#Jj is used to kians shit
lupuspluvio · 2 months
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The contrast of editing J.J and Salem vs Lyle and Kian 💀
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lcrdoflies · 3 years
self-para: sawyer writes a letter to his parole officer when: day 11, around 1am where: by the campfire
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How’s it going, you sonuvabitch??? Hope you and yours are well. I’m addressing this letter to you on account of you’re the only one I can trust to actually read it, so read it all the way through, you hear??
It is now the 11th day since our plane crashed somewhere in the Pacific. Supplies are starting to run low...food’s not looking too good, either. We’ve been collecting water through holes in the ground and boiling it over a fire in metal bottles – talk about some real Survivor SHIT!! So with food inventory being zilch, me and some of the boys are gonna try our hand at saltwater fishing tomorrow on the bay. Wish it was under different conditions but I’ve been hankering to give the ocean a go since we landed and there ain’t no time better than the present.
I had a couple conversations today that got me to thinking about who I’ve been and who I wanna be going forward. That’s why I’m writing you now, other than I’m running out of addies and can’t get any shuteye. You've always been better than I am at seeing the forest for the trees, as they say. Before I ended up on this wild fuckin ride, I used to think of my life as consisting of two parts: before juvie and after juvie. Now I think I’ll come to look at it as before the island and after the island. Crazy how just 11 days can be a week’s work for one average joe and a life-altering situation for another, ain’t it? 
Before I left, you asked me who the hell Sawyer McLaren is. And the answer I came up with is this: I’m still trying to figure that out myself. Sometimes it feels like I haven’t changed since the day I stepped foot in the slammer. Other times I feel like a whole different man than I was when I got on that plane. I don’t know if that man is better than the one I used to be, yet, but I do have an idea of where he’s headed.
When I get out of here, I want to get my degree. My GED, or whatever they’re calling it now. And I want to get out of Conrad. Go somewhere with skyscrapers on the horizon and pigeon shit in the streets...gonna be a while til I can save up to get that boathouse in San Jose. But I like a while. Means I got more life to look forward to in the meantime. 
I also want to stay in touch with the guys I came here with. Not gonna run away this time – I’ll write more letters if I got to!! We’ve seen shit like you wouldn’t believe together...done shit you wouldn’t believe, too (don’t ask – what happens in the clearing Stays In The Clearing). But if I’m being honest with you, I wouldn’t go through none of that shit with anybody else. Would you believe some of us hated each other’s guts not even a week ago?? I’m telling you, good buddy. Crazy what 11 days on a deserted island can do.
Take me and Marcher for example: we was at each other’s throats like a couple angry leghorns by day 3, and now I’d go so far as to consider him one of my closest buddies here. Says he wants to play for the NHL someday (he’s Canadian) and I believe the fucker might actually do it. Just needs to learn how to enjoy life a little, too.
Then there’s Dash. Crazy cool dude from Fla-ri-dah with a pink buzzcut and a sexy lady crocodile tattoo. Think he’s got even crazier stories than I do about his friends back home. Would love to sit down and have a beer with him for real someday. 
Liam’s a bunny hugger in every sense of the word. Real good kid with a kind heart, full of surprises too. Lukas is from back east and knows a lot about tech. He’s smart, but the things he says straight up worries me sometimes. Might just be an error in translation on my end. JJ’s one of the guys coming fishing with me, and he knows a lot about EVERYTHING. He’s like a walking encyclopedia, I don’t know how he keeps all that knowledge in his brain without it spilling out of his ears. It just goes in one end and out the other whenever he tries to explain it to me.
Blue reminds me of Finn – the life of the party, always trying to make people laugh. Dev’s the opposite: he’s quiet and sensitive, but means well by others. Joe and Kian are from the other side of the pond, but they couldn’t be more opposites of each other. Can’t understand a word they say most of the time...they probably think the same thing about me, when I think about it. 
Only guy I haven’t been able to crack yet is Sarge. He’s a bit of a hardass...think Marcher dialed up to 10. A bit rough around the edges, but he has his moments of humility sometimes. I wonder what he’d be like if we met under different circumstances. I wonder if any of us would even look in one another’s directions if we met under different circumstances. 
The first couple days here, I spent a lot of time looking for someone to blame all of this on. On the pilot for crashing the plane. On you for suggesting the Twilight Zone retreat to me. On myself for being in bad enough shape for you to suggest the Twilight Zone retreat to me. At one point, I wanted to blame my mama and my Pa and even God for putting me into existence. And I lived to tell you that I’m through with dwelling on the past. Can’t do nothing about what’s been done. But I can do something about what’s to be done. I want to survive. I want to live. I want to try.
I know you’re not really reading this, good buddy, but please don’t give up on us. The feds, the search teams, whatever. Tell them to keep looking for us. That we’re not lost causes. That we’re rough around the edges and we’re carrying some baggage and we’re future NHL players, bunny huggers, dreamers, sons and brothers and kids with a lot of life and love in us left to give. My Pa used to say that a man never deserves, he earns. But I know now that he’s wrong. We deserve the chance to survive, and we deserve the chance to live.
My lids are starting to get reallll heavy so that means it’s time for beddy bye. Know that I meant it when I said I hoped you’re doing well. I hope Finn and Holden are doing well. And Pa. And my mother. I hope they’re not in bad sorts about me and that they can find peace in knowing, somehow, that I’m doing alright. Same goes for the families of the other guys, too. We’re gonna make it out of here someday.
Arrivederci, good buddy. See ya on the dark side of the moon.
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wildshub · 3 years
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WHO: The Adams WHAT: The boys debrief and decide to return to their camp. WHEN: Day 14, afternoon NOTE: For future reference.
sawyer With some bottles of fresh water and a bag of mangoes, Sawyer came back to the cave feeling a bit better about their circumstances than when he left. “Afternoon, sunshines,” he said, holding up the bag he and Sebastian had received. “Guess who scored us some mangoes from the girls.”
callum Callum had his eyes closed, hands intertwined and resting on his abdomen. He was hoping to zone out so hard that he forgot he was hungry or just pass out completely. At the sound of Sawyer's greeting however, he opened his eyes and turned his head. "Heeey!" For the second time today, he was smiling. "Mangoes? Holy shit. Hand me that bag right now." He made grabby hands for the thing.
blue "yes!" he exclaimed excitedly, following callums lead. "thanks, man! it was nice of them to share."
sawyer Stepping over some of the boys, Sawyer sat down in the middle of the semi-circle and stretched his legs out, passing the bag over to Callum—he figured it was only fair the incapacitated pick their share first. “How you feelin’?” He asked them.
callum With the bag now in his hands, Callum wasted no time opening it up and pulling out a mango for himself, breaking into it with his thumbs and peeling the skin away hastily. Once enough flesh was exposed, he bit into the fruit and moaned at the taste of it. Chomping away happily, he hummed in reply to Sawyer. A hum that meant 'happy I'm eating, not too bad, leg still hurts, we might have a real chance at getting out of here'. But then he remembered Sawyer wasn't his mother and couldn't decipher what he meant by vague noises alone. He swallowed the mango he was chewing and spoke finally. "Not bad. How'd the waterfall thing go? You guys figure anything out?"
blue maybe it was his head still hurting, but blue was feeling a little more impatient for these mangoes since clarke first mentioned them what felt like a decade ago. "hey, cal, you got any to spare, bro?" he hoped not to piss the other off but he also figured that if it came to it,he could chase after a mango way faster.  "good! kians sister was really nice, gonna try to make sure the others wont hurt us." he didnt really notice the slip, cause that wasnt exactly what clarke said but he was still into the mangoes.
jj He walks into the cave, covered in mud over helping pull Lukas, and the loud blonde out of the mud. He was exhausted to say the least. “What’s up? Everyone alive?”
callum Callum made a face at Blue when he asked for one of the mangoes. It hadn't occurred to him that he needed to share. He felt hesitant to part with the bag of food but he did have a bit off a soft spot for Blue. He was just about to reach into the bag to pull out a mango for the other Canadian when JJ strode up into the cave covered in mud, shifting his attention and train of thought. "The fuck happened to you?" Callum asked, mouth full of mango and brows slanted in a frown as he stared at the state JJ was in.
jj He looks over himself as if suddenly reminded of the muddy mess he was. “Quicksand. Lukas and the dumb one fell in.” He looks around at the others. “How’s the concussion?” He asks Blue back but his eyes shift around. “Cal? Leg? Dash?” There sure was a lot of names. Will probably be more if they allow these girls to mess about. “We should head back to the camp. It’s getting dark…”
blue he had begun to open his mouth while reaching for a mango, though he did spot that look from cal he just figured classic grumpy cal but when jj interrupted and the mangoes were no longer making their way into his mouth, he felt just as grumpy, but softened to give dash a look to say ok bro now you try he turned to in, a little confused. "do you mean me? did like, did we all decide i have a concussion?" he passed clarkes test didnt he. "im good, but we might not want to go like...too far, since we let them borrow the uh, the axe."
kian As starved as Kian was, he waited patiently for his turn with the mango bag. And maybe that was the character growth his parents had been expecting from him on this trip all along. “Do you think we even can?” He asked JJ, scratching his itchy scalp. “Make it back to camp today, that is. Two of us can hardly walk and Blue is a bit…” Well. He wasn’t going to be the one to say it again. dash “Weak, tired, malnourished," Dash lamented in response to JJ’s inquiry about how he was holding up. The last word was said pointedly toward the person currently hoarding the food. "Bored as hell too, soooo... same old, same old.” He shook his head. "Can’t believe you got quicksand-ed, bro, like—yunno, there’s this Robot Chicken sketch where a giraffe gets caught in it. But ‘cause giraffes are so tall, it took forever for it to sink and it went through like, all five stages of grief. Hey, wasn't there a quicksand scene in that one Scooby Doo movie too?" He got off track. He glanced over toward all the mud-covered boys. No one complained about any injury so he wasn't too worried. Just another thing they'd have to keep an eye out for though. "Did your life flash before your eyes?" he asked, wiggling his fingers in front of his own eyes. "Because I can empathize, guys, for real.” Dash caught Blue’s look with some surprise. Yeah, he had every plan to swipe the fruit from Big C as soon as possible, but now that someone else expected it of him he felt like, pressured or something. He widened his eyes then nodded to express a harried okay, okay... then scooted closer to where Callum was going all Saturn Devouring His Son. His stomach grumbled in anticipation. “The big guy over here can’t do much walking anytime soon, that's a no-brainer. You’d all have to deadlift him. I dunno the rules on concussions and hikes though.”
jj "Correction. I did not get quicksand-ed, it was Lukas and the blonde chick and I helped pull them out by 'putting some back into it' as the short, pithy, commonly known expression would describe." he smiles at Dash who was never short of making the shit situation slightly less shitty. He nodded at Blue, focused on Kian for a minute and thought about it as his brain tried to run back the episodes of Scooby-Doo for the quicksand information dump. "I think we should go back for several reasons, number one being Liam who remains unfound and likely bleeding out. Two, food...there's fish at the beach and more in the nets, we could have an actual meal with actual nutrients. Three, the water there is purified and we are running low here. Four, it's the place the girls don't know about so we'll be safe there now that they've got the axe combined with their clear disliking of us as existing individuals on this shitshow Island. Finally....unrelated to the uh, reasons, the Scooby-Doo episode with quicksand, Dash, is the Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island." he tosses more branches to the fire and looks around. "Might take all afternoon, but it'll be worth it...."
blue "blue is a bit what?" he asked kian, he was getting the sense they all thought he was dumb but these were his friends. his surprise that jj was pretty cool about the axe was soured by the thought of liams situation. "I can hike, once ive had a bite of mango." he didnt look to callum, because he didnt actually want a fight, just some sweet sweet mango. "we gotta get liam, and i can do it. im not as dumb as everyone thinks. " he played with the fray on the bottom of his pant legs, not wanting to actually hear how dumb they thought he was. "we should like....be careful, if they really dont like us."
kian "You're a bit..." His lips quirked to the side as he tried to think of the right word. Slow? No, that was offensive. Loopy? Even worse. "Out of sorts." There we go.
blue "it's just stress, kian." he insisted, liam, cal and dash needed to be the higher priority, even clarke knew blue was okay.
dash Dash shifted uneasily in the wake of JJ's comment about Liam. "Hey. C'mon, dude, don't say that..." he started, an echo of his weak admonishment from that morning. "Liam's probably straight chilling, sippin' on coconuts and getting a sweet tan. Unless he like, stepped on a poisonous sea urchin or some shit, everything should be fan-fuckin'-tastic on the Liam front." Turns out that talking out of your ass could come in handy when it came to coping with deeply anxiety-triggering thoughts. "Yooo, Zombie Island. Yeah, that's the one. Was it me or was that weird cat lady kind of hot? Pre-furrying, obviously. I'm not built like that." Dash further distracted himself with the subject of the mangoes. "But Blue's got a solid point. We need fuel either way," he said, turning to Callum. Now was his time. Teasingly, he continued: "Sorry for the harsh truth, but you know you've gotta share the stash there, Augustus Gloop." Hoping Callum would be suitably distracted making some affronted-slash-constipated hockey goon face in response to the shitty nickname, Dash reached a hand out and snatched the bag of remaining mangoes from his lap. He jerked away from Callum again, sliding back on the cold, hard ground. Hoping to be outside of smacking-distance, he let out a sharp, high whistle as he went. "Blue, think fast!" he called out, then tossed the bag over with a grin. It could be part two of the concussion test, maybe. blue blue blinked repeatedly, like that one meme, and reached for the mango flying towards him but missed and it hit his shoulder, he felt a little embarrassed that he didnt catch it, like he was  proving then and her right. "see? that was close," he gave a grateful look to dash, that dude really knew how to lighten a mood.
lukas Standing outside the cave Lukas was shaking himself off like a dog, trying his best to rid himself of some the heavy mud before it dried onto his clothes. “ Dude, the amount of times my life has flashed before my eyes in the last two weeks, it’s more like a constant rerun of some shitty show at this point. “ He joked humourlessly as he pulled sweatshirt over his head only to find his shirt underneath had mud soaking into it to. He was half listening to the conversation, more so focused on his clothes still. He didn’t think he’d go back to camp tonight, risk of it getting dark before he made it, but tomorrow morning he’d try again. Like most if not all of the group, he didn’t like the idea of Liam on his own. Not with shit like snakes and boars around. “ Yo, was there enough down river at the waterfall to wash off? Or would that just totally fuck the whole clean water thing? “ He asked, looking up with muddy sweater in muddy hands.
joe Joe was loitering outside the cave with Lukas, carefully standing outside the splash zone of the mud he was shaking off. The cave wasn't a house and the boys walked in covered in mud two days ago but he would have felt guilty for trailing mud in the cave. He didn't have the excuse of seeking shelter from a storm like they did two days ago. He wiped mud off his legs, licking his thumb to use spit as wet wipe and longed for a hose. "Lex fell in the quicksand with Lukas. You can't call her blonde one because there's a couple of blonde girls and you definitely can't call her the dumb one either." He didn't know if it accurate to call Lex dumb but if it was true that was still a rude thing to call her. He was going to ask to about how far the waterfall was but Lukas got there first with his smarter question about how much water there was. jj He was feeling overwhelmed by the Q&A and matters that needed responding to so he made a mental list in his brain to tackle them one by one. As one would. He decided not to go much into detail about Liam. He thought it obvious his prior statement was a joke, but then again he may not have emphasised it properly. Humour was hard. “I’m sure the fact I haven’t seen him at the camp means he’s fine enough to walk. We’ll find him.” He was starting to feel bad for keeping distracted back at the camp. He was so busy setting up the nets so the fish would get caught in the storm. Digging traps right after and hiding all the way through - so it didn’t even occur to him there may have been someone left behind. He also felt dreadful over the possible prospect of Liam actually being in a dire need of his help, something he was equipped to provide. It was of paramount importance to get back and find him; and having these lot be tired and injured and out of fuel wasn’t gonna cut it. “Look I know it’s a lot to ask and you’re exhausted. But you need real food to heal. At the beach we have real food. You need water, we have that there too. Dehydration, malnourishment, infection…these things don’t wait until morning and neither should we.” He then looks over at Joe apologetically. “Lex. I apologise.” And finally he will look over at Lukas. “The only type of water that’s clean is the rain water and it becomes contaminated the moment it reaches the ground. This is why we have been boiling water, all water even the water that ‘looks’ clean.” He points out, knowing that hunger would be the least of their worries had they not been boiling out the toxins from the water so far. And they were running out of that in the cave. Dehydration. Fuck. They had to get back. “I mean yeah, you can go ahead and wipe that mud off at the Waterfall. Or we can head back now and you can clean up at the beach.”
