#Karen Brockman Imagine
Sister - Karen Brockman
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Pairing: Karen Brockman x Reader (Platonic), Jake Brockman x Reader
Characters: Karen Brockman, Jake Brockman
Warnings: N/A
Request: N/A
Word Count: 561
Author: Hannah
Whenever you were in a relationship, it was bound to be a plus side to get on with the other’s family.
Of course, there was always a chance that you could clash with their parents or their siblings and it would end with their family not liking you at all.
You were lucky in that way as Jake’s family actually did like you.
Karen thought you were the big sister she never got, Ben enjoyed that there was someone who would join in with his imagination, and Sue and Pete were grateful to have another sensible head in the house.
Even though you and Jake had been together for just over a year, you were treated as if you had been family for such a long time.
Jake had appeared in your life from practically nowhere as you were in college together but Jake was the year above you.
However, you wouldn’t change his crazy arse being in your life.
Nor would you change his crazy family.
You had stayed the night at Jake’s house and due to your boyfriend not being awake, you had ventured downstairs to see Karen on the sofa in her dressing gown.
She turned to face you when you entered.
“Morning Y/N,” she greeted you.
You gave her a smile before sitting down next to her.
“You know how Jake is leaving for university like end of this year?”
Nodding your head in confirmation, she smiled back.
“Are you still going to come here and see us?”
“Of course, I am. I’m not missing out on the customary Sunday dinners.”
She smiled at your response and you put your arm around her shoulder.
“Plus, you know you can always drop me a text if you want and I’ll come over,” you suggested.
“I’d like that.”
The two of you sat there for a little longer, hugging and talking about things every now and then whilst the tv was on.
“You remember how I was talking to that boy?”
You looked down at her, “Yeah I do. Harvey, right?”
She smiled when she realised you had remembered. “Well…he kinda, sorta, asked me out on a date.”
“Seriously? Aw that’s so good,” you stated whilst being happy for her.
She laughed nervously. “I haven’t told the others because I know they’ll freak out,” she confessed.
“That’s okay sweet,” you reassured her. “What did he say you two would do?”
“He said that we could either go to the cinema or go out into town for the day.”
You shrugged. “Both sound good and you’ll have to tell me how it goes.”
“I just don’t want the others to know yet. They fully overreacted when Jake told us all about you, and I don’t want a repeat of that.”
You nodded in understanding.
“But he’s really sweet.”
“I don’t doubt it. He’ll fit right in here, I’m sure.”
After a few more moments of silence, Karen looked up at you.
She didn’t say anything straight away but had a smile on her face.
“You’re really like a sister to me Y/N,” she stated causing you to smile.
“You never know Karen, she could be your sister-in-law soon enough,” Jake’s sleepy voice came from the doorway.
You turned to face him, laughing, “I’m only eighteen next year Love, hold your horses.”
Karen hugged you slightly tighter “She’s already my sister.”
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gothicwidowsworld · 5 years
Outnumbered #1
Getting a job as the Brockman's babysitter, mainly looking after Ben and Karen as Jake was the nearly the same age as you. But just to be safe Sue and Pete didn't want to leave Jake in charge. Jake wanted to be mad but he had a major crush on you. He wasn't confident enough to talk to you in college so this was the next thing.
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A/N again it's not 100% accurate but yeah sue me 😝
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professorpski · 3 years
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Interweave Knits, Spring 2021
Yes, spring has come to the world of knitting patterns so that you can get something finished by the time the season rolls around. This issue has a variety of lace patterns for sweaters and a variety of shaped shawls in mixed fibers for the range of temperatures the season brings. I am keenest on the sweaters as I have figured out that my limited skills mean that I can actually finish sleeveless and short-sleeved sweaters before the season turns again.
