geekymoviemom · 7 years
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This is a snippet of my contribution to the A Candle For the Caribbean, being hosted by @loveinpanem  Please, consider a donation to these wonderful charities to benefit the people affected by Hurricane Maria. With your contribution to A Candle For the Caribbean you will not only gain access to some great stories and art by multi-fandom authors and artists, you will be benefiting these islands who are still trying to recover from this disaster. 
This story is set in my What If universe, directly after Peeta is flogged in the Square.
A heavy sigh escapes my lips as I swipe at my nose, trying to not let the tears fall from my already scratchy, puffy eyes. More tears won’t do Peeta any good. Just like my mother’s tears didn’t do her any good when my father was killed. I remember her, curled up into a tight ball on her bed, sobbing for what seemed like days, until she cried herself out. That was the day her eyes took on that vacant, haunted look, nearly resulting in Prim and I starving to death.
Except, we didn’t I think as a lone, petulant tear slides down my face. Prim and I didn’t starve to death on that miserable, cold and rainy day in April, because the sweet, battered boy lying on the kitchen table behind me decided to help us, changing our world forever with two charred loaves of bread.
That’s all it took. Those two loaves of bread provided the spark for me to keep going. They provided the spark for me to remember what my father had taught me about finding food in the forest. They provided the spark for me to survive, to want to survive.
Just the smallest spark, can light the dark. That’s how you change the world.
An old song my father used to sing jumps into my head. It, like many others, was one he only would sing while in the depths of the forest, as he felt the lyrics were too revolutionary to be heard while at home or in Town.
It’s the kind words A simple smile More than showing up Going the extra mile It’s giving everything When you’ve got nothing left Sharing a little hope With a single breath That’s how you change the world
“Katniss!” I hear from behind me, startling me from my thoughts. I turn to see Peeta fidgeting, trying to turn his head so he can see me. “Katniss? Where are you?”
“I’m here!” I say in a loud whisper, sweeping around the front of the table to take his hand, warming it between my own. I sit back onto my chair, crouching down to rest my chin on the hard, wooden surface.
“I’m sorry. I was stoking the fire.”
“You were singing,” he says in a raspy voice. “I could hear you.”
I gulp, my blood going cold at the thought of what President Snow would do to us if he heard me singing that song. “I’m sorry if I woke you.” I brush a wayward curl off his forehead, leaning over to kiss the same spot. “You should try to get some more sleep.”
He shakes his head, as well as he can while lying flat on a table. “No. I want you to sing some more for me. Please?”
A spike of fear stabs my heart, followed directly on its heels by a surge of protectiveness and anger. Fear is exactly what Snow wants me to feel right now. Well, if that’s so, then I choose to not fear. If he wants me broken, I choose to be whole.
At least for right now, in this moment.
“How about I tell you a story instead?” I whisper.
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loveinpanem-blog · 7 years
Love in Panem Presents - Cadavres Exquis
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Annnnd this is a go :)
One week ago, @andthisisthewonder was the first writer to give our crazy challenge a go ...
Here are the lines she was given to start with :
After six years of radio silence came the call Katniss Everdeen had been dreading for years. Her mother, the last living member of her family, was dead.
Though it had been six years since Katniss had fled her hometown of Panem, she knew she had no choice but to come back and take care of her mother’s possessions, sell her house, get rid of the last vestiges of the life she once knew.
No other directions, or clue. Just her imagination.
If you want to know what she came uo with, it’s under the cut ...
After six years of radio silence came the call Katniss Everdeen had been dreading for years. Her mother, the last living member of her family, was dead.
Though it had been six years since Katniss had fled her hometown of Panem, she knew she had no choice but to come back and take care of her mother’s possessions, sell her house, get rid of the last vestiges of the life she once knew.
Amongst her mother’s possessions, she found a small dented metal box she had never seen before. A combination lock hung through the loop. Katniss was about to set it aside for later investigation when she noticed the five numbers the lock had been set to. It was Prim’s birthday.
With an ache in her chest, Katniss pulled on the lock and it popped off in her hand. Inside the box was a mess of mementos and pictures that only worsened the pain. A pale pink ribbon, a painted rock covered in purple hearts, a family picture from that brief, happy period of Katniss’s life when she had belonged to a family of four. Before her father was killed in a work accident. Before Prim was struck by a drunk driver.
