#Mrs Stanhope Nixon
winnix85 · 7 months
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Maurice Roche (4th Baron Fermoy), who once rumored to be a boyfriend of Miss Doris Ryer, was the maternal grandfather of Princess Diana.
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bleedingcoffee42 · 27 days
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Stanhope Nixon's draft card and other military records.
Who doesn't put down their family information and just repeats "Nixon Nitration Works" for ever line on the form? This guy. This guy right here. This poor person in the draft office was probably like "Yeah, man, I get it. You have a town and a company named after you. Mr. Nixon from Nixon, New Jersey who works at Nixon Nitration Works in Nixon, New Jersey."
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roadtogracelandx45 · 4 months
Courage Under Fire| Pre War Part 5| BoB
@marycorleone | @prettyinpayne | @ohnoitsthebat
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December 18th, 1941 
Phoenix Arizona 
"You know you two should run off to Mexico," Stanhope said the next morning, his eyes fixed on both his son and Olivia who coughed on her coffee.
"Pardon me?"
"Go to Mexico and get married." He repeated, his dark eyes dancing in amusement, they had both wanted Lewis to be happy and the happiness that he had was when the pretty Southern Belle was with them. And he wanted to make Kathy more furious, to see if the woman that was going to be his daughter-in-law would act like she had the night before and slap Olivia again. If she did, he was going to put an end to it right then and there. 
"Dad." Lewis warned, "Don't start. She isn't even out of high school yet."
"Don't remind me." Olivia pulled a face, the one-half day she had attended school was horrible. All anyone could talk about was the fact that the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and that the boys in their class could be drafted. "I already had a couple of friends get married."  
"What? Who?" Helen sputtered, she had heard all about Olivia's friends in South Philly and knew that it wasn't uncommon for girls to drop out due to being pregnant.
"Hannah and David." The younger girl answered placing the coffee mug down on the saucer. "Her daddy threatened to throw David in jail.' The news of the shotgun wedding had been dropped at mass 4 days prior and Hannah's father who was the police chief was livid, he had even gotten as far as pulling his service arm out when James Sr and Edward, Olivia's father and brother pulled him away. "Was she with child?" Doris asked, thankful that Lewis and Blanche had been sent to private schools where this was extremely uncommon and these stories that Olivia would include in her letters to her would send her to her smelling salts. "No, Hannah swore up and down that she wasn't. Even went to the doctor to get examined." 
Hannah had come over to her house afterward and sobbed into her lap, with how upset she was. She and David hadn't even consummated the marriage, it was more out of fear that they got married. "Sent Katherine into a tizzy."
"What in the world was that woman doing there?" Blanche asked as she lit a cigarette and passed it over to her. "She was there for mine and Robert's 18th birthday and she stayed until Andie kicked her out." Olivia said around a billow of smoke, "Bobby and Bill were more than happy to kick her out, Mama G, threw her suitcase out into the street. Katherine thought I was going to disappear into the night with Bill.' 
"I thought he was with that slut." Stanhope commented the story had been relayed to him several times including by Olivia herself.
She shrugged her shoulders, "I try not to think about it honestly Mr. Nixon." "Olivia, I told you to call me Stanhope many times, Mr. Nixon was my father."
"Yes sir." The rest of her reply was cut off by Kathy's parents Anne and Timothy joining them causing the girl to go quiet and pick at the scrambled eggs that sat in front of her. 
"Olivia, tell us is your family being called back into service?" Timothy asked.
 "Lee has been recalled to Coronado, I think they said something about the Pacific. They stopped talking when I walked into the dining room." She answered, her expecting sister-in-law and young nephews had moved into their already cramped house. "Edward and Daniel, I am not sure on. They won't discuss it around me, Marla, and Ma. They don't want to upset us." 
"Andera, isn't your  mother correct?' Anne asked with a smirk, she like the Nixons had heard about the fight the night before and wanted to get her shots in on her.
'No ma'am, she is my stepmother. My father has been with her since I was 10." Olivia answered as Lewis dropped his hand to her knee and squeezed it, his thumb rubbing a circle, causally going under the material of her skirt. 
Her free hand dropped down and covered it knowing if she didn't, he would have slipped his hand under it completely and touched her. She wasn't good at masking those emotions just yet. And the last thing they needed was for them to realize what was going on between the two of them. Then Stanhope would really insist on them going to Mexico. 
“Andrea is Liv’s mother in all the ways that count.” Helen threw in, the first time she had met the Stewart family was at James and Andera's wedding and it had amazed her how quickly Andrea took to being a stepmom and having more kids to handle. And how much Olivia loved her and her step-siblings. 
“Well, we heard that your actual mother hates you and that is the opinion that should matter.” 
Lewis’s hand tightened painfully on her thigh. 
“That is your opinion, Mrs.Page but it is wrong.” The girl said, “Katherine never wanted daughters and she ended up having me then my younger sister Marla. I learned a long time ago not to sneak out her approval. I don't need her approval or do I need yours. I believe the correct statement you are looking for, Mrs.Page, is I am so sorry for the loss of not only your older brother, and uncle but of your great great grandfather Olivia.” 
