#Kanzeito Ratia
kuroizawaai · 7 years
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i can’t sleep i swear i didn't meant to camp 3am chat in mysme
still not sure which design i’ll use for her app aaaaaaa
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kuroizawaai · 7 years
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i’m not dead yet o)-< just having a massive artblock-
also idk why my sai kept erroring/failing every time i tried to save my works in sai or jpeg format -_- gj sai
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kuroizawaai · 10 years
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Association: Starlight Breeze Guild of Al de Baran
Genderbent Alt: [Kanzeito Ravi]
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AU Counterpart: [AION - Youmei Ratia]
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kuroizawaai · 10 years
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This page is outdated and will not be updated further.
Updated version: [Soul Reaper] Youmei Ratia
Association: Starlight Breeze Guild of Al de Baran
Genderbent Alt: [Kanzeito Ravi]
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Old Version: [Taekwon] Kanzeito Ratia
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AU Counterpart: [AION - Youmei Ratia]
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kuroizawaai · 11 years
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Name: Aethe Deziel Wyvinguard
Class: [Offensive] Arch Bishop
Job: Mercenary at Schwarzeritter, currently hired by Prontera Church as an investigator.
Birth Date:  23th December [ ♑ ] (21 years old)
Height/Weight: 179cm
Race: Human, has a mix of elven blood
He chooses to remain quiet around strangers, only talks a bit to them if necessary.
Default expression: pokerface
Determined and highly responsible. Once he focus over a thing, its hard to divert his attention and usually he sinks in his own world until he get his job done.
Quite an observant, he often pays attention to small details often unnoticed by other people.
After his best friend’s death, he grew more solitary than before. He prefers doing things on his own and sometimes involuntarily putting himself in danger.
Despite of his appearance, he has very good sense of humour. Sometimes having a hard time stopping himself from a laughing fit.
Troll. Especially to his brother Callen. He also likes to troll emperium breakers in guild sieges by Aspersio-ing them / Safety-Walling the emperium.
Bookworm, likes to spend most of his free time reading in Juno Library. He is also a fast learner.
Dense. Very dense.
Hobbies: Reading, training, trolling, playing his guitar.
Likes: Books, coffee, his sister, peculiar and weird pet species
Dislikes: Supporting, deadlines
Background Story
Aethe is mentored and trained by his seniors, Ioth and Xath, since he was young, makes him to develop unique battle style similar to a two-handed swordsman, but far more agile like assassins. He depends heavily on duple light and bowling bash to fend off his enemies, and uses his adoramus as his finisher attack. He doesn’t build his endurance, mainly relies on is agility and his spells to defend himself from incoming attack. His weapons are adjusted to fit his battle style, with his divine crosses are in identical length and size. His staff are tampered and restrengthened like a spear.
After his childhood friend Lucia ran away from the Royal Palace, he was imprisoned in Prontera’s Prison, along with Ratia by Lucia’s older brother Avner, with charge of kidnapping a member of the Royal Family member.
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Weapon: Divine Cross, Staff of Piercing, (Double Bloody Double Slicing) Combo Battle Gloves
He is never proud with his physical looks, especially his heterochromic eyes. He sees them as a defect and tries to cover them by wearing a glasses most of the time.
When it comes to romantical hints directed to him, he is rather dense. Until now, there was five girls who took a liking in him, but he failed to notice them until they gave up[???].
He hates supporting, mostly because he sucks at it. Unlike his brother, he’s only capable of supporting a small group because he gets exhausted faster when he uses his healing spells.
In Nameless Island after he used Redemptio to save his brother and comrades, he survived but the skill takes permanent effect on his body. His heals grow weaker and he also had chest pains (particularly on the left) if he pushed himself to use his magic power, but managed to hide it from his friends and family. He had been warned that next time he used Redemptio, he will die.
His rosary was given by Xathanael when he became a Priest. It has a deep blue jewel ornated to it, the colour matches his blue eye.
Ranked solo as a D class, working his way to rank C. Until now, he is the youngest member in the guild who achieved Elite-II title (acquired when he was 18).
After the war against Satan Morrocc, he was given a title of honor “Elite Member of Continental Guard”.
