#I’m sorry my beloved moots I’m just not okay clearly
dearest-yeosang · 8 months
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5-stardustbunny · 3 years
I was struck by the sudden desire and inspiration to write some Aizen / MC / Ophion content. I want to preface this by saying a.) My only knowledge from Aizen comes from the Valentine’s Jail event so I apologize if he comes across out of character. B.) this is gonna be pretty much all sexual, do keep that in mind before reading! Haha, it’s so much longer than I’d intended
Anyway let’s gooooooooooooo
·       One Day Aizen called you to the Tycoon’s tower to ask you for an unusual favor
·       “…you want me to teach you how to please someone in bed?”
·       This was the last thing you’d ever have expected to hear Aizen say to you. If it was anyone else you may have written it off as a joke. But even for how red his face is, Aizen’s eyes are serious and pleading.
·       “Yes! Please teach me!”
·       “uhhhhhh, can I ask where this is coming from?”
·       “As you know, I’m tasked with residing over Love. But I’ve come to realize there is a whole way of expressing love that I know nothing about. It is my duty to learn everything I can on the subject so that I may better understand those who feel love and express it in this manner!”
·       “Okay, I can kinda get that but…” You pointed at yourself sheepishly “Why me?”
·       “I trust you.” Aizen responds without hesitation “Your status as a love singularity aside, I know you to be honest and kind, I trust that you would guide me diligently and unerringly through this.”
·       Well there wasn’t much you could say to that.
·       “Hm where to go then? Both our dorms are probably a no go if we don’t want to be overheard. A love hotel?” Aizen choked at that suggestion. The answer occurred to you as you pounded him the back. “I’ve got it!” Grabbing him by the hand you make your way further into the tower.
·       He followed obediently, only digging his heels when you alighted from the elevator on a familiar floor. “Hold on, this is--!”
·       “Ophion’s private apartments, yeah. It’s perfect, no one comes here if they aren’t looking for him and he’s out for some meeting today! Don’t worry, he gave me a key” Reluctantly Aizen agrees this is the best option and allows you to drag him into his master’s bedroom.
·       You sit Aizen down on the luxurious bed and strip him of his jacket and shirt. Before pulling off all your clothing. “People all like different things, so the most important part of sex is communication.” You explain calmly, running your hands lightly up and down Aizen chest. “For example, I don’t particularly like receiving oral, but I do enjoy giving it. Getting bitten is a big turn on too. Is there anything in particular you do or don’t like?”
·       “Not that I can think of, um , S-sensei.” You look mildly amused by the title but continue your instructing. “Well I guess if you did, we wouldn’t be here right now huh? Sex is a give and take, you should want to please your partner but it’s also important that you are enjoying yourself too. So let’s take a moment to figure out what you like, hmm?”
·       You ran your hands more firmly across his chest, pressing kisses across his pecs as your hands tweaked his nipples. Aizen inhaled sharply at the sensation, unconsciously pressing further into your hands. After a few minutes of this you pull away, clearly please at how flustered he’s become. “Wanna give it a try?” You offer, gesturing towards your own chest with a sly smile. Aizen nods bashfully and pulls you to sit on the bed, before placing trembling hands on your chest, pinching and massaging them as you had his.
·       Eventually you lightly pull his hands away with a grin. “Got a good idea of when someone’s enjoying something now?” Aizen nodded fervently, you’d been quite vocal in your praise, it had left him feeling a bit heated if he was being honest. You herd Aizen further onto the bed until he’s laying in the middle. You straddle him, drumming your fingers on his chest as you contemplate something for a moment.
·       “Hmmm, I think for todays example, I’m going to ride you. It won’t be too much work on your end and put what you’ve learned thus far into practice.”
·       “I-I see…”
·       You guided Aizen through the process of prepping someone for sex, particularly when there’s no lube on hand. Once you were already to go, you stripped him of his pants and underwear, giving him a few pumps just to make sure he was hard and ready to go.
·       “You ready?” You asked as you got into position, eyeing him kindly.
·       “Y-Yes” Aizen replied, surprised by how worked up he already was “Please p-proceed.”
