#I’m a fucking monster now baby I blew up a town because the demons told me to
azurdlywisterious · 2 months
I need to finish that drawing of Danny and Butch
In the meantime enjoy that Danny so terribly misread the situation that he canonically took a standardized test while sobbing and also deeply considered writing in “hail paimon” for question ten (but didn’t)
Canonically I saw the opportunity to sing the second verse of unrequited love and he who sleeps beneath but fucked up and merged it with a line from leave the bourbon on the shelf (in fairness that one is easier to emotionally belt) (Danny the king of misreading the situation and slinking away to go cry) (it’s why his sneak is so high)
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lavendertwilight89 · 4 years
InuxKag Week 2020 Day 2 Loyalty
Monsters--Rated E
Smut is at the end! NSFW
Also posted here
I used a prompt from an ask from anon : “I’m not a monster”
@inukag-week @superpixie42 @lemonlushff @dangerouspompadour @keichanz @cstormsinukagblog @willowandfog @inuyashaloverforever @xfangheartx @clearwillow  @umacaking @procellaxletalis @smmahamazing @murdergiraffe @faulkner-blog @sapphirestarxx@swaggingtomboy @sarah-writes-stories
Let me know if you’d like to be added to the tag wall!! :)
It had been a couple of weeks since Kagome had returned to the Feudal Era. After her reunion with her friends, she immediately had begun training to become the high priestess of the village. Kaede had been growing older and it was time for someone to take over. Kagome had kept her powers intact in the future and had even expanded on them so when she did return, she wouldn’t slow anyone down.
Miroku was impressed by her determination and fierceness in training. She took the compliments with pride, a soft smile, and always replied, “I didn’t want to slow him down.”
The ‘him’ she referred to, hadn’t left her side for more than a handful of minutes since she had returned. It was like he was still reeling from her return. He had to make sure she was real. While Miroku had been sure nothing intimate had occurred between the pair, he was sure it was only a matter of time. Kagome hadn’t been staying with him and Sango, nor Kaede and Rin. Miroku knew Inuyasha had built a hut just outside the village and likely, that was where Kagome spent her nights. He and his wife could only hope they were finally acknowledging the feelings they had for each other.
Miroku had gone in search of the half-demon that morning because he had received word from a traveler there was trouble a couple villages over. What he came to find, he had been regretful to interrupt. They were sitting in the middle of the clearing, Kagome’s basket of herbs by her knees. She was blushing beautifully and her lovely brown eyes were mesmerized by Inuyasha’s face. He had his hand cupping her cheek lightly, like he was nervous. Gods why did Miroku have to interrupt them??
“…what do you mean?” Miroku heard her ask softly.
“Kagome I—” Inuyasha started to growl and looked harshly at him.
“Sorry my friends, I did not mean to interrupt. I come with unfortunate news.”
Inuyasha dropped his hand from Kagome’s face and she turned away slightly embarrassed by Miroku catching them. In what, the monk had no idea. But, Miroku smiled kindly and reeled in alllllllllll of his internal banter he wanted to use to tease them but knew now was not the time or place. Sango and he wanted their relationship to blossom and taunting them would likely only set them back.
“Spit it out, monk,” Inuyasha said warningly.
“There is a demon a couple of towns over; they sent a villager to request our aid.”
“I’ll go!” Kagome said hurriedly causing both of them to look at her. “I-I mean, Miroku—you have three little babies now! I’m sure Sango would love the help with how fresh Hiroshi is. I know Suzuki and Keiko have been giving her a hard time recently.”
“If you truly don’t mind, that would be wonderful Kagome. Thank you, I will inform the Lady Kaede of your leave,” he smirked at Inuyasha and winked making said hanyou blush and mumble obscenities as Miroku made his way back to the village.
Kagome was nervous to say the least—at least that’s what her scent told him. Their conversation had been cut off pretty abruptly and she likely didn’t realize what he was going to say; but it should have been obvious. At least it was obvious to that stupid monk. Or maybe she did know and was just anxious about where the conversation would have led them...
When Kagome returned from her era, it took everything Inuyasha had to not spew out his crazy emotions of wanting to mate with her and telling her she belonged with him. While he knew she could no longer return through the well and said she had wanted to be by his side, they hadn’t come right out with their feelings.
He knew how Kagome felt though; she had admitted it a couple times when they were on their journey together. He missed the signs originally, also tried to act like he just never heard her say anything of the sort… she would have never chosen to stay with him. Never would have picked him over her family or even a human male suitor. When the well took her from him, he thought that was the end. She was safe, and the choice was ultimately made for them. He could die at peace knowing she was safe and happy with her family. 
But then she came back; thirty-six of the longest moon cycles he had ever had to live through had been worth the wait. Her scent flooded his senses when he lifted her from the well. Her beauty had grown--she was no longer a girl, she was a woman. It took all he had to not fuck her right then. Throw her to her knees and rut her in the middle of the forest making her beg and scream his name into oblivion. 
