#PSA: vasectomies this time
labellerose-acheron · 2 years
Under Pressure *** [Helle]
In which Belle thinks there is one explanation for why she’s been feeling under the weather...[takes place early July]
[tw -- discussions of abortion and medical anxiety, smol panic attack]
BELLE: It started with an inability to sleep. 
Belle could not rest. She woke from nightmares or she just didn’t sleep at all, her brain running and running and never slowing down. Most nights the last two weeks, she’d slunk from bed at some point in the night or she never made it to begin with, sitting down on the couch or up in the attic, reading and reading to escape her own thoughts. She worried about the twins, and what the magic drain might mean for them, what it meant for Hades, what it meant for Toulouse, and all of Swynlake. Would they have to leave? Where would they go?
And she worried about the Order. When she closed her eyes, she saw the face of the man she’d killed. She didn’t regret it, but that was what bothered her about it the most. That she didn’t regret it and she didn’t care. It made her paranoid that the Order would come again and they would punish her family for her actions. 
The last two weeks, Belle had done what she did best: threw herself into work and research. She spent every waking moment not at her actual job in the Swynlake archives, or working on the demon situation, or Amity’s case which was set for trial soon. She skipped meals and stayed up well into the night. Hades was running himself ragged too, attempting to find a solution. 
In the last week, she had started to feel rather faint. She ignored this. As she usually did when dogged and determined to find answers to a problem she had. It was barely even a thought. If it was easy to ignore, that was what she did. 
Until today, when it was no longer something she could ignore. She’d stood up and immediately sat back down to avoid a fainting spell. Cool sweat had broken out on her brow and her stomach twisted uneasily. The last time she’d felt sick like this--
And when was the last time she had gotten her period? 
Belle had left work abruptly. She went to the Market and then home, texting Hades that she needed him to come home when he was off work, no staying late--that she was fine. Probably. But she needed him. She hadn’t even thought about it, really. Belle didn’t want to face the possibility of a pregnancy without him there. As soon as the thought had popped into her head, it had consumed her. She felt sick to her stomach, anxious and worried now for entirely different reasons. 
When the door opened and Hades stepped in, the house was quiet. The twins were down for a nap, Opal was with Toulouse at the theater. It was just Belle, curled under a blanket on the couch, with a book in her lap and a mug of tea in her hand. She looked up at Hades and folded the corner of her book down. 
“There is tea still on the hob,” she told him with a pinched smile, which was more or less an invitation for him to sit down. 
HADES: Belle’s texts said she was fine, but everything else said otherwise. 
He could sense the panic from here, and unfortunately there were many things that could have caused such abrupt messages, such urgent requests. The first thing that sprang to his mind was the Order, breathing down their necks. That was the immediate threat to his family. The battles were not over, the war hadn’t been won– were they coming back? Had they sent some kind of threatening message? 
And then on his way home, even more possibilities sprang to mind. Something with the magic drain. Something with the demon. Something with the kids– but no, no, he would have heard of anything, Lou would have contacted them both if Aidan and Bellamy, for example, had been adversely affected by the drain (so far all it had done was help them both sleep much, much better, the only blessing in an otherwise shit situation.) 
It could be all of these things at once. 
It could be something brand new and terrible. As ambassador, and well, as mayor of Swynlake, there was always something to anticipate. Why not complicate his life further eh?
By the time he was home, Hades was not in the mood for tea. He wanted answers– or, he wanted information, so he could start brainstorming answers. Solving problems was the only thing that soothed him these days, even if most of the problems he solved came in the form of Wordle or the Daily Crossword. 
“That’s alright,” he said to Belle and he went to sit down on the couch. She looked stressed– a little pale, and the way she’d curled up told him that the text she sent was a lie. She wasn’t ‘okay.’ 
He immediately reached out for her, his hand on her knee a light touch. “What’s this about? What’s wrong?” 
BELLE: Hades scorned the offer of tea. 
Which meant he knew something was wrong. Not that that was surprising, Belle wasn’t being very good at hiding it. Having asked him to come home alone was probably enough to set off alarm bells. Even with her reassurance. She felt guilty about that, but--
She was also glad that he was here. The tension moved out of her shoulders when he sat down on the couch. Her breath evened out. It was better that he was here. It was the right thing. 
The guilt shifted as Belle did. She moved up against the pillows, her hand reaching out to cover his with her cold fingers. He wasn’t as warm as he usually was, but still warmer than her and that was comforting too. The guilt shifted into her ribcage, lodging there. She realized that maybe she should have taken the pregnancy test already. That way, she would just have the answers for him. She knew that he liked answers when a problem presented itself. Belle liked answers too.
Not that pregnancy was a problem.
Except that it was. 
That was what the guilt had turned into, not for worrying Hades but…how she already felt about the hypothetical of a pregnancy. 
She glanced away, her fingers nervously playing with Hades’, picking out up, letting it fall down, picking up the next. Her fingers slid over his wedding ring, tracing the jewels there. 
“I--came home early from work today. I haven’t…been feeling very well,” Belle told him quietly. She dragged her gaze to his face. “I almost fainted and I have been very--sluggish and tired.” It was hard to get the words out, but it would be worse if she didn’t say it. That much she knew was true. 
“It feels like it has before…when I was pregnant. I--bought a test, but I haven’t taken it. I wanted to…talk to you first.” Tears suddenly pricked at the back of her eyes, but she just blinked rapidly and sucked in a breath. 
HADES: Shit. 
As soon as she’d said the word (pregnant), his face had dropped. He was normally much better at guarding his expression. But Hades had been feeling like shite too. He’d also been sluggish and tired– and colder than normal– which he chalked right up to a combination of having his magic drained right from under his skin, plus the stress that came from being the mayor of a town with this problem. Of course he felt terrible. This summer was terrible. 
A pregnancy would make it more terrible.
He shouldn’t feel that way, but to him, it was fact. Belle couldn’t get pregnant while the Order was still at large, and magic was dying, and there was a demon in the bloody woods that the entire town knew about and were sharpening pitchforks over. The twins were also still so young. And he hadn’t thought– honestly, he didn’t want more children. As much as he loved them, three was one more than he’d expected to have. He couldn’t imagine not having either Bell or Aidan, but he also couldn’t imagine some invisible fourth child. 