Lewis choked on his sip of coffee, and that unfamiliar sense of pride rose up again. This side of her made him think that she was going to be just fine if she stayed behind in the States or took his advice and joined the Army Nursing Corp.  “Are you planning on going to college? I mean that’s something your father can afford right?” Anne asked like she hadn’t spoken. 
“It’s rather silly going to college when our boys are joining the war isn’t it?” Olivia picked up her coffee cup again and took a sip of it, “My place isn’t attending school, “It’s doing what I can to help. Whether it be working at the recruiting office, going to work at the warehouses like my brother and Bill, or going back to Charleston and working at my grandfather’s  doctor’s office. I am sure he is going to be swamped.” 
“Or she could join the Army Nursing Corp.” Helen threw in, just looking at her cousin, she knew that he had already planted the seed of her going to the Nursing Corp and her husband had insisted when she talked to him earlier that morning that she joined too mostly so she didn’t end up marrying Bill or ending up like most of the young girls.  
‘Not you too Aunt Helen.” The girl took another sip of her coffee, “Do you really think my father is going to let me go running off to join the Army after he just got me back?” 
“I would be more worried about you becoming a slut like your step mother.” Anne commented with a smirked. 
The delicate coffee cup shattered when she slammed it down onto the saucer, “You have no idea what you are talking about Mrs. Page, Andrea, is nothing sort of a saint. If anyone is a slut, it’s your daughter.” 
“Livia, go upstairs.” Lewis finally said squeezing her thigh, “And start getting ready, Helen and I will be up in a moment.”  Shaking her trembling fingers out, Olivia nodded her head and stood up, “Excuse me. I am sorry Stanhope, Mrs. Nixon.’ 
Both of Lewis’ parents waved her off, “We will see you before the ceremony.” Stanhope commented shooting a glare at the Pages. 
It hadn’t been long from the time Olivia got upstairs that her aunt and Lewis appeared, the latter carrying a napkin-covered plate which he held out to the girl.
 “Thank you,” she started as she tucked her leg underneath her, “I am sorry for reacting like that.” 
“You have nothing to apologize for.’ Helen said, “I am surprised you didn’t throw a punch.” 
“I know better than that.” She stressed as she picked apart a piece of bacon, “I was raised better than that.”  
“Do you think Grammy and Gigi would have stood to talk like that?” Helen asked, referring to Olivia’s grandmother and great-great-great-grandmother. 
Olivia shook her head quickly, a small smirk pulling on her lips, “Gigi would have slugged her.”  
“Exactly. You are doing exactly what you need to. Screw the social norms.’ She blinked at her aunt surprised. 
“Helen, you do realize that is going against everything we raised to be.” The older picked up the whiskey bottle and took a swig off of it before she poured some into the teacup that was sitting in front of her niece. 
“Maybe it’s time for a change Olivia, for all of us.” She had been thinking a lot of things were changing and how much danger was out there. And how her nieces and nephews or even the little one growing in her belly. 
A little one that no one knew about.
“Aunt Helen?” Olivia’s voice was soft and concerned, much like her grandmother Sarah’s, when she was tending to the little kids’ injuries. “I am fine Liv.” She laughed unconvicing not wanting to meet Olivia or Lewis’s eyes.  
“Bullshit.” Her niece sang as she picked at the breakfast that he brought up for her. “Later.’ She returned, flicking her a look which she returned. “Don't start Liv. Not your place.” The girl held up her hands in innocence, a knowing smirk forming on her face. “Sorry. Not another word.”
Olivia had wandered down to the lobby before her aunt to clear her head before the wedding, the part of her wanted to listen to Stanhope and sneak off with Lewis to Mexico just to escape everything. But the other part of her, the responsible part said differently. 
It said to let him marry that awful woman and let him make that mistake, just like he was going to let her. and there were her feelings for Bill or lack thereof. Don't get her wrong, she cared for him but not in that maddening way that she had seen with her father and stepmother or her grandparents. 
She wasn't so sure she could get past the fact that he slept with Evie behind her back  multiple times. And maybe her aunt and Lewis were right maybe she deserved a lot better than this. Better than being a stay-at-home wife while her husband struggled to keep food on the table and a roof over their heads. It was no way to live.  
Her eyes locked on a couple across the lobby, the girl dressed in her Sunday best dress and the boy in a pressed Army uniform close to the one that Lewis had hanging up in his suite upstairs and her heart clenched with fear, the memory of her smiling happy go lucky older brother Nicholas who was quick to laugh and teach her out to throw a punch and sneak out of the house flashed in her head, the brief phone call he was able to make on the 5th to her and Bobby rang through her head, he had gotten several of the other boys on his ship to join in on singing happy birthday and there had been a promise of a present being mailed out to them.
 Which had arrived the day before she left and it still sat on the hope chest that was at the end of her bed. Either she or Bobby could bring themselves to open up, she didn’t know if it was out of fear or what but now she knew as soon as she got home she was going to open the box and see what he had sent them. 
"Olivia, sweetheart.' Doris' voice came as she and Stanhope came into the lobby, "Why don't you come with us to the church." She took a final glance at the couple before nodding her head and standing up to join Lewis' parents.
