gaslightgirlsummer · 3 days
the duality of bezz specifically using a picture with marc in it on his ig vs marc once again being keke palmer i don’t know who this man is video
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yeastinfectionvale · 1 month
“why won't you touch my scar?”
Marc lay on his side, a leg between Marco's as they basked in each other's presence. It was one of the rare moments where the pair could be together, hidden away in a small piece of Italy. Marco froze, thumb no longer stroking Marc's cheekbone. He shifted, pulling the blanket higher to cover his bare shoulder.
Marco didn't want to say the real reason. He didn't want to burst the bubble he made for himself, just incase Marc would fly away as soon as it popped. Marc was under his fingertips and if he mentioned Valentino, who knows where he would run off to. They hadn't labelled whatever they had going on, Marc not wanting the pressure while Marco would do anything to be near him. He doesn't want to hurt Marc like he was hurt before.
Marc watched the internal war waging inside Marco's mind. A pang of guilt rushed through him as he smoothed the space between Bez's eyebrows with two fingers. Marco's eyes softened as he clasped Marc's hand, pressing a kiss to his palm. Marc smiled as Marco shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know. Prefer your face I guess." Marc knew he was lying but chose to laugh at Marco's lame excuse for a joke. They'd talk later, fight even but right now the bed was warm and Marco's skin was soft against his.
Bez gently nudged Marc onto his back, hovering over him, nearly straddling his waist. His arms caged Marc's head as he leaned down to press a kiss to the base of Marc's scar. Bez trailed up, nose pressed firmly to scar tissue as he pressed open-mouth kisses up the length of the scar, up his arm and onto his neck, sucking on the tender skin. Marc moaned, arms wrapping around Bez's toned back.
Marco pulled away, flopping onto Marc with a laugh. Marc listened to Bez's laugh, it sounded like windchimes in the spring breeze. He wanted to bottle it up and keep it next to his heart. They lay in comfortable silence, punctuated by a kiss and a laugh. Marco fell asleep listening to Marc's heartbeat thump under his ear as Marc fell asleep to the rise and fall of Bez's chest.
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formulapookie · 1 month
soo i’m writing a marcmarc fanfiction and Im going to make it multi chapter, it’s going to explore a bit Bez’s internalised homophobia and his path towards the light (fucking with Marc)
and i’m going to upload it both here and on Ao3, if you like it i’d love for you to leave kudos, no pressure tho obv <3
I took a bit of inspiration by @anitalianfrie and some ideas from @yeastinfectionvale because the two of you are the most dangerous marcmarc psychosexual supporters I relate with
Below you can find the fic, if u enjoy reading on Tumblr more than on Ao3❤️
2024 pre-season
It was cold, but still, Marco was sitting outside the ranch, it was around 3 in the morning he supposed, thoughts clouded by the joint he was still finishing up.
He was trying to reflect on something that had been seriously affecting his life lately, or rather much someone.
Marc Marquez.
Since he had signed with Gresini the Spaniard just seemed to continuously pop up into his life, whether it was on track or not, like last week for example, he was out with a group of his friends and who did he meet at the club he went to? Marc Marquez, drinking with a guy he thought was a friend of the man, but the more he thought about it, the more he remembered strange details, like a hand lingering a bit too much or a few glances casted in a very lustful way.
He archived the memory as a made up one, a result of the not so little amount of alcohol he consumed that night.
Plus, Marc had a girlfriend, and even if he didn't, everyone on the grid was straight.
All the jokes, flirty ones even, were always platonic and between friends, he did that too with Pecco, and it wasn’t like he was…gay.
He had had a girlfriend until a few weeks prior, when she decided it would’ve been a good idea to cheat on him and dump him via text of all things.
The joint was coming to an end, and with it all his will to stay outside and freeze, looking for a warm blanket and a snack instead.
Memories grew along with his hunger, and the frames of his mind ran back to the night he saw Marquez at the club.
Shirt buttoned just halfway, a silver necklace adorning his neck and bouncing slightly every time he moved.