Before her mother had slit her wrists.
Katniss was ready to lock the box and drop it into the single cardboard box of her mother’s possessions that she would allow herself to take. She didn’t want these pictures, these memories, but it felt wrong to throw them in the trash. Instead, she would tape the box closed, take it home, and shove it into the furthermost corner of her closest where it would sit untouched, except for a layer of dust.
A blond head of hair caught Katniss’s eye before she could close the box. It was short hair, neatly slicked back. It couldn’t be Prim or her mother. They had always worn their hair long. Katniss dug beneath the pictures of her childhood and found a cracked framed photograph of her mother as a teenager, standing in a dark blue dress with a corsage on her thin wrist beside a man who bore a striking resemblance to Katniss’s ex-boyfriend.
Peeta who she hadn’t seen in six years, not since she had run into him at the grocery store the day before Thanksgiving his junior year of college. He hadn’t spoken to her, had barely looked at her when her cart had nearly collided with his in the produce section. She still remembered how his glare had ripped her open, still remembered all the things she wanted to say: I’m sorry. I lied. I still love you. I never stopped.
But she hadn’t said a word. She couldn’t. Not after the argument they had had two years prior, almost to the day. His last words to her had been unimaginably cruel, but she had deserved them. After all, her last words to him had been a lie.
But she had done the right thing. She knew she had. Even now, kneeling on the stained carpet in her mother’s bedroom, completely alone, she still believed she had saved Peeta from himself. He had been ready to drop out of college, giving up his scholarship in the process. He had been ready to give up his entire future just so he and Katniss would no longer be five hundred miles apart.
She couldn’t let him come home to a mother who treated him so coldly, to a father who turned a blind eye, to a small town he would never escape from. She loved him too much for that. When Rye had called her and told her Peeta’s plan, she knew she had to do something drastic, something cruel, to keep him from making the biggest mistake of his life.
So she did.
She tried to push Peeta from her mind, but it was impossible when she was staring down at his father. She had no idea Mr. Mellark had taken her mother to prom. Had they dated? Had they been in love? Her mother hadn’t met her father until after high school, but she had remained tight lipped at any boyfriends that came before. A few months after a whirlwind courtship, she and Mr. Everdeen had married. No couple had ever been happier or more in love. This metal box had the wedding pictures to prove it.
Katniss popped open the frame, careful not to break the glass further. Maybe she could find a new frame for it and deliver it to Mr. Mellark. He might appreciate the memory. His wife wasn’t around to disapprove. They had finally divorced last year.
The picture of her mother and Mr. Mellark fell into her lap, heavier than a photograph should be. Katniss flipped it around and found a key taped to the back underneath four numbers carefully written in black sharpie. She didn’t recognize their significance, or have a clue as to what they meant, but something stirred within her, a memory or a thought she couldn’t pin down. She had to know what the numbers meant and what the key was for.
If you wxant to know what @mtk4fun wrote after ... stay tuned :)
A HUGE and MASSIVE thanks to all the writers who wrote, write, will write for this challenge :)
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mega-aulover · 7 years
???Katniss the Story Teller???
This  is for @loveinpanem as a thank you for everything you guys do. Talented, beautiful, creative and smart love you all.
rated T  &un-betad all mistakes are mine.
Katniss slew dragons, and toppled governments, and once upon a time she’d been known as the Mockingjay. Today she rocked back and forth simply wanting for the boy she loved to pay attention to her. She’d do anything to bring back his memory. She fanned herself, the hot sun caused her to opt out of wearing pants. She wore a light dress. Her eyes once more went toward the direction of Peeta’s home.
“What’s the matter girl?” Haymitch shouted from across his porch. “You want the boy to kiss you,” he laughed so hard he began to cough.
Katniss stood up and narrowed her eyes at her former mentor. Without answering him she opened the door to her house and slammed it shut. Frustrated she banged her hand against the door.
There had to be a way to get Peeta to realize her feelings. Two years after the war they were in a better place both of them. She’d taken it slow, building up a friendship with him. They’d slept in each other’s bed when unable to sleep, but it was an occasional thing. They’d held hands, they’d given each other pecks on the mouth, and long embraces.  But none of those things were enough; Katniss wanted and was ready for more. If she weren’t so backwards when it came to relationships and men she wouldn’t be in this predicament.
