#I'm so glad i rediscovered my love for them before it was too late
tardis--dreams · 1 year
I'm still not over that all time low concert btw. If you even care
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boba-beom · 1 year
smilesss c:
hiii! sorry i have been m.i.a for so long, but i finally made it, both flights were terrible, but it's okay because i have had such an amazing time so far. can't believe i'll be flying back in a week :/
OMGGGG how's it going with island guy, i hope you had an amazing time together ahh i'm so excited for the future updates of I Like U now, but take your time, no pressure!! is there something there between you though? did you feel anything?
that's true, thank you🥺❤️ i recently picked up my electric guitar now that i've come home and even though i haven't played in such a long time, i was surprised with how quick i picked up some songs or how easily i remembered others. it made me think about how sometimes there are some things in our lives that we stop doing because so many things get in the way and we lose touch with them, until we discover them again. the feelings i experienced when i was playing the same songs i used to play are honestly indescribable, it was as if nothing else mattered, but that beautiful melody. it made me realise how much i miss performing too❤️ i was wondering if that has ever happened to you too?
i just know beomjun would slay so hard, manifesting fr. when enhypen niki and jungwon did it, i was in awe and i couldn't stop thinking about yeonjun and beomgyu doing one. they could easily suit any genre, but i'm thinking something dark would look so good.
ooooh, i'm excited for the rest of your 80s oneshots - the taehyun one was just *chef's kiss*. and omg beomgyu's look for dream week lives in my head rent free - he looked like an 80s heartthrob. happy late beomgyu day btw🥺❤️
thank you so much smiles❤️, i'm just glad they're finally over. i hate exam season so much. it's always so stressful.
how are you doing though? how's writing going? i have this yeonjun oneshot that i've been working on for over a year now, it's so long and i'm almost finished, i just have three scenes left to write before i get into the editing process lol. i'm the type of writer that takes a long time to produce something and seeing how fast other writers produce pieces makes me feel a bit like i'm missing out? idk if that's the right word, but i wish i could write something good that fast sometimes, but i've also come to terms with the fact that everyone has their own pace when it comes to writing. some write faster, some write slower, but the end product is always amazing❤️
hi lovely, I'm sorry the flights were terrible, but how is it being home?
as for the island guy, he's coming next week I think, so we'll see if he'll come visit me or not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'm not too fussed about it really. he greeted me on my birthday, not really a greeting, more like a banter "you're getting older" message but yeah other than that I don't really think anything is going on atm :/
that's so beautiful, april 🥹 I haven't played my guitar for a long while, so I feel like when I do have the time and get back into doing it, I would most likely rediscover that feeling again :') I love that for you though, I find it so satisfying when the muscle memory kicks in, yano?
thank you!! I just saw your rb and your feedback just made me so happy, thank you and I'm really glad you liked it a lot! I feel like I'm going to hinder the 80s fics for a little while until I'm satisfied enough with the amount of uni work I have to do for my coursework. my deadline is in 6 weeks and I don't want to rush things so that's why I haven't been as active on here :') happy late beomgyu day too! <3
as for your writing, take as much time as you need. it is for you after all and we just have the privilege to read people's shared works/imaginations. I'm rooting for you and I hope you tag me whenever you do post it <3 but you're right! everyone's writing journey is different but the outcome is always just as beautiful! and I'm doing okay! I've been busying myself! I had a uni trip last week and then went home for my birthday in the same week, so I'm a little exhausted lmao, so the past week I've just been staying in uni longer than usual and doing work which I'm happy with! beomgyu's birthday post was the last thing I've written for a while, everything else has just been in bullet points for now until I have time to write everything in full :> I hope you've been well since you sent this ask!
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wanderinstar · 1 year
🎅 santa loves yes. sorry for taking a while with this ask! i will try to make up for it! i have never heard of rare bird but thank you for the recommendation!
yes is one of the bands i am most into at the present moment, with the other one being the buggles, which is a pretty painful experience because a buggles fanbase is near nonexistent and legitimately half of their discography is not even on spotify. whatever.
im not sure if i would be able to tell you anything you dont already know about yes, but one of my favorite yes moments, top of the line, was when jon composed the second verse of owner of a lonely heart and that pissed off trevor(horn) because his own lyrics were replaced, so after the eagle in the sky bit in the song he actually just added a gun shooting jons eagle from the sky😭
how did you become a classic rock enthusiast? you can be as lengthy as you want with this answer, i want to hear it all. i LIKE to hear it all.
