#I’m gonna be real I don’t even like grimmons that much! i just love grif
rottingappleheart · 2 years
Huggins definitely sticks around grif I think. They’re besties.
Grif and Simmons move in together. Huggins is stowed away in Grif’s luggage.
Simmons and Huggins have a “Dinkleburg…” level rivalry bc Simmons is SO JEALOUS and Huggins thinks he’s like a moody chihuahua. Simmons is actively plotting her death (always fails because he can’t figure out how to kill LIGHT) and Huggins just kind of laughs and goes “Haha! Clumsy Simmons :)”.
I think ab grif and Huggins little handshake so much okay. Bc I can see Simmons going “We didn’t have a handshake…”
I just love Huggins and I want her back
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rubykgrant · 2 years
(A little sample of some Grimmons First Real Date nonsense; it sure is hard to hide the fact that you’re dating you’re best friend when live with all your OTHER best friends... also, Donut accidentally gets to dress them both up all pretty, but he doesn’t figure out WHY~)
They had been looking forward to going on a real date. The current crisis in the universe (which always seemed to center on THEM and the other people they spent their lives with) was over, and before the next ridiculous problem started, Grif and Simmons wanted to take advantage of this opportunity. It was time to figure out what they wanted to do, where they wanted to go, and when…
“Do you want to see a movie? We could go to one early in the day, then we’d have almost the whole place to ourselves because most people wait until later, and we’d be able to sit anywhere… but the movie feels like the big event for the date, right? So maybe we should save it for last… if we DO go to the movies, because we don’t HAVE to, but if there’s something you wanna see we WILL, I can check the schedule and see what’s playing… or, we could do something else, there’s that one mall we’ve been to, it has a lot of stores we like, so we could just hang out there all day, check out if we want anything and eat at the food court… but we’ve done that before, shouldn’t we like… do something special? This is our first real date together, and MY first date EVER, it should be something fun and cool! Um, no pressure though, this doesn’t need to be a BIG DEAL, y’know, I just want to make sure that, y’know, you have a good time, and-and, I want you to have good time with ME, because y’know, I… I really LOVE you-”
Simmons had worked himself into a worrisome whirlpool that he was drowning in… so Grif did the only thing he could think of to save his boyfriend; gave him mouth-to-mouth.
Grif firmly but tenderly pulled Simmons close again, kissing him until he felt the tension leave his body.
“I love you too…” Grif told him when the kiss ended. “And yeah, this DOESN’T need to be a big deal. We can just hang out in the apartment or something,”
“Nooo…” Simmons whined. “That’s not a REAL date, we have to go DO something!”
“Hmm…” Grif thought to himself. It was true, he DID want them to do something special together. He also knew why this mattered so much to Simmons; the guy hadn’t had a single date before in his whole life… not even for any middle school or high school dances.
Oh. Now THERE was an idea…
“The mall thing sounds good… and so does a movie. What if we do both?” Grif suggested. “We can go to some stores or whatever, then we’ll get some food… maybe at that burger place down the street? The one that’s like, half-way fancy, and not just regular fast-food. Then we’ll see a movie. How’s that?”
Grif didn’t mention the surprise he just thought of, and he did his best to keep his voice even so he didn’t seem too excited.
“OK, yeah… when?”
“This weekend, Friday. You get yourself ready… dress kinda nice, alright? But NOT like you’re going to a job interview. I know you’ve got a lot of clothes that could qualify as medium-classy, so you’ll be fine. I’ll pick you up at about 10:30 in the morning-”
“Pfff, You’ll PICK ME UP? From the room we BOTH share, in the apartment where we BOTH live?” Simmons snorted sarcastic laughter.
“YOU are going to get ready in our room. I’M gonna get ready with Kai. She always liked fussing over me whenever I was going somewhere, s’like I’m a big dress-up doll for her, she’ll have fun with this. Once we’re both ready, I’ll come over and get you… and then you’ll finally have your first date!”
“God… it IS pretty freaking pathetic that I’m in my 30s and just now having my first date, isn’t it?” Simmons was blushing now.
“Hey, I said it was CUTE! I mean, yeah, pathetic too, but still cute!” Grif closed the distance between them, snuggling himself close to Simmons. After a moment, Simmons snuggled back.
