#I wanna curl up in a ball and pass out or procrastinate by making completely different drawings with arkham characters or OCs lol
wingedqueenlynx · 6 months
I-... I have 16 frames left to go.... I'm so close, I can feel it... *cries in the corner from exhaustion*
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icypolargirl78 · 3 years
So like I wanna talk about how shitty it is to be an autistic who doesn’t display many autistic traits outwardly and how people just assume I’m NT because I’m not completely nonverbal and don’t stim in public. This is basically a well written rant to the public school system since I have to constantly deal with shit. 
So I was diagnosed with ASD when I was in around 6th or 7th grade. I was diagnosed with ADHD about two years earlier than that. During school I would constantly struggle to complete assignments because none of the topics engaged me and because procrastination is a bitch. Up until around 2 or 3 weeks ago I had a generic 504 Plan which didn’t really do anything to help me. I mean sure, I could ask my extensions on my assignments and leave the room to take tests, but I actually had to ask the teacher for help and as a socially anxious person who has a difficult time asking for help this was hell. I would have to make up excuses when I didn’t do my assignments and my teachers would often forget that I was autistic. It got so bad to the point that my mother had to step in on multiple occasions and tell my teachers. “Yes, my child is autistic and yes you need to help her.” 
During the beginning of this school year I had a teacher who would constantly put me in situations where I went into a sensory overload and when I had a fidget toy out to stim she told me that it was distracting and that I wasn’t allowed to use it. Despite the fact that I was at home and I doubt the other kids would’ve cared. Not to mention me actively participating with the activity was part of my grade. When I brought up the fact that these situations caused me distress she basically told me to deal with it on my own.  Granted she isn’t my teacher anymore and I managed to pass both her classes but still. Now I actually have a plan that gives me actual help but the distress doesn’t end there. The two aids that the school has assigned me act like they’ve never talked to a ND child in their lives. They both talk to me like I’m a child and it makes me extremely uncomfortable. I am not someone who cries all that often but just being around the two of them makes me want to curl up into a ball and start sobbing. Here is an interaction I had today with one of them. 
For context my school is currently blended and I was at home today. My first class is called resource and it’s just time for us to catch up on missing assignments or get ahead on one that are assigned that day. I had finished the assignments that I could work on today. Teacher joins my breakout room: what are you working on? Me: Oh nothing
Teacher: Oh do you need help?
Me: No I got all my assignments done.
Another thing I didn’t really feel like smiling so I had a frown on my face. Wasn’t angry or anything, just didn’t feel like smiling
Teacher: oh what are you planning on doing over the weekend
Me: Nothing
Teacher: aren’t you excited it’s Friday?
Me: Not really
Teacher: Oh well are you going to walk your dogs? I saw your dad walking your two Labradors the other day.
Me: oh we don’t have two Labradors
Teacher sounding confused: oh they look like labs
Me: we have a purebred labrador and a golden retriever mixed with a labrador
(to most NT these might seem like a minute difference, but to me it is a big one)
Teacher: oh well okay, I’m gonna go check on the other kids, I’ll check in again when you can leave the class
Me: mmm hmm 
I then went on mute thinking that the interaction was over
Teacher sits there for another 10 or 15 seconds looking rather focused. I simply assumed that she was looking for the next kid to help
Teacher: you know you should really be more engaging
Me surprised and a bit confused: what?
Teacher: I came in here offering help and you just didn’t engage or even thank me. You know you might not like engaging but you need to be respectful and be polite when people are trying to help you.
Me quiet and on the edge of a breakdown: mmm
Teacher: I didn’t raise my kids like this
Me: okay thank you for offering help
Teacher with a smile on her face: okay goodbye
She then left to join another meet.
I kinda just sat there in shock for a minute and honestly wanted to start crying. I was polite during the entire interaction and I didn’t ask, nor did I want or need her help. I then went and ranted to a few friends on discord and joined a call with one of our admins and a friend of mine who goes to the same school and has to deal with the same teachers. I was able to calm down but still I don’t usually have this kind of reaction with any of my other teachers. Not to mention she implied that my mother raised me to be rude. My mother is one of the most kind and respectful people in the world. She raised me to polite and to treat people with kindness. All of my other teachers have stated that I am a kind and respectful person during class and that I am lovely to be around. I genuinely want to get to know and like these teachers but for people who are supposed to be working with ND all day they sure don’t act like it. 
Another issue is that they act like I am incapable of doing anything on my own. This makes me extremely mad since I am not a young child. I know how to do things on my own. This isn’t just me either. Most of the kids in this class experience this same issue. 
