#Now go ahead and re-read that with that knowlegde
neverchecking · 10 months
My coming out.
You have all turned me. This is it. I am officially a Ko*idai simp. You all have won. So for turning me, I offer you as my humble apology for the slander against his name.
A wonderful collab between my lovely and wonderful wife, whom you all should go follow right now >:( @angry-trashcan
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Bro, it’s not gay if you say no homo, bro.
Koridai looked down to Dalton, “Golly”
A moment of silence fell around them, heavy and tense. The sweltering heat around them created a sheen of sweat, making their bodies glisten. Brown connected with blue, the fire of passion igniting in the pits of their pupils. A single resolute nod fell between them. “No Homo.”
Dalton and Dante bobbed their heads in agreement.
You looked up to them, watching as their moment continued. Their ga(y)ze was deep into one another’s eyes, too distracted too pay mind to you. Dalton and Dante danced above you, bumping into once another, their sides brushing together with a lingering kiss.
Never once did Courage, nor Ko*idai for that matter, break eye contact. They simply remained, frozen in the moment, encased in the wondrous star maps that laid in the other’s ga(y)ze. Your own eyes darted back down to Dalton and Dante. A part of you wondered if you should be worried about their reddened heads. Another part of you was too over this entire debacle to care. 
All of Courage’s courage couldn’t have prepared him for this. The way Dante would move about, the way Kor*dai’s eyes were boring into him, the way you were watching with a startled expression. Kor*dai didn’t know how to handle this, he didn’t have much adventuring under his belt after all. All he had was Dalton.
Dalton had been a long standing friend. Something familiar to Ko*idai, A friend he had known his entire life. He was more than happy to share this moment with him. Even if it came (heh came) with Courage. Courage and his dastardly sinful ga(y)ze that refused to leave his. It was a game at this point, of who would break first. And Courage would not break. 
He was too courageous. He would watch Kor*dai’s brown eyed ga(y)ze as long as he physically could, which was a long time. He was a well travelled hero afterall, unlike his counterpart. Kor*dai had never been on his own adventure, and, golly was that unfortunate for their staring contest.
Dante wept from the lack of attention, once again returning to pestering jabs at Dalton, just to see the other sway back and forth. Your eyes followed them. Then they returned to the standing duo. A moment passed. A moment where you wondered if Legend was still awake. Or Twilight. They wouldn’t do this to you. 
You watched their staring for a moment longer, wondering, hoping, praying that it would either end or last longer. You weren’t sure which outcome was better for you, honestly. Your hands rested on the side of the too small bed, taking a deep breath and watching the two dancing partners continue their waltz.
You could play their silly game. That was always an option. You could open your eyes all wide and innocent and flutter those pretty lashes. Maybe, if that got no reaction you would even dare utter the single utterance you swore in your life you never would. The no good, vile phrase. But it might’ve just been enough to get what you want. With a breath, you steeled yourself, tucking away your dignity in a trunk before throwing it into the endless abyss of ‘never to be seen again’. Then your lips parted, “Golly.”
Blue and brown did not fall from one another as you muttered the words, though Dalton did add a hard sway to his fateful dance. You could almost feel yourself dry completely at the thought of what you did and to no effect. You slowly pulled your legs to yourself and rolled off the bed. Though no eyes seemed to meet you.
Though Dalton did weep at your absence, you paid it no mind. Though Dante did attempt to stand tall to catch your attention, you still turned away. You had much better things, nay, people to do. You had much better people to do, and this pity fuck had gone from sad to downright desperate. 
Though Dante and Dalton weeped together, they held eachother tall through the loss. The ga(y)zing men continued their ga(y)zing. The thought of you never crossing their minds as their eyes bore into one another’s very soul, very existence. 
You could’ve pretended to sneak out. But it wouldn’t have made a damn lick of a difference. They were too lost in the challenge. Too engaged in each other’s limitless ga(y)ze. Nothing would break this moment between them. Tender and almost intimate one might dare to say. You did not dare. You only tried to recall which room was the Vet’s. 
A hard knock at the door and it swung open, revealing Legend’s very awake face. He dared not to question why you were there, knowing where you had been. Instead only letting you in and locking the door tight behind you.
Not even the repetitive thumping echo of the room beside theirs could break their moment. It remained steadfast and unyielding, even as Dante and Dalton wilted away. Shriveling into themselves in shame. They would remain that way even as the briefest hints of sunrise broke across the room, painting it in an array of yellows and reds. Almost like the reds of Dalton and Dante’s heads last night. 
It seemed nothing could pull the men from one another’s ga(y)ze into the other’s soul. When Legend opened the door the next morning to wake them, they were still staring deep into one anothers. The shock of it almost sent him into a deep ga(y)ze himself. He took off a boot, throwing it in the direction of the men, which somehow startled them out of their trance. Courage looked to the empty bed.
“What did you do with Y/N, you-you- rapscallion?!” Courage barked, stance widening as Dante swung loyally by his side. Legend’s shock turned into a mean and sharp grin. The marks on his neck were welted in your signature color. “Everything. Which part do you wanna hear about?”
“All of it.” Ko*idai began only for Courage to cut him off with a harsh jab. “None of it, is what he meant to say.”
Legend’s grin only grew, “Okay, it started when she came to my room last night. Complaining you two wouldn’t treat her right.” Dalton shrunk ever more into himself at the words. “She would never!” Courage cried out. “Oh, but she did!”
Legend gave a dismissive wave of his hand. “You two ding-dong’s really screwed the pooch there. Lost out on a night I certainly won’t be forgetting anytime soon. But, hey, maybe you can try again. The Golden three know I’m a patient man. I’ll wait for her to come by my room once more.” Collecting his boot, he swatted it at the two, refusing to even spare a glance at Dalton and Dante. “And put some pants on would ya? It’s getting weird.” 
The two watched Legend leave the room, closing the door behind him. Kor*dai looked down at Dalton then Dante, before letting his ga(y)ze go up to Courage’s eyes. “No homo?” He asked. “No homo.” Courage replied.
With a hearty hand clapping to the other’s shoulders, Courage finally grinned. “Rule number one of adventuring? It’s never gay to kiss the homies goodnight. It’s a sign of good faith.” Ko*idai nodded excitedly, bangs flopping about much in the same way Dante did. “Right. Legend just doesn’t understand that. He has no homies.”
“Legend thinks it’s gay to kiss the homies. But we know better.” Courage says, leaning forward and placing a kiss to Kor*dai’s cheek. “Now lets get some pants on, bro. I bet breakfast is ready and I’m warn out from that crazy night we had.”
Ko*idai placed a hand to his cheek, which quickly hued into a soft red. “Golly,” He muttered, foot twirling itself on it’s toes. It was absolutely not gay to kiss the homies and if Legend didn’t see that, he felt bad for that merchant friend of his.  He would kiss his homies and be happy with it. With a wave, he said his goodbyes to Dante and Dalton, knowing he’d see them again soon enough.
Afterall, no one said where the kisses had to be, right?
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