The next day, they tried to casually avoid each other before it was time to go. The giggles were back with a vengeance, made even worse now that they were surrounded by their friends in the same apartment, trying to NOT look like a couple of love-birds. Simmons had a bad poker-face; just thinking of Grif today made him blush, and when he actually SAW Grif, he flushed so deep it looked like he had a sunburn.
Grif hadn’t ever put so much planning and care into a date before… but this was for Simmons. It was for himself, too. He wanted a good first date, something that would start a good relationship. Yes, he had dated people before, not a lot but a few (certainly more than Simmons), and while some of them had been OK people… some of them had been a-holes. Admittedly, Grif could be a jerk as well. None of the relationships had lasted, regardless of who was at fault. A couple of them hadn’t even involved “fault” at all, it just didn’t click. That happens, whatever. A very rare occurrence had Grif part with the other person on somewhat friendly terms (that was a very mature way of saying they weren’t really into it, but nobody got mad, and they still said “hello” afterwards without flipping each other off).
Once or twice… Grif had a casual fling or a stupid hook-up. Nothing to brag about (and he refused to do so, because if Kai found out, she’d jump to the conclusion that her brother was a total slut and a hypocrite… he was not strong enough to deal with that). Stuff that was fun in the moment, and then over, and he wound up feeling gloomy about it… because, no matter how aloof and cool he tried to act, it kinda hurt when other people treated him like a mistake. When he put in the effort, the other person wasn’t interested. When he tried to just roll with whatever happened, he seemed to attract nothing but a-holes. He wanted things to be different this time. He wanted to be different. He wanted… he wanted to be good for Simmons.
Finally, the hour drew near… Simmons went into their room, and Grif went to find his sister.
“OOOH, are you FINALLY taking your nerd out?” Kai asked him, practically hopping up and down.
“Yes, and SHUSH IT!” he told her before she started screeching in delight over the situation. He was very grateful that his sister was respecting their privacy by not spilling the beans to everybody else, but sometimes she got entirely too excited. “I want some help getting ready for our date. So-”
“OH, I know EXACTLY what I want to do!” she reached out, grasping his shoulders, spun him around, and threw him down into a chair.
He was at her desk facing a mirror, and before him was an absolutely CHAOTIC spread of “beauty products”. Nail polish bottles, nailclippers, nailfiles, lipstick, lipbalm, lipgloss, bottles of lotion, bottles of lube (gross, Kai!), body glitter, mascara, eyeliner, eyeshadow, different kinds of face-cream, hairspray, make-up brushes and powder-puffs, about a dozen different colorful things he didn’t recognize (but thankfully, nothing that looked like it could potentially be a sex-toy).
“Here, I’m gonna pull you’re hair back like this- see?” She took most of his hair and held it back in a loose bun, but let some hang down. His hair parted in the middle, so now the dark-brown wavy lengths framed his face. “But first, we need to change your clothes… hmm, a jacket would be good, I got a few the other day I thought you’d like, but I need to make sure they match… hold on, I’m calling in help!”
She dashed off to the door before he could stop her.
“Kai, what are you do-”
“Hey, Donut! Can you c’mere a sec?” she ignored her brother, instead calling out to Donut in the hall.
“KAI!” Grif whisper-screamed at her.
“Chill bro, I’m not gonna tell him everything!” she waved at him, shush-shush.
“Heyyyyy, Kai! What’s up?” Donut poked his blonde head into her room as she stepped back.
“So, I got Dex here some new clothes the other day, because you KNOW what he’s like on his own…” she explained.
“He’ll just buy himself another hoodie, and another hoodie, and ANOTHER hoodie,” Donut finished.
“Exactly. He’s letting me play big-bro dress-up, but I want you to help me color-coordinate everything!” Kai gestured over to a stack of clothes on a chair.
“OOOOOH~” Donut clapped his hands together eagerly. He walked over to the clothes, looking them all over (not noticing the glare Grif was sending over to his sister).
“I’m thinking THIS shirt… oh, and the embroidery on this jacket is very nice… and these pants! Here Grif, try them on!” Donut brought them over.
“Fine… but I’m changing over here,” Grif took them and stood up, walking to stand behind the sliding door of Kai’s walk-in closet. He didn’t shut it all the way, and could hear his sister and Donut whispering and giggling to themselves the whole time. “OK, done. How do I look?”