"Last chance to say yes and we'll sneak out of here." Lewis commented as she fixed his tie moments before he had to walk down the aisle with Doris, his sister Blanche had handed over the boutonniere to Olivia before going back to be with the bridesmaids. 
Stanhope was waiting in the hallway to escort both his niece and Olivia into the chapel. Something that when Kathy found out was happening pitched another fit. Yes, Helen was family and was okay but Olivia wasn't and she shouldn't be getting special treatment.
"You know why we can't Lew." She returned running her hands over his shoulders smoothing out the black material on his shoulders, "My father and brothers would kill us. I promised, I wouldn't run away with you." Lewis sighed and grasped her hips in his hands to pull her to him.
"How about this?" She suggested, "If it doesn't work out between you and Kathy and I am still single when I turn 21, we will run away." He looked thoughtful for several long seconds before nodding his head, "Deal." Either one of them wanted to bring up the fact that he could be shipping out to war and could die. And maybe he wanted to.
She smoothed her hands over his shoulders again and studied the tie to make sure it was straight, "I am going to say goodbye now, Aunt Helen and I are going to leave during the reception to get Charleston for the funerals. Uncle Michael got us on a plane.' 
"You? Are flying?" He asked surprised, Olivia was terrified of flying, she would rather take the trains. 
"Yeah, supposedly he has one of Uncle Finn's staff members meeting us and he has a sedative for me." She answered, "My heart has been in my throat since she told me."
 "It will all be fine." Lewis assured her brushing his lips over hers, "Helen and Michael wouldn't do anything that would put you in danger." 
"Lew? It's almost time." Stanhope commented as he eased the door open. "Okay." He dropped his voice so only she would hear him, "I love you." 
"I love you too." She returned just as softly before raising her voice so Stanhope didn't get any ideas. "You better write to me while you are at boot camp, okay?" "Always, I want to know all the gossip from school."
 "Like I would keep that from you." She squeezed his neck and let him hold her tightly for a few moments and pressed kisses to her cheeks, mouth, and jaw, before pulling away and taking hold of Stanhope's proffered hand.
"You are a good girl Olivia." The older Nixon commented as he tucked her hand into his elbow, "Letting him do this. I would have stopped it." "It's the right thing to do.' She paused licking her lips, "I already caused enough problems with Kathy and I know he loves her, he just doesn't realize it yet." "And you don't want to give up your freedom yet." She shook her head no, "Not with the possibility of it not being there anymore." 
It was a refreshing change being around his niece and Olivia, they both understood the consequences of what was going on and how drastically their lives were changing again. Half the country was finally starting to pull themselves up from the Great Depression.
Helen didn't quite understand  like Olivia did.
She understood what it was like to live with next to nothing, James Sr, had refused to take his father's offer to move back to Charleston with his whole family, which included his stepchildren.
They didn't quite get why but it was his choice and it made his kids better than they were.
The words, I object were on the tip of her tongue once the priest asked if there was anyone who object, her fingers clenched into the material of her blue skirt. She promised herself, that she wasn't going to do this but it just felt wrong, the more she sat there and thought about it, the more it felt wrong. 
"It's now or never kid," Stanhope muttered from her other side, he and Doris had been holding out hope that she would say something.
 'I am so sorry," Her voice broke through the quiet chapel, "I can't let him do this. I object."
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outoftowninac · 2 years
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When Hell Froze is a play by William Daniel Steele and Norma Mitchell, based on a Harper Prize-winning short story by Mr. Steele. The original production was produced by Kenneth McGowan and Joseph Verner Reed, staged by John D. Williams, and designed by Mr. Steele. It starred Helen MacKellar. 
It was billed as a ‘new comedy about obstinate people’ and tells the story of a farm wife that is branded as a harlot by the narrow-minded farm folk of the town. 
In July 1929, the playwrights were interviewed by Jessie Henderson of the Standard-Examiner and discussed When Heaven Froze. 
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If it proves successful Mr. Steele says he's a good mind to write another called "When Heaven Boiled"!  
"But you couldn't laugh" Miss Mitchell admonished. "It's a serious play It's theme is very American" 
Murders? Bootleg? Guns? Politics? 
"None of those.” Mr. Steele assured us, which is a news item In itself.
"Just life. Life on a farm.”
Does virtue triumph? 
"Oh no!" the co-authors said as one man in a shocked voice.
It sounded like a good play so we asked Mr. Steele's opinion of the American drama in general. 
"If my play succeeds" he an answered "I can safely say that drama in America Is on a high and substantial plane. If it does not, I despair of the American theatre."
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In mid-December, the casting of Arthur Hohl, Carl Reid, and Spring Byington was announced.  Byington’s career later included a seven-year run on radio and television as the star of “December Bride”. In 1938, she received an Oscar nomination for her role in You Can't Take It with You.
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The world premiere took place at Nixon’s Apollo Theatre on the Boardwalk in Atlantic City on January 6, 1930.  Next stop Maxine Elliott’s Theatre on Broadway! 
The Atlantic City Press called it a “Slow Moving Play”:
“Miss MacKellar always finds a friendly audience in Atlantic City. This part keeps her washing dishes and peeling potatoes so much that it is not until the end of the second act that she gest much opportunity to display her talents. After that she isn’t seen until the end of the play.” ~ J.J. FARRELL, ATLANTIC CITY PRESS
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A day after the AC engagement ended, newspapers announced a delay. 