His smile, a painfully magnetic one, drawing people to him like moths to a flame, like his eyes, profound and deep.
But what Bez remembered the best were his shoulders.
Broad, muscled, tanned and glowing with sweat, moving up and down rhythmically when he laughed.
If he focused enough, he could remember peeking the outline of one of Marc’s scars from the hem of his shirt, and something similar to a hickey on the juncture between his neck and shoulder, sinfully on display.
Fuck, why did he remember those things? He was pretty sure that a blonde flirted with him that night, he was sure she was hot even, but he couldn’t remember a single detail from her, just from that small fucking bastard
As his mind stopped wandering Bez realized he was back into his room, an half finished protein bar in hand and an obviously painful bulge in his pants.
Fuckfuckfuckfuck how did that happen? was it the blonde? it couldn’t have been Marquez, could it?
The answer came when his dick twitched at the mention of Marc’s name.
He was conflicted: should he let it go away on its own or act on it? because he knew the moment he would’ve touched himself thinking of his rival it would’ve been over for him.
Seeing him in the paddock, on insta or at one of the clubs would’ve meant remembering this.
No no no he hated Marquez, this was just the smoke speaking for him, he always got a bit horny after smoking, it wasn’t different from other times.
Except it was. It was so much different, this longing he felt for the older guy, the need he had to just lick his lips and bite down on those delicious looking shoulders, grabbing his neck and crushing their lips together.
Bez also remembered the cologne he was wearing; it smelled like woods and fresh, he didn’t know much about perfumes but that was surely a smell he wasn’t going to forget it easily.
“Maybe it’s not that bad. Just once, one time and then I’ll forget about him”
he thought while sliding into bed and slowly slipping his hand into his pants.
It was embarrassing how quickly he became vocal about it, softly of course because he didn’t want the other guys or worst, Vale, to hear him moan out Marc Marquez’s name and finding him like that.
He stroked his cock with growing speed, twisting his wrist when he came close to the tip, gritting his teeth and grabbing the sheets with his free hand.
“Marc-“ a suffocated plea leaving the boy's mouth, but remaining painfully present in his room, floating around as a curse.
The more he thought about the Spaniard the harder he got, he wanted more more more.
He wanted Marc, in all his stupid perfection, he wanted him to choke on his cock, or bouncing on it, he wanted Marc to be as desperate for him as Bez was for the man.
“Si si si” a trail of words left the boy’s mouth to get lost into the silent and cold night in Tavullia, alongside with Marco’s orgasm, which hit him hard and fast, ropes of white liquid staining his abdomen and part of the sheets.
He went to the bathroom to wash his hands and getting cleaned up, being extra careful not to wake anyone up.
He looked at himself in the mirror, cheeks red, puffy lips and glassy eyes, pupils still blown wide from the smoke and the excitement of the recent jerk off session.
He knows he will have to face what he just did, because what if it wasn’t just Marc? What if it was men in general? Could have he been bisexual? To be fair he was a bit scared to know, what if Vale or one of the guys found it disgusting? what if his family did?
Could’ve he kept that secret for long?
He doesn’t think so, honestly he’s scared of loosing both families at once for something like that.
No no, he ultimately decided.
If he understands he likes guys he’s going to keep it for himself.
It’s going to be better for everyone that way
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hotmessmaxpress · 28 days
Bezz crashing out so we don’t get to see marcmarc on the podium is homophobia at work
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anitalianfrie · 1 month
marc/bez thing is def gotta be mostly like an after effect of bez’s vale worship and marc just being sooo Hot. vale/bez is full of confused feelings of hero worship and wanting to be like vale/wanting to fuck vale, plus it’s kinda safe bc vale is unattainable! and underneath it all is the real scary thing - actually facing the fact that you are gay for (actually are in love with) your best friend since early childhood. 
this is a month old. anon how does it feel to be completely right and being proved so by mr marco bezzecchi himself in front of the world and god during the spanish gp?
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bezzplaining · 10 days
Valentino can't take his eyes off to that little baby who plays happily with rubik.