And of course all of this was his fault. Or not exactly. He was careful. So was Belle. They took extra precaution. They didn’t even sleep together that often but– 
The guilt crept in anyway, along with the fear. He swallowed and took a breath, because he couldn’t be all those things. Much as he had to be strong and calm for the town, he had to be strong and calm for Belle too. 
“I see,” said Hades and he squeezed her hand. “Well– it’s possible you’re not, right? I feel tired all the time myself. We’re both under a lot of pressure. But, I’m–I’m here for you either way and we can talk about it…if it’s true.” 
BELLE: Belle watched as Hades’ face fell and felt her stomach twist. 
She was a bit surprised by it, though she shouldn’t be. This part of things was always a roller coaster. With Opal, they had been on such different pages. With the twins, Hades’ request had come as a total surprise to Belle--though, a pleasant one. And now…well, Belle wanted to believe that they were on the same page. That even with Toulouse, they couldn’t possibly handle any more children. Not with three toddlers and two full time--over full time--jobs. It was too much. 
It had felt like too much, even just with the twins, for Belle sometimes. And she thought back to that horrible conversation she only half remembered when she’d been recovering, about how she didn’t want any more children. Maybe, in another year or so, if things were more calm--
Though, Belle wasn’t even sure about that. Not because she didn’t love her children, but because she was terrified of being pregnant again, of giving birth. She still had nightmares about it. She still had pain, from time to time, when she twisted funny or picked up something particularly heavy. 
But that was the only conversation that she and Hades had ever had about it. That was a mistake, she saw now, because she didn’t know if he was saying what he was because of that conversation, or because he agreed with her. 
Despite herself, a tear, and then another, fell from her eyes and she used the hand that Hades wasn’t holding to wipe them away quickly. She sniffled, her breath stuttering in her chest. 
“I’m sorry,” she said, as it felt like the only right thing to say. Though, she wasn’t sure if she was apologizing for what she had said almost two years ago, or for the fact that she might be pregnant. “I-I have a test. I just…didn’t take it yet. I’ll, uhm…I can go do that.” 
She didn’t want to. She would rather stay and exist in the limbo of not knowing. There had never been a moment in Belle’s life where she hadn’t wanted the answers but--now? Well, she thought she already knew. There was no other explanation for the way that she felt. It was too similar. 
Belle got up, though. She let go of Hades’ hand and she went to take the test. 
She was back, not a few minutes later, setting it atop the packaging on the coffee table. Folding herself back onto the couch, this time she wrapped her arms around Hades’ bicep and pressed her cheek against his shoulder. 
“I’ve set a timer. It will take about five minutes,” she mumbled, sighing and feeling the exhaustion creeping over her again. She just wanted to sleep.
HADES: Belle got up to take the test and Hades did what he always did: approached the situation as logically as he could.
It felt obvious to him: neither he nor Belle wanted another child. They’d talked about it months ago, but they’d been on the same page then. Nothing had changed to indicate there would be a massive shift in opinion. They were both steady people, prone to swings to passion, but he didn’t think one of those would happen here, now, because of another baby. He couldn’t be 100% positive of course, but if he was trying to be rational and to predict the outcome… 
But just because he might know the solution didn’t make that solution any easier to stomach.
And so he stopped there. One could consider this character growth on his part. He shut down his own rationalizing, realizing it was as futile an exercise as getting upset or imagining the other way. It was best to smooth out his thoughts and expect nothing. Because it might be nothing. Because like he had said– they were both tired and suffering in their own ways. 
When Belle came back, she clung to him and Hades let her, putting a hand over the knee that was closer to him. This was probably better than anything he could say now too. There would be time to talk after the test. 
And so all Hades said was, “It’ll be alright, you know. It will. Either way. No matter what.” 
He believed it too; it was easy to believe, though, when the truth wasn’t staring you in the face. Hades was great at dealing with hypotheticals.
Eventually though, that time trickled down. It felt like it took a long, long time, even if it was only five minutes. 
He checked his watch. “Okay er… I– that’s it then, yeah? Are you ready?” 
BELLE: Time was up. 
Belle was not ready. Despite what Hades had said, her mind had gone racing in the last five minutes. She couldn’t have another child, but if she was pregnant--
She would have to get an abortion. Belle didn’t want to do that. It wasn’t because she had anything against the concept of abortions in the abstract sense, nor would she ever judge someone for getting one. Honestly, she’d never even really thought much about them. But, she felt like she might judge herself. It wouldn’t be easy. How would she rationalize Opal? Having twins? But not another child? Who would probably be just as sweet and wonderful as them? 
Belle didn’t want to, but she knew that she would. Maybe some would think that made her a bad mother, but she hoped that it could mean she was a good one too. She and Hades were already spread thin. Even with Toulouse helping, it wasn’t easy to have three children and big dreams. 
She shouldn’t fret until she knew for certain, but Belle couldn’t help herself. Every beat of her heart felt like it was squeezing her tightly. And she wasn’t ready to know the truth, even as Hades told her it was time. 
Eventually, Belle unstuck herself from him. Pulling away felt like some monumental task, like peeling apart magnets. Her hand was trembling slightly as she picked up the test. 
Just one line. 
The last time Belle had seen that line, she’d cried because she’d wanted a child so badly and it kept not happening. This time, she cried from relief. The test clattered back onto the coffee table and Belle covered her face with her hands, shaking her head as she wept. She wasn’t even sure why. Then again, Belle was often crying without really knowing why. 
At least it wasn’t bloody hormones.
“I’m sorry,” Belle said as her shoulders shook. She felt relieved and ridiculous and guilty. Her face burning red. “I-I’m sorry I worried you. I--really thought. I’ve been--been feeling so awful. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” 
HADES: Hades had no idea what Belle’s reaction meant. She started crying and it could mean anything in that second– a child or no child. 
And so Hades leaned forward quickly, taking the test up and seeing for himself. His whole body braced for impact. This was the hardest thing he felt he ever had to do, harder than defeating the Order, at least in that moment. He was ready to break down in tears himself, to hold Belle–
But there was just one line.
One line. Instant relief washed through him. His shoulders fell and he let the test fall too as he leaned back against the couch and let the news really sink in. They’d avoided it– avoided making a much harder decision, avoided trouble, more tests, more stress on their family and on Lou. But of course Hades also was conflicted with all this. He shouldn’t be this bloody happy, as if a baby was the worst thing possible.
