heelcody · 6 months
after spending my entire wrestling fandom switching back and forth between hyperfixating on the two most popular wrestlers in their respective companies I am now faced with a man with a fraction of their popularity relegated to exactly one show and one segment a week. I'm being humbled
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willowistic22 · 3 years
New jomike hc au!post college
I came up with this au in my head for awhile now some hc’s regarding this new au on a whim bcs i wanted to tell my friends abt it on a discord server. I thought it’s time it sees the light of day bcs i simply cannot keep it in me anymore. Also this is kind of inspired by the song Dorothea - Taylor Swift. 
Everyone is graduating so que the sappy goodbyes as they’re all gonna be scattered not just all around the us but also all around the world
The couples made a truce whether to do long distance or they share the same dreams so they do it together
But mike and jojo didn’t make things work in the end so they broke up before graduation but still went to prom together
y’know those kinds of high school hearthache
Bcs Mike stayed in new york but jojo flew away (like england or sumn idk) 
To some fancy elite school bcs he’s smart yknow
He wanted to from the start but he’s always been a bit torned bcs he knew from the start of the relationship mike was the one (call it stupid young love or whatever you want, i call it destiny:))
And mike never wanted to hold him down so he was the one that proposed the idea to him
For the most part it worked out
Jojo flew away to chase his dreams
Mike stayed and did the same thing
Both of them only kinda sorta moved on. Met new people but never fully stopped thinking abt the other. Wishing the other was by their side right now
And so they’ve gotten their degrees and gotten their dream jobs
Mike is a coder working in a video game company while jojo is in social media marketing after finishing business school (or whatever major required for that job field idk)
And they kinda hv their life together. Jojo living on his own in a studio apartment with a cat called Dorothea (see what i did there:)) money doesn’t concern him all that much bcs the job pays nicely and he’s good at handling his finances 
Mike lives alongside with his brother ike in a nice apartment too. He manages to get a position that allows him to work flexibly at home yknow. He also has a new kitten he saved from the streets named Honey (bcs his fur is orange like honey) and since his older cat had died of old age
But mike lives with ike who also lives with hotshot. So he’s like always the third wheel. Even worse when ike and hotshot are hving the occasional double date with race and spot. Mike feels even more worse at those time
Decides to hide away in his room or go out with the excuse being work
And its even worse remembering he used to go on double dates with ike and hotshot when him and jojo were still a thing
So ike is like ‘yknow what? I hv enough of this shit’ and hv one good brother to brother talk
‘Dude. It’s been years already. How are you not over him?’
‘Bcs he’s jojo...’
‘Ok? So why don’t you call him?’
It’s not like mike has never thought of calling him. Very much possible. They still follow each other’s social media’s so if his old number had changed he cld always just ask from a simple dm since mike knows jojo is still active in his social media accs
But mike is like ‘i can’t. He cld be taken for all i know. Even if he weren’t, he seems to be doing fine on his own’
‘You can’t really get to know a person through instagram posts. Remember how you tried that the first time you wanted to ask him out? You thought he didn’t like guys and yet still went on a date with you anyways’
That was a real slap in the face type of sentence yknow so mike is working up a lot of courage and planned a lot on what he’s gonna do
He first wanted to message jojo. Seeing if it’s still okay to call and all. But he cldn’t figure out what to say so he procrastinated on that part
Ike got sick of it so he took the phone from mike and messaged ‘can we call? I miss you’
Mike was hovering in between i will murder you or thank you @ ike
Either way jojo texts back with his new number. It’s gonna add up on his usual phone bill but he thinks it’s worth it.
Ok so they talked for like soooo long
Basically the whole night for mike
It felt like high school all over again
They were just catching up with each other and talking abt absolute bullshit at the same time
Till they got to the point where they mentioned how they’re both single and the air kinda shifts
Deep down mike and jojo knows what this means
As far as jojo is concerned, mike was the one that messaged him that he misses him
It’s easy now for mike to word out come home without indirectly saying it out loud in case that’s not what jojo wants
Bcs after that catching up, he knows that as much as it’s a dream for jojo to work at a big well known fashion brand (he’s pretty fashionable lmao) and get free products that are usually hella expensive from the brand, he hates everyone he works with. Real snobs and ruthless when it comes to getting a higher position
The other things abt his new life is pretty interesting and he loves it. But he admits there’s always been something missing and mike so badly wants to be that something missing in jojo’s new life
So it comes out straight forward. Not like how mike had planned, but it works in the end. ‘Come home’
And jojo does exactly that. He agrees to come home for the weekend. He books a ticket to new york then back with only a carry on duffle bag filled with a few assortments of clothing and booked it out after telling dorothea he won’t be long.
He rushes to the airport bcs he kinda booked the flight that leaves for new york as soon as possible. Perhaps deep down jojo really does know what he’s been missing in his life?
He lands in new york on a friday night new york time
Mike tells him not to worry abt what he’s wearing bcs he just wants to meet jojo at a central park bench that has long became an important spot for them
Jojo insisted on meeting as soon as he lands which is tonight. So the whole time he’s in the cab, he’s like soooo shaky and nervous it kinda drove the cab driver anxious as well. Bcs like jojo’s not talking and didn’t like say anything abt why he’s going to central park this late at night and not to some fancy hotel as most travelers wld do when they first arrive at new york
The moment the cab stops, jojo basically threw him a wad of cash. Probably too much than the actual price of the ride but he just called out from the back of his shoulder saying it’s a huge tip. Secretly, he’s thanking the cab driver for not asking him why he’s in new york and why central park at this time. It’d most likely make him even more nervous
He’s running on the path. He doesn’t reach full speed bcs his duffle bag is weighing him down. He doesn’t even know why he’s going so fast. It’s not like mike has anything else planned
Picture jojo frantically looking around the area like he’s a lost little boy in the dark. Barely seeing anyone else in ten vicinity, so any figure out at this ungodly time rn cld only mean is mike.
But he’s growing worried bcs it doesn’t seem like he’s around
Until ofc ‘jojo!’
Jojo whips his head around and sees Mike walking up to the bench from a different direction
They didn’t really do anythign at the start. They just stared at each other while standing in the dark approximately 10 feet apart. Jojo waits for a sign from mike to do anything else, though mike was doing the same thing for jojo
Until mike decides to break the 1 minute long silence ‘jojo-‘
But he didn’t continue bcs jojo was already running up to him the moment his mouth moves and tackles him into the tightest hug ever
His duffle bag was dropped halfway from the run so there was no holding back. The hug very much pushed mike’s soul out of his figure as much as it did to his body
Thankfully, mike hugged back just as tight. If not, it was a sign for jojo that it wasn’t okay to go in for a hug just yet and he wld pull back really quick
In time, jojo did end up pulling back to look at mike’s face up close and whisper ‘i still love you’
Which is really out of nature for jojo bcs he’s never really known to be the risk taker between the two
And mike was so happy at that moment that he just pulls jojo in for a kiss.
And that folks, is how they got back together:)
So everyone has agreed that airplane food sucks ass (for the most part at least. 
Jojo was forced to eat it on his plane back to new york but he didn’t like finish it
Probably bcs he was so nervous and it also didn’t look so appetizing
So after they’ve said their heartfelt ‘i still love you’s and etc mike took him back to his apartment after finding out he doesn’t hv a place to stay. He’d stay at his parents place but the de la guerra’s hv long moved out of new york. You can say the similarities between jojo and his parents are that they like to travel. They sold their house and ended up backpacking across the world to look for a place to retire inevitably. Last time he checked up on his mom, the old couple is driving to Netherlands.