“What’s wrong Katniss?”
She whipped around to see Peeta standing in her living room a basket of bread in his hands. “Peeta, what are you doing here?”
“Dinner, you invited me, remember?”
“Uh,” she stood there foolishly staring at him.
“They say I have memory problems,” Peeta joking commented, raising an eyebrow.
Katniss laughed. “I’m sorry I totally forgot.  I just ah…I have no excuse Peeta.”
“It’s okay, we can whip something up,” Peeta shrugged. “You can cook real or not real?”
“Real. I can cook, but I can’t make the fancy stuff you can.” Katniss followed behind him.
“What do you mean fancy stuff,” he glanced at her over his shoulder.
“Well you know the stuff with the creams and the fancy you know…stuff,” Katniss wasn’t sure how to explain it to Peeta.  She was more of a rustic cook, she made stews of what ever was lying around. Peeta however added ingredients to food and made them better.  He was like one of those chefs that competed on Plutarch’s new show.
Peeta laughed at her. “Okay, let’s go see what ingredients you have.”
His laugh filled her with undeniable joy.  She loved so much it hurt, and in private she found herself crying for him. She was lonesome for his company. Washing her hands she put on her apron, ready to help.
Together they made a tomato bisque soup with grilled cheese sandwiches, but they used different types of cheeses. Katniss mouth watered. Quickly she glanced at the table and thought it was too formal. She wanted to sit close to him.  “Why done we eat on the floor in front of the fire.”
Peeta raised an eyebrow but didn’t say anything as he watched her grab a throw and put it in front of the fire place, along with some pillows and trays with legs.  “Cozy,” Katniss blurted when she finished.
His smile was restrained, as he sat down. It didn’t matter to Katniss, all she wanted was to have him nearby. She wanted to lay her head on his shoulder and feel his arms around her. As they ate thunder crackled in the hot summer evening. Startled Katniss dropped her spoon. The curtains blew inside, out of control, the signal strong a storm approached. Katniss jumped up, ran to the windows to shut them. Peeta did the same for the other ones. The lights went out as the rain began to fall.
Thunder boomed and Katniss jumped, upset. She felt Peeta’s arms wind themselves around her. He  sighed, “You never did like thunder, real or not real?”
“Real,” Katniss whispered. She hated thunder the noise it produced reminded her of the loud boom she heard on the day when the mines collapsed and her father was killed.
“Come on lets finished eating,” Peeta slowly dragged her from the window. They sat as the thunder roared outside, rain pelted the windows. She sat across from him nervously glancing outside.  
“Tel me a story,” Peeta asked.
“A story?”
“Yeah, you know a fairy-tale,” Peeta supplied.
Katniss frowned, she wasn’t great with words, but as she opened her mouth to tell him it occurred to her this was the perfect opportunity to tell him about them. “Oh…okay.”
Peeta opened up his arms, and she crawled to him.  She sighed the moment his arms wound themselves around her. His hands slowly touched hers. “Katniss I’m waiting for the story.”
She nodded, his arms were a safe haven for her, and her mind quickly thought of how to start the story, “Once upon a time.”
Peeta humorously questioned, “Once upon a time?”
“Don’t all stories start that way?”
“I suppose so Katniss, but you could have started with the characters doing something mundane or some thing clever-”
Katniss turned around and clamped her hand over his mouth, “Who’s telling the story here?”
“U…r…r,” his voice was muffled by her hand but she could see the mirth in his blue eyes.
“Good,” Katniss mock scowled.
Peeta smile made Katniss forget about the storm. “Okay so A long time ago,” she glanced at Peeta and gave him a superior look. “There was a young poor girl. Her dad was taken away from her by an evil sorcerer. Everyone in the village thought her family was cursed, and made no effort to help them.”
“That’s a good beginning.”
“Thank you, now this girl had a young sister to care for,” Katniss swallowed remembering Prim. Her eyes cast down, “she was beautiful and they were starving.”
“What are their names?”
“Right their names, ah, Arrow and May. May was the baby sister.”
“Okay thank you, I like the names.”
