adriftpoetry · 8 months
Dissociation Station
In the station of detachment, I stand, A passenger lost in the vast expanse of no man's land. The platform echoes with the silence of my mind, As the train of thoughts leaves reality behind.
Faces pass like fleeting shadows in the mist, In this station of dissociation, where time does not exist. The ticket to presence lost, misplaced, In the corridors of numbness, I wander, spaced.
Each platform a realm of fragmented dreams, Reality dissolves in elusive streams. The announcement speakers murmur in disarray, As I navigate the labyrinth where thoughts decay.
Trains of emotion thunder through, unheard, In this station of detachment, where feelings are blurred. The timetable of self, a puzzle unsolved, As the echoes of existence remain unresolved.
No destination, no arrival, only departure, In this dissociation station, a silent departure. A one-way ticket to a realm unknown, Where the self journeys, suspended and alone.
Faces blend into a canvas of anonymity, In this station of dissociation, a surreal symphony. The whistle of the train, a distant cry, As I linger in the echoes, wondering why.
Dissociation station, a transient abode, A place where fragments of the self erode. In the waiting room of detachment, I reside, Lost in the station where the self can hide. -adriftpoetry
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tmarshconnors · 10 months
Maze of thoughts
Have you ever found yourself in a state of utter disarray, where your thoughts resemble a labyrinth with no clear exit? It's as if your mind becomes a whirlwind of emotions, ideas, and doubts, leaving you lost in a sea of uncertainty. The sensation of being adrift in the vast ocean of your thoughts can be both bewildering and strangely liberating.
In these moments, it's like you're standing at a crossroads, unsure of which path to take. Each thought is a signpost, pointing you in a different direction, leaving you grappling with a cacophony of conflicting ideas. It's easy to feel overwhelmed, as if you're wandering through a dense fog, struggling to find your bearings.
But amidst the confusion, there is a certain beauty in not knowing exactly what to think. It's a reminder that life is a complex tapestry of experiences, emotions, and perspectives. Just as a jigsaw puzzle requires time and patience to piece together, so too do our thoughts need space to align and form a coherent picture.
Being lost in thought can also be a powerful catalyst for introspection and self-discovery. When you're unsure of what to think, you're forced to confront your beliefs, values, and desires. It's a chance to dig deep within yourself and unearth the hidden corners of your mind, ultimately leading to a greater understanding of who you are.
Remember, it's okay to not have all the answers right away. Embracing the uncertainty can be a valuable exercise in patience and growth. Allow yourself to sit with your thoughts, to explore the various avenues they lead you down. In time, clarity might emerge from the chaos, guiding you towards a deeper comprehension of the situation at hand.
So, if you find yourself lost in a maze of thoughts, don't be afraid to embrace the journey. Let the currents of uncertainty carry you for a while, knowing that every twist and turn has the potential to unveil something new. It's through these moments of confusion that we often find our most profound insights and forge a stronger connection with ourselves
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ryguy5382 · 8 days
@endlesslydev0ted tagged me to post my Lock Screen.
I’ll tag @sourpatchsorcerer, @sharereactor, @halcyon-deluxe, @innerlabyrinths, @stormesandshowersparttwo , @beast-0f-lavendert0wn and @wunnmoretime
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