Grif stepped back out into the middle of the room, and was met with surprised gasps of joy. Before he could turn around and look at himself in the full-length mirror, Kai insisted on doing-up his hair, so Grif waited while listening to Donut’s compliments (which were also self-brags on his eye for fashion). At last, Grif was allowed to see the end result; the jacket was a dark, dusty blue (it made him think of wet concrete at night… sort of a weird comparison, but a nice color all the same). The collar and trim of the sleeves and edges was embroidered with shiny, golden thread, making a pattern of little swirls. The shirt had a v-collar, and was a dark orange… almost brown, but still vibrant (Donut was calling it “burnt cienna”, and Grif wasn’t going to argue). The pants were pale-gray jeans, and somehow worked really well with the darker colors in the rest of the clothes. He looked… good. Actually, pretty damn fine. As Grif smiled at his reflection, Kai gave him a hug; she was very pleased with herself, helping her brother look all pretty for his date.
Across the hall, Simmons was losing his mind; all of a sudden, NONE of his clothes looked good. This was worse that back-to-school shopping, getting ready for picture-day, and trying to dress nice for every college and internship he’d ever applied for when he was younger…
OK. Calm down. He could figure this out; the real problem was trying to make sure he didn’t look like a tech-support dude who wandered away from his office cubicle. Simmons wanted to at least look vaguely COOL. He could maybe pull off the “I don’t give a heck” kind of cool vibe by just wearing some jeans and a black shirt, but Grif had told him to look kinda-sorta nice for this. Which meant Grif was going to look kinda-sorta nice, so they should kinda-sorta match.
Simmons started to sort through everything, putting away the casual clothes, so he now had the slightly more fancy options spread out across his bed. Now, to figure out which ones to combine into an outfit… UGH, it all looked stupid! Damn it, he was never good with fashion, unless he had very specific guidelines to limit his options (and this usually meant either wearing the armor, or something very prim and stuffy). He needed help, but he couldn’t ask Grif. Somebody else, somebody who liked this stuff, somebody who understood how to mix-and-match clothes, somebody like…
Simmons poked his head out of his door just moments after Donut left Kai’s room (she was now letting her brother test-sniff different body-spritz perfumes and colognes).
“Yes?” Donut answered, a cheerful musical tone in his voice.
“I need your help with something… um, something secret!” Simmons waved for him to come over.
“Oooh, fun! I love secrets,” Donut happily walked through the door.
Simmons hastily lead Donut by the arm to show him the issue.
“OK, so, uh… Grif… Grif made a bet with me, that he was better with fashion than I was, he just usually doesn’t bother dressing up or putting effort into his clothes-”
“I know, right? He wears almost nothing but hoodies! That don’t even have any patterns or designs on them! So drab!”
“Mm-hmm, but see, I know he’s having Kai help him cheat-”
“Oh…” Donut suddenly connected a few dots (though, he had no idea just how many more dots were involved here).
“So, I’m asking you, please help me figure out what to wear?”
“Well, you’re in luck! I just happened to have some very in-depth and intimate knowledge about Grif’s anatomy, both with and WITHOUT fashionable clothing!” Donut declared.
“What the hell does THAT mean?”
“Never mind. Yes, I’ll help you out. Now, let me see what we have to work with…” Donut leaned closer to look at the clothes. “This is nice. I know it’s ironic how we wound up color-coding our clothing to match our armor, but dark-red really is a good color on you, Simmons… oh, this jacket, you can totally rock this jacket… and these pants! There you go, try them on~”
“OK… but I’m going in the bathroom,” Simmons turned and went through the short hallway in the room he and Grif shared.
“Fine,” Donut said.
Simmons didn’t bother turning on the light in the bathroom; plenty of it came in from the lamps in the main room, and he could see perfectly well. At last he got the clothes on, and stepped back into the  direct light, walking until he stood between his and Grif’s beds. Donut rushed over, threw his arms around Simmons, and spun the flustered man around before stopping in front of the mirror by the shared closet. Simmons got a good look at himself; the shirt was a high-collard band, and a deep rose-red. The jacket had mid-length sleeves (stopping comfortably above his elbows), styled to almost look like an old-fashioned waistcoat with a low cut. The shoulders and collar were a steel-gray, while the lower section was darker, almost black. The pants were also dark, even more of a deep red than the shirt, and a little less vibrant. He looked kind of like… a Victorian-era vampire who had re-invented himself in the modern age as a rich night club owner. Which, Simmons absolutely WASN’T, and anybody who knew him would laugh at such a thing, but the LOOK was there. As Simmons stood up a little straighter, holding his head high, it kind of… worked.
