#I will support u if u want to buy ur dog from a breeder
l3irdl3rain · 2 months
cursed to care so very much about parrot welfare that i have to make this face when I politely say “no I do not, but I do know of a rescue” when clients ask if I know of any parrot breeders in the area
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bucket-of-amethyst · 1 year
whats your opinion of hamsters? do you have a hamster?
I do hame a ham!! Her name if Mirabel! She's a dwarf hamster, when i got her she was very shy and nervous, but with a lot of patience she warmed up to us!
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Here is her watching mumbo jumbo
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Ooo i have several opinions about them dlfkkf
They're lovely pets with so much personality!! I had a hamster that by just approaching a hand above her, she would lay down for us to pet, i had another one that when my dad would whistle she would come like a dog, Mirabel screams at me from her nest if i make a noise she doesn't like (usually sweeping the floor dkdkfk)
If u want A Creature that is cutely chubby but not unhealthy, they're ur guys.
Unfortunately small pets tend to suffer from neglect a lot because of missinformation and lack of knowledge. Like 90% of the products you'll see being sold at pet stores are unsafe, toxic and harmful. Hamsters because they're so cheap suffer a lot from that.
Their little paws are very small they're so small u don't understand how small
Contrary to popular belief, they're not really the best pets for children. Being nocturnal and very skittish. My own hamster took a loft of patience and time to tame her, and that's something small children might have a hard time understanding.
For real there's no greater joy than seeing a hamster enjoy a big, proper enriched enclosure. The greatest thing in life is seeing a hamster rolling around a sand bath.
They will look at u like ur own personal TBH creature
If u live in the US or UK and want a hampst support local ethical breeders! NEVER buy from chain pet shops. Those ones comes from awful rodent mills.
Hamsters are round. What more could u want.
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acti-veg · 6 years
hii acti!! im allergic to dogs not that badly, but it's still an issue and i would like to adopt a dog. i dont wanna buy one of a breed that is hypoallergenic, i want to adopt one. but i don't know what to do. if you are not expert about this it's okey, ur followers can help me too if they wanna, u can just post it with a period 2, don't wanna be annoying. just wanna know what to do. thx in advance -gawkylunatic
I’m certainly no expert, but just based on research what I can tell you is that there is actually no scientific evidence that hypoallergenic dogs are even thing, or at least there is no significant scientific evidence to demonstrate that they are, despite multiple attempts to establish it. It’s largely something perpetuated by breeders and based on assumptions about some dogs supposedly producing less Can f 1, which is responsible for most people’s dog allergies. Practical studies have found very little to support this assumption though. You’re better off just getting a short haired dog or one which doesn’t shed much hair, terriers are supposed to be quite good for people with allergies and they are frequently abandoned, particularly staffordshire bull terriers. 
My advice would be to visit a rescue centre and ask to spend some time with a dog, they encounter this issue all the time and will know how to expose you to them enough for you to know if you’re allergic. You can spend some time close to them and making contact with them, get hair on your clothes etc. and just make sure there is no reaction after a few days. That or looking after someone else’s dog first would minimise the chances of you adopting a dog then having to surrender them later. Whatever you do, don’t buy from a breeder, it’d be better to just not get a dog at all than to resort to that. Do any of my followers have any personal experience with this?
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