight 9:37 pm ((😧 i hope she's ok)) Impactbabyrobo 9:37 pm Is she breathing? SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:37 pm ((she seems fine! but she is a dumb idiot. and I love her.)) NoodlesAtNight 9:37 pm *...What is she floating in? What is that?* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:37 pm I can't believe she is breathing. Boomtank 9:37 pm She's past the barrier... SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:38 pm ...That looks like it would feel awful on the paws or absolutely delightful, with no inbetween. verdigrisprowl 9:38 pm ... I like their flooring. Boomtank 9:38 pm That...may not be a good thing... I mean she's breathing, but... verdigrisprowl 9:38 pm It would be impossible to keep clean, though. Dirt would get down into the pits and crevasses so easily. NoodlesAtNight 9:38 pm [[..........They're... they're much larger than he....]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:38 pm But that doesn't necessarily mean she's getting air from her breathing. verdigrisprowl 9:39 pm ((now kiss)) chronosmith 9:39 pm ((smooch for peace)) Boomtank 9:39 pm Oh opatoes 9:39 pm ... he sounds like a trumpet Boomtank 9:39 pm Big opatoes 9:39 pm or a trombone Impactbabyrobo 9:39 pm So tall! SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:39 pm *goddess, they are tremendous.* ((KISSU FOR PEACE)) chronosmith 9:39 pm She was looking at his toes the whole time. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:39 pm OH NO verdigrisprowl 9:39 pm Oh no. opatoes 9:39 pm oh. oh no chronosmith 9:39 pm (( ; ______ ; )) NoodlesAtNight 9:39 pm [[Oh... the poor Abbott creature.]] Boomtank 9:39 pm .... Impactbabyrobo 9:40 pm 3😢 verdigrisprowl 9:40 pm He died saving them. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:40 pm Poor, poor abbot. ...He wants her to broadcast the symbols. Impactbabyrobo 9:40 pm They almost look soft NoodlesAtNight 9:41 pm [[How do they know that?]] verdigrisprowl 9:41 pm ... They're clairvoyant? SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:41 pm Force their hands. Bureaucracy is bogging down the process. If she broadcasts, she forces the other humans to acknowledge. verdigrisprowl 9:41 pm *sits back* NoodlesAtNight 9:42 pm [[Wh - "who is this child"? Why would she ask about her own sp--]] verdigrisprowl 9:42 pm That isn't her—? Impactbabyrobo 9:42 pm *LOUD GASP* NoodlesAtNight 9:42 pm *....Oh, Primus.* verdigrisprowl 9:42 pm She hasn't had the child?! opatoes 9:42 pm W. Whoa. Impactbabyrobo 9:42 pm FUTURE BABY! Boomtank 9:42 pm What chronosmith 9:42 pm Oh. That's the weapon? ...there we go. Boomtank 9:42 pm WHAT SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:42 pm Oh, goddess. Costello, I know you must be furious about Abbott, but how could you hurt her in this way? chronosmith 9:42 pm Or maybe she can travel through time? Swervester 9:42 pm [tilts head] Are they translating weapon right? verdigrisprowl 9:42 pm What's he done to hurt her? Impactbabyrobo 9:43 pm Why is the bean going sideways? Swervester 9:43 pm Does 'weapon' mean the same thing to them that it does to a human? SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:43 pm She lost her spawn, and he's showing her the potential for another one. verdigrisprowl 9:43 pm No. There's only one spawn. There's only ever been one spawn. It's in the future. She does not have a spawn. Yet. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:43 pm ...Now my head hurts. NoodlesAtNight 9:43 pm [[If she's seeing the future, then it means the same thing. Knowledge of what is to come is a weapon. Perhaps the greatest.]] Swervester 9:43 pm Those weren't flash backs. They were flash forwards? NoodlesAtNight 9:43 pm *It's why he is so protective of his multiverse map.* chronosmith 9:44 pm ((Costello knows this cos they're gonna come back to take her to dinner)) ((and then shack up)) ((and then they're gonna make that baby together)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:44 pm ((costello is bae)) chronosmith 9:44 pm ((costello... you ARE the father.)) verdigrisprowl 9:44 pm ((she didn't die, she molted into a baby heptapod.)) ((a little costellita)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:44 pm ((exactly!)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:45 pm ((blorp)) NoodlesAtNight 9:45 pm *....he sees.* Boomtank 9:45 pm The multiverse is crazy and timeline wandering only makes it worse verdigrisprowl 9:45 pm ... She knows before the child's born that she's going to die. NoodlesAtNight 9:45 pm [[Yes.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:45 pm That's horrible. Impactbabyrobo 9:45 pm That's sad opatoes 9:45 pm ... Primus. That's really terrible Swervester 9:45 pm Buit what choice did she make that was wrong? Impactbabyrobo 9:46 pm 3:c NoodlesAtNight 9:46 pm [[You'll see.]] verdigrisprowl 9:46 pm But decided she's worth having anyway. Or else decided it was inevitability. Impactbabyrobo 9:46 pm ALL THE BEANS ARE SIDEWAYS SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:46 pm She seems to be a good child. Boomtank 9:46 pm Landing? opatoes 9:46 pm anish kapoor mode verdigrisprowl 9:46 pm They've given the gift. Leaving, probably. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:46 pm And time is complicated. It might be worthwhile to try, anyways. Impactbabyrobo 9:46 pm HIGH FIVE ME SMOKESCREEN! opatoes 9:46 pm /High fives Impact!/ Impactbabyrobo 9:47 pm Nice! NoodlesAtNight 9:47 pm [[Do what must be done.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:48 pm Ouch. My brain is hurting in sympathy for her. Impactbabyrobo 9:48 pm That must feel so weird! SCProwl 9:48 pm *frustrated noise* There's not enough to build a full language from the logograms we've been shown. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:48 pm *the dragon shakes her head* Like trying to move both eyes separately. chronosmith 9:48 pm *deja vu* *it's not necessarily the same thing but he had about a year's worth of experience with having foreign memories shoved into his head* NoodlesAtNight 9:48 pm [[They are like the wormhole aliens, then.]] verdigrisprowl 9:49 pm There's eleven more sets. She sees them later in her life. She can remember her future when she's fluent in it. Impactbabyrobo 9:49 pm Wormhole aliens ? opatoes 9:49 pm Whoa. They get a universal flag with the human symbol too? SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:49 pm Honestly, I'm surprised that she doesn't just start vomiting on the spot. Humans purge when their brains hurt, right? NoodlesAtNight 9:49 pm [[Yes. A set near Bajor who will name the Sisko as their assistant. Never mind that for now.]] chronosmith 9:49 pm ((camera pans around. It's Costello in a suit)) SCProwl 9:50 pm I mean there's not enough for us. NoodlesAtNight 9:50 pm *Wants the other 11 sets. Give them to him.* verdigrisprowl 9:50 pm ((very stylish)) opatoes 9:50 pm : O Boomtank 9:50 pm -Same, Soundwave. Same- SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:50 pm ...He knows, too. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:51 pm At least a little. chronosmith 9:51 pm Clever. Impactbabyrobo 9:51 pm Ooooooooh That's so weird and confusing but so cool! Boomtank 9:51 pm !!!! verdigrisprowl 9:51 pm Her future self doesn't remember that her past self made the phone call. chronosmith 9:51 pm *this is... all feeling incredibly familiar in a way he honestly did not expect* Impactbabyrobo 9:51 pm Because her past self hasn't made the phone call yet verdigrisprowl 9:51 pm That moment, in the future, is the "first" time she learns about it. Impactbabyrobo 9:51 pm ? SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:51 pm That was her "self," now she's at a different time. Swervester 9:51 pm Is it a paraox or split universe? SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:51 pm Er. chronosmith 9:51 pm *it's not upsetting, though. Just odd* Boomtank 9:52 pm Because until it happened in the future she didn't know his number SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:52 pm That made very little sense. Impactbabyrobo 9:52 pm HAHA verdigrisprowl 9:52 pm She can't access all of time at once. opatoes 9:52 pm pfppfpff SCProwl 9:52 pm She's living both events simultaneously. NoodlesAtNight 9:52 pm [[Neither. It is non-linear time.]] verdigrisprowl 9:52 pm She's still experiencing her life only one event at a time, the chronology is just out of normal order. NoodlesAtNight 9:52 pm *At Swerve, that is.* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:52 pm Yes. That. chronosmith 9:52 pm She's experience other points on the timeline. Technically an alternate timeline telling her what she COULD know, since she has to create that timeline herself, with her actions in the present. Swervester 9:52 pm Oh, I see. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:52 pm Goddess, this is making me feel ill just trying to wrap my mind around it. opatoes 9:52 pm w. what NoodlesAtNight 9:53 pm [[It is a complicated subject. He does not blame you.]] Swervester 9:53 pm Translation? verdigrisprowl 9:53 pm She's not living both events simultaneously, she's—bouncing back and forth between two events. SCProwl 9:53 pm That would certainly get someone's attention. opatoes 9:53 pm w. what are the words Impactbabyrobo 9:53 pm Translate! Translate! chronosmith 9:53 pm Yeah. Instead of like, traveling down a road, she's kind of flying over the road. Touching down here and there. NoodlesAtNight 9:53 pm *Thinking.* verdigrisprowl 9:54 pm She's teleporting back and forth between two points on the road. NoodlesAtNight 9:54 pm [[In war there are no - mmm, what is. There are no winners, only - widows.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:54 pm *the dragon shakes her head, nauseously* I am not designed for this. verdigrisprowl 9:54 pm And never traveling over the same span of road twice. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:54 pm But I was right. Costello /did/ intend for her to force their hands. chronosmith 9:55 pm They knew everything that was going to happen. Impactbabyrobo 9:55 pm *quietly* whooshh Boomtank 9:55 pm To get them to work together chronosmith 9:55 pm But they still had to make those events come to pass. Swervester 9:55 pm So they knew Abbot would die in this mission opatoes 9:55 pm ... So they might've known that the bomb was going to be there before they even met SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:55 pm ...Abbot knew, surely. And chose to do this anyways. Boomtank 9:55 pm So they could help THEM in the future SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:55 pm That's very brave. Impactbabyrobo 9:55 pm So brave! chronosmith 9:55 pm It's like... time as. *thinks* Like a pair of pants. verdigrisprowl 9:55 pm It's highly probable. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:55 pm A pair of pants? SCProwl 9:55 pm A what? chronosmith 9:56 pm You're traveling up from the hems. You see what's going on in the other leg. And every time you do that, you get closer to the belt. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:56 pm ...Okay, that makes more sense. chronosmith 9:56 pm But you still gotta do those things to get to the point where the pants come together. verdigrisprowl 9:56 pm ... What's a hem? chronosmith 9:56 pm The top of the pants. Impactbabyrobo 9:56 pm It's at the bottom of pants too! SCProwl 9:56 pm What's a belt? chronosmith 9:56 pm Wait, no, the bottom. ....both. Boomtank 9:56 pm ....huh? chronosmith 9:56 pm One second. SCProwl 9:56 pm In this context. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:56 pm Hems are the borders where the fabric is sewn together. Like on the edges of blankets. Swervester 9:56 pm Hmm verdigrisprowl 9:57 pm ... What are the edges of blankets sewn to? NoodlesAtNight 9:57 pm [[Themselves.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:57 pm Each other. verdigrisprowl 9:57 pm *now owns three blankets. didn't think they were sewn to anything.* chronosmith 9:57 pm *he's going to widespread ping the room*
SCProwl 9:57 pm ...what? chronosmith 9:57 pm These are pants. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:57 pm Ah, Soundwave beat me to it. *soundy is so smart* SCProwl 9:57 pm *doesn't own blankets or pants* chronosmith 9:57 pm You start at one leg opening, and work your way towards the crotch. Boomtank 9:57 pm -oh. Pants. Makes...kinda more sense- SCProwl 9:58 pm Pants are legs? chronosmith 9:58 pm Nah, you put them on legs. verdigrisprowl 9:58 pm *?? ? ???* chronosmith 9:58 pm But these are metaphorical pants. These are the pants of time. Impactbabyrobo 9:58 pm They're clothes! SCProwl 9:58 pm This is a bad analogy for a species that doesn't put things on their legs besides paint. chronosmith 9:59 pm Too bad. I'm a soldier, not a Time Professor. verdigrisprowl 10:00 pm *he's progressively becoming more baffled by pants anatomy* SCProwl 10:00 pm Yes and I'm a Cybertronian, not a human. NoodlesAtNight 10:00 pm [[There. That's the choice she makes. The one he can't handle... because she told him what will happen to their offspring long after she agreed.]] opatoes 10:00 pm So, how many holes do pants have, anyway? NoodlesAtNight 10:00 pm [[That is why he no longer looks at their creation the same way.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 10:00 pm It would be a hard thing to know. opatoes 10:00 pm Like- what would you call the opening and ending for a hole? SpecsTheSpectralDragon 10:00 pm I don't know how she can handle it, truly. Impactbabyrobo 10:01 pm Maybe seeing stuff non-linearly makes you have a sense of weird peace? Iunno. chronosmith 10:01 pm ((that was EXCELLENT)) Impactbabyrobo 10:01 pm ((I'M CRYING)) NoodlesAtNight 10:01 pm ((RIGHT? also, mark time: 10:21)) opatoes 10:01 pm ((that was good 😮!!! Swervester 10:01 pm Maybe she decided that even a short time with her is better than no time? Boomtank 10:01 pm ((IT WAS AWESOME Impactbabyrobo 10:01 pm Uh-huh! That sounds like it opatoes 10:01 pm ... The second arrival? Boomtank 10:01 pm That was fun Impactbabyrobo 10:02 pm There was sad but it was also really fun! chronosmith 10:02 pm Well, I know what I'm trying to say. And that's what counts. *looks to his Whirlipede for confirmation* Right?
Whirlipede: Whirl.
See? It agrees with me. Impactbabyrobo 10:02 pm HOW IT'S MAAAAAAADE! MedicalMurdersaurus 10:02 pm ((Do you think that, by the time the aliens come back in 3,000 years for human help, the whole "how time-language was created" story will have become some sort of "aliens built the pyramids" myth?)) SCProwl 10:02 pm ... SpecsTheSpectralDragon 10:02 pm Whirlbug always agrees with you, though. chronosmith 10:02 pm .... *snickers* Yeah, because it knows what's up. Arcee-Autobot 10:02 pm *covering face while laughing* opatoes 10:02 pm OH OH SOUNDWAVE i have a video i feel like you might like Impactbabyrobo 10:03 pm THAT IS TOO MANY PIECES NoodlesAtNight 10:03 pm ((omg swoop mun)) MedicalMurdersaurus 10:04 pm ((I mean it's not like people can time jump back to lives prior to their own. They would have to rely on written records of other people's lives. MAYBE there'd still be video but the way video format evolves, it's probably going to look like absolute crap if it still exists at all. I can hear people arguing about how it's dumb to think we needed ALIENS to come up with our PRIMARY LANGUAGE that is a total reflection of how we interact with the world.)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 10:05 pm *the dragon carefully un-loafs, absolutely unwilling to inconvenience or bother Chimera in any way* I should return home. Thank you for having me, Soundwave, and thank you for hugging me, Chimera. verdigrisprowl 10:05 pm ((the aliens knew what was going to happen 3000 years in the future, it stands to reason they'd be equally knowledgable about 3000 years in the past?)) Impactbabyrobo 10:05 pm ((XD)) NoodlesAtNight 10:05 pm [[Thank you for attending, and keeping Chimera company.]] Swervester 10:05 pm //ilygioyvuyv when you accidentally reeply to a post on swerve instead of sparky so now it looks Really Awkward verdigrisprowl 10:05 pm *Whirl asked him earlier to help with translating the tire. Now that the movie's over, he relinquishes Soundwave's heads over that direction.* Hi. MedicalMurdersaurus 10:05 pm ((I assumed that was because the aliens lived that long. Cause no one is seeing someone else's life. Just their own chunk of the timeline.)) opatoes 10:05 pm ((sparkle,,, Swervester 10:06 pm //retgt i forgot what tab i was in lmao opatoes 10:06 pm ... So that's how you wear jeans? Impactbabyrobo 10:06 pm Why would you scrape up your pants already ? opatoes 10:06 pm de-puff the pants NoodlesAtNight 10:06 pm *Soundwave lets Prowl go. He's busy working on what portion of the language they were presented.* opatoes 10:06 pm de-leg the pants Impactbabyrobo 10:06 pm *imitates the pant de-puffing noise* SCProwl 10:07 pm Oh, they're not just flat. opatoes 10:07 pm I wanna be sanded Arcee-Autobot 10:07 pm Sand? Impactbabyrobo 10:07 pm Why? opatoes 10:07 pm I'll be extra smooth! Arcee-Autobot 10:07 pm Stone?! Why?! opatoes 10:07 pm oh those pants are getting stoned Impactbabyrobo 10:07 pm But it'll take your paint off! opatoes 10:07 pm ... Wait, frag, that's a problem Impactbabyrobo 10:08 pm They just wash it with rocks! *laughs* verdigrisprowl 10:08 pm ((well. i guess that's why it's called stone wash.)) Arcee-Autobot 10:08 pm *Arcee can't handle the joke made about stoned pants* chronosmith 10:08 pm *tilts his head as Prowl approaches* Sup. opatoes 10:09 pm ... With steve? Impactbabyrobo 10:09 pm PUFF THE PANTS opatoes 10:09 pm I think I misheard Impactbabyrobo 10:09 pm steam! opatoes 10:09 pm OH I thought steve was just wearing them for them or something verdigrisprowl 10:09 pm Did you want me to...? *gestures at the tire.* Swervester 10:10 pm These puns are bad. Impactbabyrobo 10:10 pm PUNS NOT GOOD ENOUGH chronosmith 10:10 pm Yeah. If you've got time. I'm guessing this isn't the best... setting or whatever. I can fly into the city, if you've got time. God knows I do. Arcee-Autobot 10:10 pm These drawings are just beautiful opatoes 10:10 pm Aren't a lot of modern mirrors aluminum, though? SCProwl 10:11 pm I'm going to go now. Thank you, Soundwave. Swervester 10:11 pm Yes Impactbabyrobo 10:11 pm Maybe they mean silver like the color? NoodlesAtNight 10:11 pm [[You are welcome, Prowl.]] SCProwl 10:11 pm *ends the visual feed and stands up* NoodlesAtNight 10:11 pm [[And aren't they, Arcee? All one line.]] opatoes 10:11 pm Aluminum isn't as tasty as silver, so it's probably good they use that instead. Impactbabyrobo 10:12 pm Munch crunch! opatoes 10:12 pm Gotta munch! NoodlesAtNight 10:12 pm *mmmm, silver* Impactbabyrobo 10:12 pm 3:9 opatoes 10:12 pm /Smokescreen's slowly turning himself around, and almost falls over as he gets up. Maybe sitting upside down for the entire movie WASN'T a good idea!/ Boomtank 10:12 pm -sounds like they're making a snack, not mirror- Swervester 10:13 pm .... What if I made... verdigrisprowl 10:13 pm ... Pocky Men can understand each other, right? I can understand my own Magnemite. It could help speed up the translation process? NoodlesAtNight 10:13 pm ((POCKY MEN)) Impactbabyrobo 10:13 pm ((OMG)) chronosmith 10:13 pm ((thank god)) verdigrisprowl 10:13 pm ((he says this with all of the confidence of a suburban mom in 1996 talking about the newest fad her third grader is into.)) chronosmith 10:13 pm I think? Impactbabyrobo 10:14 pm ((beautiful)) opatoes 10:14 pm ... Oh, that was the mirror. I thought that was just two similar looking humans chronosmith 10:14 pm You';d know better than I would. It's just been me, this fella, and Killer out there so far. If there are any other Pocky Men, I haven't seen 'em. Impactbabyrobo 10:14 pm BEVEL verdigrisprowl 10:14 pm I've seen a swarm of Magnemite, but I've been reading up a bit on others. NoodlesAtNight 10:15 pm [[He'll have to show her this.]] opatoes 10:15 pm /Smokescreen's slowly, slowly getting up again, using the couch as a support./ Hey, Soundwave, I'm probably gonna head home for the night. Thanks for having us! NoodlesAtNight 10:15 pm [[Ah, you're welcome. Do not forget the book soon.]] verdigrisprowl 10:15 pm *oh, he should probably greet the tire itself, should he?* Hello. I'm Prowl. opatoes 10:15 pm Hey, I almost always keep it on me. It's hard to forget! NoodlesAtNight 10:16 pm [[He meant reading it again.]] verdigrisprowl 10:16 pm ((this segment is)) ((marbleous)) Impactbabyrobo 10:16 pm ((XD)) NoodlesAtNight 10:16 pm *bricks*)) chronosmith 10:16 pm ((is he speaking neo cybex or is he using whatever manner he does to communicate with his own pokemon?)) verdigrisprowl 10:16 pm ((no, marbles)) ((neocybex, currently.)) chronosmith 10:17 pm Whirlipede: Whirl! *it wiggles away from Whirl's still-absentlly-petting manipulators, and then bounces once, spinning in the air. A proper, enthusiastic greeting* MedicalMurdersaurus 10:18 pm ((I CAN'T)) verdigrisprowl 10:18 pm Oh! Hi. ... I don't understand you. I apologize if you can understand me. MedicalMurdersaurus 10:18 pm ((he's FIDDLING with stuff on his ROD in a GLORY HOLE)) verdigrisprowl 10:18 pm But we'll work on that. Impactbabyrobo 10:18 pm ((i'm die)) MedicalMurdersaurus 10:18 pm ((there is no way this narrator doesn't know what he's doing)) chronosmith 10:18 pm ((right into the punty)) verdigrisprowl 10:19 pm ((i couldn't believe, "how did they get away with calling that a glory hole on TV")) chronosmith 10:19 pm Whirlipede" *solemnly* Whirl.
