#I went through the Post War of the Ring tag and I'm about halfway through the Frodo Baggins tag so I certainly haven't encountered all the
goldkirk · 11 months
LOTR fanfics that have rocked my socks
@krowepoison, this one's for you!
Fate & the High King's Falcon, by Baylor
Pippin recovers from his injuries following the battle at the Black Gate.
life comes breaking in!, by InfiniteCalm
Frodo, in the blessed realm, writes a book.
This generates a lot of interest (from old friends and new).
title from quote from v woolfe's diary: "I meant to write about death, only life came breaking in as usual"
These Thirteen Days, by Barrowight
While Frodo and Sam lie unconscious after their journey to Orodruin, the remaining members of the Fellowship encounter despair, conflict and unexpected mirth as they watch over their sleeping friends.
Reunion at Cormallen, by shirebound
Frodo and Sam’s first night awake at Cormallen, and an unexpected adventure with the Fellowship at Faramir's refuge. A more gentle, lighthearted tale.
Over Sea, by amaruuk
Frodo was given the gift of healing in the Blessed Realm. What happened to him, and those he loved, after the White Ship sailed out of the Grey Havens?
Mark of a Warrior, by starryeyedknight
Those Riders who had made up the honour guard of Theoden’s body from Minas Tirith sat about the main hall, breaking their fast as they traded quiet jests about the night before. Until they were interrupted by something very small, and very angry. 
“Alright, which one of you colossal bastards," Merry demanded, waving his abused arm, “is responsible for this?”
After the funeral for Theoden, Merry wakes up to a problem experienced by many a young man after a night of heavy drinking. The ink on his arm doesn't appear to be washing off… 
A White Coverlet to Cool a Hobbit's Toes, by claudia603
After the quest, Frodo observes snow on the top of the mountain. He remembers Caradhras and wants to experience it under better circumstances.
Reunion in Minas Tirith, by shirebound
Faramir and the hobbits reunite in Minas Tirith after Aragorn's crowning. An upbeat, lighthearted look at some Faramir/hobbit interactions in the following days. Amazingly enough, no one is sick, guilt-ridden, or in pain. Enjoy!
The Mellon Chronicles series, by Cassia and Siobhan
YEARS BEFORE there was a fellowship, at a time when the One Ring remained quiet and unknown in the possession of an unassuming Hobbit and the gathering darkness of Mordor had not yet made itself known to the world, there was an eager young Ranger and an Elven Prince.
Mortal and Immortal, the Elven Prince and the man who would one day be King of Gondor formed an unlikely bond.
Ultimately, their very survival may depend on not only the speed and accuracy of an Elven bow, nor even the swift sword of the Dunèdain, but on the strength and loyalty of the friendship they share.
Follow me away now, oh worthy sojourners of Middle Earth to explore the untold adventures of these early years....
Anastasis, by Chthonion
"Forgive me,” Frodo says in his accented Quenya, the syllables strange in his ears. “I—I have an old wound. It troubles me still, sometimes."
"It is I who must ask your forgiveness," says the stranger. "I believe I may be the one who put it there."
In Aman, Frodo and Celebrimbor and Finrod forge a friendship, talk about trauma, and deal with the fact that Sauron's ghost is haunting Celebrimbor.
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unpublished fics game
Tagged by @thatonetimetraveller - thank you! <333333
I haven't many at the moment, and I am definitely not at home to the idea fairy just lately so most of these are actually longstanding WIPs that aren't quite behaving themselves and aren't being actively worked on.
Completely unwritten:
Sequel to Break You But You'll Mend, which was going to be later chapters of that story but it was doing my head in so I've chosen to end it at a convenient point and then put all the subplot stuff in a new story. In essence, Sigrid and Tilda (reborn in Valinor because Auriel (Thranduil's wife) went and gave the Valar a piece of her mind for letting Thranduil almost fade from grief though he'd defended his corner of Middle-Earth from Sauron for thousands of years alone, and demanded they send Bard back, and when he arrived he was accompanied by his daughters and his wife (Maudie)) are not happy with how unfair it is that they got to come back but any number of other people there have mortal loved ones who aren't coming back, and come up with the idea of putting their case before the Valar and persuading them to change the rules. It's going to be plotty and complicated and is therefore giving me the Fear, because I don't do either a) plot or b) complication.
The Sigrid-and-Tauriel queerplatonic companion story to My Heart Is An Empty Vessel, which I suspect at this point just plain isn't going to get written because I've run out of spoons where it's concerned. I've written little glimpses of them in EV-'verse, and various other beginnings for them, and I honestly don't think I have enough to write a proper long-form multi-chaptered fic. Which means that the full story of Elrond and co's visit to Dale from the later chapters of EV, including most of the Rivendell crew making friends with the Bardlings, is probably not going to happen, unless I manage some one-shots sometime.
A vague idea for Glorfindel Week sparked by this post about flowers spontaneously growing where Glorfindel is in Imladris, because they can't grow on his grave any more.
In progress in one way or another
Part four or whatever it is now of It's Always Been You, in which Rúmil and Orophin happen to be in Imladris not long after Legolas arrives after the Battle of the Five Armies and take issue with how the twins are treating him; they also meet young Estel, witness the aftermath of his first meeting with Arwen, and then the idea was to follow the characters up to the end of the War of the Ring (Haldir DOES NOT DIE). I am very stuck with this one, and it feels like one of the long stories I tried and failed to write 20-odd years ago - I had the idea but not enough of it to fill it out.