She's like him. She's like Marc(yes, he never admits the fact that the baby girl was also like Marco, that curly brown hair and blush chubby cheeks) with big brown eyes and joyful personality even she's only one year old.
That would be his baby not marco's, that would be his family. He felt betrayed, he was like a hurt and bitter old man. The love of his life and one of his kids had betrayed him.
They even hidden Marc's pregnancy, in fact, he wouldn't even have known about the existence of that baby if it hadn't been for the fact that Celestino couldn't keep a secret and had told him "Marc is having a baby right now, is Marco's" one night.
Valentino just remember the shock on Marc and Marco's face when(some weeks after) he arrived at Marco's parents' house in Rimini and saw the little baby on marco's arms.
"Congratulations" he mumbles with a shiny(and fake) smile and start talking with marco's mom as if nothing was happening, as if nothing had been hidden from him.
He fix his relationship with Marco(afterall he was his boy and one of his riders) and everything are "fine" between them, he even was the godfather of baby Marzia. But with Marc was a different story, they tried to be civilized but at best they just ignored each other.
The life just go on and Valentino was paying the price for his mistakes, he would have a beautiful family but he fucked up the things with Marc.
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Thinking about the commentators talking about how much bez hates marc and vice versa joking about them not getting a drink together after the race and then apx. 90 minutes later bez was trying his best to suck and fuck* marc in the cool down room
*gently touching the tire marks on marc's arm, saying he learnt the best line for one of the corners by watching marc, laughing at his non-jokes, etc
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gaslightgirlsummer · 3 days
the current marcmarc situation is utterly hilarious to me. bez is calling marc maestro and saying he’s learning from him meanwhile he only exists as a nameless neon blip in the paddock to marc
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bezz is such a "let me lay on your lap and console me while you play with my hair" type of guy
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yeastinfectionvale · 1 month
Mornings were the best part of the day when Marc was in Italy.
Nobody except for Alex knew where he was. No emails, no calls, no lectures about managing his pain. They were spent mostly in bed, lazy kisses and hushed whispers until Rubix woke up.
Rubix was different to the dogs Marc had cared for. He was much calmer than Shira, much clingier than Stitch. Marc would wake up to Marco wrapped around his body and Rubix at the foot of the bed, curled up on the ottoman. He would wake up, leaping straight onto the bed, greeting his humans. When Marco had first invited Marc to his home, he wasn't sure how Rubix would feel about the stranger. But to their shock (and happiness), the Pitbull took to Marc within an hour.
Marco groaned in his sleep, pulling Marc out of his thoughts. He muttered something before turning over, letting go of Marc. He sat up, making eye contact with a fully awake Rubix who was ready to pounce. He jumped, landing mostly on Marc, tail hitting Bez. Marc stood up, luring the excited dog out the bedroom and into the living room. Grabbing a shirt from the sofa and Rubix's leash, the pair made their way outside on a quick walk into the local woodlands.
It wasn't warm outside, the sun still not at its peak. Rubix walked at a leisurely pace, taking in the sights as Marc was not far behind him. The birds sung as they glided through the air, circling around each other. Other animals popped in and out of view, Rubix slowly picking up pace as he became more and more excited. Marc's shoelace came undone, he slid the strap of Rubix's leash around his wrist as he tied it again. A squirrel ran down a tree, coming into the dog's line of sight. He made a run for it, ready to capture the squirrel, dragging Marc behind him. Marc's left foot caught on a rock, tripping him up as the squirrel escaped up a tree.
He lay of the floor for a minute, Rubix stomping over to lick his face. Marc groaned, sitting up to assess the damage. His left bicep and forearm had taken the brunt of the fall, small scrapes covering his skin. Blood began to rise up against the welting skin. Marc stood up, grabbing the strap of Rubix's leash as they made their way back home. Bez opened the door, music playing as he opened the door. Marc slipped in, unhooking the leash as Rubix ran to his water bowl. Marco greeted his lover with a kiss, taking the leash from his hands and nudging him to the bedroom where there were clothes laid out for him on the bed.