He treasures a wooden guitar his childhood friends gave to him on his 16th birthday. He often practices his play but he never sing in public.
Since Ceylon’s death, he grew more protective towards Ratia and Lucia, out of guilt and feeling he have to take responsibility to take over his role by protecting their childhood friends.
Quite fond of weird creatures[?]. He also collects peculiar pet species, such as golem.
Has a scaredy, maso pet Whisper named Chervo. He sometimes used it as a stressball or mask, but Chervo still stick around him. The Whisper usually hides inside his wardrobe or in his bag.
He is also quite fond of one of his guild’s Peco mount whom is named Taisto.
Nate Wyvinguard - Father.
Millia Wyvinguard - Mother whom he looks up to. Learned trolling from her.
Callen Wyvinguard - Older brother. He calls him by his middle name, Azriel. Aethe often kept things secret from him because he doesn’t want to trigger his anxiety.
Evelyn Wyvinguard - Younger sister, loves to spoil her.
Xathanael Valtteri - He mentors him when he was younger, helps him to develop his melee staff skills.
Ioth Sabrathan - Mentor and close friend. He often went to him if he had anything he couldn’t tell his older brother Callen.
Ceylon Galladriel - Former best friend/working partner in Schwarzeritter. He got killed when he tried to save Aethe from Satan Morroc’s incantations. Until now he still feels guilty and responsible for his death.
Kanzeito Ratia - Best friend/partner in crime. They are very close and often seen throwing insults at each other. Some people thought that they are dating.
Youmei Kiona - Unofficial goddaughter.
Lucia Heine - Childhood friend he used to be very close to but now they kind of drifted apart.
Elior Heine - Hired him as an (overpriced) mailman to deliver letters to his sister Lucia. He hates but also likes the job at the same time.
Genderbent Alt: [Atherina Diniel Wyvinguard]
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AU Counterpart: [AION - Aethe Wyvinguard]
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kuroizawaai · 9 years
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Name: Kanzeito Chizuru
Class: Knight
Job: N/A
Height: 146cm
Race: Human
Background Story
Chizuru or formerly known as Daisy, is a young Knight who were abandoned in Pronteran Orphanage when she was just barely a year old. She somehow shares similar physical traits and resemblance to Nemuro, Ratia’s older brother, which Lucia noticed when she worked at the orphanage as a volunteer. The little girl’s background was investigated by the Kanzeito siblings, and turns out that she really is Nemuro’s half sister. Upon their findings, Yuuji decided to adopt her as well. She adores her new family, especially her big sister, and always try her best to make her proud.
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Weapon: +7 Katana [4]
When Lucia came across her, she were called as Daisy, a name given by the nuns in the orphanage. When Yuuji adopted her, he gave her a new name: Chizuru ( 千鶴 ), which literally means ‘thousand cranes’.
Kanzeito Yuuji - Adoptive father.
Kanzeito Ratia - Older sister, she looks up to her and always wanted to be ‘awesome like her’.
Kanzeito Nemuro - Half brother
Youmei Sho - Brother in law.
Youmei Kiona - Niece
Noctrune - A friend she knows back in the orphanage, they reunited as he ended up being taken in as an apprentice by a member in their guild.
Lucia Heine - Friend.
Aethe Wyvinguard - Friend. She gets to know him as he often stops by to hang out with her sister and their guildmate Lucia. She calls him ‘big bro Aethe’.
Association: Starlight Breeze Guild of Al de Baran
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kuroizawaai · 8 years
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Name: Youmei Kiona
Class: N/A
Job: N/A
Birth Date: (1 year old)
Height: 80cm
Race: Youkai/Tengu
Shy and quiet at first, often hiding behind her relatives in front of strangers. Her cheery, friendly side shows up when she warms up to people.
Despite her young age, she have quite good manner and behavior, though she can be a little stubborn at times.
Usually passive, but she can get really energetic when excited, much like her mother when she was young (often caught her guardian by surprise as she is still quite clumsy on her feet).
She calls her uncles “Papa” and her aunts “Mama”, which often confuses people at first meeting (ex. Nemuro → “Papa Nemu”).