*for his part, Whirl is just watching this, equal parts interested and amused* verdigrisprowl 10:19 pm *nods, completely lost.* NoodlesAtNight 10:20 pm *Stops working on the heptapod language to watch Prowl at work.* verdigrisprowl 10:20 pm Is that your full species name? "Whirlipede"? Impactbabyrobo 10:20 pm *Leans on Chimera, if Chimera is okay with it* NoodlesAtNight 10:20 pm *Chimera absolutely is. They'll even coil up on Impact.* verdigrisprowl 10:20 pm *at this point, he's mainly trying to keep the tire talking, whatever it's saying—give him some vocabulary to build up and try to analyze.* chronosmith 10:20 pm Whirlipede: *performs another spinning bounce* WhirliPEDE. Impactbabyrobo 10:21 pm *delighted by this development* Swervester 10:21 pm //why does he say marble so weird it sound s like narrrwhal verdigrisprowl 10:21 pm ((marrrboll)) Swervester 10:21 pm //oh my god Impactbabyrobo 10:21 pm ((NIPPLE)) verdigrisprowl 10:21 pm ((nipple)) Arcee-Autobot 10:21 pm *Loud Snort from Arcee* verdigrisprowl 10:21 pm ((marble making is very horny)) Swervester 10:21 pm I'm naming a drink nipples on fire, it's official. NoodlesAtNight 10:22 pm //Fraggin' fantastic.// Impactbabyrobo 10:22 pm *giggles* Swervester 10:22 pm Who wants to drink it first NoodlesAtNight 10:22 pm //Dibs.// verdigrisprowl 10:22 pm *nods at the Whirlipede again.* ... Is the bouncing part of your language or is it just for fun? *glances at Swerve* What are you going to make it out of? Swervester 10:23 pm Not a clue! That's the fun part. Impactbabyrobo 10:23 pm *hugs Chimera before getting up* Bedtime for me! Swervester 10:23 pm Probably gonna be a fire color theme though Impactbabyrobo 10:23 pm Thanks for the movie, Soundwave! chronosmith 10:23 pm Make it so damn spicy that anyone drinking it immediately has to get their fuel tank pumped for their own safety, and I'm in. Swervester 10:23 pm I can make a Whirl Special version NoodlesAtNight 10:23 pm [[You're welcome, Impact.]] <<Goodbye, Orange Child. Chimera will miss you.>> chronosmith 10:24 pm *the Whirlipede bounces again. It's anyone's guess what that means, honestly* Arcee-Autobot 10:24 pm Movie was Great Soundwave 😃 NoodlesAtNight 10:24 pm [[He is glad you thought so, Arcee. Do come again.]] Impactbabyrobo 10:24 pm I'll miss you too! But I'll come visit again, so it won't be too bad! NoodlesAtNight 10:24 pm *Happy chirp!* verdigrisprowl 10:24 pm *nods at the Whirlipede along with its bounces. He's getting nothing out of this.* Impactbabyrobo 10:24 pm *blows kisses to the room at large* G'night everybody! chronosmith 10:25 pm Seeya, twerp. Arcee-Autobot 10:25 pm C'ya everyone NoodlesAtNight 10:25 pm [[...Have you considered telling it to blink once for yeses and twice for no?]] [[That ought to move you somewhere a little faster.]] chronosmith 10:25 pm I actually... need to roll on out, myself. Uh. Thanks for, y'know. Trying, Prowl. I'll catch you again sometime. But if you got any notes you can send me, I'll give them a look-over. verdigrisprowl 10:26 pm Sure. Comm me some time, if you want. We can make a serious effort with Magnemite there. chronosmith 10:26 pm *flips him a casual salute* Gotta learn to cht with my little pal SOMETIME. *turns and bobs his head to Rumble, speaking a touch more softly, for privacy's sake* And I'll come back around again soon, to see you. Boomtank 10:26 pm -time to get going, he supposes. Crowd's going out- verdigrisprowl 10:27 pm *looks at Soundwave* There's probably an issue of mutual intelligibility. My Magnemite, at least, couldn't understand Neocybex or any of the Earth languages I tried on it. NoodlesAtNight 10:27 pm //I'mma look forward to it.// *The stupidest grin.* verdigrisprowl 10:28 pm So "blink for yes, twice for no" wouldn't be very useful if they don't understand that much. NoodlesAtNight 10:28 pm [[Ah. He did not know that about your Magnemite. They do seem to understand the human trainers with them in the documentaries, he'd hoped... ah, well. We aren't human.]] verdigrisprowl 10:28 pm *glances at Whirl* Of course, you could still try that with your own and report back to us? Many Pocky Men CAN understand human languages; I suspect mine simply never had the opportunity to learn. NoodlesAtNight 10:29 pm *Soundwave nods to Blaster. He'll keep working and sharing things over time, for what little they got of the language.* Swervester 10:29 pm Mmm, I think I better go, My berth's calling me for that ap. NoodlesAtNight 10:29 pm [[Yes, sleep off the rest of that party.]] Swervester 10:29 pm Have fun! Night. chronosmith 10:30 pm Yeah, if I make any breakthroughs, I'll hit you guys up. Boomtank 10:30 pm -nods back, as he stands to leave. He'll share what he can come up with- Goodnight chronosmith 10:30 pm *he enjoyed that stupidest grin, and pays it back with a last affectionate nudge before he stands. The Whirlipede rolls right off the couch after him* Night, losers.
opatoes 7:38 pm It's true, though! SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:38 pm 😮! *Soundwave help! it's her lucky day!* Thank you, Soundwave! Swervester 7:39 pm [stumbles in and slumps tiredly against the closest couch] NoodlesAtNight 7:39 pm [[It's not,]] *he says while helping someone.* [[And you're welcome, dragon. You do such good work; he really must consider making you one of Dancitron's official suppliers.]] [[...Feeling poorly, Swerve?]] Swervester 7:39 pm Didn't sleep well last night. Crazy bar party. NoodlesAtNight 7:40 pm [[How so?]] Swervester 7:41 pm Rodimus decided it was Appreciate Swerve Night and threw me a surprise party in the bar. opatoes 7:41 pm Really? It's not like you've proven me wrong recently. You haven't unleashed your tentacles on anyone in a while, so that's pretty nice! SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:41 pm *the dragon puffs up so proudly that she might well be in danger of exploding* It would be an honor. NoodlesAtNight 7:42 pm [[Appreciate Swerve Night? He can see why you are tired.]] *Surely everyone recognizes Swerve's good qualities. They were on full and obvious display during the protoform plague.* [[Then he will look into the paperwork, dear dragon.]] *A tiny head bow in her direction before he heads back to his seat.* [[And that is factually incorrect, Smokescreen.]] Yesterday Swervester 7:42 pm Yeah! It was really nice. Just lasted all night so there was less sleep than expected. opatoes 7:43 pm Really? Have you menaced someone with your tentacles recently, Soundwave? NoodlesAtNight 7:43 pm [[He said nothing about menacing. Merely unleashing.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:43 pm *the dragon is churring and purring all the way to the nearest couch. she's gonna be an official supplier! for Dancitron! that's even better than fighting a god!* opatoes 7:43 pm ... Have you unleashed your tentacles on someone? Poor bot. MedicalMurdersaurus 7:44 pm *SLIIIIIIIIDES in* BIRD! NoodlesAtNight 7:44 pm [[Well, if you must sleep, try to do so after the film. He has heard good things about it. Many, many good things. Fantastic things.]] [[Of course he has.]] *But they don't tend to complain.* opatoes 7:44 pm ((i never realized episode 3 came out the day before my birthday in whatever year it came out aszcxvb)) NoodlesAtNight 7:45 pm {{SWOOOOOOOOP}} MedicalMurdersaurus 7:45 pm HIIII! *bounces* Hi Bird! NoodlesAtNight 7:45 pm *NYOOM can an origami bird knock over a pterodactyl? We're about to find out.* Arcee-Autobot 7:45 pm *Has no idea whats going on but Puts hands up* I'm also Here Hello, Everyone! Swervester 7:45 pm Ooh, what's it a film about? NoodlesAtNight 7:46 pm *Soundwave's mood is, uh. Accidentally catching, a little, among the minicons.*
[[Greetings, Arcee. It is Arcee, correct?]] *Has the right look, but one never knows.* [[/Communication./]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:46 pm *it's like a physics question. how many treats does one need to place in Laserbeak's gaping maw before her maximum velocity carries enough impact to knock over one dinobot?* *make sure to show all of your work* opatoes 7:47 pm ((Fun fact star wars episode iii is thirteen years old as of this year apparently)) NoodlesAtNight 7:47 pm *There are a bunch of empty cubes behind the bar, if that counts?* ((happy birthday episode 3)) Arcee-Autobot 7:47 pm You're Correct, it is Arcee SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:47 pm ((speaking of birthdays)) opatoes 7:47 pm ((episode iii is old enough to go on forums and complain about star wars)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:47 pm ((as of five days ago I can legally beer)) ((woop woop)) NoodlesAtNight 7:47 pm ((a;ghagwhagah))
((and specs: HAPPY FIVE DAYS AGO BIRTHDAY)) Arcee-Autobot 7:48 pm [[ Happy late Birthday!]] opatoes 7:48 pm ((HAPPY BIRTHDAY i thought you were older than me asdbvxcbn SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:48 pm ((sorry smokeymun I'm only 21)) opatoes 7:48 pm ((im like 23 i think so it's not too big but i thought you were like... 24 for some reason)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:49 pm ((is it because I hang out with Whirlmun? she's, what, 26?)) NoodlesAtNight 7:49 pm ((haha you young'ns)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:49 pm ((crow, ofc, is an official Fandom Elder and can throw dentures at us)) Swervester 7:49 pm //slides a 29 under the table NoodlesAtNight 7:49 pm [[Seat yourself anywhere you like, Arcee. Refreshments are at the bar; midgrade and snacks are free but high grade must be purchased.]] SCProwl 7:50 pm ((/shakes cane at room Yesterday opatoes 7:50 pm ... Wait, snakes are free? Snacks I mean snacks Swervester 7:50 pm I hope snakes are free. Arcee-Autobot 7:50 pm Snakes? NoodlesAtNight 7:50 pm <<Chimera is not free.>> opatoes 7:50 pm Let Chimera be free! SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:50 pm Chimera is free to do whatever they please, right? NoodlesAtNight 7:50 pm <<Oh. Chimera is that free. Chimera is not money free.>> MedicalMurdersaurus 7:50 pm *sees what she's doing and COLLAPSES when hit, laughing the whole way down* Swervester 7:50 pm Free Chimera 2k18? opatoes 7:51 pm Chimera is priceless though, you can't place a price on them. chronosmith 7:51 pm ()(i already tole u but HAPPY BIRTH AGAIN SPECS)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:51 pm Is Chimera free to be hugged? ((HAPPY BORTH ME)) NoodlesAtNight 7:51 pm *Bird sprouts feelers like big secretary bird legs and marches up Swoop to stare down his face.* {{You Swoop dead. This mean Bird Dinobot now?}} NoodlesAtNight 7:52 pm <<Yes! Chimera likes hugs.>> *They slither out from beneath the couch and look around. Where are hugs? Where is affection? It's so lonely, not counting its main companions.* Arcee-Autobot 7:52 pm [[ Brb I've got to go stop a Child from eating a Crayon again]] NoodlesAtNight 7:52 pm ((omg go o)) MedicalMurdersaurus 7:52 pm *does his best BLEH dead impression* yup NoodlesAtNight 7:52 pm {{Kay. Bird go usurp Grimlock now.}} chronosmith 7:52 pm *also has big secretary bird legs, but they're not made of feelers, and attached to him. They're carrying him into the room RIGHT NOW. And rolling at their heels is his Whirlipede* MedicalMurdersaurus 7:53 pm :V King Bird Swervester 7:53 pm [Oh no Chimera's cute. Hello Swerve has a lap] opatoes 7:53 pm /Oops! More people are here! Smokescreen's turning around on the couch so he's upside down on it again./ SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:53 pm *THE HUGS ARE UPON THEE, CHIMERA. dragonflop. It Is Hug Time.* NoodlesAtNight 7:53 pm {{Get tiny crown, neheheh.}}
[[Greetings, Whirl. And - ah. Has it been named yet?]] opatoes 7:53 pm !! Arcee! Cee! Arc! How're you doing? MedicalMurdersaurus 7:54 pm YAH! Little tiny crown for Bird : > Then you bossy everyone kehehheh MORE bossy NoodlesAtNight 7:54 pm *Chimera briefly coils around the dragon in an overjoyed hug before slithering toward the couch and the patted lap.* <<Small dragon comes with Chimera to sit on the Short Legs bot. Yes?>> chronosmith 7:54 pm Not yet. I'm gonna see if our resident braniac can communicate with it, and ask if it has one. NoodlesAtNight 7:55 pm {{Bossiest Bird. It because Bird knows best.}} SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:55 pm As long as the Short Legs bot is alright with it. I know some people have issues with fur. *but she likes These Hugs and will not give them up so easily* Swervester 7:55 pm Sure, come and sit. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:55 pm *mental note to bring a crown for bird next movie night* Yesterday NoodlesAtNight 7:56 pm //Hey! I ain't missed nothin', right?// *Rumble's jogging downstairs.* //Frenzy didn't wanna get the frag outta the washracks. Hey, Whirl! Whirl's tire.// NoodlesAtNight 7:56 pm [[He hopes the resident brainiac is successful.]] chronosmith 7:57 pm Me too. *perks up a bit, and bobs his head at Rumble* Hey, mech. Long time no see. *and with great aplomb, he is on the couch. His tire goes underneath it again* Sorry I haven't made it, y'know. Out much. MedicalMurdersaurus 7:57 pm *bobbles his head in agreement, still "dead" on the floor* NoodlesAtNight 7:59 pm //Hey, you don't gotta apologize. I been stuck on night shifts cuz SOMEONE--// *And here he throws an empty cube at Laserbeak* //Complained she couldn't get no sleep at night with me 'n the bro down here.// MedicalMurdersaurus 7:59 pm !!! chronosmith 7:59 pm ((every time this video comes up I am mesmerized)) opatoes 7:59 pm /Also Smokescreen's going to get up and dance to this!/ chronosmith 7:59 pm ((no matter what I'm doing)) NoodlesAtNight 8:00 pm *Rumble hops up onto Whirl's couch and blows a raspberry at Bird. She blats back at him.* {{It work, too, if Buzzsaw not blab tell Bird not sleeping then.}} NoodlesAtNight 8:01 pm ((AHEM nobody saw that)) NoodlesAtNight 8:02 pm ((we'll start in 5-10)) MedicalMurdersaurus 8:03 pm *pops up* You Bird can hang out with Me Swoop! You can with Swoop instead : > SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:04 pm ((me dissociating)) chronosmith 8:04 pm Pfft. What a narc. Well, I'll try and make these more often. I would say I've been busy, but that's a lie. MedicalMurdersaurus 8:05 pm ((that cat vine is soundwave's life, huh? opening the door and a million cute screaming faces)) NoodlesAtNight 8:05 pm {{Bird do that. Swoop not blabber.}}
((ABSOLUTELY his life)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:05 pm Oh, there was /my/ friday night. chronosmith 8:05 pm *snickers* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:06 pm And this is monday. NoodlesAtNight 8:06 pm {{BIRD}} MedicalMurdersaurus 8:06 pm :V Bird NoodlesAtNight 8:06 pm //Whatcha been doin' then? The ship fixed up all the way yet?// SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:08 pm And /that's/ why docents are a thing. NoodlesAtNight 8:08 pm [[Oh, look. Movie nights.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:08 pm *snickers* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:09 pm OH BIRD NoodlesAtNight 8:09 pm ((all right so, WARNINGS: Actually, not many. Cancer, needles, mention of racism and related -isms, creepy critters from outer space.)) MedicalMurdersaurus 8:09 pm biiiird chronosmith 8:09 pm It's getting there. I've got to convince someone to come down to Cybertron to do work on it for a few days, which is going to be fun, since negotiation isn't really what you'd all my STRONG suit, but y'know. Gotta do what you gotta do. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:09 pm ((o7)) MedicalMurdersaurus 8:10 pm *spazzing out* biRD NoodlesAtNight 8:10 pm {{What!?}} MedicalMurdersaurus 8:10 pm Me SWOOP want to Halloween candy for you!!! NoodlesAtNight 8:10 pm //You want we should lean on 'em?// NoodlesAtNight 8:11 pm {{Pffff. Swoop whole two week late. Halloween not til next year.}} Today MedicalMurdersaurus 8:11 pm No n ono no! SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:11 pm Put dry ice inside their plating until they agree to help you. *the dragon does not know what negotiation is* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:11 pm Me Swoop DO Halloween! Us Dinobots all Halloween. NoodlesAtNight 8:11 pm *Chimera settles in to watch a movie with the Short Legs mech and the Dragon. They're quite content; this is a good night already.* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:11 pm Me Swoop lots and LOTS of candy for You Bird! From trick or treat : > SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:11 pm *loafs up on Chimera. comfy.* NoodlesAtNight 8:11 pm *Her visor has never been so bright, Swoop.* {{You not eat?}} MedicalMurdersaurus 8:12 pm Nah! It for You Bird : > Boomtank 8:12 pm -Is he here in time?- NoodlesAtNight 8:12 pm *Soundwave's attention is RIGHT on the screen. Blaster missed maybe 20 seconds.* *He waves a feeler over his back. Greetings.* Boomtank 8:12 pm -phew. Going to wave back and sit in a free chair- opatoes 8:13 pm Is that kid a centaur? NoodlesAtNight 8:13 pm [[Don't be silly. It's a toy.]] NoodlesAtNight 8:14 pm *...Oh. Oh, she's -- oh. Her spawn.* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:14 pm *winces. that poor docent.* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:14 pm *wiggles* Me Swoop hide candy so noooo Dinobots can get! It for You Bird : > Boomtank 8:14 pm ...... chronosmith 8:15 pm Nah, nah. Intimidation won't help me a lot here. Gotta trust these people to build my bulkheads, after all. NoodlesAtNight 8:15 pm {{You Swoop - uhhhhhh.}} *She sort of dances from clawfoot to clawfoot.* {{You want share?}} //Oh, huh. Yeah, that's true. Bribe 'em?// Boomtank 8:15 pm ........ NoodlesAtNight 8:15 pm *Oh, look. It's like the tv in Soundwave's apartment.* chronosmith 8:16 pm Sort of. Just paying em. The money isn't the hard part, I've... acquired some shanix. But not a lot of aliens wanna come to Cybertron. MedicalMurdersaurus 8:16 pm No no! *clearly she is confused* Me Swoop not share it. Me Swoop get for Bird! NoodlesAtNight 8:16 pm *Thin birdy squeal.* Boomtank 8:16 pm !!! NoodlesAtNight 8:16 pm [[...Are you all right, Blaster? You feel concerned.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 8:16 pm !!! MedicalMurdersaurus 8:17 pm Keeheh Boomtank 8:17 pm Ah, no, I'm fine Just tired opatoes 8:17 pm Oww Boomtank 8:17 pm -he means it. Mostly- SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:17 pm *that docent is /deeply/ dissociated. how long has it been after the death of her charge?