#NevilleLongbottom x you
sincerlypadfoot · 4 years
Seconds (1)
Word Count- 1345
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~During the time of the order of Umbridge and the dumbledore army, you have no problems summoning your Patronus, doing it on the daily, watching the dragon fly around your room, but once you see someone who catches your eye who has troubles, you're determined to find his happy moment
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“Everyone casting a Patronus is easy, but casting a full-body one is the hardest, everyone practice, even if you don’t get it right away, it’s okay” Harry shouted walking around the room. I looked at Hermione and smiled.
I flicked my wand in the air, shooting out a dragon, I smiled looking at the dragon that crawling around, flying around and scaring people.
“That is awesome,” Hermione said chuckling, I put my wand down, the dragon disappeared in the air. “Watch,” She said hitting my shoulder, a otter flew out of her wand, landing in the air dancing around.
“That's awesome,” Harry shouted walking over to the both of us. “That's really awesome, Neville,” He shouted walking from us to Neville, the boy who jumped at the sound of Harry walking towards him. “Why don’t you try,” He suggested.
“I don’t think I can do it,” Neville nervously said. I watched him, turning my body and looking at the nervous boy who lifted up his wand. “Expecto Patronum,” Neville shouted casting everyone's attention, a little blue light came out of his wand, nothing more than a light.
“I think we’re gonna call it a day everyone!” Harry shouted tapping Neville on the shoulder. “Practice your movement during winter break, I’m proud of you all!” He shouted as everyone flooded out.
“I’ll find you later, I have something to do,” I whispered to Hermione taking off quickly walking in front. “Neville hey Neville,” I shouted catching up to the boy who walked in the wrong direction. 
“Me?” Neville said turning around. “Hi Liara,” He said with a smile. “What can I do for you?” He asked stopping and just smiling.
“Do you wanna hang out this summer?” I asked smiling. “I got invited to a carnival this summer, and I have an extra ticket,” I said grabbing the tickets from my pocket.
“You're asking me?” Neville said looking around. “What about Hermione or your other friends?” He said rubbing the back of his neck
“Neville takes the ticket,” I chuckled walking over to him and placing the solid blue and gold ticket in his hand. “I’ll see you this summer okay, I’ll find you,” I smirked turning around and walking back to the common room. 
“Liara,” Neville said causing me to stop in my tracks and turn around. “Thank you really, I’ll be waiting,” He chuckled turning around from me and walking around the corner, I smiled looking at the spot he stood.
“Are you coming?” George said walking out of the room. “Liara?” He said snapping me out of my thoughts.
“Yeah yeah I’m coming,” I said sighing and walking up to the twins. “Where are we going?” I asked looking at the two.
“We’re breaking into Umbridge's office, you in?” Fred chuckled pulling out a package from his pocket. “She’ll be hiccuping the rest of the day,” He giggled.
“I’ll have to rain check on this one, but good luck to you too, I’ll be looking forward to seeing Umbridge hunt you two down,” I chuckled playfully hitting their shoulders and turning the corner without them.
Winter Break came by fast, sitting on the train with Hermione who talked about what she was gonna do, Harry who was happy to be going to the Weasleys and Ron who was shoving candy after candy bar into his mouth.
“See you in a couple weeks guys,” I smiled jumping out of the train. “Have fun with the Weasleys Harry,” I yelled walking away from the group, I grabbed my stuff off the trolly and started walking away, getting ready to take the floo network home.
“Godric Hollows,” I called out dropping the pounder on my feet. I appeared in my living room, looking at my older brother who sat on the couch smiling. “Wheres, mom and dad?” I asked stepping out of the fireplace and looking around the house.
“Out, they’ve been out all day, welcome home,” Ryker Nolans said coming up to me and hugging me. “I missed you, I hope you know that,” He whispered in my ear as I dropped my stuff and hugged him back.
“What's wrong?” I asked looking up at my brother. “Where are mom and dad?” I asked getting frustrated. 
“They joined the order, don’t freak out, okay don’t,” Ryker said looking down at me. “they’re at the ministry right now, figuring out what to do about him, so it’s just you and I for a while, and Milly,” He smiled. 
“Your girlfriends here?” I asked looking at him still. “Do mom and dad know?” I asked smirking.
“Do mom and dad know you gave your last ticket away to a boy when you were supposed to give it to Hermione,” Ryker smiled letting me go. “Tell me about him,” He said sitting down on the couch.
“It’s nothing, I just wanna show him the carnival we were invited to, and he can’t cast a Patronus, so many that’ll be a happy memory and he’ll be able to cast one,” I smiled picking up my bags. “I’ll see you in a bit, tell Milly I said hello,” I chuckled walking past my brother and up the stairs to my room.
A couple days passed and Christmas was only days away, and the carnival was only a couple hours away.
“Milly I need your help,” I shouted bursting into my brother's room. “Ryker out, I need help and you’re not involved,” I said pointing to the door.
“Are you kicking me out of my own room?” Ryker said, I didn’t say anything but kept pointing at the door. “Fine, I can’t even believe this,” I said shaking his head and walking out of the room in only his boxers.
“What would you like help with?” Milly said getting out of her bed. “Let me guess, you don’t have anything to wear, I’ve heard thing a million times from you,” She chuckled putting her hands on her shoulder.
“I don’t have anything to wear,” I shouted tossing my hands up in the air. “I mean I don’t think it’s a date but like I still wanna look nice, I’m trying to make happy memories here,” I chuckled looking at Milly with a nervous smile.
“Come on, let me go see what you’ve got going on in your closet,” Milly said walking passed me, I quickly followed her into my room. “Oh come on,” Milly chuckled opening my closet and taking out a black shirt and jeans. “This is perfect, and you’ve never worn it, you just bought it,” She said turning to me.