Background Story
Sho and Ratia’s young daughter. She is very shy and often seen hiding behind her parents or guardian.
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Weapon: N/A
Ratia calls her “Sugar”, while the others nicknamed her “Princess”. Probably the nickname comes from her usual tiara-like hairband (or because her mother is “the Queen”[??]).
She is allergic to cats.
Despite she is still very young, she had started showing signs of proficiency in magic.
She has a tame Filir pet she named Butterball (because the yellow color of its eyes reminded her of butter). The bird is usually seen following her everywhere. According to Ratia, she grew to love birds ever since her father gifted her the homunculus.
Youmei Sho - Father
Kanzeito/Youmei Ratia - Mother
Kanzeito Yuuji - Grandfather
Kanzeito Nemuro - Uncle
Kanzeito Chizuru - Aunt
Aethe Wyvinguard - Godfather, she calls him ‘Papa Ziel’.
Alicia Blanche - Friend, often hanging out together. Kio adores her but sometimes she get a little overwhelmed by her bright personality.
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AU Counterpart: [AION - Youmei Kiona]
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kuroizawaai · 9 years
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Name: Kanzeito Yuuji
Class: [Wind/Water-type] Sorcerer
Job: Kannushi of Inari-kami shrine
Birth Date:  23 August [ ♍ ] (48 years old)
Height: 178cm
Race: Human
Usually calm and very rational.
Have a tendency to involuntarily freeze everything around him when he’s angry, or surprised.
Strict and serious.
Background Story
The head of Kanzeito family. He was married to Shiori, and father to three children: Nemuro, Ratia and Chizuru. Yuuji is a Sorcerer who serves as a kannushi at his family’s shrine, dedicated to Inari-Kami, the Goddess of the eastern country, Amatsu. He often appears calm and cold headed, but he have a tendency to involuntarily freeze everything around him when he’s angry, or surprised. Due to his encounter with a certain priest in the past, he harbors some kind of hatred towards Odin Priests, although he somehow managed to conceal it.
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Weapon:  +10 Cold Magic Book [2], Monocle [1]
He had mastered ice and wind type spells, such as Diamond Dust and Varetyr Spear.
When he was studying in Schwicherbil Academy in Juno, he had learned how to brew Coldproof Potions from an alchemist.
Father to three children, with Ratia being his only direct descendant. Nemuro was his apprentice that he and his wife adopted not long after their marriage. When Ratia and Nemuro managed to find his son’s half-sister, Chizuru, he decided to adopt her as well.
He is incapable to bond with Ratia, as she almost looks exactly like his late wife, even more as she grows older. He is really protective of her but he is emotionally distant towards her. Yuuji kind of letting her to do whatever she wants to compensate his lack of affection.
When Ratia turned 10 years old and her power grew stronger, a youkai leader came to him and offered to help with her training. Although he wanted to turn him down, he didn’t and heavy-hardheartedly let her to go with him after he sees how struggling she is with her training.
His hatred towards Odin priests appeared after a radical, racist priest tried to kill Ratia as she is a kitsune, and Nemuro who tried to protect her from the Priest. According to Nemuro, it was the first time he ever see him that angry. Unfortunately, the priest escaped and ever since he isn’t able to trust any Odin priests.
Fumiko is a Miyabi Ningyo who serves the family as the household caretaker. He is also the original owner of Jinsei before the fox were passed down to his daughter Ratia.
Kanzeito Shiori - Wife, she passed away in an incident.
Kanzeito Ratia - Daughter. He is incapable to bond emotionally with her, and isn’t aware she already figured that out early on.
Kanzeito Nemuro - Adoptive son and apprentice. since Nemuro was young Yuuji had complete faith in him to look after his sister Ratia.
Kanzeito Chizuru - Adoptive daughter. He gave her a new name when he adopted her.
Youmei Sho - Son in law.
Youmei Kiona - Granddaughter
Junna Kouki - The guardian kitsune of Kanzeito family. TBA
Honjo Tokube - TBA
Aethe Wyvinguard - He lets his daughter befriend him after Aethe tries to smite him when they first met in attempt to protect Ratia[???]. Probably the first priest he think he could trust after the incident.