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anneapocalypse · 5 years
RvB 17.07
FIRST Spoilers
First of all can I just
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for our boy Franklin Delano Donut.
I liked this episode a lot.
The Huggins family reunion is sweet but I honestly don't care that much about it, especially since there's sort of a weird disconnect wherein Huggins' parents seem unaware that they've been presumed dead and their child has been grieving them the whole time, and also apparently Muggins is Huggins' brother even though last season he said they were friends? Whatever. They were pretty much here to offer exposition, and I don't care enough to untangle the scifi physics of a sentient light being living at the heart of a black hole. But! I'm glad Huggins is alive, because she's cute and Grif's friend, and Genkins deserves to be spited at every turn.
This season has already knocked one item off the Big Two things I wanted, and now Tucker is awake and I have hope for more. The slightly-expanded wish list:
Resolution for Wash and Carolina.
Better (i.e. less meanspirited) writing for Tucker.
Resolution for Wash and Donut (ideally, with a real apology).
Resolution for Donut, in which the others consciously treat him better going forward.
Doc is alive.
Resolution for Doc, in which the others consciously treat him better going forward and he gets to be a character without turning into O'Malley.
Canon Grimmons for real this time! (Okay look I know it's unlikely but shoot for the moon right?)
We have 1 and 5, and we're well on our way to 3 and 4. 2 is still possible! 6 and 7 are just me aiming high and I will not be angry if they don't happen because one 12-episode season cannot do everything but hey, it'd be nice!
Kaikaina fucking with Tucker filled me with joy and it felt very in-character for Kaikaina and I loved it. Of course Doc would be the buzzkill who tells him the truth. ;D And the mention of Tucker and Kai's "unresolved issues" makes me optimistic about getting some decent development in that department.
I thought Caboose's dialogue was a bit rough last episode but it was excellent in this one. "Time is made of circles, I am familiar with the concept" and "I'm really good at card tricks now" and "Yeah okay but I have to kill my best friend in an hour so... yeah" and all of it, all of it was gold, and the fact that Caboose knew he was looping in time and just kinda rolled with it is the icing on the cake.
Donut's monologue was great. Sure, it's over the top in places, but honestly? Donut's earned that. But it was that one line:
You want to know what my crime was? Huh? You want to know what I did? How I slipped up when I trusted Chrovos? ...I believed someone could like me.
Woof, indeed. But it lines right up with what I said about Donut after last season. And I'm glad we're addressing the root of Donut's betrayal. He admits he was wrong! But he wants them to understand why. And that matters.
(Also, thank god Donut is swearing. I was gonna have an aneurysm if I heard "darn" or "heck" again.)
Wash is going so hard for Donut this season and honestly, even if he doesn't utter a serious "I'm sorry," the sentiment is there and I'm feeling it.
The driving feeling of this season is that it's really prioritizing characters, relationships, and emotional continuity over flash and epicness. It's doing its best to repair the damage the past two seasons did, and give the characters real resolution with one another.
And it doesn't have to be perfect for that to make me very, very happy.
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calliecat93 · 6 years
RvB16 Episode 12 Review: Docudrama
Earlier in the week, Joe confirmed that the season’s final episode count would be 15 total. This will make it the series’ shortest season, though Joe has said that the final runtime is the same as S12. My point is, we are in the final stretch my friends. So last week had some mixed responses regarding Tucker... and IDC cause Grif got n Energy Sword! WHOO!!! But now, after ten straight episodes of our heroes being separate, it’s time to bring them back together.
This episode has a rather interesting premise. You know how movies have those behind the scenes documentaries/features? Well this episode is shot as one, beginning with the actors for Wash and Carolina... having sex... while the two real ones look. Jax wanted sex appeal... though he apparently plans on making a Grimmons scene so you know what? Add all the sex appeal Jax! Also hope you all can tolerate shaky came cause haha... we get light eight straight minutes of it... be afraid people.