TLDR; NT will never understand ND and teachers fucking suck. 
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Ungodly Hour, Chapter One (Jaida x Nicky) - Scarlet Bloo
a/n: Hi! I started this fic back when the fic challenge was announced and here it finally is, (2?) months later, 3 days from the deadline. It’s been a ride, but I’ve finally gotten it to a place where I’m happy with it, and while not every chapter will posted during the challenge I’ve at least managed to get one in!
summary: Nicky is crushing hard on a bubbly soccer playing sorority sister. It’s unusual for her to ever be into anyone like this, and all she wants is to be on her radar. Popular girl Jaida is captain of the basketball team, and while she’s usually smart, French just isn’t her forte. Lucky for her, Nicky is a native speaker, so she makes it her mission to get her as her tutor. 
Challenge notes:
A large amount of the story is told from Jaida’s point of view. 
Close friends of the main characters: Widow, Heidi and Akeria (who will become more prominent characters in future chapters.)
The title is a song by Chloe and Halle Bailey. 
Nicky snuck a look in Jan Sport’s direction, her heart tingling as she absorbed her beauty. She sighed, knowing the preppy, popular sorority girl had absolutely no idea she even existed. It was laughable that she ever entertained the idea of a relationship with her, even if it was only in the late hours of the night, a fantasy to procrastinate her studies with. But with her long blonde hair, muscular arms and smiling eyes, how couldn’t Nicky be so intrigued by her? This was a new feeling. Nicky hardly ever found herself interested in anyone, let alone a woman. It was surreal to her, but it somehow felt right.
She cast her eyes away from Jan and tried to focus on the Professor at the front of the lecture hall. Unsurprisingly, it was nothing of value to Nicky. Miss Coulee was voicing her disappointment with the class after 70% of the class had gotten less than a C in the last exam. Nicky rolled her eyes, looking down at the big red “A!” circled on her own paper. Despite this achievement, she was regretting her decision to take French. Sure, it being her first language definitely made the classes easier, but left her so unsatisfied with how little she had to push herself to pass. 
“Of course you got an A”, Gigi whispered to Nicky. 
She had a defeated look on her face and Nicky felt a pang of sympathy for the girl. Gigi and Nicky weren’t close, but seeing as they’d been sitting next to each other every French lecture since September, they’d gotten to know a fair bit about each other. Like Nicky, Gigi was a fashion major but was taking French so she could “make it big in Paris one day” and Nicky knew academics wasn’t her strong suit. 
“Yeah well,” Nicky smiled sweetly, “French is my language, fashion is yours.”
Gigi seemed content with that answer and nodded satisfactorily as Coulee dismissed the class and all that could be heard was the snapping shut of laptops and notebooks and friendly chatter.
Jan lingered by the door giggling with her friends and Nicky’s gaze locked in on her like a missile. She was beautiful, and she could help but trace each curve of her body with her eyes. She felt her hands go clammy as she found herself lost in her animated expressions. Jan was different to Nicky’s image of a popular girl, she didn’t strut around campus like she owned the place or go through millions of relationships. She radiated positive energy and it just made Nicky all the more eager to get to know her. She wasn’t usually this into people, but Jan Sport had turned her into a pile of mush.
“You’re staring again.” Gigi’s teasing voice brought a blush to Nicky’s cheeks. She had caught her staring at Jan in awe on multiple occasions and was one of the very few people she’d actually admitted the crush to. The only other person who she’d told was her roommate and best friend, Widow. But her other friends? Definitely not. They were all art majors, and while Jan was taking music, it wasn’t really the same thing. Nicky guessed it made them the artsy crowd, and therefore substantially less popular. With the exception of Gigi and Widow, who had been in an on and off relationship with a soccer player since freshman year, Nicky’s friends spent lunch breaks talking as much shit as they could about Charles College’s elite. And it was somewhat justified. Most of the popular kids were complete pieces of shit. 
Case in point - Jaida Essence Hall, Charles College’s star athlete. The girl walked around like she owned the place, and Nicky guessed she kind of did. At the snap of a finger someone would appear at her side, eager to grant any and every wish. Or jump into her lap. Or stick their tongue down her throat. She didn’t look as confident as usual right then though, sitting fists curled around the edge of her paper in the lecture hall. Everyone else, including Coulee, had left, but Jaida remained in her seat. She must have failed the test too, but Nicky didn’t feel much sympathy for the girl. Charles college was best known for its Basketball, with its best players usually ending up in the pros, and during their years at Charles, they’d get handed everything on a silver platter. Maybe it was unfair, and a tiny bit vindictive, but Nicky got a sense of triumph from knowing that Coulee was failing the captain of the women’s basketball team along with everyone else. 