“And see, I don’t know what I would do without you in my life, do you have a belt I can borrow?” I asked chuckling. “None of mine look good,” I said with a smile, Milly looking back in my closet pulling out a black belt. “Thank you,” I smiled walking over and pulling Milly into a hug.
“So tell me about this boy, since you won't say anything to your brother, I’ll turn around,” Milly chuckled handing me my clothes, I walked behind her and started to get changed.
“His name is Neville Longbottom, you can’t tell my parents I gave the ticket to him, it was supposed to go to Hermione,” I chuckled tossing my old clothes onto my bed. “He’s nice, very nice and quiet, he doesn’t talk much unless you start the conversion, and I think I might have a little crush on him,” I chuckled slipping on everything. “You can turn around now,” I said taking a breath and exhaling.
“You look wonderful Li,” Milly said hugging me. “Go for it, he seems nice, and I’ll be your wing-woman for the night,” SHe chuckled letting me go.
“Thank you,” I smiled. “We should get going, I have to meet Neville, he lives with his grandma,” I chuckled. “It’s sweet really, I’ll see you at the carnival okay,”  I said taking another nervous breath and walking out of the room.
“Li,” Milly said making me turn around. “You're not even close to ready,” She chucked waving her hand back. “Sit down, let me do your makeup,” She chuckled using her wand to bring out the makeup from my vanity and pull out my chair.
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gotmadison · 4 years
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𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐛𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐨𝐦
you huffed, sitting back onto the pleated green couch placed in your flat, covering yourself with a thick blanket. “yet another.. well.” you muttered as you began to weep, hiding your face within your palms. you couldn't face him when he came home, yet another inconclusive test. this would make it the 6th negative of the past few months. feeling the dread of sharing the awful news, you cuddled up onto the couch, tucking yourself away to hide from the world. your eyes began to flutter and before you knew it you were fast asleep. the stress of the day had finally caught up with you. a soft jangle of keys was heard in the flat, neville dropping his keys as soon as he entered, as he did everyday. it became a joke in the complex - we knew when mr. long bottom was home because the keys would drop and he’d mutter a soft “merlin’s sake!” out of frustration. he brought in a few bags of different herbs from the community garden that he started and a few essentials for your home office. “darling? are you awake?” he asked, closing the door with his foot as he placed the bags on the counter. you stretched your arms outwards, nodding softly before sitting up on your elbows. he smiled at your presence, he always enjoyed married life with you. it was quiet when it needed to be, and the house always felt safe, loving, and warm. “how did your day go?” he asked, sitting upon the puff placed near the couch before pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. “well.. i.. well, i took a test..” his eyes lit up, taking a deep breath to calm himself down. “it came back inconclusive. i.. think we should go to a doctor, maybe they will tell us?” you suggested, pushing away the tear stains across your cheeks. he nodded, taking your hand within his own, “of course, my darling. listen to me, this is not the end.” he smiled through his watery eyes. “you're going to be a mother, and we’re going to have a little tike running around here giving us a run for our money. i can already see it.” his reassuring words made your heart swell, you leaned forward, wrapping your arms around his neck, hugging him. after a few moments he laughed, “you’re choking me! i love you.. but ow!” he coughed, laughing in your ear. you slightly leaned back pressing a soft kiss to his lips. “i love you too.” 
you anxiously tapped your foot as you sat upon a table covered with your husbands favorite cardigan, he stood anxiously, looking at all of the different flyer and pamphlets detailing the processes of child birth, child care, and conception. you twiddled your thumbs as he kept on, “y/n? did you know that a child can be born still in the sack? yeah, its called an-” you cut him off, placing your hand onto his arm “i love you so much, nev, but right now i need you to shut up.” you smiled, patting his arm. he nodded, catching on as you finished your demand. he went and sat down on the bench beside the table, placing his hand onto your knee, rubbing reassuringly. “whatever they say, we have each other.” you sighed, taking in deep, calming breaths. a knock was heard at the exam room, a smaller ginger woman walking in. “hello! mr. and mrs. long bottom, yes?” she asked, outreaching her hand before smiling widely, “everything looks totally normal, you're impeccably healthy in the means of conception, and you also mr. long bottom, the results were great. now i know you have experienced trouble in the past and i am so sorry to hear about that.” she spoke calmly and softly, which internally made your anxiety raise. ‘was she about to tell us we’re pregnant? are we not? what's going on!’ you thought to yourself rubbing over nevilles knuckles. “well, no need for anymore sad stories. you’re pregnant. and it’s too early to tell the sex, or how many. but.. studying your lineage - you have a chance at twins or even triplets, it's slim but we don't rule it out in hopes that it does turn out, we don't want new parents overwhelmed when they find out their little boy is now a little boy, girl, and another boy.” she laughed, holding her clipboard close to her. “congratulations!” you smiled widely, looking towards your husband who looked incredibly dumbfounded. “nev, did you hear her? we’re having a baby?” he nodded, jaw ajar, “i just.. can't believe..” he stood, catching his breath before wrapping his arms around your body, squeezing you tightly and picking you off of the exam table. 
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sincerlypadfoot · 3 years
Seconds (4)
~During the time of the order of Umbridge and the dumbledore army, you have no problems summoning your Patronus, doing it on the daily, watching the dragon fly around your room, but once you see someone who catches your eye who has troubles, you’re determined to find his happy moment
Word Count-1931
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“Have fun going back to Hogwarts, don’t die i’d like to see you graduate in a couple years,” Ryker said standing infront of me with Milly as the three of us stood infront of the Hogwarts Express.
“Yeah don’t worry, I don’t plan on dying anytime soon, you can’t get ride of me that easily,” I chuckled sticking my tongue out at my brother.