No problem, Santa!
So you do know Yes, I knew it! My intuition is on point lately haha! Can you believe I didn't know about this Yes story? Or at least I don't remember. It's hilarious, thank you for sharing it with me, it made me laugh! I'm curious, how did you discover them? Have you been a fan for a long time?
Dear Santa, I understand what you mean with "painful experience" in relation to the Buggles fanbase. It's the same with Rare Bird actually, I'm so sorry! Unfortunately they don't receive enough love 💔 btw I can't wait to hear your impressions on Rare Bird, I really hope you like it, but if you don't, it's totally fine. And you can take your time, no pressure ;)
And now I'm feeling free to complain a little about spotify as well hehehe. I could never adapt to music streaming platforms for many reasons, but not having some stuff in there is one of them. But I do enjoy seeing people's spotify wrapped, even though I don't use it. What was your top song this year, if you don't mind sharing?
As for your question, it's a bit hard to say when exactly it happened... my dad loves music, and I grew up listening to a lot of classic rock tunes. But I've only really started listening to it on my own as a grown up! I think it's possible to say that finding Yes a couple years ago triggered it in me. When I first heard them, I couldn't believe my dad had never played it for us before (I was simply sure he knew them just because!). Then I started digging and rediscovered bands and songs, and ended up expanding in a way that I introduce some stuff to him as well, as he still introduces rock songs to me. And it's a lot of fun!
Now I'm glad liking this kind of music is giving me the opportunity to befriend you :) I would love to hear your story as well if you feel like sharing. I'm afraid I might be asking too many questions so I'm gonna stop here 😆
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jokerownsmysoul · 4 years
one year.
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Today is exactly a year since I first saw Joker.
What inspired me to see it, at first, was just the respect and admiration I felt for Joaquin, an actor I already knew and who had totally captured me when I saw Her a few years ago. I was curious to see his interpretation of Joker but I had not seen the trailer nor dedicated to the movie any special attention.
Then, late in October, I came across a promotional photo of Arthur, and something snapped in my heart the second my eyes met his. There was something settled in his expression full of pain, in his silent attempt to ask for help, in his sad but sparkling eyes, in his delicate beauty, that spoke to me. I felt the urgency to see the trailer: I had to meet that man. I had to know Arthur. From there I felt a connection with him that caught me by surprise.
That day, after watching the trailer, Arthur had already decided that he was going to be part of my life in a way I never thought possible. He opened the door to my heart and whispered, "I leave the door ajar for when I come in." And he did, because something about him had already captured me. I watched the trailer over and over, counted the days before I met Arthur, and I waited for him to come. For the first time I wanted to watch Joker not for Joaquin, but for Arthur.
I went to the movie theater thinking I was gonna enjoy a nice night and a beautiful movie with a intriguing character, but then I saw Arthur. I saw him sitting in front of the vanity at Haha's, on the sidelines, forcing a painful smile with his fingers and trying to hold back and fight tears distilled in a blue color, and in that specific moment the sense of belonging that I felt when I saw him in the trailer got bigger and bigger, the door that Arthur had left ajar I could feel slowly and at the same time quickly being opened inside me, and Arthur was already important to me.
At the end of the movie I was totally, completely absorbed by Arthur, who in the meantime had wide opened the door of my heart to inhabit it. I never thought those two hours would mean to me more than I ever imagined, and I knew that something special had just come into my life. I never thought after a year I'd still be here, even more in love than before, remembering the memories Joker gave me throughout the year, remembering how many times he helped me and all of us in this rough period we are living in.
Arthur is a fictional character, and yet my love for him is one of the strongest things I’ve ever felt in my life. I needed this love, it’s what a part of me always longed for my whole life, but I never thought that the person to give me this love would be him, Arthur, and I didn’t know that until he came to me. It took me a while to embrace the feeling I felt for him, going beyond all the people who told me it was wrong, that it wasn’t right, even if I never believe them. I found out this community who helped me to realize better that love is never wrong. Ever. Falling for him came naturally to me, he's the easiest person to love.