* opatoes 8:17 pm ... Also, hey, Soundwave, I might've brought a book with me, if you wanna read it with me. NoodlesAtNight 8:18 pm *Soundwave glances toward Smokescreen. Then back to the movie. Then the bot, and the movie, and--- hhhhh.* [[What book?]] opatoes 8:19 pm /Smokescreen's still upside down, holding the covenant out./ I mean- we can do it later! /He's half expecting the movie to go into ruined cities and he brought a distraction with him just in case/ NoodlesAtNight 8:20 pm *Light flicker.* [[He would like that. But for the moment--]] *He nods toward the screen. Communication, Smokescreen. He can't miss it.* //So maybe you ask 'em to do the buildin' off Cybertron. Take it to Earth, or somethin'.// SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:21 pm ((ma'am, I would absolutely not be going to class if aliens showed up in america)) NoodlesAtNight 8:21 pm [[She seems so surprised by the lack of students.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:21 pm ((I'd be getting my butt to montana and putting on my chapstick)) NoodlesAtNight 8:21 pm ((LOL)) Impactbabyrobo 8:21 pm ((hee)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:21 pm ((I will be the FIRST person to kissu an alien)) chronosmith 8:21 pm ((count me second)) Arcee-Autobot 8:21 pm [[ Wow Finally back after Wrestling a child]] verdigrisprowl 8:21 pm *arrives late* NoodlesAtNight 8:22 pm ((wb! and hi impact!)) *Soundwave is immediately reaching for Prowl to update him. Prowl. Prowl. You have to see.* Impactbabyrobo 8:22 pm *scoots in, not loudly announcing her presence for once because the movie has already started* ((hiii)) NoodlesAtNight 8:22 pm *Chimera beeps at Impact. They remember her.* Boomtank 8:22 pm Oh! -now the movie has his full attention- verdigrisprowl 8:22 pm *takes his usual s—oh, he's being grabbed at* What did I miss? Arcee-Autobot 8:22 pm [[ turns out the kid wasn't eating the crayon, no no, she had it up her nose and stuck]] Impactbabyrobo 8:22 pm Chimera! 3😀 chronosmith 8:22 pm That's the thing, I can't get it off-planet until it's fixed. ...huh. Appropriate, that we're watching a movie about translation, isn't it? Impactbabyrobo 8:23 pm *skedoodles over to Chimera* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:23 pm *digs around in his subspace to see if he has any goodies on him to give to Bird* Arcee-Autobot 8:23 pm *Arcee takes a seat wherever is available next to whomever is alright with it* NoodlesAtNight 8:23 pm *BAM instant update of data. Human lady's spawn died of sickness, she is very numb, something landed on the planet, people are freaking out. She's being asked to translate alien creatures.* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:23 pm *pulls out one of Arcee's knives instead* NoodlesAtNight 8:23 pm [[He's skipping so many steps.]] NoodlesAtNight 8:24 pm [[Idiot. How do you expect someone to understand a brand new language without exposure?]] Impactbabyrobo 8:24 pm Uh-huh! Boomtank 8:24 pm It can't be done Not with that short of a clip, at that quality opatoes 8:24 pm Are they just expecting her to be like "These growls are probably angry growls" chronosmith 8:24 pm Honestly I don't get why they thought they'd be successful with that. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:24 pm They want a miracle, not an answer. Impactbabyrobo 8:24 pm Boooooo Arcee-Autobot 8:24 pm *Confused Arcee has no real idea whats going on around her* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:25 pm *offers Bird the knife instead* NoodlesAtNight 8:25 pm [[Of course they are. Humans are as fearful as we are. They want a reason to shoot.]] chronosmith 8:25 pm Anyway, hey, Prowl. You figured out how to speak to your little guy. Any chance you might be able to decipher tire? Boomtank 8:25 pm Well SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:25 pm Landing outside of her house? How rude. verdigrisprowl 8:25 pm You know how when an engineer says he can build something in two days and his superior demands it in two hours, like his superior thinks that will get faster results? I think it's that. Boomtank 8:25 pm They REALLY want answers verdigrisprowl 8:25 pm ... "Tire"? Boomtank 8:25 pm And yeah, they're...they're being unreasonable NoodlesAtNight 8:26 pm *Just your average group of bots scattered across the multiverse coming together to chatter about themselves and the movie, Arcee. Nothing too much to think about. Just enjoy yourself.* Impactbabyrobo 8:26 pm *also a Child* NoodlesAtNight 8:26 pm *Bird takes the knife and makes stabbing motions at the air. She's thrilled.*
//I mean, you got a bridge, don't ya? Anyhow, appropriate how?// NoodlesAtNight 8:27 pm [[If she wrote it, he likes her.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 8:27 pm Keehee <3 Impactbabyrobo 8:27 pm ruuuuude opatoes 8:27 pm Wow what an aft Like... Without language, how are you gonna communicate your science? Boomtank 8:27 pm There is more than one cornerstone NoodlesAtNight 8:28 pm [[Thank you, Blaster.]] verdigrisprowl 8:28 pm The cornerstone of civilization is a desire and intent to cooperate. Impactbabyrobo 8:28 pm You need several for a building! verdigrisprowl 8:28 pm They're both thinking too high level. Boomtank 8:28 pm Egos verdigrisprowl 8:28 pm ... But a desire to cooperate leads to language a lot faster than it leads to science. MedicalMurdersaurus 8:28 pm You Bird stab bot! That more fun than talky movie! Boomtank 8:28 pm That's it NoodlesAtNight 8:28 pm [[Yes. Yes it does.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:28 pm It's an egg. Boomtank 8:29 pm And what the hell? NoodlesAtNight 8:29 pm {{Us go stab bot now?}} *Blink blink.* chronosmith 8:29 pm Yeah. Tire creature. *looks down--and then bends over, peeking under the couch. His Whirlipede rolls out, nearly smacking him in the face* That. This. MedicalMurdersaurus 8:29 pm *grins and shrugs, why does she think he has a PLAN?* chronosmith 8:29 pm And, I was referring to this, Rumble. *gestures to himself, Prowl, and the Whirlipede* NoodlesAtNight 8:30 pm //Oh! Oh, yeah, that's - that's appropriate. Don't think your guy comes in no 1200 foot tall egg though. Heh.// verdigrisprowl 8:30 pm Oh. Yes. It was at another movie night recently, wasn't it? SCProwl 8:31 pm *Prowl arrives late as hell* What have I missed so far? NoodlesAtNight 8:31 pm {{...Bird knows bot. Him rude. Call Chimera dumb toy. Us go stab.}} *Soundwave immediately connects the other Prowl to a visual feed and a solid catchup list of data* Boomtank 8:31 pm -squirms- verdigrisprowl 8:31 pm ((WHO SHIT TALKED CHIMERA)) Boomtank 8:31 pm -needles, no thanks- Impactbabyrobo 8:31 pm ((PROTECT CHIMERA)) opatoes 8:31 pm But- that's true, Impact! NoodlesAtNight 8:32 pm ((a dead mech)) SCProwl 8:32 pm Thank you, Soundwave. Impactbabyrobo 8:32 pm 3😀 ((nice)) verdigrisprowl 8:32 pm ((boy, are they ever)) chronosmith 8:32 pm *to Rumble* Not that I know of, but if it does, then damn, I need to ask if I can move in with IT.
*to Prowl* Yep! Hung out a couple of weeks back. *it's rolling around now, having been released from its self-imposed imprisonment under the couch* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:32 pm Yaahhhh! Stabbing! *double fist pump* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:32 pm ((the dragon will kill)) Boomtank 8:32 pm ((murder NoodlesAtNight 8:32 pm [[That is not what he's saying, you--]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:33 pm That's why you bring a rebreather. verdigrisprowl 8:33 pm He's saying that they're taking great pains NOT to suffocate the humans. SCProwl 8:33 pm They've been trained to see threats where there might not even be one. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:33 pm ((scuba is fun)) verdigrisprowl 8:34 pm When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. opatoes 8:34 pm Soundwave, is this like Shape of the Water? Impactbabyrobo 8:34 pm *digs around in her subspace for a bit, before going "aha!" and pulling out a bit of tinsel* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:34 pm ((it would be if I was there)) ((wink wonk)) Impactbabyrobo 8:34 pm Oh, the movie with the lady and fish guy and the romance? NoodlesAtNight 8:34 pm *Bird floats up and sneaks toward the door. She's gonna sneak out and have herself a good night with Swoop in tow.* chronosmith 8:34 pm ((i gotta see the aliens before I make my verdict)) opatoes 8:34 pm Yeah! The romance movie. Impactbabyrobo 8:34 pm *offers tinsel bit to chimera* opatoes 8:34 pm Are they gonna romance the aliens in this one? ... It's not like Alien, is it? NoodlesAtNight 8:34 pm *Get some lessons taught to dumb bots with more mouth than desire to keep their limbs.* opatoes 8:35 pm isn't that the bean in chicago SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:35 pm ((look, if aliens land on earth, idc what they look like. I'm giving 'em a smooching if the smooching is non-harmful to the aliens and they agree to be smooched.)) Impactbabyrobo 8:35 pm anish kapoooooooor! NoodlesAtNight 8:35 pm *Both Ravage and Chimera lift their heads. Tinsel?* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:35 pm ((I /will/ be the first human to smooch an alien)) MedicalMurdersaurus 8:35 pm *is down for both watching AND unnecessarily cauterizing wounds, because that's what friends are for* verdigrisprowl 8:35 pm ((look. i'm ace.)) ((but if aliens landed, i WOULD be dtf.)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:35 pm ((literally same)) opatoes 8:35 pm ((ill be in line to smooch an alien asap NoodlesAtNight 8:35 pm ((agree)) MedicalMurdersaurus 8:35 pm ((James Tiptree has a story about that LOL)) Arcee-Autobot 8:35 pm [[ But what if Aliens want to smooch you??]] Impactbabyrobo 8:36 pm *😮 thinks, then divides tinsel into two pieces* ((saaaame)) NoodlesAtNight 8:36 pm ((then they may form their own line)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:36 pm ((if aliens want to smooch me back hell yeah)) verdigrisprowl 8:36 pm ... I've seen a species that uses craft like that. Impactbabyrobo 8:37 pm *beams and holds out one tinsel bit toward Chimera and one toward Ravage* 3😀 Boomtank 8:37 pm -watching intently- chronosmith 8:37 pm ((same tbh but in movie aliens i got some standards)) opatoes 8:37 pm ((I feel like the best case scenario for aliens is that they come here and are dtf and nice NoodlesAtNight 8:37 pm <<Sit with Chimera and friends,>> *they chirp to Impact, nosing around the tinsel. It's a good couch. Swerve, them, the dragon.* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:37 pm ((that's valid)) NoodlesAtNight 8:37 pm *Ravage just gobbles it with bright optics and streeeeeeetches on the floor.* verdigrisprowl 8:37 pm ((yeah fair. if we're looking at the whole range of fictional aliens we can afford to be choosy. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:37 pm *the dragon is having a cozy loaf on Chimera. all is well with the world.* NoodlesAtNight 8:37 pm [[Which species, Prowl?]] verdigrisprowl 8:37 pm ... ............ I forgot their name. Impactbabyrobo 8:37 pm Okay! *sits!* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:38 pm ((me, grabbing a yaujita in one arm and a protoss in the other: mine)) NoodlesAtNight 8:38 pm [[Oh. If you remember, let him know. He is curious. And... that is an odd way for something to behave on Earth.]] chronosmith 8:38 pm ((me, holding a shoggoth in the air: mine!)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:38 pm Huh. That's not how gravity works. Boomtank 8:38 pm What. verdigrisprowl 8:38 pm ... I don't know whether they do that on the inside. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:38 pm ((you are a big dumb gay and you are BEYOND valid, cy)) Boomtank 8:38 pm Oh wow chronosmith 8:38 pm ((thank you my friend 😎 )) NoodlesAtNight 8:38 pm [[....Fascinating.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:39 pm I want to do that. That would be so much fun to fly in. Impactbabyrobo 8:39 pm Wooaahhh! chronosmith 8:39 pm Yeah, that is pretty damn neat. Wonder if I can get THAT installed. Boomtank 8:39 pm Looks like fun NoodlesAtNight 8:39 pm *Chimera nudges Impact's arm. Welcome to the couch. ... It will bite off a tiny piece of tinsel for her. Sharing!* [[If you get that installed, show him how.]] chronosmith 8:40 pm Will do. NoodlesAtNight 8:40 pm [[He has an idea of how to use it.]] chronosmith 8:40 pm Oh? verdigrisprowl 8:40 pm ... I think that should be possible in our ships. Boomtank 8:40 pm Don't fall Impactbabyrobo 8:40 pm *oh gosh! Impact toys fiddles with the tinsel bit happily* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:40 pm *if people are being hospitalized due to alien stress, you might not want to force someone into the alien ship.* I suppose the space elevators would be like that if the gravity wasn't standardized. chronosmith 8:40 pm All else fails, I can get a really BIG magnet. NoodlesAtNight 8:40 pm *Still thinking, Chimera continues separating their tinsel bit. A portion for Swerve and a portion for the dragon.* Swervester 8:41 pm Thanks. verdigrisprowl 8:41 pm *slowly turns to look at whirl* Impactbabyrobo 8:41 pm ((chimera is too precious)) Swervester 8:41 pm [he's gonna chew on that slowly] chronosmith 8:41 pm Like, the biggest. verdigrisprowl 8:41 pm ... Do you have a potential source for this really big magnet. chronosmith 8:41 pm Not yet I don't. Swervester 8:41 pm Knowing our ship, we probably have one somewhere in Brainstorm's lab verdigrisprowl 8:41 pm Ah. *the slightest hint of disappointment* NoodlesAtNight 8:41 pm [[She is having trouble not panicking, he thinks.]] *Eyeing the linguist.* chronosmith 8:42 pm But that would be a hell of a security system. 'Oh, you wanna cause trouble? Say hello to my electro-magnet, idiot.' NoodlesAtNight 8:42 pm //...Frag's the bird for?// chronosmith 8:42 pm Company? Impactbabyrobo 8:42 pm Oh oh! I think I know! SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:42 pm *the dragon churrs, but pushes her tinsel bit back to Chimera* Organics don't need tinsel. You should eat this. NoodlesAtNight 8:42 pm //Oh. Huh, I guess they might like pets.// Impactbabyrobo 8:42 pm It's like, mining! Boomtank 8:42 pm A bribe? Impactbabyrobo 8:42 pm If the air gets bad, the bird has a hard time first! SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:42 pm If the bird can breathe, so can they, I presume. Boomtank 8:42 pm Is that what he said? Impactbabyrobo 8:42 pm Which is sad for the bird 😞 NoodlesAtNight 8:42 pm //Mining?//
*Chimera blinks, then gobbles the tinsel.* <<Okay.>> Arcee-Autobot 8:42 pm *Arcee just holds a Large bowl of human popcorn, its weird but she likes it?* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:43 pm ((show us the sexy)) NoodlesAtNight 8:43 pm //Oh. ... Good thing that didn't happen to our Bird.// NoodlesAtNight 8:43 pm *Soundwave IMMEDIATELY on the edge of his seat* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:43 pm ((OH MY GOD THEY ARE OCTOPOGGLES)) chronosmith 8:43 pm (( 👀 )) (( 👀 👀 👀 )) Boomtank 8:43 pm Oh wow NoodlesAtNight 8:43 pm *A feeler already trying to paw at Prowl. Did he. Did he see. Did he see? He saw?* verdigrisprowl 8:43 pm ... The species I know of didn't look like that. MedicalMurdersaurus 8:43 pm ((they did a great job getting inhuman across but man did they make them huggable)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:44 pm ((I know, right)) ((I just wanna smorch)) verdigrisprowl 8:44 pm *yes, yes, he saw, he— takes feeler. are you okay?* Boomtank 8:44 pm What....what were those? How were they moving? The speaking sounds like a...a...a whale NoodlesAtNight 8:44 pm *SOUNDS HOW HE SEES THEM* opatoes 8:44 pm why. why do they have to have tentacles SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:44 pm Because they're a sensible species. NoodlesAtNight 8:45 pm *Yes, he's all right. He's excited. Prowl is getting multiple forms of happy pings.* opatoes 8:45 pm Tentacles aren't sensible! verdigrisprowl 8:45 pm *oh. well then. sends two happy pings back.* Impactbabyrobo 8:45 pm Tentacles are useful! verdigrisprowl 8:45 pm *he's keeping this feeler.* opatoes 8:45 pm They're all wiggly and slimy Boomtank 8:46 pm -the movie has all his attention- They're trying to communicate? SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:46 pm Soundwave isn't slimy. Impactbabyrobo 8:46 pm Yeah! Boomtank 8:46 pm No, they are Impactbabyrobo 8:46 pm I had feelers once! NoodlesAtNight 8:46 pm [[They are not whales. He has seen whales. They look - they resemble octopus. But not right. No, not Earth ones.]] Boomtank 8:46 pm No, they SOUND like whales NoodlesAtNight 8:46 pm [[And his feelers are not slimy.]] *He wiggles the one in Prowl's hands. See.* Boomtank 8:47 pm But yes, the look like octopus verdigrisprowl 8:47 pm They appear to have more... firm joints, than octopus. chronosmith 8:47 pm *peers closely* NoodlesAtNight 8:47 pm [[Oh. They do have similar sounds. To some degree.]] *Nodding.* [[Yes. Like fingers.]] [[Don't introduce your species covered up. You will confuse them.]] Boomtank 8:48 pm Yeah! verdigrisprowl 8:48 pm They might just think humans look orange and wrinkly. chronosmith 8:48 pm Wait around a second. Maybe they're going to get something. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:48 pm To be fair, introducing your species dead might also be a bad thing. Impactbabyrobo 8:48 pm THey might think humans are orange! NoodlesAtNight 8:48 pm [[At least they would be able to see one. ... What is - is that ink?]] chronosmith 8:48 pm Oh damn. It farted. Boomtank 8:48 pm It's not going to help.....oh... SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:48 pm ...Nice. opatoes 8:48 pm .... Ooooh, that's cool NoodlesAtNight 8:48 pm *PERK* [[A symbol.]] Boomtank 8:48 pm It's WRITING Impactbabyrobo 8:49 pm Oooooh! SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:49 pm Writing is easier to analyze, too, compared to trying to get verbal speaking analyzed. NoodlesAtNight 8:49 pm *Already logging the writing and identifying anything that might be important - spires, thicknesses, branch locations, circle breaks--* verdigrisprowl 8:49 pm *squints* ... I wonder if those are sentences or words. Boomtank 8:50 pm -definitely doing the same- chronosmith 8:50 pm *turns his attention to the tire, which is going through a tour of Underneath Everyone's Seat* Can YOU do that?