“Thank you,” Katniss blushed. “Okay so Arrow had a problem, no would go near them. Their mother became sick, and couldn’t feed them. So Arrow sold everything she could, but one day there was nothing else to sell and they became very hungry. May cried herself to sleep every night from hunger. Arrow found herself hiding behind the shop of the towns on a cold winter morning.  She’d resigned to give up-to die, but a boy named Joshua, who’d been watching her rescued her.”
Peeta’s eyes became bright, he eagerly asked, “What did this boy, Joshua do?”
“He marched into the shop his parents owned and he snuck her food. He was afraid of getting caught so he threw it to her. The next day some one had caught him and his mother hit him for helping Arrow. Arrow was grateful but knew that if she were to be seen thanking him he’d get in more trouble. It was then she saw the spring’s first wild flower she picked it and she forever correlated the flower with Joshua.  He became her hidden hope. And for years she watched him from afar.”
“What happened to Arrow?”
Katniss saw that Peeta was catching up on this being their life story. “Well she grew up and she did manage to make two friends, a boy named Hunter and a girl named Dove. Everyone thought Arrow would marry Hunter but, Arrow didn’t love him.”
“She didn’t,” Peeta gave her a careful look, judging to see if this was true.
“No. Arrow never loved Hunter.”
“But was he important to her, real or not real?”
“Real, he was important to her, but he was too angry, too full of fire. You see she didn’t understand what it meant to fall in love with a boy and he would not be the one to open her heart. She kept her heart safe, not wanting to fall in love.”
“Ah I see so poor Hunter was never going to have a chance.”
Katniss nodded, before continuing. “One day the sorcerer demanded a tribute from each village. May was chosen but Arrow volunteered. She knew the tributes were candidates for death. What surprised her though was Joshua was called and this hurt Arrow. She didn’t want to kill him or to have anything happen to him. He was the one who secretly held the key to her heart, but she didn’t have the words to tell him. Even when he declared that he cared for her, she was afraid. So when they went to the battlefield and she had the opportunity she saved his life.”
Peeta squeezed her, “Did Arrow kiss, this ah, Joshua?”
“She did.”
He shyly asked, “Did she like his kisses?”
Katniss guessed he was asking about her, about that time in the cave. “Arrow knew it was important to show the sorcerer and his friends she was in love with Joshua, but there was this one kiss…” Katniss began to turn red, “…that made her heart race and her body became tingly.”
He sounded shocked, “Really?”
“Really,” she shyly lifted her head, their eyes met. “Arrow realized after they won and were coming home how much she desired him.”
Peeta demanded, “Did he know this?”
“No, he thought she didn’t want him. He was right she blamed herself for the injuries. The brutality of what they went through though plagued her. It kept her up at night, and the only things she wanted was for things to go back to the way they were. Though she wanted to spend another night with Joshua, she’d grown closer to him than anyone else.”
“What happened next?”
“The sorcerer demanded they do a tour to show off his great power, and he threatened everyone she cared about including Joshua and Hunter. The sorcerer was trying to determine where Arrow’s heart lay, so that he could use it against her. During the tour they became closer, she clung to him, and they shared many kisses, but those kisses weren’t private. They were only for the eyes of the public.” Katniss took his hands. “They were forced to go back to the battle, and it only served to bond between them to grow. He even kissed her once while in the bathroom. She loved those private kisses, the ones out of the public eyes.”
“Show me,” Peeta insisted, “How we, I mean how they kissed while in private.”
Katniss was stunned but she slowly turned in his arms. Her hands braced on his chest. “Well he’d slid up his hand to cup the back of Arrow’s neck.”
“Like this,” his hands slid up the column of her back and cradled her neck.
“Yes,” Katniss licked her lips.  
“What next.” Peeta’s eyes were focused in on her lips.
“He would get closer and tease her…bu…b…by…placing kisses on her forehead, cheek and nose before he kissed her.”
Katniss lashes fluttered closed as she felt his hot breath on her skin just before the imprint of his kiss on her forehead, her cheek then her lips. Katniss groaned as his mouth finally descended upon hers. Her hands fisted in his shirt as he suckled her top lip before her mouth greedily, wanting his tongue to invade her mouth. He tasted of bread, and tomatoes, dill and cinnamon. Internally Katniss chanted ‘score!’