On the cover, you see the old rose First Blush Sweater by Emily Ringelman which has one of those very deep, dramatic v-neck backs which only stay closed through a tie across the top of the shoulders. Of course, as anyone familiar with the project notes that knitters offer on Ravelry.com knows, altering a pattern is a common practice, so if you aren’t so keen on the back view and want a daytime sweater, feel free to do it . This was made in Kelbourne Woolens Mohave, a cotton/ linen blend. Another dramatic view comes with the Hopeful Romantic Top in taupe in Julie Asselin Leizu DK or Merino mostly and silk. Designed by Kate Scalzo, it has has a high collar, cut-in sleeves and a combination of stitches. You can easily imagine it worn at a spring wedding with a long skirt and a wrap.
Subtle Spring Tee in a pale pink by Rachel Brockman has top-down construction and a circular yolk marked by delicate leaf motifs, while the same top-down construction shapes Day Dreamer Tee by Susanna IC who shifts the lace down towards the hem line instead. The first is made from Fibra Natura Ravella which is mostly cotton with Merino wool and recycled cashmere to warm it up a bit while the second is Cascade Yarns Heritage Silk which is mostly Merino with silk added. 
Karen Frisa offers a article on the basics of knitting on the bias which is used in some of the shawls. There are also two pairs of socks, one you see on the cover. Interestingly, very few of the sweaters have any shaping at the waist, but again. If you prefer shaping, you can always make a few calculations as to how many decreases you need to make and then how many increases after that.
You can find it at your local newsstand, bookstore or online here: https://www.interweave.com/product-category/knitting/knitting-magazines/?section=knitting
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ramblingviolinist · 6 years
So... Basically I’m a terrible person and people have tagged me in a lot of things and I haven’t done any of them so here we go... Apologies that it’s so so late!!! (Also sorry if I miss a tag.) Thanks for the tags!
@ohpatreek, @eatapinkwafer, and @tangledupinmist tagged me in the “Get to Know Meme”
Name: Karen
Nickname: Kare, Kare-Kare, Kare Bear when I was little
Height: 5′1″ 
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Favorite Color: Blue
Time Right Now: 2:16 PM
Average Hours of Sleep: 6-8 
Lucky Number: 13
Last thing I googled: Klein Bottle (a math thing)
Number of blankets i sleep under: 2 in the summer, 4-5 in the winter
Favorite fictional character or favorite real life “famous” person: Shelagh Turner, Lucille Anderson, Leslie Knope, and the March sisters for fictional characters and Laura Main, Julie Andrews, Amy Poehler, and Angela Kinsey for famous people
Favorite Book : The Mozart Season
Favorite Bands/Artists: AJR, Rend Collective, Mumford and Sons, Adele
Hair/Eye Color: Black/Brown
Dream job: I’m not even sure, but something to do with music
Quote that inspires you: “Do not walk behind me; I may not lead. Do not walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend” -Albert Camus
10 Facts About me (tagged by @ohpatreek, @bbcshipper, and @tangledupinmist) I’m quite a boring person so this is a bit of a struggle.
1. My favorite number is 13.
2. I can solve a 3x3 Rubik’s Cube.
3. I know the names of all the American presidents in order.
4. I’m a violinist (if you couldn’t tell by my username), and I’m getting a university degree in music.
5. I’ve never been on a date.
6. My favorite animal is the giraffe.
7. I can lick my elbow.
8. I have the cutest dog named Fred. Seriously, he’s the cutest.
9. My favorite movie is The Sound of Music. I know A LOT about the true story and the movie and could probably quote the entire thing. 
10. One of my goals is to run a marathon.
RULES: We’re snooping on your playlist. Set your entire music library on shuffle and report the first 10 songs that pop up. Then choose 10 victims. ( @tangledupinmist and @ohpatreek tagged me )
It’s Time-- Imagine Dragons
Build Your Kingdom Here-- Rend Collective
Budapest-- George Ezra
Honey, Honey-- ABBA (from Mamma Mia)
Perfect-- Ed Sheeran
Someone Like You-- Adele
Mamma Mia-- ABBA
Awake My Soul-- Mumford and Sons
This is Amazing Grace-- Phil Wickham
Some Nights-- Fun. 