*it looks at him, briefly, but doesn't respond* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:51 pm ((same with the yucatan peninsula!)) chronosmith 8:51 pm ((the kangaroo one is a myth)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:51 pm ((bah, there's the racism)) ((wait, really?)) ((I know the yuctan- LMAO)) Boomtank 8:51 pm Ah? Impactbabyrobo 8:51 pm ((yucatan?)) chronosmith 8:51 pm Oh, I can translate that. *lowers voice eerily* Before you do... you see the ring. NoodlesAtNight 8:52 pm *Glancing at Prowl, all his ongoing marks on his visor.* [[What makes you ask that?]] *He's curious about what's on Prowl's mind.* chronosmith 8:52 pm And, yeah, isn't it supposed to be, like math? That's how you form a basis of communication? Gotta exchange math. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:52 pm ((apparently "yucatan" means "I don't understand")) verdigrisprowl 8:52 pm If you exchange math, then you know math. NoodlesAtNight 8:52 pm *....Ping to Blaster. Want to compare notes?* chronosmith 8:53 pm Yeah. You do that, bam, you've translated what your numbers look like. Boomtank 8:53 pm -Yes! Pings back excitement- opatoes 8:53 pm ... Oooh, this is cool. chronosmith 8:53 pm ((Joe Alien: my alias for committing crimes in roswell new mexico)) NoodlesAtNight 8:53 pm *Good. He will absolutely be sharing things throughout the movie.*
[[She knows her job well.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:53 pm ((lmao cy I love you)) verdigrisprowl 8:54 pm *glances back at Soundwave* Just trying to figure it out. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:54 pm It's a shame the other humans won't let her /do/ her job. Impactbabyrobo 8:54 pm ((omg)) Mmmhmm! Boomtank 8:54 pm She does. She's knows what she's doing and that's why the military took her there chronosmith 8:55 pm So like, following that line hypothetically... you get your numbers. You exchange math. You can write out "two," and put two of an object down, right? Then they already know the number, and they can figure out what the second part is by looking at the objects. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:55 pm ((mhm, I'm not liking the fact that the symbol for human looks like a planet getting hit by something)) Boomtank 8:55 pm Oh! Write 'human' again and pass it around ....not that opatoes 8:55 pm w. whoa NoodlesAtNight 8:55 pm [[...No. No, he sees what she is doing.]] SCProwl 8:55 pm *trying to analyze the writing herself* Boomtank 8:55 pm Okay, she's...got a point, but yikes verdigrisprowl 8:56 pm Now they might think the word on her board means "naked." SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:56 pm Rebreathers, human. Impactbabyrobo 8:56 pm Hee! SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:56 pm You cannot learn or teach if you are /dead/. NoodlesAtNight 8:56 pm [[If they understand clothes. They do not seem to have any.]] Boomtank 8:56 pm Okay, she's trying, but...no NoodlesAtNight 8:56 pm *Ohhh. What a beautiful appendage.* verdigrisprowl 8:57 pm ((don't tap the aquarium)) chronosmith 8:57 pm Neat. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:57 pm This is not exactly how I would go about things, myself. But I dislike dying. Without her charge... She may not dislike it so much... Boomtank 8:57 pm Oh! NoodlesAtNight 8:58 pm [[Good. This will help.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:58 pm It's a different symbol. ((I love how you can hear the resignation in his voice with this one. just. "sir, the scientists are being fools.")) verdigrisprowl 8:58 pm (("the nerds are fucking around again")) Boomtank 8:58 pm ((yup Boomtank 8:59 pm ((like 'here we go, they're being stupid' chronosmith 8:59 pm So, their n--yeah! verdigrisprowl 8:59 pm Pfff! SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:59 pm Names indicate personhood, which means they can presumably understand a collective and personal "you," which means she's done her job. NoodlesAtNight 8:59 pm [[Look how they move...]] verdigrisprowl 8:59 pm what's alien circle speak for "who's on first?" chronosmith 8:59 pm *snickers* NoodlesAtNight 8:59 pm [[He will tell you as soon as he has the necessary data.]] Impactbabyrobo 9:00 pm *obnoxiously loud HA!* Boomtank 9:00 pm -miiight be bouncing a bit- verdigrisprowl 9:00 pm They could still be wrong about the names. SCProwl 9:00 pm If this provides us with enough data for that. chronosmith 9:00 pm See, prowl, another reason to teach them numbers first--they can get that 7 x 13 = 28 bit. verdigrisprowl 9:00 pm Maybe they thought the humans were labeling their genders and presented their own. Hff. Fair point. SCProwl 9:00 pm If they have a concept of gender. verdigrisprowl 9:00 pm A big if. verdigrisprowl 9:01 pm An alarming number of organic species do, though. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:01 pm Gender starts as needing to know what bits go together to produce babies. NoodlesAtNight 9:02 pm [[The more humans they present with names the better. They could form groups according to what they consider their genders later.]] verdigrisprowl 9:02 pm ... That can't be right. There are Cybertrons and colonies with genders. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:02 pm Oh. I don't know, then. Boomtank 9:02 pm The more humans they present should look similar, so they don't get too confused NoodlesAtNight 9:02 pm [[...Oh! Humans can create identical twin spawn. Bring a pair of them. Have them introduce their names.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 9:02 pm *elsewhere, swoop is off being such a boy, all the boy, a terrible boy* Boomtank 9:03 pm Because Prowl has a point, it is entirely possible they thought they were introducing gender verdigrisprowl 9:03 pm Or anything else. verdigrisprowl 9:04 pm I use that as an example because organics seem fixated on that. Boomtank 9:04 pm And that is a good idea, identical twins SCProwl 9:04 pm Job. Caste. Skin pigment. NoodlesAtNight 9:04 pm *Pleased hum.* Boomtank 9:04 pm Still, it's correct, they don't know if it's names or what verdigrisprowl 9:05 pm *oh! translations!* chronosmith 9:05 pm *tilts his head. He's honestly interested* Boomtank 9:05 pm OH! -yup, excitement here- NoodlesAtNight 9:05 pm *Oh, his spark. His fans are on and spinning wlidly now. Gotta find out how they got all those.* Impactbabyrobo 9:05 pm Oooooooh SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:05 pm *the dragon is also extremely interested* SCProwl 9:05 pm *memorizes all of those logograms that just appeared* Boomtank 9:06 pm -the curiosity is going to /kill/ him at this rate- NoodlesAtNight 9:06 pm *They shall die together.* Boomtank 9:07 pm -hopefully that isn't the case- verdigrisprowl 9:08 pm I THINK he's trying to apologize for being a jerk. He's not doing very well at it. NoodlesAtNight 9:08 pm [[At least he is trying.]] Boomtank 9:08 pm ............ verdigrisprowl 9:08 pm That's true. ... What's there to protest? The aliens haven't DONE anything. NoodlesAtNight 9:08 pm [[Nothing. They're afraid.]] Boomtank 9:08 pm What....are...are they...ugh Impactbabyrobo 9:08 pm UGH SCProwl 9:09 pm *frowns* opatoes 9:09 pm Uuuugh humans NoodlesAtNight 9:09 pm [[That is /not/ the smartest thing.]] Boomtank 9:09 pm Nooooo, that's a BAD idea Impactbabyrobo 9:09 pm bluuuh SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:09 pm ((whirlmun, the local hyena is not sleeping when she's supposed to be, go swat her on the nose for me)) Boomtank 9:09 pm So far they have done nothing but sit there, don't aggravate them NoodlesAtNight 9:09 pm [[Their species is so advanced you know nothing about how they communicate between ships, or even what the ships are made of, and you think your puny human military can impress them?]] opatoes 9:09 pm Look, they were able to travel from who knows where here. They probably are better equipped and- yeah. chronosmith 9:09 pm Honestly, yeah. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:10 pm Showing your claws is not helpful when the other dragon has bigger ones. chronosmith 9:10 pm I'm a big fan of bigging yourself up, but if you OBVIOUSLY can't back it up, then it's just sad. Boomtank 9:10 pm Don't even know WHY they're there, it could only be to sightsee NoodlesAtNight 9:10 pm //Seriously. Even I know that.// chronosmith 9:10 pm ((and specs I surely will)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:11 pm ((thank u)) NoodlesAtNight 9:11 pm *Snagging everything he can off background shots? Yes.* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:11 pm She's very unconvincing. Boomtank 9:11 pm -good, he may have missed some- chronosmith 9:11 pm ((ALSO, I can still barely see them, but all evidence suggests that these are the kind of aliens I'd 1000% want to smooch on)) Impactbabyrobo 9:11 pm *pokes where her own nose would be if she had one* SCProwl 9:12 pm *not alone in that, Prowl's already trying to analyze the symbols against what's already been shown on screen* Impactbabyrobo 9:12 pm ((get it)) verdigrisprowl 9:12 pm *... pings soundwave* NoodlesAtNight 9:12 pm *Glance?* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:12 pm ((absolutely the smoochable aliens)) verdigrisprowl 9:12 pm *he's started doing what she's doing on the screen: counting and marking all the points and lines and such.* NoodlesAtNight 9:13 pm *!!!!* [[....Er.]] Impactbabyrobo 9:13 pm 😮??? chronosmith 9:13 pm ((time 2 kiss)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:13 pm *what the* chronosmith 9:13 pm Huh. Boomtank 9:13 pm ....um. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:13 pm ((TIME TO KISS)) opatoes 9:13 pm ... I will say those aliens do sound nice NoodlesAtNight 9:13 pm [[....She might need a small break.]] verdigrisprowl 9:13 pm *smooch the heptaknuckle* chronosmith 9:13 pm ((HAHA SPECS)) Boomtank 9:13 pm That....was..... SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:13 pm ((kissu! kissu! kissu!)) verdigrisprowl 9:13 pm ((THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE PARENTHESES)) ((i'm leaving it idc)) opatoes 9:13 pm ((PROWL SMOOCHES THEM NoodlesAtNight 9:13 pm *Honestly, he's almost tempted, Prowl.* verdigrisprowl 9:14 pm ((thanks for covering for me cro ur a hero)) chronosmith 9:14 pm I... hmm. *peers, rubbing the underside of his helm with a claw-tip* Wonder if that's evidence of... telepathy? Like they're trying to talk to her telepathically? NoodlesAtNight 9:14 pm (( *thumbs up* )) chronosmith 9:14 pm ((who can blame prowl? No-one)) NoodlesAtNight 9:14 pm *He pings so many requests for the data Prowl has. ... And, on a whim, his timeline's Prowl as well. Just in case.* *He's offering trades.* verdigrisprowl 9:14 pm Humans typically have nonsense dreams that are made up of a mix of their current experiences. It's likely no more than that. NoodlesAtNight 9:15 pm *Softly.* [[He hopes they are telepathic.]] chronosmith 9:15 pm Yeah, but she could be having experiences she doesn't even realize she's having. Because she's not telepathic. Impactbabyrobo 9:15 pm But dreams almost always mean something in movies! SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:15 pm It may be telepathy. I don't know how it works, but I've heard that it can damage the organic brain. chronosmith 9:15 pm Like a one-way radio. She's receiving messages, but can't send them back. Hey, prowl, look. She's on your level. verdigrisprowl 9:15 pm Hah. NoodlesAtNight 9:15 pm *Horrified moment. They wouldn't be so foolish. Would they?* Boomtank 9:16 pm .......... verdigrisprowl 9:16 pm *hopes for Soundwave that they're telepathic.* Impactbabyrobo 9:16 pm She's writing! NoodlesAtNight 9:16 pm *Didn't they see their own movie about the wargame computer?* Boomtank 9:16 pm Oh no... Impactbabyrobo 9:16 pm So cooooool! SCProwl 9:16 pm *hesitates momentarily before accepting, has been analyzing the logograms compared to other written languages she knows for any possible correlation. nothing found yet, there's only so much information to be gleaned* Boomtank 9:17 pm ..... NoodlesAtNight 9:17 pm *Don't mind Soundwave. He's just gonna slam his timeline's Prowl with everything he and Blaster have already got and seize what she's analyzed.* chronosmith 9:17 pm They're salesmen. NoodlesAtNight 9:17 pm *Spread that back to Blaster.* [[The worst kind of visitor.]] chronosmith 9:17 pm They're intergalactic door-to-door salesmen. SCProwl 9:17 pm *grateful ping* NoodlesAtNight 9:18 pm [[Do /not/ make assumptions with information that delicate!]] verdigrisprowl 9:18 pm A pack of Swindles. Impactbabyrobo 9:18 pm *giggles* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:18 pm It's more complicated than that because politics are problematic. Boomtank 9:19 pm -Awesome, he's going to throw it back into what he's working with to see what he can come up with- SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:19 pm The soldier just broke in, didn't he. opatoes 9:19 pm It'd be really funny if they were just offering them like... a hard egg boiler or something NoodlesAtNight 9:19 pm *Ping ping ping ping date Prowl too. Updated information. What have you got now?* chronosmith 9:19 pm *the Whirlipede has at last satisfied itself that the underside of everyone's chair is up to inspection standards. It halts by the sofa, bouncing and spinning until it gets enough propulsion to launch itself up, roll over to Whirl's side, and settle down* NoodlesAtNight 9:20 pm [[Damned fools. Do not separate. Find out who taught which ones the word 'weapon' and how. See where the similarities pop up.]] Boomtank 9:20 pm Oh that's not good.... verdigrisprowl 9:20 pm *just that one new symbol.* Impactbabyrobo 9:20 pm 😧 NoodlesAtNight 9:21 pm [[....]] *Suspicious.* verdigrisprowl 9:21 pm *all helpfully marked up, but there's no interpretation of it.* opatoes 9:21 pm Oh. Oh no NoodlesAtNight 9:21 pm [[Oh no.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:21 pm IS HE. Impactbabyrobo 9:21 pm Is that a BOMB?! Boomtank 9:21 pm Unless...WHAT NoodlesAtNight 9:21 pm *Marked up is what he wants. It saves him time.* Boomtank 9:21 pm WHAT NO SCProwl 9:21 pm Idiots. opatoes 9:21 pm ... Man, they'll let them die in there won't they chronosmith 9:21 pm Yeah, that;s incredibly dumb. Boomtank 9:21 pm What are they doing, that's so stupid! NoodlesAtNight 9:22 pm [[They don't know.]] [[They don't know...]] chronosmith 9:22 pm I mean, I'm not a linguist, or a diplomat, or a politician, or a commander, or anything even remotely similar, but even I get that. Boomtank 9:22 pm No, the ones who put the bomb there! Impactbabyrobo 9:22 pm *Very anxious tinsel fiddling* Boomtank 9:22 pm -so worried now- SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:23 pm Question mark? NoodlesAtNight 9:23 pm [[Mimic him.]] Boomtank 9:23 pm -internal screaming- NoodlesAtNight 9:23 pm [[He indicates the barrier. Mark it back.]] Impactbabyrobo 9:23 pm Are they trying to warn about the bomb? opatoes 9:23 pm ........... oh primus chronosmith 9:23 pm Yeah, could be. opatoes 9:23 pm I think they are Boomtank 9:24 pm -sorry Soundwave- chronosmith 9:24 pm It's probable that the bomb won't hurt them. verdigrisprowl 9:24 pm Do they know about the bomb? chronosmith 9:24 pm Dunno. (( 👀 )) Impactbabyrobo 9:25 pm THAT'S SO COOL NoodlesAtNight 9:25 pm *Leeeeeeeeeeean* opatoes 9:25 pm OOH SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:25 pm That seemed like telepathy. NoodlesAtNight 9:25 pm [[It does know.]] chronosmith 9:25 pm Neat! NoodlesAtNight 9:25 pm [[What she's thinking.]] opatoes 9:25 pm Costello just RUNS verdigrisprowl 9:25 pm ... There's no way she could control that ink to produce the adequate symbols UNLESS she's utilizing... maybe not telepathy. Telekinesis? NoodlesAtNight 9:25 pm *COPY COPY COPY* NoodlesAtNight 9:26 pm [[Run, humans. Throw the bomb out.]] Swervester 9:26 pm Maybe the alien controlled the ink and just wanted her to make the shapes so she'd understand them? chronosmith 9:26 pm Saved her, then. opatoes 9:26 pm ... they protected them NoodlesAtNight 9:26 pm *Bows his head.* Boomtank 9:26 pm Oh... SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:26 pm Oh. Oh no. Impactbabyrobo 9:26 pm *wounded noise* Boomtank 9:27 pm -low whine- No.... verdigrisprowl 9:27 pm Is Abbott okay? NoodlesAtNight 9:27 pm *Trying to distract himself* [[The - the ink itself could be reactive.]] verdigrisprowl 9:27 pm Yes, but it has to react to something. ... Given. verdigrisprowl 9:28 pm What they were "given." NoodlesAtNight 9:28 pm *Slow turn* [[Hm?]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:28 pm Ah, they are leaving. opatoes 9:28 pm .... Noooo don't leave Boomtank 9:28 pm Can't blame them Impactbabyrobo 9:28 pm 😧 opatoes 9:28 pm 😔 Boomtank 9:28 pm If they are Impactbabyrobo 9:28 pm Noooooo SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:28 pm Gave technology, now they leave. verdigrisprowl 9:28 pm "Give weapon." Weapon-technology-humanity-whatever-else-they-said. Boomtank 9:29 pm BECAUSE YOU ATTACKED THEM verdigrisprowl 9:29 pm They gave. That. NoodlesAtNight 9:29 pm *Diving hard into the symbols. There's so many. So very many. Prowl - Prowls? - help him and Blaster mark. Please.