Ryker turned his head and I followed his direction. “Looks like your boyfriend just showed up,” Neville walked threw the platform, appearing with a smile, spotting me.
“Not my boyfriend, he’s just a friend,” I rolled my eyes and looked back at my brother. “See you in a couple months,” 
Ryker and Milly gave me a slight hug. “Don’t let that boy break your heart,” Milly whispered then let me go.
“Bye,” I walked away from the duo, towards Neville who was waiting for me with his bag in hand.
“How was your christmas break?” Neville teased, for something unbelievable the boy looked almost twice as tall then when I had last seen him, only a couple days prior.
“Pretty good,” I looked down at the little plant in his hand he was holding. “Whats that?” 
“My nan bought it, asked me to give it to you,” Neville extended his hands, pushing the Aloe Vera plant towards me.
I gladly took the plant, turning my head to Ryker and Milly who were watching from a distance. “You’ll have to tell your nan I said thank you, they’re my favorite,”
“She knows her plant people, come on we don’t wanna be late,” Neville picked up his bag, swinging it over his shoulder and walked passed me, I shot one more look at Ryker and Milly who were smiling, then following Neville onto the train.
“Hey Lia,” Hermione greeted as Neville and I entered the Gryffindor section of the train, the first section. “How was your winter break?” Neville took the window seat and I had taken the seat beside him, placing my new plant on the table.
“Spend it with someone special,” I smiled looking over at Neville who blushed. “Went to one of those secret underground Carnivals, had dinner with my grandmother who wasn’t as bad as last time and fought with my brother ever day,” I paused catching my breath. “How about you?”
Before Hermione could answer my question Harry Potter and Ron Weasley walked in laughing then spotting us.
“Bloody hell Neville, we don’t see you for two weeks and look at you, build like a rock,”  Ron joked sliding in beside Hermione, Harry gave me a slight smile then sat down.
“Guess my nans knows what to feed me?” Neville shrugged his shoulders not thinking anything off it.
“I was thinking Neville,” Harry paused connecting his fingers together. “We could practice more on your Patronus, i’m sure there's a happy memory in your head somewhere, we’ll just have to work on it,”
I looked over at Neville and smiled, picking my plant up and placing is on my lap, running my fingers along the green vines that ran up the soil
“I’m sure i’ve made quite a few happy memories this winter break, but that's a good idea, thank you Harry,” I smiled at Neville words, not looking up and continued brushing my hands along the plant, admiring the details and the feeling this plant and I had towards a certain boy.
Harry, Ron and Hermione took of, grabbing something to eat and I placed my plant back on the table, leaning against Neville.
“I wanna thank you for this summer Liana,” Neville whispered wrapping his arm around me so we were leaning against each other. “I’ve never gone out with friends, or done anything like we did,”
I looked up at Neville with a smile, admiring the dimples that happened when he smiled. “I’m glad you enjoyed it, and I hope you’ve made happy memories, i’m dying to see what your Patronus is,”
“You two look pretty cozy,” Dean Thomas winked walk into our part of the train. “Nice plant,” Dean walked back out and Neville let out a low laugh.
“What?” I asked looking up at him confused.
“Nothing, nothing, but I think I might close my eyes, makes the train ride go by faster,” Neville leaned himself against the window, opening his arm up a little more so I could move closer.
“Good idea,” I whispered leaning my head on his chest, closing my eyes and listening to Neville's heartbeat that was a normal pace, he wasn’t nervous. 
Unsure of how many hours passed the sky was dark when I fluttered my eyes open and we were slowly approaching Hogwarts, the train stopped waking Neville up in the progress.
“Told you sleeping it makes things go faster,” Neville whispered not moving. 
“Yeah it does,” I sat myself up looking around, it was only Neville and I sitting in the cart. “Come on, we should get going,” I picked up my plant and yawned.
Neville and I walked off the train, Harry, Hermione and Ron already walking towards a carriage, getting in with Luna, she had only left my house yesterday after asking her dad to stay over.
“Hello,” Hermione smiled helping Neville and I up. “How was your nap?” She asked making me smile
“Oh dear, your full of nargles,” Luna Lovegood pipped up lowering her book. I looked at her confused. “they come from mistletoes,”
“I haven’t been near any mistletoes,” I shrugging my shoulders and leaned back at the carriage started moving towards Hogwarts. 
“You know, I forgot all about Umbridge this winter break, can’t believe Dumbledore isn’t doing anything about her,” Hermione mumbled crossing her arms.
“I don’t think he can Hermione, it’s the ministry, and going against the ministry is basically sending yourself to Azkaban, just asking to be kissed by the dementors,” Ron snorted making Hermione a bi annoyed.
“I’m sure we’ll be fine,” I shrugging my shoulders leaning back in my seat. “The real topic, what are we going to be doing for Dumbledore's army, rumors are that your brothers are planning to slip some things into Flitches seat so he’ll be stuck,” I looked at Ron making him smile.
“Bloody hell I wouldn’t be surprised if Fred and George did that, i’m actually quiet excited to duel, Hermione, I bet I could bet you know, i’ve been practicing at home,” Ron said looking at Hermione who looked at Ron in disbelief.
“Oh Ron, your so full of yourself,” Hermione chuckled leaning back in her seat, the six of us relaxed, enjoying the carriage ride, Hogwarts coming into our sights.
“Nice necklace,” Harry said looking over at me, I looked down at the necklace around my neck. The deathly Hallow necklace Lunas dad had gotten me laid out of my shirt.
“Thanks,” I smiled tucking it in. “Lunas dad got it for me,” 
“We’re here,” Hermione said standing up and changing the topic, she jumped off first, followed by Luna, Ron, Harry and Neville. 