So Sister, Tucker, and Grif have just arrived, so at last the gang is back together! We even have Grif showing off the new sword to Simmons and them proceeding to come up with sword puns, all while Simmons is in awe. Ah I missed these two being together so much. Donut also appears to joint he party! Grif isn’t happy about this considered that... you know, Donut’s with the bad guys. But Donut apologizes for getting everyone into the mess to begin with and wants to help get them out of it. This seems to satisfy everyone for now, but... yeah don’t fall for it viewers.
Grif reveals the deal to meet with the Cosmic Powers and tries to get everyone on board with it. The Freelancers have concerns however and Sarge isn’t willing to give up the gun yet. But Grif, as well as Sister and Tucker, explain about the shield protecting them and Grif trusts Huggins enough that he thinks it’ll be safe. Carolina worries that this is a trap, while Wash is just happy to be back in the usual ‘get involved in shit with the others’ groove. Before a final decision can be made, Jax wants to know more about if time travel is a bad thing or not once Tucker explains about the time line being damaged. As such, Jax wants to interview everyone and create a timeline based off everyone’s travels in order to see if there are any true consequences to all of it.
So the interviews are conducted, where it’s implied that Sister shot JFK and Grif may have killed Ceaser. Oops. Caboose also discovered Chinese finger traps. The most interesting though is Donut talking about how Chrovous saved his life and has been nothing but respectful towards him. The Reds and Blues on the other hand, well... yeah... anyways, onto the results! Jax concludes that while the Reds and Blues have failed in fixing any past mistakes or losses, there so far haven;t been any actual consequences to their shenanigains. He would know since, as it turns out, he’s been using Sarge’s gun to do some time traveling of his own. More on that later. The unified time line... well... it’s a dock. No seriously, it is an actual drawing of a dick. Science is mean man.
With that out of the way, Grif again presses everyone to meet with the Cosmic Powers. Wash still has concerns though... namely in how this is supposed to help find Church. To say that everyone is confused would be an understatement. What Wash is refereeing to is Chuch’s message last season... which IDT he ever did get told that it was just a past recording. Carolina tries to pass it off as him fooling around and while t looks like Wash realized that he lapsed again, it very clearly troubled him. But anymore discussions bout that will have to wait as the Reds and Blues take the guns and head for the Cosmic Gods. Oh and what did Jax do during his time travel you asked? He got actors like Tommy Wiseau and The Dude form Big Lebowski and cast them as the leads. Wow... wow... oh and the studio doesn’t like it, so they cut the funding and with the Reds and Blues gone, Jax can’t fix it. So much for no consequences, haha...
The Reds and Blues arrive at what we can now refer to as Starseat, the base of the Cosmic Powers. Although Jax briefly pops in via the open portal to convince them to help get funding back. It ends when Atlus throws his weapon into Jax and knocks him back into his own time. Oh and we also learnt hat Kalirama is Atlus’ wife... and sister... did I ever mention how fucked up mythology can be?! We also find out who Golfing Guy is. So there’s been a popular theory around that he is Jenkins, who was the ‘camera man’ for Blood Gulch and was in one of the S5 alternate endings. And... it is indeed Jenkins... well Genkins to be exact. He also says that the pink one is going to steal the hammer, HMM... so once intros are done, Carolina asks to hear everything form the beginning. Atlus begins to talk... and because Joe is a jerk, the episode ends there. JERK!
Lets get the annoying out of the way first. SO the documentary style? I liked it! I think Joe mentioned last year that he’d wanted to o an Office-style episode in S15, but simply didn’t have the time. This was a nice place to revisit the idea. but... Joe honey, why did there have to be shaky cam? Okay I know why. It’s documentary style, and those have plenty of shaky cam. It annoys the people watching so Joe got that down... the problem is it annoys the audience. I definitely think that he should have had maybe some int he beginning, and left it after that to make it more bearable to watch. Still credit where it’s due, he got the desired emotion out of me. I’m also kind of annoyed that Tucker is back to being his usual self after the last episode, though he is acting more like regular Tucker so I guess we’ll see what happens.