10 female characters
List 10 of your favourite female characters from 10 different fandoms (tagged by @tangledupinmist)
Shelagh Turner- Call the Midwife
April Ludgate-Dwyer- Parks and Rec 
Elsie Hughes/Carson- Downton Abbey
Phoebe Buffay- Friends
Paris Geller- Gilmore Girls
Maria von Trapp- The Sound of Music (does it count if they were real too?)
Karen Brockman- Outnumbered
Lucy Pevensie- The Chronicles of Narnia
Anne Shirley- Anne of Green Gables
The March Sisters- Little Women
Random questions from @eatapinkwafer (There were a lot so I’ll just choose some.) 
1. How much do your real life friends/family know about your fandom life?
I try to keep it on the down low because I go crazy when I’m in a fandom. They don’t know how much I get into shows. 
2. What’s a recurring theme of fanfictions of you OTP that you find annoying/dislike?
My OTP is Turnadette. I’ll probably get a lot of hate for this but I don’t like how people write Angela’s adoption and Teddy’s birth. Quite a few people often make it sound like they love Teddy more than Angela because he was “actually their child” and they just had to “settle” with Angela before they had Teddy. I love Teddy a lot and I’m so glad they had him, but the complexity of it all is often written strangely. 
3. What’s the meaning behind your tumblr name?
I talk a lot and I play the violin.
4. Have you ever written fanfic?
5. What was your first fandom?
Downton Abbey
6. Where would you like to see your OTP vacation and why?
Most anywhere in America because I live here and I’d love to see their impressions of everything.
7. Who are you most like personality wise in your favourite fandom?
Sister Winnifred, I love her cheekiness and sense of humor 
8. What’s something you’d never thought you’d do but have because of a fandom?
Read a mystery thriller ;) 
9. What scene first got you hooked to your OTP?
Shelagh helping Patrick through his breakdown in Season 4 (I first watched CtM sometimes with my parents and just saw random episodes before I watched it from the beginning.)
I’d be really surprised if you read all of this, but there’s a bit about me haha
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premayogan · 5 years
10 Business Books You Need to Read in 2019
When it comes to most-anticipated business books, Win or Die: Leadership Secrets From Game of Thrones is the one to beat, if endless Quora debates are anything to go by. We don't know much about that entry, which comes out in March. But here are 10 other titles that have us intrigued. They include new offerings from business celebrities Clayton Christensen, Simon Sinek, and Marcus Buckingham--and one from Oscar-winning producer Brian Grazer, who wants to look deep into your eyes.
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1. The Prosperity Paradox: How Innovation Can Lift Nations Out of Poverty, by Clayton M. Christensen, Efosa Ojomo, and Karen Dillon Poverty is arguably mankind's most intractable problem. Christensen, a Harvard professor and originator of the concept of disruptive innovation, here argues for a new focus: not on eliminating poverty but rather on creating lasting prosperity. He urges entrepreneurs to pursue the transformative power of "market-creating innovations" that spawn jobs, profits (which can be reinvested in infrastructure and public services), and cultural change, often through democratizing consumer access. Such innovations, en masse, create the foundation beneath many wealthy economies, Christensen says. They can lift up developing nations as well.
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2. Possible Minds: 25 Ways of Looking at AI, by John Brockman (editor) At the highest level, the debate about artificial intelligence often devolves into scenarios utopian or dystopian. Will machines make human beings the best they can be, or render them obsolete? Should we trust something potentially smarter than us? What is humanity's role in a world ruled by algorithms? Brockman, the founder of the online salon Edge.org, corrals 25 big brains--ranging from Nobel Prize-winning physicist Frank Wilczek to roboticist extraordinaire Rodney Brooks--to opine on this exhilarating, terrifying future.
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3. Why Do So Many Incompetent Men Become Leaders? (And How to Fix It), by Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic Women generally outperform men as leaders, research shows. So how come there aren't more of them? One reason is our association of leadership with such undesirable, traditionally masculine qualities as self-absorption and overconfidence, which somehow translate as strength and charisma. Organizations are wrongheaded when they worry about lowering standards to advance more women, argues Chamorro-Premuzic, a professor of business psychology. Instead, they should focus on raising standards for men.