Millia Wyvinguard - After she convinces him somehow that not all priests are evil and cleared the misunderstanding, they somehow become kind of friends[??]. Although they never meet each other again they still send gifts for their respective family.
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kuroizawaai · 9 years
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Characters on this page mostly are my RO characters adjusted for Aion universe. Some of them had slight difference compared to their counterpart. Names are sorted by alphabetical order and linked to their respective tags.
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Aethe Deziel Wyvinguard - [TBA]
Class: Chanter Position: Legionary
Full page profile: [AION - Aethe D. Wyvinguard]
[ORIGINAL] Ragnarök Online Counterpart: [Aethe D. Wyvinguard]
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Caitrinel Archibald - Caitrinel is an Elysean Daeva Cleric, member of Scuto Volucrique legion. As a cleric, she went to study the path of full support healer and comes to master several difficult spells that had helped her allies in battle. She is currently placed under constant supervision by Xath after an incident that had left her with dificullity at remembering things.
Class: Cleric Position: Legionary
Full page profile: [Catrinel Archibald]
AU Counterpart: [Ragnarök Online - Catrinel Archibald]
Callen Azriel Wyvinguard - The legion’s third (sometimes the second) in command. He is the oldest son of the Wyvinguard family. [TBA]
Class: Cleric Position: Deputy
[ORIGINAL] Ragnarök Online Counterpart: [TBA]
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Citrinne Maviska - An Elysean Archdaeva Cleric who has recently been hired by the legion to temporarily take Cait’s place as a healer in her absence. She seems to have developed a crush towards Koshinuke since he saved her in Archives of Eternity.
Class: Cleric Position: Legionary
AU Counterpart: [TBA]
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Evelyn Rachiel Wyvinguard - Youngest daughter of the Wyvinguards, she ascended at 8 years old. Despite of her age, she soon figured out how to manipulate aether through music, quickly climbing the ranks faster than her peers.
Class: Songweaver Position: Legionary
[ORIGINAL] Ragnarök Online Counterpart: [TBA]
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Ilvaskia Auttenberg - [TBA]
Class: Aethertech Position: Centurion
Full page profile: [Ilvaskia Auttenberg]
AU Counterpart: [Ragnarök Online - Ilvaskia Auttenberg]
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Ioth Sabrathan - An assassin who often sent to infiltrate enemy lines. He was an officer before he relinquished his rank a week later, in favor of getting less paperwork as a soldier. Infamous for accidentally turning everything he crafted to high quality items (procs), to the point of giving him hard time in completing his tailor exam.
Class: Assassin Position: Legionary
[ORIGINAL] Ragnarök Online Counterpart: [TBA]
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Youmei Kiona - Sho and Ratia’s young daughter who are a human. Although her parents and their legionmates often spoils her a lot, she is still very shy and timid, even to her own father. Often seen hiding behind her mother or her caretaker Beowulf in presence of people she is not close to. She admires her mother and her uncle Nemuro, and wanted to be a mage like them.
Class: Mage Position: -
[ORIGINAL] Ragnarök Online Counterpart: [TBA]
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Millia Atheliel Wyvinguard - The matriarch of the Wyvinguards, she is the wife of Nate and mother to three children, which curiously all ascended as daevas. Loves trolling her legionmates and is at pranking war with her youngest son, Aethe.
Class: Chanter Position: -
[ORIGINAL] Ragnarök Online Counterpart: [Millia Wyvinguard]
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Kanzeito Nemuro - [TBA]
Class: Sorcerer Position: Deputy
[ORIGINAL] Ragnarök Online Counterpart: [Kanzeito Nemuro]
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Noxus Neveau - A mysterious sorcerer who saved Cait from Narakali. [TBA]
Class: Sorcerer Position: -
[ORIGINAL] Ragnarök Online Counterpart: [Noxus Neveau]
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Youmei Ratia - An Elysean Archdaeva from Scuto Volucrique Legion, who often acts as Brigade General in place of the original founder and leader, Xathanael. She is married to Youmei Sho and mother to a daughter, Kiona.