* verdigrisprowl 9:30 pm Maybe that's it, maybe it's—it's a diplomacy mission? They're giving communication? Impactbabyrobo 9:30 pm What're you gonna DO if they don't leave?! They can just float away! SCProwl 9:30 pm ((gd rabbit stop skipping i literally can't follow anything verdigrisprowl 9:30 pm *oh! Yeah, sure, marks up the gibberish.* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:30 pm I'm surprised that they believe they /can/ destroy the aliens. Human hubris at its finest. Impactbabyrobo 9:30 pm Maybe they were giving words? verdigrisprowl 9:30 pm That's what I'm saying. NoodlesAtNight 9:30 pm [[A dictionary?]] Boomtank 9:30 pm -and yes, he's trying to mark this out- Boomtank 9:31 pm -so many of them- NoodlesAtNight 9:31 pm *Primus, they're not going to work out all of those before the movie is over. They won't even work out a fraction. How do you understand something without references? What about things only seen on an alien planet?* chronosmith 9:31 pm Mmm... mutual... ism? SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:31 pm That was not the right move, docent. chronosmith 9:31 pm Is that what she's looking for? SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:31 pm Mutualism sounds right to me, too. verdigrisprowl 9:31 pm Symbiosis? NoodlesAtNight 9:32 pm *Does he have something? What does he have? How do they know where to start?* SCProwl 9:32 pm Gaps in the writing. Ah! Boomtank 9:33 pm AH NoodlesAtNight 9:33 pm [[That's - it's -]] *Leaning back.* [[How - how clever...]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:33 pm What a turnskin. Eaten scourge human politics. Boomtank 9:34 pm ...... Impactbabyrobo 9:34 pm o_o NoodlesAtNight 9:34 pm [[Til all are one.]] *Harsh huff* verdigrisprowl 9:34 pm "Many become one," that's— *looks at Soundwave* Yes. That. chronosmith 9:34 pm Pfft. NoodlesAtNight 9:34 pm *Adoring ping.* [[Do not tell any Rodimuses.]] Boomtank 9:35 pm -soft snort- That phrase is used a lot. Even if in different words. NoodlesAtNight 9:35 pm [[Perhaps there is something to it.]] Impactbabyrobo 9:35 pm She's gonna do something! Swervester 9:36 pm //cAT PLESE CEASE SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:36 pm The question is, why is the Halpern Turnskin such an Eaten-Scourged nuisance. chronosmith 9:36 pm *idly shifts his arm so that he can extrude his fine manipulators, and absent-mindedly scritch at the Whirlipede's shell* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:36 pm ((lol, my cat is sitting on my arm farting)) NoodlesAtNight 9:36 pm [[Because he is government-driven military.]] ((bad cat!)) Swervester 9:36 pm //she decided it was time to walk on the keys and smash against my face] chronosmith 9:36 pm ((INTO THE SPACE ELEVATOR)) Boomtank 9:36 pm ....... Impactbabyrobo 9:36 pm Elevator elevator go back up! SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:37 pm ((honestly. I'm glad. because the dumb idiot ate cooked chicken bones out of the trash. so I'm happy she wants to hang out with me and not hide somewhere.)) NoodlesAtNight 9:37 pm ((😧 i hope she's ok)) Impactbabyrobo 9:37 pm Is she breathing? SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:37 pm ((she seems fine! but she is a dumb idiot. and I love her.)) NoodlesAtNight 9:37 pm *...What is she floating in? What is that?* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:37 pm I can't believe she is breathing. Boomtank 9:37 pm She's past the barrier... SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:38 pm ...That looks like it would feel awful on the paws or absolutely delightful, with no inbetween. verdigrisprowl 9:38 pm ... I like their flooring. Boomtank 9:38 pm That...may not be a good thing... I mean she's breathing, but... verdigrisprowl 9:38 pm It would be impossible to keep clean, though. Dirt would get down into the pits and crevasses so easily. NoodlesAtNight 9:38 pm [[..........They're... they're much larger than he....]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:38 pm But that doesn't necessarily mean she's getting air from her breathing. verdigrisprowl 9:39 pm ((now kiss)) chronosmith 9:39 pm ((smooch for peace)) Boomtank 9:39 pm Oh opatoes 9:39 pm ... he sounds like a trumpet Boomtank 9:39 pm Big opatoes 9:39 pm or a trombone Impactbabyrobo 9:39 pm So tall! SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:39 pm *goddess, they are tremendous.* ((KISSU FOR PEACE)) chronosmith 9:39 pm She was looking at his toes the whole time. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:39 pm OH NO verdigrisprowl 9:39 pm Oh no. opatoes 9:39 pm oh. oh no chronosmith 9:39 pm (( ; ______ ; )) NoodlesAtNight 9:39 pm [[Oh... the poor Abbott creature.]] Boomtank 9:39 pm .... Impactbabyrobo 9:40 pm 3😢 verdigrisprowl 9:40 pm He died saving them. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:40 pm Poor, poor abbot. ...He wants her to broadcast the symbols. Impactbabyrobo 9:40 pm They almost look soft NoodlesAtNight 9:41 pm [[How do they know that?]] verdigrisprowl 9:41 pm ... They're clairvoyant? SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:41 pm Force their hands. Bureaucracy is bogging down the process. If she broadcasts, she forces the other humans to acknowledge. verdigrisprowl 9:41 pm *sits back* NoodlesAtNight 9:42 pm [[Wh - "who is this child"? Why would she ask about her own sp--]] verdigrisprowl 9:42 pm That isn't her—? Impactbabyrobo 9:42 pm *LOUD GASP* NoodlesAtNight 9:42 pm *....Oh, Primus.* verdigrisprowl 9:42 pm She hasn't had the child?! opatoes 9:42 pm W. Whoa. Impactbabyrobo 9:42 pm FUTURE BABY! Boomtank 9:42 pm What chronosmith 9:42 pm Oh. That's the weapon? ...there we go. Boomtank 9:42 pm WHAT SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:42 pm Oh, goddess. Costello, I know you must be furious about Abbott, but how could you hurt her in this way? chronosmith 9:42 pm Or maybe she can travel through time? Swervester 9:42 pm [tilts head] Are they translating weapon right? verdigrisprowl 9:42 pm What's he done to hurt her? Impactbabyrobo 9:43 pm Why is the bean going sideways? Swervester 9:43 pm Does 'weapon' mean the same thing to them that it does to a human? SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:43 pm She lost her spawn, and he's showing her the potential for another one. verdigrisprowl 9:43 pm No. There's only one spawn. There's only ever been one spawn. It's in the future. She does not have a spawn. Yet. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:43 pm ...Now my head hurts. NoodlesAtNight 9:43 pm [[If she's seeing the future, then it means the same thing. Knowledge of what is to come is a weapon. Perhaps the greatest.]] Swervester 9:43 pm Those weren't flash backs. They were flash forwards? NoodlesAtNight 9:43 pm *It's why he is so protective of his multiverse map.* chronosmith 9:44 pm ((Costello knows this cos they're gonna come back to take her to dinner)) ((and then shack up)) ((and then they're gonna make that baby together)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:44 pm ((costello is bae)) chronosmith 9:44 pm ((costello... you ARE the father.)) verdigrisprowl 9:44 pm ((she didn't die, she molted into a baby heptapod.)) ((a little costellita)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:44 pm ((exactly!)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:45 pm ((blorp)) NoodlesAtNight 9:45 pm *....he sees.* Boomtank 9:45 pm The multiverse is crazy and timeline wandering only makes it worse verdigrisprowl 9:45 pm ... She knows before the child's born that she's going to die. NoodlesAtNight 9:45 pm [[Yes.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:45 pm That's horrible. Impactbabyrobo 9:45 pm That's sad opatoes 9:45 pm ... Primus. That's really terrible Swervester 9:45 pm Buit what choice did she make that was wrong? Impactbabyrobo 9:46 pm 3:c NoodlesAtNight 9:46 pm [[You'll see.]] verdigrisprowl 9:46 pm But decided she's worth having anyway. Or else decided it was inevitability. Impactbabyrobo 9:46 pm ALL THE BEANS ARE SIDEWAYS SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:46 pm She seems to be a good child. Boomtank 9:46 pm Landing? opatoes 9:46 pm anish kapoor mode verdigrisprowl 9:46 pm They've given the gift. Leaving, probably. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:46 pm And time is complicated. It might be worthwhile to try, anyways. Impactbabyrobo 9:46 pm HIGH FIVE ME SMOKESCREEN! opatoes 9:46 pm /High fives Impact!/ Impactbabyrobo 9:47 pm Nice! NoodlesAtNight 9:47 pm [[Do what must be done.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:48 pm Ouch. My brain is hurting in sympathy for her. Impactbabyrobo 9:48 pm That must feel so weird! SCProwl 9:48 pm *frustrated noise* There's not enough to build a full language from the logograms we've been shown. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:48 pm *the dragon shakes her head* Like trying to move both eyes separately. chronosmith 9:48 pm *deja vu* *it's not necessarily the same thing but he had about a year's worth of experience with having foreign memories shoved into his head* NoodlesAtNight 9:48 pm [[They are like the wormhole aliens, then.]] verdigrisprowl 9:49 pm There's eleven more sets. She sees them later in her life. She can remember her future when she's fluent in it. Impactbabyrobo 9:49 pm Wormhole aliens ? opatoes 9:49 pm Whoa. They get a universal flag with the human symbol too? SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:49 pm Honestly, I'm surprised that she doesn't just start vomiting on the spot. Humans purge when their brains hurt, right? NoodlesAtNight 9:49 pm [[Yes. A set near Bajor who will name the Sisko as their assistant. Never mind that for now.]] chronosmith 9:49 pm ((camera pans around. It's Costello in a suit)) SCProwl 9:50 pm I mean there's not enough for us. NoodlesAtNight 9:50 pm *Wants the other 11 sets. Give them to him.* verdigrisprowl 9:50 pm ((very stylish)) opatoes 9:50 pm : O Boomtank 9:50 pm -Same, Soundwave. Same- SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:50 pm ...He knows, too. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:51 pm At least a little. chronosmith 9:51 pm Clever. Impactbabyrobo 9:51 pm Ooooooooh That's so weird and confusing but so cool! Boomtank 9:51 pm !!!! verdigrisprowl 9:51 pm Her future self doesn't remember that her past self made the phone call. chronosmith 9:51 pm *this is... all feeling incredibly familiar in a way he honestly did not expect* Impactbabyrobo 9:51 pm Because her past self hasn't made the phone call yet verdigrisprowl 9:51 pm That moment, in the future, is the "first" time she learns about it. Impactbabyrobo 9:51 pm ? SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:51 pm That was her "self," now she's at a different time. Swervester 9:51 pm Is it a paraox or split universe? SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:51 pm Er. chronosmith 9:51 pm *it's not upsetting, though. Just odd* Boomtank 9:52 pm Because until it happened in the future she didn't know his number SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:52 pm That made very little sense. Impactbabyrobo 9:52 pm HAHA verdigrisprowl 9:52 pm She can't access all of time at once. opatoes 9:52 pm pfppfpff SCProwl 9:52 pm She's living both events simultaneously. NoodlesAtNight 9:52 pm [[Neither. It is non-linear time.]] verdigrisprowl 9:52 pm She's still experiencing her life only one event at a time, the chronology is just out of normal order. NoodlesAtNight 9:52 pm *At Swerve, that is.* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:52 pm Yes. That. chronosmith 9:52 pm She's experience other points on the timeline. Technically an alternate timeline telling her what she COULD know, since she has to create that timeline herself, with her actions in the present. Swervester 9:52 pm Oh, I see. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:52 pm Goddess, this is making me feel ill just trying to wrap my mind around it. opatoes 9:52 pm w. what NoodlesAtNight 9:53 pm [[It is a complicated subject. He does not blame you.]] Swervester 9:53 pm Translation? verdigrisprowl 9:53 pm She's not living both events simultaneously, she's—bouncing back and forth between two events. SCProwl 9:53 pm That would certainly get someone's attention. opatoes 9:53 pm w. what are the words Impactbabyrobo 9:53 pm Translate! Translate! chronosmith 9:53 pm Yeah. Instead of like, traveling down a road, she's kind of flying over the road. Touching down here and there. NoodlesAtNight 9:53 pm *Thinking.* verdigrisprowl 9:54 pm She's teleporting back and forth between two points on the road. NoodlesAtNight 9:54 pm [[In war there are no - mmm, what is. There are no winners, only - widows.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:54 pm *the dragon shakes her head, nauseously* I am not designed for this. verdigrisprowl 9:54 pm And never traveling over the same span of road twice. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:54 pm But I was right. Costello /did/ intend for her to force their hands. chronosmith 9:55 pm They knew everything that was going to happen. Impactbabyrobo 9:55 pm *quietly* whooshh Boomtank 9:55 pm To get them to work together chronosmith 9:55 pm But they still had to make those events come to pass. Swervester 9:55 pm So they knew Abbot would die in this mission opatoes 9:55 pm ... So they might've known that the bomb was going to be there before they even met SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:55 pm ...Abbot knew, surely. And chose to do this anyways. Boomtank 9:55 pm So they could help THEM in the future SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:55 pm That's very brave. Impactbabyrobo 9:55 pm So brave! chronosmith 9:55 pm It's like... time as. *thinks* Like a pair of pants. verdigrisprowl 9:55 pm It's highly probable. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:55 pm A pair of pants? SCProwl 9:55 pm A what? chronosmith 9:56 pm You're traveling up from the hems. You see what's going on in the other leg. And every time you do that, you get closer to the belt. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:56 pm ...Okay, that makes more sense. chronosmith 9:56 pm But you still gotta do those things to get to the point where the pants come together. verdigrisprowl 9:56 pm ... What's a hem? chronosmith 9:56 pm The top of the pants. Impactbabyrobo 9:56 pm It's at the bottom of pants too! SCProwl 9:56 pm What's a belt? chronosmith 9:56 pm Wait, no, the bottom. ....both. Boomtank 9:56 pm ....huh? chronosmith 9:56 pm One second. SCProwl 9:56 pm In this context. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:56 pm Hems are the borders where the fabric is sewn together. Like on the edges of blankets. Swervester 9:56 pm Hmm verdigrisprowl 9:57 pm ... What are the edges of blankets sewn to? NoodlesAtNight 9:57 pm [[Themselves.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:57 pm Each other. verdigrisprowl 9:57 pm *now owns three blankets. didn't think they were sewn to anything.* chronosmith 9:57 pm *he's going to widespread ping the room*
SCProwl 9:57 pm ...what? chronosmith 9:57 pm These are pants. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:57 pm Ah, Soundwave beat me to it. *soundy is so smart* SCProwl 9:57 pm *doesn't own blankets or pants* chronosmith 9:57 pm You start at one leg opening, and work your way towards the crotch. Boomtank 9:57 pm -oh. Pants. Makes...kinda more sense- SCProwl 9:58 pm Pants are legs? chronosmith 9:58 pm Nah, you put them on legs. verdigrisprowl 9:58 pm *?? ? ???* chronosmith 9:58 pm But these are metaphorical pants. These are the pants of time. Impactbabyrobo 9:58 pm They're clothes! SCProwl 9:58 pm This is a bad analogy for a species that doesn't put things on their legs besides paint. chronosmith 9:59 pm Too bad. I'm a soldier, not a Time Professor. verdigrisprowl 10:00 pm *he's progressively becoming more baffled by pants anatomy* SCProwl 10:00 pm Yes and I'm a Cybertronian, not a human. NoodlesAtNight 10:00 pm [[There. That's the choice she makes. The one he can't handle... because she told him what will happen to their offspring long after she agreed.]] opatoes 10:00 pm So, how many holes do pants have, anyway? NoodlesAtNight 10:00 pm [[That is why he no longer looks at their creation the same way.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 10:00 pm It would be a hard thing to know. opatoes 10:00 pm Like- what would you call the opening and ending for a hole? SpecsTheSpectralDragon 10:00 pm I don't know how she can handle it, truly. Impactbabyrobo 10:01 pm Maybe seeing stuff non-linearly makes you have a sense of weird peace? Iunno. chronosmith 10:01 pm ((that was EXCELLENT)) Impactbabyrobo 10:01 pm ((I'M CRYING)) NoodlesAtNight 10:01 pm ((RIGHT? also, mark time: 10:21)) opatoes 10:01 pm ((that was good 😮!!! Swervester 10:01 pm Maybe she decided that even a short time with her is better than no time? Boomtank 10:01 pm ((IT WAS AWESOME Impactbabyrobo 10:01 pm Uh-huh! That sounds like it opatoes 10:01 pm ... The second arrival? Boomtank 10:01 pm That was fun Impactbabyrobo 10:02 pm There was sad but it was also really fun! chronosmith 10:02 pm Well, I know what I'm trying to say. And that's what counts. *looks to his Whirlipede for confirmation* Right?
