#Not to mention the example falls into the posts that specifically target ppl w paranoia/ocd/anxiety
hamartia-grander · 6 months
Y'all I get being frustrated when your art/content is only getting likes instead of reblogs. As an artist this happens to me all the time and I get it, it sucks, and it can be tiring. But you have gotta stop saying shit like "if you like this post but don't reblog you're evil/blocked/etc". Likes are not useless; they build community, they let people who may not know what fandom your art belongs to but still like your art to let you know they like it, likes are little passing compliments, and likes are not your enemy. But even further, saying shit like that is only going to make people not want to reblog more!! Guilt tripping never works, but especially when there's no actual social repercussion to just ignoring someone's post entirely rather than leaving a like. Asking people to reblog isn't a bad thing, but please stop this harmful guilting behaviour
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