So mike took him home and cooked him dinner. They hv the apartment all to themselves since hotshot and ike are out
Unknowingly, jojo had sat on honey’s favorite spot on the couch and earned a disapproving meow from the little cat
Not until mike had properly introduced them that honey started to be nicer to jojo. And so they eat dinne ron the couch and talked.
Mike admitted calling him has been on his mind for quite some time but was too scared to act up on it. And jojo said what he did just now was the most compulsive and adrenaline rush thing he’s ever done. The roles had reversed for the moment
But now they’re back where they’ve always belong. In each other’s grasp while looking out the balcony in the tiny living room to watch the sunrise and then getting surprised seeing ike and hotshot pile in the apartment
And so now they’re back. They make the most of the weekend to talk abt what they really want
Jojo wants to quit his old job. The firm is full of snobby and arrogant ppl
And it has him working almost 24/7. He doesn’t want that
Mike on the other hand wants to hv a period of his life where he’s traveling full time
So they took inspiration from ike and hotshot’s current plan : get a mini bus to convert it into a home
In conclusion jojo quits his job, moves back to new york along with his cat dorothea so he can live with mike to make that converted bus plan. After securing a proper job that let’s him work at home flexibly like mike’s, they get on with their plan and sets off to travel in their house on wheels with their two cats. They end up getting married ofc and lived happily ever after:)
Thank you and goodnight folks hsnsgsbssjshmshssmhs
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zoesrose · 3 years
pt. 3 - April 2021 - June 2021
yasmin puckerman
Hey, you up?
zoe rose
Yes. Is everything okay?
yasmin puckerman
yeah yeah, everythings good I’m just up. Smoking out my window and was just thinking
zoe rose
Thinking about what?
yasmin puckerman
Thinkin bout you
zoe rose
I just finished smoking. Laying here. Eating that candy you left here Saturday.
Exactly what about me are you thinking of?
yasmin puckerman
damn that’s where I left that
Your ass mostly
Them dimples you got right above it
zoe rose
I'm glad you mentioned the dimples because I was going to point out that my ass has nothing on yours.
I'll save you a piece.
yasmin puckerman
nah it’s cool, you can eat it. I’ll survive I do have exceptional cheeks
zoe rose
You do.
yasmin puckerman
That’s not all I was thinking about tho
zoe rose
Tell me.
yasmin puckerman
we never talked about the night at the empire. Was that what you wanted? I’m
am I supposed to want to go on another d
Idk this shit I got is loud
I’m trippin
zoe rose
That’s not a clear answer. Tell me.
yasmin puckerman
you had a good time right? When we went out that one night
zoe rose
A very good time, yes.
Did you?
yasmin puckerman
hell yeah My bad for whatever I said after. It was just more than usual. I don’t get pushed life that
zoe rose
I didn’t take it to heart, it just meant I did a good job humiliating you. I liked pushing you.
yasmin puckerman
I liked it too
zoe rose
I can’t afford the Grand Empire again but I would like to do that again
yasmin puckerman
being there was hella fun but that wasn’t what made it good so, that’s whatever
zoe rose
The dinner part deserves a redo. Something less stuffy.
yasmin puckerman
so you trying to do the whole thing again?
zoe rose
We don’t have to.
yasmin puckerman
let me plan this one?
zoe rose
This one... date?
yasmin puckerman
Saturday or whenever We don’t have to call it that
zoe rose
yasmin puckerman
Yeah, dope Saturday. Yessir
zoe rose
liked this
Goodnight, Yas.
yasmin puckerman
Night Sir
yasmin puckerman
hey wassup?
zoe rose
Hello, Yas.
yasmin puckerman
what you up too?
zoe rose
Currently? Walking around campus. Hitting that back spot that looks over the water.
yasmin puckerman
oh so you chillin chillin
zoe rose
Everything okay?
yasmin puckerman
yeah all good. I don’t got nothin to text about, I was just being nosey
zoe rose
You could always come be nosy in person.
yasmin puckerman
yeah true Drop a pin?
zoe rose
Drop a pin, what?
zoe rose
Do I come across as an egotistical, saditty serial killer?
yasmin puckerman
egotistical? nah wait is this a trick question?
zoe rose
But yes to the other two?
yasmin puckerman
I didn't say that are you good?
zoe rose
I've been compared to Hunter Clarington and I don't like it.
yasmin puckerman
who tf is that? you need to throw down with someone? I could be in the mood real quick
zoe rose
He's a new Dominant that's taken an extra interest in Marley. She said he reminds her of me and I don't like him, so I needed to ask.
yasmin puckerman
Oh well I can't go fighting Marley
zoe rose
I would never ask you to.
yasmin puckerman
remember this?
Tumblr media
zoe rose
So I am that type of Dominant? You really pulled some screenshots on me.
yasmin puckerman
I'm just saying, my feelings on that still stands why you saying it like its a bad thing?
zoe rose
Fuck you're right. I don't know why I'm feeling this way.
yasmin puckerman
bro, are you dropping? wyd, Sir?
zoe rose
Laying in bed. About to smoke this bowl. You?
yasmin puckerman
I was just about to roll
you got company?
zoe rose
yasmin puckerman
do you want some, Sir?
zoe rose
Yes. Come over.
yasmin puckerman
ok dope omw
zoe rose
Door's open.
yasmin puckerman
you feeling better?
If you got a min this week to fit a session
lemme know? (leaf) (smoke) ahead of time maybe? Gotta clear it with the boss them
zoe rose
I’ve got minutes. Tomorrow afternoon.
yasmin puckerman
aight I’ll see what I can do
yasmin puckerman
you doing shit with your partner toni
do they sleep in your bed? I got the nig
your (plug) got gummies and shit rn?
zoe rose
He always does. Should I text him? He can have it delivered in an hour tops.
yasmin puckerman
yessir, pls $25 of nerds ropes or cookies or sum and a Q of that(fire) for me
zoe rose
You're missing something.
yasmin puckerman
yeah I didn't think that was gonna cut it forever
please and thanks, Sir?
yasmin puckerman
I'm starting an escort business wait that's not how that sounds hold up does it counts as that??
zoe rose
You're going to have to elaborate.
yasmin puckerman
I'm escorting this dude to town tomorrow for a few bucks I could be doing that a couple times just on a weekend morning and bank.
zoe rose
That's smart.
yasmin puckerman
thanks. I be thinking sometimes
zoe rose
You should charge by the hour.
yasmin puckerman
yeah, 35 the first 2 and 20 every hour after.
easy money I need to get shit in town myself tomorrow.
zoe rose
Good girl. Using this as an opportunity?
yasmin puckerman
You wanna swing by Trixie’s surprise party with me Sat?
zoe rose
What will you be doing next week?
yasmin puckerman
Chillen Triple weeks no classes
Might pick up a few extra work shift tho, since imma be missing hours for this universal trip
zoe rose
I will also be working my ass off to rack up money.
yasmin puckerman
keepin on that grind  
zoe rose
Then maybe this Summer we can go on an actual trip. You and me.
yasmin puckerman
oh you tryin to steal my ass away for the summer??
zoe rose
Just a part of it.
yasmin puckerman
I like the sound of that.
zoe rose
I'm thinking Miami.
yasmin puckerman
dope I hear Miami jumps
zoe rose
I've been once. It does.
yasmin puckerman
theres a whole other semester to get through first
I'm really about to savor this break bc I'm hella tired of going to class
zoe rose
It's just a few more months.
yasmin puckerman
how did your midterm go?
