#I started this right after the retirement announcement but I kinda suck at drawing Mario and Luigi so that delayed things a bit
nintoonerart · 8 months
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A drawing based on the short videos Charles Martinet used to post online where he'd bring these little Mario and Luigi toys around and comment on various stuff they came across, in his Mario and Luigi voices. (And there was a running gag where whenever they saw an animal Luigi always thought it was a cow for some reason 😆)
Those videos are just one example of how much he clearly loves doing his Mario character voices. In every interview or panel at a con or wherever, he just oozes happiness and enthusiasm no matter how many times he repeats the same Mario lines or retells the story of how he first got the role. His voice has brought so much life to Mario, Luigi, Wario, and Waluigi as characters, and with Mario in particular I think he really captures that simple, inner-child sort of happiness that makes us all love Mario even as adults! Martinet's Mario voice is so iconic, it's hard to imagine the pre-Super Mario 64 days where he didn't have an established voice! (Martinet did voice him a few times before that, but SM64 is when the voice was really solidified in the main games.)
Thank you, Charles Martinet! ❤️💚💛💜
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