Thank God he was half-human. That part of him kept his body under control. 
After she caught up with Miroku, Sango, their brats, the runt, the old hag, and the other pipsqueak, she finally asked for a moment of his time. They walked through the forest together quietly, but in contentment. 
When they reached the Sacred Tree, he scooped her up and jumped high into the branches. He sat her next to him and gave her his haori, so that she wouldn’t catch a cold. There was no ‘going back to her time’ she said. The well had opened and gave her one last trip… and the fool chose to come back. He couldn’t allow her to get sick then.
He never questioned why she chose to return--he couldn’t bring himself to. Maybe he was the fool. Then again, he was just being careful. They had been apart for three years, while things had certainly not changed for him, her feelings for him could have. She could have just returned to be with her friends. He knew that she had mentioned she just didn’t feel as close to the three girls in her era--that Sango was a much better friend than any of them.
That night, they just talked. They talked until she cuddled up next to him and fell asleep on his shoulder to which he stayed still, leaning slightly into her, taking her into his hold as much as he could. Still reeling that she was, indeed, back.  
The weeks that had followed, he stayed by her side. Tested the waters. Touching her softly whether it was holding her hand, grazing her cheek with his hand, or even lightly kissing her forehead at night, providing meals for her, spending as much time as he could with her, and he even showed her his hut the villagers built for him. After a couple days of tree hopping, he offered to let her sleep on his unused futon, saying that if she wanted to stay over, he wasn’t opposed to it. She had released that sweet melodic giggle and accepted as long as he wasn’t being put out. He had never actually laid down on the futon though--he couldn’t bring himself to knowing he would have been alone… there would have been no Kagome. But, because she returned, he didn’t want to jump into things. He wanted to court her the demon way and the human way. It seemed only right. 
Just that morning he had brought her flowers and she happily and eagerly accepted them. The old hag had asked her to pick a special herb that grew out in the middle of his forest and commented that he should follow her… what a conniving intrusive old bat. 
They had just gotten to the clearing and he just couldn’t stop looking at Kagome. She was just so beautiful--even covered in the modest miko garbs, she was the most enticing woman he had ever seen. Kikyo had been a regal woman. Very proper, polite, and in a way, elegant. She was a very fine looking woman but paled in comparison to Kagome. Kagome was far more natural in the way that she moved and looked. Something earthly about her… He remembered how that dumbass Akitoki had compared her to a celestial maiden. While they were beings from the heavens, Kagome definitely fit the description. Kind hearted, accepting, taunting almost to every man around her with her open demeanor. But she was far from fake. If you pissed her off, she blew her top. He loved that fiery spirit of hers. Everything about her called his name. Everything about her screamed ‘mate’.
When they reached the village, he could tell it was going to be one of those visits. Immediately they were met with skepticism. He overheard the whispers of the people:
“I thought we sent for a monk.”
“Is that thing her pet?”
“Why is there a woman here rather than a man!”
“The monk must’ve sent them instead on accident.”
“Look, it has a collar! She must be controlling the Inugami.”
He felt Kagome stiffen and he nudged her as softly as he could without the villagers noticing but it did not lessen the spicy smell of anger in her scent. 
“Priestess,” a villager came forward bowing politely.
“Hello, we were told you had a problem with a demon?”
“Aye,” the man replied. “It comes at dusk. It has been taking a virgin away every evening and leaving her remains on the edge of the village, completely drained of her blood.”
“How horrible!” Kagome gasped. Inuyasha frowned and growled.
“I’m sure you overheard some of the… banter and gossip of the villagers. We expected the monk as well…”
“Don’t worry about the miscommunication; Inuyasha will protect me from any harm,” she smiled and looked at him lovingly. His growl diminished and he looked away slightly, blushing at the intimate look she was giving him.
“Your Inugami? We thought he belonged to the monk,” the village questioned.
“He doesn’t belong to anyone!” she yelled.
“My apologies, we saw the--”
“Forget it. Kagome, we should head out to the forest and try to track it so we aren't just ambushed here.”
“Right! We will be back before dusk, hopefully with good news!” Kagome said as Inuyasha knelt before her.
“Priestess! Wouldn’t you rather a horse??” the man asked as if he was uncomfortable with the idea of her riding on Inuyasha’s back.
“No, Inuyasha is faster than any horse and I trust him with my life. Bye now!” she said clippingly. With no further invitation needed, Inuyasha took off at full speed towards where the demon would leave the bodies of the young women.
“Inuyasha?” Kagome said softly into his ears as he galloped towards the forest.
“Are they always like that?” He could tell by her voice how broken she was by what had been insinuated.
“Don’t worry about it. No; they aren’t. This town just seems worse than others,” he placated stroking her thigh reassuringly. Then realized what kind of action it was and turned as red as his clothing.