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By March, the production was said to be postponed “until next season.” MacKellar would be replaced by Jane Cowl, who would play it in rep with Twelfth Night, directed now by Frederick Stanhope, set for October 14 at Maxine Elliott’s. 
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But when after advertising the rep, When Hell Froze was again cancelled, this time citing “unforeseen circumstance”. The out-of-town tryout in Baltimore would only present Twelfth Night. 
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Cowl traveled to Boston where critics savaged Hell, and it was swiftly withdrawn. Plans for their next stop (Broadway) had her eventually replacing Hell with another 20th century play to rep with Twelfth Night, but that, too, never happened. Instead, Cowl opened the Shakespeare play by itself on Broadway at Maxine Elliott’s on October 15, 1930. It played 65 performances. 
Even if When Hell Froze never made it to Broadway, it still had an impact. 
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After the play’s first performance, a congratulatory telegram would help change Western Union policy about foul language.  Oh, Hell!   
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lewis-winters · 3 years
Tell me about the Conjuring AU 👀
Ok so, I have two.
The first being Warrens!Winnix with Dick as Lorraine and Lew as Ed. Dick finds him, one day, drowning in the ghosts in his blood and in his head, struggling with trying to remember a childhood spent in a haunted house, where the spectres of his family's past and their present hang around his father and make him angry enough to go slighty mad. They took his sister, too. And he's afraid that they'll take him next.
And yeah they get together and are in love very much and Dick constantly likes to run straight into danger while Lew chases after him while screaming his name on the top of his lungs, but it's just a typical sunday for them.
The other au is more of a crossover, actually. I had plans to write it for like a Band of Brothers spoopy thing but I just lost momentum. I did have a summary ready tho:
"Responding to the call of a worried Mr Harry Welsh Jr., the Warrens make their way down to the massive Nixon estate in New Jersey, where they meet its unlikely new owners: one Maj Dick Winters, a kind man with grey eyes clouded in grief, and the ghost of the man who loved him."
Basically, after a long life together, Nix has died and in his will, he gives Dick the haunted Nixon house (it's actually haunted look it up), the one thing that his father did not take away from him when he chose to run away with Dick. Unfortunately, Nix isn't the only ghost in this house. After all, Stanhope Nixon isn't one to give up on having the last laugh.
It's supposed to be a contemplation of one's grief at the death of a spouse because a lot of the Warrens' marriage parallels that of Winnix's in my mind, but I couldn't find a way to weave it all together so. It got shelved.
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shiftyskip · 3 years
What did Nix do after the war?
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Sorry anon but I do not have my books with me so I could do more research but according to Wikipedia: 
“ Richard Winters served as the best man at the wedding. Nixon got his life back together and overcame his alcoholism during their marriage. They had no children. “ 
After the war, Nixon worked at his family's Nixon Nitration Works in Edison (then Raritan Township), New Jersey, alongside his father, Stanhope, and longtime friend, Dick Winters. (Ambrose, Stephen E. (1992). Band of Brothers: Easy Company, 506th Regiment, 101st Airborne from Normandy to Hitler's Eagle's Nest. Simon & Schuster. ISBN 978-0-7434-6411-6. page 306)
 Lewis Nixon died of complications from diabetes in Los Angeles, California, on January 11, 1995. Dick Winters gave the eulogy at Grace's request. (Winters, Major Dick; Kingseed, Cole C. (2006). Beyond Band of Brothers: The War Memoirs of Major Dick Winters. Berkley Hardcover. ISBN 978-0-425-20813-7. page 276)
In other books/memoirs/records
According to ancestry: 
Lewis Nixon married Grace Umezawa, who was of Japanese descent. She had, unfortunately and unfairly, been relocated to an internment camp during World War II. 
(Source Information Title U.S., Final Accountability Rosters of Evacuees at Relocation Centers, 1942-1946 Author: Ancestry.com Publisher: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. Publisher Date: 2013. Publisher Location: Provo, UT, USA Repository I)
His parents divorced in 1945. 
Nix’s mother died on June 24, 1948. 
Source for above: (Date: 1948-06-24Source Information. California Death Index, 1940-1997. Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2000.State of California. California Death Index, 1940-1997. Sacramento, CA, USA: State of California Department of Health Services, Center for Health Statistics.)
His sister, Blanche, died on November 4, 1955.  She had committed suicide and was found by Nix’s wife at the time. (This is not to bring any shame to the family, but to raise awareness that just because this family was wealthy did not mean they were okay)
Source:  (Date: 1955-11-04, California Death Index, 1940-1997AuthorAncestry.comPublisherOnline publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2000.Original data - State of California. California Death Index, 1940-1997. Sacramento, CA, USA: State of California Department of Health Services, Center for Health Statistics)
His father would die in 1958. 