Whirlipede: Whirl.
See? It agrees with me. Impactbabyrobo 10:02 pm HOW IT'S MAAAAAAADE! MedicalMurdersaurus 10:02 pm ((Do you think that, by the time the aliens come back in 3,000 years for human help, the whole "how time-language was created" story will have become some sort of "aliens built the pyramids" myth?)) SCProwl 10:02 pm ... SpecsTheSpectralDragon 10:02 pm Whirlbug always agrees with you, though. chronosmith 10:02 pm .... *snickers* Yeah, because it knows what's up. Arcee-Autobot 10:02 pm *covering face while laughing* opatoes 10:02 pm OH OH SOUNDWAVE i have a video i feel like you might like Impactbabyrobo 10:03 pm THAT IS TOO MANY PIECES NoodlesAtNight 10:03 pm ((omg swoop mun)) MedicalMurdersaurus 10:04 pm ((I mean it's not like people can time jump back to lives prior to their own. They would have to rely on written records of other people's lives. MAYBE there'd still be video but the way video format evolves, it's probably going to look like absolute crap if it still exists at all. I can hear people arguing about how it's dumb to think we needed ALIENS to come up with our PRIMARY LANGUAGE that is a total reflection of how we interact with the world.)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 10:05 pm *the dragon carefully un-loafs, absolutely unwilling to inconvenience or bother Chimera in any way* I should return home. Thank you for having me, Soundwave, and thank you for hugging me, Chimera. verdigrisprowl 10:05 pm ((the aliens knew what was going to happen 3000 years in the future, it stands to reason they'd be equally knowledgable about 3000 years in the past?)) Impactbabyrobo 10:05 pm ((XD)) NoodlesAtNight 10:05 pm [[Thank you for attending, and keeping Chimera company.]] Swervester 10:05 pm //ilygioyvuyv when you accidentally reeply to a post on swerve instead of sparky so now it looks Really Awkward verdigrisprowl 10:05 pm *Whirl asked him earlier to help with translating the tire. Now that the movie's over, he relinquishes Soundwave's heads over that direction.* Hi. MedicalMurdersaurus 10:05 pm ((I assumed that was because the aliens lived that long. Cause no one is seeing someone else's life. Just their own chunk of the timeline.)) opatoes 10:05 pm ((sparkle,,, Swervester 10:06 pm //retgt i forgot what tab i was in lmao opatoes 10:06 pm ... So that's how you wear jeans? Impactbabyrobo 10:06 pm Why would you scrape up your pants already ? opatoes 10:06 pm de-puff the pants NoodlesAtNight 10:06 pm *Soundwave lets Prowl go. He's busy working on what portion of the language they were presented.* opatoes 10:06 pm de-leg the pants Impactbabyrobo 10:06 pm *imitates the pant de-puffing noise* SCProwl 10:07 pm Oh, they're not just flat. opatoes 10:07 pm I wanna be sanded Arcee-Autobot 10:07 pm Sand? Impactbabyrobo 10:07 pm Why? opatoes 10:07 pm I'll be extra smooth! Arcee-Autobot 10:07 pm Stone?! Why?! opatoes 10:07 pm oh those pants are getting stoned Impactbabyrobo 10:07 pm But it'll take your paint off! opatoes 10:07 pm ... Wait, frag, that's a problem Impactbabyrobo 10:08 pm They just wash it with rocks! *laughs* verdigrisprowl 10:08 pm ((well. i guess that's why it's called stone wash.)) Arcee-Autobot 10:08 pm *Arcee can't handle the joke made about stoned pants* chronosmith 10:08 pm *tilts his head as Prowl approaches* Sup. opatoes 10:09 pm ... With steve? Impactbabyrobo 10:09 pm PUFF THE PANTS opatoes 10:09 pm I think I misheard Impactbabyrobo 10:09 pm steam! opatoes 10:09 pm OH I thought steve was just wearing them for them or something verdigrisprowl 10:09 pm Did you want me to...? *gestures at the tire.* Swervester 10:10 pm These puns are bad. Impactbabyrobo 10:10 pm PUNS NOT GOOD ENOUGH chronosmith 10:10 pm Yeah. If you've got time. I'm guessing this isn't the best... setting or whatever. I can fly into the city, if you've got time. God knows I do. Arcee-Autobot 10:10 pm These drawings are just beautiful opatoes 10:10 pm Aren't a lot of modern mirrors aluminum, though? SCProwl 10:11 pm I'm going to go now. Thank you, Soundwave. Swervester 10:11 pm Yes Impactbabyrobo 10:11 pm Maybe they mean silver like the color? NoodlesAtNight 10:11 pm [[You are welcome, Prowl.]] SCProwl 10:11 pm *ends the visual feed and stands up* NoodlesAtNight 10:11 pm [[And aren't they, Arcee? All one line.]] opatoes 10:11 pm Aluminum isn't as tasty as silver, so it's probably good they use that instead. Impactbabyrobo 10:12 pm Munch crunch! opatoes 10:12 pm Gotta munch! NoodlesAtNight 10:12 pm *mmmm, silver* Impactbabyrobo 10:12 pm 3:9 opatoes 10:12 pm /Smokescreen's slowly turning himself around, and almost falls over as he gets up. Maybe sitting upside down for the entire movie WASN'T a good idea!/ Boomtank 10:12 pm -sounds like they're making a snack, not mirror- Swervester 10:13 pm .... What if I made... verdigrisprowl 10:13 pm ... Pocky Men can understand each other, right? I can understand my own Magnemite. It could help speed up the translation process? NoodlesAtNight 10:13 pm ((POCKY MEN)) Impactbabyrobo 10:13 pm ((OMG)) chronosmith 10:13 pm ((thank god)) verdigrisprowl 10:13 pm ((he says this with all of the confidence of a suburban mom in 1996 talking about the newest fad her third grader is into.)) chronosmith 10:13 pm I think? Impactbabyrobo 10:14 pm ((beautiful)) opatoes 10:14 pm ... Oh, that was the mirror. I thought that was just two similar looking humans chronosmith 10:14 pm You';d know better than I would. It's just been me, this fella, and Killer out there so far. If there are any other Pocky Men, I haven't seen 'em. Impactbabyrobo 10:14 pm BEVEL verdigrisprowl 10:14 pm I've seen a swarm of Magnemite, but I've been reading up a bit on others. NoodlesAtNight 10:15 pm [[He'll have to show her this.]] opatoes 10:15 pm /Smokescreen's slowly, slowly getting up again, using the couch as a support./ Hey, Soundwave, I'm probably gonna head home for the night. Thanks for having us! NoodlesAtNight 10:15 pm [[Ah, you're welcome. Do not forget the book soon.]] verdigrisprowl 10:15 pm *oh, he should probably greet the tire itself, should he?* Hello. I'm Prowl. opatoes 10:15 pm Hey, I almost always keep it on me. It's hard to forget! NoodlesAtNight 10:16 pm [[He meant reading it again.]] verdigrisprowl 10:16 pm ((this segment is)) ((marbleous)) Impactbabyrobo 10:16 pm ((XD)) NoodlesAtNight 10:16 pm *bricks*)) chronosmith 10:16 pm ((is he speaking neo cybex or is he using whatever manner he does to communicate with his own pokemon?)) verdigrisprowl 10:16 pm ((no, marbles)) ((neocybex, currently.)) chronosmith 10:17 pm Whirlipede: Whirl! *it wiggles away from Whirl's still-absentlly-petting manipulators, and then bounces once, spinning in the air. A proper, enthusiastic greeting* MedicalMurdersaurus 10:18 pm ((I CAN'T)) verdigrisprowl 10:18 pm Oh! Hi. ... I don't understand you. I apologize if you can understand me. MedicalMurdersaurus 10:18 pm ((he's FIDDLING with stuff on his ROD in a GLORY HOLE)) verdigrisprowl 10:18 pm But we'll work on that. Impactbabyrobo 10:18 pm ((i'm die)) MedicalMurdersaurus 10:18 pm ((there is no way this narrator doesn't know what he's doing)) chronosmith 10:18 pm ((right into the punty)) verdigrisprowl 10:19 pm ((i couldn't believe, "how did they get away with calling that a glory hole on TV")) chronosmith 10:19 pm Whirlipede" *solemnly* Whirl.
*for his part, Whirl is just watching this, equal parts interested and amused* verdigrisprowl 10:19 pm *nods, completely lost.* NoodlesAtNight 10:20 pm *Stops working on the heptapod language to watch Prowl at work.* verdigrisprowl 10:20 pm Is that your full species name? "Whirlipede"? Impactbabyrobo 10:20 pm *Leans on Chimera, if Chimera is okay with it* NoodlesAtNight 10:20 pm *Chimera absolutely is. They'll even coil up on Impact.* verdigrisprowl 10:20 pm *at this point, he's mainly trying to keep the tire talking, whatever it's saying—give him some vocabulary to build up and try to analyze.* chronosmith 10:20 pm Whirlipede: *performs another spinning bounce* WhirliPEDE. Impactbabyrobo 10:21 pm *delighted by this development* Swervester 10:21 pm //why does he say marble so weird it sound s like narrrwhal verdigrisprowl 10:21 pm ((marrrboll)) Swervester 10:21 pm //oh my god Impactbabyrobo 10:21 pm ((NIPPLE)) verdigrisprowl 10:21 pm ((nipple)) Arcee-Autobot 10:21 pm *Loud Snort from Arcee* verdigrisprowl 10:21 pm ((marble making is very horny)) Swervester 10:21 pm I'm naming a drink nipples on fire, it's official. NoodlesAtNight 10:22 pm //Fraggin' fantastic.// Impactbabyrobo 10:22 pm *giggles* Swervester 10:22 pm Who wants to drink it first NoodlesAtNight 10:22 pm //Dibs.// verdigrisprowl 10:22 pm *nods at the Whirlipede again.* ... Is the bouncing part of your language or is it just for fun? *glances at Swerve* What are you going to make it out of? Swervester 10:23 pm Not a clue! That's the fun part. Impactbabyrobo 10:23 pm *hugs Chimera before getting up* Bedtime for me! Swervester 10:23 pm Probably gonna be a fire color theme though Impactbabyrobo 10:23 pm Thanks for the movie, Soundwave! chronosmith 10:23 pm Make it so damn spicy that anyone drinking it immediately has to get their fuel tank pumped for their own safety, and I'm in. Swervester 10:23 pm I can make a Whirl Special version NoodlesAtNight 10:23 pm [[You're welcome, Impact.]] <<Goodbye, Orange Child. Chimera will miss you.>> chronosmith 10:24 pm *the Whirlipede bounces again. It's anyone's guess what that means, honestly* Arcee-Autobot 10:24 pm Movie was Great Soundwave 😃 NoodlesAtNight 10:24 pm [[He is glad you thought so, Arcee. Do come again.]] Impactbabyrobo 10:24 pm I'll miss you too! But I'll come visit again, so it won't be too bad! NoodlesAtNight 10:24 pm *Happy chirp!* verdigrisprowl 10:24 pm *nods at the Whirlipede along with its bounces. He's getting nothing out of this.* Impactbabyrobo 10:24 pm *blows kisses to the room at large* G'night everybody! chronosmith 10:25 pm Seeya, twerp. Arcee-Autobot 10:25 pm C'ya everyone NoodlesAtNight 10:25 pm [[...Have you considered telling it to blink once for yeses and twice for no?]] [[That ought to move you somewhere a little faster.]] chronosmith 10:25 pm I actually... need to roll on out, myself. Uh. Thanks for, y'know. Trying, Prowl. I'll catch you again sometime. But if you got any notes you can send me, I'll give them a look-over. verdigrisprowl 10:26 pm Sure. Comm me some time, if you want. We can make a serious effort with Magnemite there. chronosmith 10:26 pm *flips him a casual salute* Gotta learn to cht with my little pal SOMETIME. *turns and bobs his head to Rumble, speaking a touch more softly, for privacy's sake* And I'll come back around again soon, to see you. Boomtank 10:26 pm -time to get going, he supposes. Crowd's going out- verdigrisprowl 10:27 pm *looks at Soundwave* There's probably an issue of mutual intelligibility. My Magnemite, at least, couldn't understand Neocybex or any of the Earth languages I tried on it. NoodlesAtNight 10:27 pm //I'mma look forward to it.// *The stupidest grin.* verdigrisprowl 10:28 pm So "blink for yes, twice for no" wouldn't be very useful if they don't understand that much. NoodlesAtNight 10:28 pm [[Ah. He did not know that about your Magnemite. They do seem to understand the human trainers with them in the documentaries, he'd hoped... ah, well. We aren't human.]] verdigrisprowl 10:28 pm *glances at Whirl* Of course, you could still try that with your own and report back to us? Many Pocky Men CAN understand human languages; I suspect mine simply never had the opportunity to learn. NoodlesAtNight 10:29 pm *Soundwave nods to Blaster. He'll keep working and sharing things over time, for what little they got of the language.* Swervester 10:29 pm Mmm, I think I better go, My berth's calling me for that ap. NoodlesAtNight 10:29 pm [[Yes, sleep off the rest of that party.]] Swervester 10:29 pm Have fun! Night. chronosmith 10:30 pm Yeah, if I make any breakthroughs, I'll hit you guys up. Boomtank 10:30 pm -nods back, as he stands to leave. He'll share what he can come up with- Goodnight chronosmith 10:30 pm *he enjoyed that stupidest grin, and pays it back with a last affectionate nudge before he stands. The Whirlipede rolls right off the couch after him* Night, losers. verdigrisprowl 10:30 pm *looks at the suspected "Whirlipede".* It was nice to meet you. NoodlesAtNight 10:30 pm //Night t'you 'n the tire!// Boomtank 10:31 pm ((and thanks for the stream, g'night! NoodlesAtNight 10:31 pm ((night!)) chronosmith 10:31 pm Whirlipede: 'Pede! *and then they, too, are gone* NoodlesAtNight 10:32 pm //...Wonder how they say *anythin'* with jus' two or three words.// *He shakes his head. That's why the Boss is the Boss and he's not.* //Better get upstairs. Seeya.// verdigrisprowl 10:33 pm It's in the pitch and order. verdigrisprowl 10:35 pm *goes to sit with Soundwave again. Hello.* NoodlesAtNight 10:36 pm *Taking another note.* [[That should be easy for him to pick up.]] NoodlesAtNight 10:37 pm *Nodding hello again.* [[He really should find a way to converse with your Magnemite without meeting it. He'd like to hear it speak.]] verdigrisprowl 10:38 pm I could give you my language file and you could communicate by video? NoodlesAtNight 10:38 pm [[Does it register those on videos as real mechs?]] verdigrisprowl 10:38 pm ... I have no idea. NoodlesAtNight 10:40 pm [[It's worth a try. It could teach us something useful if they don't.]] verdigrisprowl 10:42 pm True. NoodlesAtNight 10:44 pm [[...He likes watching you work to puzzle it out. He would enjoy taking on a task like the one presented to the humans in the movie, with you.]] *Pause.* [[Preferably without you leaving in a few years because he knows too much.]] verdigrisprowl 10:45 pm You already know too much. *humor ping. leans against Soundwave.* NoodlesAtNight 10:46 pm [[He begs to differ. He will never know enough.]] *Leans into.* verdigrisprowl 10:47 pm I'd enjoy watching you work to figure out a language like that, too. NoodlesAtNight 10:47 pm [[He confesses that he would absolutely remove his suit to touch the glass.]] verdigrisprowl 10:49 pm Somehow I'm not surprised. NoodlesAtNight 10:49 pm [[How much despair should he read into that sentence? As a percentage.]] *Humor ping.* verdigrisprowl 10:50 pm Hm. 36%. NoodlesAtNight 10:50 pm [[That is better than he expected.]] *Faint huff.* [[You are growing fond of him and his ways, he thinks.]] *And another humor ping.* verdigrisprowl 10:52 pm Pff. *mumble mumble yeah* NoodlesAtNight 10:54 pm *Patting Prowl's knee.* [[To be more serious for a moment - he does not know if he should continue with inspecting the heptapod language. He knows not to believe everything he sees, but...]] NoodlesAtNight 10:55 pm [[There are often tiny truths buried in bigger tales, is all he means. And he wonders.]] verdigrisprowl 10:55 pm There are a great many languages that are nonchronological or have no element of time or tense. NoodlesAtNight 10:55 pm *How much more sympathetic to organics has he become since burying himself in Earth media?* verdigrisprowl 10:56 pm To my knowledge, no one has ever started telling the future by learning one. *I* know a few. They didn't even help improve my battle simulations. *that's not why he learned them, but.* NoodlesAtNight 10:56 pm [[...You know a few?]] verdigrisprowl 10:58 pm Languages that are divorced from chronology? Yes. They're not /that/ uncommon. Earth even has a few. NoodlesAtNight 10:59 pm [[No, they're not; he's -- simply surprised, he supposes. That you were given the opportunity to do any learning of them instead of being made to sit behind a desk at all times.]] verdigrisprowl 10:59 pm I've been stationed on a lot of alien planets. First priority is tapping into the local media and learning the dominant languages. NoodlesAtNight 11:01 pm [[That, too, surprises him. He would have thought the Prime would keep you close at hand at all times, far away from anywhere you might be lost. Particularly as the war wore on and you became more valuable.]] *Tapping his fingers, thinking.* [[Differences. Never mind.]] verdigrisprowl 11:02 pm Hm. He didn't see me like that. verdigrisprowl 11:03 pm I was stationed on Earth before he was. NoodlesAtNight 11:03 pm [[An unexpected first.]] verdigrisprowl 11:04 pm ... Compared to other universes? NoodlesAtNight 11:04 pm [[An Optimus who does not insist on being the first to put his hands and stories all over the local fleshling wildlife. Fascinating.]] verdigrisprowl 11:04 pm Oh. NoodlesAtNight 11:04 pm [[Yes, compared to other universes.]] verdigrisprowl 11:04 pm Yyyeah, that would be counterintuitive to the "try not to be discovered by the local populace" mission. NoodlesAtNight 11:05 pm [[/And yet./]] *He's seen some Things, Prowl.* verdigrisprowl 11:05 pm ... "And yet"...? NoodlesAtNight 11:08 pm [[To put it bluntly, when it comes to Earths everywhere, we do have extreme trouble hiding ourselves. Both sides.]] *Twisting to get a better look.* [[The timelines that are similar to but not quite yours are the worst at it. Breaking into steel factories, entering races, having parades, filming /movies.../]] verdigrisprowl 11:08 pm ... Parades. NoodlesAtNight 11:08 pm [[It is as though all sense drips out of our heads as soon as we see a blue and green planet with little hairless organics running around.]]