Instead of lingering on his own feelings of guilt though, he shoved them aside and turned quickly to Belle, who was still crying.
He immediately put his arms around her and drew her closer, so her head could bury itself in the concave of his chest. Bloody hell, he wished his fire was brighter. He wished he was warm and fierce. 
“Shh,” he said gently, rubbing her shoulders like he could get her warmer that way or else hold her together. “Not your fault. Not your fault at all. It’s– like I said, we’ve both been feeling ill, I don’t blame you– hey, hey, look at me…”
He pulled away so he could wipe the tears from her cheeks. 
“Even if you were pregnant, it wouldn’t be your fault. We’re in it together, I told you.” 
BELLE: Hades pulled her into a hug, squeezing her against him. Her face buried in his chest automatically, her hands curling like a child’s. She realized as he held her that it was panic--anxiety, bubbling up and then crashing over her. Her breath came in little gasps and she was trembling slightly but between that realization and Hades holding her so tightly, she began to calm down, so by the time Hades pulled back, she was still crying, but she was breathing more evenly. 
Her hands followed his own, wiping at her face as she curled up small on the couch. 
Hades didn’t blame her, Hades didn’t think it was her fault. It wouldn’t be her fault if she was pregnant, but it would be a fault. It would be a problem. 
“I-I know,” Belle finally managed. “Sorry.” She didn’t know why she said it that time, maybe for making him doubt that she knew that, because she didn’t. She wasn’t afraid of having another child because of Hades. He was a brilliant father, probably a better parent than she was. He took to it naturally, felt such pride for his children. Belle still felt awkward and unsure most of the time. She loved her children, in theory, she wouldn’t mind more but--
She didn’t want to be pregnant again. Ever.
“I just really did not want to be--be pregnant and I feel awful thinking that way and I know the last time we talked about it; we didn’t even really talk about it. I-I just shouted at you and we fought and I never apologized. It was such--such a horrible thing to say at the time but…it’s still true and I don’t even know how you feel about it at all. I love our children but I just c-can’t do it again, Hades. The idea of being pregnant, of--of having another c-section.” Her head shook. 
Belle was not afraid of a lot of things, but just the thought of being cut open like that again, of all the pain and recovery; how she had been afterwards, the post-partum--she felt cold, just thinking about it. 
HADES: Eventually, Belle calmed. Her tears didn’t shake her body, though when she pulled away and he could look her in the eyes, they were still brimming there, spilling down her cheeks, one after the other, slow and gentle. He wished he could stop them entirely. But he also knew these tears were a culmination of a lot of things– of the past few weeks, even months. Though Hades didn’t cry often himself, he had cried enough in his life to know that sometimes it was the only medicine. Get it out, and you felt– clearer-minded. Fresher. Lighter.
So he let Belle cry. He let Belle talk. 
Truthfully– he didn’t even remember, all that clearly, the fight she was talking about. Oh, he knew that it occurred, but they’d fought a lot during those darker months. He tried to bury them under better news. He shouldn’t have done that, he saw that now. Belle was right. They hadn’t exactly talked… about a lot of things. 
“You don’t have to do it again,” he reassured her at once. Because no one should be made to go through something like that. Hades didn’t have any idea but–
“It was scary for me too,” he said. “I know– obviously, it wasn’t the same thing. But it was, scary for me. I wouldn’t want to put you in that position again, or make you feel lke it was something you had to do. And I know we haven’t really talked about it, but the last time we did– I still feel the same now as I did then.”
Hades took her hands and squeezed them. “I love our family,” he said in a softer voice. “I love Opal, Bellamy, Aidan, Lou– you. It’s the perfect size. I don’t think we need more kids. We’d probably have to get a bigger house if we did,” he joked lightly. “So don’t feel guilty when you’ve already given me so much.”
BELLE: You don’t have to do it again. Belle’s shoulders slumped in relief, just hearing that. She knew that Hades would never force her. He wouldn’t be able to. But--she also did not want a decision like that to cause strain between them. It was a relief to know that they were on the same page. In more than just logistics, she realized, as Hades continued talking. 
It was funny, in a morbid sort of way, for Belle to realize that she hadn’t given much thought to how Hades had felt that day. Mostly, because it was a blur and something she tried not to revisit with any frequency. But now, she did think about it. She had almost died. Again. It seemed as if she was doing that with some frequency. She felt guilty for that too. For scaring him. For not having thought how it must’ve felt for him, to make those decisions about her, for her. That wasn’t how their partnership worked. She was glad, of course, because it meant she was still here. 
Belle shifted on the couch, clasping Hades’ hand in both of hers and squeezing. “I agree,” she told him. “It is perfect, just the way it is. You all are--more than I ever thought I would get in my life and I would do it all over again for them, but--” Belle took in another shuddering breath, “--I can’t keep getting scared like this.” 
It had already happened once before, when she’d fainted and thought she was pregnant, thought she was--sick. (That thought still lingered in the back of her mind, her mum had died when she had only been five. Opal was almost four. And why else would she be feeling this way?) 
“T-the anxiety, I worry it will--affect other parts of our life.” This was still something that was difficult for her. She felt tongue-tied and like a silly little fool. All of her logic went right out of the window when the panic seized her mind. She could still feel the prick of it at the base of her skull. Her hands adjusted nervously around his. “Our--intimacy.” She made a little face, realizing she sounded like Claire.
“I-I don’t want that. I know--it’s not, well--it’s not a huge part of our relationship--” her face was red despite the crying. “But it is--still important. And I’m not sure--I am on birth control obviously, but that’s--failed us before. And if it…I would get an abortion but--I-I don’t like the idea of it.” 
She knew abortions were perfectly viable options for people in all sorts of situations, but she was married, and she was a mother already…she found it hard to justify for herself if only because she’d think about it and see another Opal, another Aidan, another Bellamy. Not to mention, considering her last ordeal at the hospital, she wasn’t keen on any more medical procedures anytime soon.  
HADES: He listened. These days, he was getting better at that. It came from therapy, yes, but also simply through experience. He and Belle had been married quite some time after all, and together a little longer than that. Through pure exposure alone– followed by trial and error– Hades had learned more about Belle’s communication style and what she might need versus what he thought might be best. It was still difficult for him to parse the difference at times, but he was improving.
