#I'm still working on my headcanon version of DD
wowowwild · 7 months
Can I get Klavier for the character ask (i want to type a question mark but it won't let me help)
I hope you figured out your ? situation!
Favorite thing about them: Klavier Gavin is my special boy so jot that down. No but actually the way he's so dedicated to the truth regardless of the personal cost and is genuinely a good person but still a bratty diva.
Least favorite thing about them: Um??? How dare??? How dare I be asked to say something I dislike about my love??? Idk maybe
Favorite line: Quite. The. Pickle.
brOTP: He is worsties with Ema and I sooooo want him to be friends with Simon, but brOTP has to go to Athena or Trucy. I just want him to have so many friends bc he has like none but he deserves everyone to love him.
OTP: Well, ah, Klapollo if you couldn't tell, but I can also work with klavquill and we can polycule it as a treat. claypollier is also good.
nOTP: Ok I've seen him get shipped with a lot of people and I'm not about most of them but hands down no for me is xPhoenix and xMiles, I'm just not into it.
Random headcanon: I have so many but you can pry Klavier close with his Oma from my cold dead hands. Also I like to make him actually German, I know that probably wasn't the original intent considering the original Japanese version, but I want it so bad. And yes it's hilarious if he's not especially when he has a whole ass brother who is out here with no accent, never speaking German and it's so easy to be like who were you trying to fool if he's not, it really is funny and I will do most things for the bit, but I want him to be German. Also he is trans in whatever direction you want him to be but he isn't cis.
Unpopular opinion: idek bc most of my Klav content I consume comes from like five sources who are all absolutely correct about him. I don't think there's a prevalent opinion about him that I am absolutely on the opposite side of, but I could be wrong.
Song I associate with them: Killshot by Magdalena Bay bc of this animatic.
Favorite picture of them: I commed this one from taxkha 10/10 would recommend. Other than that it is sooo hard bc I like to pick an official art for this section and I love all of his official arts except for that one from DD that is randomly ugly. But I guess I'll pick this one.
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All of his expressions in the aj manga are really good though/
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amazing-spiderling · 9 months
for the least favorite ask game: episode of DD? matt murdock fanon headcanon or joke? marvel movie or show? fic trope? book you had to read at school as a kid ? place you went to for fun (doesn't have to be a whole vacation destination)? meal you've had multiple times but cant say no to because its what was being served?
Least Favorite:
episode of DD?
Probably "Semper Fidelis" from season 2. I think this is one of those episodes that is just rife with all the things that made that season not work for me. The Punisher trial could have been so interesting and it gets kneecapped because Elektra is impatient. Matt makes bad decisions for no real reason and his and Elektra's stuff is treated like it's SO time sensitive, but it's really not, it's just there to throw a wrench in the works. It sticks out like a sore thumb, and I just hate when I'm watching a show and I'm yelling, "Get back to the GOOD part!"
matt murdock fanon headcanon or joke?
If I never have to hear the "What to Daredevil and Scarlet Witch have in common" joke again, that would be great. Thanks. I'll be minding my own beeswax on instagram and then a random Turkish comic meme blog will show up in my feed and I can't read the language but I *KNOW* what it says and it wasn't even that funny the first time, guys. Let it go.
marvel movie or show?
Eternals was pretty darn boring for all the people in it that I wanted to like. I got a kick out of the Bollywood bit and then... the rest just didn't hold up to even its own internal logic. It's pretty bad when the fanbase is *begging* for the movie to be quietly erased from canon.
fic trope?
Probably "Dark!" versions of characters. I realize this sounds counterintuitive, given my love of Murderdock, but I think when I've given these fics a chance, they just tend to be, "Hey if your blorbo killed 10 guys with a rock and then kissed his love interest would that be fucked up or what" and there's not a lot of... *there* there. Or else they tend to read like someone is trying to convince me how dark and edgy they are and it's just... too difficult for me to get emotionally invested. Sorry, gang. I'm a hypocrite.
book you had to read at school as a kid?
The Witch of Blackbird Pond. I was assigned this book two years in a row and was bored to tears both times. I still have no clue what it was about because I could not focus on anything, I just remember being annoyed by the protagonist. I just tried to look up a summary and my brain still rejected it. :/
place you went to for fun (doesn't have to be a whole vacation destination)?
I'm just really not a beach person. I've been to Miami and stuff and I'm like. Yep. There's water next to some sand. Can we go home now? (I prefer the atmosphere of rocky beaches. There is Alaska in my bones.)
meal you've had multiple times but cant say no to because its what was being served?
My dad was one of like 11 kids, which meant I had a lot of aunts and uncles and countless cousins and for *years* the Thanksgiving tradition was to drive two hours to my grandmother's house where dozens of people would collect for a potluck. Being a dorky sci-fi and comic book reading nerd in a family of football enthusiasts aside, this meant that Thanksgiving dinner tended to be giant aluminum pans of dry turkey, gravy with mysterious bits one person in the family liked and overdone brown-and-serve rolls. It was often the worst meal of the year for me. Eventually when I was in high school, my older sisters decided enough was enough and we had Thanksgiving at home and it turns out, I actually like turkey when it wasn't cooked 10 hours before I get to eat it.
