#Kian has issues that go unresolved for a while
lupuspluvio · 2 months
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The contrast of editing J.J and Salem vs Lyle and Kian 💀
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I honestly can't wait for this Cam crap to be over. It feels like SO many other storylines have suffered as a result of being shoved to the sidelines so that they can focus more on the sl/character they clearly care more about when issue led sls should ALWAYS take priority. There are so many things that have not been given the attention/care they deserve. Why is Kian now suddenly fine? Where was Donna's grief? Don't get me started on the piss poor start to the Hanssen storyline.
I 100% agree with you, anon.
It’s fucking ridiculous how many stories over the last 2 years have been pushed aside just for the sake of goddamned Cameron. Important storylines and often long-running characters, dropped to prioritise some boring serial killer story that nobody even likes!
Chloe’s trauma from Evan, dropped and left unresolved within months. Donna’s grief never addressed. Kian’s addiction ignored, because I guess showing him trying to get through recovery is “boring” when they could just change the focus to Cameron instead. Jac’s exit barely getting any promo, while Cameron’s exit has had plenty. Sacha’s grief, him getting into an abusive relationship, said abusive partner miscarrying his child... all forgotten about now. A massive, upsetting revelation about Henrik’s past, sidelined and treated as a B-plot because apparently the Cameron story is more important. We could go on and on and on.
I hate it so much. All these stories deserve better than to be thrown to the wayside for a boring, privileged white male serial killer to get all the fucking attention and hype.
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