lukas " Cal, you wanna quit slurping down mangoes for a second and  jump up, give us a little tap dance or something? Show us if you can put any weight on that fuckin' leg? " Moving was a bust, was what Lukas was trying to say with his shitty dry sarcasm. Moving all of them was a bust, at least. It'd taken two of them to move Callum back to the cave, and it had winded Lukas. Maybe a few of them could go and come back, but after his own valiant efforts he was going to wait until the following morning before he volunteered again. Then JJ addressed him directly and he's dumbfounded by how broadly he'd missed the point of his question. " Sure– but if you boil muddy water it's still gonna be muddy. And unless anyone has something they want to confess, pretty sure no one wants to drink water I've washed my dick in. Even after it's been boiled. " Though he'd thrown a joke in, it was true. There was mud in places Lukas had never thought there would be. " Whatever, I'll figure it out. Toss me some water bottles, I'll fill them up while I'm there. " He still needed to be pointed in the direction of the waterfall but before that could happen, he had another joke to make. Holding his hands up, he continued " Before I wash my balls, promise. "
callum Callum was blissfully unaware of the comments that were made because he wasn't sharing. He was on his second mango now, and each bite tasted just as good as the first he took if not more. Flecks of mango flesh covered the lower half of his face, juices dripping down his chin and off of his fingers. No one could ruin his food-induced high, not even Dash talking about random shit or JJ spouting his robot nonsense. Just as he went in for another bite, he felt the bag yanked from his lap. He made a noise in protest, mouth still full, brows slanted in a hard glare as Dash pulled his antics. He swallowed the mango mush in his mouth and spoke. "Hey! What– That's not fair. Sawyer handed me the bag." He stayed glaring at Blue and Dash, but mostly Dash when Lukas and Joe made their presence known. It wasn't until JJ started speaking again that he finally tore his gaze away from Dash with a grumpy huff and decided to pay attention, taking another savage bite of what's left of the mango he was holding. He hoped Dash was looking because if he got hungry enough, that twig was the first person he'd go for – no remorse. He was just in the middle of slurping off whatever flesh was left on the mango seed when Lukas asked him about the state of his leg. "Well, it still fucking hurts. I probably can't put any weight on it but I've been feeling a lot better since J came by this morning." And of course, after the mangoes. Honestly, he wouldn't hate more food. He felt like it helped immensely. Wiping his dirty hands on the legs of his pants, Callum grabbed the long stick he was using as a makeshift crutch from where it laid beside him, preparing himself to stand. He just managed to lift his ass off the ground with a push from his arms and move his good leg from an outstretched position to an angled position but he could not for the life of him even twitch his bad leg without feeling sharp pain. "I'll need help getting up. Can someone get over here?" He asked, arm outstretched for help, feeling shame that he needed assistance at all but if they were going to get back to Liam today, he had to see what he could do.
blue he didnt really mind cal's glares or grunts or whatever, there was something so much more calming about them being all together, the way they balanced each other, he especially thought it laughing about lukas' gross dirty balls. he rushed to stand at callum's side, letting the other lean on him for stability but also blue leaning on the other, his dizziness still present when he moved in a rush that way. "you good?" he asked, hushed tone for both callum's pride and his own.
callum With his arm over Blue's shoulder, Callum pushed off the cave's floor with his good leg, using the stick in one hand as added help. One long grunt and all his might (and with Blue's help for support), he was finally able to stand. And Jesus, did it take a lot out of him. "Phew." He pushed out a heavy breath. He kept weight off of his bad leg, dangling it just a few inches off of the floor. He knew if he made any attempt to walk on it that he'd feel so much pain, he'd probably go into shock and have a heart attack or something. Was he good? Tough question. "Not bad," was all he could give Blue, keeping his voice just as hush as the other so none of the other boys could hear him. If anything, beyond Blue's support, it was pure pride holding him up right now. And his trusty crutch-stick. "Lemme test something out," he told Blue. Carefully, he removed his arm from around the other Canadian, quickly moving to grab his stick and use that for support. He probably looked like some weird ass old man right now but at least he was upright. "Okay..." So he could stand on his own. Could he walk? He moved the stick over to the right side of his body so it could hold him up while his right leg couldn't. Then he hopped forward with his left leg, holding the stick all the while. Well, fuck, his left leg will be jacked if he did this all the way back to camp. "Yeah... this is all I can do." Pathetic, he thought. "If we're serious about making it back to camp today, I think I'm gonna have to have my arm around someone for support the whole way there. This hopping shit is gonna wear me out fast."
blue he nodded along, having faith that callum knew his own body best. it was at this second that blue realized he had dropped his precious mango to catch his friend. once it seemed like cal was independent enough, he crouched down and extended his arm towards it. "thats fine, man." he could tell that he and cal were locked into some draw, where neither wanted to admit what kind of shape they were in. blue had wished he could just float back to camp, and save more energy that way, maybe if they had more mushrooms or something.
joe Joe continued to scrub at his leg. The mud was starting to dry and there was too much of it to make an impact with just his thumb. He frowned and spat into the palm of his hand. It was kind of gross but the only option he had and it wasn't like he hadn't done that before. He looked up at Lukas with a horrified expression as the curly haired clown started cracking the same kind of bad jokes he usually made. "Shut up you idiot. Nobody wants to hear about your knob and balls."His words were harsh but his tone was soft. Lukas was an idiot but Joe was fond of him. He shitty sense of humour made things easier to deal with and brought a sense of normalcy to the island. Joe walked further into the cave when he heard Callum getting up and talking. He walked over to Blue's side. "Hey, are you sure you feel up to doing this? What did Clarke say about your head?"
blue "she said im good to go," he responded to joe between bites. he couldnt remember everything she said but the gist was that there was no concern. "i uh, ....focused my eyes, i almost caught the mangoes, I'm fine boys." he reassured, it was odd to him that whatever they thought about how smart he was, that it was overshadowing liam or literally anyone else.  as he finished his mango, wishing he could relive eating it over and over, he wiped his hands and stood a little taller. "I can do this, are you all up for this?" he asked,part hypeman mode but also part desperate to distract, his eyes went around to the others. callum "I mean... I just want food," Callum admitted, willing to go through whatever to get it. As nice as the mangoes were, he wouldn't hate it if JJ had caught some fish while they were gone and had some trapped in a net and ready to be thrown on a fire once they got back. He swore if he closed his eyes he could almost taste the char on the fish's skin. It made his mouth water. "And obviously... you know," he continued, "to find Liam." The dude was probably pissing himself with fear that everyone was gone. "I'm good to go once Lukas gets back from washing off at that waterfall. I can practice walking around with my arm over someone till then."
dash "You know I'll miss you while you're gone, bro," Dash said to Lukas, and nudged over the requested water bottles to be handed down the line toward Lukas. He used his thumb to break into the top of the mango, glancing up to catch Callum getting to his feet. He knew from experience that using a crutch was exhausting as all hell, made worse by the terrain they had to stumble across, but Callum was definitely in better shape than he was. Maybe he could do it without passing out from that toxic little pain-exhaustion combo. Dash watched with narrowed eyes and a grimace. Well, at least they had Blue's help. But speaking of Blue. "Okay, just to be clear? Clarke was pumped he didn't like, choke on his tongue in his sleep or something. But Blue, let's be real—your brain's pretty scrambled, which is fine. Well, not fine but you catch my drift. We just gotta keep on eye on you, man. No shade, just facts."
blue while he appreciated that dash could've been much harsher, he always was having a harder time convincing them he was fine. "if this is a, blue is a dumbass thing, i don't want to hear it, bro." he wasn't aggressive, there was no energy for something like that, but he wanted his feelings know before they came out in weeps. "i'm fine. we need to get liam, us losing each other was the issue in the first place," he sighed, the guilt eating away at him the less sure he was that liam really was okay. "i'm sorry i got lost. i'm okay now, we just need liam."
dash Dash blinked. Sure, they all seemed to have a mostly-unspoken agreement that Blue was like, their resident himbo. And as far as Dash was concerned nowadays, every deserted island ought to come with one. But dumbass was a bit harsh. He certainly never said it. "Nah, it's actually a 'Blue was bleeding from a legit head wound less than 48 hours ago' thing," he said slowly, peeling away the skin of the mango. "Yeah, you're walking and talking but I'm just saying—I think you should take it easy too. Last thing we need is you keeling over after we've just got you back. But whatever. That's my two cents." He shrugged, then licked a line of juice that had dripped down the side of his thumb. Looking toward Joe, who stood on the other side of Blue, he asked, "Like you agree, right?"
joe "Yeah." Joe nodded. Dash got it and could be really wise and insightful when he wasn't going on weird tangents about Scooby Doo. Actually, maybe his weird tangents about Scooby Doo were also insightful. He looked at Blue instead of watching the trail of mango juice like he was tempted to do. "Dash is right. We don't think you're thick. And it wouldn't be a big deal if we did think you're thick because there's nowt wrong with being thick, just ask me. Anyway, we're just worried because you got a proper nasty head injury. Don't exert yourself ok, mate. I'm here if you need somebody else to help Callum."
blue he took a moment, looking from joe to dash and back and then he couldn't hide away from the tears that came through. "i'm sorry guys, i just hate feeling like the dumb one...." he turned to look up at joe, trying to crank his neck in an attempt to prove something. "that's what you meant by thick right, not like...chubby or something?" it just seemed like a really weird thing to mention, english joe. "ok, i wont....um, do too much, but i still want to come help." he wiped his cheeks with the back of his hand, despite the dirt and mango juice on it.
joe Fucking fuck Joe fucked up big time. At least he assumed he must have put his foot in his mouth when Blue starting crying. He was used to people crying because he was always the one left to comfort crying people at parties but it was weird to see somebody crying while sober. "Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. You're not the dumb one." Yeah, Blue wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed but he couldn't be the dumb one because he had a ton of redeeming qualities to be known by. He was kind and funny and a good team player. If anybody was in the running to be called the dumb one it was Joe. "Come here." He said wrapping an arm awkwardly around Blue's shoulder. The Canadian seemed like a hugger. He gave off huggable vibes. "Yeah, you can help. Just look after yourself and don't overdo it, ok?"
blue he shook his head, keeping it down so he didn't need to face actual eye contact. "no, it's not you, man..." he returned the affection, feeling grateful for joe and the bond they had made at this point, and blue hoped would continue on for life. "i hear it a lot at home." he wanted to clarify it wasn't his parents, or his sister or even his friends or coach, it was one voice that was the loudest. "thank you." he offered a smile,  hoping to once again convince the group that he was fine. "sorry for smelling bad, i left my deodorant at camp."
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wildshub · 3 years
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WHO: The Twilight of Adam Boys  WHAT: An unexpected visitor ruins the boys’ fun. WHEN: Day 10 NOTE: Part 4 of 4
Jungle Another wolf howl is heard in the distance.
Dash Dash jerked to a sitting position and looked around. “Are you fuckin’ kidding me?”
Sawyer He threw his head back and howled, too, though he wasn't really sure what for. Right on, furry friend. Right on.
Kian Kian craned his neck a bit. "Whaaaat? Was that the wolf...?"
Joe "so yous heard it too? that's nice. I thought i was hallucinating. wait can a group of people have the same hallucination?" he asked calmly. if he had to be trapped in the matrix with a bunch of bastards he was glad it was the group of lads around him."if it's real it needs to piss off. things were just starting to get hot."
Dash Dash rubbed at his forehead and then his eyes in the vain hope of straightening out his vision. It, of course, did no good. The trees around him elongated and bent over them like a dome, trapping them where they were. He tried not to pay attention to it, his heart quickening. Jeez, this wolf had harshed his buzz twice now. He slowly got to his feet, swaying dangerously as soon as we stood, and held out his hands to steady himself. “What d’we do? What’s the game plan?” Dash shook out his arms then hopped twice in place. “‘Cause I’m gonna be real with you, the trees’re growing teeth.”
Sawyer Sawyer puffed his cheeks full of air and let it out in one disappointed breath, shrugging. He didn't see what the big fuss about. The wolf could come take shrooms with them, too. "S'long as we ain't botherin' him, he's not gonna come eat us."
Jungle Movement is heard in bushes in the distance. (I'm guessing by Sebastian or whoever isn't high as a kite.)
Kian And just like that, Kian was super fucking dry. "Are you sure? 'Cos he sounds really close..."
Jungle The movement gets closer, rustling in the greenery near them.
Dash Dash let out one succinct, high-pitched yelp at the sound. "Fuck it! I'm out." He bent over just enough to cuff Callum on the back of the head to alert him of their impending death. "Up and at 'em!" He went over to Lukas, patting his chest repeatedly, then pulling on the collar of his shirt to get him to his feet. "Fuck this jungle sooooo hard."
Kian He whined and rolled over until JJ was out of his lap, struggling to crawl to his feet. "But I wanted to be fucked in the jungle..."
Callum Feeling a sharp smack against his head, Callum roused to consciousness. "What the fuck..?" He groaned as he stirred awake, hand moving to the back of his head to rub at the ache. "What's going on?" He asked as he sat up. He was unsure when he had fallen asleep, confused as to why everyone was so upset at the moment.
Lukas Lukas didn't know how long he'd been out, or even where the fuck he was when Dash started rustling him awake. But it only took one look at the moving greenery nearby and a tug on the collar from Dash for him to stumble to his feet and back away. " What the fuck, " he rubbed at his eyes, tripping over someone's leg and nearly falling but managing to stay on his feet. " Am I fuckin' imagining that shit? "
Sawyer "Wolf's comin'," he explained to Callum, looking all too casual about the fact.
Dash “Say less, K-man, and get your ass up! You really down to become the Big Bad Wolf's kibble?"
Jungle Jostling in the greenery intensifies, moving closer.
Joe he supposed dash leaping off the ground meant they all needed to run, he staggered to his feed."you can get shagged in the jungle later kian, right now we're running."
Callum Callum was slow to come to terms with the current situation, unsteadily getting back on his feet. "Wh– which way do we go?" He shook his head, rubbing at the side of his face to help himself get more alert. "Does anyone know?"
Dash Dash pointed in a vague direction where he was about sixty-three percent sure the rustling came from. "Not that way, my man." He tugged on Lukas, then gestured for someone to get Liam off the ground.
Callum Taking notice of Dash's gesture, Callum turned to Liam and went to grab him, wanting to be useful even if tiredness hung on every limb of his body.
Sawyer It wasn't until everyone else was standing that Sawyer finally slunk up from off the ground, stretching his limbs like a cat waking up from his nap. Well, that was fun for all of the...however long it lasted. "I'll ask the wolf," he said, before cupping his hands around his mouth and howling yet again.
Jungle The sound Sawyer made seemed to irritate the boys' mystery guest. The vigorous rustling in the greenery gets closer and closer. If the boys weren't high out of their mind, they could make out grunting as the movements approached.
Sawyer He barked a laugh. "Aw, shit, s'that what I think it is?"
Dash "Jesus H. Thanks a fuckton, Lone Ranger," Dash whined, walking backwards with a grip still on Lukas.