“Wanna grab something to eat?” Gigi asked as she gathered her books.
“Can’t, I have to finish up all of last week’s design work.” Nicky got up, but didn’t follow her to the door, “Go on ahead. I need to check the schedule before I go, I can’t remember when my next tutorial is.”
“Okay,” Gigi said, “I’ll see you later!”
“Later!” Nicky called after her. 
At the sound of her voice, Jan paused in the doorway and turned her head. It was impossible to stop the flush that rose in Nicky’s cheeks. This was the first time they’d ever made eye contact, and she didn’t know how to respond. In the end, she settled for a small nod of greeting. There. Cool, casual yet wouldn’t come off as rude. Her heart skipped a beat when the corner of Jan’s mouth lifted into a faint grin. She waved in response, and then she was gone. Nicky stared at the empty doorway. Her pulse exploded in a gallop. After six weeks of breathing in the same air in the stuffy lecture hall, Jan Sport had finally noticed her. She wished she was brave enough to go after her. Maybe ask her to grab a coffee. Or dinner. Or brunch - hell, is brunch even a big thing in America? But her feet stayed glued in place because she was a total coward. She was terrified she’d say no, but even more terrified she’d say yes. 
Nicky was in a good place when she started college. Her issues solidly behind her, her guard lowered. She was ready to date again, and she did. She dated several guys, but other than her ex, Kayla, none of them had been female, and none of them had made her body tingle the way Jan Sport did, and that freaked her out. 
Baby steps. That was her therapist’s favourite piece of advice, and she couldn’t deny that the strategy had helped her a lot. Focus on the small victories, Sasha had always advised. So, today’s victory, she nodded at Jan and she waved at her. Next class, maybe she’d wave back. And the one after that, maybe she’d bring up the coffee, dinner or brunch idea. She took a breath as she headed down the aisle, clinging to that feeling of victory, however miniscule it may be.
Jaida had failed. She’d fucking failed. For the last 15 years before she’d joined Charles College, they had handed out A’s like tic tacs. But the year she decided to take a French class? She had gotten stuck with Shea Coulee. It was official. This woman was her archenemy. Just the sight of her flowery handwriting—which filled up every inch of available space in the margins of Jaida’s midterm—made her want to scream, rip up the page, and leave education indefinitely. Jaida had been passing all her other classes, but this (almost ironic) F in French was completely bringing her average down. Normally, she had no problem keeping her G.P.A up. Despite what she knew a lot of Charle’s population believed, she wasn’t dumb. And the worst thing about Charles? Their dean demanded excellence—academically and athletically. While other schools were lenient toward athletes, Charles has a zero-tolerance policy. When she spoke to Coulee before class, she’d bluntly told her that unless she was going to find her own private tutor, she’d have no choice but to turn up to extra tutorials which overlapped with basketball practice. It really was a lose-lose situation.
 Jaida’s frustration manifested itself in the form of an audible groan, and from the corner of her eye, she saw someone jerk in surprise. Jaida jumped too, because here she thought she was wallowing in her misery alone. However, the girl from the back row had stuck around and was headed towards Coulee’s desk. Staci? Selena? Jaida couldn’t remember her name, probably because she’d never thought to ask for it before. She was pretty, though. A lot prettier than Jaida had ever realised. Perfect features, dark hair, a petite hourglass figure. How had she never noticed her before now? Her skinny jeans clung to a round, perky ass and her round breasts peaked slightly out of her v neck. 
“Everything okay?” the girl asked with a pointed look. Jaida murmured a reply under her breath. She really wasn’t in the mood to talk right then. 
The girl raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow in Jaida’s direction, “Sorry, was that english?” 
Jaida balled up her paper and scraped her chair back, “I said everythings fine.”
“Okay, then,” The girl shrugged and continued down the steps. As she picked up the clipboard that contained the tutorial schedule, Jaida flung on her jacked, then shoved her  pathetic midterm into her  backpack and zipped it up. The dark-haired girl headed back to the aisle. Sophie? Sabrina? The S sounded right, but the rest was a mystery. She had her midterm in hand, but Jaida didn’t sneak a peek because she assumed she failed just like everyone else.
Jaida let her pass before she stepped into the aisle. She followed her up to the exit, suddenly realizing how tiny she was compared to herself—she was one step below her yet could see the top of her head. Just as they reached the door, the girl stumbled on absolutely nothing and the books in her hand clattered to the floor.
