#I know little on bpd except my sister was diagnosed with it and Diluc sometimes reminds me of her
random-blep · 1 year
started compiling a list of character stuff that will hold a special corner in my brain either canon or headcanon stuff about them
Xiao- Karma which is killing him slowly and makes him physically ill and affects his mental state
Yoimiya- has a prosthetic leg
Alhaitham- deaf, probably autistic
Kaeya- chronic illness that has flare ups and causes him to get sick, migraines,body aches, etc.
Collei- Chronically ill, has an illness that possibly has no cure (I do not know the lore of her illness)
Albedo- Autistic but also made of chalk and I'm so curious about that
Kazuha- poor vision/low vision due to his albinism
Diluc- poor vision (somebody please give him glasses), so so painfully awkward but also giving bpd vibes
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