#Like no hate on his old one but people would always draw time skip JeanMarco with Marco having the old haircut and idk it didn't sit well
twpsyn-who · 1 month
JeanMarco headcanons cuz I have the same haircut like Marco so I'm obligated by law to talk about it
They both fight over the mirror A LOT. If by any chance Marco wins and gets to fix his hair first Jean ALWAYS ruffles it just to be a little shit. Deep down Marco loves it- despite needing to fix his hair again
Marco hates when his hair gets sightly longer because it keeps getting in his eyes. Jean loves it when that happens because he gets to move said hair away from Marco's eyes which results in Marco blushing from embarrassment (and the close proximity)
Sometime Jean would let Marco brush his hair. Marco always hums under his breath while doing that, unconsciously. Jean loves hearing Marco sing and Marco loves brushing Jean's hair. It reminds them both of their family (Jean's mom singing around the house and Marco's siblings begging him to brush their hair because he's so gentle while doing it)
They use the same hair products. Is a nightmare
"You look good, Jean" "Ugh, it won't stay the way I want! So annoying" "Jean. Really. I promise you, it looks fine the way it is now" - they have this discussion at least 3 times a week. Jean's a perfectionist when it comes to his hair. Marco doesn't care that much.
Jean always has a hairbrush with him
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