zoe rose
It was fine. Yours?
yasmin puckerman
yeah good, same hb Marley?
zoe roseBOT — 04/24/2021
Hers went smoothly as well.
yasmin puckerman
Thats good no one to square up with
zoe rose
There's always next time.
yasmin puckerman
that makes me miss smight flub
zoe rose
We could go into town next week.
yasmin puckerman
yeah? I'd be down for that
zoe rose
Consider these official orders.
yasmin puckerman
Yes, Miss Sir. cool cool cool, dinner first?
zoe rose
And dessert after.
yasmin puckerman
the dessert is me right?
zoe rose
yasmin puckerman
knew it
zoe rose
Come over on Monday too. Since we don't have class.
yasmin puckerman
I would start and end the week with me too if I could
zoe rose
See you Monday, Yas.
zoe rose
I was thinking of renting a car to drive up to Universal. Would you like to ride with me and Marley?
yasmin puckerman
You just want a back seat roller I'm on to you
zoe rose
You could always drive and I could be the back seat roller. I'm not discriminatory.
yasmin puckerman
Aight but if I drive we getting there in 2 and a half minimum
zoe rose
No. I'll drive.
yasmin puckerman
Yeah I knew you were all dry jokes
zoe rose
We'll leave Monday morning.
yasmin puckerman
You got it, Sir. I gotta remember to get my shit packed
zoe rose
Then you can pack my shit.
[ ... ]
yasmin puckerman
probably cause you don't want me picking all your outfits
zoe rose
All of my outfits are the same.
yasmin puckerman
Imma pack my bag and yours with my clothes
zoe rose
No. You're packing your bag and I'm packing mine.
yasmin puckerman
don’t worry. Just jokes I like your style how it is anyway
zoe rose
You're still coming over tomorrow night, correct?
yasmin puckerman
yep You planning to do anything special with me?
zoe rose
What do you want me to do to you?
yasmin puckerman
oh shit I hadn’t thought it throu No ones tied me up in a while
You wanna fuck me til I’m mad about it, Sir?
zoe rose
Wanna try that again?
yasmin puckerman
fuck, really?
I swore I had that one! Okay
Will you tie me up and fuck me til I’m mad about it pls, Sir?
zoe rose
That's better. I would love nothing more.
yasmin puckerman
You want some company now too?
I'm out on my board rn
zoe rose
I always want your company.
yasmin puckerman
So I don't gotta ask? what happens if I just start showing up?
zoe rose
My always wanting you here does not negate your need to ask for things you want.
yasmin puckerman
Do you ask for things you want? Or you always just waiting for me to do it?
zoe rose
I'm sure I've asked for you to come over on several occasions.
yasmin puckerman
when I have time I'm pulling receipts wait, that was a yes right? cause I'm already on my way
zoe rose
That was a yes.
yasmin puckerman
zoe rose
Are you all packed?
yasmin puckerman
Yeah I think so I suck at packing
zoe rose
I think I over packed.
yasmin puckerman
Yeah? I think I got more toys than clothes.
zoe rose
I got my clothes in one bag, my shoes in one, my make up in another, and my shit in it's own bag too.
yasmin puckerman
Damn you got four bags??
zoe rose
My make up and oiud bags are small so they barely count.
zoe rose
Before I forget, you're under my orders Friday night and Sunday.   And I would like for you to spend Sunday with me and Marley at Disney world. Please.
yasmin puckerman
I mean, since you asked so nicel Friday, yes Sir. Got it. And hell yeah I wanna go to disney. I don't wanna take your time away from Marley though so, you sure?
zoe rose
Perfect. Marley has me to herself on Friday and Saturday, so Sunday the three of us can  spend the day together before we drive back to GroveKey.
Friday is our birthday, so if you'd like to you can give Marley a present. Though I do not want anything. Just to fuck you Friday night.
yasmin puckerman
Oh shit, that's good to know
Did I known that already??
I'll definitely grab her something.
zoe rose
Thank you.
yasmin puckerman
I'm not saying I wont get you anything tho
zoe rose
I suppose I can't stop you.
yasmin puckerman
tell me more about this birthday sex?
zoe rose
I don't think you really want to know. Not asking like that.
yasmin puckerman
Yeah maybe I don't It's your birthday so, whatever you want not that it's not always whatever you want you know what I mean
zoe rose
It'll be a nice surprise for you.
yasmin puckerman
You should let me surprise you tho
zoe rose
I don't like surprises.
yasmin puckerman
not even sexy ones in the shape of me?
zoe rose
Not even those
yasmin puckerman
If you say so
zoe rose
You could always tell me what you wanted to do ahead of time so it’s not a surprise
yasmin puckerman
See this why you’re the smart one between us
zoe rose
So tell me.
yasmin puckerman
how bout I just keep myself ready for friday. you could tell me when to edge over text while you're out having your day whenever you want, on the dime that way by the time your birthday sex comes around I'll already be so fucking desperate for whatever you want to do to me or not do to
if I had hit you with that friday morning you woulda been mad?
zoe rose
yasmin puckerman
cool good
zoe rose
I would also like to dress you that day and on Sunday.
Those can be my gifts.
yasmin puckerman
I'm down but thats not your gift nice try tho
zoe rose
It will be better than any material thing you could get me.
yasmin puckerman
well you can just like it more than a  legit thing, that’s fine
zoe rose
yasmin puckerman
(peace) (alien) (kiss)
yasmin puckerman
heyyyooooo Happy Birthday
zoe rose
Thank you.
[ 10am ] Now edge for me.
yasmin puckerman
yeah okay. But wait, can I bring you and Marley's gift by before you leave?
zoe rose
The correct response is 'yessir'
We'll wait for you.
yasmin puckerman
aww YESSIR ok cool, thanks oh shit wait hold on. [ ... ]
zoe rose
loved this
Good girl.
yasmin puckerman
zoe rose
[ 12:37pm ] Edge again.
yasmin puckerman
yes, Sir. got you.
zoe rose
Fuck. I can't wait to fuck you tonight.
yasmin puckerman
listen YOU can't wait???
this the second time you edged today too ooor
I'm already hella ready for you, still wet since the first time
zoe rose
That's exactly how I want you. Tonight, I want you dripping.
yasmin puckerman
fuck yeah you got it what time you guys coming back? not that I'm rushing you I'm just you know, wondering
zoe rose
Around 9pm. Why? Are you desperate already?
yasmin puckerman
I'm always desperate when you say you're going to fuck me
zoe rose
Is that so? I'll keep that in mind every time I say that.
yasmin puckerman
you gonna be thinkin about me thinkin about you?
zoe rose
I can absolutely admit to that.
yasmin puckerman
dope that mean I got you wet too?
you got any hints about you're planning to enjoy this birthday sex?
zoe rose
I haven't decided yet. There will most certainly be some choking and humiliation involved. Perhaps I'll suffocate you with my pussy.
yasmin puckerman
well damn catch me making sure this seats all clean for you, Sir.
I don't even need air
zoe rose
I’ll be sure to remember that.
[ 2:54pm ] Again.
yasmin puckerman
can you see how wet I am? these panties been done for, i'm gonna have to change before I head out
zoe rose
Actually, don’t even wear underwear. And wear a skirt. I’m not done with you.
yasmin puckerman
tf am I gonna get a skirt fro yes, Sir
yasmin puckerman
[ 20 minutes later ]
Tumblr media
zero underwear, promise
zoe rose
Good girl. As soon as you get to where you’re going, you’re going to slip into the bathroom to edge for me.
yasmin puckerman
imma have to go wipe my thighs anyway so, might as well
zoe rose
Good, I like that you're dripping.