[[Oh yes. Even the Decepticons.]] verdigrisprowl 11:09 pm *opens mouth. shuts mouth. okay. all right. okay.* ... Yeah, that's... that sounds about like the effect Earth has on people. NoodlesAtNight 11:09 pm [[It's enough to make your inner strategist die of shock, he expects.]] NoodlesAtNight 11:10 pm [[It certainly leaves /him/ laying awake at night. The things his alternate allows. Or participates in.]] *Shakes his head.* verdigrisprowl 11:11 pm My inner strategist is... definitely struggling, right now. NoodlesAtNight 11:12 pm [[...Perhaps it's some kind of natural planetary defense. Something in the atmosphere that makes Cybertronians giddy and prone to impulsive action.]]
[[Oh. You didn't know about any of that, then?]] verdigrisprowl 11:14 pm About the PARADES? No. No, I— No. That's news. Please. Tell me that's not a universe where they're TRYING to remain covert. NoodlesAtNight 11:16 pm [[Oh, no. No, not at all.]] Huffing. [[That's been impossible since the mess they made in the first few days. Still - hardly the way to conduct themselves.]] verdigrisprowl 11:18 pm Oh, /good./ NoodlesAtNight 11:18 pm *Debates it. Rolls it around on his tongue. Decides to drop the information.*
*Glancing away at a wall.* [[Your alternate was in the Autobot Day parade, you know.]] NoodlesAtNight 11:19 pm ((...i think. hold on)) verdigrisprowl 11:20 pm He has my sympathies. NoodlesAtNight 11:22 pm [[He hopes so. It'll be hard for this world to take in any refugees from that one if he doesn't.]] verdigrisprowl 11:22 pm Pff. NoodlesAtNight 11:22 pm *Patting again.* [[But he has horrified you enough for one night.]] verdigrisprowl 11:23 pm Yes, I agree entirely. NoodlesAtNight 11:24 pm [[You're right. He does know too much.]] *Curious look back.* [[You'll stay anyway, he hopes?]] verdigrisprowl 11:24 pm Of course. verdigrisprowl 11:25 pm I already knew you know too much, and it hasn't run me off yet. NoodlesAtNight 11:26 pm [[A fair point. And a pleasing one.]] *Hmm.* [[He thinks he'll skip the option to create offspring for the moment. There are already plenty of recently grown protoforms roaming around.]] *Still teasing Prowl? Gently, but definitely.* verdigrisprowl 11:31 pm Yeah, for the record, that's—that's off the table. Even if the offspring WOULD die before fully developing. verdigrisprowl 11:32 pm *... actually, it dying early would make it more appealing.* *would that be a horrifying thing to say out loud? it probably would. he's not going to say it.* NoodlesAtNight 11:34 pm *Sitting up.* [[...He didn't mean it was ever actually on the table. It wasn't-- if he knew that was what would happen, he wouldn't-- he wouldn't /anyway,/ he can't-- his timeline doesn't--]] *And back against the couch.* [[Never mind. A tease in poor taste. He apologizes.]] NoodlesAtNight 11:35 pm [[Perhaps we should go talk of other things. He has plans for another paint adjustment he'd like to get your opinion on.]] verdigrisprowl 11:37 pm ... I know you can't. I was—responding in kind to the premise set up by your, er, banter. verdigrisprowl 11:38 pm Er. What adjustment? NoodlesAtNight 11:40 pm *Nodding. Talk less, Soundwave. Remember why you keep quiet around everyone else.*
[[The next one. The biggest one.]] *He touches his new white accents, followed by a few of the new dark gray sections that have cropped up around his frame.* [[To cover what's left.]] verdigrisprowl 11:41 pm "What's left"? A full repaint? NoodlesAtNight 11:42 pm [[He supposes that's where he's going with it all. He thought he'd see what it was like. He's been blue for... mm. For a long time.]] verdigrisprowl 11:43 pm ... The—accents you've done so far are, uh... *he looks at the ceiling. he's trying to say he likes them.* ... You can keep that up. NoodlesAtNight 11:45 pm *He speaks enough Prowl to know what that means.* [[Good. He'd worried they made him look, er... dead.]] *Or like a bad attempt to resurrect someone who was.* [[Thank you.]] *Lean kiss of quiet gratitude?* Today verdigrisprowl 12:00 am No, no. Wrong colors. And you've got biolights. *He'll accept that kiss—and return it.* NoodlesAtNight 12:04 am [[True. More than most living mechs.]] *On display, at least. But back to that kiss - don't mind him staying there a /little/ longer than necessary.*
[[...Thank you for the co-creation of this tradition, and all that often goes with it.]] NoodlesAtNight 12:05 am *Speaking of, is that where Prowl's mind is headed tonight? Or would he prefer just relaxing on the couch together?* verdigrisprowl 12:06 am What—kissing? I'm afraid I didn't have a hand in inventing that one. *humor* NoodlesAtNight 12:06 am *Pushes his mask up higher to get a proper nip in for that one.* verdigrisprowl 12:07 am *you're just gonna encourage him to keep doing that* NoodlesAtNight 12:07 am *Oh no. How terrible. What a cruel fate he's dealt himself.* NoodlesAtNight 12:09 am *Encourage encourage. Enable enable.* *Fade fade?* verdigrisprowl 12:09 am *fade fade.*
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Ranking The Jeopardy! Guest Hosts
When Jeopardy! GOAT contestant Brad Rutter spoke to Den of Geek earlier this year, he shared his opinion that there is only one perfect Jeopardy! host to replace the departed Alex Trebek. 
“Alex,” Rutter said. “But we can’t do it, unfortunately. That’s one of the terrible things about it. I can’t even really imagine what it’s going to be like.”
Alex Trebek was about as irreplaceable as a TV personality can be. As the host and quiz master of Jeopardy! for 37 years, the Canadian entertainer was the perfect combination of studious, professional, and playful. Following Trebek’s death from pancreatic cancer in November 2020, Jeopardy!’s producers realized there was no point in replacing the TV giant with only one host. 
For all of 2021, Jeopardy! has been going with a host-by-committee approach, giving several pop culture figures the opportunity to try their hand at shepherding the game show in two-week increments. This parade of guest hosts is in part a way to honor Trebek’s legacy. It’s also an open audition to provide fresh blood with an opportunity to claim the job of a television mainstay. 
With that in mind, here are our rankings of how each guest host has performed thus far. 
14. Dr. Mehmet Oz
Show Air Dates: March 22, 2021 – April 2, 2021
13. Robin Roberts
Show Air Dates: July 19, 2021 – July 23, 2021
ABC’s Good Morning America host Robin Roberts’ stint as Jeopardy! host wasn’t a disaster. The games began and concluded largely without a hitch. The studio did not catch on fire. No one was injured. And yet, her relatively poor performance underlies what a sensitive beast the Jeopardy! hosting position is.
Robin Roberts quite simply did too much. She was a bit too chatty and discursive at the top of the episodes and during the interview segments. She interjected a bit too frequently amid answers. All in all, she hosted Jeopardy! the way I suspect that I myself would host Jeopardy! – as someone completely jazzed to be there and unable to stop remarking on the surreal joy of it all. That’s fine, and ultimately endearing to Roberts as a person. But this show requires a sturdier hand than that.
12. Anderson Cooper
Show Air Dates: April 19, 2021 – April 30, 2021
Anderson Cooper is a good journalist and compelling TV presence. When it comes to Jeopardy!, however, he’s definitely not the right man for the job. Cooper is somewhat fortunate that human trainwreck Dr. Oz hosted first and gobbled up the lion’s share of bad Jeopardy! host press. Otherwise people may have noticed that Cooper did fairly poorly in his two-week stint.
Cooper seemingly didn’t prepare as intensely as Trebek or the other guest hosts as there would frequently be awkward pauses following contestants’ answers while the host checked if they were right. As a result, the number of Jeopardy! rounds not completed under Cooper’s tenure was unusually high. It’s a small issue, but an impactful one.
11. Savannah Guthrie
Show Air Dates: June 14, 2021 – June 25, 2021
Savannah Guthrie is an amiable and professional TV presence in her day job as the co-anchor of NBC’s Today. In her time as a Jeopardy! host, however, she came off as essentially filler. As is the case with most of the entrants on this list (save for the quack above), Guthrie was perfectly fine as Jeopardy! host. But while she got the job done, she did so without any particular distinction.
Guthrie also interjected a bit too frequently after contestant’s answers. Though that’s an admirable attempt to interject some of her sunny personality into the proceedings, the role of Jeopardy! host often calls for less rather than more. As such her two-week run as host is likely to be the end of the line for her hosting quest.
10. Katie Couric
Show Air Dates: March 8, 2021- March 19, 2021
Couric’s tenure as Jeopardy! host was the victim of bad timing. She had the tough act of following two guest hosts who were extremely steeped in the show’s history in culture in official Greatest of All Time Ken Jennings and executive producer Mike Richards. 
The longtime media personality ultimately did a fair job as host, with her only major flaw being interjecting a bit too frequently during rounds. Unfortunately, she doesn’t stack up well to the pros that preceded her.
9. George Stephanopoulos
Show Air Dates: July 12, 2021 – July 16, 2021
George Stephanopoulos faces a bit of an uphill battle on this list for a similar reason to Dr. Oz. Simply put: I just don’t like the guy. George’s case differs from Oz’s though. For while I’m morally opposed to Oz and his snake oil shenanigans, I just find George to be merely bad at his job as Chief Anchor ABC News.
Having said all that, it turns out that Stephanopoulos is quite good as a Jeopardy! host. While other guests got to enjoy a full two weeks to catch their stride, the Good Morning America anchor only had a week and used it quite well. Stephanopoulos was polished from the get-go, interjecting very little, and running some good, clean games. Ultimately, my personal distaste for Stephanopoulos’s journalistic performance keeps him lower on this list, but he performed well enough to rank even higher.
8. Aaron Rodgers
Show Air Dates: April 5, 2021 – April 16, 2021
While the presence of a NFL star may seem like a desperate ratings grab from Jeopardy!, Green Bay Packers quarterback and former Celebrity Jeopardy! champ Aaron Rodgers is apparently dead serious about wanting the full-time hosting job, telling The Ringer that he could easily fit the show’s shooting schedule into his NFL obligations. 
Rodgers’ eagerness was evident over the first week and led to him coming across as a bit too excitable. He really settled into the role in his second week though and projected the correct balance of expertise and personability. 
7. LeVar Burton
Show Air Dates: July 26, 2021 – July 30, 2021
Like many other millennials, my choice for Alex Trebek’s replacement before this whole guest host thing even started was LeVar Burton. Thanks to his work on as an educator on Reading Rainbow, Burton is one of the few TV presences with a level of learned gravitas approaching Trebek’s. He was a natural choice to get a guest host stint to try his hand at replacing the Canadian legend. How did he do? Well, it would appear there’s a reason Jeopardy! is opting for tryouts in the first place.
There’s really no way around it: Burton was fairly rough and unpolished as a Jeopardy! host compared to the top options on this list. While he did a superb job of respecting the format and not interjecting too much, there were several times in which he left the contestants hanging and forgot to prompt them to choose another category. It turns out that Jeopardy! contestants are helpless children when there isn’t a firm hand to guide them through the game.
Ultimately, errors like that are fixable and Burton’s warm, authoritative presence translated well to the Jeopardy! hosting format. As such, I still believe he would be a fine choice to succeed Alex Trebek. But in the spirit of judging these hosts on solely their performance, Burton lies near the middle of the pack.
6. Dr. Sanjay Gupta
Show Air Dates: June 28, 2021 – July 9, 2021
Perhaps this is a simple observation, but it’s really something to see how natural and poised TV veterans are on television. As CNN’s chief medical correspondent, Dr. Sanjay Gupta has plenty of experience in front of a camera. And that experience absolutely came through in his two-week stint as Jeopardy! host.
Gupta did little to distinguish himself from the favorites to take over hosting job later on this list, but there were absolutely no hiccups during his tenure – just two weeks of excellent Jeopardy! that also happened to feature the season’s most fearsome contestant yet in seven-time winner Courtney Shah.
5. Bill Whitaker
Show Air Dates: May 3, 2021 – May 14, 2021
In contrast to Aaron Rodgers, Bill Whitaker apparently has no interest in holding down the full-time Jeopardy! job, telling The Philadelphia Tribune that he enjoys his current gig as a CBS journalist. That’s a shame as Whitaker came off as quite a natural during his two-week stint. 
Soft-spoken and consistent, Whitaker was such a steadying presence in his time as host to the point that the novelty of there even being a guest host began to wear off. Ultimately he might be a little too one-note for a full-time Jeopardy! host but his time on the dais was well spent. 
4. Ken Jennings 
Show Air Dates: January 4, 2021 – February 19, 2021
In the Jeopardy! canon Ken Jennings is the only figure that approaches the quiz show sainthood of Alex Trebek himself. Jennings is the most impressive and successful Jeopardy! contestant of all time, winning 74 consecutive games, amassing over $4 million in earnings, and taking home the title of Jeopardy! GOAT in 2020. When he was brought aboard as a consulting producer on Jeopardy! last year, many naturally assumed he was being groomed for the hosting role.
Sure enough, Jennings was announced as the first guest host of 2021 and got the year started on the right track with over a month of excellent hosting. Jennings has said that part of the key to Trebek’s success with Jeopardy! was his intuitive understanding that the star of the show wasn’t any host or contestant, but rather the show itself. Jennings put that understanding to good use, using his wealth of experience to make the game show feel both friendly and satisfyingly competitive. 
Jennings would be a fine choice for Jeopardy! host. Perhaps his only real weakness, however, is…the tweeting, as it always seems to be. Jennings has tweeted jokes that toe the line between bad taste and offensive in the past, something that he apologized for last year. The issue with Jennings on Twitter  though isn’t the risk of future offensive tweets but rather his continued use of Twitter at all along with the rest of us plebs.
Jeopardy! seemingly exists outside of time itself. Save for improved graphics and Trebek’s graying hair, the show has remained largely the same since it premiered. The Platonic ideal of a Jeopardy! host would seem like he or she was spawned from the set itself, returning backstage to sit on their trivia throne and contemplate the mysteries of life between tapings. 
