#I uh. got too excited to leave comments inbetween and am almost through binging the whole thing
wazzappp · 14 days
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For @cannibal-wings MY OATH. FULFILLED. I also did a little thinking about how those wings would get situated in her in the first place
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That would be so fuckin weird lmfao cause these would totally like. Rub against her ribs until they’re ready to rip out. I’m thinking all of her other mutations manifested first (starting with the teeth. Hehe. Hehehehehehehehe teef falling out. New ones coming in. Yes. YESSSSS.) I like the idea of her thinking she’s done and then BOOM. PAIN. ENTIRELY NEW APPENDAGES ALL SIX OF EM. HAVE FUN.
They would harden as a response to being in the open. They’re very flexible while still in development and remain pretty pliable once dry. Don’t want brittle wings that just get broken off <3
Also, non biblically accurate below the cut I just had a lot of fun drawing this
(Also also if you haven’t read this infected Leon fic dew it. Dew it now.)
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