Class: Spiritmaster Position: Deputy
Full page profile: [AION - Kanzeito Ratia]
[ORIGINAL] Ragnarök Online Counterpart: [TBA]
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Rinelli Aislynn Himmelreich - [TBA]
Class: Templar Position: Centurion
AU Counterpart: [TBA]
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Roseillia Blancallion - A senior Songweaver under legion Scuto Volucrique. Formerly known as Lucia, and is the rumored she is the missing lady from the fallen Heine house (she would often dismiss any conversation that mentioned that). She is often sent to long solo missions, resulting her independency and swift moves. She befriended a Cleric, Valentine, and ever since they became partner-in-crime.
Class: Songweaver Position: Legionary
[ORIGINAL] Ragnarök Online Counterpart: [Lucia Heine]
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Youmei Sho - also known under alias Katoi Mikuo, is a half elysean-asmodian Gunslinger who are often sent to spy on Asmodian movements in Norsvold. Was raised in eastern part of Elysea, he still harbors deep hatred towards Asmodians as he found out that they had imprisoned his sickly, younger human half brother Okita, accusing him as a traitor, until his death. To protect his identity and family’s safety from his missions, he dyes his hair to dark green. He is husband to Ratia and father to Kiona, which he just recently started to accept and embrace.
Class: Gunslinger Position: -
[ORIGINAL] Ragnarök Online Counterpart: [TBA]
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Xathanael Valtteri - Founder and Brigade General of Scuto Volucrique legion, who currently in absence as he in mission to investigate The Garden of Knowledge. He appointed Ratia in his absence as leader and decision maker for the legion.
Class: Gladiator Position: Brigade General
[ORIGINAL] Ragnarök Online Counterpart: [TBA]
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[UPDATE: 5.5] Sanctum - Dredgion Defense and Bastion of Souls
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kuroizawaai · 10 years
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This page is outdated and will not be updated further.
Updated version: [Soul Linker] Kanzeito Ratia
Name: Kanzeito Ratia
Class: Taekwon
Job: Apprentice Soul Linker
Birth Date: Amatsu, 19th April [ ♈ ] (10 years old)
Height/Weight: 124cm/30kg
Race: Kitsune
Loud. Always opening doors violently with a bang.
Stubborn and doesn’t react well to challenges.
Still somewhat kind of naive and often puts her people’s needs and happiness above herself.
Likes to give weird nicknames to people.
Has a habit of switching language when she got really pissed (swears at whoever she’s picking fight with, and with foreign language too).
Hobbies: Sparring, reading, watching her surrounding from high places.
Likes: Books, calligraphy, tofu, tea, peaches and azuki.
Dislikes: People who can’t keep their promise, chocolate.
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Items: Kitsune Bell Ribbon [1]
Background Story
Her real eye colour was emerald green, inherited from her father. When she ‘ascended’ into a kitsune, it turns permanently into honey-gold, which according to Sho and Senri, was Kouki’s eye colour.
In her ‘true form’, she got fox ears and tail in the same tone as her hair.
Her fire type attacks burns with light blue flame. Her other elemental attacks also has a hint of light blue. She has a habit of engulfing herself in her magic flame in fights. When she is bored or thinking deeply, she often plays with a tiny flame in her palms.
Despite of her behavior, a lot guys found her attractive[???] and often tries to woo her (and usually they ends up getting kicked/punched in the face).
Jinsei 「人生」, her three-tailed white fox name means “life”. The fox has dense pure-white, fluffy double coat with dark blue markings. Sometimes he forgot his massive size and tries to enter through a door that are designed for humans, which makes him stuck and needs help getting himself out. A giant with a over-friendly, lively, gentle and calm personality. He seems smarter than average foxes and quick to understand human languages and gesture. His favorite foods are salmon, persimmons, cherries and peanut butter.
Kanzeito Yuuji - Father.
Kanzeito Shiori - Mother. She died on the day she was born.
Kanzeito Nemuro - Adoptive brother whom she grew really close to.
Junna Kouki - Fox guardian spirit to Kanzeito family. When she was young he gave Ratia his power, along with his life to save her from her illness.