Arthur made me rediscover a part of myself that I thought I’d lost forever and I didn’t know I missed her so much. He gave me some of the deepest friendships I have, the adrenaline and the clumsy fear of a love that you don’t know yet but from which you feel drawn as if it were a siren's call. He gave me cries, smiles and emotions that I haven’t felt in a long time. He gave me poetry, he gave me daydreams and old fashioned music. He made me discover parts of myself that I did not know yet and he made me know better those parts of myself that I had never listened as I should have. Arthur is teaching me to love and be the best version of myself.
Arthur gave me my writing back. I've been writing for my whole life, but with him my writing started breathing better again. For the first time in ten years, since the last time I've written fan fiction, I felt the urgency to start doing it again for him. I felt the irrepressible desire to give Arthur the life he deserved through ink and live this love deeper. It took a few months before I was brave enough to post my writings publicly, truth be told I regret not having created this blog before, but I’m glad I eventually managed to overcome my insecurities. Making this blog is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.
There are not enough words to describe the life I’m experiencing with this blog. I have never taken part in a fandom, it was a whole new world for me, and I am happy that I'm experiencing it for the first time with the best fandom I could ever find. Joker fandom has the sweetest, most inclusive, empathic, generous and kindest people I know. We took an ironic and mocking expression invented by Randall, Chuckletown, took the best from it, and created something as wonderful as our Chuckletown, and every day you show me that being part of Chuckletown is an honor.
I will always be grateful to Arthur for bringing into my life such a rare love that enters the lives of a few people that I didn't know existed, a love so intense that I never thought it would come to my life. For making me meet some of the most important people who fill my days, for giving me wonderful friendships and emotions whose words to be described have not yet been created.
Even if oceans keep us apart, even though we are distant and spread around the world, this has never stopped me from considering you my dear friends. You understand me and show me your affection every day, and I hope I can give you at least half of the affection you show me. I hope I can give that to Arthur, too, somehow.
To you and Arthur, thank you and I love you. 💚💙❤️💛
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izzyovercoffee · 4 years
Hm... hi? Sorry for any inconvenience, but I started reading RepComm (I'm at the beginning of Order 66, so I don't know if that happens later) and I can't help thinking about Tor and Ijaat meeting the Nulls, before and after they left Kal? Or if Ilippi survived, what would a meeting between the Nulls and her be like? And it made me realize that characters who don't like Kal are either just quoted or never appear or are dead or are framed as wrong and reading this is such an exercise in patience
ps: btw, love your meta! that's what made me want to read RepComm, to be honest, and sorry for the english, it's not my first language 
I’m so sorry it took me so long to reply!!! THANK YOU FOR THE ASK. And also, just thank you. Truly, thank you. I wasn’t sure if people still read the meta out there or not, but I’m glad that you enjoyed them!! also your english was beautiful, I understood what you said perfectly
but also LMAO at: 
reading this is such an exercise in patience 
Even after all this time, I still LOVE the Republic Commando books. I do---but rereading them is definitely an exercise in patience, now that I see all the problems and the glaring inconsistencies. But I still see the good parts, even great parts, and I keep coming back to them lmao 
I can't help thinking about Tor and Ijaat meeting the Nulls, before and after they left Kal? Or if Ilippi survived, what would a meeting between the Nulls and her be like?
I also think about these things a lot lmao
I’m often torn on the idea of the Nulls meeting Tor and Ijaat, or the Nulls meeting Ilippi if she had survived her illness. The way Prudii talks about her, in Order 66, makes me feel that they’ve internalized the bitterness and the resentment that Kal very likely felt early, early on in their development when he was young, and broke, and alone on Kamino surrounded by people who hated him. 
Kal has long since softened (on her, on his marriage failing, on his biological children disowning him), since he defends her against Prudii’s statements, but the sad truth is that the Nulls learned that bitterness and that resentment from him, originally---as they were raised and trained by him. It’s truly hard to say how they would have reacted in meeting her, and I feel like all of the Nulls would have held very radically different opinions on the matter. 
But, depending on who was or wasn’t present at that meeting, and any subsequent meetings ... would likely change how they react or respond to her. With Kal present, there’s always an underlying need for them to perform in a way that would further secure his love in them (regardless of whether or not it’s “necessary,” though to a degree it is---because of the way he withholds affection when someone doesn’t do something he agrees with) versus showing their true selves, or expressing their true opinions beyond his hearing.