She giggled as his embarrassment and rubbed his ears whispering, “We still have our talk to finish after this, dog-boy.”
“O-oh yea,” he said. Where had that confidence he had earlier gone? Oh, probably out the door when the villagers chastised not only him, but their relationship.
He stopped suddenly realizing he wasn’t catching a trail of anything. He set her down and got down on all fours and sniffed in every direction he could.
“There’s no trail. Nothing. Not even the scent of blood,” he added as he stood back up to full height looking around the forest’s edge.
“Would that mean the demon is flying?”
“He’d likely still leave somewhat of a trail of blood.”
“Hmmm… I’ll place some wards on the trees and on the villager’s huts if they’ll let me. Hopefully we can trap it before it takes another girl.”
“Kagome, I want you to listen to me,” he said grabbing her arms to make her focus on his face; her face changed to surprise due to his intensity. “You need to stay close to me. I’m not letting that thing get you. Don’t try to lure it or call it.”
She blushed under his secruitiny. Inuyasha smirked at her and leaned down to whisper in her ear, “Your scent tells me everything.”
She swallowed and slapped his chest, “St-Stupid. Keep your nose to yourself!”
“Is that what you want?” he asked seriously, trying to keep his voice even.
She blushed again and looked into his eyes with what he would describe as longing… Gods, he wished he could just--before he thought the better of it, he leaned down and kissed her cheek making her gasp. He straightened before she could react and threw her back on his back and took off back towards the village. 
Her scent really did tell him everything--and he planned on rubbing in her face how such a chaste kiss got her all hot and bothered later.
After their explanation to the headman, she was allowed to place wards and sutras along the tree line and the huts. The sun was just beginning to set in the sky as she made her way back to where Inuyasha was standing at the village's edge. She had pulled her bow into her hand and was waiting for any surge of demonic aura to erupt. 
“Scared?” Inuyasha asked.
“Nervous. I just hope my sutras and wards hold up.”
“You’re strong Kagome. I know they will; I was more asking about how you felt about your own safety,” he said turning to face her.
“I’m safest with you Inuyasha. I’m not afraid,” she said smiling lightly brushing her free hand against his own.
He studied her a moment--would now be the time? They were alone, afterall. What if--
His thoughts were immediately cut off when he saw something out of the corner of his eye shoot towards them. He grabbed Kagome and jumped quickly off the ground and landed on the nearest hut to them. They turned to see what had made its way towards her in such haste.
It was a very skinny demon; he was pale, light of his feet, elongated fangs, long claws, lanky--it reminded him of something Kagome had made him watch back in her time. A... vamp-bat? No, a bat-pire? No… What the fuck was that thing called that sucked blood?
“It looks like a vampire…” she whispered in awe. 
That! Vampire! What a stupid name. But she was right. It was sniffing the air, his eyes were clouded over.
“Yo! Get the fuck outta the village before I kick your skinny ass out of it!” Inuyasha warned.
“Food is plenty here, half-demon. Why should I leave?”
“I just gave you a reason, asshole!”
“You would never be able to catch me, young one. Tell me, why is your bitch unmated?”
“‘Bitch’?!?! I’m not his bitch!! I’m--”
“You smell just like him. But you are unmarked. You are unmated. You are dinner,” the demon sneered as his eyes glowed an eerie blue.
“Over my dead body, bastard,” Inuyasha growled in warning. He kept a hand on Kagome’s hip to keep her closely pressed behind him as he began to unsheathe his sword. It was unreal how fast the demon moved. One minute he was on the ground sniffing the air like a demented rabid dog, the next he was behind him ripping Kagome from his grip.
“INUYASHA!” she screamed.
“KAGOME!” he swung around trying to grab her but she was no longer in view. He began to panic and tried to sniff her out. “KAGOME!!!” 
“AUGHHH!!” he heard the demon’s cry not far to his left heading towards the center of the village. He raced there with speed he didn’t even know he possessed. 
“KAGOMEEEEE!” Inuyasha called and saw her laying in the middle of the street clutching her arm in pain trying to crawl away from the demon. He could smell that she burnt the fuck outta him with her power. The fact he made it this far before she finally blasted him told him this bastard was ten times faster than Koga ever had been with the Shikon shards.
“Inuyasha!” she cried looking to him and gasped seeing him. What had her freaked out??
“MOVE!” he yelled forcefully seeing the demon had gotten up and was pulling her leg to drag her back under him, his mouth opening to bite her. Drain her like the other village girls. Over. His. Dead. Body. He felt his body grow hotter and hotter. It was moving on it’s own as his vision blurred into a blood red and he no longer held a conscious thought.
Kagome had blasted the hell out of the weird vampire being and they landed hard on the ground. She knew she broke her arm and possibly a rib or two. As she tried to move her legs, she felt a searing stabbing pain like she had been cut. 
