atimebombarcarchive · 2 years
SEND ME ♥ AND I’LL WRITE SOME POSITIVITY FOR YOU. Bonus: you can add an URL to your ask message if you want me to write positivity for someone else! MEME
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Anonymous asked: ♥ @lostsouldier​
I’m pretty sure I’ve followed you across my blogs for like ever. The amount of like, DEDICATION, in your muse is just so completely evident by every post I see. I always highkey admire people who write Bucky because he is so full of complexities that I tried to write at one point (I think I did alright) and it’s just fascinating to watch how everyone takes this incredibly challenging character and make him both super fascinating and their own. Your Bucky is just absolutely stunning to me. I barely know anything comics but I’d probably ask you before wikipedia at this point about comics Bucky because it’s just SO evident how knowledgeable you are and how much you genuinely CARE. The writing is also just a huge perk for me. Your writing style is absolutely beautiful. You are so talented, and so welcoming to people, and just really an all around joy to see on the dash. 
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malonox · 4 years
[ 🍊 - What are your favourite genres of threads? Fluff? Angst? Etc // 🥔 - What’s the dumbest mistake you’ve made in rp?// 🥜 - What’s the nuttiest thread you’ve ever had? ]
munday meme again || Status: accepting
I’ll answer only those I haven’t already.
🍊 - What are your favourite genres of threads? Fluff? Angst? Etc 
Angst! I live for it! Sure, it’s hard to be angsty with a dumbass like Mr. Scratch, but it’s still great when I force him into very bad things. I mostly enjoy threads where my muse is suffering, so outside of Angst I like Whump threads, but never get to write them :(
🥔 - What’s the dumbest mistake you’ve made in rp?
I don’t wanna talk about my old Jake Fischer blog, because that was full of mistakes and me being unaware of etiquette and my own boundaries... But I think I will always consider it my worst. Yet, my dumbest rp mistake is deleting that blog. Then again, I think it’s best for everybody ton to know what happened there... I got forced into a scenario with my muse that wasn’t very good for my own mental state.
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moonshinexnights · 5 years
☢ What fads/trends are you so over?
Heh... I’m probably gonna get hated on for this one. But I’m so over the snapchat filters people use. It’s always bothered me that some people feel the need to make themselves “more” beautiful for social media. I see it as; no, you’re already beautiful. Don’t change yourself for anyone. Whether that means using filters or putting on pounds of makeup that I can scrape off with a spatula. I swear I have a thing against makeup because of someone I went to school with. She wore so much of it that it was bad... But she did it because her confidence in herself was so low. Which was sad because she probably would have looked better without any. So yeah, I pretty much don’t like how this world has made it to where people feel the need they need to make themselves out to be perfect. No one's perfect, I’m certainly not. Just be you and if people can’t accept that screw em’.
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agentxofmib · 7 years
You were one of my oldest followers and writing partners. Also, aliens. 👽
tell me why you followed me
*buries face in my cold cold but caring hands* omg.........  I’m just glad I get to interact with so many awesome people💚
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ritcd · 7 years
🌟 , 🍬 , 💔 , 💑
is my muse naughty or nice (lmao).  accepting.
🌟 What is my muse’s sexual/romantic orientation?
     she’s bi! or, as i’ve put it before, as “bi” as you can be in a world with four races of people. she  would  kiss a qunari, for one. (and did, in a chatzy last night! it was a dare for her to kiss someone, but the qunari was cute so wtv)
🍬 Is my muse a sub, dom, or switch?
     this was answered, but bonus thing, then: she has no idea how to top. like, dom or sub, being on the top is a mystery to her. i think she would do well, but, that’s yet another thing she has to experience.
💔 What was my muse’s first heartbreak?
     romantically, it’s hard to say. she never looked for romance in the circle, so usually it was other people who approached  her.  the closest she’d get to getting her heart broken would be the very usual– she was about to confess she liked a guy. she had been in this study date with him, she was flirting and thought he was reciprocating. in the end, he really wasn’t and just wanted to learn some cool spells and maybe be her friend. after a so-called heartbreak, she often drowns herself in her studies and duties.
💑 What are my muse’s requirements for a potential partner?
     she usually prefers adventurous and/or smart people, that don’t wanna be stuck in one place all their lives. yes, she does understand the need to just be at home and relax, but she  does  want adventure, thrills, new things. you don’t need to try to climb a mountain with next to no euipment for her, but taking her to see the sights, take some pictures (some silly ones too), learn something new about the place. that’s what she’s all about.