Somehow she ended up on her back their hips grinding against the other. Their hands gripped the others clothing wanting to get a physically close as possible. He gripped her leg and brought it over his shoulder as his hand went up under the skirt of her dress. She made noises letting him touch her in a way that he had only done once the bathroom of the training room.  
Peeta tore his mouth away from hers. His fingers fingered her damp underwear, “We’ve done this before, real or not real?”
“Real,” Katniss gasped when his finger slipped underneath edge of matronly panties. “In the training room bathroom, we showered but we never went all the way.”
“I stopped us, didn’t I because I thought you wanted Gale,” with his free hand he touched her face, “You never loved Gale real or not real?”
“Real,” she wanted to say more but he kissed her again and his fingers did wicked things to her.
Later on her dress was askew, her underwear was hung from a lamp shade, and his shirt was thrown somewhere over the couch. She lay in his arms wrapped up in a blanket, her head pressed on his chest. The rain had softened.
“Move in with me,” Peeta fingers paused stroking her back, “then you can tell me the end of Arrow and Joshua’s story.”
A smiled curved her face, “Yes.”  She was now one step closer to her boy with the bread. And a few months when they consummated their relations and after she confessed to loving him Peeta asked, “You never did finish the story?”
She couldn’t help the happiness she felt, “don’t you know?”
Peeta shook his head no.
“Silly, they lived happily ever after.”
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fillippefernandes · 7 years
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.. Eu reconheço que todos os dias tenho algo por aprender, algo por esquecer e muitas, muitas coisas para agradecer! #lip2017
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loveinpanem-blog · 7 years
Love in Panem presents - Cadavres Exquis part 9
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Up to the lovely @peetabreadgirl to follow on our crazy idea.
After @sandyeyes, PBG only had at her disposal the last lines of what had been previously written ... as usual :)
It’s under the cut :)
She settled her head back in his lap and watched her index finger trace the imaginary outline where her lips had been. Peeta's head fell back on the seat and he expelled a deep breath from his lungs, his fingers continuing their soft ministrations on her scalp. It was so relaxing. Her eyes closed and she let her hands rest on his thighs, fingers clinging to the belt loops of his pants. They'd learned something strange at the bank, and now Katniss wanted comfort from the only arms she'd ever cared to receive it from. And she wanted to give it in return, if he'd take it.
Lightly, her fingernails scratched at the skin of his lower stomach. She waited, her stomach a flutter of unsettled nerves until she felt the swelling of his manhood under her cheek. She licked her lips in anticipation of having him again. She'd missed him so much.
Carefully, she released the metal button from the hole, letting his pants fall open a little. She looked up at him for any signs that she should stop, that he didn’t want this. What she saw in his eyes was pure need, and she felt his hips flex ever so slightly. She hooked her finger above the zipper and applied pressure, dragging it down until it wouldn’t go any further, then sliding her flattened palm up his hard shaft. He groaned, lifting his hips to push his clothing down, his cock springing free with the movement.
Katniss looked at the swollen member, memories of their times together flooding back. Reverently she traced it from root to tip, swirling her finger around the head. She couldn't believe she was here again, with him.
Peeta shivered and tightened his hold in her hair, but she wasn't about to rush this.
Wanna know what happens next ? It will be up to @burkygirl
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loveinpanem-blog · 7 years
Love in Panem Presents - Cadavres Exquis, Part 4
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After @andthisisthewonder‘s entry , to which @mtk4fun added her piece , @finnicko-loves-anniec did hers, @xerxia31 added to the craziness of the story.
Please keep in mind she had NO clue what was written before - save for 1the very first lines of the story, and @finnicko-loves-anniec‘s last lines… So … wanna see what she came up with?
it’s under the cut.
Katniss nodded. “I didn’t realize they knew each other.” Her fingers brushed against Peeta’s as she skimmed her fingers over the image, and his blood felt like ice. “What do the numbers and the key mean, Peeta?”
Peeta shifted, almost flinched really, breaking the contact between their fingers, and Katniss let her hand fall into her lap. She tried to pretend that it didn’t hurt, his reluctance to touch her even that innocently. Even that fleetingly. After all of this time, she should be over the effect he had on her.
Should be, but clearly wasn’t.