Hearing Inuyasha’s cry she turned to him breathing a sigh of relief. He had heard the demon cry out--she was shocked to see he had somehow reverted to his demon state. He was even holding the Tessaiga. What had made him lose such control??
Before she knew it, she heard him roar for her to move. Unfortunately for her, that was not actually possible. She felt the demon pull on her and she cried out in not only disgust and fear, but in pain. She was quickly removed from his clutches though from a very full and transformed Inuyasha. 
The other demon’s hand had been cut clear off and Inuyasha was holding her tightly to him snarling as loudly as he likely could in that state. She clutched onto his haori knowing he wouldn’t hurt her. Deep down, she knew he recognized exactly who she was--the woman who loved him. The woman he loved in return.
While they hadn’t actually discussed their feelings, she knew from the way he was courting her where things were headed. She had jumped into the past after three years and initially foolishly thought that things would pick up where they left off. She was glad clearly Inuyasha had more sense than she did for once. 
Not that she thought her love for the half-demon diminished in their time apart or that she would fall out of love with him, but him courting her like a regular maiden really put things in perspective for her. She loved him. Fiercely. Loyally. Truly. Fully. He literally engulfed her heart. There was no space for any other man who stupidly tried to make their move on her. Not that Inuyasha hadn’t already run off the other men, but the few who tried anything while he was aiding the fields or if she happened to find herself alone with Sango while Inuyasha and Miroku were alone in the hut, she turned them down. Hard. She wanted to make sure they all knew exactly where her heart lied.
She heard Inuyasha snicker as the demon rose, scowling and making half-minded threats. Something about his dinner being interrupted. She didn’t know exactly what was being thrown around; her pain was swallowing her mind. She tried to focus on the words being exchanged. 
“...that’s my dinner you’re holding.”
“My mate is not your dinner.”
“She is unmated--she is fair game.”
“It’s your death.”
“Is that a threat half-breed?”
“It’s a promise,” Inuyasha cackled after making his threat known. With fluid like movement he held onto Kagome tightly as he went on the offensive. She gathered he had learned he could not let her down as even with just a hand on her hip holding her to him was not enough to keep the demon from striking at her. 
She closed her eyes as she felt herself being swung and jarred like a rag doll while Inuyasha attacked the demon. She heard the demon’s cries of pain but he didn’t seem to back down for whatever reason. She finally peered out of her squinted eyes and at last recognized why the blood-sucker was still able to carry on--the body was just an animation. It was similar to the golems Naraku had used. She quickly closed her eyes and tried to pinpoint where the controller was.
She finally saw he was just beyond the forest--because he wasn’t able to enter. She quickly looked up to see Inuyasha’s smirking face as he continued to pursue the demon.
“Yash! The forest!” He turned his face to see her. The recognition was still there but there was slight confusion. “He’s like a puppet! An apparition! It’s not his real form! He’s hiding in the forest!”
He growled menacingly, which she took as he understood what she was saying but was in fact, not happy to hear that as in his state, he would not be able to enter the forest. Even though he was in a state where his baser animal instincts were more in control, he knew he would have to release her.
He lightly put her down but stayed right by her letting the demon come to him. She knew with his heightened senses, he wouldn’t allow failure twice. She grabbed her bow and knelt to keep herself stable, holding it sideways due to her injuries and notched an arrow. Drawing back hastily before allowing the pain to set in she fired with a silent prayer to her bow.
Her arrow disappeared into the tree line and only a loud cry from within the forest was heard as the demon went up in flames. Whatever was in the forest had been rightfully purified. 
She relaxed and dropped her bow sighing in relief only to be shocked when she felt arms wrap around her and hoist her back up.
“My other half made the mistake of not marking you. I will not allow the same error to occur again,” he rumbled shifting her hair away from her neck. She gasped as she felt his teeth brush over the nap of her neck. When he bit down hard onto the left side of her neck, she cried out and felt the strangest sense of being ‘full’ and unwittingly orgasmed releasing all her pent up tension . It was such a strange and powerful sensation that he had filled without actually making love to her-- she had orgasmed before pleasuring herself and had never thought that a bite would be able to cause the same stimulus as her fingers had. She felt her body and spirit melding and weaving with his aura and soul. She breathed deeply, shocked from the overwhelming sensations that were flowing into her from him. Before she was overtaken by unconsciousness, she heard cries from the villagers and Inuyasha’s snarls of anger.
When Kagome woke, she was lying inside a hut. She was hot, uncomfortably so, and felt like she was breathing heavily. She saw two monks praying over her and it made her confused. She sat up slowly which made them drop out of their trance. 
“Priestess, how are you feeling?” one of the monks asked. 
“Fine… oddly enough,” she realized she wasn’t in pain--her ribs no longer hurt, her leg had not stung as she moved it--what was going on?
“Priestess, the demon… He has marked you. We are trying to correct it.”