[ 7:21pm ] I'm on my way back. Edge again.
yasmin puckerman
fuck sorry, there was a line for the bathroom
how long does it take to get back, Sir?
zoe rose
I'll be back in my room in less than thirty minutes.
yasmin puckerman
bet. I'm gonna be waiting there wait no, do you need a min?
nah i'm just gonna be waiting th
zoe rose
By the time I get to my room, I expect you kneeling in front of my door.
yasmin puckerman
oh than fu
yes, Sir. you got it. Imma be there.
zoe rose
Good girl.
yasmin puckerman
Did you know it was mothers day?
zoe rose
yasmin puckerman
I didn't now I feel like a dick
zoe rose
It's not too late to call her.
yasmin puckerman
I'm waiting for my brother to finish
zoe rose
He beat you to it?
yasmin puckerman
The first time ion think either of us got through but yeah, he did
It's okay, she'll still love me
zoe rose
I'm sure you're fine.
yasmin puckerman
Yeah it was fine, she wasn't mad I told her about Disney Thanks for the invite today
zoe rose
Thank you for indulging Marley.
yasmin puckerman
Nah, that's light work she made it really fun
zoe rose
Yes but there was a lot of things I wouldn't with her that you did.
yasmin puckerman
I had a good time so, it's np did you?
zoe rose
I enjoyed you and Marley having a good time.
yasmin puckerman
I guess thats not a no
zoe rose
It doesn't matter because it wasn't for me. The person who was supposed to enjoy it did and that's all that I wanted.
yasmin puckerman
what would you do for your birthday if it was just for you? besides me, obviously
zoe rose
Sitting on the beach, drinking and smoking. Then maybe a car show or something later in the night. Before coming going home with you for birthday sex.
yasmin puckerman
you wanna do that next weekend? the retirement homies around this island are always having car shits, bet theres something
zoe rose
Yes. Please.
yasmin puckerman
dope I only work until 1 sat
zoe rose
Then you're under my orders for the rest of the weekend.
yasmin puckerman
yes, Sir. I mean, except I got a 6 to close sunday but beside that it'll be dope
zoe rose
We can hit the beach again before you go into work.
yasmin puckerman
you look good on the beach, so I'm down
zoe rose
I'll get the cooler ready.
yasmin puckerman
you wanna dress me?
zoe rose
For the car show? Yes.
yasmin puckerman
cool I like when you do that
zoe rose
Good. I like it too.
yasmin puckerman
loved this
yasmin puckerman
Can this be a regular thing?
zoe rose
You being mine for the weekend?
yasmin puckerman
yeah. Exactly that
zoe roseB
I want that too.
yasmin puckerman
I just might have to work sometimes. Like we did this weekend tho that’s cool, yeah?
zoe rose
I think it worked out this weekend like that.
yasmin puckerman
I think so too, Sir
it was dope
zoe rose
I think so too.
yasmin puckerman
From Saturday morning next week?
zoe rose
Yes, standing orders.
yasmin puckerman
yes, Sir
zoe rose
Good girl. Goodnight, Yas.
yasmin puckerman
yasmin puckerman
morning or whatever
zoe rose
Good morning, Yas.
yasmin puckerman
What you up to today? Besides dumbass class
zoe rose
Just that. Bored out of my fucking mind, you?
yasmin puckerman
mood. same. everyone is always like, you don’t even enjoy the kink classes? Like I’m obviously only taking kink classes. It’s still book work and listening so, I’m still
zoe rose
Especially in the intro classes.
yasmin puckerman
I joined a study group
zoe rose
For what reason?
yasmin puckerman
to copy ppls work also I like the girl running it, she’s sweet
zoe rose
I should have known there was a cute/sweet girl involved.
yasmin puckerman
at least I know what motivates me blonde and everything
zoe rose
And here I thought I was the one set in my ways
yasmin puckerman
whats your thing? brats who are full of themselves
zoe rose
That one is actually new.
yasmin puckerman
hmm, getting adventurous
zoe rose
Seems so.
yasmin puckerman
well I'm hella happy to help  
zoe rose
Send me a pic
yasmin puckerman
of me like right now?
zoe rose
yasmin puckerman
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zoe rose
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Good angle.
yasmin puckerman
I’m hella sexy from all angles so, thank you
zoe rose
Yes, you are.
yasmin puckerman
Send me one, Sir?
zoe rose
Say please.
yasmin puckerman
Please, Sir?
zoe rose
Good girl.
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yasmin puckerman
saves image
yasmin puckerman
Mind if I kick it with you between a class today or sum?
zoe rose
No. Bored?
yasmin puckerman
Imma see if you’ll let me ask nicely to go down on you.
zoe rose
Ask nicely and we'll see.
yasmin puckerman
If I start saying what I know you’ll say before you say it, that gonna piss you off?
zoe rose
I'm not making any promises.
yasmin puckerman
damn, cause you know I’d like it
zoe rose
So go ahead and try me. What will I say?
yasmin puckerman
hb I just count my lucky stars today and ask where I should meet you? So I can ask properly
zoe rose
My place.
yasmin puckerman
okay cool thanks, Sir
zoe rose
liked this
zoe rose
Today is my turn to ask if I can go down on you between classes.
yasmin puckerman
wait you’re ASKING me???
say pleas
Uh, hell yes I don’t gotta jump through a hoop first?
zoe rose
No. I just want your pussy on my mouth.
yasmin puckerman
fuck yes wherever you want, Sir.
zoe rose
Your room exactly three minutes after our second class ends.
yasmin puckerman
I'll be right on time
zoe rose
Good girl.
yasmin puckerman
I work til 9 tomorrow, you gonna be busy?
zoe rose
I am not. Are you wanting to start our weekend early?
yasmin puckerman
Yes please
zoe rose
Yes, come over after work.
yasmin puckerman
cool also I gotta reup pls, at least a Q
zoe rose
Alright just send me the 70
yasmin puckerman
zoe rose
liked this
[ ... ]
unliked this
What do you want to do tomorrow night?
yasmin puckerman
you wanna go out?
zoe rose
Out to a club?
yasmin puckerman
yeah, I could get changed at work, meet you back at campus?
zoe rose
Yes. I'll come by your play before you go to work. Pick out when you're going to wear for the night.
yasmin puckerman
okay dope yes, Sir How was your week?
zoe rose
It was satisfactory, no complaints. I went to class, smoked, chilled. You?
yasmin puckerman
It was good, flew by They been doing that lately
zoe rose
I like it.
yasmin puckerman
must be cause of all the relaxing I do come weekends
zoe rose
Is that what we call it? Relaxing?
yasmin puckerman
that’s what I’m calling it its relaxing for me well maybe not always in the moment, but afterward, overall, that shit
zoe rose
Yes. That makes sense.
zoe rose
You sent someone to bring me coffee?
yasmin puckerman
bomb coffee did you like it?
zoe rose
I almost slammed the door in his face.
yasmin puckerman
oh no but you didn’t?
zoe rose
His only saving grace was saying your name. Otherwise he would have gotten the coffee thrown in his face.
yasmin puckerman
damn coffee is hot
wait are you mad?
I should have told you it was coming, I don’t know why I didn’t think of that
zoe rose
I'm not mad. Just thrown off.