“Take my hand, I don’t want you to fall,” Neville said with a soft voice putting his hand out, I held onto the plant tight, grabbing onto Nevilles hand with my free hand.
“Thanks,” I smiled walking side by side into the gates of the school where Professor Flitwick was ticking off names after names as we all walked in.
The six of us walked into the schools, slowly making our way to the hall to feast our hearts out, and by the looks of things Unbridge had added more rules.
“There will be no fowl talk,” I read outloud looking at the list of new rules outside of the great hall. “Well shit guys, we’re fucked,” I joked making everyone laugh.
“Do you not know how to read girl?” Umbridge asked standing behind me, I turned around looking at her.
“Clearly I do, I just read that damn rule, I think we should be able to make our own choice you know, not like your stupid rules are stopping us from fucking doing shit,” I hissed crossing my arms, I heard snickered behind me.
“Detention,” Umbridge cried out walking forward and passed me into the dinning hall.
“Why would you do that?” Neville asked holding me back as everyone walked into the hall. “You know how her detention goes,”
“Neville i’ll be fine, someone's got to give the girl some trouble, plus i’ve got some things up my sleeves,” I winked smiling up at Neville who looked at me nervously.
“Your pretty daring, I don’t think I could ever do that,” Neville said truthfully.
“I’m sure there's some things you think you can’t do Neville, but life might push you to just do those things,” I planted a kiss on his cheek. “Come on, i’m starving,”
Dinner went smoothly, Umbridge said her usual words of “encouragement” to everyone, telling the news rules. Dumbledore wasn’t there, making Harry anxious and nervous as we walked back to the common room.
“Meeting for Dumbledore's army in a hour, spread the word,” Harry lowly said to the twins who nodded their heads taking off, Harry walked to his room in silence, well Hermione and I walked to our, leaving Neville to go to his room as well.
“So you and Neville spend the break together?” Hermione asked casual unpacking her things.
“Yeah, I wanted to see if I could get a happy memory out of him, but he’s actually a good friend, we even got each other christmas presents,” I replied placing my Aloe Plant on my nightstand, smiling at it, then turned to my bag, taking out the picture frame. “See,” I turned to show Hermione.
She looked at the picture for a second with a smile. “You two are really cute,” Hermione chuckled continued to look at the picture. “Do you think you’d ever snog him?” she asked making me laugh.
“I’ve thought about it,” I turned back around, placing my picture frame beside my new plant. “I mean it has to be the right moment, with Dean is was just a truth or dare, remember that,”I laughed at the memory making Hermione laugh.
“That night was insane, Ron dared Harry to run naked, of course the firewhisky didn’t help,” Hermione added making my smile brighter. 
“We should get going to the meeting, im sure the boys have left already, we’re always the first ones there anyways,” I suggested grabbing my robe from my bed and slipping it on.
“Your as right as you’ll ever be,” Hermione said following me out of the room, we quietly left the common room, sneaking into the Room Of Requirements.
“Hey Lia, Hermione,” Harry said looking at us from the mirror, him and Neville stood beside each other, looking at the pictures that were hung up.
“What are we doing today Professor?” Ron asked prancing into the room behind us cheerful, to happy for my liking.
“The Patronus charm, I wanna see if the winter break helps anyone who couldn’t produce it, I know quite a few people had a heart time,”
A frown moved on Neville's face and his head tilted down just a bit.
“Neville,” Harry said chiming the boys head to look up at him. “Why don’t you try again, since there's no one here maybe that will ease the nervous,” Harry suggested making Neville more nervous then he already was.
“Okay,” Neville said quietly, we all backed up giving him some space as he raised his wand, I smiled nervously watching his wand raise in the air. “Expecto Patronum,” Neville called out, the four of us fell to the ground as a dragon shot out of his wand, I smiled casually watching the dragon fly along the room, then landing at Neville's feet lookin at us.
“Matching Patronus,” Hermione whispered in my ear, we still laid on the ground, watching the dragon roam around the floor, looking at us still. 
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sincerlypadfoot · 4 years
Seconds (3)
~During the time of the order of Umbridge and the dumbledore army, you have no problems summoning your Patronus, doing it on the daily, watching the dragon fly around your room, but once you see someone who catches your eye who has troubles, you’re determined to find his happy moment
Word Count-1983
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My eyes flung open and excitement rushed through my body, quickly flooding away with the sound of my alarm cloak humming my whole room. “It’s Christmas,” I whispered to myself leaning over and shutting my alarm off.
I didn’t get out of bed or move around, I just enjoyed the quiet of the house, before everything went to chaos in a couple hours.
“Good morning,” Ryker whispered walking into the room, not knocking. “Millys asleep but do you want anything to eat before our family comes over with the kids?” He asked.
“Please, I’ll take whatever your cooking, Merry Christmas Ryker,” I smiled tossing my blanket over me. “I’ll be here admiring the snow outside,” I chuckled watching the slow melt hitting my window.
“I’ll start cooking, Merry Christmas to you too,” I said to Ryker crawling out of my bed and opening my window. “Hey wanna do me a favour,” I cooed at the owl that laid outside on the tree. I turned around and grabbed a wrapped present that laid in a bag carrier. “Neville Longbottom, it’s his Christmas present,” I placed the carried in the owl's claws, watching the black owl fly away quickly.
“Wanna match?” Milly croaked walking in, she walked in holding a purple and blue short Christmas dress. “You’ll just need a belt, it’s an earlier Christmas present from me,” She smiled walking into my room. 
“Purple, I know blues your favourite colour,” I said walking over to Milly and pulling her into a hug. “Merry Christmas Milly,” I whispered.
“Merry Christmas Lia, go have a shower, your family will be here soon,” Milly said plugging her nose. “I can smell you from my room,” She joked smiling and walking out of the room. 