According to Grace’s obituary from 2016:
“ In 1956, Grace married Lewis Nixon. In marriage, Grace and Lewis had a wonderful, loving life. They happily travelled the world, listened to music, supported charitable causes, and raised pets—among them Anubis the cat, Nicholas the one-eyed dog, and Peter the rabbit—as well as feeding a neighborhood family of raccoons and the annually migrating Mr. and Mrs. Duck. Grace and Lewis often spent time with their nieces and nephews, teaching them cards and backgammon and playing for keeps over the children’s allowance money.” 
One can assume that Nixon had a son with someone, as it is stated in her obituary, it is stated: “Grace is survived by her brother George and sister Dorothy, her stepson Michael and grandsons Miguel and Will, fourteen nieces and nephews, numerous grand- and great grandnieces and grandnephews, and by her devoted cat, Binky.”
Key word: Stepson Michael. Grace had not married someone else, as far as records go, so this must be Nix’s kid. 
To go even farther and possibly enter creep level, in will and estate appellete court case, after Nix’s father died. It talks about the estate of  Stanhope Lewis, it mentions Nix and his only child “a son, Michael, aged 14 when decedent died.”
 Nix’s father died in 1958. So doing the math, Michael was born in 1944 although I do not know when. 
I have no idea legal terms but I’ll attach some legal stuff here, “... remaindermen of the decedent's estate, of a life interest in a portion of the estate bequeathed to decedent's son, Lewis Nixon, which was renounced by the latter. “
Dick Winters states that Nix had several failed marriages until 1956, when he married Grace and found as Winters called it, “true happiness” and “peace within himself”. (Richard Winters, Beyond Band of Brothers, 276) 
He died in January of 1995 and Winters was asked to give the eulogy at his funeral and he did so.  (Richard Winters, Beyond Band of Brothers, 276)
It is known he attended at least one reunion, since Malarkey tells a story in his memoir about Nix and Compton at one in Dallas (Malarkey, Easy Company Soldier, 247) 
So there you have it, Nix’s life after the war was extremely rough. He lost nearly all of his family within a few short years but did manage to find love and happiness with his wife Grace. 
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NIXON, Stanhope Wood  
Oil on canvas, 62” x 39.5”. Full-length, dressed in a Scottish costume of red tartan. Location: Private Collection, North Brunswick, New Jersey U.S.A.  Provenance: By family descent.
The sitter was born in Philadelphia on 1 April 1894, studied at Yale University but did not graduate, was arrested for assault in 1914 after which his health collapsed and pleaded not guilty, and married Doris Ryer in 1917 and had two children, Lewis Nixon III and Blanche Nixon. He was vice-president at the time of the 1924 Nixon Nitration Works Disaster of which his father was president.  He was divorced in 1945 and died on 12 January 1958.
Painted in 1902-03. In a letter in the artist’s papers, undated – but in 1903, the sitter’s father, Lewis Nixon, wrote from 10, West 43rd Street, New York, that ‘…I enclose a check for $1500. We are both much pleased with the portrait of Stanhope./ Mrs. Nixon joins me in kind regards…’ The sitter was the offspring of Lewis Nixon’s first marriage to Sally Lewis Wood.
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winnix85 · 1 year
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Lew’s mother at American Women’s Voluntary Services (AWVS) work (she was the first one from right in both photos)
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winnix85 · 6 months
Where were Lew's parents when he was in Germany?
Well, I'm bored. I was thinking, it wouldn't be so difficult to check out the social notes to see what Doris and Stanhope were doing when their teen son was running wild in Germany. July and August were the social season, their presence or absence in social events may give us some clues regarding whether they were aware of Lew's whereabouts.
So, Lew left on 25 June 1934, returned on 02 Sep 1934.
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Doris might be unaware of Lew's absence because she was busy, attending her close friend Marie Dressler, who was gravely ill.
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Marie Dressler was an actress. To give you a sense of how famours she was at the time, this was the newspaper headline back then:
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Marie Dressler was in critical condition for a month and she finally died on July 28th. After the funeral, Doris (probably still in sorrow), went to Oregon to spend some time with her BFF Mrs Nion Tucker.
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Meanwhile, Lew's loving father, Stanhope Nixon, participated in a masquerade rivalry and won the first prize, by mimicking a Scotch Whisky bottle. (and yes, he was in Santa Barbara. He was the parent at home when Lew left for Germany. Why am I not surprised?)
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Lew's grandparents were on East coast, also attending summer social events. At the beginning of July, they were saying they were planning to go to Europe. But for some unknown reason they canceled. Instead they stayed in their summer cottage on Monmouth beach in New Jersey. In early August, they arranged a Bon Voyage Party for their head butler, who was of their service for 27 years and finally had the opportunity to go back to Norway to visit his family.
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winnix85 · 6 months
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So during Lew's summer vacation in Germany (June 24 to Aug 24, 1934), these events happened:
June 30-July 2:“Night of the Long Knives” Hitler orders the purge of the top leadership of the Nazi Party paramilitary formation, murdered Ernst Röhm and his top commanders. But when it was happening ppl around the world were told there was a big revolt to overthrow the gov. Aug 2: German President von Hindenburg dies. Hitler becomes President of Germany. Aug 19: Hitler declares himself Führer of the German Reich and People (a.k.a. the absolute dictator of Germany)
Imaging Mrs. Stanhope Nixon kicking herself for giving Lew her signature on that "school field trip"
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winnix85 · 1 year
Finally! I found the house Lewis Nixon grew up in Santa Barbara
His mother took the family to move to Santa Barbara in 1929, and bought a house in 1930. They lived in this house until at least 1946.  So Lewis Nixon lived here from 12 yr old to adulthood.