His brows furrowed, and he flipped the small, tarnished brass key over and over, the lamplight catching it with each revolution. Katniss watched, making no attempt to touch the key, or him, keeping her hands tightly fisted in her lap. There were no markings that she could see, nothing to indicate where it could possibly have come from. No way to know why her mother had kept it.
“I think,” he said finally, “That this is a key for a safety deposit box.”
Katniss scowled, looking again at the key that was now still, lying flat on the palm of his large hand. She supposed it could be a bank key, but it also could be a suitcase key or a bicycle lock key or a key for any other damned thing, and something about his tone, his almost certainty, rubbed her the wrong way. “Why do you think that?” she asked, almost managing to keep the pique from her voice.
Peeta frowned, then closed his fist around the bit of brass, taking several deep breaths. She watched his eyes flutter shut, could almost hear him making a slow count to ten in his mind. When he finally reopened his eyes, he fixed them on her own, and the blue fire she saw in them was almost enough to make her run again. But she couldn’t, not this time. She could only hold his gaze and listen to the hammering of her heart in her ears.
His mouth opened and shut several times, as if he couldn’t decide what to tell her. It was beyond frustrating, Katniss could remember a time when he told her everything, she knew he was remembering too. But those days were long gone.
Finally, he shook himself free from whatever internal debate he was having, and dropped the key unceremoniously onto the table. “I know it’s a safety deposit box key,” he clarified, his voice flat, tired sounding. “I know because I found one just like it in my father’s things.”
Next one will be @nancymay - stay tuned on @loveinpanem
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loveinpanem-blog · 7 years
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Attention, tributes.
Once more, Love in Panem is inviting authors to join in the fun of our September challenge.
We called the challenge “Cadavres Exquis”, which is a French-born literary genre (you had to be French to create such madness.) You can find everything about it here : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exquisite_corpse
We at Love in Panem thought … why not? Why not create a collective work, based on Everlark, with the input of every writer who would like to join in the fun? That could make the hell of a (very crazy) story.
So we’re going for it.
The principle is very simple. Each author will be given a very tiny amount of world building, and the last two sentences the previous writer created.
From then on, each author will have two days (2, 1+1), and a maximum of 500 words to come up with the next part of the story, and email it - email ONLY - to [email protected].
Why by email? Cause only one person will have the access to the whole story.
No worries, though. We’ll keep the fun going by posting each entry one week after it has been submitted, so the readers can enjoy the madness that will surely come out of it. Imagine starting a fic that talks about fluffy white rabbits, then turns out to be a shark in a tornado…
Do you feel crazy enough to join us? if so, message [email protected] or @loveinpanem.
If there are dates you absolutely can’t write tell us, so we can schedule you accordingly.
Join the fun!
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loveinpanem-blog · 7 years
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Love in Panem - July Challenge.
We’ve all been there. Reached the end of a story to realize it's marked incomplete. Waited for updates of a favourite story that never came.
Until the realization hits that the fic has been long abandoned.
Some of us even have one of these fics. One that isn’t done, but we can’t find it in us to actually finish it.
If you’re one of them, this challenge is for you.
Yes, you. You, who have ideas about how to finish that story you’ve been waiting ages for updates, because you know how you would like to see it done.
Yes, You. You, who would like to see how your fic ends - because you can’t finish it, or don't want to finish it, or just don't know where you were going to take it in the first place.
How does this work ?
First of all, pic the fic you want to finish - and contact the author to ask for permission to finish her/his fic. We’ll need proof that you’ve tried to reach said author, and the reply if there is one. (Proof to be sent by message to @loveinpanem.)  Then go for it! Write your ending in a single fic, or in a multi chapter one!
Maybe some of you are writers who have given up on a fic because you’ve moved on to something else, or don’t want to go back to something you have no more ideas for. If you want to give your fic up for adoption, we will take it and hopefully, someone will finish it !
You can even finish a fic for @mores2sl​ - we will post snippets of it on the Third Weekend of July.
Welcome to the July challenge, Tributes. Submissions will be posted as they arrive.
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loveinpanem-blog · 7 years
How many chapters will the challenge be? Looks awesome so far!
Hey Anon!