I shook my head and walked towards the bathroom, getting caught up and wasting time. “Thank you!” I shouted at Milly hearing her in her bedroom just beside the shower, I heard her knock on the wall, I chuckled and continued washing my hair.
“Goodmorning,” I cheerly said to Ryker and Milly who were placing a couple things under the tree before everyone had gotten here. “How do I look?” I asked spinning around for the two.
“Like a million dollars,” Ryker said smiling. “You both look like a million dollars,” He smirked planting a kiss on Milly's cheek. “Cooking is almost done, family will be here soon, presents are planting, everything is perfect, just mom and dad won’t be here this year,” There was a hint of disappointment in his words.
“I’m sure they’ll be back soon Ryker,” Nothing in my voice helped any better when I walked over and wrapped my arms around my brother. “I’m sure,” I whispered in his ears.
The door knocked, breaking the both of us from our strange thoughts. Milly didn’t say a word but walked over to the door, leaving Ryker and I alone in the living room.
“Merry Christmas!” Luna Lovegood called out catching me off guard, I looked at her and smiled, running over and wrapping my arms around her. “Your clear of Nargles,” I heard Luna say taking a glance around my house.
“Merry christmas,” I chuckled smiling. “Where is your dad?” I asked looking around, a tall blond man who walked in. “Hello uncle Xeno,” I smiled happy wrapping my arms around him.
“Hello little one,” Xeno Lovegood smiled hugging me back. “Merry christmas,” His arms loosened and a tiny wrapped box shaped present laid in his hands. “Open it, your gonna love it,”
I took the perfectly wrapped present from my uncle and opened it up, a deathly hallow necklace laid infront of me, I smiled and took it out. “I love it,” I smiled hugging my uncle once again.
“I know you would, ever since I had met you when you were just a wee girl you loved my necklace, and I had to you your own,” Xeno said smiling. “i’m glad you like it,” he placed his hand on my head smiling down then walking away with Luna, followed by Milley.
I smiled walking towards our fireplace watching green sparks fly out, a woosh of green flew out and a plumped old woman walked out followed by three teenagers, recognizing them from schools.
“Oh my Lia, you look just the same as you did years ago,” My grandmother Lucille chirped wrapping her arms around me. “I heard about your parents, what a shame that they won’t be here this year,” I felt angry as the words came out of her mouth.
Ryker wrapped his arms around my shoulder before I could say anything else. “Hey Mema,” He said letting me go and wrapping his arms around her. “Missed you,” I heard him say, my anger left and I had felt a bit better.
“Come on, dinner should be ready soon,” I said to the group that stood infront of me, I didn’t wait for them to finish talking but walked away to our dining room were Luna, Xeno and Milly all were talking amongst themselves.
“Hey,” Milly greated pulling out the chair beside her. “Sit, we were just talk about your favorite topic, school,” I rolled my eyes and smiled, walking to the sit beside Milly and sitting down, placing my hand on my necklace that I had just gotten moments ago.
“Oh yes my favorite topic,” I mocked sitting down and having a drink of water that sat infront of me. “Continue your conversation,”
“Well,” Xeno started to say. “I hear that you made friends with that Longbottom kid Milly was saying,” My hand started patting my leg nervously.
“Yeah well I thought making new friends would be nice, I brought him to the carnival, I looked for you two but didn’t see you,” I smiled at the thought of Neville and if he had received my present yet.
“We didn’t see you either, must have missed each other,” Luna said smiling. “How is Neville, are the Broom Flies getting to him?” She asked making me tilt my head but I went with it.
“No I think he’s okay, no Broom Flies have gotten to him, how are you doing Luna?” I asked changing the topic from Neville to her.
“I’m doing good, though my shoes have gone missing again, suppose that the Nargles will have something to do with it,” Luna was the laid back cousin that I admired, she was calm and I had never seen her angry, and she always saw the good in people before the bad.
“Dinner shall be served,” Ryker happily said walking into the room, food appeared on the table and our Mema and her two grandkids we hated.
“So,” Lucille said breaking the silence at the table. “Good afternoon Luna dear and Xeno,” she nodded her head taking a bit of her food. “Any boyfriends?” her face turned to me.
“No don’t need one, I like it that way,” I bitterly smiled taking a drink of my water. Ryker kicked my feet but I hadn’t budged.
“Shame, i’m sure you parents want you to get married, have you thought about marriage yet?” 
Before I had been able to answer the doorbell rang and I shot up from my seat. “I’m more than happy to grab that,” I smiled looking at Ryker and Milly then making my way to the door. “Nolans residence,”
“Lia,” Neville said catching me off guard, I double looked then smiled. “I ugh Hermione told me where to find you, thank you for the snowglobes, I brought you something,” His voice trembled as he had pulled a present out from his back.
“Neville,” I smiled stepping outside and shutting the door. “You didn’t have to,” I picked my nails a bit nervous.
“My grandma insisted, open it,”  Neville pushed the gift a bit closer, I took the gift in my hands, feeling it a bit flat instantly knowing what it was and putting a bigger smile on my face.
I tossed the wrapping paper on the porch and looked at the picture frame in my hands, Neville grandmother must have taken a picture of us, I watched as Neville and I walked up the stairs with my big stuffed animal in hand, at the end with both hugged.
“I love it,” I cried out holding the picture tightly in my hand and using the rest of me to wrap my arms around Neville.
“I’m glad, I was a bit nervous, didn’t think you would like it,” Nevilles arms wrapped around me and we just stayed still for a couple seconds.
“Lia dinners getting, oh hello,” Rykers voice shot me up and I turned around looking at him. “I think we have a extra chair if you’d like to stay,” my cheeks went red.