Marc quickly changed, wincing as he lifted his shirt over his head. He changed out of the mud-covered trousers, pulling on a pair of Bez's sweatpants, not bothering with a shirt. He sat down at the breakfast table, eating the piadina Bez had made him. Marco looked at Marc, scanning him over before pulling a chair next to him. He waited until Marc was finished eating, "what happened?" Marc quickly looked to Rubix, who ran between their legs before leaping onto the sofa. "Rubix got excited and ran after a squirrel. I tripped over a rock."
Marco ran his fingertips over the skin, lightly to avoid disturbing the scabs forming. "Go lie down." Marc complied walking to the bedroom, too tired to jokingly argue. He lay down, face in the pillow, eyes closed. Marco's warm hands massaged lotion into his back, focusing on his shoulders and thighs. Marc didn't know when Marco had learnt where Marc needed the pressure more, but he was hitting every spot. He bit his lower lip, suppressing a moan.
Bez laughed, pausing his ministrations to lean over and look at Marc's face. Eyes closed, lashes touching cheeks as the afternoon sunlight danced on his skin, Marc looked like a painting.
Marco bumped his noses against Marc's, dragging his lips down against his, dislodging it from between his teeth. Marc leaned into Marco, running his hands along his chest, flicking his nipple piercing with his pinky. Marco pulled away laughing, cupping his face. Marc grimaced, Bez's hands sweatier than usual because of the lotion. "You need to wash your hands." Marco dragged his hands down his neck, gently holding Marc's biceps as he tucked his nose into his collarbone. "Fine, give me a second." Marc kissed the mop of curly hair, before jokingly pushing him upright. Marco kissed Marc's nose, getting up to go to the bathroom.
Marco washed his hands, coming back to bed. Marc lying with arm above his head, a blissed-out look on his face. Marco lay down next to him, pulling him into his chest as he turned the tv on. Marc pulled the blanket out from underneath them, throwing it on them as they watched an old movie.
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formulapookie · 5 days
Pllsss I want Vale to see Arcmarc pet play, he would have an aneurysm
sorry if it took long, had been submerged with uni work
How would he find out? I'd say during a race weekend, after the race, Bezz is extremely sad by how his race went, he's ended up barely inside the points, his teammate once again doing better than him, Vale not helping at all, listing all the magnificent things Pecco did and how he won like that, and in general not feeling appreciated/good enough for the team.
He goes to Marc's motorhome to find some peace of mind, but almost regrets it because when he sneaks in he can smell the champagne, he can see the trophy shining on the table and just doesn't wanna ruin Marc's mood, who is smiling bright and buzzing with energy.
Bezz tries to fake being happy but Marc reads him like an open book and sits him down on the bed, stroking his hair and telling him he's been really good, the bike just isn't the one he needs or knows right now, but that he'll get it figured out soon enough for sure, because he really is good at it.
then Bezz just looks at Marc and asks him "Please can you make my brain quiet? I just need you" and he nods, slowly undressing himself and then Bezz, who doesn't oppose in any way.
He gets on his lap, plays with his hair, then with his piercing, "Want me to take care of you my good boy yes?" and Bezz is already moaning, his brain getting foggy as the seconds pass, the only clear thing present in his mind being Marc.
Vale goes to look for Bezz in his own motorhome but doesn't find him, asks around a bit and then stumbles upon Dani, he asks if he's seen Bezz and the only thing Dani says it's "Like father, like son" before pulling away.
Vale pales because he knows where Bezz is now, he sprints to Marc's motorhome and tries to peak from one of the high windows he so stupidly has on his walls, and when he does oh well
he's met with a sight he doesn't think will be able to remove, Marc is bouncing up and down Bezz's cock eyes hungry and lust-filled, Bezz has both his hands on the bed, gripping the sheets and obviously moaning. But the one thing that strucks him the most is the fucking collar with a leash Bezz is wearing, its of a dark black, very thight on the boy's neck, and it's got the name Marco written in front in big bold silver letters.