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atimebombarcarchive · 2 years
tosses my url into the mix?? 🥰
SEND ME ♥ AND I’LL WRITE SOME POSITIVITY FOR YOU. Bonus: you can add an URL to your ask message if you want me to write positivity for someone else! MEME - @thunderbringer
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AHH!!!!! What do I SAY THOUGH?? We were def mutuals when I was here the first time around but I don’t know if we ever did anything bUT LIKE??? THATS FINE! Because following you and seeing how FAR YOU HAVE DEVELOPED THOR IN THAT TIME IS SO FANTASTIC. I am literally BEYOND awed about how absolutely incredible your blog is. You’ve made Thor into something WAY more 3D than what we’ve seen in comics or on screen in my opinion. You write just a wonderfully beautifully flawed and fantastic character. AND with how you’ve developed him, you have the talent of a true writer. Just your sentence structure and world building is MESMORIZING (is that how you spell that?? IDK). But then we have to talk about YOU! Wow. You are just so KIND and WELCOMING to people. It’s literally such a rare and beautiful trait to see in the RPC. I’ve been around here for so long and finding people who have open arms is just a wonderful feeling. You really just had such a kind heart and such a beautiful talent. 
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atimebombarcarchive · 2 years
♥ my URL?
SEND ME ♥ AND I’LL WRITE SOME POSITIVITY FOR YOU. Bonus: you can add an URL to your ask message if you want me to write positivity for someone else! MEME - @griim
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How do I talk about how much I not only love OCs but how much I love YOUR OC in particular? Like I feel like I have followed you across so many blogs, even if we haven’t really interacted. I recognized your URL the instant I came back and was like “oh yeah I gotta follow this blog” because your writing, development, dedication, and even just YOU is all just a big ball of talent and love that I needed to be able to see it. I always am so shy about approaching OCs because I really just feel like I’m trying to force myself into their story and like I KNOW THATS THE POINT OF RP but it’s still so alksjdfkasjdf for me BUT I love how welcoming and open you are to interactions. Your writing is so wonderful and YOU are so wonderful. 
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atimebombarcarchive · 2 years
♥ x-avier
SEND ME ♥ AND I’LL WRITE SOME POSITIVITY FOR YOU. Bonus: you can add an URL to your ask message if you want me to write positivity for someone else! MEME
@x-avier I don't know much about X-Men honestly. I saw the first film when it came out, and I watched the cartoon as a kid, but otherwise, I'm pretty blanked on X-Men in general to be honest. HOWEVER scrolling your blog has given me such a good sense of the character based on what I DO know. Your writing is just super exciting and well done. 
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atimebombarcarchive · 2 years
♥ + denydefeat 🤩
SEND ME ♥ AND I’LL WRITE SOME POSITIVITY FOR YOU. Bonus: you can add an URL to your ask message if you want me to write positivity for someone else! MEME
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STOP IT !  ANYWAYS LETS TALK ABOUT REN INSTEAD! @sheresists is so nice! So talented! So good at finding and sending me Shrek tiktoks. I really do adore Ren though. The writing of Rey is just fantastic. The AUs. The fact that you indulge Matt the Radar Technician. It’s all such a delight. I’d write more but you sent in my url and not yours so :p
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atimebombarcarchive · 2 years
SEND ME ♥ AND I’LL WRITE SOME POSITIVITY FOR YOU. Bonus: you can add an URL to your ask message if you want me to write positivity for someone else! MEME
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Anonymous asked: ♥ @ascnsion​
SO here I am scrolling your blog and wow. How do people follow so many different comics? My brain can barely keep up with the media we get on film and tv half the time. It’s literally amazing how you can write so many different iterations of the same characters because they all are SO different. ALSO I just started the boys and I love the Deep so much (I know he’s a dick I don’t care) so like seeing someone write him is absolutely fantastic because I feel like everyone I see hates him. Maybe that’s because we’re supposed to? No idea. I haven’t gotten very far. BUT beyond WHO you write and how you keep up with characters, JUST your writing alone is fantastic. Just reading a few of your ask replies and threads is enough to show me that you genuinely have a flair for writing but, more than that, that you really seem to LOVE writing and that shows in your character development and sentence structures. It’s really, really beautiful. 
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atimebombarcarchive · 2 years
SEND ME ♥ AND I’LL WRITE SOME POSITIVITY FOR YOU. Bonus: you can add an URL to your ask message if you want me to write positivity for someone else! MEME
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Anonymous asked: ♥ @tobedisastrous​
​Okay SO scrolling your blog and your writing is just fantastic. Wow. And what a plethora of fun muses! I haven’t read the Anita Blake books (there’s like 50304859034) but I have read her other series and I absolutely love her storytelling (I want to read them but buying them is just daunting) so I’m so happy to see people who write characters that aren’t necessarily well known. I can really only talk about your writing and characters here since I don’t know you but I’m reading a few of your threads and they’re absolutely amazing. What a fun group of muses. So different. I don’t know all the fandoms but you really have a knack for storytelling that’s mindblowing. 