·       Slowly you sank down onto him, and Aize saw stars. Gritting his teeth against this overwhelming feeling, Aizen focused on not moving until you gave him the okay. You took a few seconds before grinding against him. Voice airy, you started walking him through sex, ways to set pace, things that may increase pleasure for your partner, anything you could think of.
·       Aizen was so lost in the sensations he was experiencing he didn’t hear the door opening.
·       “What?” You said playfully, looking off to the side “You couldn’t even bother knocking?”
·       Aizen froze as he heard the door click closed, and slowly he turned his head to follow your gaze.
·       There stood his beloved master in all his glory. Ophion.
·       The dragon ran his gaze along the entwined pair of you on his bed, eyebrow slowly raising. Aizen felt a rush of both shame and arousal shoot through him as his master’s eyes fell upon his disheveled state.
·       “My sincerest apologies my beloved spouse, had I known it was in use I may have announced myself before entering.” Ophion fixed his amused smirk firmly on You and Aizen tried to calm his racing heart “Though I’ll remind you just whose room it is that we’re in right now.”
·       You wave him off “Sure sure, whatever. Now do you mind? We’re in the middle of something here!”
·       Aizen would have chided you for speaking to his mater so disrespectfully, but he was struggling to find his tongue. Ophion merely gave a deep chuckle, and to Aizen’s dumfounded surprise, walked further into the room. Aizen couldn’t bring himself to look but it sounded as if the dragon had dropped himself into the chair on the far side of the room.
·       Aizen jumped slightly when you leaned down to whisper in his ear. “Is this okay? I can make him leave if having him hear makes you uncomfortable”
·       You could feel his head shake rapidly and he stuttered out an embarrassed “N-n-no, I-I don’t m-mind”
·       So he likes being watched? At least by Ophion. How cute! Smirking, you gave him a peck on the jaw as you pulled back up to a lounging position atop him. He seemed even more flustered than before and you couldn’t help but think it that red was a good look on him.
·       “Now where were we~?”
·       Your lesson continues, teaching Aizen a multitude of ways he might please a partner of various tastes and encouraging him to explore what he enjoys.
·       Aizen didn’t forget his Master was in the room by any means, but it was hard to focus on it when you were grinding on top of him, instructions periodically interrupted by lewd sighs and erotic moans.
·       “Sensei.” Aizen suddenly gasped out. He could tell he wouldn’t last much longer, he was far to inexperienced and he’d gotten quite wound up with Ophion’s appearance “M-may I…t-try something?”
·       “Of course? Whatcha thinking?”
·       Using his shaking arms, Aizen propped himself up from his laid out position across the bed, until he was sitting upright, shifting you even more firmly into his lap in the processes. This new angle feels nice indeed.
·       Your strangled gasp worries him for a moment though. “I-I’m so sorry!! Did I hurt--?!”
·       “Nope!” You manage breathlessly “Nope nope, not hurt. ‘s good! Really good!. You’re way too good at this for a virgin you know that?”
·       Aizen blushes to the roots of his hair at the praise, and continues putting your lessons into practice. Bouncing you on his lap, and running his hands across the parts of your body you’d told him you most liked being touched.
·       It’s by pure chance he happens to look over your shoulder and catch a glimpse of his master. Ophion is watching the pair of you with a heated expression. Eyes trailing down, Aizen nearly chokes on his own spit when he see the dragon has his cock out and his pumping it to the timing of Aizen’s own thrusts. Aizen’s gaze snaps back up to Ophion’s face. The man is watching the two of you quite closely, not just his beloved spouse, but the man you’re riding as well.
·       Perhaps noticing his gaze, Ophion makes eye contact with Aizen. He shoots his subordinate a seductive smirk and licks his broken horn.
·       Something snaps inside of Aizen and he comes undone jerking his hips rapidly as he comes. Hoping this will be enough to bring you to your release as well (and desperately wanting to hide his burning face) he buries his head against your shoulder and bites down, as he recalls you telling him you enjoy.
·       It does the trick, and you topple over the edge as well with a high keening moan
·       Body trembling, Aizen lightly takes hold of you hips to help you dismount. You both a mess of sweat and other bodily fluids, and while normally he’d be up in arms about dirtying of his master’s belongings, he focuses for the moment on catching his breath.