So far we have 14 writers who are ready for our crazy month :)
thank you for your kind words :o)
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loveinpanem-blog · 7 years
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JUNE: Classic Hunger Games - We all have one. That one fanfiction that brought us into the fandom. The one that led us down the path of this shared passion. Tell us which one it is and why you loved it. Be generous. Maybe it’s an older fic you think needs to be rediscovered - write a short blurb as to why and share it with us. If it’s artwork that moves you, tag us and we’ll feature it. Or create something fresh and new. Let’s celebrate the stories that got us here to begin with!  
Submissions will post throughout the month of June or whenever you can get them to us!
Share your passion with us.
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loveinpanem-blog · 7 years
The fic that started me down this road from which there is no visible exit was "not in our favor" by twilightcakes. The characterisation is great and the story hooks you in. Katniss loses her memory of the last 2 years, meaning she doesn't remember even meeting her husband(Peeta) and has to rediscover why she fell for him in the first place. I've read many great fics, but that was the first one that made an impression.
Hi pip117!
Thank you so much for your reply.   And here is a link to your recommendation:
Not In Our Favour by Twilightcakes
Summary: Katniss thinks she had found her happily ever after with Peeta, but when a hunting accident lands her in the hospital, she wakes up discovers she has no idea who he is. Her memories of life for the last two years are all blurry, but she does however remember Gale. Will the baker that seems to be her polar opposite be able to win her over twice? AU. 
Rated: Fiction M - Chapters: 65 - Words: 225,532
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loveinpanem-blog · 7 years
The first story I remember reading was In Name Only by IzzySamson. I found it late at night and couldn't stop, needless to say the next day at work was horrible, but it is still one of my favorites and I go back to it whenever I need a pick me up.
Thank you @historywriter2007 !  And here is your recommendation:
In Name Only by IzzySamson
Summary: In the midst the Great Depression eighteen year old Katniss needs a miracle. Her Papa is dead, Mama has just been hauled off to the asylum, soon she’ll be evicted, and Prim put into the child’s home. WW1 Veteran, Peeta Mellark, gives her the means to save Prim, he offers to be her husband ‘in name only’. The only hitch is; Katniss thinks she loves him…
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loveinpanem-blog · 7 years
One of the first Everlark fics I fell in love with was The Luxury and the Necessity by Devanrae. It's the archetype of canon Peeta's voice for me, exactly how I hear him in my head. And it's a damned fine story! The classic post-MJ growing together fic.
Hi Xerxia31 - thank you so much for taking part!  
The Luxury and the Necessity by Devanrae 
Summary: Post-Games, life slowly returns to normal in District 12. Katniss, healing, finally begins to turn to Peeta for affection and accept his love. Post-MJ Canon. Alternate K&P POV. 
Rated: Fiction M - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 25 - Status: Complete
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loveinpanem-blog · 7 years
I honestly don't remember much about the first THG fic I ever read. Only that it was a retelling of the story from Peeta's POV. But, on one of the notes, the author recommended the fic that would forever change my life. "Synchronicity" by @ashyblondewaves (Everlark_Pearl) is a beautiful collection of moments in K&P's life after the war. From their first steps and interactions, to their struggles with parenthood. K&P stick together through thick and thin showing once more how strong their love is
Thank you @javistg!  That is a great recommendation. 
Synchronicity by Everlark_Pearl
Summary: A collection of one shots and stories examining Katniss and Peeta’s relationship post-Mockingjay. Peeta’s POV.
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geekymoviemom · 7 years
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Chapter 4 of Practice Run has been posted! Once again, thank you to my beta/cheerleader @booksrockmyface, and to @loveinpanem for hosting the new author's challenge! ❤️ 
Read it on AO3 HERE
Read it on FFN HERE
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loveinpanem-blog · 7 years
The first fic that I read after finishing the books, was My first date with Katniss Everdeen. I devoured it in no time and fell in love with the way Peeta tried to win Katniss heart. I hadn't read fanfiction in years, but I felt lost after the end, I needed more. And here I am, years later, still hung up on them, and I love it! Thank god for writers!
Hi Anon!  Thanks for sharing your recommendation with us!
My First Date with Katniss Everdeen by holymfwickee
Summary: AU. Take a deep breath. Wipe the sweat off your hands. Don’t let her scowl make you nervous. You’re only talking to the girl you’ve been in love with your entire life.
Rated: Fiction T -  Words: 116,264 - Status: Complete
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