#July 11th is the finals and syco tweet anniversary
louiscassettes · 3 years
brb i'm doing hot girl shit (manifesting for louis to release new music by the end of this month)
🧿 369 🧿 369 🧿
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twopoppies · 3 years
Hi! Thanks for reblogging my theory! I was just explaining how 369 might mean a number of days counting since when Louis tweeted about Syco (July 11th 2020) adding it makes July 15th 2021. Also how it's weird he didn't announce a label right away so there must be some sort of waiting period (a year and a few days could be it) also pointed out how July 15th is the day after the anniversary of the pregnancy announcement which was on July 14th 2015 and finally mentioned what happened with the merch thing. That's all!
Again thanks for rb it! ❤
👀👀👀 I actually understood all of that (yay for high school Español), except the part about the pregnancy which... literally gave me goosebumps. Wow. If you feel like translating it into English, I’m happy to reblog again 😉
in reference to this post
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br1t1sh-sh0wer · 3 years
Larry Timeline Jul-2020
-> July 11th, maybe one of the happiest news I’ve ever had. Louis twitted:
“Hope everyone is doing ok! Just wanted to let you know that Syco Music and I have agreed to part ways. I'm really excited for the future and to be back in the studio writing the next album. Can't wait to finally see you all on tour!! Stay safe and see you soon, Louis x”
Many people started thinking they’d come out, but it didn’t happened. Also, after questioned why he had signed the tweet, he replied with “I wanted to make it official”.
-> July 13th, Spotify changed MMITH lyrics from “you” to “he”. After this some people realized that he actually sings he, and not you.
-> July 15th, Some people claim (me included) to listen to Harry’s and Louis’s voice in Eleanor’s Instagram Storie. Harry says “Are you ok?” and after some hesitation, Louis answers “No.” :(
-> July 15th, Anne, Harry’s mom, stops following Eleanor.
-> July 17th, Gemma, Harry’s sister, stops following Eleanor. 
We have more proof that they’re actually together. Some things happened by this time that I didn’t say cuz they weren’t important nor relationated to larry. But here’s someone explaining it all cuz I’m too dumb and too lazy to do it myself. 
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-> July 23rd, (One Direction’s 10th year anniversary), Louis follows Harry (and Zayn).
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