The chain is silver as well, shining and reflecting the light coming from the lamp on top of the room, and oh my god is he shocked
inside the motorhome Bezz is at fucking cloud nine, he can't think straight, the only things he can say, actually moan, out loud are Marc, more and please He's completely gone, he'd been like that the second Marc got off of him to go grab lube and the collar, hearing the soft tingling of metal against metal, and he was about to die when Marc takes off both their underwear and starts to touch Bezz's dick with a lube-covered hand, coating him completely and sinking down on him immediately after. As he reached the base he'd clasped the collar around the boy's neck and began tugging on it, forcing their faces to be closer
He began moving, his thighs not giving any sign of giving up, and looked deep into Bezz's eyes.
"You fill me up so nicely Marco, I can feel you here" and Marc honest to god takes the boy's hand and presses it against his stomach were his cock is, making his feel the bulge inside of him, and Bezz tries to get a bit of control on the situation by gripping Marc's hips to move them as he wants, but he's interrupted by him "Only good boys are getting the reward bonito, but you're lucky and you've been the best boy out there, you deserve to cum in me today, you like that?"
Bezz practically mewls, throwing his head back with his eyes closed, but Marc pulls him back against his chest using the leash, telling him he has to keep being good or he's going to take away his prize.
Bezz nods, trying to keep as still as possible while Marc keeps on riding him so good he's sure he could cum on the spot.
"Such a good boy Marco, following all the orders I give you like a good puppy, all collared for me, so good" Bezz dies. He ascends to heaven and then falls to hell all in three spilt seconds, he's coming inside Marc, filling him up completely and collapsing on his back, getting his hand on Marc's dick and making him cum all over his chest and stomach.
"You were so good for me Marco, really really good boy" Bezz can't even answer anymore, he smiles weakly and blissed out, he can only feel his collar being unclasped and restored wherever Marc keeps it.
He can feel a soft kiss pressed on his temples and Marc laying beside him, still chanting praises to him like a prayer, falling asleep at the sound of it.
Vale is having a heart attack, a stroke, every fucking fulminating disease who can end his life right that second.
He had just seen, and worst of all heard cause those two were everything but quiet, Marc and Bezz fucking each other, petplay involved and he could feel the life abandoning him quickly, he had to get away otherwise he would've thrown up, then killed both of them and then thrown up again.
He runs away before getting spotted, he could handle anything BUT getting spotted near that turquoise monstrosity of a garage. Well, that was now second to seeing his disciple fuck his ex.
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hotmessmaxpress · 26 days
ykw after yesterday im starting to think bezz finding marc being scary on track extremely hot is a crucial element of the marcmarc dynamic
It's like when you're a teenager and you have a crush on the Bad Boy and you know that your dad will hate him but you want nothing more than to ride on the back of his motorcycle or wear his leather jacket
It's the forbidden love, flirting with danger kind of crush. It's seeing how close you can get to the fire without getting burned. Because there's so much at stake (marc is vale's sworn enemy and vale means so much to bezz) and bezz is smart enough to know he should stay away
but he can't.
Marc is so fucking sexy. We all know it. That video of him taking off from the start line and immediately passing like ten other riders is so wildly sexy. Bezz can't help but be turned on by how much of a menace marc is-- he will go full out ("all in" lmaooo) and push even if that means he's crashing. And that's different than the way bezz was taught to ride. It's dangerous and forbidden. Marc's riding style has been so derided by vale that bezz would never ride that way, but... seeing it is fucking hot.
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anitalianfrie · 2 months
on to better things, in the marcmarc fuckbuddy scenario who do you think Vale would kill first, Marc for fucking Vale's pseudo son or Bezz for fucking his ex with whom he had the most explosive divorce in the universe?
Real question is how neurotic vale truly is?
Because that man warped reality in his mind so bad he doesn't even know what reality truly is anymore. Marc marquez devil reincarnate etc etc who's out to destroy vale and therefore has maliciously enchanted Marco his son with his siren-like charms. BUT at the same time Marco had sex with Marc Marquez Vale's own ex his his his he saw Marc's when when he comes he touched his skin he heard the little whines he makes when he gets desperate UNACCEPTABLE for Vale's crazy jealous ass.