“What do you mean?” she asked hesitantly.
“The demon bit down upon you, claiming you as his female. We are trying to reverse the claim. We were able to pull him off of you before the mating occurred.”
“You are a very powerful priestess, you may be able to reject the claim itself.”
“Where… Where’s Inuyasha?” she asked worriedly.
“The dog demon? He was banished outside of the village. Your sutras shocked him when he was cast out and he has not returned. We can only pray to Buddha that he was purified.”
Kagome began to panic and quickly rose to her feet and collected her things. 
“Priestess! You shouldn’t move yet! You need to rest!”
“No! I’m leaving! I have to find Inuyasha!”
“Priestess! You have been bewitched!”
“Whatever! I don’t care what you think! Inuyasha is my mate!”
“Komori, hold her down, she is speaking nonsense,” the elder of the two monks instructed. The one known as Komori came at her and she whacked him hard with her bow. She glared at the other monk.
“I’m leaving with or without your permission…” she warned.
“Priestess! Please you must see the light! Your powers cannot be compromised by mating with a demon!”
“Our love is pure! My heart is pure. My power does not come from purity of body, but purity of mind and soul. I did not return from my home to be kept from the man I love and want to marry! If I did or do end up losing my powers, so be it! But you will move!” she said as her power flared as if proving a point.
The monk bowed and shook from fear of her. Good, she thought.
She quickly ran and dissolved the wards on the huts and the trees and was able to immediately pick up Inuyasha’s signature aura. She dashed quickly to find him, praying to any God that would listen that he was alright and didn’t hate himself for what occurred.
She found him not far from the village--likely he had been waiting for her to wake up. He didn’t move towards her. He just sat there. Brokenly.
She dropped her bow and embraced him from behind. He still didn’t move an inch.
“I’m sorry…”
“There is nothing to apologize for,” she said nuzzling against his cheek.
“I--I marked you… Without your permission or consent… I--”
“No! Inuyasha, I would have stopped you if I truly didn’t want it. Please--don’t listen to the villagers.”
“Please! Believe me! I know you were courting me and taking things slow--but please, I need you to believe that. I wanted this, Yash. I came back to be with you.”
“...” he trembled beneath her and his eyes were completely covered by his bangs.
“I love you, Inuyasha. Please,” she begged him to speak to her. Look at her. Anything!
“Why? Why are you staying with me? How can you be so loyal to me?”
“You earned my loyalty, Inuyasha. How can you even ask that?”
“I’m… not a monster?”
She released him abruptly and swung herself around to cup his cheeks and made him look her in the eyes. She saw the smallest trace of tears that had welled up in his eyes. “You are not a monster, they are for what they did to you--for how they made you feel.”
“But, your powers--”
“--Are intact. They are from my pure soul and mind, not my body,” she said as she blushed seating herself on his lap. He finally looked into her eyes and his hands hesitantly went to her hips. She sucked in her breath from the sensation and remembered how oddly warm and flustered she was when she had awoken.
“You feel it too--the pull,” he explained. He looked like he was holding back from something. But they had made it that far, she wasn’t about to let him be fearful. She knew she needed to prove her fierce loyalty to him--her undying love. She inched her way closer for their mouths to meet, waiting for him to push her away. He had inadvertently told her she was his mate--not once, but twice. She knew where their conversation had been headed earlier that afternoon and knew he was going to ask her something about their relationship. He likely hadn’t meant to get this far, but she didn’t care. The only care she had was a swimmingly drunken haze that filled her body and it called out for Inuyasha.
She kissed him lightly at first, seeking permission, granting forgiveness for what took place while his demonic half ran loose, proving her choice had already been made and there was no going back. Once she felt him kiss her back, the slight bit of pressure, she sighed in relief and wrapped her arms around his shoulders.
“Kagome,” he said in their broken kisses--the heat and need rising between them. She was sure the mating mark had only intensified her feelings and needs but she didn’t want to fight it. She never felt so at home or at peace than in his lap, their lips brushing against each other.
The original soft and tentative kiss transformed into heated confident stokes of their lips. She grew bold enough to swipe her tongue into his mouth, earning a muffled groan that made her smirk inwardly. She brushed her tongue against his fangs and made herself shiver. Imagining those canines caressing and nipping across her body only brought her further desire. 
He shocked her when he shifted her so that she was lying down on the ground and he was hovering over her. Pulling away, he smiled down at her. She was panting and he was barely out of breath. Jerk.
“We can go slow--I know the mark is driving this somewhat--I’m not doubting you wanted this. But we can go slow,” Inuyasha said as he kissed her cheek slowly trailing down her jaw to her neck. Yeah. Like she wanted to slow down. 