Honjo Tokube - Mentor and teacher who also the leader of small youkai clan he simply called as Yuurei. She calls him sensei. Although sometimes he’d troll people (and embarasses his clan members), he’s the closest to a father figure to her.
Youmei Sho - A tengu in the clan and the guardian spirit to Azai family. He dislikes her as he still partly blamed his best friend, Kouki’s death.
Senri - [TBA]
Ayame - Fellow trainee and friend. They both often went to play tricks on unsuspecting humans during summer.
Association: Starlight Breeze Guild of Al de Baran
Genderbent Alt: [Kanzeito Ravi]
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AU Counterpart: [AION - Youmei Ratia]
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kuroizawaai · 8 years
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kuroizawaai · 8 years
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MMD wips, its been a while I rendered something and since my laptop got a virus, I can’t render videos with too many effects now >x>;;
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kuroizawaai · 8 years
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Name: Youmei Ratia (maiden name: Kanzeito Ratia)
Class: Spiritmaster
Job: Deputy and Acting Brigade General of Scuto Volucrique Legion, Elysean Alchemy Master.
Birth Date: 19 April (ascended at 18 years old)
Height/Weight: 158cm/46kg
Race: Elysean Archdaeva
Weapon: Harvester Orb, Apollon Spellbook
She grows calmer and mellower than her old self, though rarely she still act like a brat like she used to be.
A decent tactician and quite of a natural leader, but she still having a bit problem in controlling her composure. When she is calm, she can be very mature.
She still does anything that she wants when she want it.
Likes to give weird nicknames to people.
Has a habit of switching language when she got really pissed (swears at whoever she’s picking fight with, and with foreign language too).
After she had Kio, she somehow developed stronger maternal instinct, unconsciously treated daevas younger than her (in matter of their age after they ascend) as kids. Therefore, her legion members started calling her “The Legion Mom”.
Despite of all that, she does behave more reserved and polite than she usually are in front of her daughter.
Hobbies: Sparring, reading, doing calligraphy, challenging people (particularly Asmodians) into duels.
Likes: Pampering her daughter, books, calligraphy, tofu, tea, peaches and azuki.
Dislikes: People who can’t keep their promise, chocolate.
Background Story
Ratia is a Spiritmaster who was born in a small town in ancient eastern part of Elysea. She lived there in peace with her elysean-human father Yuuji and her adoptive brother Nemuro, until drakans suddenly attacked their town. Her wish of being able to protect her town had triggered her ascension to a daeva. Unfortunately, her town were destroyed before reinforcement from Sanctum arrive, completely wiping it off together with the surrounding regions.
Several years after she ascended, she went missing on a mission involving the Balaurs and Asmodians in Reshanta, which drives Nemuro to join Reshanta Legionary Forces to look for her. Her partner at that time, Sho, also went to search for her in Asmodae. Ten years later, she was found and brought back to Sanctum by a rescue team. When she came back, she somehow are able to speak in fluent Drakan, when she previously haven't mastered the language yet, and her wings turned dragon-like. She didn’t remember anything before she was brought to Sanctum.
[4.8] Upheaval - Rise of Cygnea and Enshar
As Xathanael were called to lead an investigation party to Drakenspire Depths, he appointed Ratia as the temporary Brigade General of Scuto Volucrique Legion. [TBA]
[UPDATE 5.5] Sanctum - Dredgion Defense and Bastion of Souls
Several members of the legion was caught off guard as the Ereshkigal Legion suddenly attacked Elysean capital, Sanctum. In the middle of chaos, Caitrinel, along with Ioth was assigned in different alliances than the rest of the group. Ratia, who was in Poeta with her daughter Kiona, grew uneasy as she noticed she cannot contact her legion members and immediately flew to Sanctum to assist the siege.
After dredgion defense, eventually the missing legion members was found again except Cait, who got into separate alliance. She was found heavily injured and unconscious by Cloud Steinshield, an Elysean Daeva Gladiator who was stationed in a post near her old village. He brought her back to his place and nurses her back to health, but as she can’t recall anything while on his care, it took him a while to find which legion she belongs to.