Jungle A wild boar charges out of the greenery, speeding through the boys aggressively.
Kian Kian screamed at the top of his lungs and grabbed the closest chav (Joe) to start running with.
Lukas Like Kian, Lukas also yelled at the top of his lungs when something ran out of the bushes and seemingly directly at them. Hand grabbing at Dash’s arm that was still holding onto his shirt and trying to tug him with him as he ran the fuck away
Dash In his haste to get away, Dash tripped over a root and stumbled. He lost his grip on Lukas and fell hard on his ass. He knew enough about wild boars from depressing local news segments to nearly piss his pants.
Sawyer "Shit," he cursed, suddenly feeling very not zen as the wild boar came charging at them. Sawyer threw an arm out to shield the boy nearest to him, movements sluggish as he backed toward the trees.
Joe high as a kite and extremely touch starved, he blushed furiously while running with kiki grabbing onto his arm. it didn't occur to him that he was the nearest chav and he should have been focusing on the impending danger.
Kian "You're from the country!" He screamed to Joe as they ran, "What do we do?!"
Joe "yeah but i'm not a wild pig farmer." he shouted back. he hadn't had much experience with pigs but the ones he had seen were pretty docile. it was the chickens and sheep you needed to watch out for."where the fuck did we leave the spears?"
Kian "We left them with the shrooms," he cried.
Joe where the fuck did they leave the shrooms? everything blurred together after everyone got in the gay little huddle."we need to go back and get the spears. we can still get some scran out of this."he suggested. peppa needed to be stopped before it put somebody's eye out.
Kian He knew he just gave a big speech about how not bad these guys were and how they should all live happily ever after together, but the instinct for self-preservation was much louder than that of selfless abandon at the current moment. But Kian knew Joe had a point - maybe they could get some bacon out of this. "Fiiiine!"
Blue blue had finished his staring/smiling contest with the tree and was readjusting himself when the second goal rang out. ".....shroomwolf?" he asked to no one around him. he paused contemplating, climb up the tree or make a run for it, he bounced a little trying to decide, praying someone else would just tell him what to do instead of hearing Her voice ridiculing him. he bolted back towards the clearing, finding at one point a rustling in the bushes too close for comfort. "fuck off, fuck off, nope, not today son." he said as he leapt around to the first person he could see. he leaned against a tree, panting and sweating. "what the fucking shit was that!? that wasn't shrooms and it wasnt anything like pumba."
Jungle The boar is furious. It charges through the boys and manages to snag Liam with its tusks, leaving Liam's legs with lesions. Just before it disappears back into the bushes and runs off deeper into the jungle, it charges into Dash, knocking him out of the way and leaving him with some deep scratches on his side and thigh.
Sawyer Sawyer fumbled for one of the spears the boys had discarded earlier, attempting to stab at the boar with its pointed edge - but to no avail. The hog was faster than their shroom-addled brains could keep up with, tearing through the group and back into the jungle before any of them were able to stop it. "Fuckin' hell," he swore beneath his breath, dropping the spear as he raced for Dash and Liam. "Shit, hey, you guys alright--?"
Lukas Lukas doesn’t know how the boar missed him, being barely a foot away from Dash he saw his very life before his eyes. And, honestly, pretty bleak. After a second to process the near death experience, Sawyer’s voice alerted him there were others still facing a near death experience.  “ Fuck, man, “ he assessed returning to Dash’s side, somehow managing to keep his stomach settled at the sight of the wounds. “ It’s not that bad.” Lukas lied, in attempt to quell any building panic
JJ He appeared out of nowhere as he finally managed to trace down the guys. He just got there as a massive board tan through Liam and Dash and stood still in shock. “Fuck, you guys alright?” his brain was fuzzy from the shrooms so for a moment he wondered if the blood oozing out of Dash was just his imagination. He then began to slowly panic but not let it show as Lukas pointed out it’s not that bad. It was, it was pretty deep, which for this island meant pretty fucking bad. “Can you stand up?” He offers a hand of support while attempting to scout the extent of his injuries. “Is the boar gone?”
Dash At first, Dash didn’t feel much. His mind was preoccupied with the taste of dirt once he rolled over with his mouth open mid-gasp, clutching at his side. Craning his neck, he lifted his palm and saw the blood there, and then suddenly the pain came: white-hot and fast, it licked and pinched its way from his injuries to his brain with no remorse. “Oh my god oh my god oh my god—” he gritted his teeth and squeezed his eyes shut, wetness gathering at the corners. This hurt way more than the tit punch. This hurt more than any fall he had on a surfboard. And it was partially because he was stranded in the middle of nowhere with a group of people who were, for the most part, about as comforting as approaching cattle stampede. Or in this case, a whole-ass wild boar. Luckily or not, everyone's voices were drowned out by the heavy pulsing in his ears. “Oh my god, fuckin’—someone just fuckin’ kill me.”
Kian By the time he and Joe made it back to the clearing, it was too late. The boar nowhere and sight and two of their own down for the count, Kian's trip dove south faster than the hog had gotten away. "What the fuck's happened?!" He said, voice climbing a few octaves in pitch as panicked eyes darted between Liam and Dash. "What should we do?? JJ??" If anyone knew how to treat injuries on the spot, it had to be him.
JJ He was too high for this. “Uhh...” he started, knowing exactly what to do but there was absolutely no equipment to do it with. He needed alcohol, fire, stitches, antibiotics, most shit they didn’t have. “Pressure.” That’s it. He looked at Kian, encouraged and then dropped on his knees next to Dash to examine the scratch better. “It’s deep not gonna lie to you, but good news is that we can for sure figure it out. It didn’t fuck up any major blood vessels or organs...” he tried to be comforting but was never good at that. “Does anyone have any alcohol?” it was a long shot but, he took off his shirt and decided if there was none, a shirt alone would have to do. “Dash my guy, we need to take you back to camp.”
Dash When Dash opened his eyes, he was greeted with JJ’s bare chest. “Nice gains,” he choked out. The world went a little blurry and dark around the corners. Was he bleeding out? How much blood was too much to lose? Was he actually going to die here? Tears welled up again. Jesus Christ, he was totally going to die here. He wondered if it was a blessing or not that his dad might've already assumed he was dead. Fuck—his dad. His heart wrenched and he swallowed hard. “I’mma be straight with you,” Dash started between gasps. JJ’s words played again and again with a dim echo effect in his head, his voice fading more each time. “I’m afraid my guts’re all gonna spill out if I move.” He hadn’t gotten an actual good look at the damage, so he wasn't sure whether or not his guts were about to plummet out of his person. What he knew was that his shirt was torn and his side and thigh felt like they were being poked with a thousand tiny needles, and also that he wanted to vomit again. Dash inhaled heavily through his nose, his forehead wrinkling at the metallic scent in the air, then squeezed his eyes shut once more.
JJ He offers a smile at the joke, trying his best to be at least remotely helpful. Examining the cuts he’ll determine the others guts were still safety tucked beneath an abundance of connective tissue but the blood loss was sure still an issue. “And lemme be straight with YOU okay...” he begins, confident this time. “I studied the shit out of medicine for fun bro, and I can tell you for a fact your gut ain’t spilling on my watch, now...” he passed a stick for the other to bite on as he attempts to pressure pause the bleeding. “Let’s take care of this bleeding so we can get you back to camp and I can fix you up nice and proper, hm? Need your help tho...bite on to that.” He looks a round again. “Yo guys, there’s plastic bags and stuff in my backpack, you think you can makeshift a gurney real quick?” He sure hope they could, shouldn’t be that hard to tie couple large branches together. If they act quick, maybe he could avoid having to figure out blood transfusion on the spot. “Alright, ready? Yo hold him down.” And he proceeds to press the shit out of that wound with his shirt, hoping it would be enough.
Sawyer God damn it. If there ever were a time for whiskey, this was it. He knelt on the other side of Dash, trusting that one of them would also see to Liam to make sure his cuts and scrapes weren't as serious. As JJ tended to the most critical areas, Sawyer yanked his trusty bandanna from around his neck and set to wrapping it tight around Dash's upper thigh, just above where the hog had gashed him with one of its tusks. "It's all good, buddy, you're gonna be just fine," he found himself rambling as he tied a knot in the fabric. With JJ pressing on his stomach and the other boys holding him down, he didn't want Dash to feel any more panicked than he already was. "What's that movie you were talkin' about earlier? The one about the bees?" He motioned for someone to give him something he could use to blot the bleeding. "Man, you were quotin' that thing from memory. Somethin' about not being able to fly, right?"
Dash “For fun?” Dash repeated back in a whine, and now a few tears had actually escaped. That sounded even worse than getting shivved by Porky Pig, but he opened his eyes just a sliver and took the proffered stick anyway. As JJ continued to speak, Dash’s head felt heavy and fuzzy and he only registered every few words, but he didn’t know if that was the shrooms or the traumatic injury talking. He put the stick in his mouth and a wave of warmth washed over his body, the leaves above him spinning round and round. The stick immediately fell right back out and landed on his chest. Maybe it was the shrooms. Then he felt another new sharp pain in his side as JJ pressed down. He reflexively tried to reach out and punch him in the ankle, hoping to cause him the same amount of pain a razor scooter would, but the contact was weak and his hand flopped back to the ground. “Fuckin’ A.” He exhaled heavily when Sawyer spoke up. If he didn't have the evidence that his punches caused like, negative a thousand damage, he might've tried to take a swing at that guy too. "It's the goddamn Bee Movie, you bitch," he spat, though successfully distracted. "Have fun howling, did ya?"
Sawyer Sawyer was moving too fast and thinking too many steps ahead to have time for feeling guilty. He let out a distracted little laugh, offering his forearm for Dash to sink his nails into if he so pleased. "The Bees Movie, got it. Won't forget it."
Callum Callum, though panicked after the boar's attack, was still very much under the effects of the shrooms. He was trying really hard not to be though. He stared at Dash's bleeding body with wide eyes. "Holy shit, is he gonna bleed out?"
JJ With no gurney in sight yet, he decides for a quick and swift change of plans. “Yo Sawyer, try keep him awake...” he then pulls Lukas down and pushes his hands onto the wound. “Keep the pressure there, I’ll be right back.” he gets up to his feet and runs to his backpack to grab the plastic bags and his jacket. He ties the jacket to two opposing very large sticks and begins to use the plastic bags to tie smaller branches in between making a gurney. It didn’t take long but it seemed decently firm. “Callum lay down here lemme try this out.”
Kian Kian had been kneeling by Liam's head, petting his hair back as someone else tended to his injury. When he was a kid, he broke his leg playing rough at the park, and Clarke pet his hair while he waited for help to arrive. "Don't say that, he's not gonna fucking bleed out!" He snapped, eyes welled with panicked tears.
Dash Dash pointed at Sawyer from where he lay prone on the ground, his vision officially fuzzy and out of wack. "Thank you, but also fuck you." His finger moved toward Callum, his eyes slowly closing of their own volition. "And you? A plain ol' fuck you."
Callum Callum merely shook his head at Dash's insult. Though dazed, he still wanted to be helpful. He nodded his head at JJ's instruction and stumbled over to the gurney. "Just lay on it?" He asked before getting on. "Is this it? Am I helping?"
Sawyer "Buddy," he said to JJ, exasperated, "ain't no way some sticks and plastic bags are gonna hold him up. I'll carry 'im back if I need to."
Dash "Are you calling me fat?" Dash nearly slurred.
Callum Laid on the gurney, Callum lifted a hand. "Yeah, yeah, I'll help carry too." Hearing Dash, he rolled his eyes. "Liam. I'll help carry Liam."
JJ “you’ll carry him alright.” He says to Sawyer, ignoring everyone else for the moment. The gurney would help with the weight distribution ever so slightly but they’ll still need to be quick. “Coke on let’s roll him on and we gotta be quick.” His eyes shift to Callum and Kian. “Kian can you hold the pressure? Lukas you too? The rest, we lift on three!” He is now focused on Dash. “This will be hell for you, it’s gonna be hard but I need you to stay relaxed and focus on breathing instead of fighting these lot...you got it?”
Lukas It was incredibly bold of JJ to tell the guy who had thrown up just about once every other day to keep pressure on an open wound, but hell, for his buddy, he’d fucking figure it out. Which was mostly putting pressure where JJ had told him too and looking up at the jungle canopy to settle his stomach. Not to be dramatic, but he was offing himself tonight if Dash died right now. “Yeah, all over it big guy,” he assured JJ that he was gonna keep the pressure on the wound, even if he couldn’t fucking look at it. sawyer "I said I'll fuckin' carry him," Sawyer snapped for perhaps the first time, pressing both hands into Dash's thigh now that they were free. "Can we focus on stoppin' the bleeding first before we move him?"
Callum Sat up and climbed off of the gurney, heading over to Sawyer. "Yo hey, here." His hands went to the front of his pants and he undid his belt, slipping it off of his waist and handing it over to Sawyer. "I saw it in a movie once. Belts help bleeding."
JJ “And I said you fuckin will.” He snaps back. He wasn’t gonna risk the guy bleeding out on the way from straining. “And you will use the fucking help.” His breaking is fast now and his mind is sober and he’ll look at the bleeding which had now soaked through the shirt. “Pressure, keep the pressure on.” He reminds the guys and as Callum passes the belt to Sawyer he just nods and says “Good.” And it was time to move.  “If we set off now even if he loses more blood we can do a transfusion. Now I know the twilight of Adam application required a blood type, does everyone know their type?”
Sawyer He nodded his thanks to Callum, helping Dash lift his leg so he could get the belt around it and secure a makeshift tourniquet for the wound. "Aye, man, ain't gonna fight ya," Sawyer said. The tense atmosphere wasn't helping shit, and his mind was racing a mile a minute, but he needed to keep his attention where it mattered. His hands slippery from the blood, Sawyer pulled his shirt (Dash's shirt, actually - he made a mental note to tack that onto the list of apologies he owed him) over his head and wadded it up to soak up some of the rest. "He's not gonna bleed out, alright? We're gonna get it under control."
Dash Dash had what many in the past had described as a dramatic streak, so even as he bitched and moaned there was at least a teeny tiny sliver of himself that thought, hey, maybe it’s not that bad. But then the words transfusion cut through his fog with razor sharp teeth. How the hell would any of these numbskulls pull that off? He looked toward Lukas with wide, panicked eyes.  “Excuse the fuck outta me, but what the hell did he just say?” He asked, barely able to enunciate. His body seemed keen to drag him into unconsciousness, probably to protect him from the pain and all the batshit things he was hearing. He grunted as Sawyer then pressed on the wound on his leg. Dash looked down and caught sight of the blood soaking his $200 shirt and wanted to cry again. Dizziness enveloped him and his head fell back. "Top five worst days of my life, f'real."
Lukas " Dude, top five? What the fuck takes number one through four? "
Kian Kian didn't know if it was his horrible comedown or all the sudden talk of blood transfusions, but the collective panic made his lungs feel like they were slowly draining of oxygen. He palmed his ribcage in a feeble attempt to soothe the ache and the tears in his eyes started to spill over onto his cheeks. Dash might have annoyed him at times, but he was a good person. One Kian really didn't want to die. "It's not gonna come to that, is it? They're stopping it, he's gonna stop."
JJ “it’s gonna be fine. It’s the worst case scenario. It’s good to know if worst comes to fuck with us, we’re ready. And...” he looks over at Dash. “We are ready. You’ll be fine.” He says trying to ease the tension in the air now that things were moving along and Dash has not only not passed out, but continued to entertain. “When you’re all sutured up we all gonna have matching red shirts in Dash, so we got that to look forward to.” He nudged at Sawyer. “Ready?”
