#Lyle too
lupuspluvio · 2 months
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The contrast of editing J.J and Salem vs Lyle and Kian 💀
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vita-divata · 1 year
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Make-up experiments
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aberfaeth · 7 months
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templnut · 2 months
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more gundam with some Neil sketches
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relicofkorax · 1 month
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welcome to using whatever I have laying around as props... lol
Sculpted a body under the suit, as OOC as it feels.. And I actually think Lyle has some lean muscle- not completely shredded though.
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dei-ryuu · 5 months
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Long post, but here’s the compilation of all the Tiger & Bunny dragon designs I did over the past couple of months
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lemonyinks · 7 months
I yearn for an au where Lyle and Querl are in their late twenties-early thirties and they are both university professors (Chemistry and Physics respectively). They went to college together and are now married, but no one, either staff or students, realize they are married because they act like enemies.
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proffesionalalpaca · 25 days
Things I’d love to see in Avatar 3
1. Varang is a cleopatra like figure; I don’t mean a captivating beauty but a deadly strategist, intelligent negotiator, innovative thinker (cleopatra was a chemist among other many things) & formidable threat beyond the femme fatal archetype.
2. Quaritch & Lyle’s growing understanding of the Na’vi language shown with broken sentences in the subtitles, only showing what they can understand - enough but not quite.
3. Jake & Neytiri (plus the kids) still grieving for their eldest and adjusting to life with that missing piece
4. Lo’ak finding his stride as a Metkayina and making efforts to prove his worthiness of Tsireya to her parents
5. Spider carving out a place for himself among the Na’vi despite Neytiri’s hostility
6. Tuk beginning to grow from a child and into the warrior she’ll one day become - giving Jake 2 or 3 heart attacks daily
7. The Wind trader tribe being chill nomadic traders who just roll with the insane nonsense that happens around the main characters: Archenemy resurrected? - bummer, Teenage girl controls the environment like a Demi-god? - very cool, Sky person boy just walking around acting genuinely Na’vi? - I like your stripes brother!
8. The Ash people being more than just aggressive warriors but who are rather a calculating and intelligent culture - one that, compared to other Na’vi clans, is uniquely multi-cultured from the many generations of outcasts from other tribes who brought their own skills, knowledge and aspects of their culture into the collective. - complete with Na’vi subspecies we have yet to see (Tundra/snow Na’vi? Taiga?) , hybridised offspring and descendants of them just intergrated into the cultural identity of the ash people.
HC - Varang is like 1/4 wind-trader/dessert na’vi and has a tundra Na’vi somewhere in her ancestral family tree.
9. Showcasing that a good portion of new humans arriving to Pandora come as refugees who genuinely mean no harm to Pandora and RDA staff who are opposed to the measures being taken by the leadership against the natives.
10. Exploration of Na’vi history and why the ash people appear to be outcasts themselves among other Na’vi. -my theory is that they were once an advanced civilisation like the Aztecs but were destroyed like them by all the Na’vi they ticked off under the first Toruk Makto (who supposedly rallied the clans to defeat a volcano- oral history passed by hundreds of generations and metaphor diluting the real history - instead defeating the tribe of the volcano?)-
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lizzarts · 1 year
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Justice Day memories!
Ran out of time and energy to do photos of everyone, sorry origami rock and the newbies 😔
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cupiidzbow · 5 months
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also omg achhd is one of my fav games ever I just love decorating and world building games but also I adore the in game employees. i like the idea of having a good relationship with all of them i think …..
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dejablueballs · 1 year
Deja Blue/Avatar hc
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a/n: Just some silly ideas and hcs abt the blue crew. Wanted to put in my two cents, they're random and are just my personal mind vomit. They have no real personalities or lore so regard this as horseshit if you want <3 also these were all the ones I could remember!!!
