#I'm sorry I doubted you; you guys have officially converted me
turtleinsoup · 5 months
Behold, Draxum's Military Warlords
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(Also, Childhood!Enemies Leosagi)
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This Usagi (Son of one of Draxum's allies) used to be a bully, because he was an incredibly lonely child and envious of the twin's close relationship.
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As they grow up though, their initial animosity slowly transforms into competitive respect as they discover shared values & a common sense of dumbassery
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thekosheraisle · 2 years
hello! this might be a weird question but if some of your family were jewish (but not all of them) can you also consider yourself jewish? or maybe better put, when are you jewish by roots/family (not by deciding to convert to judaism i mean)?
i'm a ukrainian guy and i know for a fact that my grandfather and some of my other relatives from my mother's side were jewish, though they never really practiced judaism due to the war and antisemitism that was rampant in ukraine at the time. i feel some connection to jewish people and the culture/religion but as a white slav i feel like it's not really my place to say much about it. basically i feel like i'm much less jewish than someone who's both parents are openly and officially jews, you know?
i hope this isn't rude or stupid in any way, i would like to learn more about judaism because it's important to me (as my grandfather was jewish and i think he would have wanted me to know the culture and traditions more). anyway, sorry for the long ask!
Hi! Halakhically speaking (i.e. according to Jewish law), you're jewish if your mother is jewish. However, there can be a lot of grey area in this definition, if you're not sure whether your mother is jewish, for example. If only your father is jewish, you might be considered "half-jewish" or "patrilinially jewish", and you might be accepted as jewish in some settings but not in others, as you wouldn't technically meet the halakhic definition of being born jewish by having a jewish mother. If neither of your parents are jewish, but you know that others in your family are, or might have been, you can accurately describe yourself as "having jewish heritage", but you are not necessarily jewish yourself.
All that being said, if there is any uncertainty about whether you're jewish by birth, and you want to be jewish and live your life in a jewish way, you can convert and become jewish without a doubt. If you're not very connected to jewish tradition and want to become more so, converting is a good way to learn about judaism and become more familiar with it, because there's a good amount of learning required in the process. If you're interested in converting, you could reach out to a local rabbi to ask for guidance on the process.
Hope you and your family are safe. Wishing you all the best.
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