#I'm part of Green's subsystem but I'm not the usual Green
reimeichan · 3 months
So like, breaking down dissociative barriers. Increasing communication. All good things, right? But how do you even do that?
Turns our "breaking down barriers" is completely the wrong way to go about that. I've been trying to take a metaphorical hammer to these fucking walls and instead of them coming down they just keep reinforcing themselves.
But, surprise! It's not a fucking wall and that's why hammering away has done jack fucking shit all. No, it's an ocean wave, and I'm supposed to just sit still and let the tide wash over me and engulf me from head to toe.
God, we really need to rethink how we talk about our experiences and stuff with each other. No wonder some people struggle so hard with understanding how to actually work together with the other alters in their system, or integrating aspects of themselves with each other. Most people tend to use the same few phrases that get passed around the community, which helps ease communication when we all know the basics of what we're talking about, but god does it really stifle the discussions we can have sharing what those experiences are actually like on an individual level.
Anyways I'm gonna stop thinking of working on internal communication and integration as "breaking down dissociative barriers" and instead think of it more as "letting a wave of internal experiences engulf me".
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mickvalencia · 4 months
Devlog #001 - Summer is here and there's ice in the cooler
Hey Dear Reader! Here we are again, on our second week of the project being out in the open, and I must say that it has been absolutely delightful. The whole team has been hard at work on their own duties, writing, setting up things, discussing new and old ideas, editing, translating and mostly having a blast with this new working schedule we've developed so far. This whole policy of "Trade Perfect for Done" has done wonders for us, this week we've tackled some ideas we had in the backburner for a while, and I'll tell you what do we have in store for the next few days and weeks:
• DGS Podcast: Our Project Manager "elSolar" and I, just finished recording the raw audio for the first episode of what will be our bi-weekly (I'm not sure if it's the right term, maybe is bi-monthly, when you do it every other week, I get confused with those sometimes) official podcast, in which we'll talk about mechanics, lore and the development process of DGS, it should be out this week, and we'll release it as soon as it's done. It was a fun experience! We were a little bit nervous at first, but we got into it and let ourselves loose after a while, all in the spirit of doing things instead of overplanning. This episode we talk about the origins of DGS, we unveil some of the lore and have fun with some random questions, stay tuned for when it comes out! • Detrayan Prism Takes Off: We posted one of our main stories the other day, "The Myth of Creation", which will be part of our narrative series as a way to flesh out the lore and share with you some of the non-mechanical aspects of DGS. This week we're working on the translation of "Miracle - Losing Doesn't Halt the Bet", a beautiful story about empathy, forgiveness, and gambling, written by our Narrative Director, Mr. "R. Ursus". We hope that these stories not only help you understand more of the lore of our world, but also leave you with a message of hope and resilience. • DGS Annex: As you might have noticed, the manuals need some elements that are not available yet, like our continent map, the character sheet, a GD reference sheet and the script for the Prologue Episode. We're putting the final touches to these elements, and they'll be published very soon as well, which will takes us to a point where we can concentrate more on the lore, by having the mechanics already established in their basic sense, leaving us free to work on lore and subsystems! • Community Space Tidying Up: As you already know, social spaces are a difficult area for me, so our Subsystems Manager, "Kitt", is giving me a hand with the social and the construction of spaces to grow a community, play the game and discuss the lore and stories around it. We're aiming to have a presence on most socials, but we'll concentrate mostly on Discord (Which is where our sessions usually take place) and we've also made a Subreddit (r/Detrayan) as well.  • Green Book: We keep our progress on our third manual, we're taking it easy with this one a bit, so we can push the final parts of the playable stage, but it should be out pretty soon. This one will be a glimpse into the world in a general sense, we'll talk about the Planes, Ages, Species, Landmarks and Deities, among others.  Besides that, there are lots of other things we have planned for the upcoming weeks, like the Spanish versions of the manuals and stories, the construction of our own Discord Bot for DGS sessions, and the implementation of our Subsystems once the three main books of the "Detrayan Colors" series are finished (I want to get to the Yellow Book so much! Can't wait to talk about our moving cities and Behemoths!)
Anyway, I hope you're doing well, that your family, friends and pets are healthy and happy, that your today pales in comparison to your tomorrow, and that all your projects and ideas get to safe harbor. We want to thank everyone who has shown interest in the project and our ideas, we really appreciate your support, we hope you see us as friends you can reach out and talk to. Throw a message our way, let's have a friendly chat, talk about the project with your friends, clean up your cat's litter box and take your dog for a walk, call your mom and tell her that you love her, drink water, drive safely and enjoy life as much as you can. It seems I got sidetracked, anyway, have a most excellent day, and it would mean a lot to us if you can do the whole "like, share, subscribe, engage and comment" that everyone talks about, your support is the fuel that keeps this TTRPG vehicle going forward. As always, very big hugs from your friends at the Detrayan Team! Mick Lead of Detrayan Team
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Host Post lol
First intro post time.
We are going to introduce us, the hosts. We are also part of a subsystem called The Chaos Collective, which is...complicated at best and flat out confusing at worst.
First up.