“Neville’s grandma is waiting for him,” I started to say but stopped looking at Neville.
“Actually she’s gone visiting my parents for the night,”
“Perfect, Neville come on let me introduce you to everyone,” Ryker happily said tossing his arm over the poor boys shoulder and bringing him in the house before I could decline.
“Ryker,” I hissed picking up the wrapping and walking inside stopping the pair before entering the dining room. “Mema isn’t the nicest person, you really don’t think this through,”
“Fine,” He huffed taking his hand off Neville. “Whenever you two are ready dinner won’t be paused,” 
I placed my hand on my forehead listening to Ryker walk away. “Sorry, my brother is just dumb,” 
“It’s okay, you’ve said that a lot,” Neville chuckled facing me. “So, dinner sounds nice,” he smiled a bit.
“I’ll show you around first, my Mema isn’t my favorite person, I can go a bit, but Lunas here, she’s my cousin,” I turned from the dining room with Neville and walked up the stairs towards my room.
“Weird I never knew that, I guess her mom was your aunt?” Neville asked following me up the stairs.
“Yep, she was my moms sister, Luna and I were never close until hogwarts, now we’re like sisters,” I stopped and turned to Neville catching him off guard. “My room isn’t the best also, didn’t expect anyone to come in,”
Neville and I walked into my room, my owl Uni sitting on my desk asleep making me smile knowing he was already back. 
“Trevor isn’t nearly as cool as your owl, look at her,” Neville said walking over at Uni who opened her eyes, cooing excitedly at the sight of Neville. “I saw her this morning at my window,”
“I just thought a snowglobe would be a nice gift, something simple,” I paused walking over to my shelf and clearing a spot. “I really do like this picture, we look nice,”
Neville walked over and stood beside me, we both looked at the picture, admiring each other. “I do too,” his eyes grazed from the picture to the corner of my bed where the pink stuffed bear laid. “And that,”
I laughed rubbing the back of my neck. “Well I guess i’ll have to face my grandmother sometime, im warning you, she says whatever she likes without a care, so i’m sorry in advance,”
Neville smiled and nodded his head, we both walked down the stairs, my hands started piking at my skin but warm hands leaned into my palm and I stopped and felt a sense of calm.
“We have a extra dinner guest,” We walked into the dinning room, everyone shot their heads in our direction, Luna and Milly smiled, she was already moved beside Ryker saving a seat for Neville and I.
“Hello Neville,” Luna greated, we sat infront of her with the food already served and on our plats. “Glad you’ll be joining us tonight,”
“Neville is it,” Lucille said leaning forward a bit and putting her hand out. “Nice to meet you, I hope your treating our Liana here very well,”
“I am,” Neville smiled shaking her head. “This looks really good, thank you for having me,” he nodded his head and started eating the food.
I smiled not helping myself, glad that everything was okay and food was infront of me, Neville I took one more glance at each other letting out a chuckle then eating again.
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sincerlypadfoot · 3 years
Seconds (5)
~During the time of the order of Umbridge and the dumbledore army, you have no problems summoning your Patronus, doing it on the daily, watching the dragon fly around your room, but once you see someone who catches your eye who has troubles, you’re determined to find his happy moment
Word Count-1.5K
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“Neville you did it!” Harry shouted helping myself up and bringing Neville into a hug. “I told you, what did you think of?” 
“Ugh,” Neville stuttered looking over at Hermione and I. “Just something I did this winter break, thank you Harry,”
“Hello party people!” We all turned around to look at Fred and George Weasley who walked in.
“Talk to him,” Hermione whispered grabbing Ron and Harry and dragging them over towards Fred and George.
I turned to Neville and just smiled. “That was pretty sick you know,” I said making Neville smile.
“I know right, a dragon of all things,”  Neville said looking at his wand. “I have you too thank you know,”
“What did you think about?” I asked walking towards Neville, we were only inches apart from each other.
“Sliding down the slide and getting to the bottle and the first thing I had seen, was your face,” Neville's face was all red making my face turn red.
“You thought of me?” I played half dumb half not. “I thought you would have thought about when we were riding on the rides and you laughed so laugh,” Neville smiled making me smile as we looked up at each other.
“Hello everyone, welcome!” Harry shouted causing Neville and I turn our attention towards Harry who walked in the middle of the room. “We’re gonna practice the patronum spell once again, so everyone go to your areas and practice, i’ll be around and help you all,”
“Expecto Patronum!” I shouted bringing my much tiny dragon out, I smiled bending down and petting it. “I think i’ll name you gilly,” 
“Gilly huh,” Neville chuckled bending down and rolling his one finger down the spine of my patronum. “Expecto Patronum,” Nevilles dragon came out much smaller this time, much bigger than mine though.
“They’re matching,” I smiled standing up and watching the two fly around the air. “Thats pretty cute,”
“Do you wanna go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend?” Neville asked looking up at the two dragons. 
“I would love to Neville,” I smiled, my heart felt like it was beating about a million miles per hour. “Took you long enough to ask,” I said looking over at him.
As Neville and I turned around and looked at eachother, the lights flickered, catching everyone's attention, the glass chandelier above us shook.
“Stay behind me,” Neville said grabbing me and pulling me behind him, everyone slowly turned and started walking towards where the noise was coming from, Neville grabbed my hand as we stood in place, watching Harry and a blond haired boy walk towards a hole in the wall.
“I’ll make quick work of this,” Umbridge said, I felt Neville turn around and shield me as I closed my eyes. “Bombarda Maxima,” Everyone fell to the ground, the whole room filled with dubry and Neville and I were on the ground.
“Are you okay?” Neville asked moving off of me and helping me up. 
“Yeah are you?” I asked looking around the room, everyone slowly stood up and looked at Umbridge, Flitch, Draco and his goons, then Cho who stood in Dracos clutch.