You should have.
yasmin puckerman
my fault, I’m sorry
did you like the coffee th
maybe I could make it up to you later?
zoe rose
You're tasked with finding a girl for both of us to fuck at the club.
yasmin puckerman
yes Sir hell yes I'm all over it, any preferences?
zoe rose
Your type. I want to watch you dom someone.
yasmin puckerman
fuck okay yup, I'll keep my eye out
zoe rose
Good. Do you like the dress I chose for you tonight?
yasmin puckerman
Imma look so fine
I like everything you pick for me
zoe rose
I like everything I pick for you too.
yasmin puckerman
[ later ] I got her
coming back rn
zoe rose
I'm in Private Room 6.
yasmin puckerman
okay damn, perfect is this gonna be a just me her thing? or like a me her... me her you?
zoe rose
I'm only watching tonight.
yasmin puckerman
cool, okay dope just give me like 5 mins, Sir?
zoe rose
5 min and not a second more.
yasmin puckerman
yes, Sir
zoe rose
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yasmin puckerman
I know I just left but, can I come over?
zoe rose
You really should have just stayed with me the extra day.
yasmin puckerman
I thought I'd be a big girl and sleep in my own bed tonight but nah
zoe roseBOT — 05/31/2021
Come here.
yasmin puckerman
yes, Sir
zoe rose
liked this
yasmin puckerman
do you wanna fuck me at lunch, Sir? please? I'm in a hella bad mood
zoe rose
No. I’m not in the mood.
yasmin puckerman
okay you good?
zoe rose
Yes. Why are you in a bad mood?
yasmin puckerman
because it feels like a Monday
and I'm irritating
zoe rose
You’re irritating?
yasmin puckerman
YES me.
annoying tf out of my self
zoe rose
Take a smoke break. You'll feel better.
yasmin puckerman
you're so fucking right oh shit, thats why! I slept in so I didn't have time to this morning
zoe rose
You're welcome.
yasmin puckerman
i thought I was just in a fight with me thanks, your wisdom is plentiful
zoe rose
liked this
We got this new strand, Skywalker OG. You want?
yasmin puckerman
hell yes and also yes please
zoe rose
Good girl. You'll be getting Chinese food later on tonight.
yasmin puckerman
okay dope but I might only be able to swing a 8th rn, I gotta check the funds
zoe rose
Pay me back next paycheck.
yasmin puckerman
music to my ears
zoe rose
yasmin puckerman
you were def right
and I hella want to kiss you
I feel better now
zoe rose
yasmin puckerman
zoe rose
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yasmin puckerman
fuck I wasn’t expecting that
zoe rose
I know.
yasmin puckerman
is this an invite? or am I being teased?
zoe rose
It's always an invite.
yasmin puckerman
yeah always? I get out of work in 55 minutes.
zoe rose
Not that you're counting or anything.
yasmin puckerman
yeah I am def counting 54 minutes
zoe rose
And how long does it take you to get here?
yasmin puckerman
20 mins ish
zoe rose
Door's open. Come into the bedroom naked.
yasmin puckerman
hell yeah yes Sir.
zoe rose
liked this
yasmin puckerman
holy shit the pride tourist wave has hit grovekey it's been so fucking busy
zoe rose
Are you getting paid more?
yasmin puckerman
[ backdated ] I wish I was bout to go on a break though so I got a solid 15 mins to sit my ass down
zoe rose
Only a couple more hours. FT while I roll?
yasmin puckerman
I was just about to ask that
3 more mins and I’m headed out back.
zoe rose
Yes. Just call.
[ see here ]
yasmin puckerman
I just rolled a fatty, want me to come by?
zoe rose
yasmin puckerman
Orange soda?
zoe rose
Yes, please.
yasmin puckerman
Dope. I'll be there in 5
hold on munchies kicked in and I'm staring into this vending machine like it owns my life do you think I want a reeses or a kit kat?
zoe rose
I thought you were waiting to smoke with me. We both want Reeses.
yasmin puckerman
nah I said I rolled I had one ready one my way home before I showered and changed maybe I should go with skittles. that meatball sub I had at work is not sittin right, chocolate probably wont help
Or them little mini cookies
zoe rose
Mhm. Not cookies, you just said chocolate won't help.
yasmin puckerman
so I don’t work sat but there’s an alum event I want to hit up at 7, do I need to ask permission or some s that cool with you Sir?
zoe rose
Which event is that?
yasmin puckerman
poker night
well it’s a men’s only thing but I wanna see if they’d let me ride and I’m cute or whatever, I’m sure I can convince somebodies rich daddy
zoe rose
Okay. You’re still ordered to my room after.
yasmin puckerman
dope It goes to 11 but I don’t think I’ll need that long to clean up$$ and head out
zoe rose
Where is it going to be held?
yasmin puckerman
someone said it was gonna be at that oak club place
zoe rose
Will you need an escort?
yasmin puckerman
yeah I will
zoe rose
Want it to be me?
yasmin puckerman
hell yeah I was gonna just figure something out but that’d be dope I’m so mf good at poker
just gotta find out what the buy in is so I’m prepared.
zoe rose
if there's a difference you can't make, I got you
yasmin puckerman
If it come to that, I’ll give it right back after I triple it
zoe rose
Which seminars are you signing up for?
yasmin puckerman
Just the switch one if I’m gonna be forced into an extra class this week at least it’s Miss Bakers she aight
zoe rose
That's smart.
yasmin puckerman
you pick any?
zoe rose
I'm looking now. I might just do the TPE class since it's in my wheelhouse.
yasmin puckerman
yeah might be interesting, good thinking
zoe rose
Besides me dressing you, have you ever experienced TPE in the submissive role?
yasmin puckerman
nah but, I’m taking that intro class right now
zoe rose
I want to explore that with you.
yasmin puckerman
like an all day thing?
zoe rose
Starting with a few rules. Then leading up to an all day thing.
0 notes
ghostycas · 6 years
fuckit im doing my own stadamdrew headcanons
she long n nsfw so she going under the cut 
ok so,
warnings b4 i go -bottom/sub adum top/andwew n stewen being heckin supportive
- adam and andrew fuck first. (lesbihonest…. theyve fucked.) - Adam’s never been w a guy before and he nearly had a panic attack as andrew kisses down his chest so they gotta put on the brakes - (andrews already laying between his legs and his breath is ghosting over adams groin when he mutters “wanna slow down?” but o jesus no adam does not he just can’t really breathe when drew looks at him like that) - adams eyes r bigger than ever and srsly they’re gonna fall out if he doesn’t relax so andrew grabs his hand and puts it on his head - he pushes at adams fingers until he grips into drew’s hair and drew looks up and says “you’re in control” - andrew goes down on him and adams tight grip on his locks turns soft and petting within seconds - he pants so prettily and guilds andrews head just how he likes it and andrew sticks his tongue out so nicely as adam cries and cums onto it and cries some more - when they’re back at the same eye level he offers but drew shakes him off since he can barely move. instead adam sinks his hands into drew’s hair again and apologizes a hundred times over for dumb things until drew smacks him away and turns him over and forces him to spoon w him
- andrew n steven r next. ovi. - they’re in a hotel room, buzzed and full of whatever they’ve been binging on lately, and it’s just a mess - they’re giggling like kids cuz they’re trying to mess around but andrews still got one shoe on and it’s really funny for some reason - steven nearly falls over trying to get outta his tight pants and andrew has to grab at him and they’re both laughing messes - once they’re finally laying down half naked andrew has to pine stevens face between his hands to get him to stop laughing and focus on kissing him and steven just melts into goo between his hands, reaching up to grip them and hold them and tangle they’re fingers together - they don’t wanna go all the way just yet but andrew keeps sticking fingers in stevens mouth n it’s really hot and steven has to say “u betta stop unless u gonna put those somewhere” - …. he puts them somewhere - stevens hand is pressing their cocks together and andrews hands are fumbling downstairs and steven can’t even think let alone see straight - andrew comes first bc steven writhing and twisting on his fingers is really hot and he looks down to see they’re cocks in his little hand and he just tucks his face into his shoulder and looses it - it wouldn’t take much more but a lil bit of sweet talk speeds it up hella - “do you need more? you want another? c’mon sweetheart c’mon honey cum for me steven c’mon baby” - yup! that’ll do it!
