#I'm being tormented by tma and the only way to survive is by posting about it
the-magpie-archives · 2 years
One thing that's fascinating about Daisy as a character is that she's so powerfully slow. Not in wit or intellect, but physically, as a hunter. She knows her power and she has no need to rush or flail, it's easy to be calm when you have no difficulty asserting yourself.
This makes it all the more clear when the power slips from her grasp. She rushes, fumbles, makes mistakes. There's very few times that she slips up, early on at least. Aside from a few select moments she maintains the gravitas and power of a wolf or a bear all the way from her introduction to the coffin, but after the coffin things change.
Basira has every reason to be upset at her change, because after that trauma Daisy becomes a different thing entirely. Her demeanour changes, she speeds up, she's skittish, she loses her strength. She's no longer slow and certain but weak and clingy.
It might feel wrong to want that slow and steady person back but relationships are like music and if the tempo changes the balance shifts and that can lead to terrible things, things that cause you to lose eachother.
Am I saying that perhaps if Daisy had somehow managed to avoid traumatisation, keep her tempo stable, that she wouldn't have had to sacrifice herself?
Even in her early moments of irrationality there is a swift calculation to it, an understanding. If Daisy had been able to keep a grasp on her fierce intellect perhaps the violence of the hunt could have been suppressed!
But no, what use is there in thinking like that? After all, animals can never live as long as humans.
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