And this was a conversation they’d had before, albeit a piecemeal version, in a different context. And so he listened, and to him, the answer was very obvious. 
It didn’t make sure to continue to put the burden on Belle. He used condoms, yes, but birth control pills were much more difficult– you had to remember them, there could be side effects, and down the line, concern about blood pressure and all that. He knew; he’d read about it, done his research. And an abortion was similar in that it was something Hades could not help Belle with. He couldn’t take on the burden. 
Hades was a man who believed in justice. In right and wrong. In black and white. He had stood before the scales and watched as a life was weighed in gold and in stones. 
Right now, if their relationship was a scale, Belle was carrying more of the weight. That was wrong. But Hades could fix it. 
“Then you won’t have to worry about that,” said Hades, squeezing her hand. “Look, I’ll just get a vasectomy. That’s the easiest option, isn’t it? And then we won’t have to worry about… about any of it. You can even go off birth control if you’d like, that’s completely up to you.” 
But this part of the equation, Hades could take care of. And it made him feel better, to have control again…over something. 
BELLE: Could it really be so simple?
Belle stared at Hades for a moment, trying to comprehend. She hadn’t even realized that she had been carrying this weight until right now, when Hades took it off her shoulders. Or, at least, put his hands under hers and lifted as well. 
“A-are you sure?” Belle asked, her brow knitting together. 
She knew nothing about vasectomies besides the term and the general concept. The recovery time for the procedure, what the procedure would actually entail--if there were risks, side effects. Birth control had all these things for women. Weight gain, weight loss, mood swings, depression, decreased sex drives, headaches, nausea, blood clots…she had done all the reading about those things when she had started taking it. 
Hades didn’t seem concerned. Maybe he had already looked into it? Or maybe, to him it didn’t matter. She knew how much he hated feeling like he could do nothing to help. 
“I would be the last person to ask someone else to get--some sort of procedure. Is it an easy option? I don’t know much about it.” She blushed again, more pink and sweet this time. She hated admitting to not knowing something. And she did feel a bit guilty considering he had done so much reading and research concerning her reproductive health for various reasons over the years, but she’d rarely given thought to his. 
“I-I’d like to learn more, but if--if that is something you’d like to do…it is your decision. I will support you either way.
HADES: Hades had done just a little research a long, long time ago. 
It had been after Belle was pregnant with Opal, during a time when Hades hadn’t thought she should get pregnant– starting school and all that. Not entirely on board with the pregnancy then, he’d turned to books to make him feel better. If he couldn’t prevent that pregnancy, what about future pregnancies? A vasectomy was one fool-proof option. 
But then he’d had little Opal and he had loved her more than he loved anything in the world. He had known right away that he wanted more children. Perhaps not a lot more but at least one more, and so the idea of a vasectomy fell to the wayside. And, just like many things in life, it got lost among the day-to-day ins and outs of being a parent. Just as Belle sometimes forgot to take her birth control, he forgot that a vasectomy was something he’d once upon a time been interested in.
But now it had come back around and he remembered. At least, he remembered some things. 
“I’m not an expert by any means, but I’m pretty sure it’s a simple procedure– much much easier than a c-section,” he said. Even this was an understatement, and he shuddered again to think of Belle having to go through that again. 
“It’s not something I’d even have to stay overnight for. I’m not sure about recovery time and all that… I’m sure there’s medication I’ll need to take, probably won’t be able to have sex for a bit–” that didn’t matter to Hades, unless the length of time was something like… a month or two. But he doubted it. “And I’m not sure about cost either, since it’s an elective procedure. But we can research all those things and if we think it’s a realistic option– honestly, I even read somewhere you can reverse them, pretty sure.” 
Not that Hades thought he’d change his mind. But if he did, it was nice to have a reset button. 
BELLE: All of that sounded…well, remarkably easy. 
It was surprising to Belle, considering everything that she had to go through with birth control and the like. And she found herself suddenly annoyed. Not at Hades, of course, but at the system that made those things different, both biologically and socially. Getting on her soapbox now would be silly and, honestly, she was far too tired for it but--really, if everything Hades said was true it was ridiculous that more men didn’t do it! 
She couldn’t hide the way her expression had suddenly soured, but she shook her head to clear her thoughts and then smiled at him. 
“Yes, that does seem like a rather good option in that case,” Belle agreed. “We don’t have to make a decision right now, we can look into it together. I can give you Tibbs’ number if you’d like, I am sure he is familiar with the procedure and can tell you better than anything you’d find online.” Belle would be calling him herself to discuss the matter, though she would also be doing other research of course. Just--when it came to medical things, there was no one she trusted more. He had always taken care of her, and she trusted him to take care of the people most precious to her. 
“Thank you.” She leaned in to kiss his cheek. She sighed and snuggled back into the couch, her arm slipping over his chest, her head on his shoulder. She needed a nap. “For being so understanding.” It was an acknowledgement of how far he’d come, because she did recognize the growth. It felt nice to be able to have a frank, open conversation. She felt better already. Mentally anyway; physically--that was another story. 
“I appreciate you,” she told him.
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kvarenje · 2 years
OK, as an embryologist who has worked in andrology for years before, I need folks to know something.
Vasectomies are NOT 100% reversible.
If you or a partner are considering one, and you think that there is even a SLIGHT chance you might want children in the future, BANK SPERM BEFOREHAND.
When a vasectomy is reversed, you WILL NOT regain your previous sperm count. Most of the time, sperm counts fall dramatically after a reversal, and it will be much more difficult to conceive intentionally without assistance from fertility treatments. Vas reversals can also fail, which would then require surgical procedures to retrieve sperm should you want to conceive later. My clinic probably does 2-6 surgical sperm retrieval procedures a month, and a solid most of them are due to failed vas reversals.
This has been a PSA from your local extremely tired embryologist who wants people to know that "vasectomies are reversible" comes with a couple of big bold asterisks that should be talked about before folks go rushing into it.