Sawyer “Yeah,” he breathed, “hold on.” Sawyer fashioned a similar bandage with the t-shirt, making sure it was nice and snug against the wound. Luckily, the cut didn’t seem to go that deep—was just in an area that was wont to bleed more than the others. “Alright, bud—“ He took Dash’s hand and guided it to his side, urging him to keep the pressure on it. “Gonna lift you up and carry you back to camp now, quick and easy.” Sliding his arms under Dash’s back and knees, Sawyer slowly and carefully lifted him off the ground. “—Y’all got Liam?”
Callum "I've got Liam," Callum announced, carry Liam in his arms like the dude was a damn child.
JJ Retrieves his jacket and approaches Dash from the other side helping out Sawyer with the process he would have otherwise rejected to had it not been crucial not to waste any time. There was no way to keep consistent pressure this way, so he simply said a prayer and walked in silence.
Dash Matching red shirts in Dash. Again, Jesus wept. Considering that some of the boys currently sported something straight out of Dash’s own suitcase, that news didn’t sit well with him. He huffed a bit to signal to Sawyer that he was listening but not happy about it, and followed his direction to press against his side. Sudden, severe pain shot through him as Sawyer picked him up like a bale of goddamn hay—or he didn't know, a prized little piglet at the County State Fair. Something-something Hicksville, Montana. Dash was still a little peeved, and only felt a little bad about directing that mental peevishness to the dude now bridal style carrying him out of the jungle. At the mention of Liam he groaned, and tilted his head back to get in an attempt to get a look at the little guy. Everything was upside down and blurry. "Oh my Goood, I forgot the little bitch got Liam. Don't fuckin' trip."
Callum "Chill, Mendoza. I've got him." Callum hoisted Liam a little higher up then. "Focus on not bleeding to death."
0 notes
wildshub · 3 years
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WHO: The Twilight of Adam Boys  WHAT: What happens on shrooms in the jungle, stays in the jungle. WHEN: Day 10  NOTE: Part 3 of 4
Sawyer By the mischievous smirk on Sawyer’s face, the boys probably already knew what he was gonna say. “Never have I ever played Never Have I Ever on shrooms.”
Liam hearing sawyer, liam couldn't help but laugh. reaching over and swatting his hand on the other boy's shoulder. "well no you can't say that!" he knew the affects were starting be the light floaty feeling in his limbs, liam looked around at the other boys to see if they were feeling it too. "never have i ever.... uhhhh," he tried to think of anything to say but all his brain could think of was things he has done. "i got nothing," he said, bursting out into a fit of laughs.
Blue blue burst out laughing along and it felt like his skin stretched out, like an elastic smile. "lemme try, never have i ever....shit in a bucket."
Kian Kian hugged his knees to his chest and rested his chin on top of then. “Can’t say I’ve done that, either.”
Joe joe was content just to sit back and let the sensation of listening to everyone talking wash over him. he sat in the grass legs stretched. "that's not fair. it doesn't count cause i was like 10 and was sick. and on christmas as well! who gets that sick on christmas?" he chuckled not knowing why unpacking an embarrassing traumatic childhood memory was si amusing and made him feel light.
Dash Dash wiled away the minutes spent talking about siblings looking at his hands. He had them outstretched above his head as he catalogued the chips on his nail polish. Dash didn’t have siblings. He didn’t know what it was like to have siblings. There were about a hundred cousins on his dad’s side, but they all lived thousands of miles away and bullied him over Snapchat and then made him take them to the mall whenever they actually visited. He huffed a laugh. “Duuuude,” he rolled his head to look at Joe. “That’s so narsty. Couldn’t make it to a toilet?”
Liam liam wanted to laugh at joe’s story but he had no room to talk. “okay that sucks, sick on christmas and you had to shit in a bucket?” he shook his head and leaned on to the nearest boy without really thinking about it before realizing it was kian next to him. “but yeah, i have. but to be fair! i used to go on boy scout trips with my brother and a bucket was all you had sometimes.”
Joe "no pinky i couldn't. i already had a fever then squirty cream and christmas cake fucked with my intestines." dashhund obviously didn't understand the pain of being allergic to something that was in almost every food even when you least expect it. lactose was out to get him. joe whooped as liam told his shitting in a bucket story. it diverted attention away from him and distracted joe from thinking about how cows were trying to assassinate him ."ayy didn't know you were a man of action and on some bear grylls shit liam, that's so cool. you're so cool. does anybody else have a shitting in a bucket story?"
Sawyer Sawyer laughed and shook his head. "Nah, man. I ain't that kinda cowboy."
Blue "huh, you guys surprise me." This was it, the team vibe he had longed for, and the trees agreed, swinging with the groups energy. "i think whoever did shit in a bucket, deserves to ask next." Blue felt so proud of these boys, in this moment, coming together
Kian When Liam came toppling into his side, Kian tensed on reflex. He didn't...do this. Touch other people. The last person he'd hugged was Clarke, right before he went to his separate plane terminal. He kind of missed it. "I don't think whoever shits in buckets deserves anything," he snorted, loosening his grip on his knees. "Um...how about: never have I ever gone commando."
JJ He looks at Kian, not at all embarrassed to admit it. Especially not after shitting in buckets just became less weird. “I have. College. My roommate thought it funny to set all my shit on fire, was going commando for a week.” His roommate found the weirdest shit funny, from setting his clothes on fire, to shaving off his eyebrows, to screwing his girlfriend. “Shit...” he’ll say noticing he’d been munching mushrooms like it’s peanuts. He’d never done shrooms before, he didn’t know what it would feel like, for a second he even doubted himself in identifying the mushroom. But then it hit him. The colours, the flowers, the butterflies. It all began to glow and he looked around, and then at his hands, and then he laughed. “Shiiiiiiiit....”
Dash Dash knew it hit him when the world started to ripple. He wriggled until his shoulder hit Lukas’ and laughed to himself. Around them, the trees looked like they were breathing and that their breath was in sync with his. He inhaled deeply and watched the branches shift, the bark bulging as the trunks expanded. He tilted his head toward JJ when he heard his Shiiiit and laughed again at the way he popped the mushrooms into his mouth like breath mints. “Yeesh. If you don’t slow down you’re gonna leave a nice little present for yourself in your pants there. Commando or not, not a great thing.” Dash grunted as he turned and got to his hands and knees. He reached out and gave Lukas’ shoulder a shake, then smiled. His face looked like it was underwater. “How’s it hanging, bro?”
Liam liam shifted when he realized he was leaning on kian, half expected the other boy to hit him upside the head for it. “shit, sorry,” he mumbled. looking over to jj when he cussed, he watched as the other realized what he had been doing “oh man, you’re going to be tripping balls dude,” he said with a laugh as if they weren’t already tripping balls.
Lukas Lukas stared at the canopy as it started to morph in colours and shapes before his very eyes. As always, stupid grin etched on his face. He could have easily lied there until the shrooms wore off, captured by the movement. But when Dash shook his shoulder, he looked for a moment longer, then looked to his best island buddy, smile spreading even wider to lay eyes on him. He takes a second, moving at a fucking snails pace to do anything, before he laughs. Reaching out to Dash's shoulder for no reason other than it felt right. " Dude, are we fucking geniuses or what? " He asked, " This was the smartest idea. " And tragically, Lukas was completely serious about doing shrooms on top of molly in the middle of jungle on a deserted island where they'd heard a wolf howl the night before being the smartest idea he'd ever heard of.
Dash Dash’s grin widened at Lukas’ words. His brain felt soupy and slow, and the dead leaves that littered the ground around Lukas’ head vibrated. He could hear their low humming sound. Dash clasped his other hand on the side of Lukas’ face. “We’re so fuckin’ smart, I’m obsessed with us,” he said earnestly, then swooped down to give him a smacking wet kiss at the corner of his mouth. He pulled back, gave Lukas’s cheek a clumsy pat, and twisted to sit on his ass. “Fuck wolves! Am I right?”
Kian Perhaps subconsciously, Kian soon found himself leaning into Liam, too, watching the others slowly unravel. His hair was kind of soft, he noticed—felt nice and smooth against his cheek. Soft hair was nice. “And he told me he was proper straight,” Kian mumbled to no one in particular.
Callum Callum was upset. And when he was upset, he didn’t tend to make the very best decisions. “Yeah, fuck wolves,” he muttered from where he was seated on the ground. With a heavy sigh, he got up and went over to take some of the shrooms from JJ. They couldn’t catch a skunk. How were they going to take down a fucking wolf? Might as well say fuck it and die via poisonous mushroom. He reached into his shirt and pulled out his necklace, touching the wooden pendant to his lips. Then after another quick sigh, he shoved the handful of jungle shrooms into his mouth and started to chew. At least if he died, he'd die doing what he loved: eating.
Lukas The kiss was surprising, by the time he realised it was happening it was over. That didn't, however, mean it was unwelcome. Dumbass smile spreading on his lips again the moment Dash pulled away again, and then laughing again a moment later when Dash turned around and yelled to the sky. " Fuck wolves! " he yelled with enthusiasm, before cupping his hands around his mouth and giving his best, loudest wolf howl towards the jungle canopy before laughing again.
Sebastian Sebastian had resigned to sitting on the ground on top of his t-shirt, trying to weave strands of leaves and grasses together into some kind of structure, like the world’s ugliest daisy chain or similar. He had been half listening to the ridiculous banter of the other boys as they digested the shrooms but it wasn’t until Dash lumped onto Lukas that he paid any real attention. “Jesus Christ,” he muttered under his breath, they were like sophomore girls after a single White Claw, it was pathetic. “You’re going for it too?” he asked Callum, admittedly surprised. He’d thought he and the other male shared similar sensibilities but perhaps he’d been mistaken.
Callum The shrooms didn't taste good at all. Callum had no idea why he had expected them to since they were plucked straight from the ground. After a couple more seconds of chewing, he finally swallowed and then spoke. "Dude," he responded to Sebastian, "I'm pissed...." He coughed a little. "And hungry." He patted his chest. "This was the best option." He walked over to Sebastian and lowered himself to the ground, sitting down. "If this doesn't end well..." He pointed to the wooden pendant hanging off his neck. "Make sure this gets to my mom."
Sebastian Sebastian nodded his head in agreement and offered the other male a fist bump, "Gotchu, man," he confirmed, "-but I'm pretty sure if these knuckle heads can survive them, you're not gonna die on the spot. Plus, they ate 'em way before you did so if either of them drop dead, just make yourself puke," just not in front of Sebastian because he couldn't stand that shit. He looked at the pendant properly for the first time now, "What is it, anyway?"
Callum Callum met Sebastian's fist with his own before dropping his arm back to his side. "Thanks." He nodded at Sebastian's sound advice. For once, he was really hoping none of these idiots died. What a change. Callum hiccupped. "It's a bear claw." He touched the pendant, feeling the material of the wood between his fingers. "My sister gave it to me." Another hiccup. "She was obsessed with that movie Brother Bear when she was a kid... Made me watch it with her like a ton of times, it got annoying." He let out a shaky breath. "Anyway, she gave me this because I'm like, her 'Brother Bear'," he explained, curling two fingers of one hand like air quotes. At least that was how it was explained to him when it was gifted to him on his 12th birthday. "It's silly but it means a lot." Especially since Lily wasn't around anymore.
Sebastian He nodded his head once again, he'd seen the movie at least once, he was pretty sure though he couldn't remember the entire plot. He smiled delicately, just one corner of his lips curving upward as the other male explained himself with an obvious fondness seeping into his tone of voice. Sebastian wasn't a particularly sentimental kind of a guy but then again, he didn't have any siblings so he couldn't fully understand the bond between them. "Cute," he mused in response. He shrugged his shoulders, "Man, everybody's got stuff like that," he had stuff like that, not much but a few items he considered special and he was glad now that he hadn't brought any of them with him. "My girlfriend gave me this watch before she left for college so I didn't forget what time to FaceTime her after she finished class,"
Callum Callum could only nod his head in a 'yeah, I guess' fashion when Sebastian said the story behind the necklace was 'cute'. Looking back now, it really kind of was he supposed. Callum took a proper look at Sebastian's watch when he mentioned it had been a gift from his girlfriend to help keep track of the time. "Nice fucking watch, man," he complimented. "Your girl treats you good." Callum chuckled, nudging Sebastian on the arm with his own. "Bet she's pissed you haven't called her for a couple days, huh?" It was a joke. Because they were stranded on an island with no way of contacting people. And because it's been way longer than a couple fucking days.
Sawyer Oh, yeah. Sawyer was definitely starting to feel it, now. It always started as a warm tingle in his head that slowly trickled down into his fingers and toes, like a nice, warm shower or a good orgasm. That was when you knew it was working well. He lie back in the grass and spread his arms out like a bird, sighing contentedly—just like the jungle floor to be there for him when he needed it. Yeah. Mother Earth was looking out for all of them, he was sure of it. “Shiiit,” he whooped, rolling his head to share a toothy grin with He-Man and the Kaboom. “You got a girl, Sarge?”
Sebastian Sebastian smiled, perhaps more genuinely that he had since they'd boarded the plane when Callum complimented the watch. "Yeah, yeah, man, I'm a lucky guy," he confirmed with a nod of his head before his fingers once again found the grass he'd been mindlessly braiding before. He chuckled though his eyes were on the foliage in his hands now and not on Callum at all,  "That's right," he confirmed, though his number, his parents numbers and just about every number he had access to had been blocked by the phone that belonged to the girl he spoke so warmly about. "Yep," he announced, looking over at Sawyer, laughing a little at the way the other male had found a spot to lay down spread eagle. Man, the bastard looked comfortable. "That surprise you?"
JJ He was still looking at his hands, then the other guys who now seemed to be in full HD. The full-on kissing ordeal with Dash and Lukas. The necklace hanging around Callum's neck, the watch around Claude's wrist and then Sawyer, getting comfortable on the ground which looked more and more like a green soft cloud. He took his shoes off, allowing the grass to tickle his feet as he crashed next to Sawyer. At the question directed at Sebastian, he listened up, smiling uncontrollably. Perhaps there really was someone out there for everybody, and he wasn't exactly sure why he'd been so curious to find out more.
Sawyer “Nah,” Sawyer said with a playful wink. Sure, maybe Claude was a little rough around his edges, but that didn’t stop Adam and Eve from fuckin’ and truckin’ with Satan in the Garden of Eden. “What’s’er name?”
Sebastian Sebastian stretched his legs out in front of him and crossed them over comfortably at the ankle, clearly making a space for himself that he didn't plan on leaving for at least a little while. "Chelsea," they didn't need her last name, middle name or social security number as far as Sebastian was concerned so that would suffice. "Am I the only one?" he asked, looking around at the other guys. Sure, they were oddballs and assholes but that didn't mean they couldn't have girlfriends, boyfriends or whatever waifu pillows they kept in their closet, right?
Lukas Unlike Sawyer, Lukas was surprised any girl was dumb enough to stick around Sebastian. Like okay sure he had muscles but in Lukas' experience, dating someone involved speaking to them every now and then and he simply could not see how anyone could stomach it with Sebastian. However, then it was turned to the group. " Nope. " He popped the P, distracted for a second from continuing because the word had felt cool in his mouth. " I got a girl– well, had a girlfriend. " he admitted, eyes watching one life wobble in the wind pretty intently. " Jessica. Dumped me, like, two weeks before this shit. " In another situation where he wasn't completely blitzed he might have lied about who was dumper and dumpee but he was far too busy with the leaf to even consider lying in that moment. " Which, I guess, " he looked to Dash, sucked in a breath as he tried not to grin stupidly," Makes you the rebound, bud. Sorry. " Reaching over to knock his knuckles against Dash's forearm, only holding it a moment before he snorted into a laugh and rolled onto his back again.
JJ As he heard Lukas out, he felt encouraged to share. He was already tripping balls and because the shrooms had changed his perception of the guys entirely, he actually managed to convinced himself they cared. -- With a glance over to Lukas and Dash, who seemed to be getting cuter by the second, his smile will vanish as he recalls Diana. "I used to date the best girl..." he says, his fingers pulling on his curls. He wasn't sure why he had a need to even mention that, he hadn't thought about her in months. When he caught her cheating, he smoked a bunch of weed and blocked out every memory of her. "Anyways, she's dead to me."