3. Mayim Bialik
Show Air Dates: May 31, 2021 – June 11, 2021
Mayim Bialik was a real pleasant surprise in her stint as host. In fact, she’s the best Jeopardy! guest host yet who was not previously affiliated with the show. Bialik leaned more toward the friendly end of the familiar/authoritative Jeopardy! hosting ratio, which is particularly impressive given her academic background as a literal neuroscientist. She kept up that energy throughout but was able to establish a nice balance in her second week.
As a longtime Big Bang Theory cast member, Bialik certainly doesn’t need the Jeopardy! hosting gig to pay the bills. But her experience in front of a live-studio audience and a clear passion for learning could prove useful in the position.
2. Buzzy Cohen
Show Air Dates: May 17, 2021 – May 28, 2021
On the flip side of Bill Whitaker, Buzzy Cohen may at first seem like too dynamic of a personality to work as a Jeopardy! guest host. His fun nickname, distinctive eyewear, and trendy haircut are at odds with such an ancient and venerated TV institution. 
As host of Jeopardy!’s Tournament of Champions, however, Cohen was consistently great. Due to his time as a Jeopardy! champion himself, Cohen empathizes with contestants easily and keeps things going at a rapidly appropriate pace for the competitive tournament known as “The Nerd Super Bowl.”
Could Cohen still succeed in shepherding the game show when played by its more “normal” contestants? He certainly deserves some consideration to do so.
1. Mike Richards
Show Air Dates: February 22, 2021- March 5, 2021
Alex Trebek would occasionally be asked in interviews who he’d like to replace him. It was not a question he frequently answered because who would want to speculate about an event that would presumably only occur after their death. He often joked that Betty White should because she was a close friend. But in the few instances he did consider the question seriously, he offered up Los Angeles Kings play-by-play announcer Alex Faust, Turner Classic Movies host Ben Makiewicz, and CNN legal analyst Laura Coates. Ultimately, however, he told journalists at the Television Critics Association press tour that he “would leave it up to the people in charge.”
Well, what if one of those mythical people in charge was the right choice to host all along? Mike Richards is an executive producer for Jeopardy! and its Merv Griffin-created syndicated companion Wheel of Fortune. Richards has a long history of producing other game shows like Weakest Link, The Price is Right, and Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? He’s even hosted a couple of game shows of his own such as Beauty and the Geek and The Pyramid. After Ken Jennings served his month-long stint as host, Richards stepped in for two weeks, seemingly only to buy the show some time before it could set up more guest hosts.
Richard’s two-week tenure as guest host, however, was absolutely superb. Despite the stuffy connotation associated with the job “executive producer”, Richards was the most outwardly bubbly and joyful guest host yet. He still projected an air of authority and trivia mastery, likely due to his comfort and experience with the format. Richards was also an attentive interviewer, and well-researched – his shows were among the smoothest this season thus far. 
Richards lacks important name recognition (in fact, his name is about as generic as they come) and would not win Jeopardy! any more viewers on star power alone. It also must be said that Jeopardy! could stand to diversify the syndicated TV game a bit with this hosting decision by choosing a woman or person of color.
Whether Richards is selected as the full time host remains to be seen. But as executive producer, he’ll be involved in the decision one way or another. And if his talent scouting is anywhere near as good as his hosting ability, then there is nothing to worry about. 
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Still to come: David Faber (Show Air Dates: August 2, 2021 – August 6, 2021), Joe Buck (Show Air Dates: August 9, 2021 – August 13, 2021)
The post Ranking The Jeopardy! Guest Hosts appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3v92UG7
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austinpanda · 5 years
Dad Letter, 052619
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26 May, 2019
Dear Dad--
Good morning and happy Sunday to you!
This past week was not unbearable, and I seem to have borne it! I did my job, and I didn’t have a heart attack from the stress. And now I’m rewarded with a long weekend! We just came back from our Sunday morning breakfast tacos. I ate a special-of-the-month taco called a Tokyo Drifter, which has: teriyaki glazed pulled pork, fried wonton strips, sweet & sour veggie slaw, sesame Sriracha mayo, cilantro, and lime. It might sound like a train wreck, but it was fuckin’ amazing. Kind of an odd thing to eat for breakfast, but still amazing. I think the employees of this restaurant must set their watches by the arrival of Zach and me every Sunday when they open.
I’m watching a mini-series called Chernobyl, and it’s about (you guessed it) Chernobyl, the Soviet nuclear plant that blew up a little bit and melted down just a tad back in 1986. Using the method I use to mark time, 1986 is the year Stacy graduated from High School. I think it was the year the Space Shuttle Challenger had its accident, too. The mini-series is so good! And I don’t know if you can see it, because I think it’s on HBO, but perhaps soon people will be able to rent it? Anyway, it’s just very well made. And it gives good reminders, like: Nuclear plants are complicated, and can cause more, and farther-reaching damage when they explode than, say, a coal-burning plant. Coal plant blows up, maybe a few dozen would die. Nuclear plant blows up, hundreds of thousands could die. So naturally I was excited to learn they’d made a mini-series about it.
We tend to think very little about Chernobyl, in terms of human suffering, because it was the U.S.S.R., and they tried to keep the whole thing secret. (This worked great, until about 8 hours after the explosion, when the radiation started to become noticeable in neighboring countries.) Plus, there were all the jokes. What kind of chicken glows in the dark? Chicken Kiev! Har, har har. But it was a full-blown nuclear plant explosion, complete with exposure of the nuclear fuel, which burned, and spewed radiation into the atmosphere at the rate of two Hiroshimas per hour. Lots and lots of people died, from all the radiation. If you’re someone who likes documentaries and movies about tornadoes, hurricanes, perfect storms, plane crashes, tsunamis, terrorist attacks, nuclear meltdowns, and other disasters, and the heroes born of that tragedy, Chernobyl really is a rich source of material. It was a terrible event, with lots and lots of people having to think creatively, and/or give their lives to prevent it from destroying a large portion of the Soviet Union and a bunch of other countries.
I always feel the need to explain myself when I express fondness for popular culture that uses real-life disaster as its subject matter. The thing I’m enjoying about this mini-series is not, “Cool! Look at all the Rooskies melting from the radiation!” but rather, how very well made the series is. It’s scary! It’s a bleak, Kafka-esque look at how Soviet party structure affected everyone’s reaction to the crisis. Lots of men who couldn’t tell how much radiation was leaking out, because, “Well, we wanted to use the good dosimeter, but it’s locked in the safe and we don’t know where the key is.”  As a result, they thought the radiation was 3.6 roentgen, which is about 400 chest X-rays, and not realizing that it’s only reading 3.6 because that’s how high their shitty dosimeter goes, and in reality, the level was more like 15,000 roentgen. Anyway, Chernobyl, the HBO mini-series, check it out, if you can find it. It’s showing on Monday nights, and tomorrow is episode 4 out of 5 total.
Not much other news, I’m pleased to say! I have tomorrow off, so I’m going to use the time to catch up on some movies I wanted to watch, like The Highwaymen. Also a Jewish friend has recommended a Holocaust movie I completely missed called Defiance, from 2008. I’m guessing it has something to do with nazis, and some non-nazis who defy them…? I like the idea of using Memorial Day to watch at least one war movie. People who haven’t seen it should be made to watch Saving Private Ryan on at least one Memorial Day of their lives. Maybe The Longest Day if they’re too sensitive for swear words. Saving Private Ryan can be a little heavy on the realism for those of a more delicate disposition. I still don’t like watching the last battle because of how Private Mellish gets it.
Anyway, pleased to report that my brain isn’t being half the pain in the ass it was being last week. Work isn’t bad. Got some good stuff to watch, and good stuff to read. And Zach and I are pretty confident that (a) we’re going to move to Maine, and (b) we’re going to quit our jobs before the year’s end. He’s got to escape the IRS, and I have to escape the car insurance place. We’re never going to be 100% ready, so we’ll just have to do it at whatever degree of readiness we can achieve between now and bailing-out time. I’m trying to view it more as an adventure, with the promise of many delights unforeseen, and less as a Bataan Death March of a relocation, featuring many unexpected nightmares, and the beginnings of a job hunt once there. Perhaps I’ll have that tattooed on my arm, near my watch: It’s not a nightmare! It’s an adventure, dammit!
I still miss cigarettes! And there’s a part of me (again, thank you, brain!) that keeps wondering, “Okay, surely I’ve proven my point by now, and it’s okay to start smoking again?” I quit on the date 3/3, so I guess I’m coming up on my 3-month anniversary. I’m also ignoring the part of my brain that keeps wondering, “How about if we just have one a day? Surely that would work!” and the part that says, “Or just one per week, even! C’mon! What are ya, a pussy? Who would know?” Probably everyone, because I'd go admit it online, and I'd feel guilty. I wouldn't be craving a cigarette, I'd be gleefully horseback riding through Flavor Country, and all would be right with the world, but I'd feel guilty.
So here’s to another week of trying to listen to the better angels of our nature. Love to you both! :)
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lynchgirl90 · 7 years
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What Made #TwinPeaks Denise Such a Radical Trans Character on TV 
At a time when trans characters on TV and film were killers, villains, or just mocked, the equality accorded to David Duchovny’s Denise in ‘Twin Peaks’ stood out.
That’s how Special Agent Dale Cooper (Kyle MacLachlan) reacts in the second season of Twin Peaks when his former colleague Dennis Bryson (David Duchovny) reintroduces herself to him as Denise—not “Wow!” or “Huh?” but a prosaic, matter-of-fact “OK.”
Later that day at a wedding reception, Cooper slips up and calls the transgender woman by her old name again. She corrects him: “Denise.” He apologizes immediately and sincerely—“I’m sorry”—and makes it a point to call her by her new name afterward.
“Well, this is all pretty amazing disclosure, Denise,” Cooper says, with the same stupid grin on his face that he gets when he sips a damn fine cup of coffee or looks at a majestic Douglas fir tree.
To this day, it may be the most tender portrayal of friendship between a transgender person and someone who knew them before transition—and it was first aired in 1990.
The nineties were not a great time for transgender representation on film or television, to say the least. This was the decade when Ace Ventura threw up because he discovered he had kissed a transgender woman, when The Crying Game’s big transgender reveal was marketed as a shocking twist, and when The Silence of The Lambs gave us a villain who wanted to make a “woman suit” out of human skin.
Back then, transgender female characters tended to be “deceitful, disgusting villains,” as Meredith Talusan wrote for Buzzfeed. An ass-kicking DEA special agent in a critically-acclaimed surrealist soap opera didn’t exactly fit in with that trend.
But perhaps it shouldn’t be a surprise that a show as revolutionary as Twin Peaks would also be ahead of the curve when it came to handling a transgender character. And it’s oddly fitting that a show flooded with anachronisms—that felt cut out of time and place—would somehow predict the future of transgender representation.
The representation of Denise—played by a truly breathtaking David Duchovny in era-appropriate stockings and a big-banged wig—has its fair share of problems, of course. The writers clearly wanted to squeeze a few laughs out of the new character, who comes to the town of Twin Peaks to clear Agent Cooper’s name after he gets falsely accused of drug-running.
“That’s a good color for him,” says Deputy Hawk of Denise in her first scene, after she leaves the room, misgendering her and giving the audience tacit permission to laugh at the character—especially because the line follows a deliberately long beat.
Later in Denise’s three-episode arc, the audience is shown a pair of black heels walking across the checkered-tile floor of the Double R diner before the camera cheekily reveals that they belong to the six-foot tall transgender woman. It’s a joke told at Denise’s expense, albeit in a visual grammar rather than a verbal one.
For a real-life transgender viewer like myself, there are pieces of Denise’s story that don’t quite add up. Denise tells Cooper that she transitioned because she discovered that wearing women’s clothing “relaxed [her]” while she was working undercover as a “transvestite” for a drug bust.
“Imagine how surprised I was, Coop,” she says. “It’s not exactly something you plan on.”
While I don’t want to discount anyone else’s life experience, most transgender people I know—myself included—don’t stumble upon this realization about themselves by accident but after years of internal agony. (In fact, when I first discovered Twin Peaks and watched the entire series in a weekend, I was in the middle of painful deliberations about how, when, and if to transition.)
It’s not immediately clear, either, that Denise’s transformation involves any sort of medical treatment. However, a line cut from one of the scripts reveals that she is in a program that requires her to “dress the part for six months prior to any further therapy, hormones, [and] electrolysis.”
At a time when most people still referred to gender transition as “sex change” and equated the entire process with surgery, that’s some pretty impressive attention to detail. But the same script introduces Denise as “MAN IN DRESS,” so I don’t want to give the writers too much credit.
Overall, though, Twin Peaks treats Denise with a remarkable amount of humanity—even by today’s slowly-rising standards.
The welcoming attitude toward Denise begins with Agent Cooper’s immediate acceptance of her transition and emanates outward.
As Rani Baker wrote in her 2016 ode to Denise—playfully titled “26 Goddamn Years Later, Twin Peaks Still Has One of The More Compassionate Trans Woman Characters on TV”—Cooper functions as “the conscience of the [show’s] narrative” and an “anchor point of stability and traditional (yet modern) American values.”
Cooper is the kind, decent, cherry pie-loving, crispy bacon-eating heart of Twin Peaks—so if Denise is all right in his book, then she’s all right, period. The other characters often take their cues from him, not just in matters of law enforcement but in matters of the heart as well.
For instance, Sheriff Truman makes a snide comment about Denise under his breath when he first meets her. But two episodes later, he genders her correctly and even figures out a way to use her womanhood to their advantage in a hostage situation, sending her in dressed as a waitress to disarm some unsuspecting bad guys. (The script describes Cooper as “surprised” and “proud” that Truman came up with the idea.)
In fact, apart from Hawk’s initial misgendering of Denise, I can’t find a single instance of her being referred to as “him” or “he” in the show itself—although the Twin Peaks episode scripts use inconsistent pronouns in their written descriptions of the character.
Young Audrey Horne is downright in awe of Denise, exclaiming, “They have women agents?” when the two first meet. (“More or less,” Denise replies, in one of those borderline-offensive laugh lines.)
And to the show’s credit, no one asks Denise invasive questions about her genitals—a lazy, transphobic crutch for film and TV writers that is still being used today in movies like Zoolander 2. Cooper even prefaces a broader question about Agent Bryson’s transition with a careful “if you don’t mind my asking.”
The show also corrects the misconception that one’s sexual orientation automatically changes following a gender transition. When Denise makes a remark about Audrey’s obvious infatuation with Cooper, Cooper says, “Denise, I would assume you’re no longer interested in girls.”
Denise replies, “Coop, I may be wearing a dress, but I still pull my panties on one leg at a time, if you know what I mean.”
“Not really,” says Cooper, still grinning.
But it’s not just how other characters treat Denise that makes her stick out in a sea of awful transgender characters; it’s how she handles herself. She is friendly, self-assured, and frequently hilarious. When she catches the bridal bouquet at a wedding, for example, she tells Cooper, “Unfair advantage. How many of those girls were varsity wide receivers?”
As Baker noted in her piece, “Denise is presented as actually being talented and confident,” which is a “pretty big deal” given the way transgender women were being represented at the time. Denise plays a key role in taking down series villain Jean Renault and extracting a confession from another criminal named Ernie Niles. In a series full of quirky Lynchian players, she more than holds her own.
That’s why most Twin Peaks fans seem thrilled that she’s apparently coming back in Showtime’s Twin Peaks revival, which premieres on May 21: she’s not just a unique transgender character but a great character, her undeniable sensuality and eminent capability undercut by David Duchovny’s dry delivery of her lines.
I have been waiting for Denise to return since 2015. When rumors were swirling about David Lynch bringing Twin Peaks back to life, Duchovny told the LA Times, “I hope my character comes back, I think she does.” (Note that he gendered his character correctly— something that cisgender actors in transgender roles still sometimes fail to do to do.)
Finally, this March, EW revealed an exclusive photo of Duchovny on the set of Twin Peaks dressed in a smart brown skirt suit with a more modern hairstyle: the bangs are still there, just side swept now. According to EW, Showtime and Lynch won’t officially confirm that the original cast are reprising their exact previous roles—but it’d be shocking if it weren’t Denise in that production photo.
But transgender representation looks a lot different in 2017 than it did in the nineties. Laverne Cox is on Orange is the New Black. Jamie Clayton is on Sense8. Shows and films featuring transgender characters like Transparent and The Danish Girl are being nominated for—and sometimes winning—Oscars and Emmys. But despite taking a half-step forward from nineties transphobia, this new transgender moment is far from perfect. Filling transgender roles with cisgender actors—still the most common casting practice, apart from notable exceptions like Cox and Clayton—not only deprives marginalized actors of work, it sends the dangerous cultural message that transgender women are really men—and that transgender men are really women—underneath it all.
The tide on this debate is only now starting to turn. Transparent creator Jill Soloway, who previously defended casting Jeffrey Tambor as a transgender senior a few years ago, has since said that “it is absolutely unacceptable to cast a cis man in the role of a trans woman.” And Tambor himself told the world in 2016 that he “would be happy if [he] were the last cisgender male to play a transgender female.”
That’s why, as blogger and Twin Peaks superfan Joel Bocko pointed out in his excellent primer on Denise Bryson, Duchovny’s apparent return to the cast “will be both celebrated and controversial.” Will we forgive Twin Peaks for giving us yet another cisgender man as a transgender woman because Duchovny is continuing a part he first played twenty years ago? Or should the casting choice be judged in the present with no consideration for the past?
At this point, it’s hard for me to imagine Denise Bryson’s heels being filled by anyone other than Duchovny. I am the first to criticize movies and shows for casting cisgender actors in transgender parts but there’s a special place in my heart for Denise’s wry quips, quick instincts, and killer legs. And in the grand calculus, Twin Peaks earned enough goodwill with me by setting itself apart from the omnipresent transphobia of nineties entertainment that it can afford to irk me today.
I’ll withhold final judgment until I devour the finished product like the Twin Peaks nerd that I am. But for now, the thought of seeing Denise on my TV again makes me grin about as wide as Agent Cooper contemplating a spread of jelly donuts.
Here’s hoping I get to give her re-reintroduction a big ole Agent Cooper thumbs up.
Or at least a simple, accepting “OK.”
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