So the Reds and Blues are finally together again and let me tell you, THANK GOD. I did not realize how much I missed everyone being together until this episode. I lied that it wasn’t overplayed and everything just... went into place. Grif and Simmons joking around, Sister getting referred to by her actual name, Tucker and Wash’s little ‘hey’.s to each other, it was just nice. I also liked how they discuss the issue. There’s the irony of Grif trying to get everyone to follow the plot now, the Freelaners asking questions, the Grif SIbs and Tucker explaining what they found out. Like it’s not over the top... I mean there’s plenty of humor like Grif knowing that he was gonna have to lie to Sarge to make him cooperate. But as much as I’ve enjoyed the crazy time shenanigans, it was nice to have a more calm episode of everyone just discussing what the next step is for them. IDK why I liked just seeing everyone talking so much, but I do.
There was just a lot that I loved. Like the shipping joke in the beginning, Grif still trusting Huggins, both Donut’s return and his interview bit (that hurt...), Simmons trusting Grif’s word and siding with him over seeing the Cosmic Powers, Caboose and the finger trap, the Reds and Blues trying to give themselves epic titles, it was all just great. Even with the heavier moments like Wash having another memory lapse and Carolina still trying to hide it were nice to see... and also hurt, but still well done. Everyone was just, for the most part, happy. I missed the happy.
So time travel stuff. Honestly IDK if this is a Closed Loop anymore or not due to Jax taking actors... though tbf aside form John Wayne IDT any of them are dead in the current time. So what we can conclude with the info that we have is that with the current brand of time travel, you cannot change the past. If you got your men killed or betrayed someone? You can’t change it. You feel bad about your sex life? Can’t change it. You lose a penny? Can’t change it. Now the whole ‘pizza doesn’t exist’ thing is still a huge hole... but we COULD attest that as damage to the timeline. It’s a consequence of the time travel. As we just saw with Jax’s movie losing funding, there are consequences to making changes and we saw that with Sarge where recruiting the new Reds ultimately did nothing for him.
There’s still a lot unclear about time travel, and with three episodes left IDK how Joe is going to explain it all. Maybe he won’t and we’ll have to see if he does next season. Now it looks like we’re finally getting some exposition which I think is sorely needed at this point. My guess is we’re going to learn about how Chrovous got locked away and hopefully just why tie travel is as dangerous as it is. But there’s also Genkin’s comment about ‘the pink one steals the hammer’. It seems to hint that whatever Donut is going to do, next episode he’s going to do it. IDK where that’ll lead, but I imagine that it won’t be good for our heroes...
Final Thoughts
This is probably my shortest review so far, but even so I loved this episode. The shaky cam was annoying as Hell, but it had a lot of fun moments that makes it forgivable. Plus it was just so good to have everyone back together again after so long. We have three epsodes of S16 left to go, and honestly I have no idea what to expect at this point. All I know is that whatever happens, we’re not ready for it.
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cinaed · 6 years
Red vs Blue Episodes 16:06 & 16:07
Went on vacation so I’m a bit behind, but here are my reactions to episodes 6 and 7 of Season 16.
S16:E6 - A Pizza the Action
Of course Grif knows the ingredients for pizza but not the history of pizza, including the fact that a) Romans didn't invent pizza and b) tomatoes were brought to Europe from the Americas. Oh Grif.
How is DOC being the reasonable one here? Grif, you could invent pizza and get rich.
"By the way, being vegan while being made of meat? Kind of hypocritical." One of the funniest lines of the ep.
Grif's pizza speech is poetry. (On a Grimmons shipper note, I now want Grif to re-purpose this speech for his wedding vows because Simmons is better than pizza.)
Poor Doc just wants to actually help people.
And meanwhile poor Kai. I want all the stories of Tucker cockblocking Kai through the ages, killing famous historical figures.
And after all their attempts at sexcapades, Tucker goes home to Iris because he misses his friends. Tucker's grown up so much over the seasons, even if he's still ridiculous at times. I love him.
Kai is STONE COLD. She is sick of Tucker screwing up her time travel sex tourism! (Also the first watch through I missed the Paul Walker death joke and wow.)
Grif's slooooooow turn as Doc starts describing his gluten-free pizza is sheer perfection. You know Doc's dead in that single movement. And of course the scene cuts to Grif shooting at Doc, because he's picked up bad habits from Sarge and also because it's been a long, long, LONG couple of weeks.
Tragic Doc backstory, oh no. Even with the ending of the ep, I'm halfway convinced Deke is real, just because Doc talks about him even when he thinks Grif is asleep and has no reason to keep up the act. But also Doc not knowing CPR then, and that potentially costing Deke his life, and then becoming a medic to help people, and getting put into the Freelancer program where he mostly gets to just sit by people as they die, is a really interesting character note that has a lot of possibility. It'll be interesting to see where Joe takes Doc with this.