Few days after Cloud posted information about her, Ratia and Sho meet him to bring her back, but shocked upon finding out that the Cleric had lost most of her memory as a daeva, along with some of her experiences in battle. She was only able to recall the time not long after she ascended and recently joined Scuto Volucrique.
Her real eye colour was emerald green, inherited from her father. When she ascended, it somehow turned permanently to honey yellow, which she passed to her daughter Kio.
[UPDATE] Since Xathanael had returned from his mission, she returned to the Brigade General position to him, but she still manages the legion and assigns members to missions. When no one could volunteer for a mission, she often steps in and did it herself (although either Sho or Nemuro hardly will let her to do it by herself).
Her sense of responsibility (including settling off problems by the Legion’s newly ascended and inexperienced daevas), added by her stronger maternal instinct earned her nickname “Legion’s Mom”, though she isn’t amused by the nickname and usually will threaten to nuke anyone who called her that with Stone Scour.
Apparently, when the pressure from work stressed her up too much, she went on rampage and killing spree to release her stress, usually in Theobomos. When she does this, her legion mates usually didn’t bother stopping her because they don’t want to get nuked as well.
When she has a free time, she usually tries to go back home so she can have a little time with her daughter. Even when it’s just lunch together or reading her a bedtime story.
[UPDATE] Fragments from the Tower of Eternity had ascended her further to an Archdaeva.
She owns a Yellow Naeda she named Jinsei and a Pagati Veyron she named Daiki. She also keeps a Rotund Ayas, Shirokotton, and a pet Porgus she called Gyoza.
Kanzeito Yuuji - Ratia’s human father. She is still sad whether she remembers him, as she can’t be by his side when he fell ill and passed away not long after.
Kanzeito Nemuro - Adoptive brother. They ascended together not long before their hometown were destroyed by the drakans.
Youmei Sho - Husband and partner. Apparently still likes to troll him by stealing[?] and using all of his money to buy expensive clothes for Kio.
Youmei Kiona - Ratia’s young daughter whom she treasures. Usually very quiet and shy, she often found hiding behind her mom.
Valorr D. Ryuma - An old friend she met in a mission years ago. [TBA]
[ORIGINAL] RO Counterpart: [Youmei Ratia]
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kuroizawaai · 9 years
 【脳漿炸裂ガール】ft. ルチア - らちあ (HD)
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kuroizawaai · 9 years
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脳漿炸裂ガール ft. ルチア/らちあ
Tda IYDD ルチア - Ver. 1.0
Tda IYDD らちあ - Ver. 1.3
idk if I should really do this pv with these IYDD models or use my chipao ones... yes that is an iPhone on Ratia and Lucy dropping[??] her galaxy S5--
I guess I just can hope my laptop doesn’t explode when rendering these videos-- my MMD already crashed twice when I try to load my IYDD models _(:3J  L)_ YOLO ALL THE WAY
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kuroizawaai · 9 years
R O L E P L A Y   C H A R A C T E R   S T A T S   S H E E T
Repost, replacing the old information with your muse’s information.
Hover underlined ‘links’ for better explanations, should you need them.
Pass it on to your mutuals for a better understanding of their muses.
Tagged by: warrior-of-odin, studiodecoco
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Name: Kanzeito Ratia Age: 19 Birthplace: Amatsu Birthday: 19th April Sun Sign: Aries Residence:  Al De Baran Marital Status: Engaged Alignment:  Chaotic Good
» L I K E S
Drink: Matcha Food: Tofu Day or Night: Day Snacks: Anything with azuki, taiyaki, dango Song:
Quote: “I DO WHAT I WANT!" Historical Character: Tokugawa Ieyasu[???] Pet: her white fox Jinsei, Cirillo[??] Book: The Art of War, folktale collection Colour: Navy blue, yellow Flower: Sunflower/lilium stargazer Sexuality: Heterosexual
» L O O K S
Body type: Small[?], athletic Eye colour: Was jade green, but now honey gold Hair colour: Brownish orange Body reference: x Beauty Scale: she don't give a f*ck
» T A G G I N G
riku-pyon, errorconnection, sgtfruitcake, dodomir23, chaseralias
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