In the social notes, it’s frequently mentioned that their address was “180 Cold Spring Rd. Santa Barbara, CA”. However, if you search in google map, there’s no 180 Cold Spring Rd anymore, the house numbers all changed.
But I noticed that mama Nix bought this property from Mr. and Mrs Geoffrey Courtney. A little futher research showed that the full name of the seller were “Geoffrey Stuart Courtney” and “Marguerite Ravenscroft”.
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Long story short, this article is about and her home (which is a historic site now) https://www.montecitojournal.net/2021/04/22/marguerite-ravenscroft/
“On October 24, 1929, the stock market crashed, ushering in a worldwide Depression. Information about Geoffrey (Geoffrey Stuart Courtney) and Marguerite is scanty for the next few years, though they seemed to spend much of those years abroad. In 1930, Marguerite sold off the western portion of her property, leaving herself with approximately one acre on which Casa de Campo/Ravenscroft stands. By 1933, she and Geoffrey had parted ways. “
And, here is the map of this historic house “Ravenscroft House” at “779 Ayala Lane, Montecito, CA”, which showed that at the beginning of the Great Depression,  Marguerite Ravenscroft sold the Western half of the property to Mrs Stanhope Nixon:
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The old map corresponds to this house in google map today (today’s address is 778  Cold Spring Rd, Montecito, CA):
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“The house featured a sweeping view of the valley, channel, and islands from the south and a mountain view from the north. The architect Russell Ray designed an H-shaped frame house clad with three-inch brick veneer for fireproofing. The two wings were connected by a staircase hall, and the living room comprised the whole of the west wing. The dining room, kitchen, and servants’ dining room lay in the east wing. Affected by the destruction of the San Francisco earthquake and fire, she was reassured by the numerous hydrants, hoses, and a nearby reservoir. The second floor contained four bedrooms, dressing rooms, three baths, and sleeping porches. A third story on the west wing contained bedrooms and baths for the maids. As far as landscaping, the orange grove was central, but the house would be embellished with a terrace across the front and a large pergola on the east. There was also a stable, male servants’ quarters, and, of course, a garage.”
By the way, the Ravenscroft house is a rental holiday home open to public so you can find plenty of inside photos and videos LINK
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winnix85 · 11 months
Some more obscure facts about Lewis Nixon the shipbuilder and politics in 1920s
The other day, I found this piece in old newspapers that Lew’s grandmother was sitting in the box of the governor of New York Alfred E. Smith with Mrs Franklin D. Roosevelt in a Democratic convention compaigning for the election of governor of New York. I thought this was strange. I knew that Lew’s grandfather was briefly the leader of Tammany Hall, but very briefly, since he was tasked with the mission of cleaning up the corrupt Tammany Hall and failed miserably.
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Alfred E. Smith was probably one of the most competent governor of New York in history, and he stayed in office for nearly the entire 1920s. His political legacy included eight-hour day for women and children, minimum wages, to grant state pensions to widows with children so they don’t have to be sent to orphanage if the mother can’t find a job to support the family. (Alfred Smith himself was a child of a widow and he was dropped out of school at age 14 to work at a fish market)
It turns out that Lew’s grandfather was a long-time friend with Alfred E. Smith. They were allies since 1918. When Lewis Nixon died in 1940, Alfred E. Smith was his pallbearer.
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Franklin D. Roosevelt was a protege of  Alfred E. Smith. He started compaigning for Smith since 1918 NY governor election, and worked for Smith’s every elections since then. However they turned against each other in fighting for the nomination of 1932 presidential election. Lewis Nixon the shipbuilder backed Alfred E. Smith everytime, and even supported him to run againt FDR in the 1936 presidential election.
1918, FDR first spoke for Alfred E. Smith (in the same news, Lew’s grandmother accepted the chairmanship of the Alfred E. Smith's Women's Campaign Committee of Greater New York. In the state of New York, women had the right to vote since 1918). In this election, Alfred E. Smith beat the incumbent governor Charles S. Whitman.
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Actually, the incumbent governor Charles S. Whitman was the one who gave Doris away at her wedding with Stanhope in 1917.
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In 1919, Lew’s grandfather was appointed by Alfred Smith as the superintendent of public works.
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Shown below are a collection of newspaper clippings of Lewis Nixon throwing dinner parties for Alfred Smith:
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By the way, in 1926 seven-yr old Lew participated in a model yacht competition. Grandpa browbeat him to name his boat “Mayor Walker”. That’s Jimmy Walker, another protege of Alfred E. Smith.
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In 1928, Lewis Nixon, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Jimmy Walker were all invited to the wedding of Alfred Smith’s daughter Katherine.
Therefore, I believe lil Lew did indeed know FDR, because FDR was not only a close colleague of his grandfather’s besty, but also a immediate neighbor, for the Roosevelts lived at the opposite door to the Nixons on East 65th St. 