When unsupervised, Tucker and Kai drink antifreeze. Also Kai gets mean when she's drunk and intoxicated on antifreeze. And I love Tucker and Kai's hate relationship, also that Tucker killed Hitler and didn't remember it because they've done just that much crazy shit.
Oh Atlus. I love that he gets like a wrestling introduction. And the lens flare and J.J. Abrams joke made me laugh a lot.
Tucker's slow, "Hey, wait, should we be hallucinating the same thing?" realization. And I did have a moment of "Oh no!" before I realized Tucker and Kai are not going to die. I don't know if Donut's going to sweep in and save the day or what, but yeah, not dead.
Grif is such a fucking softie and I love it. Of course Doc's story about his brother gets Grif invested, because you know he's also missing Kai a lot. They just got reunited and then immediately separated.
Personally I don't think that's the real O'Malley, but Doc's traumatized alter ego we've seen previously, but either way, it's gonna be an interesting ride. What would O'Malley/Doc do with a time travel gun?
S16:E7: It Just Winked at Me
Knew they would be alive. Also interesting that Atlus mentioned a "firewall" -- I am still holding out that they're aliens with advanced technology claiming to be gods. Also of course Kai uses the electricity to try and get knots out of her back.
The Cyclops looks so fucking cool. I love it. That said, if they have such a great animation budget, BRING BACK JUNIOR.
Kai was just giving you shit, Tucker! And she is so done with his ego.
Hugins' voice is so adorable. Though on my first watch through my friends kept talking and I missed Hugins being like 'MURDER, MURDER FUNTIMES' holy shit. Hugins please don't murder Grif.
Poor Grif. After Season 15, no wonder he sees Huggins and assumes he's hallucinating.
Meanwhile Tucker is in over his head, until he actually has a decent idea.
Bye shiny new armor.
I love that Tucker varies between calling her K and Sister. And of course Kai missed the entire thing. And draws out the cliche conversation.
And Kai's attempt to be badass would've been amazing if she'd known that Tucker's sword can only be activated by him. It was an awesome try though!
Also I love that Kai is right, the Cyclops' weakness is his one eye, but of course Tucker also knows the monster has one ball, and their plan comes together in a hilarious way.
And then they just nope their way out of there.
Hey, the Grimmons knights again! Oh man, I cannot wait to see how Kai and Tucker handle that.
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unplcnned-variable · 7 years
IF you still want to... xD For the ask meme-- Grif or Simmons for 001 or Grimmons for 002?
Ahhhhh I want to do both of them so much XD Uh... Know what. I will do both. Why not. BUT FIRST. GRIMMONS AWAITS.
When I started shipping them if I did: Hmm. Well, I think it was sometime after I completed the series on Netflix, probably while Season 14 was out and I didn’t know about it. I just sort of was thinking about it, and I realized that it was just. Perfect. Lol, but really, as far as I can remember, that’s how it went.My thoughts: Honestly, I love this ship to no end. This is probably the first ship that I immediately think of when I see a prompt, or a drawing-thing and think “will this suit them?” and if it does, I’ll rush to write/draw it, XD.What makes me happy about them: Honestly. Everything. Like, first of all - they’re obviously great friends, at very least. They just kind of understand each other? And, at the same time, they’re hilarious together. They’re just like. I want to say Partners In Crime, but the only time that really fits is the part where their entire team is being held at gunpoint, or during the A Day At The Base 360 video. There are a million other reasons, though.What makes me sad about them: Either the fact that it’s not within the show (despite the fact that Geoff confirmed it as canon tHANK YOU GEOFF-), or the fact that I have a hard time finding fics for it. >_Things done in a fanfic that annoy me: I haven’t really found any that annoy me, tbh. If anything, it’d be mischaracterization, but that can happen anytime, and it doesn’t happen very often, y’know? Even I’m guilty of doing it, most likely. So y’know.Things I look for in a fanfic: Fluff. Just. Fluff. Or angst with a fluffy ending. That’s good too. If I’m talking SPECIFICALLY about Grimmons, then I guess I like to see them either with Grif being. Well. Grif. Or them just lounging around, that’s always nice. ^^Who I'd be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: While I'd LOVE to see Grif and Simmons together in canon, I do know of a couple other ships that do exist. Most of 'em I couldn't really see happening though? Still, though, I think the only one for Grif is Grifalina and then with Simmons there's like... Him and Kai? Idk of any others though. *shrug*My happily ever after for them: Really, I feel like these guys could have a 'happily ever after' just about anywhere, heh. From what I can tell, the setting doesn't usually change the way they act towards each other. Nonetheless, I guess it would be nice to see them eventually settle down somewhere and (somehow) raise a family of their own?Who is the big spoon/little spoon: Well of course Grif is the big spoon and Simmons is the little spoon. Well. In my mind, at least, *nervous chuckling*.What is their favorite non-sexual activity: Honestly, probably just chatting. Talking about whatever comes to mind. Y'know?