I watched Harry closely as he dropped a little black object on the ground, in seconds there was one, in another there were five.
“What is going on here!” Umbridge huckled stepping into the room and looking around, unnoticed of the things multiplying rapidly on the ground.
“Run!” Harry shouted, as he shouted black smoke and honking appeared in the air, laughter arose.
“Come on, I have a place we can hide,” I called out to Neville grabbing his hand and darting for the door.
“My heart is beating like a million miles per hour!” Neville shouted making me laugh, we ran up the stairs, splitting away from everyone, I tossed a door open and rushed in falling onto a wall panting like a dog, out of breath and excited.
“That was genius of Harry, I guess he knew something like this might happen,” I laughed leaning against the wall. 
“Where are we anyways?” Neville asked looking around, I looked around, the room was full of old, scratched, dirty paintings.
“I’m not sure, let’s look around,” The room was big enough to walk around in, since there had to be about five dozen paintings stacks against each other, and those were the ones we could see, not knowing how much were really in the roam.
We both walked out away from the door, going in different directions, looking all around the room, the further we had gone into the room the more interesting the items gotten. Paintings slowly stopped, then shelfs, cabinets, anything you had thought of was in the room.
“This is bloody amazing,” I whispered to myself, spotting Neville holding up a box. “What do you got there?” I asked looking over his shoulder.
“It’s a box, not sure how it opens,” His hands roamed around the outside of the box, turning it upside down, the sound of metal clanking caused the both of us took look at eachother.
“I got this,” I smirked taking my wand out and pointing at the box, the sound of the lock clicked and Neville opened up the box. “Rings,” I smiled looking at the all the assortment of rings in the box.
“Look at them,” Neville placed the box down on the shelf he had picken it up from and took out some of the rings, admiring them. “I wonder why someone would leave these rings here, they seem too good to be just sitting in a room,”
I admired Neville as he picked each one up, placing the next one down and admiring them all, looking all around.
“I wonder who’s rings they are,” I picked a flat silver one up and looked around it, spotting small engravings inside.
“We should be getting back Lia, before anyone notices we’re gone,” Neville shut the box as I placed the ring back and turning to me.
“You’re right, and before the goon squad comes out and catches us, everything's a mess right now,” I let out a low laugh and walked passed Neville, not getting so far as his hands gripped my wrist.
In that split second, our bodies were pressed together, including our lips, Neville's hand found it’s way onto the back of my head, pushing my lips more, my hands wrapped around his shoulders, pulling myself closer as well.
Our heartbeats became rapid and my lungs needed hair, but nothing in me wanted to break until Neville pulled back first.
“That was,” Neville started to say, out of breath, his hands moving my head to my waist.
“Good, really good,” I finished his sentence looking up at the boy, both trying to catch our breaths, my hands not wanting to leave his body, like a magnet. My head fell forward on Neville's chest and the both of us just laughed.
“Come on, i’m sure people are wondering where we are,” Neville grabbed my hand, I looked up at him with a smile, stepping on my tippy toes just a bit and pressing my lips against Nevilles one last time.
Nevilles hands graviated to my low back, causing my back to curl as we kissed, my hands wrapped around his neck, helping me balance a little more without falling.
I pulled back, out of breath and closed my eyes, letting myself and Neville catch our breaths.
“Come on, we should get going now,” I smirked making Neville smile, our hands intertwined as we walked back towards the door.
“You know, I don’t know why you coming into sight was the first thing that made me happy, but i’m grateful it was, and i’m grateful for everything you know,” I leaned against Neville, blushing it as words.
“I’m glad I asked you out, and now i’m glad we have a date this weekend,” I chuckled stopping just outside the common room door. “How much chaos do you think is happening on the other side of this door?�� I asked making Neville let out a low laugh.
“So much, bet the twins have something to do with it all,” Neville stepped forward still holding my hand. “Dog tongue,” The door opened and we walked in, to silence.
“Either everyone got caught and we were the lucky ones, or they’re just not in the mood to party,” The common room was completely silent, not a single person around.
“It’s getting late, look how dark it is,” Neville pointed to the window, it had been nearly bright outside when we got to the meeting, now the stars begin to peer out from the sky.
“Lets just sit down on the couch for a moment,” I pulled Neville forward, sitting him down on the couch, using my wand and bringing my blanket from my room down, landing on the both of us.
“I could use this you know, sleeping somewhere that isn’t with four snoring and sleep talking boys,” Neville chuckled moving around, the both of us got comfortable, my hand laid on Neville's chest, and his hands moved along my hair, running his fingers through.
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sincerlypadfoot · 4 years
Seconds Masterlist
~During the time of the order of Umbridge and the dumbledore army, you have no problems summoning your Patronus, doing it on the daily, watching your dragon fly around your room, but once you see someone who catches your eye who has troubles, you're determined to find his happy moment
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Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
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sincerlypadfoot · 4 years
Seconds (2)
~During the time of the order of Umbridge and the dumbledore army, you have no problems summoning your Patronus, doing it on the daily, watching the dragon fly around your room, but once you see someone who catches your eye who has troubles, you're determined to find his happy moment
Word Count- 1267
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I stood in front of a large wooden door, tapping my leg and staring into the window, a old lady sat on her chair, using her wand to knit and clean her living room.
My head stopped spinning and I grabbed all the courage inside of me, not understanding why I was nervous. I placed my knocked on the door, firmly knocking then backing up.
“Liara,” Neville said with a smile. “I’m not really ready yet, would you like to come in?” He asked opening his door a little further.
“We have some time to spear, sure,” I replied looking behind me then walking into the house. I looked around his house, a couple stood in one photo with a baby in their hands.