- then they’re in a hotel room. vegas maybe?? it’s just the three of them so they just got one double queen room for the night (since they’re blowing hundreds of dollars on food) - steven and adam are pretty much drunk, stevens dumbly hanging off his shoulder as they walk from the elevator to their room - andrew isn’t like drunk but he’s feeling good™️ yah know - adam and steven collapse on the one bed and stevens obviously cuddling all up in his aaarea. - andrew is giggly and is like /hey,, lemme get in on that,,,/ - and steven literally screams as he pulls andrew on top of them and now they’re just wrestling - they land w andrew tucked sideways into adams chest & under adams arm and steven on top of both of them w his arms wide over them mumbling about his boys, his pals, his boys - adam and andrew make awkward eye conact but adam just smiles and presses his nose into his hair - stevens face is already against adams collarbone and he’s like …. “would it be weird if i gave u a hickey rn” - andrews like… yes (cuz he doesn’t know… yah know… he’s trying to be protecting both his boys) but adam just laughs and is like “go for it man” - andrew like looses his shit like, legs flailing laughing - but he calms rIGHT the FUCK down when steven actually does it………. - steven laughs and is like “is weird w the beard…” but he must find a spot he likes cuz he’s like, kissing up adams neck like right in front of andrew - and adam is still giggly but he’s got a soft hand petting over stevens hair as he marks him up and yah uh andrew’s kiiiinda hard
- it takes them a second to realize what’s going on (“having fun there steven??”) but uhhhhh - so andrew kisses adam and then playfully licks at steven and they kinda know what’s going on - (lucky adams a little drunk (still able to fully consent ok this is allll fine) because if he was fully sober and had t w o boys on him he would probably be crying) - and steven playfully kisses andrew and they’re both kinda laying on adam and andrew (stupidly) goes “yah uhh i’ve had sex w both of u xD xD!!!” - and steven and adam make weird eye contact and then steven just like, hits andrew in the shoulder and goes “why did u get to have sex w adam first??!!” - “dude he came onto me!!!” - “totally not fair” - “you can have ur turn!!!” - and then shit goes kinda quiet, aaaaaand steven starts pushing at adams shirt until it comes off somehow and now adam and steven are rolling around licking and nipping at each others chests and honestly the zipper in these jeans AINT gonna make it if andrew don’t do something - adams laughing and holding stevens head at a safe distance to keep him from attacking his chest and muttering something about how he’s sooo cute and whatever - andrew interrupts by trying to kiss adam, and when he gets a good angle adam like melts back into the bed with steven falling between them so andrew, a problem solver, crawls on top of adam to kiss him until he’s jelly - “r we…. r we doing this?” says steven from his spot on the bed - andrew breaks apart to giggle. “i’m in.” - adam is literally starry eyed. like he’s got one arm hooked under steven holding him close and one hand on andrews thigh - steven is staring at him and oh jeez don’t embarrass ur self bianchi - *shifty eyes…* “…can i bottom?” - ok and andrew literally goes into cardiac arrest like (the hc can end here if you’d like. adam just just killed andrew gn!) - steven smiles like the damn sun and is like “yes bitch ask for what u want!! respect!!” (but no really he just like makes out w him for a second while andrew is literally still dying in the background) - drew’s got a hand around his zipper signifying that he plans to top adam (hooolllyyy sh#t) - “steven?” asks cuz he doesn’t really know how to do this w three people - steven sees that he’s literally one second away from already fuckimg adam and he’s like “yes. do it.” - and now they’re naked - and someone for some reason brought supplies and steven is kissing adam and adams jerking him off and andrew is stretching adam and it sounds like a mess looks like a mess but feels fucking incredible because there’s like… trust and love and gentle gentle hands and everyone is feeling good - steven gets close to adams head (adams on his back, andrew on his knees between his legs) petting thru his hair and holding andrews hand and lives vicariously thru BOTH of them as andrew sliiides home - adam maybe cries - (its bc steven is kissing him and andrew is holding him and they’re smiling at eachother and /his boys his boys his boys/) - andrew pets back his hair and shushes him and presses his mouth to his forehead and his mouth and his throat and adam tries to keep breathing - steven is … the worst bc he’s so into this (it’s like… porn right in front of u… and it’s real and emotional and he can touch them oh my god) and he’s like “c’mon drew, give it to him, c’mon he needs it” - adam can’t even understand what he’s saying but he agrees! - “c’mon drew, give our boy what he wants cmon” and jfc andrew is gonna blow if he doesn’t shut him up so he grabs him and kisses him good and holds him and feels him up cuz he can!!! - he wraps a hand around stevens cock and lays him down beside adam. he thrusts into adam as he jerks up and pulls out as he jerks down and adam is right in his ear panting and crying “ohhhmhgoddstehhhsteven o oh m my g g ooooahh” w every thrust and ok! that’s it for mr lim cheque please! - he’s hold onto andrews arm as he cums and crying into adams neck and holy shit - andrew gives him a sweet kiss before turning back to adam and adam can feel his intentions in the swell of his cock and ok! he’s ready - “c’mon drew. fuck me.” … n u don’t gotta tell him twice ok - the next like two minutes is adam holding andrew around the shoulders and grabbing his back and completely blissed out. andrew n steven are saying something and he thinks he’s saying something ? but he really can’t hear over the blood in his ears - steven catching his breath, but he’s reached down and is gently jerking adam off since he prob can’t cum from cock alone (he prob can) and really just wants his hands on them - andrews whispering “i’m gunna cum oh my god” - “hows it feel” steven asks breathily - “oh my god. steven. steven.” - “it’s ok baby we got u” - and now andrew is sputtering their names and adam is actually just muttering a string of “yes” and “more” but he’s on totally on a different planet - “i’m gonna come” andrew’s muttering “ohh my god” - “oh my god!” adam yells, turning his face into stevens neck “i’m gonna come i’m gonna” suddenly out of his sub drop - steven doesn’t even know what to say as andrew pulls out and comes on adams hip and adams hand replaces stevens and he comes on his stomach - adams eyes r clear now and he’s like woooooowie cloud 9 but could probably use an inhaler - andrew thinks he could faint right here but instead he pushes his face to where theirs r close and just whispers “jesus christ i love you two” and - well that’s the end of that - (jk they clean up and snuggle and it’s sweet but they’re covered in marks and they’ve gotta film tomorrrow and NO ONE BROUGHT A TURTLE NECK)
like? Kudos it here :)
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survivorsunsetrodeo · 3 years
Ep 11 | No Regrets. No Mercy. It's Happening. - Ari
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Y'all.... the way I just.... asked Emma if she had an idol flaksjlakjfakls
She said no at first, but now she's saying yes lmao. OMG. I literally don't know what to do with this information other than like sit on it? Emma seems to be okay with me knowing this and as much as I want to tell Ari..... god idk this is so big.