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atimebombarcarchive · 2 years
SEND ME ♥ AND I’LL WRITE SOME POSITIVITY FOR YOU. Bonus: you can add an URL to your ask message if you want me to write positivity for someone else! MEME - @ofdarkhold
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SNAP! You’re SO amazing. You’re such a kind soul first and foremost. Like how absolutely nice you are to me and to everyone on the dash to be honest. THEN! Your portrayal of Wanda is just TOP NOTCH. I love all of her little nuances and all of your little headcanons that just ADD to her character. I love just talking about how ROBBED we were of more moments with Wanda and Pietro in the MCU but also envisioning how different things could have gone for Wanda if Pietro had survived. Every conversation we’ve had so far has just been an absolutely great time - talking about theme parks or these two dumb twins, or really anything. I can’t believe it’s only been like, what, a week???? WILD! I just absolutely am awestruck by your abilities to write a story and create universes with Wanda. You have such a knack for welcoming people into the community here and just being a fantastic representation of roleplaying SHOULD be about with how easy you are to talk to and how wonderful you are at enjoying what you do and writing with people. ANYWAY You’re FANTASTIC and this got really long winded and rambly but I just absolutely adore you. 
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malonox · 4 years
🍐 - How many ships have you considered but rejected for your muse? 🍋 - Does your muse complain about things to you? If so, what? 🍉 - If you considered a time travel thread, when would your muse go? 🍓 - What’s your sweetest rp experience so far? 🥒 - Are you thinking about reviving old muses? Who?🥜 - What’s the nuttiest thread you’ve ever had?
munday meme again || Status: accepting
🍐 - How many ships have you considered but rejected for your muse? 
I pretty much reject any ship for Scratch, most of the time, because I fear others have no interest to rp ships with him. But if somebody were to approach me, I probably would say yes? Sorry, I’m weird I guess...
🍋 - Does your muse complain about things to you? If so, what? 
He doesn’t like the fact that I’m away for so long at times lol By that I mean, I always feel guilty not being around more.
🍉 - If you considered a time travel thread, when would your muse go? 
I don’t think I’ll ever like a time travel thread, but given Quantum Break is in the equation, then probably any point in future... Maybe a crack thread in the style of A Christmas Carol, because that would be funny, too. 
🍓 - What’s your sweetest rp experience so far? 
Making friends, especially with you Sunny, and of course Giffie, too. I love making friends, but I don’t know what in threads is sweet when Scratch is this terrible 
🥒 - Are you thinking about reviving old muses? Who?
Currently, my Yakuza Game Series OC, Takashiro Ichiro. @adogsdog if anyone wants to give him a holler. He’s bad, but he isn’t as bad as Scratch. 
🥜 - What’s the nuttiest thread you’ve ever had?
Any crack thread I had aside, pestering Alan Wake to any extent is always nutty and fun. I love it. 
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malonox · 4 years
( Your portrayal of Mr.Scratch is amazing. I've said this before but honestly you're the only Scratch roleplayer I would prefer to interact with, in a sea of others. As I know, there's always room for improvement so, if there is anything you could improve upon, it would be expanding your verses and letting Scratch stretch his legs, causing chaos everywhere he goes! Just a suggestion! Keep up the amazing work! (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤)
Compliment & Critique 
( ╥//Д//╥) thank you and noted.
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malonox · 4 years
Neato Muse Maker
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tagged by: @kindred-blades​ tagging: @minttexan​ @lights-champion​ and idk anybody else.....
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malonox · 5 years
[ What made you decide to write this muse? / If you could change one event in your muse’s life (in their main or canon verse), what would you change? / If you could tell your muse one thing, what would you tell them? / If you could give your muse one gift, what would you give them? / If you had to take one positive thing away from your muse, what would you take away? ]
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2. What made you decide to write this muse?
First time I wrote Scratch, I and my friends were just having fun and I happened to be obsessed with AW then (still am, but then it was fresh). Later, several years later that is, I figured I’d set up a blog for him cuz there was no active Mr. Scratch at that exact moment – or not one I spotted– so I figured I’d give it a shot. He’s still my best boy, though.
3. If you could change one event in your muse’s life (in their main or canon verse), what would you change?
I’d make…Alan and him work together, just because I think it’d be funny. At least for a short while.
4. If you could tell your muse one thing, what would you tell them?
“Stop being a jackass, omg”
5. If you could give your muse one gift, what would you give them?
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6. If you had to take one positive thing away from your muse, what would you take away?
At least he’s determined. 
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