#La medicina de Frenadol forte es horrible
zumaya-onepieceoc · 7 years
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Gift for Borsalino! @ask-offduty-borsalino
Sorry for the drawing yesterday, it was not good to upload it, I find myself sick and drawing a bad background. Thank you for understand me yesterday. I promised you that when I feel better, I would improve it, after taking medicine yesterday and today in the morning, I am better and I finished the drawing properly.(sorry for my bad english).
THANK YOU FOR YOUR FRIENDSHIP, YOU ARE A FANTASTIC PERSON AND VERY FUNNY.  i really like your reactions , are unique xDD. Thank you for the support you give me. Do not ever change as a person, you're fantastic!
Really sorry for the drawing of yesterday, and thanks you for undestand me and take care of me.
Drawing and process (On deviant soon and instagram), 
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