The twins-make-their-choice fic, of which I have about 900 words. I am really struggling with it, mostly with knowing quite what form it's going to take and how the story is going to unfold. I've been circling it for a while now and nibbling at the edges of the problem with various other fics, so I'm fairly sure it's going to happen at some point, it's just...getting there.
A canon-'verse fic for Barduil Month week 2 involving a linguistic diplomatic incident for @myeaglesong which I'm halfway through, I'm just a bit tangled up in how the incident itself will unfold, having done the setup.
Another Dancing in the Dark-'verse fic, a direct sequel to there's a joke here somewhere and it's on me, delivering a happy ending for Barduil Month week 4. I've got a bit done but I've been singularly lacking in spoons this week, for no apparent reason, and it's also from Tilda's perspective and I haven't written much from her POV before, especially not a modern teenage version so it's taking a while.
The Legolas/Haldir-in-Ithilien fic I was intending to write for My Slashy Valentine's event for Keiliss in February 2023. Also not cooperating. >.<
All I Want Is You, which is getting more and more difficult the further we get from the summer of 2020 and I forget more and more of the historical details. Another one where I think I had the idea but not enough filling. I just need to get back on with it, I think, and it'll fill itself out. Possibly need to do that May writing challenge I reblogged earlier and try and write 200 words a day, which might kick it off.
Stars and Arrows, a sort-of-originalfic based on a really glorious moodboard and concept by @mihrsuri - featuring two rather familiar-looking Oxford professors in a possibly-the-future-of-Middle-Earth-set reincarnation story with a mysterious illuminated medieval manuscript, which again probably requires more plot than I'm capable of but I'm greatly enjoying writing scenes here and there.
Two of a Kind, the long-ongoing original novel (based on a very old fic from the fandom that does not speak its name) which I am stuck on in various places. If anyone wants to read 180-odd-k of damaged ex-street-kid musician idiots in love and help me fill in the gaps, please do let me know (but please heed the tags)! I was posting it to AO3 for a bit but got out of the swing of it and now I'm totally out of the habit, though I tend to do a few one-shots here and there mostly for Writers' Month and Writers' Pride Month.
I think that's all of them. More than I expected, but still...! Do please ask me about any that catch your eye, I am in dire need of talking about them, and it might just kickstart the muses...I do need interaction to spark the ideas, it turns out, I'm not great at this in isolation.
Tagging anyone who fancies taking part in this one!
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norcumii · 8 months
Are you by any chance familiar with the Silmarillion? I read the tag "spirit of fire" at the bottom of the post about Killmonger and Zuko without reading the rest first, and couldn't help but think of Feanor (in case you don't know of him but are somewhat familiar with LotR, Galadriel's extremely spicy half-uncle who, among other things, invented divorce for Tolkien-Elves)
Short and probably most useful answer: Only in passing due to the fact that several Star Wars mutuals are also LotR fans. I watched a movie and gave some books a try, but it was never my bag, really. I wholeheartedly applaud anyone who gets into it and enjoys that level of Lore and worldbuilding; it just doesn't play well with my brain.
I recognize Feanor's name! :D That is a wildly delightful description, thank you!
long answer:
Look, back in high school, one summer The Hobbit was on the reading list. I hated everything else that was an option, and went for this.
The fact that I had to fake a book report was the only reason I got through it. The writing style was...not a good fit, and I had the damnedest time retaining information about names (which I'm admittedly not good at anyways). Some of that might have been for medical reasons, but regardless, I Did Not Get It.
Then one day the three guys I played D&D with were VERY EXCITED that there was now a MOVIE did I want to come with them to a midnight showing of The Fellowship of the Ring??? :D :D :D
I was genuinely just delighted to be included, so sure! I had a fun time in a full theater, still couldn't keep track of anyone's name, and the number of Dark Brooding Heroes + difficulties with facial recognition meant I still had difficulty with who was who.
But it WAS wildly pretty and my buds were excited, so I figured hey, if I tried reading the book I at least had something visual to compare to and maybe that would help!
For the record, Tumblr has been WILDLY helpful in explaining something I had no context for, that being WHY Tolkien was so fixated upon describing the green green trees, in the greenest forests to ever green, which at the time drove me halfway to despair. WITH said context, I think I'd have appreciated it more, but at the time I was just a cloud of questionmarks instead of going 'wow this is a fascinating trauma response to the Trenches.'
And I could not at ALL get my head around all the songs in the book. Like, my brain was dead-set 110% CERTAIN that if you are giving me song lyrics, it WILL be relevant by the end of the book but thanks to the movie I knew it WASN'T and I had three obsessed people who ABSOLUTELY WOULD have been frothing at the mouth if that plot line had been cut so WHY WAS THIS HAPPENING.
I asked one of them after I deathmarched my way through the book how on earth he dealt with all the songs and I'm pretty sure I hallucinated the 'someone sings a song about someone singing a song in which Some Historical Figure sang a song and here's the elvish lyrics' since that wasn't his kind of thing, and he had the temerity to give me a baffled look and go "oh, you just skip those. Skim until it gets back to plot again."
I didn't engage in bodily harm, but I don't think that's how it's supposed to go. Also, I would've liked to know that BEFORE reading the damn thing!!!!!
ANYway! So please, I cannot overstate how very, VERY much awe I have for folks who are willing and able to read and enjoy that times ten, which is what I understand the Silmarillion to be. That to me is a true Feat, which I shall admire from a long distance.
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