“Shit. I’m such a klutz.”
She dropped to her knees and so did Jaida, because contrary popular belief, she wasn’t heartless, and the polite thing to do was help her gather her books.
“Oh, you don’t have to do that. I’m fine,” she insisted.
But Jaida’s hand had already connected with her midterm, and her jaw dropped when she saw her grade.
“Fucking hell. You aced it?”  Jaida demanded.
The girl gave a sweet smile. “Well, I am French. I thought you’d have been able to tell from the accent.”
“Holy shit.” Jaida felt like she’d just bumped into Coco fuckin’ Chanel and she was dangling the secrets to her  universe under her nose. “Can I read your answers?”
Her brows quirked up again. “That’s rather forward of you, don’t you think? We don’t even know each other.”
Jaida rolled her eyes. “I’m not asking you to take your clothes off, baby. I just want to peek at your midterm.”
“Baby? Goodbye forward, hello presumptuous.”
“Would you prefer miss? Ma’am maybe? I’d use your name but I don’t know it.”
“Of course you don’t.” She sighed. “It’s Nicolette. Nicky for short.” Then she paused meaningfully. “Jaida.”
Okay, she was way off on the S thing. And Jaida didn’t miss the way she emphasized her name as if to say, Ha! I know yours, bitch! Nicky collected the rest of her books and stood up, but Jaida didn’t hand over her midterm. Instead, she hopped to her feet and started flipping through it. As she skimmed her answers, her spirits plummeted even lower, because if this is what  Coulee was looking for, she was screwed. There was a reason she was a  geography major, for gods sake—she dealt in facts. Black and white. This happened at this time to this person and here was the result. Nicky’s answers focused on detailed analysis on texts Jaida couldn’t even translate in the first place. 
“Thanks.”  Jaida gave her the booklet, then cracked her knuckles. “Hey, listen. Do you…would you consider…” she  shrugged. “You know…”
Nicky’s  lips twitched as if she was  trying not to laugh. “Actually, I don’t know.”
Jaida let out a breath. “Will you tutor me?”
Her grey eyes—slightly green and surrounded by thick black eyelashes—went from surprised to skeptical in a matter of seconds.
“I’ll pay you,” Jaida added hastily.
“Oh. Um. Well, yeah, of course I’d expect you to pay me. But…” She shaked her head. “I’m sorry. I can’t.”
Jaida bit back her disappointment. “C’mon, do me a solid. If I fail this makeup, my GPA will implode. Please?” She flashed a smile, the one that made her dimples pop out and never failed to make people melt.
“Does that usually work?” she asked curiously.
“The winning innocent pageant girl smile… Does it help you get your way?”
“Always,” the taller girl answered without hesitation.
“Almost always,” Nicky corrected. “Look, I’m sorry, but I really don’t have time. I’m already juggling school and work, and with the winter showcase coming up, I’ll have even less time.”
“Winter showcase?” Jaida said blankly.
“Right, I forgot. If it’s not about basketball or your big pageants, then it’s not on your radar.”
“Now who’s being presumptuous? You don’t even know me.”
There’s a beat, and then she sighed. “I’m a fashion major, okay? And the arts faculty puts on two major displays every year, the winter showcase and the spring one. The winner gets a five thousand dollar scholarship. It’s kind of a huge deal, actually. Important industry people fly in from all over the country to see it. Fashion houses, investors, big magazines…. So, as much as I’d love to help you—”
“You would not,” Jaida grumbled. “You look like you don’t even want to talk to me right now.”
Her little you-got-me shrug was grating. “I have to go finish up some designs. I’m sorry you’re failing this course, but if it makes you feel better, so is everyone else.”
Jaida narrowed her eyes. “Not you.”
“I can’t help that I was born into a french speaking household.”
“Well, I want your help.”
Jaida was two seconds from dropping to her knees and begging her, but she edged towards the door. “You know there’s a study group, right? I can give you the number for—”
“I’m already in it,” Jaida muttered, embarrassed.
“Oh. Well, then there’s not much else I can do for you. Good luck on the makeup test. Baby.”
She darted out the door, leaving Jaida staring after her in frustration. Unbelievable. Everyone at this college would have cut their leg off to help her out. But this girl? Ran away like she’d just asked her to give up her first born so they could give it to Rumplestiltskin. And now  Jaida was right back to where she was before Nicky-not-with-an-S gave her that faintest flicker of hope. Completely fucking screwed.
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