Miles Quaritch: Objectively, bad at sex. Was an old man in his prime with power and money to burn, i can assure you he doesn't care about where the clit is much less if his partner cums. Probably doesn't believe in the female orgasm. Thinks ten minutes of missionary is good enough. If he really cares about who hes fucking sure he'll give you a good time but 9/10 hes just not fun in bed [think of strickland in tsow]
Lyle Wainfleet: Loves fat women, gotta be 200lb and over to ride this ride, no stretch marks? no service! Will deny so because of toxic masculinity. Acts disgusted and laughs with his little friend group to keep up appearances but will be on his knees begging for his big babe to sit on his face the same night
Recom Mansk: Doesn't laugh often, its very hard to make the stone cold bastard even snicker but when he laughs he fucking laughs. Big snorting chortling open throat guffaws, cant be controlled or stopped. He has the tendency to puke if he laughs too hard so thats another reason he keeps it under wrap. weak ass gag reflex
Recom Z-dog: was a hardcore horse girl her entire adolescence and never quite grew out of it, daydreams about riding and owning a direhorse
Recom Fike: insecure manlet, was a short man and is now the shortest recom. Tends to puff up, flex or otherwise start shit to assert his masculinity. Stands on his tippy toes during arguments. Can't argue without tearing up, learned how to mask it when human but now he just pops if overwhelmed
Recom Prager: the man with the plan, i.e recreational drugs. Always keeps an ounce or a tab on him, hence the spaced out look. Living as a human on pandora can be stressful so he found a great way to cope. Nothing hardcore just reggie, acid, valium etc etc just small things to help ease stressed soldiers. If caught he will lie and throw whoevers closest under the bus
Recom Ja: just notebooks upon notebooks of bad poetry, keeps one on hand in case ideas ever spark or if smthg abt pandora really inspires him. Its all very bad or bland poetry, hes smart enough to know so and never shares anything he writes. Probably some "saw a snail, effervescent" type bullshit in there or ripped off lines to strengthen his stanzas. Keeps small logs on his day to day life, very boring
Recom Brown: loves taking selfies of himself, working out, meetings, private or hang time. Doesn't matter, just enjoys self documentation. probably has a locked folder of his own dick pics. Def the type to measure
Recom Lopez: was raised devout catholic, priest, baptisms etc etc all the big catholic stuff so you'll usually see him with a silver cross necklace or a rosary during special occasions [good friday, ash wednesday, lent, chrsitmas etc etc] Not preachy about it but hes silently judgmental. Listens to sermons with headphones while alone or working out. Always be able to catch him watching the older sunday service channel since he doesn't have access to earth cable in real time. Has several small christian tattoos. He's like mac from always sunny, basically
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tea-cat-arts · 2 years
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If this was all stated in APHO2, sorry, I completely forgot about it
Anyways, I remember seeing this theory on here awhile ago (sorry, I don’t remember who posted it. If you see this, let me know and I’ll credit you) that Adam was the stigma awakened child being trafficked that Mei rescued and sent to Raven’s orphanage. We know there was a period of time before either Adam or Lyle enlisted in Schicksal where they lived together, so I think the conformation of Lyle being at Raven’s orphanage gives more weight to that theory as well???
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Lyle just minding his own damn business and Earthgov just taps him like "Hey your romantic partner choice is too high of a risk, you must end the association immediately" and he's all "the what fuck off" and everything falls apart.
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zootsutra · 2 months
If this doesn't have Quaritch x Jake energy all over I don't want to know
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I know we say "find someone who is as proud of you as Neytiri is proud of Jake" . Well I'll do one more "find someone who is as loyal and dedicated to you as Wainfleet is to Quaritch" ❤️
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lemonyinks · 2 months
I'm all for the hc of Lyle being a decent cook and think domestic life with him and Brainy is super cute, but my personal headcanon is that that man can't cook at all. Just absolute dogshit at it. He seems like the type who, when he actually remembers to eat, just lives off of sandwiches, food from the cafeteria, and some of his favorite takeout spots. I think it's very funny but that's probably just me
lmfao i could also see this
Imagine the trouble he and brainy would be in if neither of them could cook. They are so deficient in so many things.
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