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robertw28828661 · 2 years
FLR, to make it a sure thing. I found Female lead relationship on my surf of the web. I read it and looked at the pictures. It was the chastity cage and the castrated sissies that gave the information of where my wife got the idea to make it a sure thing by getting me castrated. Years ago, she wanted me to get a vasectomy. I said, I want to be castrated, which was not in vogue at that time. A tubal ligation was the thing to get. She had herself castrated, which I signed for. Years later, I was in a full FLR, and she knows, I needed to be more submissive. She took me to the doctor and told him to cut my balls off. He talked her into chemical castration and gave her Harmon blockers. On the way home she loaded up on female estrogen herbs and an elastrator tool with 100 green bands for Eastrator Playtime. She made me pussy free, while I had flashes and sweats as I felt my breast become a C size and my penis became a little bigger than her large clitoris. There was no need for the cage, as I was drain dry and castrated with the PSA reading of a EUNCH. I was submissive ad watched Black cock cult and loved their format as I became a girl. Girls do not have balls. She wants a clean smooth look!
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confettiinmyeyes · 2 years
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psa for female bits-havers: if you’re not on a permanent or semi-permanent form of birth control, obviously now is the time to get on that shit. here i am giddy as hell after my bilateral salpingectomy. if i can be a resource to anyone considering something similar do reach out (i have hella iud experience too) psa for male bits-havers: get a fucking vasectomy. if you’re not actively planning to procreate in the foreseeable future, do it now. one of the biggest things you can do to be an ally right now is to step up your birth control game. swipe for cool feminist medical gore. #roevwade #bodilyautonomy #birthcontrol #getavasectomy (at New York City, N.Y.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfRbUvDuHqp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thisdayinfavrd · 5 years
January 13, 2009
That's it. I'm declaring RSS bankruptcy. Also, email bankruptcy, voicemail bankruptcy, snail mail bankruptcy aaaaaand actual bankruptcy.   @Moltz (Moltz) – 49
Many bloggers and writers hate Twitter because it's boring. Just like I hate basketballs because they never go into the hoop.   @nick (Nick Douglas) – 48
Office baby shower. 13 women and me. My clothes reek of biological clock.   @sween (Jason Sweeney) – 46
My wife doesn't like that I have identical pairs of boxers. It makes it hard for her to definitively confirm I've changed my underwear.   @scottsimpson (Scott Simpson) – 44
Chicken wings are the NASCAR of poultry.   @CcSteff (Stephanie) – 41
Why won't you just love me for the person I purport to be?   @zuhl (Jon Deal) – 39
I understand the need for "Transition to Digital TV" PSAs, but I fail to see how the crying Native American is relevant.   @lonelysandwich (Adam Lisagor) – 39
Just realized tomorrow's minor surgery involves me passed out and naked from the waist down. God, how I'd hoped those days were behind me.   @hoosiergirl (hoosiergirl) – 39
The Good News: I finally groomed my unruly, um, personal areas.  The Bad News: It looks like I killed a Chupacabra in my shower.   @gordonshumway (Jelisa Castrodale) – 38
I needed to do algebra for a project and I thought I got it right, but here I am in the Emergency Room.   @scottsimpson (Scott Simpson) – 36
Missing tweet #1116911986   @shoesonwrong (Unavailable) – 36
Most men lead lives of quiet desperation. I wish, sir, that you would too.   @nick (Nick Douglas) – 35
Your diploma appears to have been made with Print Shop, and "urologist" is misspelled, but I just can't say no to a free vasectomy!!   @fireland (Joshua Allen) – 34
Screaming at a prerecorded carpet cleaning telemarketer is a lot more satisfying than you'd think. YEAH, COME CLEAN MY CARPET, MOTHERFUCKER.   @lonelysandwich (Adam Lisagor) – 34
I don't know why I even bother chewing corn anymore.   @TinaFey (Tina Fey ) – 34
When the LEAST hostile email response you can think of is “ARE YOU SHITTING ME?”, it's time to step away from the keyboard for a while.   @toldorknown (Arch Stanton) – 32
It's -20 outside. But it's a dry heat.   @badbanana (Tim Siedell) – 32
7 Things about me:  I. Like. Big. Butts. And. Cannot. Lie.   @giromide (Pantse Macabretoe) – 31
When you update your Facebook relationship status from "Married" to "It's Complicated", a Couch Request is immediately sent to your friends.   @thedayhascome (Josh Hopkins) – 29
Tomorrow's forecast is a light accumulation of snow with a complete loss of driving ability and reasonable judgment.   @thedayhascome (Josh Hopkins) – 27
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urologistinnoida · 4 years
Prostate Cancer: Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment Options
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Understanding the prostate
The prostate is a gland and is part of the human reproductive system. It is below the bladder and above the rectum, encompassing the entire back of the first portion of the urethra. The prostate contributes to the production of seminal fluid that helps to load sperm during ejaculation. One of the most common prostate problems is its benign growth, which, over time, can compress the urethra and cause difficulty urinating, explains the best urologist in Noida.