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only-by-the-stars · 9 months
tell me about your VP AU!!! :DD
Mipha was in love with Link too when they were kids, and definitely would've married him if they'd been able to get away to a happier life ;~;
in the game, there's an extra scene if you go to the town where Lucian lives before you recruit him, and you have to see it to get the best ending. it involves the valkyrie walking around town in her human disguise (the game doesn't explain why, but I have headcanons), and she gets spotted by this girl that's into Lucian and it's kinda implied they're a thing, even though he's never gotten over his childhood sweetheart, and this new girl, Claire, gets jealous and throws a rock at her, which leads to Lucian meeting the disguised valkyrie and being all :O!!! at how she looks. in my version, this jealous girl would be Zelda, and she wouldn't be with Link, but she'd be into him, and he's completely oblivious... until this incident. because in the game, Claire says something about sharing him with her ghost when Lucian confronts her, and so Zelda would say something similar, and Link would be all "..." because he's shocked and doesn't know how to react, and that just makes it hurt worse.
in the game, the valkyrie gets pretty angry with Lucian for contacting her while he's in Valhalla, cause he wasn't supposed to, and says it was unforgivable, which is OUCH and pretty angsty later ;~; but I wouldn't have Mipha be like that with Link, I think she'd be scared and worried and try to get him to cut the connection... but of course it's still just a set-up and he dies :(
there are two einherjar you can't ever send up cause you need them for A ending scenes, and I know I'd cast Midna as one of them, but I'm unsure on the other...
there is also a really creepy guy who obsesses over the valkyrie and commits multiple murders in his quest to be with her, I'm thinking Astor for him
oh! they made a little manga of VP back in the day, and it's odd in that it shortens so much, but it also adds some stuff that's pretty interesting? one of the things it added was backstory to an otherwise fairly forgettable dungeon in one of the modes I don't play anymore... and when I was doing a novelization of the game years ago, I worked it in, and had some romantic tension between the ship during the dungeon action, if I were to do some more stuff with this, I would do that again with Mipha and Link. :3
there's a recruitment scene in the game with another character, where it's implied this dude, who was honestly pretty awful, rescued Lucian's sister while transporting her for the slavers, and dropped her off at a church in some other town, and you can go back and get an item from her in that town. SO ARYLL IS OKAY HERE, LINK JUST DOESN'T KNOW WHERE SHE IS
after Mipha beats the villain and saves the world, she and Link reunite and she remembers everything (having gotten her memory back) and they live happily ever after together :3
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0-riya · 2 years
Do you have any dark deception headcannons?
Well, yes I do! They are mostly connected with gold watchers, but just for now. Maybe I'll change something later!
Ok, here are my headcannons:
Murder monkeys:
They can't talk, but they can imitate some sounds that can sound as words. But there're just few of these "words". So monkeys always trying to point at something with their knifes or tail
They have tails. As a replacement for hands
They all may look the same, but they have their own personalities? I mean that some of them are usually calm, someone can't control their anger and some are just dumb
I don't remember her cannon age but I think she is 10 or 11
Very active and enthusiastic. Looks like her energy never stops
Can travel to other portals(realms) by herself, sometimes without telling Malak. That gets her in trouble, but everything is okay
Speaking about Malak. She is in a good relationship with him. Calls him "dad" wants to spend more time with him, but he is too busy to play
Malak is her trainer. He teaches her how to use portals and do other magic tricks
She actually has her own small room somewhere in the school. Agatha just cleaned one of the classrooms and adapted it to herself
Gold watchers:
ok here we go
They don't look the same. There're four colours of their coats: blue, white, black and grey
They still have their personalities after death. The only thing that is different is their memories. Some of them remember big parts if their life and even the way they died and some don't even remember their name (so new one is given)
All sorts of souls can be turned into the monster. Criminals, those who sold their soul to the devil, those who died by the accident, those whose time hasn't come yet, whose who want revenge.
They can eat and drink, but do that rarely and for taste.
Really hooked on wine. All sorts. They'll kill for wine
Actually the thing like season change works in their realm
Same with night and day. But night is usually longer.
Gold watchers don't need sleep but they can take a nap for 2-3 hours sometimes (when there's nothing to do or they feel like it)
Gold watchers are in pretty good relationship with other monsters. Of course they have some friends and enemies, but usually it's personal to everyone
Manor is actually bigger (if I can say so). It has a library and some extra rooms
Actually there's place outside the gates. There's some kind of a field or forest. Still can't decide.
Reaper Nurses:
They are good with other girls in Malak's monster gang. Speaking about men..maybe they only good to gold watchers but it's still questionable sometimes
Love to spend time with Agatha, especially have small parties
You can always come and talk about anything. Even cry, they'll listen and maybe give some advice. Of course it happens if you are in a good relationship with them.
They actually heal damaged or Ill monsters. So their hospital is working almost 24/7
And now there're headcanons for the whole DD universe:
After the ring piece is taken, the portal doesn't collapse. It just has a some king of glitch? Monsters loose their powers, but Malak can fix that
Of course, Malak the most powerful demon in there. He is also thoughtful and responsible
About his relationship with Agatha. He doesn't mind when she calls him dad, sometimes he can spend some time with her
Though Bierce is grumpy and can humiliate the mortal, when they did good work/collected the ring piece she can praise mortal and let them have rest in the ballroom
There can be more than 10 portals (I'm still working properly on this headcannon)
I don't have headcannons for Dread duckies, gremlin clowns, Joy Joy gang and Mama bear yet, maybe they'll appear later
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