We saw Prudii’s, and his bitterness and resentment likely reflecting Kal’s when he was a decade younger, but I think Ordo would have been much more polite. A’den would have been curious, no doubt, but nosy. Jaing can’t help but be intimidating, even if maybe he doesn’t want to be, and Mereel can’t help but be excessively charming and warm. Kom’rk is a toss up---his choice to keep his distance from the core is one that can be read as a choice to stay as far away from Kal as possible, and it’s one that might lend Kom’rk to being kinder and far more understanding than the rest of Ilippi. 
I wonder, actually, if there would have been jokes about the one woman who tried (and failed) to “tame” Kal (as those kinds of jokes tend to go, I guess?) but if there would have been some respect there, too, for the attempt. Had Ilippi lived, had KT been less biased against her female characters, there’s an entire world of potential, just in highlighting Kal’s faults and how everyone can work around them (or how he could / should work on them). 
I mean, okay. I have obviously softened somewhat on my frustrations towards Kal as a character, and I find myself thinking a lot these days about the Kal we should have gotten, the Kal a large chunk of the fandom think we have (but don’t), and the Kal the books believe they gave us. I think about the way the books should have gone if they were faithful to the narrative arcs they started before they were derailed by excessive soap-boxing and a doubling-down to bend to biases that broke the momentum because they just didn’t make sense.
One of the major arcs being character growth---owning up to one’s faults and mistakes, and making a conscious effort to become a better version of yourself through blood, sweat, and (literal) tears.  
And maybe part of that would always be hindered, or outright cut short, because Ilippi never survived to tell her side of her mistreatment and failed marriage---and also because we were never, really, given the opportunity to hear Tor nor Ijaat’s own memories. 
I struggle to think about how Tor and Ijaat would have dealt with the Nulls. I get the feeling there would be a lot of insecurity in all of them---and a feeling of being replaced, and some lingering resentment and anger towards each other (that should be directed at Kal, but for a lot of reasons, just like in real life, would be misdirected instead to other people). 
Miscommunication is a major sore point for Kal in general---he has a huge inability to actually express his love in his actions, or clarify his intentions, which may be good, in order to separate them from his missteps, which are often terrible. Tor and Ijaat, if they’re well-adjusted men now, would find it hard to not see what being raised in that kind of environment had on the Nulls. They have a lot of issues as a result of their genetics, yes, but a lot of their lingering and prolonged mental illnesses can, in some part, also be attributed to the “affectionate abuse” Kal gave them, and I wonder if Kal’s biological sons still carried lingering emotional and mental scars from their childhood---or if they had so little direct interaction with Kal that what few moments they had were uniformly positive---and if their resentment towards him genuinely was, as they said, because he wasn’t there when Ilippi was dying from her illness.
In this scenario, actually, if Ilippi survived... would they still have divorced Kal from their lives and rejected his fatherhood entirely? All of that hinged on him not being present, him being away at Kamino, during her very last days. 
So much of this also undermines the idea of Kal’s control over the Nulls, and the rest of the clan. If Ilippi not only survived, but thrived, away from him? If Tor and Ijaat are living full and fulfilling lives without him in it? If Ruusaan never “needed” to be rescued in the way that she was? They all would have stood as examples of a life beyond making personal choices and decisions that were dictated by him, and would have, at the very least, been a life that could stand in direct comparison and be just as messy and complicated as real life tends to be. 
also WOW i really .... uhhh I really got away from the point here. I am so sorry LMAO I GOT CARRIED AWAY. IT’S BEEN A LONG TIME since I got to ramble about repcomm, and I really fixate on a lot of the missed opportunities these days, because there are SO MANY. But I guess that’s what fic is for, right?
Absolutely no pressure, BUT if you do decide to write fic about this, or do your own meta or exploration, I am ALWAYS excited to see what people come up with. I haven’t really been on tumblr that much lately, but I see now that The Mandalorian is out there and people are discovering (or rediscovering) Republic Commando, there’s a wealth of new stuff out there I desperately need to catch up on.
And I hope this find you well, ner vod.