Prostate cancer
No one knows exactly what causes prostate cancer. However, it is known that it is not a contagious disease and that some risk factors make certain men more likely than others to develop it. Prostate cancer is the most common malignant tumor in men and it is estimated that on average one in six men will develop the disease, says the urologist in Noida. Age - Age is the most important factor, being uncommon before age 45 and most common after age 60. Family history - If a first-degree relative (father or brother) has already developed the disease, the risk is greater. Race - It is believed that the racial issue may be important in the development of prostate cancer. In the United States, the disease is more common among blacks. But this is not necessarily repeated in other countries, in which there are groups descended from African tribes of different ethnicities. In the East, in general, it is less frequent. However, this low incidence may not have exclusively the racial factor as a justification, since Orientals who migrate to the West and acquire local habits, present a progressively higher risk of prostate cancer in subsequent generations. Diet - Some studies suggest that prostate cancer is related to a diet rich in meat and animal fat, while a diet rich in fruits and vegetables could be a protective factor. Conditions such as benign prostate growth, obesity, smoking, having undergone a vasectomy, a viral infection of the prostate and a lack of physical exercise are not considered risk factors, explains the urologist in Greater Noida. Early detection- Since localized or early stage prostate cancer usually does not cause symptoms, you should try to discover the disease before the symptoms appear. For that, it is recommended to perform the examination of the prostate by digital rectal examination. The collection of a blood test, PSA (acronym in English for prostate specific antigen) is a controversial topic in the medical field, although the dosage of this substance is an important marker for prostate cancer. On the one hand, the risk of false positives may be associated with invasive and unnecessary interventions. But, on the other hand, early detection is linked to a better prospect of total tumor elimination. American guidelines suggest that men as young as 50 years of age go to the urologist in Ghaziabad to investigate the health of the gland. Touch examination - Also known as digital examination of the prostate by the rectum, it is performed by the doctor to identify hardened areas in the prostate and other changes that may lead you to suspect cancer. It lasts a few seconds and is painless. PSA - It is measured in the blood and used as a marker of prostate cancer, suggesting the presence of the disease mainly when the total value is greater than 2.5 ng/ml. However, it can increase in other prostate diseases, such as benign growth and prostatitis (infection and inflammation of the prostate). There are other fractions of the PSA (free and linked to other molecules) and other parameters that can help the doctor to suspect an eventual prostate cancer, such as the speed of growth of the PSA (how much it increases from year to year), the density of the PSA (ratio of the test result to the size of the prostate) and the expected PSA for age. Symptoms - Mostly prostate cancer have no symptoms. The discomfort to urinate or the presence of blood in the urine or sperm are more related to the benign growth of the prostate or prostatitis. A urological evaluation is often necessary to clarify the real source of these symptoms, says the best urologist in Ghaziabad. Diagnosis - Localized prostate cancer does not appear in most imaging tests such as ultrasound, tomography, MRI and PET-SCAN. Therefore, the diagnosis is made through biopsy (removal of small fragments by a fine needle inserted through the rectum) guided by ultrasound and made with sedation. The removed fragments are analyzed by a pathologist who evidences the existence or not of the problem. This exam has become standardized and routinely performed in the best institutions, with a low risk of serious complications and with a quick return of the individual to his normal activities. A biopsy exam performed does not completely exclude the presence of the disease and other biopsies may be necessary depending on the analysis of several risk factors. Disease stages - When the diagnosis is confirmed by biopsy, it is necessary to perform a series of tests that will determine whether the disease is located in the prostate, whether it is just beyond the limits of the prostate, or whether malignant cells have already spread to other organs. .
Treatment Options
Localized disease - It is the stage that can offer the greatest chances of cure. There are some options for Prostate Cancer Treatment in Delhi for managing the disease to be discussed: Surgery - It is called radical prostatectomy. It consists of the complete removal of the prostate, seminal vesicles and eventually lymph nodes that may be compromised. After removal of the gland, the bladder is connected to the urethra using stitches and a probe is left that goes out through the hole in the penis. This probe drains the urine, protects the stitches and remains after surgery for a time ranging from five to 14 days. In surgery, it is possible or not to preserve the nerves responsible for the erection that pass very close to the prostate and this depends mainly on the local conditions, mainly on the suspicion of invasion of the nerves by the tumor. Surgery can be done through three different routes: the conventional open route, the laparoscopic route or the perineal route. The open route consists of an abdominal incision made below the umbilical scar until close to the bone above the base of the penis. The laparoscopic approach consists of an abdominal access through four or five incisions from 5 mm to 10 mm, with gas insufflation and a view of the surgical field through a monitor connected to a microcamera inserted in the abdomen through one of these holes. This technique can also be performed with the aid of a robot (called Da Vinci). The perineal route consists of an incision between the scrotum and anus with direct access to the prostate. This way, there is a limitation on the possibility of removing the nodes. There is no consensus on the best access route to perform radical prostatectomy and some surgeons have more experience and / or preference for one technique or another. The advantages and disadvantages of each should be discussed with the urologist in Delhi. Radiotherapy - It consists of the application of radiation directed to the prostate. It can be done by external radiation (3-D conformational and with modulated intensity - IMRT Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy) or by implanting radioactive seeds (brachytherapy) in the prostate, which is done under anesthesia. Locally advanced disease - When the tumor exceeds the limits of the gland, there are some possibilities for prostate cancer treatment in Noida to be considered and discussed, such as blocking the male hormone for a period prior to, concomitant with or after surgery or radiotherapy. Metastatic disease - When identifying sites for the spread of the tumor to other organs, such as bones, for example, the prostate cancer treatment in Ghaziabad may be blocking the male hormone (testosterone). Malignant cells in the prostate grow stimulated by testosterone and blocking this hormone can cause the tumor anywhere in the body to regress and become latent. There are several ways to block the hormone and the procedure to be adopted, as well as its possible side effects, should be discussed with the urologist in Delhi. When the disease no longer responds to hormone therapy, current chemotherapy is effective in treating symptoms and increasing the life expectancy of patients with prostate cancer. Read the full article
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drmathurrk-blog · 5 years
What you need to know about urologist center in Indore
Your urinary and genital tract health is important and should be monitored accordingly. Unfortunately, patients, usually ignore or dismiss traits that may hint at underlying circumstances that might be serious. I know it is easy to put off spot the doctor, but avoiding your urologist could mean delaying or preventing treatment that may prove life-saving. Knowing when to schedule an appointment with your urologist is most important to early treatment and care. Need more persuasion?
Below are five instances that need a consultation. 
1) Abnormal PSA test: Abnormal PSA test: A PSA test covers for prostate cancer by count the level of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in the blood. Because prostate cancer is the second most common cause of cancer death in men in the U.S., an abnormal or elevated PSA test should receive immediate follow-up.
2) Hematuria: Hematuria is a preference for the presence of blood in the urine. Hematuria can be caused by a number of potentially serious conditions including bladder cancer, kidney cancer, urinary tract infections, and stones.  Ask Urologist doctor in Indore, if you come across to blood in your urine.
3) Kidney stones: A key symptom of kidney stones is severe pain in the lower stomach, side of the back, groin or testicles. Remain untreated, stones can cause damage to the kidneys and cause permanent damage. Remember, one of the biggest risk factors for kidney stones is inadequate fluid intake. Increasing the amount of water you drink could help to reduce the chances of stone. 
4) Enlarged prostate: With growing age, men's prostate tends to increase in size. If the prostate grows too large it puts trouble on the urethra and can prevent urine flow.  This situation is called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). BPH can cause many symptoms including an urge to urinate often, weak urine flow and pain in the lower back, pelvis or thighs.
5) Vasectomy: A vasectomy is a surgical procedure that involves the sealing or cutting of the vas deferens from each testicle to prevent sperm from mixing with semen. It is considered a permanent form of birth control, and therefore should not be approached lightly. Your urologist can provide expert advice on what to expect as well as perform the procedure. These conditions and procedures are only a few of the many reasons patients visit a urologist. If you have any concerns regarding your urinary or genital tract health, it might be time to schedule an appointment with a general surgeon in Indore.
