briiannacastrro · 1 year
Shocking to see that men have a higher percentage than women on all social media platforms.
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itsthe-mason · 4 months
Trolling and its effects.
The problem of trolling, which is common on social media, affects people and online communities in ways that go beyond simple irritation. This kind of behavior, which is typified by offensive comments meant to elicit a response, grows in the virtual world of anonymity. Its repercussions include the disturbance of constructive dialogue and negative impacts on mental health. Platforms struggle to control trolling while upholding the right to free speech. However, there is hope for lessening its effects thanks to programs that encourage empathy and digital literacy as well as developments in AI-driven moderation. We can negotiate the challenges of social media and work toward a more inclusive digital landscape by encouraging social media cultures of respect and appropriate online activity.
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akuabrit · 7 months
Tumblr media
Defending your privacy in the metaverse requires a combination of personal vigilance, strong security practices, and an understanding of the privacy policies and features of the platforms you use.
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jasmineaya · 11 months
In our digital world, safeguarding your online data privacy on social media has become more important than ever. The information we share online is vast and personal, making it crucial to protect ourselves from potential threats.
However, there are ways to ensure your security online. For example you can start by using strong, unique passwords for each account and enable two-factor authentication whenever possible. Stay up to date by keeping your software up-to-date with patches and security updates, as they close potential vulnerabilities online.
Always Remember, your digital footprint reflects your identity. Take control of your online safety and prioritize protecting your personal information. Together, we can continue to build a secure and safe digital world on social media.
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mwalshmc0355 · 1 year
The article highlights how people perceive cancel culture, revealing a deep divide in opinions largely influenced by political affiliation, age, and race.
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fatimajaber21-blog · 2 years
The uprising of protests and social media has changed the world. But the power of education is what the future needs in order for the world to understand the deeper meaning of race and racism.
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alyssabelmont · 4 months
The article discusses the state of privacy in the new era of social media, highlighting concerns about data collection and protection. It examines the aftermath of Elon Musk's changes to Twitter, which led to a decline in users and revenue. Despite this, newer platforms like Bluesky, Mastodon, and Meta's Threads continue to face issues with privacy invasions. #MCO355
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sierraealvarez · 3 years
Trolling on Social Media
One of the topics from this week that intrigued me the most was Trolling on social media. We've all heard of trolling online if you've ever been on social media. Learning that trolls can be anyone regardless of age, race, gender or class is so crazy. The idea of trolls is upsetting as it is somebody who is provoking somebody's negative reaction and I do not like that. Watching the videos and reading the articles from this week's learning materials was rough. The panel of women talking about their experiences on social media was very disheartening. As a woman myself who is also a journalist, I can definitely relate to these women. Anyone on social media can be a troll because as long as they are behind a screen, they feel safe. Social media has created an environment where people can really just say whatever they want but they should try to be kind.
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powerpuffdee · 3 years
Based on what I learned about intersectionality this week, here is my take on intersectionality. POC men and White women share the same similarities and benefit from the system. If you take a step back you can see how both POC men and white women react to when POC women talk about their troubles. For example when a black women is to voice her struggles which issues they face with black men or experiences with white women, the response from those sides are gaslighting and victimization. They in return make the the problem about themselves when it was not in the first place. The advocacy for black women is completely conditional. One can be oppressed yet still be in the position to oppress other people. This boils down to how white women are oppressed by the patriarchal system yet benefit from a racial standpoint. While POC can be oppressed racially and can still benefit from the patriarchal system.
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lzumd · 4 years
Social Media and the 2020 Election
Both parties are accusing Twitter, Facebook and Snapchat, with interfering with this years election. https://www.usnews.com/news/politics/articles/2020-07-26/twitter-and-facebook-become-targets-in-trump-and-biden-ads
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briiannacastrro · 1 year
Social Media is Toxic
Everyday there is something new online that is happening that is not okay. First we have women being looked at sexually and being harassed then we have people of color being harassed online as well. Everything has been dragged into the media like politics, and that is a huge part of the media today, everything is political. Someone always has something to say about another when sitting behind a screen and it will never go away. There will always be destruction in the media and trolls who will continue to be there. Celebrities consistently are facing backlash and hate from people but that is what comes with being known sadly, you will always have haters. What makes it worse though is even people who are not known in the world receive really bad hate. Even celebrities have finally started clapping back but even they cannot spread awareness because it is uncontrollable, it is up to one another to stop the hate and make social media a fun place not a toxic one.
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alissaachavez · 3 years
It’s up to all of us — Black, white, everyone — no matter how well-meaning we think we might be, to do the honest, uncomfortable work of rooting it out.
Michelle Obama
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eltodd · 3 years
Social media has definitely impacted our political views, but how far have we let it go?
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jasmineaya · 11 months
Here’s 3 ways to protect your privacy on TikTok! Check your privacy settings to make sure you’re safe and up to date.
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whoisdaisha · 4 years
At the same time, the public as a whole expresses mixed views about the potential broader impact these sites might be having on political discourse and the nature of political activism. Some 64% of Americans feel that the statement “social media help give a voice to underrepresented groups” describes these sites very or somewhat well. But a larger share say social networking sites distract people from issues that are truly important (77% feel this way), and 71% agree with the assertion that “social media makes people believe they’re making a difference when they really aren’t.”
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powerpuffdee · 3 years

intersectionality is key. #leftist #socialism #feminism #communism #politics #capitalism

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A short excerpt on understand intersectionality from the book Women’s Liberation and The African Freedom Struggle by Thomas Sankara.
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