Dash Dash sat with one hand planted behind himself, feeling as relaxed as the retreat’s brochures promised he’d be. He had plucked a leaf from the jungle floor and had busied himself blowing air at it when Lukas knocked his knuckles against his arm. The leaf fell from between his fingers and fluttered down to his lap in slow motion. “Dude, no. You kidding me?” he gasped, imitating shock and dismay, then followed it up with a smile. "Fuck. Guess I'll take what I can get." He picked up the leaf again and started pulling it apart, a little hypnotized by the way it gave way under his hands. He snorted a laugh at JJ's last sentence. “Yoikes. Bad blood?" JJ's pod person vibes shot up every single day. "Last girlfriend I had was... I dunno, something like four months ago? Five? Her name was Mai.” She was nice and pretty and smart and all the things his parents told him to look for in a girl, but he had been a pretty shitty boyfriend. “Irreconcilable differences.” He let the bits of leaf fall back to the ground, then immediately snatched up another.
Kian Kian distracted himself with a strand of his own hair, twisting it into a long, thin braid and unraveling it to start all over again and again. Was this the part of the boys’ retreat where they got all deep and personal with each other and shit? Because on any other occasion, he would’ve just rolled his eyes and called them out on being melts, but the shrooms had him stuck in a limbo between bursting into laughter and bursting into tears. “My ex and I ended things a couple months ago, too,” he murmured, laying the tips of his hair over his upper lip like a mustache. “And it sucks, ‘cos like, I proper loved him.”
Callum Callum's eyes went wide. Holy shit. There were girls out there that have dated Mole Man, Wikipedia, and Pinky? Willingly? A shock. Absolutely. Feeling his cheeks tingle, Callum couldn't help but let out a bit of a laugh. "Damn... wow." He shook his head, bringing his fist up to his mouth to hide his amusement. He let himself focus on something else to keep from potentially offending anyone else with his reactions, like the canopy above or the sight of Lukas and Dash awfully close to each other. Strangely, it didn't weird him out as much as he thought it would. He sort of expected them to meld together at one point honestly. When Kian spoke up, Callum actually felt... sad. Or something like that for him anyway. Oh, him. Kian was- ohhhh. "Sucks, dude. Sorry." To prove just how sympathetic he was, he reached over and patted Kian on the knee. "His loss. You've got a sick 'stache."
Kian When sober, Kian rejected absolutely any form of intimate touch that didn’t involve using his own spit. On shrooms? Just a friendly pat on the knee was enough to send him over the edge. Like the great dam breaking, he started tearing up on reflex. “Love is shit,” he said decisively, furiously wiping at his eyes with the back of his hand.
Dash When Dash heard Kian’s voice wobble, his eyes widened. He fully did not expect that to be something Kian was capable of, and his stomach twisted. Man, he felt bad. He got up on shaky legs and walked over, then gracelessly planted himself between Callum and Kian, going a little out of his way to jostle Callum aside in the process. Like, he and Kian had a moment. He had some cred here. “Whoa. Fuck that guy,” he announced. “What’s his problem?”
Callum Oh. Oh no. He was crying? What the fuck! Callum said something nice! "Oh– Hey– Uhhh..." He snuck a quick look at Sebastian for moral support before crawling over and sitting down beside Kian, throwing an arm around him. Meant to be comforting, of course. "Hey, hey, man. Don't–" Cry? Too late. "–Don't feel that way. Like, I'm sure there are ch–" Wait, no. "–dudes out there." With his free hand, he patted Kian's arm. Not knowing what else to do, he looked over at the other boys, begging for helps with his eyes.
Donnie leaves are plucked into his clothes, but mostly importantly-- twigs in his hair. stopping halfway through following behind the rest of them, he'd been standing on what he didn't know was uneven ground. shoulders rolled back, he starts to water the plants with a stream, only halfway to zipping up his pants, when he's sideways stepping. the level of the dirt shifts, and without much noise other than the shit! that's muffled by the leaves, and the bushes he falls through, down to the bottom of a small hill. was this it? nope, he's laying there, staring at the stars, the sounds of the boys disappearing into the background as they'd hardly noticed him even part ways. it took him fifteen minutes to climb back up from where he originally slipped, turning on his heels to look around, a full 360, even. "guys?" tongue lulls into his cheek, and he'll groan under his breath, pinching his nose between his index and thumb. "of course-" he'll start off in the direction he can only assume they went, but quite frankly, he was just wondering around in circles. finally, he's parted through a few trees, ducking under leaves and finding the lot of them. "there you wankers are--" he's pointing his thumb over his shoulder. "wolf went back that ---" brows tethered together, what the bloody hell? gaze flickered between the lot of them. "ah, well while you guys were circle jerking i was just fighting for my life." brows furrow again. is he-- is he crying?"
JJ He had no idea where the crying came from, or Donnie. But he pulled Donnie down on the grass, right near himself and Sawyer and passed a bunch of shrooms his way. He was saving them for later, but right now he couldn't think past a single moment, nevertheless plan ahead. He whispers "Kian's heartbroken I think..." he was too high to actually know. Either way, he wasn't gonna let Callum and Dash do all the comforting, he was sure Kians ex was a cunt unworthy of tears. Most exes were. "Y-you know it's scientifically proven that people perceive 'good times' to be way better than they actually were. In retrospect. And we have this way to just block the bad shit out and dismiss it. It's nature." not that he could do either, he had eidetic memory but still. "M-my point is, I'm sure when you think of your ex you think of all these good moments. Don't man, focus on the bad things. Yeh....yeh my ex? Cheating bitch. Nothin' I can do about that. Focus on the bad....even if...it was the best fucking sex...." he drifts off, falling on his back.
Donnie he nearly falls, again. yanked down by his shirt, and thuds into the grass a little less gracefully than intended. brows are still furrowed, and he's glancing between them, and then back at jj. "yeah, what kj said-- fuck 'em." not sure what exactly he was talking about. "at least your dick still works." contrary to the pills that drowned at the bottom of the ocean, and kept his shit knocked off for years now. he's grabbing the bag, giving it an examine, and squinting. oh that makes sense, actually. "wait--" he's doing a double take to jj. "someone had sex with you?" --- "look, if mega mind over here can get in and out of the sack, then there's gotta be hope for the rest of the world."
Sebastian Sebastian couldn't deal with the crying, it was gross and lame, not as bad as puking but still enough to make him scrunch up his face. He said nothing on the matter, fairly confident that whatever he managed to say to Kian would just make things worse. "Your dick doesn't work?" he asked as Donnie recovered from plummeting to the ground, probably bruising his ass in the process.
Donnie he's leaning back, palms in the grass, and picking a mushroom from the bag, before glancing back at sebastian. "nah, it's been quiet down there for like, two years." he'll waver his hand for a moment. "barely got a pulse down there anymore," glances down into his lap for a moment, and then back up. "it's as dead weight as i am. so if you want a real reason to cry," he's plopping the mushroom in his mouth. "cry for my dick."
Sebastian The crease in Sebastian's brow deepened further, either for the fact that Donnie the dickless wonder couldn't get it up or because he suggested that anybody would cry over the fact. Yeah right. "You break your back or something?" he asked, genuinely curious about the ailment, rather than the specifics of his symptoms.
Sawyer Sawyer had been enjoying his little patch of wet grass until the bat signals started firing off in his direction and he sat up, the jungle walls spinning around him like a dryer on a tumble cycle. Traditional romance wasn’t necessarily his forte—he’d always been a love and let love sort of guy, letting his heart lead him to whomever it saw fit and if his dick liked them too, then hey: the more, the merrier. He put a hand on JJ’s shoulder to silence him—to his benefit, really. Wherever that last sentence was going weren’t somewhere he was sure Ol’ Faithful wanted to go with him right now. “Ah—it sucks, buddy, losin’ people you love. Life is a bitch.” He blew air from his cheeks, patting his knees. “But people comin’, people goin’...it’s also one of the things that makes it kinda beautiful, I think. To have a...somethin’ so special it hurts to lose, even just for a little while. Think about it: all the people out there in the world, and the universe aligned just so that your paths got to intertwine.” Sawyer lifted his hands in the air and clasped them together, two magnets meeting in the middle. “That’s somethin’ worth celebrating, if you ask me.”
Donnie another careless shrug, nose recoiling at the taste of the shroom. this one must've still had shit on it. it's swallowed down with a gulp, shuddering his shoulders at the taste. unbothered by the topic, was an understatement. "nah baby, it's the fluoxetine, and prozac for me." wavering his hand as he spoke. "add in a little bit of zoloft.." another shrug. "a dickless cocktail, if you would."
Sebastian "Uh-huh," Sebastian had heard of a couple of those at least and a couple of them he'd been recommended as well, though he'd refused to be prescribed anything of the sort. Needless to say that if it was ever suggested again, he'd tell his psychiatrist to swiftly fuck off, now that he knew what they did to dudes.  He looked over at Sawyer then, surprised by how profound he was. "You always this poetic when you're fucked up or is this a special occasion?" he asked and though it sounded harsh, he hadn't necessarily meant it that way, he did genuinely think there was something poetic about Sawyer's advice, Sebastian just had trouble communicating that sort of thing with others.
Donnie stays quiet on the subject of losing people, isn't really in his space to talk about it-- given the situation with his mom. but sebastian was right, sawyer was profound.. "hey man, that's real nice-- sounds like something straight out of a movie." what's the one about gay cowboys, again?
Sawyer “Drunk thoughts, sober words,” he drawled, rolling his neck from shoulder to shoulder. He knew some of the boys thought he was a little slow, but he could be smart—when he wanted to be. Sawyer cracked an eye open. “Toy Story?”
Donnie stares for a minute, doesn't say anything particularly, but will glance back at jj and then back to sawyer. "nah, i think it was toy story 2." he'll add on, the mull of a smirk residing on his features.
JJ As Sawyer puts his hand on his shoulder he stops talking, but the sensation passed through his body making him feel like a prism. He could hear colours and see sounds. And so he missed most of the dick conversation and the Sawyers poetry. "Toy story took four years to make, it's a 77-minute film that required 800,000 machine-hours to produce the final cut."
Donnie he's glancing back at jj again, lips pursed slightly. "thanks for that dr. wonder brain, the er is paging you now."
Sebastian Sebastian looked over at JJ, deciding that the regurgitating of facts about children's animation was even worse than Donnie's limp dick or Kian crying about his ex-boyfriend. "Are you some kinda savant?" he asked, "Like Rain Man?" he asked in addition to clarify..
Donnie eyes squint for a moment, and the shrooms still haven't seemed to do much yet. "i think he's more of a glitch in the matrix, personally."
JJ "Rain Man was the highest-grossing film of 1988. The film was nominated for eight Oscars at the 61st Academy Awards, winning Best Picture, Best Original Screenplay, Best Director, and Best Actor in a Leading Role for Hoffman.
Dash Dash’s hand fell from Kian’s shoulder as he stared at JJ in wonder. “Oh my God, do the Bee Movie script next.”
Donnie "is that how you dirty talk? you know, you're three knuckles deep and start verbalizing the production of willy wonka?"
Sebastian�� Sebastian didn't make any effort to disguise the disgusted look that consumed his face when JJ spoke up again. "I'll take that as a resounding yes," he said, slightly exasperated by the other male's manner. "A glitch in something, that's for sure," he agreed with Donnie; a dead pixel, broken code, a total processing error if you asked Sebastian.
Kian Between Callum and Dash rushing to his side to comfort him, JJ giving him some horrific statistics about dopamine or some shit, and Donnie suddenly appearing from the bushes like an evil piss monster, Kian was proper sniveling like a baby. As easy as it was to shift the blame to someone else, it wasn’t his ex’s fault they broke up. It was his. It’d always been his fault for being too chickenshit to let people in, wanting to be selfish with love and selfish with rejecting it. He glanced up at the others with watery eyes, trying to parse the bits of conversation that weren’t about limpdicks and Pixar movies. “Is—“ He sniffled. “Is he malfunctioning?”
JJ looks over at Dash "It took four years to make the Bee Movie and one million man hours to animate it, with an estimated 25 million render hours used during the course of the production team was five times the size of the original Shrek." he will then look over at Donnie. "Willy Wanker." a laugh. "I don't feel so good..."
Donnie he's immediately shifting, pulling his legs a little closer to his body and furrowing his brows. "shit, is he gonna' barf?"
Dash Dash groaned, completely unaware of JJ's sudden turn for the worse, and started in a staccato rhythm, "According to laws of space and time and airplanes, there's like, no way that a bee should be able to fly, man!"
Sebastian As if the conversation wasn't sickening enough with Donnie talking about his erectile dysfunction and JJ doing that weird thing with movie facts and shit, the absolute last thing Sebastian needed was to hear yet another person vomiting. He'd managed to very barely escape from the sympathetic upchucking earlier and he wasn't convinced he could do it again, not now. "Dude, go away," he instructed, raising his voice a little, "If you're gonna vomit, get the fuck outta here, go in the bushes,"
JJ He takes the water, the only ting he brought along and takes a long sip before crashing onto the ground, his view focused on the clouds limited by the tall trees. The grass was hugging him, he was certain. Donnie was pulling away, but he grabbed his hand instead and then Sawyers hand with the other. "Someone give Kian a hug and Sebastian some shrooms man, it's a fine fuckin' day." he'll say and a massive grin will appear on his face as Dash goes on about bees. "The key is the speed man,. Bees are able to beat their wings like 200 times a second. This lets their wings move the same amount of air as a pair of larger, slowly beating wings, like those of birds and bats."
Callum Maybe all of that running and the lack of food was getting to him. Callum had begun feeling... woozy. Or not woozy? The sensation came and went. He started making wide (and weird) movements with his mouth just to make sure it was still attached to his face. Then he shook his head quickly in an attempt to snap out of it. When he refocused his attention, he was surprised to find JJ on the ground, talking about... bees? "What..?" He shook his head again. Maybe he was imagining it. He turned to Kian, who his arm was still around. "Are you okay yet? Or?"
Dash At JJ’s mention of Kian, Dash remembered where he sat. He looked over and there were tears streaming down Kian's face—and Callum’s arm around his shoulder? He was shocked Kian’s skin wasn’t sizzling and/or melting from the touch. “Oh shit, yeah, K-man,” he started. “Uhhh, take deep breaths.”
Kian Kian just swayed into Callum’s side, resting his head on the Giant Canadian Goose’s shoulder. “All the people in the universe,” he sniffed, reciting Sawyer’s words from earlier, “and we got stuck with these dickheads. That must be a sign it hates me.”
JJ "I don't know man, I think you men are pretty dope."
Dash Dash scoffed as Kian leaned into Callum’s side. What the fuck, was he not just being totally warm and comforting too? He rolled his eyes and made himself dizzy with the action, then unceremoniously flopped back to stare up at the jungle canopy. The green swirled pleasantly above him and he folded his arms behind his head to settle in and enjoy the show. He could feel the roots of the trees under the ground beneath him, moving and searching for water. God, he was thirsty. He licked his lips then smiled at JJ’s words. “Shucks, man. You can’t just go from Skynet to Wall-E like that.”
Donnie doesn't say much as the other grabs his hand, just simply pats the top of it and rolls his eyes. "drink your water, tj, you'll need it for all the copious amounts of sex you're be having once you get off the island." it's rolled slightly with his eyes, doused in a smirk, as he slowly, tries to pry his hand back, only to get distracted and tune into dash's conversation. "kian, just because you're crying doesn't mean you gotta' be a dick, dude." he's kidding, he doesn't actually give a fuck about what the guys thought of him. "you're hurting sebastian's feelings."