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Men’s health and urology
The urologists are doctors that deal with the kidneys, reproductive organs and urinary tract of men and women. These organs need caring for and there are some disorders that the top 5 urologists in Chandigarh will look over, diagnose and cure. Yet, often men are confused as to when to see a urologist and what conditions can they treat. So read on and maybe you need to get some symptoms checked from the urologist.
 When should men visit a urologist?
  Elevated PSA- The elevated PSA in a blood     test can indicate prostate cancer. The PSA is the cell that is produced by     both cancerous and non-cancerous cells. It could suggest prostate cancer     because the cancerous cells usually produce more PSA.
  Enlarged     prostate- When     men grow older their prostate gets enlarged. This restricts the growth of     the tissue around it. This can lead to issues as uncontrollable and     malfunction of the bladder. 
  Erectile     dysfunction- The     sexual disorder is common and happens to men of all ages. Erectile     dysfunction is the disorder wherein men can’t have an erect penis for a     long time or at all. This is treated by the best urologist in     Mohali. If erectile dysfunction isn't cured by medications     then the urologist also has to surgically implant them in their patients.     This is also the treatment plan if a male is suffering from Peyronie's     disease.
  Infertility- When a couple tries to have a     child and cannot have a biological child of their own, 50% of the problems     are related to man’s anatomy. A Tricity urologist in Chandigarh will     help you to diagnose the problem and offer treatment plans that will help     you to impregnate your partner. 
  Peyronie’s     disease- In     this disease, men find that their penis is curving or the length remains     short after an erection. This condition can be treated both via medically     and surgically. You can book an appointment with a urologist and they will     help you with the further treatment plan.
  Mass of     scrotum- The     scrotum can develop cysts, inflammation and enlarged veins around it. This     can easily be treated with medication. But urologists advice to see a     doctor soon. This is because sometimes mass on the scrotum is suggestive     of testicular cancer. Don't panic before meeting a urologist but its better     and healthy to consult one.
  Vasectomy- For couples who have had children     and don't wish to have any more, this is a form of surgical birth control     for men. The procedure is very common and it heals within days. There     isn't even any extra stay required in the hospital. A vasectomy is a     serious decision and hence must be considered thoroughly.
  Men often shy away from a urologist because they feel awkward and sometimes they don't even register that there is a problem. But, if you are experiencing any problem, pain, inflammation or discomfort in the reproductive organs then consult a urologist. Find a urologist that you are comfortable with and trust. 
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Treatment of prostate cancer
Prostate cancer is a malignant neoplasm that develops in the tissues of the prostate gland as a result of cell transformation. It is found in one of fifteen men over 40 years old. Mortality from prostate cancer takes second place among all oncological diseases. Several years may pass from the moment the first cancer cell appears to the oncology symptoms development. For this reason, the patient is often seen by an oncologist with a neglected, overgrown tumor that is difficult to cure.
Risks factors
It is impossible to answer the question of why prostate cancer develops. The causes of the pathology have not been determined precisely yet. However, there are risk factors that increase the likelihood of tumor developing:
Vasectomy. Cancer is more often diagnosed in men who have undergone sterilization.
Age. In the age range of 50-60 years, men face natural changes and hormonal imbalances. Since prostate cancer is a hormone-dependent tumor, deviations from normal testosterone levels increase the risk of cancer.
Hormonal imbalance. Among them, taking medications, diseases of the endocrine and genitourinary systems.
Environment. Regular exposure to sunlight and poor environmental conditions contribute to the development of genitourinary system cancer.
Symptoms of prostate cancer 
The manifestations of the disease are similar to the symptoms of an infection of the genitourinary system:
Difficulty urinating (at first it is difficult to start urinating or stop the flow of urine, later the entire act of urination requires great effort).
Pain or burning feeling during urination.
Frequent urination, especially at night.
Weak urine flow.
Problems with erection.
Presence of blood in urine or semen.
Frequent pain in the lower back, in the pelvis or thigh.
Stages of prostate cancer 
In total, there are four stages of prostate cancer:
Stage 1 is characterized by the small size of the tumor, the absence of involvement of the lymph nodes in the pathological process. As a rule, at this stage prostate cancer is detected during the treatment of another disease of the gland.
Stage 2 prostate cancer means that the tumor has increased in size. It can be felt during a digital rectal examination. In this case, the symptoms of the disease are often absent. Therefore, it is important to regularly undergo a preventive examination.
Stage 3 of the disease is characterized by the spreading of the tumor beyond the prostate. Cancer cells are found in the pelvic lymph nodes and neighboring organs. At this point, the patient usually feels discomfort, urination is impaired due to gland deformation, pain in the perineum appears.
Stage 4 means that cancer has spread to distant organs and lymph nodes. Metastases can be found in bones, lungs, liver, etc.
Prostate cancer diagnostics
At the initial stages, it is difficult to suspect prostate cancer, as the signs of the disease are nonspecific and mild. In this regard, a correct and timely diagnosis making is the key to a resultant treatment. The following diagnostic methods are used to detect a tumor and determine the stage of its development: 
PSA blood test. In a healthy man, the indicator does not exceed 4 nanograms per milliliter (ng/ml). In one of the four cases of cancer, the level of prostate-specific antigens ranges from 4-10 ng/ml, in every second – over 10. However, in some patients, PSA remains within normal limits.
Palpation of the prostate. The procedure is performed through the rectum. Neoplasms and other irregularities found during the study are the basis for the application of the additional research methods.
Prostate biopsy. It is a mandatory study, which is carried out with the suspected tumor of the prostate gland. Its results provide a reliable answer to the question of the presence or absence of cancer. During the procedure, tissue samples are taken from the prostate and are sent to the laboratory for a detailed study. A biopsy takes 15-20 minutes. With using of local anesthetics, it is absolutely painless.
Transrectal ultrasound. When conducting a transrectal ultrasound examination, sound waves are used to obtain an image of the prostate gland. The procedure involves the introduction of a small probe into the patient’s rectum. This diagnostic method is quick and painless. In addition, transrectal ultrasound is often used during a biopsy in order to insert the needle correctly and accurately capture the material.