“Please don’t stop,” she whispered. She honestly didn’t care if she begged at that point. She needed him. Mind, body, soul. All of him. Sure, it had been his demon half that marked her, but it was his true combined self who had been lovingly patient and pursued her the demon and human way. The flowers, the meat, the roof over head--she considered herself fully courted and if they had finished their conversation, him asking for her hand, she would have likely jumped his bones then!
Hearing him chuckle, she helped him as they removed their clothing in haste. While some would say it was rushed, no one knew the burning desire that she felt for him after all those years beneath the surface. She was ready--far more than ready for him. His body. His heart. Everything.
He lifted her briefly to have her lay upon his haori, and then smoothed the hair from her face. “It’s not too late if you want to slow down--I’ve waited centuries for this. I can wait longer,” he admitted as he tenderly kissed her temple.
“I feel like I've waited centuries,” she giggled, reaching up to caress his cheek and his ears. “I want this. I want us. If you’re not--”
“Oh fuck Kagome, I’m ready,” he said as he dropped his hips for her to feel exactly how ready he was. She tried to stifle a moan, but failed. Gods did she want to taste that. “I just know humans typically… well… marry first.”
“I’m going to be the wife and mate of a half-demon. I guess I’m a marked mate now for a demon--” she said as she slid her hands down his body, growing confident as she felt him twitch beneath her ministrations. “It only seems right we finish the demon way first.”
“Al-alright,” he agreed as she stroked his hardened length with her delicate little hand. 
He bent his head and relocked their lips; passion flowed through them. Unspoken words of love, trust, loyalty, and lust passed through the heated dance of their tongues, the gentle caresses against their bodies.
Kagome didn’t want to ask about his history--she honestly didn’t want to know and even then, it wasn’t her business. It was in the past. He obviously knew hers. Stupid dog noses. But, he seemed like he knew exactly what he was doing so she couldn’t complain. Even if she wanted to, she wouldn’t. She refused to ruin this hot and sensual moment. 
She gasped and cried out when his hands started to tease and touch her more intimate area. His head dipped down and laved her shoulder, across her mark making her keen and writhe beneath him. His fangs nibbled and his lips sucked on her breasts while he continued his tender touch around her core. She honestly thought she would die. Every touch, growl, press of his body against hers had her melting further and further. She swore she needed him like air. She had to drink him like water. He was everything and more. 
His body shifted and he moved further down hers, licking, biting, suckling a path to where the tension was the highest. Swallowing back her embarrassment, she spread her legs open to allow him to rest between them. She gently stroked his ears, for comfort, but also because she loved the feel of them between her fingers. She hadn’t expected a rumble to emerge and when his mouth engulfed her core, her hips jolted up of their own accord and his name fell brokenly from her lips. Thankfully, he used one of his arms to keep her body from flailing out of control as he continued his prowess to bring her to orgasm. His tongue was not only talented in her mouth, but it hit, stroked, fondled, and pushed every nerve that made her beg for more. When his fangs grazed her sensitive nub, she swore and wailed uncontrollably, begging, demanding more. Finally as his lips locked on her overly stimulated clit, she came with a crashing force. She wasn’t sure what sounds actually came flowing out of her, but she was fairly positive it was some form of his name.
He had chuckled and slowly crawled his body back over hers. His cocky smirk made her scoff and he laughed more. 
“I don’t even want to know how you’re so good at that,” she muttered aloud in annoyance.
“Guess you just bring it out of me,” he said as he caught her turned chin and pressed a soft kiss on her lips.
She flushed and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, “You mean… you’ve never…?”
“Kagome, who would ever want a half-breed? I was too scared to try anything on my human nights not only because I’d have no way of knowing what the fuck I was doing, but because my secret would be exposed. Fuck, even then, I’m not that kind of man anyway. I could only hope my mother raised me better than what you’re insinuating,” he scoffed.
“That wasn’t--I mean--I’m sorry! I hadn’t meant to say anything,” she trembled fearing she ruined their moment.
“Pft, I’m made of tougher stuff. If anything, you’re just reaffirming my demonic instincts are something I should keep close to the surface since they know exactly what they are doing,” he punctuated with a nip at her chin.
“Gods, yes,” she sighed as he moved his lips down her neck once again and laved her mark. She whined and began to pant, the fire that was barely doused had begun reigniting full force, demanding he give her more. 
“You’re sure, Kagome? Once we mate, there’s no going back,” he asked as he lined himself up with her entrance. 
“I came back to be with you… Forever.”
His lips slammed into hers as he pushed himself to be sheathed inside of her tight walls. She cringed and whimpered at the intrusion but tried to stay focused on his unyielding kisses he laid upon her to distract her from the intrusion. She never felt more complete than she did right then; wrapped in the arms of the man she loved, sharing intimate kisses and touches, him buried deep inside her, she was beyond happy. She finally was whole.
He pulled back and then pushed back forward slowly, as if testing to see if she was still in pain. She wrapped her legs around his hips and shifted her arms to grasp his biceps moaning in time with his thrusts. Clearly, he got the recognition he needed as his plunges grew deeper, harder, and best of all, faster.
