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Is there truly an absence of a real face?
Or have you simply forgotten it?
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sumerianlanguage · 2 years
I love this blog! Thank you so much for sharing all your knowledge with us, I’m passionate about languages and I’ve been studying some of them since I am 10 years old, now I am 21 and I’ve learned 5 already, most of them romantic languages. I see cuneiform as the mother of many languages and I’d like to make some kind of wall chart in my room with some of the words (in cuneiform) that I consider that represent my journey thru this point of my life, how would you write and say: Audacity (like Brave and Boldness) and Astuteness (like Clever and Shrewd) ? Thank you very much!!
Wow, thank you for the kind words! One quick note first: Cuneiform writing is one ultimate ancestor of a number of writing systems (the Latin alphabet we use today can, in part, be traced all the way back to elements of cuneiform writing), but Sumerian is not the ancestor of any modern spoken languages. It’s still an influential and important language, though, and I’m glad you’re using it in artwork!
The word for “courage, bravery” in Sumerian is lipish, written 𒀚 in cuneiform. It’s not an exact match, so another option is igikal 𒅆𒆗, which means “brazen” as well as “scowling, wild-eyed” - but it has a more negative and combative connotation, so lipish is probably the best choice.
For “astuteness”, there again isn’t an exact match - I might suggest bui 𒁍𒄿 “knowledge, awareness”. But “cleverness” is namkuzu 𒉆𒆬𒍪, from kuzu “expert, clever, wise”, which I think is the closest match for what you’re going for.
So, to say the phrase “courage and cleverness”, it’d be lipish u namkuzu, written 𒀚 𒅇 𒉆𒆬𒍪 in cuneiform; you can also drop the u “and” to just use lipish namkuzu 𒀚 𒉆𒆬𒍪.
And feel free to send me a photo of the wall chart you make! ^_^
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You could have sworn you saw their face.... But no matter how hard you try, you just can't seem to remember it.
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When I said bad ending, I was not kidding
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I think Alizaben is going to die after Evolution.
That is to say, "The Reliable Doctor" "Alizaben" is going to "die",
which is code for 'The Avaricious Meddler Namkuzu is going to ditch the identity of "Alizaben".'
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At trait I should explore more with Namkuzu/Liz is that when they do evil/cruel things, its done so carefully planned out. When they act impulsively, however... They tend to do good things. Their first impulse is to do the right thing- they have to actively choose to be evil. And frankly?
That makes them so much worse.
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