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FDR lived here and worked from here. This townhouse served as the compaign headquarter of Alfred E. Smith because FDR can’t walk to the actual headquarter on madison street.
Lew’s grandmother was still socializing with Eleanor Roosevelt in 1930 at least. 
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However, the Nixons sided with Alfred E. Smith when he and FDR fought for the Democratic nomination for the 1932 presidential election. FDR won.
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Lew’s grandfather was still promoting Alfred Smith in the 1936 election, but Smith didn’t run this time.
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Smith vehemently critisized FDR’s new deal. However, he was one of the first American politicians who publicly warned against the evil of Hitler and Nazis in early 1933 (mind you, in 1933, Hitler was still a fasionable strong man in public view)
Smith came to Roosevelt’s defense as the president sought to amend the country’s neutrality laws (i.e. to sell arms to Britain and France after they declared war on Germany).
Alfred Smith said Roosevelt was “is so obviously right, so obviously on the side of common sense”.
In 1944, when both men had only months to live, an acquaintance asked Smith what he thought of Roosevelt, who was running for a fourth term as president of the United States, Smith said “he was the kindest man who ever lived, but don’t even get in his way”.
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winnix85 · 7 months
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In late March 1945, Kathy took her baby boy Michael to move from Camp Mackall to Santa Barbara to live with Mrs Stanhope Nixon. Then, Kathy's auntie came to visit. Then Kathy's mother came to join the group in Sep 1945.
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winnix85 · 1 year
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Mrs Lewis Nixon (1902) and Mrs Stanhope Nixon (1945)
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winnix85 · 3 years
About Lewis Nixon’s mother Doris Ryer Nixon (Mrs Stanhope Nixon)
Source: mostly from old newspapers and digitized documents (I can’t guarantee the accuracy because they are fragmented information. I will just put it out there for someone may find some interesting useful backstories).
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Doris Ryer was born on Oct 1 1894.
Her father Fletcher Ryer was a wealthy pioneer agriculturalist in California. He owned 6,600-acre (27 km2) ranch on Ryer Island, which was named in their honor. Because Doris was his only heiress, this ranch all went to Doris and then to Lewis Nixon III and ultimately to Grace Nixon. It's an agricultural (instead of livestocks) ranch. They grew crops, fruits and vegetables such as wheat, milo, safflower, pears, apples, cherries, grapes, tomatoes and asparagus. They produced such large amount of asparagus that Doris's mother, Mrs Ryer was nicknamed Asparagus Queen back then. This farm is still up and running today, managed by Clarence Hester from 1950s to 1990s (Nix' war buddy, the regimental S3, the one who wrestled with Dick in that photo), after him by his son Thomas Hester.
Doris was educated at Madame Payen's school in Paris from 1906 to 1914 (her entire high school).
Fletcher Ryer died an early death in 1911 (when Doris was about 16). Doris was close to her mother Mrs Blanche Ryer. Mrs Blanche Ryer, though very charming, married very very young. As a pretty, attractive, wealthy widow she determined to ensure that her daughter Doris have a brilliant "bellehood" as a girl. She took Doris to tour around the world. For example, in Sep1913, they traveled to Russia to present Doris at the court of Tsar Nicholas II (Very inconvenient timing, I have to say).
Doris was very sweet and attractive, with pretty black eyes. Her mother has always been most ambitious for her handsome daughter. She aimed to marry Doris to British aristocracy. Doris was presented at Buckingham Palace in 1914, wearing "a white satin princess gown embroidered in pearls and brilliants". Mrs Ryer has had her eye on several members of the British aristocracy for Doris, "but this cruel war, of course, smashed all of her well-laid plans to smithereens." She has to stoop so low to choose from American heirs.
Doris married Stanhope in Jan 1917 in New York at Church of Heavenly Rest. Their wedding was the social event of the year. Guests from coast to coast attended Nixon-Ryer wedding.
The bride's costume was soft white satin, made in combination with pearl embroidered net. She worn a lovely veil, the same that had been worn by her grandmother at her wedding, which was held in place with a band of diamonds. Her only other ornament was a necklace of diamonds with a large pear-shaped diamond pendant, the gift of the bridegroom.
Because the father of bride has died, she was given away by governor of New York Charles S. Whitman. Among those in attendance were the Brazilian ambassador and Argentine ambassador.
After the wedding the new couple went to Bermuda for honeymoon and then they lived at 52 East Fifty-second Street NYC (but later moved to 46 East 65 Street). In 1920 census, the household of the new couple included Stanhope the head of the house, Doris the wife, Lewis the one and half yr old old baby son, and a butler and 3 maids. They also have a suburb house at 167 Grange Ave, New Jersey (a 20-room estate, equiped with oil burning hot water heat, a 4-car garage, servants quarters, a boat house and a stable).
After marrying off her daughter to the Nixons, Mrs Blanche Ryer re-married in 1920 to Clifford Erskine-Bolst, a British conservative party politician. Mr Erskine-Bolst was elected to the British House of Commons in 1923 and again in 1931. To help him win the election, she made generous donations to King George's Hospital in England. She campained hard for him, making speeches and appealing to the constituency in the South Hackney district. 