“You must be Liara,” An old woman said walking towards me, the same old woman who I saw cleaning her living room. “Augusta Longbottom,” She said with a smile sticking out her hand.
“Liara Nolans,” I smiled shaking her hand. “I’ll have Neville back before it gets too late, we’re just going to a carnival a couple towns down,” I said looking at Neville who walked down the stairs, dressed in a checkered flannel and black pants.
“You two stay out for as long as you’d like, have fun,” Augusta said patting my shoulder, she opened the door for us, I walked out with Neville. “Keep her safe, she’s pretty,” I heard her whispered to Neville making me smile, he shut the door and it was just the two of us.
“Sorry about my grandma, I’ve never had anyone over before,” Neville chuckled pulling out his ticket from his pocket. “So where are we going first?” He asked looking around.
“Magic, follow me,” I chuckled grabbing Neville's hand, we both ran across the street and into a bus terminal. “Watch this,” I whispered, I pressed the wall, looking for the button. “Right here,” I mumbled, the wall opened and a purple slide appeared. 
“You want me to go down that?” Neville asked stepping out beside me. “Where does it lead?” He asked leaning over.
“Do you trust me?” I asked shifting my body to face him. “It leads to the carnival, your gonna love this,” I chuckled. “We go together, I’ll be right behind you,” I said grabbing onto Neville's hand again.
“I trust you, I’ll see you down there then,” Neville said sitting on his butt, I gave him a big of a nudge and he flew down, I took a look behind me then back at the slide.
“Geronimo!” I shouted jumping in, I landed on my back sliding down, the wall shifting and the slide was complete darkness. “Neville!” I shouted knowing we weren’t gonna be there for the next couple of minutes.
“It’s dark in here!” Neville shouted making me smile. “How are we still going, I’ve never done this before!” He shouted again making me laugh, it had shocked me that Neville had never gone through the slide travelling before.
“We’re almost there, you’ll see the bright light!” I yelled looking around the purple slide we had jumped down was now changing all different colours. 
I heard Neville slightly scream, I smiled closing my eyes, falling right onto a soft surface.
“That was awesome,” Neville said jumping off the bouncy house that laid under the slide. “Here let me help you,” I crawled to the end of the bouncy house and took Neville's hand, jumping off and smiling at him.
“Tickets please,” A tall woman said standing behind us, Nevile and I turned around, he pulled his ticket out and I pulled mine out. “Go on in, have the time of your life,” She said with no tone in her voice.
“Come on, we’re gonna have so much fun,” I giggled grabbing onto Nevilles hand and dragging him into the fence infront of us, bright lights were all around us, people screaming of joy on rides, magic was all around us.
“How have I never heard of this before?” Neville asked looking around, we were both holding hands not realizing still.
“It’s kinda the ministry thing, fudge had it planned for the underground, my parents gave me ticket and I thought you could use the fun,” I chuckled looking over at a boat. “Come on, we should go on this first,” I suggested pulling Neville towards the boat.
“This is awesome,” Neville said, he looked around as we waited in line. “We’re holding hands,” he chuckled making me look down, I let go of his hand and nervously smiled.
“Liara,” Ryker said coming up to me and Neville, with Milly on his side. “You must be the boy my sister talks about,” He said putting his hand out to Neville, I looked at Milly then at Ryker.
“Neville Longbottom,” Neville nervously said shaking Ryker hand. “I didn’t know that you had a brother Liara,” He said turning to me.
“We’re gonna go, I like your outfit,” Milly said winking at me and pulling Ryker away, my face turned a dark shade of pink.
“It’s okay,” Neville said grabbing my hand. “Come on the line is moving,” he said pulling me towards the ride, I smiled and watched Neville crawl onto the ride sitting at the boat, he let go of my hand.
“Yeah my brothers a special one,” I chuckled rubbing the back of my neck. “He used to go to hogwarts last year, just graduated,” 
“I had wished I got a sibling but,” Neville stopped not wanting to share so much. “But I guess my friends are kinda like that,” He chuckled then grabbing onto the bar infront of us. “Hang on,” he chuckled again as the ride started going, a group of young girls looking about to be in their second year started screaming and laughing, filling the whole ride with laughter.
“This is amazing,” I yelled looking down as the boat flew into the air, bringing our side of the ride to a complete straight line, I placed my hands on Nevilles out of fear, exhaling as we flew down.
“We have to do that again,” Neville said fixing his already messy hair  “What else would you like to do?” Neville asked making me smile.
For the rest of the night we tried all the rides, almost laughing until we cried on some of them, and swearing that we were never gonna go back on that one again on other ones.
“Thank you for winning me this,” I chuckled holding a little stuffed rabbit in my hand. “I had a great time tonight Neville, I hope you did too,” I said nervous.
“Tonight was the most fun night I had had in almost forever, usually I just play cards with my Grandma on friday nights” Neville chuckled, we stopped infront of his house. “Are you sure your gonna get home safe? With everything going on i’m more than happy to take you,” He said.
“I’m fine Neville, I only live a couple blocks down, i’ll just take my normal path, we should do this again thought, it was really funny,” I smiled grabbing his hand.
“We should,” Neville said holding my hands back. “I ugh hope you have a good christmas Liara,” He said smiling. I let go of his hands and took a silent breath.
“You two Neville, i’ll see you around,” I smirked kissing his cheek and walking down his steps, I didn’t look back but smiled to myself, cutting through the houses and making it back to my house with my shortcut in about five minutes.
“Cover up i’m home!” I called out walking into the house. “Milly? Ryker?” I shouted looking around, Millys dress she was wearing was laying on the ground. I smiled to myself. “Have a good night guys, don’t make me a auntie anytime soon,” I shouted trailing myself up to my room.
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