Sebastian Sebastian managed a fairly humorless laugh at Donnie's comment, "Yeah, what limpy said, you're really hurting my feelings over here, Kian," Sebastian mused dryly, having started a new braid with new grass now, leaving the old one behind. "What's so great about your buddies at home that makes you think we're dickheads, anyway? You could do worse," he looked over at Lukas then, "Not much worse but you could still worse,"
JJ “How do you get girls off man?” JJ looks over at Donnie and his eyes narrow. “You uh...” he will make scissors with his fingers and laugh.
Sebastian Sebastian cocked his head slightly, looking over at JJ, genuinely confused, "Wait," he uttered as the realisation struck him, "Rain Man knows bee facts but thinks you need a dick to get a girl off- you couldn't write this fucking shit, I swear to God man," he laughed again, that was even funnier than Donnie, he decided.
Donnie leaning back on one of his elbows, he's snatching back his hand from jj and grins. "my dick might not work, but my mouth does, pj." another pause, and his brows wavers. "and if you think your dick is what's getting a girl off, you probably never actually made her cum.. unfortunately.." and with that, he laughs.
JJ “Facts are easier than women.” He admits but nods at Donnie with a laughter. “Maybe that’s why she fucked half the campus...” not that he cared much at this point, he knew he sucked at sex, he was always much too technical, it would ruin the mood. “Fucking on shrooms would be good tho...”
Kian Even on a bad trip, Kian couldn’t reserve his judgment. “You have an entire USB drive in your head but you can’t locate the clitoris...?”
Sebastian Sebastian was not surprised to hear that JJ found it easier to regurgitate useless facts than he found interacting with women on any level, not surprising at all. In fact, Sebastian was pretty sure poindexter probably struggled with other dudes as well. "Ever thought about Googling how to grow a personality instead of looking up Oscar winners?" he suggested, raising an eyebrow. He sucked his teeth and hummed lowly, thinking about the mushrooms again and realising, a fair amount of time had surpassed them. He looked at his watch to confirm that it was true. "Nobody feeling like they're about to drop dead yet? I think we're almost safe here," he suggested, though there was no certainty, he supposed.
JJ “Just because I know sex science, doesn’t mean I am as good in practice. Each woman is unique as well, you gotta communicate that shit...I ain’t good at that.” He shrugs knowing the others would probably mock him for it, but not giving enough fucks to care if they do. Sebastians words hit a nerve though, he had always struggled with social interactions and having the man with undoubtedly the least appealing personality point that out, left him somewhat offended. “You know man, better having no personality than having a shit one like you.”
Donnie donnie is wavering towards kian, from jj. "look, you got him saying clitoris through tears." he shouldn't be laughing, but really-- it was kind of funny. only then is he side glances at sebastian and back down to the other's watch for a brief moment. "unfortunately, i feel fine. no dropping dead here."
Sebastian Sebastian laughed easily at JJ's admission. He wasn't good at communicating? What else was new? "No shit, comrade, we kinda noticed that one," he mused, bending his knees and wrapping his arms around them loosely, though the braided grass remained between his finger tips. "Yeah well, I can always improve, something tells me you'r shit outta luck on that front," he assured the other male, oblivious to the fact that JJ had taken it to heart to some marginal extent. He tossed the grass into the dirt, abandoning it as he looked at JJ again, "Lucky you're on the island of misfit boys though, huh? Not a girl around for miles,"
Sawyer Sawyer erupted into a fit of giggles where he was tucking blades of grass down his shirt and feeling them slide against his skin. In the interest of full transparency, he’d checked out of this conversation somewhere around the talking bees. “Hell yeah, it’s lucky.”
JJ He’ll shrug at Donnie, but it’ll cause him to laugh anyways. He hoped Kian could find some comfort in his absolute deterioration to mediocracy. He then turns to Sebastian. “No one can have it all. I got the brain and the looks, giving me a shiny personality would’ve been a bit much.” he will laugh and come up to his elbows. Feeling much better than he did shortly.
Blue blue kept to himself on tbe topic of women, trying to take his own advice and not let Her in. he stacked blades of grass, laughed or groaned along, and tried to take some sort of perfect image of each boy smiling, especially the ones who didn't seem to do that often. "and see, thats why they made moi, just as if hot as jj with an amazing cool personality, the smarts wouldve been overkill, id be too perfect." he joked along with the boys, wishing he had a beer for the occassion. "im just too hot to be smart," he shrugged jokingly
Liam he doesn’t exactly know when or how but at some point liam has drifted away from the group. for some reason, he was standing a few feet away from the group and staring at a tree as if it was his favorite tv show. he could hear the voices of the others but couldn’t quite make out what they were saying, he had more important things to focus on like the way the bark of the tree felt under his fingertips.
Sawyer Liam caught his eye at the edge of his hazy peripheral, and he stretched his grass-covered hand out to him like God reaching out to Adam. "C'mon an' join the love huddle, my man~"
Liam liam’s head rolled back, looking over his shoulder like a puppy who name was just called. a wide smile spread across his face when he registered that i was sawyer speaking to him. “but the trees, man. they need our love too.”
Kian He wasn't sure when he'd started to pet Callum's hair like it was an expensive fur throw, but it was happening, apparently. "Do you think trees feel? Like, when you cut them down or piss on them?"
JJ "Given that plants do not have pain receptors, nerves, or a brain, they do not feel pain same as us." he states, having felt all too loved by the grass right now to actually believe that. "But they do communicate."
Liam hearing the conversation and jj dismissing the trees can’t feel plain, liam ran his hand along the bark of the tree, whispering to it, “shhhh he doesn’t mean that. i understand you, i know you feel.”
Callum What the fuck..? Was there something in his hair? Everything was moving slowly. Callum blinked before tilting his head back, trying to see the top of his head. Then he turned his head to the side and saw that Kian was touching him. Normally, he'd go off on anyone touching his hair. But this wasn't normally. And he felt.... very, very strange. "Can you scratch?" He asked Kian. "Just a little."
Kian Kian's fingers curled against Callum's scalp, nails gently scratching down toward the nape of his neck and back up again. Soft. "What do you think they say to each other?" He wondered if the trees could read his thoughts right now...wanker. Piss shit. Balls.
Dash Dash’s eyes narrowed as he watched Kian’s hand pass over Callum’s hair. The only narrowed further when Callum tilted his head into it like a needy, flea-ridden dog. Officially peeved, he decided to distract himself. He rolled over onto his side, the world gone tits up as he went, and rested his head in his palm as looked over at Liam. It looked like he was slowly fusing to the bark. Dash blinked rapidly a few times. “Don’t fuck the tree, my guy.” He held out his free hand and repeated Sawyer’s words, “Join the puddle. Or huddle. Whatever the fuck. We’re straight vibing down here. And we've like, got Darwin's blessing to love back."
Liam liam broke out into a laugh at dash’s words, looking back over his shoulder at the group. “i’m not fucking the tree! i was just being friendly,” he said back. but he finally gave up and slowly walked back to the group, dropping down in the grass next to dash.
JJ Is jealous of the cuddle puddle but does nothing about it because he is a wuss.
Sawyer Leaning back on his elbows as Liam finally detached himself from that tree, Sawyer breathed a dreamy sigh. "Reckon we're anything but straight, over here."
JJ "there are studies that confirm there's no such thing as 100% straight, ya' know?" he shrugs. "Never have I ever fucked a guy...go..."
Dash Dash grinned as Liam took a seat beside him. “Settle in, Liam.” His name sounded funny rolling off Dash’s tongue. “Leeee-um. Leeeem.” He wrapped his hand around Liam’s wrist and tugged, hoping to get him to lie down on his back. He snorted a laugh when Sawyer spoke and then laughed aloud when JJ tacked on one of his little Trivial Pursuit facts. Dash suddenly wondered how many of these dudes were actual card-carrying friends of Dorothy. He twisted his head to look back at Sawyer. “Whoa, holy shit. Guys, raise your hand if you’re gay or like... a little gay.”
Liam laughing again as dash said his name weird, he felt himself relax a little. with a tug of his wrist, liam laid down next to dash, closing his eyes with a wide smile on his face. at the other boys request, liam held his arm up in the air, even if he’s never slept with someone, he very much knew that he liked men.
Sawyer Sawyer let out a snort that very quickly dissolved into squeaky laughter, scratching the bridge of his nose. “Fuck you, man,” he said as JJ started up yet another round of their little Never Have I Ever game. Not fair. “Uh...yeah.” Another laugh. “Guilty as.”
Kian Kian heaved a world-weary sigh at the words fucked and guy. “Yeah, looks like you’re a bit outnumbered by the homos, Mendoza.”
JJ he gets up to his elbows, and looks at sawyer just to make sure he was hearing that right. "yo, forreal? a'ight..." he's unable to stop a smile and crashes back onto the grass.
Sawyer “What?” He couldn’t seem to keep the laugh out of his voice—shrooms had that effect on him. “Wouldn’t lie to you, buddy.”
JJ He laughs as Sawyer laughs, believing the other had probably misunderstood him. He wasn't doubting the truthfulness of it, he just felt weirdly good about it. "Didn't think you would...jus' good on you..." he'll double tap the others elbow or shoulder or knee or wherever his hand had reached.
Lukas Lukas was so completely cooked. All he could do was lie there, feeling like he was spinning around on some sort of trippy water slide while everyone else managed to talk to each other. At some point he hears the talk of Never Have I Ever fucked a dude. And while he hadn't done that, when the Never Have I Ever was followed up by a question of who was gay or at least a little gay Lukas' hand lifted for a moment before it fell back down onto the ground. Offering absolutely zero follow up as the trippy water slide took a fun little turn onto a grassy field, fingers happily moving through the blades of grass and the guys around him continued talking amongst themselves.
Kian Although he tried to count the number of hands that went up, Kian’s vision swam so that three suddenly became thirteen. Ugh. Maths was hard enough when sober. Leaning onto the elbow he had resting on Callum’s shoulder as he scratched his head like a small dog, he asked: “What about you, then? Are you a gay or just Canadian?”
Callum Callum made a face at Kian's question. It felt totally out of left field. Probably because he'd been so busy watching the trees change shape above him. "Uhhh. Is there a country called Gay I don't know about? Because I'm just Canadian."
Kian Kian snorted. “Yeah, it’s right next to Greece, innit. You have to shag men to get in.”
Blue blue shrugged and raised his hand, "two things. one, im not gay but i could be, or like i dont know, maybe once i try it orsomething. but if i gotta be gay toget a head massage or hug or whatever, call me lil nas x." he didnt really know how to explain himself, but he didnt think She needed to brought up. "i havent before but i might someday amd then ill see. and two, is Gay a place or are you just joking around?"
Sawyer "If it is, stamp my passport." Sawyer wasn't an expert on sex and sexuality. Hell, he hardly knew his own orientation most of the time. That was the beauty of it all, to him - not having to slap a label on who he loved or how he loved them. He tilted his head and smiled lazily at Blue. "You don't gotta have it all figured out, my man. Love who you wanna love, fuck who you wanna fuck. The end."
Blue blue smiled and pointed towards sawyer "soy-dog! i knew we got each other, like a psychic star wars mind meld. i love you man, all of you. this is the worst camping trip of my life but i love you guys." blue rose a hand up, miming hoding a champagne glasas, "an imaginary toast to loving who you wanna love, and fucking who you wanna fuck." he paused for a moment, "and to some lube hopefully washing ashore if any of us do fuck here. cheers!"
Sawyer "To lube!" Sawyer whooped, raising his fist in the air like ol' buddy at the end of the Breakfast Club.
JJ “You men must have hella game...” he adds to the conversation near him, his eyes still closed as he relaxed on the grass. He could barely look at the people he liked, nevertheless speak to them.
Kian Kian laughed for the sake of hearing himself laugh. "You just have to, like, talk to people in a normal way instead of repeating the encyclopedia at them. If you like learning, try to learn more about them."
JJ “I tried that...” he sighs. “It’s hard to ask questions without feeling like you’re intruding.”
Kian "Okay, so like," he rocked a bit as he sat up, finally taking his hand out of Callum's hair to shake out his own. "Pretend I'm a girl you want to shag. Seduce me how you normally would."
Joe joe had no idea what was going on, there was so many conversations happening at once and people around him. he was happy to lie back and become one with the grass. then the conversation came back to mr spock's inability to find the clit and he guffawed."it's not that hard. just don't ask about the lass's blood type and opinion on rafts and you'll be fine. do what sebastian does and skate by on your height.and i wish fucking whoever you want to fuck was as easy as blue and soy dog make it sound. people have all these expectations and you're only option is to be the person they want to be."he sighed picking up a clump of grass.
Kian "Stop it! It's not enough to just be tall," Kian said, giggling. "If it were, he'd already have loads of girls. The problem is his approach."
Liam “it’s probably because he talks like a wikipedia page,” liam said without realizing how mean that sounded. but he was too high to care.
Kian He put his hand out toward Liam, looking at Joe and JJ as though to say, See?
Joe "it is enough to be tall."he whined before laughing, he knew he was fighting a losing battle."he'd be flying if he lost the serial killer vibes. people can forgive all kind of sins from a tall lad with gorgeous hair."not that he was speaking from experience.
Blue joe's comment was a harsh reminder that he hadnt been open with these boys about Her, or how bad it had really gotten, "yeah youre right, joe. its not that easy....." he offered a sympathetic look, his legs too rubbery to walk over to him. "j, man, i think you just have to rely more of the vibes, chemistry, flow." unless a demon holds you hostage in relationship hell but blue wasnt ready to share all of that yet.
JJ he laughs as everyone attempts to pitch in and help out and it actually, for the first time in his life, makes him feel like he's a part of something. finally, he will sit up from the grass and look over at kian, getting closer to him as the rest discussed the tallness and the variety of approaches. -- there were moments where he would have been hurt by the comments. on the way he talks, how he comes off as a sociopath and all things he's heard a million times before. as if he chooses to be that way. "sometimes it's easier not to talk and come off as a psycho than talk and remove all doubt." he'll attempt a joke on his own account. he then clears his throat, looks over at kiki, his eyes gleaming as the smile spreads wide across his face and he'll get embarrassed for a moment. nobody liked being judged, especially on things they sucked at. perhaps this is what it was like to be an idiot, or normal. "alright uh..." he'll clear his throat and chuckle. "h-how do we do this? do i get help? like 'who wants to be a millionaire' type or?"
Kian Kian sat up into a cross-legged position and scooted closer to JJ. Their sudden proximity made his vision go all fish eye lens and he giggled as JJ's face turned into a Picasso-esque blob of eyes and ears and lips. "I dunno, just start by approaching me how you normally would. Like I'm some chick you really fancy from..." Chemistry lab? A morgue? He smiled. "The club."
JJ he looks over at the other guys and bites his lip thinking things through. he didn't really go clubbing, he did meet girls at the comedy club where he worked though, maybe that's why they took him as a joke. "hi there..." he'll lean on his elbow, looking at kian, smile wide across his face. "like your uh, hair..."
Kian He tries to hold in a laugh - he really does - but it's almost unavoidable, in this state. "Right, yeah, not to stereotype myself or anything, but she's gonna think you're gay if you come right off the bat complimenting her hair." Kian schooled his face back into a neutral expression, but the ghost of a smile still remained. "Try, like, asking how her night's going or what drink she recommends. Get her to talk about herself first so you have a good starting block to jump off of, you know what I mean?"
JJ "Wait, really?" his eyes narrow in confusion. He'd always thought it girls like to be complimented. Either way, he'll follow instructions and continue. He was hoping others weren't watching, but the shrooms made it hard to care so he giggled like a child as he played with his curls nervously. "Hi there, I'm J." he smiles offering out a hand. "You uh, you come here often?" he thought it a good enough question. It would reveal more about her and also lead to the possible drinks recommendation Kian suggested.