So my answer is he kills Marc and disowns Bez. Then he cries.
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bezzplaining · 29 days
my marc/marc thoughts
Marco having a one night stand with Marc and then torturing himself for weeks bc he feels like he betrayed valentino(his weird vr46 loyalti) terrified that any of the boys find out his "horrible mistake"
¿the worst part of this? he likes having dirty sex with marc and if he were less worried about...would do it again.
¿About Marc? acts like he didn't care but he CARES.
¿Valentino? Oh...I wish were a fly on the wall when he finds out that one of his boys is fucking with marc(the ex he still loves)
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sammyche · 6 days
Ok so I realised something when I was reading through some of your stuff and also videos/edits I've seen:
In so many senses, Marc is everything Marco could be and that I think is part of why Marco hates him (or maybe not so much anymore but still)
Racing: by virtue of being older, Marc got to race against Vale and he was so successful?? Everything Marco ever dreamed of growing up I'm sure of it. They both have that aggression, that level of insanity (and bike fucker vibes) and it burns Marco that Marc got what he didn't. BUT Marco feels like he has one over on Marc because he has never felt the cold of Vale's anger, has never been pushed out by his entire world.
Irl vibes: OK we all know people loveee to pick Marc up, he's small, he's subby, he's bratty. But consider, Bez loves to be treated the same - he sluts himself out as soon as someone comes anywhere near pouring a drink in his mouth, he also loves to be picked up, and people do it (I mean,,just look at how easily Pecco went with him in Parc Ferme, that's someone who has experienced this side of Bez before) and they're both just insane girlies. Like absolutely batshit crazy
ABO: again it comes back to Marc just paving the way for omegas in the sport, that insanity - they just have that same bratty energy that can only be quieted by the bike or by a thick cock. Now, here's the difference though, Marc has always and will always be Vale's (yes, post-reconcilliation maybe they share him with the academy, but still, always and forever Vale's boy) Marco on the other hand, has grown up being waited on hand and foot by his academy alphas, and that's exactly what they are - his. But because they are so intrinsically similar (to Marco's and Vale's chagrin) Marco feels threatened by the reconciliation. But he soon learns how wonderful it is, not only just to have a fellow omega around, but for it to be Marc??? After Bez has worked through his issues those two are insanely close.
Imagine, one day all of the alphas are out, potentially for a few days, they've got their commitments, but Bez and Marc are both teetering on the edge of heat. So maybe, the alphas get back and they see Bez desperately mouthing at Marc's neck, both 3 fingers deep in each other trying to take the edge off.
Imagine pack nights where Bez cannot sit still (keyed up from a bad weekend or hes stressing over something), Marc drags him off to the bathroom, soothes him in that way only another omega can and then they go back into the lounge where Marc uses Vale to demonstrate the only way he can quiet his brain (cockwarming obviously) so Marco tries it, (maybe with Cele? Arguably the most service-top alpha of the group) and he just finds that for once, his brain is quiet, he can sit still, he enjoys the movie (and then at the end he gets fucked so sweetly by his alphas, with Marc lying next to him holding his hand getting railed by vale)
Of course, Marc teaches him some other stuff, Bez has always been a little bit of a brat (being the only omega surrounded by alphas immediately ready to spoil you will do that) but Marc just brings even more of it out of him. Like,,Marc is just THE brat of the paddock, when he's the sole omega influence on Bez?? Insane.
obvi at first bezz hates marc because he'll never be him.
but if you can't beat them join them you know.
shiiiiit i love omega/omega marcmarc. like them having to satisfy each other because they are too horny and none of their respective alphas are in sight. rubbing against each other blasting their heat scent in all of the ranch.
AND cockwarming also. god. yes.
the boys have not seen the end of it if marc is teaching marco the way to an alpha's heart. we know how crazy he drives his own mate like.
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gaslightgirlsummer · 26 days
extremely funny to me personally that bezz went from saying marc’s riding style is dirty to calling him maestro and saying he’s learning from him. what goes on in that curly head of yours boy
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