In 1920s, mama Doris bought a villa at Riviera France from the late Grand Duchess Anastasia of Russia. She lived there until her death in 1939 (This villa went to Nix. But he didn't like living there, too much hassle to open the house. He prefered to stay at the hotel Cap Estel. In 1950s he leased it to the Kennedys).
Doris and Stanhope seemed to be ok in 1920s. They attended social events together and traveled to England together. After Lew, they had a baby boy in 1922 (who tragically died in 3 months. Doris' mother went to New York to be with her.) Then they had Blanche Nixon in Aug 1924 (also born in NYC). While living in NYC, it seems little Lew was often spending time with his grandfather. Grandpa often took him to play at central park. For example, he took Lew to that model yacht regatta in central park when he was 7, and to skate in central park in Jan 1927 when lew was 8. In 1927, Doris took 2 yr old Blanche to France to visit her mother, but she didn't take Lew (maybe he was too naughty?). Anyway, Doris took Blanche to see grandma almost every year but Lew was only with them on one visit when he was 10 yr old.
Doris appeared to be lonely and out of place in the social circle of New York. Here is a social note about her in 1929: "A remarkable girl with her embroidery frame, actually engaged in a simple, normal occupation in a land where the atmosphere is charged with hang-overs, gambling-losses and mistrust. Nobody around here looks twice at a woman with mauve hair like Madame de Roch, or at a man with ear-rings and a bracelet on his ankle. But let a girl take out a half-finished centerpiece and commence embroidering and every lorgnette in the crowd is whipped into place."
At the end of 1920s, Doris seemed to be so unhappy to live on the east coast anymore, and she still regarded CA to be her real home. Stanhope sold their house in New Jersey and bought a new house in Montecito (also a mansion with a large stable and everything). In the 1930 census they were living at 180 Cold Spring Road, montecito, CA (Stanhope, Doris, Lewis (11yr), Blanche(5yr), and a French governess, and 2 servants). Lew attended boarding school at Cate School in Santa Barbara.
In social notes in 1930s, Stanhope and Doris mainly attended social events in CA (Santa Barbara and San Francisco), they also travel to New York to visit Mr and Mrs Lewis Nixon Sr.. The family traveled a lot, not only back and forth between east-west coasts, but also trips abroad. Doris always took Blanche with her, but Lew traveled on his own even when he was as young as 15 yr old. It appears that Doris and Stanhope's relationship has gone sour in 1930s. For example, in this 1934 social note: "The Stanhope Nixons will spend the Christmas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Nixon. Mr Nixon will return to California on Jan 1, and Mrs Nixon will sail for Europe to spend six months on the Riviera with her mother." (almost as if Doris was running away from Stanhope and hide in France after briefly met him on Xmas day. Meanwhile 15 yr old Lew was at boarding school in CA).
In 1940 census, Doris and Blanche were still living at 180 Cold Spring Road, montecito, CA (with a housekeeper, a cook and a maid). Stanhope was no longer in this household. Maybe they have separated. Lew was also not in this household for he has left for college.
Among the CA high society, Doris was a all-around likable person: "Doris is always bubbling over with enthusiasm, her joy of living and her wit making her a welcome guest at any affair". She was very enthusiastic about opera (and art events in general, such as oriental dance). She attended the openning of Opera Season at San Francisco every year (usually with Blanche, and she will grab Lew when she can catch him). In 1940, she offered a prize for the "Best one act play" to stimulate interest in the Lobero Theater of Santa Barbara. She also went to see excellent plays in New York when it's in season and made some witty comments about the remarkable fashion trends in New York: "The only lavender and old lace that you see today is on the individual--the lavender in the tinted hair, and the lace on the dainty unmentionables."
After the Pearl Harbor Attack, Doris turned from a socialite to a civic leader. In 1942 she became the national vice-president of the American Women's Voluntary Services (AWVS) (and during ww2). The AWVS recruited and trained women to harvest crops, do nurse works, driving trucks and sell war bonds. She encouraged women to show more interest in international affairs. She also founded Guide Dogs for the Blind in 1943 (primarily to help the blinded veterans) and she made generous donations. In addition, she was the state commander of the California Cancer Society.
The AWVS duties kept her so busy, she has to relinquish her box at the opera house. She only had long enough time to have a toasted chicken sandwich for lunch. She put generous amount of English mustard on her sandwich. When her friends cautioned her not to put too much, she said:"If it puts me out, I will be a most excellent subject for the first aid class I am about to attend, and we will all find out how much we know!"
In the summer of 1945, Doris and Stanhope finally divorced (Stanhope even filed counter-suits seeking divorce on the grounds of desertion). They divorced in August, and Stanhope married "the Blond" in September 1945.
In June 1948, Doris died at home (944 Chestnut Str San Francisco CA). She had a stroke (and she always had hypertention). It seems her death was an unexpected sudden death because one month before she was still traveling around France with her daughter Blanche. Her will dictated to split her legacy equally between Blanche and Lew. She also left generous amount of money to employees such as housekeeper, secretary. For a former maid, she gave her $225 monthly for life.
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winnix85 · 3 years
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Mama Nixon overpaid her rent (20 Jun 1946).
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