·       This proves quickly to be a moot endeavor. Any breath he’d managed to regain is quickly stolen away when Ophion walks up to the bed, dick still out and now rock hard.
·       The dragon looms over the two of you, eyes full of lust. His gaze runs over his beloved spouse, before surprisingly falling on Aizen. The man finds himself straightening up unconsciously, and Ophion gives him a wicked smile in response.
·       “That was quite the show, it got me all worked up. I trust you’ll take responsibility for this?”
·       Aizen looked from Ophion’s face, to his cock now hovering inches away from Aizen’s own mouth, and back to his master’s face. The dragon didn’t seem to be joking, ad Aizen was too overwhelmed to do much more the splutter nonsensically for a moment.
·       You took pity on your poor student and leaned into his ear to offer him some encouragement in the form of advice.
·       “He likes in when you suck on the tip a little bit before taking him all the way in” You shared conspiratorially, grinning at the embarrassed squeak Aizen gave in response “Don’t worry if you can’t get all of him on your first try, he really likes if you wrap your hands around whatever doesn’t fit. Thinks it’s cute.”
·       Aizen risked a glance at you, and though it had a slightly teasing edge, your smile nonetheless reassured him that you were all for him sucking off your “spouse”
·       Taking a shuddering breath, Aizen reached out and wrapped his hands gently around the length presented to him. Sucking on the tip briefly before slowly working what he could into his mouth.
·       Ophion let out a pleased groan, running his hands through the other man’s hair as he began his ministrations.
·       For your part, you knelt next to Aizen, running a hand along his spine and occasionally whispering pertinent advice into his ear. It didn’t take long for you to notice that Aizen’s own dick beginning to grow hard again. Smirking you reached down to help him out with that.
·       Aizen jumped at you first touch, but slowly relaxed into your ministrations, focusing all his attention on pleasing his beloved master.
·       The moans Aizen gave as he got closer to his peak reverberated around Ophion’s length, driving him near his own edge. The Dragon looked down at the bed, taking in the way Aizen inexperiencedly went down on him with the tenacity and single-minded determination with which he approached every task. And his beloved spouse jerking off the other man while whispering into his ear all the secrets they’d learned to please Ophion.
·       It was a pretty picture indeed. He could get used to this.
·       A yank on his hair from Ophion combined with a sharp jerk of your hand proved to be Aizen’s undoing, and he came, splattering his stomach with his seed. He took Ophion further in his mouth as he groaned, desperately wanting to bring the other this same pleasure. The sensation pushed Ophion over as well, and Aizen eagerly swallowed, though some of the Dragon’s essence still spilled down the man’s chin.
·       Aizen gasped as Ophion pulled out of his mouth, trying to regain his breath yet again. It distantly registered that you disappeared from his side for a moment
·       Ophion grabbed the man’s chin tilting his face up to make eye contact. Aizen stared back flustered but still every bit as awe struck as he ever was in the presence of his master. Ophion smirked, running his thumb across the man’s chin to wipe away the trail of cum left.
·       “Not bad for your first time. I’m eager to see how you progress from here.”
·       “Wh-wh-wha--? I-I-I don’t--?”
·       You plopped back on the bed next to Aizen with a washcloth, shooting Ophion a mock-reprimanding frown. “Don’t just spring things like that on the poor guy, you’ll stop his heart. Careful with the praise too, he seems to really have a thing for it.”
·       “Y-you--!” Aizen turned on you in embarrassment but was too flustered to form any coherent counter to your words. You rolled your eyes and gave him a playful kiss on the cheek before wiping down his stomach with the cloth you brought.
·       “My apologies.” Ophion offered a small bow, eyes sparkling with amusement “Perhaps such things are better left discussed after some rest.”
·       Aizen opened his mouth to say he would be happy to discuss it now but the words were blocked by a large yawn. It seemed the whole ordeal had left him more tired than he’d initially believed.
·       “Oh!” You perked up “You get tired after sex too? Nice! A certain dragon has way too much stamina to relate, but after-sex naps are the best!” You toss the rag over your shoulder and on the floor without care.