She felt her hips moving on their own as she tried to meet him beat for beat. Wetter than she ever thought she could be, she should have been embarrassed, but if anything, she was just that much more aroused. Feeling the rising tension as her coil in her belly began to tighten again, she cried out an unintelligible cry. She hoped maybe he would understand what she needed as she arched her back trying to angle herself to try and figure out what she was missing. She ached for that release again. He must’ve figured out her desperation as he leaned over and took a taunt nipple to his mouth and readjusted his hands so one still clutched hard onto her hips while the other went made its way to where they were joined. 
Crying out when the sensations were too much, she felt herself crack and break. Her walls clenched tightly around his hardened cock as she orgasmed--the most powerful one she ever had in her life. Over her, she felt him stiffen as he roared out his own completion. She felt him fill her with his seed and it dawned on her that they likely should have thought this act through a little more than they originally had.... But it was alright. She trusted him and even if she found herself pregnant with his child, she would remain loyal to him. 
Just as he would always be loyal to her.
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wickedlehane · 4 years
@pryceism​ || Wesley
[ LACERATE ] for one muse to get stabbed while protecting/working with the other
Verse: Take it All the Way (Angel S4)
The air was thick and heady with cigar smoke exhaled through fetid undead lungs, past sour lips soaked with second-rate beer, the best a seedy joint like this could afford to stock. Faith had to appreciate the ingenuity and entrepreneurship of the owners, dedicated to providing demonic clientele with a little bit of release from the pavement-pounding lifestyle she imagined that monsters in Los Angeles had to keep. Not a one was the Hollywood type like the suited green singer she’d seen back at the Hyperion.
No, these were (for better or worse) her type of people. Rough, grimy. Versed in vice. God, any other night she might pocket a few bills from Wesley’s wallet and get herself a little pick-me-up. But they were tracking a trail of blood quickly clotting as Angelus tore through the town.
First stop of the night, a little dive called Dante’s. Sign on the door said no magic was allowed on the premises- the only salt circles these demons encountered were on the rim of their margaritas. Violators would be shot- and Faith didn’t think they meant the fun alcohol kind. 
Well, Slayers weren’t exactly magic, but she could always make someone’s consciousness disappear with a quick fist to the face if it came to that. Wesley, however, was packing heat. A surprising sight from the former watcher, but as she’d seen in the last twenty-four hours, things were different these days. Made memories of the Hellmouth seem quaint.
“Slayer,” a particularly scarred vampire growled as Faith swaggered in- his face was all forehead, yellow eyes matching the same butter-colored light emitted behind tacky stained glass lampshade fixtures.
“Hardly know 'er,” Faith replied coolly, breezing past with Wesley close at her heels. Whether it was because he wanted to give her the chance to lead (either as a show of deference or that fall from the prison window hurt him a little more than he was letting on) or this was yet another test on his part, the young woman has happy to be the face of the operation. Besides, Angelus already knew she was in town and looking for him. This time, she’d be goddamn ready.
She placed an open palm down onto the counter top, regretting it instantly as she felt the textured wood, both beer-sticky and demon-slimy, but refused to let the internal grimace pass over her features. “Hey, barkeep. I’m looking for a vampire, goes by Angelus. Psycho killer wrapped in leather- sound familiar?”
The creature tending the bar was some kind of demon, all scaled skin and vertical eyes. Wesley probably knew what he was and exactly the way to kill him, but Faith wasn’t going to let it come to that. Intimidation was a universal language, right?
He turned his back to her, picking up a glass and rag, cleaning idly. “Information’s for paying customers. ‘Sides, we protect our own here.”
“Hey, Angelus isn’t your own,” Faith said, slapping her hand down once more, lunging to grab his collar with the other arm. Her eyes hovered to the drink prices, contemplating asking Wes for the cash. $6.50 for a bottle of beer? Holy shit, that might have been more of a crime than her murder rap sheet. “I’m on a bit of a tight schedule, but my shit list has room for your name on it if you want to play dumb with me. Tell me where to find him.”
“Look, lady, you want to start trouble in here, we’ll give you trouble. But I haven’t seen any Angelus,” the bartender said, dropping the rag and letting the glass clatter to the countertop as Faith yanked him halfway across the wood. “Can’t imagine why he’d be avoiding you, y-you seem like a lovely person.”
Noticing the commotion, a large horned creature who looked like a moose and a monkey fucked in a candle factory withdrew a switchblade from his vest, pool cue in the other hand. Several others standing around- a mix of vampires and other monster-folk- tensed, either for action or self-preservation.
“Faith,” Wesley’s voice intoned.
“Yeah, just a second.”
