#I might call it pink moon actually. simply bc I just listened to the song pink moon
ongreenergrasses · 2 months
short little prompt fill for @shatterthefragments, i hope you enjoy!
She wakes up with something sharp poking into her back and winces. Joe hushes her.
“Come here,” he says, and she burrows a little more closely into his side. There’s barely enough room for them both to squeeze in behind the filing cabinet. Nile doesn’t know how long they’ll have to stay there. Long enough for everyone in the building to leave, and they’ve already been there for hours. She doesn’t remember the last time she slept in a bed.
She feels Joe press a kiss to her temple. “Go back to sleep,” he says. “I’ll keep an eye out.”
Nile wraps her arms around him a little tighter and shifts again. There’s still something poking her in the back. She tries to ignore it. She can’t.
Joe starts gently stroking her hair, and she huffs and settles a little more. “Back to sleep,” he says again, and this time Nile does fall asleep, snug in his arms.
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