Kian "J..." Kian echoed, giggling at the way it rolled off his tongue. J. What a lovely letter, that. He took his hand when it was offered and brought it to his cheek - it felt warm to the touch, like a blanket that'd suddenly fallen from the sky and landed in his lap. "I'm Ki...ara. Yeah. Kiara." Another giggle. "Erm, it's actually my first time here. Are you a regular?"
Liam liam wasn't paying attention to what was happening between jj and kian, he was more focused on staring at dash's head and wondering what he was going to look like when his hair inevitably grew out if they were stuck here any longer. that is until he heard the introduction between the two boys. "j? what happened to your second letter?" he heckled.
JJ He is about to reply to Ki-ara, letting his hand grace the soft cheek before Liam jumps in with the question. He can feel his own cheeks boiling and he'll laugh. "Come on g, I'm tryina sound cool. You know how many Skins jokes I went through over the second letter? I ain't even seen Skins..." he smiles. "Guess I could go with Jacob." he glances back at Kian who was now fully a Kiara the hot girl at the club and he'll get closer still. "Kiara. Nice to meet you Kiara." shaking his head he'll shrug. "Regular? N-no, no I don't frequent clubs really, bit overpriced don't you think? Ya know, beer company's invest millions of dollars in designing beer taps, since a good beer tap can improve sales of a beer by over $20. Pretty neat, huh? But clubs have been voted a number one location to meet people so...thought I'd give it a go, I...you come here often?" he'll shake his head. "Wait, no, I already asked that agh...."
Kian Kian hummed. JJ was doing that thing again where he just kind of rambled off facts he read on the back of his cereal box that day, but his hand felt so nice against Kian's skin, he couldn't be bothered to call him out on it. "You can tap me if you want," he said, free hand coming to rest on JJ's knee. Wait, wasn't JJ the one supposed to be coming onto him? Now that he thought about it, he was probably the wrong person to be roleplaying with - Kian was always something of a slag after a couple drinks. "Do you come often?"
JJ He couldn't believe he was doing so well, it even made him look around now hoping the others were actually watching. "Yo, did ya' all see that?" with eyes back on Kian, he'll let his hand trace down his cheek over his hands, tangling their fingers together. "Maybe I will, lemme buy you a drink first..." proud of himself, with confidence rising, he can't even help but laugh at the final question. He was so high, he didn't even know what to say. A rarity. "What do I even say to that?"
Dash Dash watched whatever the hell happened between JJ and Kian unfold with increasing amounts of horror and disbelief, and only partially because it looked like both boys were slowly growing antlers from their temples. He was pretty sure he lost the plot at some point. He couldn’t remember if this was real or like... some repressed housewife's version of sexy roleplay played out. He turned to Liam and tried to whisper, “What the fuck’s going on? Are they about to bone?”
Liam liam's eyes were pulled away from dash's hair when he heard the other boy speak up. he looked to the two boys who really did look like they were about to bone right in front of everyone. "i don't even know, man, but i think they are," he said with a snicker, his eyes finding dash's face.
Kian He'd kind of stopped listening to what JJ said after the whole twenty-dollar spiel, using their joint hands to swing forward into him and nuzzle against his shoulder. Yeah, he was definitely tripping balls.
Dash “K-man’s right, I’m outnumbered by homos,” Dash mostly mused to himself, scratching at his chin. It wasn’t a bad thing. Dash dug gay people. He knew a bunch of gay people, and now he suddenly knew like, way more. Gay as a country. He snorted. “Gaynadian.” He snapped back to attention, remembering that he was staring somewhere around Liam’s left ear as he spoke to himself. “You raised your hand, man? That’s so cool. Good for you, man. Like, gay rights. How'd you know?”
Blue blue had lost track of where the stuff with kian/jj was going so he spoke of the one thing he was sure of "I gotta piss sooo...." he trailed off letting whichever guys needs to be alone to be. he swayed a bit as he walked, enjoying the way the air felt around him. blue walked along, intrigued by a tree with what appeared to him like a cyclops eye. he smiled at it as he relieved himself, whistling to the tune of the drag race theme song, a show he used to watch with indigo.
Liam liam laughed at dash's comment, even if it came out a little offensively. thankfully he followed up with support of liam so he didn't think twice about it. "yeah, i mean... i guess i'm half... gay?" he said, his words coming out slow as he tried and failed to remember the word bisexual. "i dunno. i had a crush on a girl in my class when i was younger, but i also had a crush on a boy too. didn't really think anything of it."
JJ He lets Kian do his thing, happy and now confident that he could pick up a girl if there were any present. Suddenly, he wishes they had something to smoke, or something to eat, but is too lazy to actually move and look for it. "It's called bisexuality...if you're looking for a term." he says to Liam, nonchalantly.
Kian Kian rolled his head on JJ's shoulder to look at Liam and Dash, reaching a hand out for them, too. "Yeah. Bisexuality, innit."
Dash Dash tried to bat Kian’s hand away, but missed. “Are you trying to steal Leem from me?”
Liam liam looked to kian as if he was reading his mind for the word he was missing, not realizing that jj said the same thing. "bisexual! yes, yeah that's the word." he looked back to dash, feeling confident, "jealous, dashy?"
Kian He smirked at Dash and intertwined his fingers with Liam's, just barely able to reach him from where he practically sat in JJ's lap. "He's 'straight,'" said Kian. Emphasis on the air quotes.
Liam "i dunno, he said he'd kiss me," his voice coming out like a song as he said the words. "still waiting for him to pay up though."
JJ through laughter. "the fuck is going on?"
Dash Jealous? Yeah! He tried his hand at comfort and got nothing. He wanted to pet Gaynadian’s hair, but got beaten to the punch. And now he was trying to enjoy some one-on-one time with Liam and Kian had to take that, too? Jesus. He clumsily karate-chopped Kian and Liam’s hands to disband them, then turned to Liam. "I'm super confident in my sexuality," he started emphatically, flipping off Kian over his shoulder. "Which obviously threatens people." He grinned as Liam referenced what had been a spur of the moment comment, but he was willing to go two for two. "Aww, you been waiting on me? Feel free to take some initiative, dude." He called out to Lukas: "You hear that? I'm in high demand!"
Kian "Prove it, then," Kian said, turning around and situating himself on JJ's leg. No matter whether he was tripping balls or sober as a saint, bullying Mendoza was always fun. "Kiss him."
Liam liam let his hand fall from kian's when dash hit them. "i'm not threatened," liam said as if it was point to him. but then dash egged him on and kian getting in on it, liam just shrugged. without a second thought, liam took dash's face in his hand, turning it to him and press a kiss to the other boy's lips.
JJ With Kian in his lap and chaos unfolding in front of him, the second Liams and Dash' lips touched he could practically see the fireworks. He really took too many shrooms, but it pushed him to clap anyways, using his one hand to clap against his leg as the other was balancing himself and Kian. "Shit, is this how parties normally go?" he should get out more.
Kian The corners of his lips quirked up in a smug, lazy smirk as he watched Liam give Dash what was perhaps the most chaste kiss he'd ever seen two people under the influence share. Made him want to kiss someone, too. "Yeah, but it's usually the girls who get drunk and start making out."
Sawyer Still fighting to stay on this plane of metaphysical reality, Sawyer cupped a hand around his mouth and whooped as Liam went for the kill.
Dash If there was anything Dash was good at—sober or not—it was taking the unexpected in stride, or at least if the unexpected was exclusively a pair of lips plating themselves unceremoniously against his. He smiled against Liam for a second, then returned the kiss. His hand reached up into Liam’s hair for purchase and he slipped him a little tongue, just to shake things up a bit. After a moment, he pulled back and laughed, ruffling Liam’s hair before he fell back again. The sky above him swirled with green and blue. "Wow." He laughed again. "Big ups, dude. A weaker man would've backed down.”
JJ "That was hot." he didn't even realise he'd said it aloud, so he continues to giggle like a child and his attention will fall back at Kian. Suddenly he noticed how hot everyone was and it made his brain tingle. "You sure?" he'll ask Kian, finding it odd that girls would make out at parties but guys would refrain. It didn't really make sense. "Dunno, seems pretty fun to me..."
Liam he was a little surprised when dash actually kissed him back, adding tongue on top of it. he wasn't complaining, instead, he just let it happen, kissing the boy back happily. when they pulled apart, liam had a dumb smile on his face as he looked at dash, closing his eyes for a moment when he ruffled his hair. "guess no one can say i don't take chances," he said, laying his head back in the grass.
Kian Was it the shrooms making him feel things that weren't there again, or was JJ starting to chub up watching Liam and Dash get their gay on? Kian glanced over his shoulder. "You wanna try it?"
JJ “huh?” he looks over at unsure of what was happening for a split second but then he’ll shrug in approval. “shi-why not right?”
Kian Kian was full-on cheesing, now. He'd never been someone's first gay experience before - the practice kiss he had with his best friend in middle school didn't count. Without another word, he threaded his fingers up through JJ's hair and kissed him proper, tongue and everything. Even if JJ was a complete melt when it came to human interaction, he had nice lips that felt kind of like clouds and big hands that were probably big enough to wrap around Kian's entire forearm. God. He should try making out on mushrooms more often. When he finally pulled back for air, he gave JJ a breathless, expectant look. "So? Gay or Canadian?"
JJ he lets kian take the lead and doesn't spend much time thinking about it, it's what normally ruined the moment - thinking. instead he focuses entirely on the sensation, eyes closed as he gives in. kian's lips passed over his, soft and warm and it sent goosebumps down his spine and he remembered how much he'd missed this -- being close to someone. before he even got the opportunity to use his brain again, kian pulled away and a grin was left across jj's face as his cheeks burnt red. "uh...high?" a laugh and he'll pull on his curls again, avoiding eye contact.
Kian That made him laugh, all soft and sleepy like. He didn't even care that it was JJ - the affection gave him a different sort of buzz. "High is good," he murmured, going in for a shorter kiss. "High is," and another, "very good."
JJ He lets Kian kiss him again and is unable to resist until he begins enjoying himself too much with the pressure on his lap, so he'll tickle the other off himself and lay his head on Kian's lap, enjoying the sobering rush of blood to his head.
Kian Kian shrieked, landing in the grass with a soft oof. "Not fairrrr," he whined, pushing his lips into a pout. He was quickly distracted, however, by the head in his lap. "You know...this lot isn't so bad," Kian said as he ran his fingers through JJ's hair. "We should totally just start a civilization together and shag until global warming takes us all out."
Jungle Another wolf howl is heard in the distance.
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wildshub · 3 years
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WHO: The Twilight of Adam Boys  WHAT: The boys go into the jungle to hunt the wolf. WHEN: Day 10 NOTE: Part 1 of 4
Callum “So, uh.... anyone know anything about wolves?” Callum asked as he moved through the jungle, spear in hand. “Are they a sleep all day, awake at night animal or the other way around?”
Kian "They're carnivores," Kian offered, already tired from a combination of being woken up way before his internal alarm clock and grazing the 27th hour of wearing a straight jacket for his chest. "And they eat people."
JJ ”They’re nocturnal.” JJ reply to Callum but his eyes will fall on Kian momentarily. “Hunt at night, sleep during the day.”
Callum "So that's good for us, right?" He looked over his shoulder at JJ and the rest of the boys. "That means if we find it. It's not gonna be awake or anything. Makes the job a hell of a lot easier." It seemed the boys' luck was finally turning around. "Anyone know where these things sleep?" Liam "like... caves and shit?" liam offered from the back of the group. he honestly didn't know, most of his knowledge came from tv and movies.
Kian "Great. We haven't come across any caves, so I think it's safe to say we're not gonna find it any time soon." Kian blew a sweaty piece of hair out of his face. "Can we go back, now?"
JJ “They never stay in one place for long.” he’ll reply and look down, the only thing he’d brought along was a bottle of water. “I’m with Kian. This is a waste of time.” Not to mention energy. A luxury hard to come by.
Liam "well there is a lot of the island we haven't gone to yet," liam said, not that he was really on board with trying to find and kill a wolf. but he also didn't like the idea of sleeping here for however long with a wolf loose on the island to get the in the middle of the night.
Sebastian Sebastian listened to the back and forth between the other boys but didn't hear anything particularly enlightening. He'd managed to pull a thick branch off of a tree, strip it of any smaller twigs and sharpen its end until it looked something akin to a spear, except shittier. He wasn't totally convinced that they would kill the wolf or even find it for that matter but he hoped they might come across something it had killed, as long as it wasn't somebody else from the flight. "It's not a waste of time. Even if we don't find the wolf, we've got a better chance of finding something we can eat out here than we do sitting on our asses on the beach all day," he reasoned, "We might as well explore and we might as well do it together," he added.
Kian Explore. Right. Like this was a fucking day camp and the beach wasn’t meters away from an ocean full of edible fish. Kian opened his mouth to complain again when his breath suddenly felt as if it’d been punched out of him. He winced, stopping his steps to rest his hands on his knees. “This,” he wheezed, “is bullshit.”
Liam liam was nodding along to what the others were saying when he noticed kian wincing, his words coming out broken. “hey, you okay, man?” he asked, stopping next to him.
Kian "I'm fine," Kian said, straightening his back out again. He wasn't fine - his head was absolutely swimming as he righted himself and his sweaty face felt clammy and cold - but it wasn't like he was dying. "Let's just get this over with."
Callum "Exactly," Callum agreed with Sebastian's words. "If we don't find the wolf today, maybe we find other shit. Like berries or some other fruit. This is an island, there has to be a coconut tree here somewhere." He moved some branches aside, making his way through.
JJ Sebastians remark caused him to grin. The impulsivity was strangely amusing, as was his confidence being wrong. “If eating was the objective, we could have stayed at the beach and finished the raft.” He replies. “The ocean is the most reliable source of food and putting down the nets would lead enough fish in to feed the lot of us for a while.” His voice remained calm, as always, he was simply stating the obvious. “If we find the wolf we will waste energy. If we get lucky and find something else, it will be gone by tomorrow. If we even catch it.” A glance at Callum “Berries are good, I guess. So is exploring the terrain. Has anyone brought a notebook?” Not that he needed one. His memory already imprinted every tree into itself, every step permanently. And if they had to take a different way back, he could follow the sun. Or the stars. Orientation was easy. How did people even get lost. “What’s the objective time-wise? Are we trying to be back by nightfall or are we camping out?”
Callum "Nah, not me," Callum answered JJ. "And back before nightfall, for sure. We're not exactly prepared to camp." All they had were spears and the bags on their back. Callum's in particular was empty. "It gets cold as hell at night. We'd freeze our asses off." Not to mention camping anywhere but where it was presumably safe at their camp seemed like asking for trouble with a wolf somewhere in the jungle.
JJ He nods, expecting that response as the only acceptable response but satisfied that he won’t have to fight for it. “Hm,’yes” he mutters and looks up at the sky. “We’ve got about 6 and a half hours until sunset. Seven if we push it.” Through it will likely get darker and darker the deeper they venture and taller the trees get. It was still good to know the exact time.
Sawyer Sawyer let out a low whislte. Seven fuckin' hours - and they'd barely been able to push through one without bickering over what the next steps should be. This called for a solution that'd never let him down before: drinking games. "Right," he said, grabbing onto a tree branch and using it to propel himself to the front of the group, walking backwards. "What do y'all say to a little competition? Never have I ever, person with the most evers has to...go skinny dippin' after nightfall. Somethin' like that."
Callum Callum wouldn't consider himself a 'fun' person but he would consider himself a competitive person. Sawyer managed to phrase the proposition just right to have him agree at a time like this. "Alright, I'm down. Why don't you kick us off, Texas?"
Liam trying to not let kian’s refusal for help get to him, liam kept walking, moving up closer to sawyer in the back. the idea of a game was probably smart since the guys couldn’t go very long without picking a fight with each other, even if said game liam didn’t have much experience for. “sure, let’s do it.” Sawyer Sawyer flashed them both a shit-eating grin, turning around to pick up a rock from the jungle floor. "Never have I ever..." He threw the rock in the air and caught it. "Done it in the woods."