·       Aizen tries standing to go put it in the laundry bin because “you can’t just make a mess of Ophion’s room!” but you ignore him, pulling him further up the bed until he’s laying the middle of it again. You immediately cuddle up next to him, and Aizen tentatively wraps his arms around you after a moment, to your obvious delight.
·       Ophion watches on with amusement, until you urge him to lay down as well. Aizen expected the dragon to move to the other side of the bed to lay next to you.
·       It was a surprise then, when he instead laid behind Aizen and using his long arms pulled both of you into his embrace
·       Flustered and more than a little confused, Aizen allowed the sound of your’s and Ophion’s breathing to lull him to sleep.
And then in the morning they all have conversation about entering a Poly relationship.
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sheikah · 7 years
the "gross misogynist" thing was probably about oadara and her anon calling a well-known and beloved j*nsa shipper who works for winteriscoming a "gross misogynist" and questioning her professional credentials for writing a post about targbowl tinfoil. it's weird how it upset j*nerys stans, because it had both 'tinfoil' and 'targbowl' in the title.
Maybe it’s because they’re tired of people mis-characterizing Daenerys for their own ends. Even if it’s tinfoil, that’s a widely-read site and it is spreading the kind of talk about Daenerys that I for one am tired of hearing, this claim that Daenerys is the villain. She isn’t. I’m sorry but that’s not really something that’s up for interpretation unless you relate to the perspective of slavers?
Let’s look at that lovely article, shall we?
‘The “enemy” Jon refers to is undoubtedly the White Walkers. But—is your tinfoil hat still on?—it also offers some hint of what I believe will be Daenerys’ accelerated descent into villainy. Note that, upon Jon’s utterance of the “enemy,” the camera hones in on a shot of Daenerys.’ 
Uhhh, okay. Cool. Sure. After literally years of buildup and Dany maturing and developing as human, a woman, and a leader, she’s the villain. When Winter has really come and we have the WW to worry about and Cersei literally just blew a bunch of people up, Dany is the one who is the villain. Perfectly plausible. Nothing wrong with that. Nope. And nothing wrong with the idea of a strong, sexual woman being contorted into a villain while the hot, righteous white guy swoops in to rule the world instead. Clearly the word misogyny is being overused by us. 
‘I see Jon’s voiceover as having two meanings: It is, at the outset, a warning about the White Walkers. And more subtly, it’s foreshadowing the breaking of whatever alliance he might forge with Daenerys in order to defeat the Night King and his merry band of misfits.’
This part doesn’t make any sense to me. The speech Jon is giving is all about unity and working together for common cause, not about breaking an alliance. I don’t understand the leap in reasoning that brought the author to this conclusion. My shipping reflex made me think that Jon was talking to Dany on a first viewing of the trailer but now I think that more likely the speech takes place when he is addressing multiple people in the dragonpit, trying to rally everyone together.
‘Look, I’m hyped for Targbowl. Not only do I want a Jon vs. Daenerys showdown where the Space Jam theme headlines their every interaction, but I think it’s imminent. These two have radically different approaches to their morals and politics (Jon strikes understanding and friendship with the Free Folk while Daenerys commits arson because the special effects are pretty rad). And if we assume that Jon’s parentage will take center stage at some point, Daenerys probably won’t react kindly to competition for the Iron Throne.’
This last part bothered me the most, the bolded, italicized parts being particularly strange to me. Jon’s relationship with the wildlings is a direct parallel to Dany and the dothraki. She has developed friendship and understanding with the dothraki. She’s hailed as one of them. She burned the khals but only after they threatened to imprison and rape her. So I would say on that front that Daenerys and Jon actually have the same morals and politics. We’ve seen her roast slavers with dragon fire so far. To me that’s justice, not “special effects.”
And competition for the Iron Throne? Really? First let’s just go with the obvious. If they are together, how will they be competing for the throne? More importantly, in what world does Jon Snow want to sit on the Iron Throne??? It’s not in his character. It just isn’t. And as I’ve said a million times I don’t think any of them will be ruling at the end anyway so it’s a bit of a moot point. But if they do, Daenerys will be elated to have actual family in her life again and to have the opportunity to rule with someone she loves. I can’t see them fighting over the throne. I just can’t. 
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