This could really shake up the game for me and split up some of the big people in my alliance lkfjalkfja. GOD. Why did I even ask. Well knowledge is power and she wouldn't just like tell me if she didn't trust me???
I know I can't beat Ari and I think against Taylor it would be super close, but I also love them so much, so I would feel so bad if one of them went home bc of me lfkjalkfja. Like what is even happening rn!!! I just. Can't breathe. 
Taylor calls me right. And says oh btw Jacob, Ari, and Ali pooled money at swap in order to get the REVOLVER. Which they neglected to tell me. Which is so cute. But THEN! She also tells me that Ali wants to go for Ari this round flshjsjshaa which is kinda hot and I’m BITTER AF because I literally fucking spilled my entire anxious heart to Ari and felt like they were my number 1 and NOW they’ve been hiding shit from me??? Goodbye. So then I tell Taylor about Emma having the beer and now we know where both idols are this round so woo!
So then Ali starts to call me to tell me goodnight and that he loves me (he’s such a sweetie) and I was like Ali what’s the tea? And he just SPILLS everything to me about all the alliances he’s in with Ari and how he knows we don’t stand a chance against Ari at final tribal council. WHICH IS ALL FACTUAL. And definitely things I’ve been thinking about, but also haven’t had the guts to say anything about. So basically a plan was hatched in order to get the 3-2-2 vote to still happen but have it land on ARI with the idol in their pocket this round. I am literally going to go ALL OUT for the next immunity comp bc Ari cannot win.
Sorry Ari, this town ain’t big enough for the both of us. 
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got my third idol probably gonna waste it thanks nic hehe <3 Its funny that i was on the very bottom of the tribe now that these people found out i have the idol they want to be my bestie and vote with me i am gonna try very hard to win this immunity so i could only maybe play the immunity idol on josh or he can play it on himself ASDFGH also f2 with 8 people jury just say that redemption island is happening i guess my game plan i hope is to get out ari (pain) then maybe flip and get out maybe dan/jacob i have a feeling after this vote that dan/jacob are probably gonna flip get one of me or josh out probs josh but i dont want that to happen so i am gonna try to make sure i keep on trying to build my relationship with taylor more like i did last tribal also noted wow my biggest weakness in orgs is not my emotions its honestly my self confidence damn also talk to ali more my goat brother <3 also i really miss brandi she was really nice also i feel bad but not super bad that jabari was out i wanted to work with them last vote but they were throwing me utb that wasnt good.. Idk maybe if i hella play these last few rounds then make a very convincing case maybe i do have a small chance of winning idk fuck touchy subjects AHHH it shouldnt effect me now but tribal made me remember again ASDFG even tho theres people who havent made moves like me.
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The way I was complaining weeks ago that I was gonna go 16th place...I have to laugh. Me and Emma seems to be in a power position this round since the majority alliance is probably starting to turn against each other according to Ari which is great because I'll have options. Last round I told Emma to distance ourselves and search for cracks within the majority alliance. That led to Ari creating The Clementines alliance with me, Ari and Taylor. Now I'm on board on this group but Tay's been doubting keeping me over Jabari as soon as they found out Emma bought another idol. I'm lying to everyone that I didnt give Emma money (which I did) and told them Nic gave Emma money before he left (which was true but it wasn't enough to buy a $500 idol). Emma got close with Dan and Jacob (separately?) but after all the disassociation with Emma people still think we're working together because they keep bringing our names in private conversations. Emma thinks it's Ari & Tay vs Dan & Jacob but Ari tells me that they are willing to vote with me and Emma this round (with Jacob? idk) but I'm not really sure what the dynamics is on their side but Ari wants to go after Tay and Dan which I'm totally on board with the idea. I would rather have Dan go first because I think the Ari and Tay thing can still be useful and Dan has more pre-existing relationships than Tay I think. The best case scenario is for me to win Immunity and with Emma having the tier 2 idol the majority alliance is forced to turn against each other prematurely. Signs have already been forming when Jacob and I called a few days ago about "Taking out the threats". If I can pull off pretending to have an idol too that'd be great because it appears that NO ONE knows where the t3 idol is which is weird. One more thing is that someone noticed about the finale being a F2 with 8 Jury Members. That really doesn't sound right and people seemingly getting money out of nowhere it's possible that some sort of Edge of Extinction or Redemption Island could be at play here. I wonder how far it goes....Premergers feel like they've been gone for far too long to have an impact in the game but hey I could be wrong.
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lolz i need to win immunity or josh idk josh is probably good at math i hate math but im gonna keep on trying hehe also if i see something in the saloon brought i know alis ass brought the idol im just gonna keep on trying to remind ali like hey bro if u want a chance of winning dont vote me off aha 
trust list you probably know 1: Josh > everyone else i need more ideas to make confessionals i am kinda tired at this point but dont give up until its over but honestly my tiredness is probably why i am in the retirement home also not me winning like 75 dollars when i almost wanted to abstain because this challenge is always a nightmare this challenge is more fun the emoji math maze... i think ali probs has the idol if he has 135 left when i told him if not if i see something in the saloon brought ill assume ali brought a tier 2 idol i know this tribal is gonna be crazy so i am gonna mentally prepare for it i also told dan i have the idol which is an L but everyone knows that i have it because why would they say they want to work with me when they hella lied to me during the nic vote  also its the fact they seem me hey best person to take to f2 next to ali thank god for this idol honestly i guess another thing im worried about i need to distance myself from josh but thats impossible because i know jacob was straight up with me and told me he wanted to work with me and josh also dan also was kinda like that as long as i can get myself safe this vote ill be fine but like i said in my other confessional  i know dan is probably gonna flip next round maybe i am thinking about targetting them if ari wins immunity o.o also i belong in a retirement hope random thing live finales make me wanna kms because what if i cry live thats so sad and my biggest fear im kinda okay at talking at finales.
so  u can score like 100m in this challenge good bye brb gonna try to get the most points..
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ok here's the status report before i go off to bed:
dan is almost definitely tryin some funny business so he has got to go. i'm working with josh and emma on this one and i truly believe they are genuine, and jacob is obvs with that so it'd be four votes dan, three votes whatever the heck happens with the adoption centre split-vote plan. i don't think i even need to play my idol however im debating whether i should do so anyway because taylor is very much on the don't-break-ranks-just-trust bandwagon and i feel like she is going to be angery if i break that to go after dan without it looking like i felt very in danger? i dunno tbh. i could just pin it all on jacob and pretend to be shockedt but that feels a bit dirty and i'd like to own my moves thank u very much.... guess i'll play it out tomorrow and see how i feel
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Not me waking up at 3am to a message from Taylor saying that Ari is feeling sketched out by me because I’m being calm.
Oh yeah Ari? Do you want me to act paranoid? I can do that, but maybe I’m not paranoid bc I know where both idols are this round. It just makes me think that Ari likes that I get paranoid and freaked out.
Part of me actually wants to tell them everything about the plan to get them out but at the same time I feel like that will get me voted out. I feel like the mind games are becoming a little too much for me and I don’t even really feel like playing anymore.
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lol of course the person i wanted the least to win immunity wins immunity. Things are definitely starting to get spicy and i might've pushed it a little farther when i lied and said Dan is coming after Ari and I mean he might be but it's the push i needed to make for Ari TO STOP BEING VAGUE TO ME.