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4. Zucked: Waking Up to the Facebook Catastrophe, by Roger McNamee McNamee, an early investor in Facebook and a mentor to Mark Zuckerberg, watched with horror the relentless revelations of how Russia and other bad actors manipulated the social network to cause vast societal harm. Disillusionment followed as the company's leaders downplayed the problem. Thwarted in attempts to persuade Facebook's leadership to mount a meaningful response, McNamee has become a vocal critic of the business model, the culture, the technology, and the attitudes that created the crisis. Zucked is an angry-sad insider's account and meditation on what it will take to protect democracy.
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5. Loonshots: How to Nurture the Crazy Ideas That Win Wars, Cure Diseases, and Transform Industries, by Safi Bahcall Big breakthroughs require two things. First, an idea so audacious it is widely dismissed. Second, a large group of people capable of transforming that idea from impossible to inevitable. The success of that journey depends on "phase transitions": the scientific principle whereby small changes in structure--comparable to changes in temperature that cause water to freeze or become liquid--make people more or less open to disruptive thinking. Bahcall, a physicist, and entrepreneur, explains how to optimize organizations so they don't kill their most disruptive darlings.
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6. Coders: The Making of a New Art and the Remaking of the World, by Clive Thompson Most of us don't go an hour without using software. So those who create it are of intrinsic interest. Thompson, a writer for The New York Times Magazine and Wired, presents a historical, psychological, and cultural investigation of programmers in all their optimization-obsessive, bug-battling glory. (Thompson himself does some programming in the course of the book.) The word "art" in the title isn't incidental: The book considers what beautiful coding looks like and what it can achieve, as well as the moral quandaries posed by tech titans' escalating growth and power.
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7. Eye Contact: The Power of Personal Connection, by Brian Grazer Grazer is the co-founder, with Ron Howard, of Imagine Entertainment and an Oscar winner for the film A Beautiful Mind. So when he proclaims that something as simple as eye contact has a profound effect on relationships and the outcomes of interactions, you want to know more. The producer bemoans the power of screens to draw eyes downward and urges readers to seek intimacy and connection in conversations--and not just those for which they have agendas. Grazer's star quotient means he's gazed into some formidable peepers. The book describes encounters with, among others, Bill Gates, Eminem, George W. Bush, and Kate Moss.
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8. Jumpstarting America: How Breakthrough Science Can Revive Economic Growth and the American Dream, by Jonathan Gruber and Simon Johnson As Amazon expands into two regions already teeming with jobs and economic activity, this book examines the lopsided prosperity that leaves some parts of the country struggling while others--typically crowded enclaves on the coasts--thrive. Things were different in 1940, when government investment in R&D began producing breakthroughs in science and technology, from jet engines to life-saving medicines, to benefit everyone. MIT economists Gruber and Johnson think it's time to revisit that playbook.
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9. Nine Lies About Work: A Freethinking Leader's Guide to the Real World, by Marcus Buckingham and Ashley GoodallConventional management wisdom exists to reinforce the organization's control over individuals, writes Buckingham, widely popular for his look-to-your-strengths approach to personal development. Among the "lies" he debunks are some sacred cows. For example, people crave feedback; people have potential; work/life balance is something we should all aspire to, and leadership is a "thing." (Some of us have been questioning that last one for years.) Buckingham urges freethinking leaders to toss off the straitjacket of dogma in favor of "the glorious messiness" of individuals working together.
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10. The Infinite Game, by Simon Sinek A checkers match and the Super Bowl are finite games. Someone wins. Someone doesn't. Business, by contrast, is a ceaseless endeavor in which playing field, players, and rules change constantly. Leaders require not just the resources but also the will to win such contests, organizational expert Sinek explains. That means the courage to stand up to short-term thinkers (Wall Street, popular sentiment) in defense of your just cause, an open-playbook strategy visible to all and the understanding that, ultimately, we are competing against the best version of ourselves. Read the full article
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Perfect - Jake Brockman
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Pairing: Jake Brockman x Reader
Characters: Jake Brockman, Karen Brockman, Sue Brockman, Pete Brockman
Warnings: N/A
Request: Anon: “could you write a Jake Brockman (outnumbered) imagine? Maybe reader and Jake are in Jake’s room being all fluffy and cute and sue/Pete overhear?”