OKAY SO NOW THE CHARACTERS. I'm gonna do Simmons first because I relate better to this dude x3.How I feel about this character: Honestly, I adore Simmons. Not in a lovey-dovey way, though. Like. I relate to this dude. A lot of the things he does/says/feels are the same things I would in those particular situations. So. Yeah.All the people I ship romantically with this character: Grif, and... That's pretty much it, but y'know, I don't mind other ships, either, y'know? I actually used to low-key ship him with Wash, but it developed into a more BrOTP after a while.My non-romantic OTP for this character: Uh... Well, I can see him and Wash getting along pretty well. I wouldn't say like. BFFs, or anything, but I could still see them getting along okay.Unpopular opinion about this character: Ehhhhh I wouldn't say I have an unpopular opinion, assuming I understand what that means? Uh... Well. I know that my brother and I often have it that, in say like an Office AU or something, he usually does Church's work because he thinks Church won't do it well enough dUDE HAVE YOU EVEN MET CHURCH-One thing I wish would happen/had happened to this character in canon: Besides Grimmons becoming canon, I kind of would like to see Simmons get Sarge's approval at some point. Put the poor man's mind at ease, y'know?My OTP: Well Grimmons of course. :3My crossover ship: Uhhhh... Well, I don't really know, but I guess he and Mei (from Overwatch) would get along pretty well. I don't really ship them, though.A headcanon: Ohohohohoho don't even get me started on headcanons. Honestly, my favorite headcanon I have for Simmons is that, while he's a total nerd/easily-flustered-dude on the outside, he actually has like a COLLECTION of cheesy romance novels. >u(Just quickly, sorry if this is actually canon and I've just forgotten, XD. If so then I'll replace it with something else.)
OKAY GRIF MY DUDE YOU'RE UPHow I feel about this character: I absolutely LOVE Grif. I enjoy pretty much every minute he is on-screen, mostly because he makes me laugh the most. But at the same time, he seems serious? Like the sarcasm is REAL with this guy XD.All the people I ship romantically with this character: Basically, just Simmons. I don't know why, but I don't really ship Grif with anyone else, although I know other ships exist.My non-romantic OTP for this character: Totally Grif and Tucker. Like honestly, I don't know why, but I could just see them being greats bros XDUnpopular opinion about this character: Okay so ASSUMING I know what this means, then I do in fact have an unpopular opinion about Grif - when his ISN'T slacking off, he actually gets along okay with Sarge. THERE I SAID IT. Like, they're obviously still kinda hostile towards each other and all, but I imagine them like. Exchanging stories and stuff. Y'know?One thing I wish would happen/had happened to this character in canon: Idk, I'm pretty satisfied with what RoosterTeeth has done with Grif. If anything, I'd LOVE to see Grimmons develop in the show, I suppose?My OTP: Grimmons again XDMy crossover ship: Uh... Well, I guess I could see him and Engineer (Team Fortress 2) getting along nicely. They're both laid-back. They're both pretty smart (Grif more in a common-sense way though). So... Yeah, I could see them being friends, at least.A headcanon: Hmmmmm... Well, I don't have many headcanons about Grif. That's more my brother's thing, XD. I guess I do have one, but it's pretty random. Grif is missing a couple teeth. Yeeeaaahhhh. He doesn't really talk about it much, and while he really should wear dentures, he doesn't, and he's learned how to chew food easily while still missing these teeth. No one knows HOW he lost these teeth. He just did. XD.
Ahhhhh I’m so sorry this took so long XD. Hope you enjoy~ :)
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