Bebop (named after Cowboy Bebop don't call me a weeb) has been formed yesterday and it's me, Emma and Ari. What a Galapagos reunion. Ari told that the majority alliance's plan is to split the votes 3-2-2. The 3 is possibly me because it's no secret Emma is going to play an idol. If no shenanigans happen it should be 3 for Dan, 2 for me and 2 for Emma with Dan going home but I do not feel good about this plan because if an idol is played then there's a high chance another one will. I plan on taking Emma's idol and playing it for myself with the reasoning is that there are people willing to keep Emma because of her goat status over me.
What's interesting to me is that Ari told me that Jacob doesn't like Dan and I'm not exactly sure why but if Jacob is open to voting Dan then I more than welcome it. Me, Emma, Ari and Jacob is the alliance that I've been wanting since merge started and how that hasn't been solidified yet is tragic. They're the three people I enjoy talking to the most. I mean, Taylor's great too but she's coming after me so she gotta go! The way that she messaged Ari saying "Are you sure it was the right choice to keep Josh?"....ARI OF ALL PEOPLE. Well, I'm glad the secret pair beware of #TeamLasagna is still going strong. Now that Ari has become less vague I know I can trust them a lot more.
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i literally do not understand any of these people and it is driving me NUTS!!!
ok ok ok so like. josh tells me this morning that taylor said she wants to make a move on me because she heard i was talking to people one-on-one about her being most likely to flip. i immediately go oh f*#&$&#@ dan because i had SORT OF said that in our call yesterday so ofc he twisted it and used it against me. except!! then taylor herself calls me and says "josh came to me and asked if i trusted you and i wanted to get info from him so i made up this lie about how you'd said i was most likely to flip, i'm concerned he's coming for you" and i'm like oh f*#&$%#@ me. ofc my first instinct is to think she's lying as it seems like far too big of a coincidence for her to randomly come up with this story that is partially true..... BUT why on earth would she be telling me all this then? does she want to flush my idol? did she think the story would come back to me and wanted to get ahead of it? either way it doesn't make sense for her to say anything if she truly wants to vote me out, but the coincidence.... too much....... and should i be less certain of my relationship with josh? or are both their versions of the story true and they both don't want me out? my head is pounding i swear. plus jacob said that taylor told him she's "worried" about me because of what josh was saying, which lends more credibility to the idea she's being earnest in not wanting me out UNLESS she is aware of how close we are and assumes i'd tell him (i did)? I DON'T KNOW I JUST DO NOT KNOW
and then if that ISN'T enough, i have dan over here being completely erratic, first telling me how bad a day he's had that he almost wants to ask to be voted out, then saying that josh had thrown my name out which like ya i told josh he could do that. but dan's like "i'm not voting you ari i would never" and it's frustrating cuz he knows how to get to my emotions and i wanna believe him! i really do! especially since if he truly wanted me out he shouldn't tell me any of that shit. but i can't trust it i can't!!!!!! it's too risky!!!!!! ughhhhhhh
tl;dr this vote is a mindfuck and i'm 99% going to play my idol because i don't trust any of these fools anymore
also if i had a dollar for every time i tell jacob he needs to go be convincing to someone and he's like "ok bet" and fifteen minutes later that person is telling me "idk about jacob he's being so vague didn't really give me anything" i would have enough money to buy back my gun after i use it tonight
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Y’all, sadly I think I’ve yeed my last haw
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Well ignore my last confessional i dont want ari out idc how big of a threat they are or good at the game they are im gonna be loyal as i can to them idk before this i thought big moves and like flipping plus being kinda deceitful was to win i did get pots last year for playing that game tho but its like idk i feel like a new side to me like i rather be loyal to people who i been loyal to from the start and not make a move just to make a big move if i lose 7-0 so be it this game i had hopes of people working with me then being deceitful to me so i am just gonna do whatever tf i want this doesnt mean i dont like the people who i am against i think this merge was full of lovely people but theres people i am more loyal then others i honestly gave josh my idol to play because i rather not be alone without them in this game then be dragged to the end by somebody else also this is funny in orgs i thought years and years back ago me and ari are like oil and water, ketchup and ice cream but playing this game with them has been so much fun!! Also if i some how get betrayed or voted off in any round its okay NNN yeah i wish i had more of a game to prove but its very hard when everyone has different connections i really hope dan isnt super mad at me voting them off i really like dan as a person sometimes im dry in his pms but i did love like playing this game with them!! also i wish i can delete my first conf nnn
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ugh i am just truly unsatisfied with this round no matter how it actually shakes out. i dont know what to say to taylor about dan going and i'm frankly too tired to think about it, i hate that im most likely wasting my idol but i would kick myself if i didn't play it & got stabbed, and i'm sad about the collapse of the adoption centre which is partly/mostly my fault anyway. i would like to get this over with as quickly as possible.
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7th place isn’t something to be sad about I guess. Just wish I could have made it farther. I’m gonna be the most bitter juror out there tbh haha sorry Ari! 
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This round is so scary I feel really bad about Dan 
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i'm so nervous about who is gonna go omg i haven't heard my name at all but i am still nervous and idk who to trust ahhhh
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I came from the best player to the one going home 
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Power Rankings ONE - JACOB (+2) Threat: 6 (+2) Trust: 2 (NC) Looking back on this round, I didn’t realize how much power Jacob really had. Jacob could have single handedly sent dan home, but failed to communicate his intentions with the minority. Had Jacob of done this, I could have easily seen him sitting in the final 2. However, this misstep will have major consequences on his game. TWO - TAYLOR (+4) Threat: 7 (+2) Finally getting myself back into a position of power. Regardless of my downfall last round, I picked myself back up and went out of my way to message josh and Emma to see if they’d like to do something. Fortunately for me, they did. I could have sent dan home this round if Jacob had of talked to me (but he had no service). I would have been sitting pretty is a majority of 3 with Emma and josh. Threat level back up, back on track to win the game. THREE - JOSH (+1) Threat: 7 (+3) Trust: 7 (+5) Just like I predicted last round, Josh realized it was time to start making the right moves to get himself further. He just needed to break up the trio. I credit myself more than I credit josh though because I reached out to him, had I not of, he could have went home. But him joining with me was a good move for his game and he recognizes that. FOUR - EMMA (+1) Threat: 4 (+2) Trust: 7 (+5) Emma, similarity to josh had a good round because of me approaching them. Emma and josh didn’t even realize their games were at risk until I figured out that Ari, dan and Jacob weren’t voting me, rather voting one of them. Emma still left this round, but honestly if there was communication on Jacobs part about a flip on the revote, us 3 would have skated by. https://i.imgur.com/lFtZBsl.png FIVE - ARI (-4) Threat: 8 (-2) Trust: 1 (-1) Ari really lost control of their game at this point. Not only are they the biggest threat to win, but now they’re the biggest threat to win challenges. I also saw a different side of Ari that I can’t say I like. It’s funny because I used to always think to myself, “Ari seems nothing like an Aries, they’re so calm and wonderful and sweet” YEAH throw all of that out the window. Mad Ari is a different Ari lol. Anyways back on track, they for once I think were shocked by a vote, the double tie they had no control over. And finally, finally I think we are starting to see the decline of Ari’s game. Threat level is something I’m still trying to figure out how to control, and if you fail to control it like Ari did, you’ll see a similar result. SIX - DAN (-4) Threat: 4 (-3) Trust: 7 (+3) Dan lands here because of his failure to mend a relationship with me, now that I had Emma and josh wanting to work with me, Ari won immunity, and Jacob had an idol, it really only left me with the option of voting for dan. If Jacob had of said something, dan would have left this round. Because dan chose to link back up with Ari last round, and Ari lost control this round, subsequently that means dan also lost control. The one thing Dan has over is he isn’t seen as the biggest threat in the game.
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