Name: Percy
Pronouns: He/Him
Roles: Age slider, little, middle, big, host, nonhuman, possible trauma holder, age regressor
Age: 2-6, 12-16, 21
Gender: Genderfaun, demiboy, ftm, transmasc (term hoarder, oops)
Orientation: Queer, Aroacespec, Bi romantic, nebula romantic, gay (it's complicated is an understatment)
Likes: The color blue, space, animals, video games (slime rancher, fallout 3), Criminal Minds,
Fun fact: We have CVI (cortical visual impairment) and my easiest to see colors are red and light blue (i'm not great at introducing myself lmao).
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Name: Kiku (Jellybean when age slid down)
Pronouns: He/Him, Fae/Faer, Bun/Buns
Roles: Nonhuman, little, middle,
Age: Uhhh... older is like... 15ish maybe? Younger is between 3 and 7 usually.
Gender: FTM, Nonbinary
Orientation: aroacespec
Likes: TMNT, turtles, the colors green, orange, pink, and purple, Centaurworld, cocomelon.
Funfact: I use AAC to communicate.
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Name: Micki (Moonbeam when a kid)
Pronouns: He/Him, Fae/Faer, It/Its
Roles: Host, Nonhuman, trauma holder, Age slider
Age: 5-7, 13-15, 22
Gender: trans man, genderqueer, genderfluid
Orientation: aroacespec, panro, grey ace, demi (it's complicated as hell)
Likes: My Little Pony, Centaurworld, Fallout: New Vegas, TMNT, Scooby Doo, way too many cartoons. Cocomelon included 😅. Spooky stuff. Creepy Pasta/SCPs. I love to draw and I am beginning to get into producing EDM music. Legend of Zelda, Dragon Quest. Music.
Fun fact: Uh... I kin Horse from Centaurworld really hard.
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We also tend to blur together quite heavily and we have names for those blurs but those will get their own intro posts we think.
We are all shapeshifters with different forms and we might make post about that at some point.
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systemofshadow · 2 years
hello. we're a system of 7+ that wanted a place to put our plural experience in words somewhere, and a place to reblog posts about plural experiences.
fair warning, you may see a bit of syscourse on this blog, but i will do my best to tag it and keep it to a minimum. i believe all systems are valid, and always will.
i hope you enjoy your time here, as i hope i do.
i realize the way i refer to our alters (by first initial only, for privacy reasons) could be confusing, so i'm tacking this on for those who are curious!
S (current host) — that's me! i'm who will (usually) be using this blog. though sometimes i get a bit blurry. since i'm (almost) always up front, and don't often lose memories between switches, i can't always tell if someone else is influencing our descisions or co-fronting.
she / they pronouns, same age as the body which is 28.
T — frequent co-fronter. loves the art of tattoos and minecraft. bisexual nonbinary guy who likes to wear skirts and is very upset about the body not being as tall as he is.
he / they pronouns, age 20-ish.
W — previous host and frequent co-fronter. she was host when we were a teenager, and ended up fusing with our other previous host from when we were a young adult. always helps me (S) stay calm while cooking. loves neon green and black.
she / they pronouns, age 21.
N — doesn't co-front frequently but does enjoy making jokey comments and aiding in the fun kind of chaos. like T, loves the kareoke bar in the basement of headspace. bisexual as fuck.
she / they pronouns, age 21-ish.
M — used to co-front often, but no longer does. there were some complications in telling her apart from another alter. likes the colors light blue and yellow, mostly wears black. the communal areas in headspace house are based on her 'actual' home.
she / her pronouns, age 21.
E — previous host and the reason we know we're a system! while T and M co-fronted frequently before we figured it out, it was only when E fronted that we started to dive into research. also the first person to get a room in headspace! loves squishmallows and her caretaker, A.
she / her pronouns, age slides 4 - 9.
A — the caretaker of the system. first alter to ever exist as far as we're aware, dating back to "imaginary friend" status back when E was the host and the body was four. always providing comfort to those who are distressed. for a while, i (S) went by A in headspace, thinking she'd gone dormant and naming myself after her, but she got her name back once she made it clear she was still here!
she / her pronouns, age 25.
L — trying her best to no longer be a persecutor of the system. was our only non-human, ageless alter before she fused with a previous host (known as R). now in a qpr with A, she is working on healing her religious trauma and being kinder to the rest of the system. loves the collor yellow. finds it important you know that she, like A, is an asexual lesbian.
she / her pronouns, age 24.
P — our therapist alter. since we haven't been able to speak to a therapist irl, she developed in order to help us through the hardest parts of our mental illnesses. started appearing back when W was host. tries her best not to judge us, but i'm pretty sure she's tired of my shit /lh.
she / her pronouns, age 45-ish.
M (2) — no relation to M other than her first initial, and i'm not entirely sure if she exists. other alters have mentioned her, but i haven't been able to meet her. would be somewhere between a previous host and a subsystem alter of N's. she's a big old question mark, but deserves to be mentioned nonetheless.
she / her pronouns, age slides 12 - 15.
i may expand on now-fused alters and other question-mark facets of our system at a later time, but trying to reduce everyone down to a few important sentences has been super tiring for us so that will have to wait! hope this helped clear some things up about our system :3
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