Callum Callum blew out a low whistle. "Starting off strong huh, Texas?" He shook his head fondly. He had to admit he was surprised that Sawyer hadn't done such a thing. He wasn't sure if it was the criminal record thing, or the cowboy thing, but he assumed the dude had done some pretty crazy shit in his life - fucking in the woods included. Always an experience being proven wrong. "Never. Anyone else?" A beat. He narrowed his gaze at Liam and smirked. "Liam..?" The kid struck him as someone who'd faint at the sight of tits but Callum couldn't help but tease him on the off chance he'd be surprised again.
Liam liam wasn’t surprised at all when sawyer went right for it instead of starting out easy. liam was definitely going to win this game which really means he loses at life, but he didn’t really care. callum looked to him as if he was waiting for liam to yell out to the group that he was a virgin and it made an uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach. “can’t say i have.”
Kian It wasn’t his first choice for a time-waster, but Kian would welcome anything that took his mind off the dull ache in his chest right now. Hand clutching the sore spot beneath his right armpit, he watched Liam be singled out for his total virgin-ness with a grimace. Looks like he’s not going anywhere near water tonight. Kian sighed. “Does the park count?” When some of the boys turned to look at him, he clarified: “Not during the daytime, obviously.”
Joe seeing as there were plenty of things joe wanted to keep to himself a game made for oversharing was one of his least favourite time killers. but he wasn't about to contradict the rest of the group. he spluttered in a mix of awe and disgust at kiki's confession."mate, that's even worse than doing it in the woods. you can give people a proper eyefull dogging in the park. at least woods have trees and shit."
Kian “Never have I ever shagged your mum, Joe, I told you it was at night,” Kian shot back, cheeks a pale red. “Better somewhere bugs can’t crawl up your bumhole.”
Dash Dash hadn’t paid much attention to wherever the conversation went, too busy picking leaves from trees they passed and rubbing them against his face and neck to test their texture. The night air was cool and felt nice against his skin. He was pretty excited about seeing a wolf; he imagined what they could name it. Balto was, of course, at the top of the list. But he blinked when he heard what Kian said. “Dude, you have butt bugs?”
Liam hearing kian’s remark about bugs crawling up his ass, liam couldn’t help but laugh. looking over to dash as he was rubbing things against his skin, liam could tell exactly what was going on. he’s seen it a million times. the question was, how could he have molly hidden somewhere and not share with him?? not that he’s advertised his drug habits with the others. instead of saying anything, liam quietly took the leaf out of dash’s hand and patted his arm. “don’t wanna get poison ivy, dashy,” he said, giving the other boy a knowing look but finishing it off with a smile.
Kian “Your dad has butt bugs, junkie.” This is why Kian was never nice. It resulted in people mocking him for not wanting bugs to crawl up his ass, like a normal person. “Never have I ever been tripping balls on a wolf hunt.”
Dash Dash shot Liam a wide grin and wrapped an arm around his neck to pull him in. He gave him a gentle noogie in thanks, the shaft of his spear knocking against the little dude’s head in the process. Dash quickly pulled back. “Oooh shit, my b.” He snorted then held up three fingers. “I’m as sober as judge." He looked toward Lukas. "Does everyone hear this guy? He’s trying to manipulate and mansplain his way out of this butt bug thing.”
Lukas In one hand Lukas carried his beloved axe, considering it's usefulness to the group he'd been hesitant to part with it since he found it and the wolf hunt was no different. In the other, he rubbed a piece of bark he'd found between his fingers. Reveling in the weird texture and the way it slowly crumbled. Truthfully, he was barely paying attention. Having been completely captured by the bark and the simple action of walking forward. " BJ counts, right? " He asked, looking up at last. And realising as he laid eyes on the others that maybe the part of the conversation he was referencing had been a while ago. " For the fucking in woods thing, not blowing Kian's butt bugs. " Obviously.
Sawyer Sawyer sucked his tongue. His beloved drinking game had dissolved into a debate about park-fuckin’ and molly-popping faster than he could even say butt bugs. Determined not to let this rare bonding moment go to waste, he swept between Dash and Kian just before the latter was about to wring Curly’s neck and threw an arm over each of their shoulders. “Never have I ever sent a nudie.”
Dash Dash jostled sideways when Sawyer looped an arm around his shoulders. He half-expected to be overcome by a fucked up stench as soon as he was this close to one of the other guys’ armpits, but it seemed ten days surrounded by unwashed dudes rendered his sense of smell useless. He pinched his nose then released it a couple times, and felt a little sad about the whole thing. “Guilty as charged,” he admitted, his voice gone nasally mid-pinch. “But none of those fuckin’—outta nowhere dick pics. I,” he gestured to himself, then released a fart sound between his lips, “respect women."
Kian Kian made a face, but could do no more than slink out from underneath Sawyer’s arm to avoid hurting himself. He made a mental note to get him back for that later—him, Lukas, and Mendoza. “And I’ve done it ‘cos I don’t respect myself.”
Liam just smiles to dash even though he bopped him on the head with his stick. he looked to sawyer as the next round started. “okay that, i have done,” he said, almost proud to actually get a point. “but like, you know, in a respectful way.”
Lukas Alright, don't answer his question then. That left him at two for two if Kian's Never Have I Ever of tripping balls counted. Which would be concerning to him if he remembered that the person with the most had to skinny dip. Then came the next question and it was no surprise that everyone seemed to fall victim to that one. " Yeah, me–" he paused, lifting an index finger to count the three guys that had spoken before him. " Three– no, four. " he fumbled, stupid grin sitting on his lips. But Sawyer had started this question, and Lukas had a question for him " You tryna say you've never sent someone a lil somethin', Sawyer? " he asked playfully, " I don't believe that for a second. " If Lukas looked even slightly like Sawyer, everyone in his contacts would be getting regular updates on how good he looked.
Sawyer He laughed brightly, reaching across Dash to ruffle Liam's fuzzy little head. "My man, that's what I'm fuckin' talkin' about! Was gettin' a little worried for ya, there." Not that sending someone a nude picture was any badge of honor, but still. It was nice to know his buddy was getting at least a fraction of action on the side. Sawyer held his hand up in surrender as Lukas prodded him about his own dick-pic'in' tendencies. "Nah, sweetie. Nooo phone."
JJ He laughs as the atmosphere lightens and looks over at Sawyer finding it as strange as everyone that he’d never sent a nude. Then again, he was not the one to judge, he’s not done a lot of things himself. He mostly just watched life happen. It was easier than participating. So he stuck to it now too.
Sebastian Sebastian listened to JJ's obnoxious diatribe in silence, allowing the other male to finish though Sebastian wasn't sure he deserved it. "Assuming the nets work, that we can drop them deep enough, that there's even edible fish in this area and that they're stupid enough to get stuck in our makeshift trap," he countered thoughtfully. At least Callum had agreed with him, that was enough to sate him for now. He sniffed back, wondering if he was allergic to the native flora as Sawyer started the game. "Nope, not me," he announced, thinking that he also hadn't ever been with a girl that would be into that, at least not that he knew of. As the conversation devolved into chatter about 'butt bugs' whatever the fuck that meant, Sebastian felt his skin crawl. He didn't know if what they were talking about was real or whether they were just ribbing each other but it was gross either way. "You can't mansplain shit to another man bro, that's the point. That's just regular explaining but doing it like an asshole," he ironically mansplained to Dash, though he had to agree that just about everything that came out of Kian's mouth was ridiculous. He rolled his eyes at Sawyer's next question, what a low blow, he thought. "Come on man, everybody's sent a dick pic- wait what- you don't have a phone?" he asked, caught somewhere between surprise and absolute horror. How did somebody live without a phone? Did whatever Appalachian swamp he crawled out of not even have signal? What the fuck.
Sawyer Sawyer shrugged, still hanging half off of Dash. "I mean, I got a landline. Just...never needed to go mobile." Up until this trip, that was, when he decided to bite the bullet at an airport kiosk and pick up a burner in case he needed to contact his folks. It was almost laughable how useless that idea would've turned out to be. "S'matter, Sarge?" He teased. "You got that many contacts lined up for some crotch shots?"
Callum "I haven't," Callum interjected. For someone who enjoyed photography, it never once crossed his mind. He was reserved when it came to the people he liked, and he didn't enjoy interaction over text as much as he enjoyed in-person hangouts. "But holy shit, landline. You living in the 60s or something bro?"
Sawyer "And the Lord shineth his face upon thee," Sawyer said with an exaggerated bow, smiling like a shit heel all the way. Probably would've fist-bumped Callum for not being such a heathen, too, if he were still in within arm's reach. "Listen, mock all you want, but it's actually kinda nice bein' off the grid! No hangups about technology, no cellphone bill...that's fuckin' freedom."
Callum Callum merely shook his head at the reaction he'd earned from Sawyer. "I mean, I was using a shit old Nokia phone before I lost it in the crash so might as well be off the grid." God, if his mom knew he lost the phone she gave him to replace the one he broke... Then again, plane crash felt like a really solid excuse though. "Never have I ever..." He started, wracking his brain for something. "Been in like, a relationship-relationship."
Sebastian Sebastian remained surprised when Sawyer confirmed that indeed, he didn't have cell phone of his own. "You know cell phones do other things too," he reminded the other boy, though maybe he didn't know that. "I'm not shocked cos you haven't sent dick pics, I'm shocked that you never had a phone to send 'em with. I don't know anybody like that," he knew people that obsessed over having the latest iPhone, people who considered it a personal source of pride to use an Android phone instead and people who didn't care at all but never anybody that didn't have a cell phone, unless they were under twelve. Then Callum continued the game and Sebastian remained silent, waiting for a few of the other boys to chime in first. Was it weird to have been in a steady relationship among his current crew?
Dash Distracted by Sawyer’s bandana, Dash temporarily checked out of the conversation again. It felt very... Fred from Scooby Doo. As a fashion choice, he kinda dug it, though it did also remind him of that scary story everyone whispered to each other in elementary school about the girl who wore a scarf every day because her head would roll right off if she removed it. Dash tugged gently on the end of the bandana with his left hand, enjoying the way the cotton felt between his fingers, and heard off the grid. He couldn’t even imagine living like that, though he supposed he currently was. “Whoa, are you Amish? Or who’re the people that are like, the Diet Coke version of Amish?” He squinted. “Are the Amish even allowed to go on planes?” At Callum’s admission, Dash snorted. “I have been in a relationship-relationship. In fact, I love relationship-relationships.”
Kian Kian rolled his eyes, arms crossed over his chest. Why did it matter so much if the cowboy from Alabama or whatever had a cellphone or not? It wasn't like they were going to be calling each other up if - when - they got off the island. "What a fucking surprise," he deadpanned at the admission that Callum had never been in a real relationship before. "I'm down three for three, then."
JJ He ignores Sebastian entirely, knowing it was better to prove him wrong than argue it and instead focuses on Sawyer. Of course he found it just as strange as the rest of them that the other did not have a phone, but weirder things have happened and considering the type of guy Sawyer was, it wasn’t as shocking as it could have been. — At the never have I ever, he will let a sting pass through him. “That’s one for me, I guess.” But by the way it was going, he figured he was unlikely to be the one swimming tonight. “Never have I ever, gotten high on anything but weed.”
Sawyer Sawyer chuckled. "Definitely not Amish. Just from the country." Where people still had cellphones in spades, but not him. Not a lot of the guys he worked with, either. He wiped the sweat from his chin with the back of his head, thinking back on his dating history. Or...what little there was to think back on, anyway. Only one person really came to mind. "Hold on, what counts as a relationship-relationship? Like, what are the parameters there?"
Callum "Like you've DTR'd, I dunno." The 3 letters made him feel queasy and brought back memories that irritated the fuck out of him. "Like she's met your mom or some shit. The real official stuff," Callum explained. Then he raised a hand and put a finger down before letting his whole arm drop back down to his side. "That's one for me. You do mean weed being the only thing you've done and not anything else, right?" He asked JJ.
Dash Dash let out a low whistle and gave Sawyer a pat on the back. “Yeah, if you’ve got to ask that, bro, have I got some news for you...” He mimicked Callum's movement, though he wasn't actually sure what finger he was on at that point so he really just gave them a little waggle before he dropped his hand again. "Aaand another one." He sucked in air between his teeth. "Weed's legal in Canada, right?"
Liam despite sawyers first round, liam was surprised by how tame the other rounds have been, once again he could get a point. “i have,” he chimed in. sure it was freshman year and didn’t last long. but he thought it counted.
Sawyer "Huh..." He had no clue what DTR meant and he sure as shit didn't have a mama to bring someone home to, so...huh. Dash's pat on the back jostled him a little as he got lost in his own head, nearly missing Liam's response. How was it that even he had less points in this game than the group's most docile member? Fuckin' embarrassing, man. "Hell yeah. You been in the shroom room, Anderson?"
Liam liam shrugged at sawyer, “i’m from california,” was his answer. the boys could assume what they wish from that. he wasn’t going to come right out and say all the drugs he’s done (or sold) as a teen.
Kian Fuck, was this game not faring well for him. Also, fuck past!Kian for deciding to snort a line and dog it in the park on the same night. "You guys keep picking the most basic ones," he whinged. "What about, like, never have I ever shagged someone's mum or dad?"
Callum Callum almost immediately shook his head and made a sound of disapproval. "Oh hell no." He looked over his shoulder at the group then. "Anyone?"
Liam shook his head at that one but was curious if any of the other guys have done something like that.
Sawyer Sawyer was quiet for a few beats before sheepishly raising his hand, then resting it on his neck like he hadn't done that, at all. "Oldest I've gone is probably forty-something, so...maybe."
JJ "Do teachers count?" he laughs, although he'd imagined smashing his biology teacher it never actually happened. "Kidding. She liked her job better than me."
Kian Kian pointed at them, relieved to not have taken a point for once. "See? Parent-shaggers."
Callum Callum chuckled. While the game was pretty amusing and definitely helped time pass, he was getting a bit frustrated they haven't come across anything too interesting. No wolves, no fruit. "Yo, guys, keep your eyes peeled for anything we can eat. It's looking slow on the wolf front."
Kian Kian could do nothing but give him a really look. “Erm, yeah, me and Quizlet could’ve told you that thirty minutes ago.”
Dash Dash noticed he had been clenching his teeth when Kian said parent-shaggers because it hurt when he laughed. He rubbed at his jaw and watched the trees they passed while they walked. Fruit, fruit, fruit... The greens of the leaves all melded together pleasantly and did more to comfort him than most things the past ten days. He was bummed Liam said the thing about the poison ivy because his hands still itched to reach out and touch. He settled for one of the people closest to him. He pulled away from Sawyer only to clap a hand on Lukas’ shoulder, then rubbed his palm against the fabric of his t-shirt. “Oh my Gooood, I’m so hungry,” he whined.
Callum "You were too busy wheezing thirty minutes ago, Chip Butty." Callum shot back. He assumed Kian's complaints stemmed from him being out of shape and not wanting to trudge through the jungle. Well, tough shit. They had to work as a team. Callum made a small face at Dash when he whined but ultimately understood. They were burning precious energy wandering mindlessly through the jungle. It sucked but how else were they going to find food? "Like, maybe look at the ground and shit," he suggested after a moment to be helpful. "Do root vegetables grow on islands?"
Kian Between somehow racking up the most tallies during Never Have I Ever despite being boring as shit, Callum’s dig at his current physical state, and his damn sore tits, Kian was thisclose to going off on him. Again. “‘Maybe look at the ground.’” He nodded sagely. “Real helpful, any other nuggets of wisdom you can spare us?”
Jungle In the nearby bushes, there is rustling that stops the boys in their tracks.
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