Treatment methods
Therapy of prostate cancer is carried out comprehensively. Depending on the tumor type, stage of the disease, and the age of a man, the treatment includes one or more methods:
Surgery. Radical prostatectomy and transurethral resection are used. The task of radical prostatectomy is to cure a patient by removing the prostate gland and surrounding tissues. Transurethral resection aims to improve the quality of life. Surgery is the best way to treat prostate cancer, as the operation will completely remove the tumor if neoplasia has not penetrated the capsule of the prostate gland.
Radiation therapy. This is a non-invasive treatment method that can destroy cancer cells. The course of procedures includes irradiation by external sources or by placing radioactive capsules inside the prostate.
Hormone therapy. By suppressing the production of androgens by the testes, growth suppression and regression of the neoplasm are achieved. Direct indications include the presence of metastases, a high risk of relapse, contraindications for surgical intervention and radiation. Hormone therapy is effective in the late stages of cancer.
The best place for prostate cancer treatment
If you need help with prostate cancer, you can receive treatment abroad. Booking Health service will help you find the best specialists and clinics in Germany. With the assistance of the company, you can easily undergo prostate cancer treatment in Germany at low prices. On the website, you can read reviews of patients who have already undergone prostate cancer treatment in Germany with the help of Booking Health.
The post Treatment of prostate cancer appeared first on Florida Independent.
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Treatment of prostate cancer
Prostate cancer is a malignant neoplasm that develops in the tissues of the prostate gland as a result of cell transformation. It is found in one of fifteen men over 40 years old. Mortality from prostate cancer takes second place among all oncological diseases. Several years may pass from the moment the first cancer cell appears to the oncology symptoms development. For this reason, the patient is often seen by an oncologist with a neglected, overgrown tumor that is difficult to cure.
Risks factors
It is impossible to answer the question of why prostate cancer develops. The causes of the pathology have not been determined precisely yet. However, there are risk factors that increase the likelihood of tumor developing:
Vasectomy. Cancer is more often diagnosed in men who have undergone sterilization.
Age. In the age range of 50-60 years, men face natural changes and hormonal imbalances. Since prostate cancer is a hormone-dependent tumor, deviations from normal testosterone levels increase the risk of cancer.
Hormonal imbalance. Among them, taking medications, diseases of the endocrine and genitourinary systems.
Environment. Regular exposure to sunlight and poor environmental conditions contribute to the development of genitourinary system cancer.
Symptoms of prostate cancer 
The manifestations of the disease are similar to the symptoms of an infection of the genitourinary system:
Difficulty urinating (at first it is difficult to start urinating or stop the flow of urine, later the entire act of urination requires great effort).
Pain or burning feeling during urination.
Frequent urination, especially at night.
Weak urine flow.
Problems with erection.
Presence of blood in urine or semen.
Frequent pain in the lower back, in the pelvis or thigh.
Stages of prostate cancer 
In total, there are four stages of prostate cancer:
Stage 1 is characterized by the small size of the tumor, the absence of involvement of the lymph nodes in the pathological process. As a rule, at this stage prostate cancer is detected during the treatment of another disease of the gland.
Stage 2 prostate cancer means that the tumor has increased in size. It can be felt during a digital rectal examination. In this case, the symptoms of the disease are often absent. Therefore, it is important to regularly undergo a preventive examination.
Stage 3 of the disease is characterized by the spreading of the tumor beyond the prostate. Cancer cells are found in the pelvic lymph nodes and neighboring organs. At this point, the patient usually feels discomfort, urination is impaired due to gland deformation, pain in the perineum appears.
Stage 4 means that cancer has spread to distant organs and lymph nodes. Metastases can be found in bones, lungs, liver, etc.
Prostate cancer diagnostics
At the initial stages, it is difficult to suspect prostate cancer, as the signs of the disease are nonspecific and mild. In this regard, a correct and timely diagnosis making is the key to a resultant treatment. The following diagnostic methods are used to detect a tumor and determine the stage of its development: 
PSA blood test. In a healthy man, the indicator does not exceed 4 nanograms per milliliter (ng/ml). In one of the four cases of cancer, the level of prostate-specific antigens ranges from 4-10 ng/ml, in every second – over 10. However, in some patients, PSA remains within normal limits.
Palpation of the prostate. The procedure is performed through the rectum. Neoplasms and other irregularities found during the study are the basis for the application of the additional research methods.
Prostate biopsy. It is a mandatory study, which is carried out with the suspected tumor of the prostate gland. Its results provide a reliable answer to the question of the presence or absence of cancer. During the procedure, tissue samples are taken from the prostate and are sent to the laboratory for a detailed study. A biopsy takes 15-20 minutes. With using of local anesthetics, it is absolutely painless.
Transrectal ultrasound. When conducting a transrectal ultrasound examination, sound waves are used to obtain an image of the prostate gland. The procedure involves the introduction of a small probe into the patient’s rectum. This diagnostic method is quick and painless. In addition, transrectal ultrasound is often used during a biopsy in order to insert the needle correctly and accurately capture the material.
Treatment methods
Therapy of prostate cancer is carried out comprehensively. Depending on the tumor type, stage of the disease, and the age of a man, the treatment includes one or more methods:
Surgery. Radical prostatectomy and transurethral resection are used. The task of radical prostatectomy is to cure a patient by removing the prostate gland and surrounding tissues. Transurethral resection aims to improve the quality of life. Surgery is the best way to treat prostate cancer, as the operation will completely remove the tumor if neoplasia has not penetrated the capsule of the prostate gland.
Radiation therapy. This is a non-invasive treatment method that can destroy cancer cells. The course of procedures includes irradiation by external sources or by placing radioactive capsules inside the prostate.
Hormone therapy. By suppressing the production of androgens by the testes, growth suppression and regression of the neoplasm are achieved. Direct indications include the presence of metastases, a high risk of relapse, contraindications for surgical intervention and radiation. Hormone therapy is effective in the late stages of cancer.
The best place for prostate cancer treatment
If you need help with prostate cancer, you can receive treatment abroad. Booking Health service will help you find the best specialists and clinics in Germany. With the assistance of the company, you can easily undergo prostate cancer treatment in Germany at low prices. On the website, you can read reviews of patients who have already undergone prostate cancer treatment in Germany with the help of Booking Health.
The post Treatment of prostate cancer appeared first on Florida Independent.
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