It was not the moose-demon, but a smaller, sleeker woman who darted for the Slayer first. Faith quickly looked over her shoulder, dropping her captive before donkey-kicking the attacker clear into the pool table. Hard, colorful balls clattered against one another along the green felt surface, messing up the carefully arranged shot-in-waiting. The moose man roared, tossing his wooden cue down and taking a wide swing at Wesley while Faith attended to the diminutive, almost feline assailant who had charged her. Not vampires, so staking wasn’t exactly going to help her here. She heard Wesley grunt in frustration, but noted that he hadn’t cocked his shotgun just yet.
Besides, they weren’t here to kill with reckless abandon- the notion might give Angelus too much satisfaction.
Faith grabbed two spheres, the 8-Ball and 2-Ball, slamming them together on either side of her foe’s head. “You’re gonna be black and blue tomorrow, honey,” she quipped as she straddled the woman. Turning to leave, her boot heel caught the round pool cue beneath its treads, causing her to stumble somewhat. “Shit!”
The Slayer caught herself on the edge of the gaming table and quickly righted herself, but noted Wesley grappling with the larger demon. Faith grabbed the creature’s vest collar and yanked him hard, causing his horns to tangle with one of the dangling metal-rimmed lights. Shattered glass and electrical sparks rained down as Wesley managed to find a firm grip once more on his shotgun, aiming it at the restrained attacker. “I’d ask my associate here to mount and stuff you on the wall,” Faith explained as she held the demon in a headlock, “But the decor in here is tacky enough as it is.”
Dropping the demon to the floor with a heavy thud, Faith looked back at the bartender, who now had procured his own shotgun from beneath the racks of whiskey and tequila. The Slayer put her hands up, nodding somewhat appreciatively. “Protecting your own, got it. Well, Wesley, I think we’re finished here,” she said with resignation. “If I find out Angelus came through here, you’re going to wish I’d practiced my murder rehab mantras this morning.”
Wesley practically dragged her out of the place, but not before she added, “Your prices are the real monsters here.”
Out in the back alley, Faith blew a raspberry through her lips and shrugged. “Well, that could have gone better.” Still, it was only their first stop of the night, and the moon was young in the sky. She straightened her jacket, wondering what bar was next on their list- if they hadn’t just totally blown the game. Okay, if she hadn’t just blown it. Still, it wasn’t like this was something they taught in the Watcher’s Council either, though.
Wesley’s disapproving look and tight lips drew her eyes to the fact that he was bleeding from the deltoid, the bloody fabric of his shirt appearing near black in the dimly lit Los Angeles alley. The knife that demon had been carrying cut cleanly through his clothes, skin, and by the looks of it, possibly got into the muscle. It was a wide, deep wound, and Faith screwed up her face briefly in a look of embarrassed sympathy.
“Ah, shit- Wes,” the Slayer said, starting to reach out, but then thinking better of it. “You, uh, got any bandages in the car?”
“Faith,” he said again, that way she knew all too well. Though time and trauma had beaten the intellectual superiority and overtly British condescension out of his tone, the disappointment never changed. The way those five letters left his lips told the girl all she needed to hear. 
He continued on, wondering if his confidence in her abilities had been misplaced at all. Their search for Angelus was serious- there was no time for Faith to 'figure out' how to once again be an effective Slayer, tracker, hunter, or whatever it was she needed to be to accomplish this mission. If prison had dulled her senses, then the soulless vampire would not waste a moment to utterly annihilate her. The natural cycle of day and night were on their side now, Los Angeles no longer a perpetual vampire playground, but that did not make matters any easier. Angelus was an effective, brutal killer in any condition. Was that clear to the Slayer?
“Forgive me if I’m new to this whole ‘working as a team’ thing, if that’s what you even want to call us,” Faith defended. Even before her stint in prison, she was always used to going it alone. So, yeah, she hadn’t considered Wesley in the fight, and he got stabbed covering for her. Was she supposed to apologize for that?
-Then again, maybe yes. It was her lack of foresight that caused him harm, whether directly or not. She didn’t want to be babied, but the former Watcher had brought her out here for a reason. She either failed him- and Angel, and by extension all of Los Angeles- or learned from her mistakes and did better the next time around.
Faith sighed. “I’m sorry, Wes. Let’s get you bandaged, stay frosty, and hit the next bar. Consider this my one and only warm up.” She removed her denim jacket and tied the sleeves tightly around his right shoulder to hopefully stanch the blood until they could patch that properly. Surely this guy kept an emergency kit in the car- if he had a shotgun, he would have a bandage.
The Slayer handed Wesley his weapon, which he slung over the uninjured shoulder. The pair walked down through the alley towards their car, mostly in silence. Before they hit the street again, Faith turned to look back to where they’d started, in case any opportunistic vampires had followed them out. Nothing.
She sighed, turning back towards Wes. “Bar two- the Half Wolf Moon. Guess we’d better get to it- this time, I’ve got your back, boss.”
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