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kyunsies · 3 years
i mean i don't exactly go around telling ppl i make gifs 😅 usually i say "messing around in ps" but yes!! i do gif and got back into it after a year. i saw your post abt 1st half of '21 favourites sets and i want to make one too - it's gonna be difficult for me to think of songs bc 1) i'm bad at keeping up w releases that aren't by the 2 groups i stan - i'm a bad multi lol 2) i tend to rediscover releases everyone has listened to months later? they're not ~fresh~ anymore,, i'm not sure if i worded that well but example! a month ago i rediscovered how good naughty (irene & seulgi) was.
thank you again for saying that you're proud of me 🥺🥺 i don't hear it v often and it's comforting to hear someone say that - even online. and i agree w you!! it's really nice to hear them all sing in a casual setting like karaoke (the image of ki going around the dorms singing is so cute,, he's def one of my favourite kpop vocalists) - 🌱
AHHHH i’m so happy you were able to get back into it 🥺 honestly giffing is so fun, once u learn it’s so hard to stop lol (for me at least) !! and omg yes i hope i’ll be able to do it again this year :’) i was tagged to do is last year and i had so much fun doing it and choosing a layout <3 and KJDJFH that’s okay <3 !!!! i think being a “good multi” is only at the pace u want it to be angel !!! for example obvi mx is my ult but i casually listen to sooooo many other groups and i know all the groups i’ve ult’d before pretty well but i don’t know all of these groups like i know mx ….. but it’s okay !!! bc right now i’m really happy about knowing quite a lot about mx so far and for me i’m okay with this <3 i say this all the time but i’m a creature of habit and i’m just really happy where i’m at with mx 🥺 it doesn’t make u a “bad multi” lol and no worries about getting to discover songs late !!!!! just makes u even happier that u were able to find it in the first place 🥰 ALSO NAUGTY IS SO GOOD the choreo is actually insane ….
but yes love !!!! 💖💖💖💖very proud i know high school is so hard and it wasn’t the best time for me too, so i’m glad u can finally begin your uni experience 🥺 ALSO SKDNDJ yes i think ki is up there for like top 5 male kpop vocalists for me <3 ss is honestly so lucky to have mx bc their talent is truly one of a kind !!!!!!
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demonproofboi · 6 years
how was your day? what's the best/worst thing about living where you live? what are your favorite songs? (btw I listened to first day of my life bc of your fic and I !! loved it) what would you choose for your last meal on death row? if you had the opportunity to have a (scary) paranormal experience, would you do it? do you believe in demons and if so, are you afraid of them? if you became a ghost, how would you spend your time? // please tell me anything I'm so lonely
thanks for so many questions!! sorry I took a while to see the ask, I was writing a thing
my day was very boring. I just stayed at home and did nothing
the best thing about living where I live is the food, I think! I often think about how much I would miss brazilian food if I ever lived abroad. the worst thing is probably how shit the country is, economically and politically speaking.
I always have a really hard time picking favorite songs, so I’ll tell you what I’ve been listening to lately: Owl City is my favorite thing ever and I’ve been revisiting his songs (most of them are more than amazing). I recently rediscovered the beauty that is Mr. Brightside and have been listening to it a lot. also, I’m not gonna teach your boyfriend how to dance with you by the Black Kids is a lesbian anthem that everyone should listen to. lastly, anything by Gorillaz is a classic that will never die and I’ve been enjoying their songs again lately. guess I’ve been listening to a bunch of old stuff djkasfjadlskçj
oh and isn’t first day of my life an amazingly sweet song?? I’m glad my fic introduced you to it!
my last meal on death row... weird thing to think about... I’d probably choose pizza. there’s nothing in the world better than pizza
I wouldn’t have a scary paranormal experience. I’m too much of a big crying baby!! I’d hate it! 
I’m not sure if I believe in demons, tbh. demons are a christianity thing, right? and I’m agnostic. so my beliefs are a big question mark
if I became a ghost I would go around seeing how the people I know are getting on with their lives, and I’d check on them from time to time. also, I’d like to be a helpful ghost, kinda like what Ryan said before he decided he’d be a ghost cop. I’d go around folding laundry and looking after children I think. I’d like to live (or not live?) a peaceful ghostly existence
don’t be lonely!! let’s chat!! I loved all of your questions
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