Word Count: 813
Author: Hannah
You remembered your friends who had already gone to university telling you that you’d meet some of the best people in your life whilst you were there.
It always seemed like a foreign concept to you, that university would cause such long lasting friendships and yet it had happened for you.
You’d moved away for university as you’d wanted your independence, but it was also like jumping into the deep end as you had moved away from everything you knew.
Jake was introduced to you by one of your flatmates, and he soon became your first real friend in London.
He had made the decision to stay at home for university, but it became a regular occurrence for him to stay with you in your flat.
It took a while for the two of you to establish what you were as the both of you were quite content with just being with each other, but it did get to that point where you both decided that there needed to be some form of label on what you were.
The Christmas holidays had come and gone with Jake meeting your parents for the first time and you were beyond grateful that they liked him.
You’d met Jake’s parents multiple times, what with Jake living at home and him dragging you home practically every weekend.
This weekend was no different, so you packed your overnight back and went to meet Jake at his car.
“Hey, you,” you greeted as you climbed in.
He smiled at you before he leant over to kiss your cheek. “Hi Baby, ready for another weekend at the mad house?”
You laughed at his words but nodded in agreement anyway. “I always love being at your house.”
The drive didn’t take very long and soon enough the two of you pulled up on the drive of the house.
Jake grabbed your bag for you whilst you headed up to the front door.
Before you had a chance to ring the bell, the door was flung open and Karen was stood there with a smile on her face.
“You heard the car, didn’t you?” you jokingly asked her with a smile on your face.
She nodded and hugged you causing you to smile but you heard Jake’s groan from behind you. “Come on, move out of the way please.”
Karen mockingly glared at him before running back into the living room.
With a quick hello to Jake’s parents and his brother Ben, the two of you went upstairs to his room so that you could unpack.
You dumped your bag on the floor and fell onto the bed, causing Jake to laugh.
“Why must I do all the work?” he jokingly asked you.
Smiling at him, you sat up and he handed you his bag. “You never do all the work.”
You began to unpack your things and started to wonder why you kept taking your things back to your flat.
“Why don’t I just keep some things here?” you mused out loud.
Jake turned to you with a smile. “I was wondering when you’d ask that.”
“So why didn’t you suggest it?”
He chuckled, sitting down next to you on the bed. “I wanted you to do it on your own Baby,” he told you. “Of course, I want you to keep your things here, but I wasn’t going to push it.”
You smiled as he put an arm around your shoulder. “You could keep some things at mine too…you know, if you wanted to.”
“Of course, I want to Baby.”
Unbeknownst to you, Sue and Pete had been stood outside Jake’s bedroom door after having been curious about your conversation.
“Maybe…if it’s something you’d want to do…we could look at some flats for next year?”
Sue’s face broke out into a smile at hearing her son say those words to you and even Pete had a small smile as his expression.
The two of them decided not to listen in on anymore and made their way downstairs instead.
Once they were in the kitchen, Sue turned to her husband and did what could best be described as an excited squeal.
“Oh, she’s just so perfect for him,” Sue mused causing Pete to chuckle.
He pulled her into a hug and then smiled down at her. “Let’s not think of wedding bells just yet Sue.”
After hearing Jake’s suggestion, you couldn’t help but be excited at the idea of you two moving in together.
“We live together practically all week anyway Baby,” Jake stated with a smile on his face. “The only difference would be that we can have our own place.”
You practically launched yourself at him, causing him to fall back onto the bed as he wrapped his arms around you.
“I take it that you want to?”
Giggling, you nodded and quickly kissed him. “We’ll make it home.”
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