#I might try and record / 'dub' a few scenes from this drama as xiao lan hua's voice is so distinctive
meichenxi · 1 year
apparently....you can only post one audio thing per day?? I wanted to post all three - I recorded A Stately Scholarly Intoning (Imagine The Guqin Accompaniment) Version, a normal version (this one) and an absolutely hilarious attempt at reading the whole thing as fast as I could at a horrific speed. definitely posting that tomorrow as it’s very funny. 
here’s the poem again (from shangque’s pov in love between fairy and devil, if you haven’t seen the first post). mistakes most likely ABound but it’s kind of fun to read a thing I have written myself!!!!
属下矢言了!by me 
尊上乃是绝世无双 称霸三界 - 东方青苍! 最近好像有些变化 未曾提过独霸天下 如何报仇, 如何谋划            (她说您总是打打杀杀,             尊上好战这不妥吗??) 天天要您服从命令 不仅从命, 这破花灵 要您倾听她的心情!           (总是哭着,这般德行) 要您数花,养花,摘花 - 都是废话!让她飞下 回凡间去作个兰花 亏不了她。要是跪下 说她错了,还得责罚 不要忘了。尊上,我们 一起走吧!让她留下! ….月下散步您看好吗
I STILL have a first tone / fourth tone problem. when will it leave me!!! there’s a LOT of those 4/1 mistakes here. sigh. listening exercise for the floor: can you find them? (the 服从 also sounds a bit more like 42 than 22, which is not a tone pair I usually have problems with; I think it’s because I always thought it was 42, which is the problem of learning via Drama only and being totally surprised by what character it is. alas and alack etc)
feel free to have a go if anyone wants!!! just remember it’s hao4zhan4 and not hao3zhan4 - acting as a verb.
or choose your own, more correct thing and tag me!! I’d love to hear everyone’s voices~
- meichenxi
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