#Perikatan Nasional (PN)
kazifatagar · 4 months
PN man asks Muhyiddin to quit as Bersatu leader now
With another MP from Bersatu showing allegiance to PM Anwar Ibrahim last week, the PN fighters on the X platform seem to have started an internal war. While some are attacking their own people, blaming them for the failure of the PN to overthrow Anwar on Jan 18 and Jan 23 (so many dates after failing on December 16 etc), a well-known PN man is now asking Muhyiddin Yassin to quit. See…
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suara-rakyat-blog · 1 year
Terbongkar! MB Terengganu Jual Tanah Bernilai RM29.3 Juta Dengan Harga RM500,000
Baru-baru ini kita dikejutkan dengan isu yang sangat serius di mana YAB Menteri Besar Terengganu, Ahmad Samsuri Mokhtar, telah menjual tanah kepada NGO yang dipimpin oleh isterinya sendiri dengan harga yang sangat merugikan Kerajaan Terengganu. Tanah yang bernilai RM29.3 juta dijual kepada NGO isteri Samsuri dengan harga hanya RM500,000.
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Sangatlah memurahkan hati Menteri Besar Terengganu ini sehingga memberikan lebih 98.2% DISKAUN bagi tanah Kerajaan Negeri. Jualan seperti ini tidak sepatutnya berlaku.
Menanggapi isu ini, Menteri Besar Terengganu dari PAS tidak menafikan perkara ini, malah menjawab bahawa ini hanyalah isu kecil. Katanya, kerana Pilihan Raya Negeri (PRN) sudah dekat, semua isu akan timbul. Namun, mengapa beliau tidak menjawab mengapa tanah ini dijual dengan harga yang sangat murah dan dijual kepada NGO yang dipimpin oleh isterinya sendiri? Ini jelas merupakan penyalahgunaan kuasa.
Semalam, bekas Naib Canselor UPSI dihukum penjara selama 18 bulan dan didenda RM10,000 atas tuduhan penyalahgunaan kuasa kerana memasukkan nama anak lelakinya untuk ditemuduga. Namun, amatlah mengecewakan bahawa Menteri Besar PAS Terengganu ini masih belum dihadapkan ke pengadilan. Kita tidak boleh memberikan isyarat yang salah bahawa Kerajaan Perpaduan gagal bertindak adil kepada semua pihak.
Untuk rekod, tanah tersebut sebelum ini telah diberikan kepada Koperasi Insaf Terengganu Berhad (Koinsaf) yang dimiliki oleh pemimpin PAS Terengganu dengan harga premium RM550,000 pada tahun 2003 ketika Presiden PAS, Abdul Hadi Awang, menjadi Menteri Besar Terengganu.
Namun, ketika Kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN) mengambil alih, kerajaan negeri terpaksa mengambil semula tanah tersebut dengan membayar RM6.7 juta kepada koperasi tersebut pada tahun 2005. PAS telah untung sebanyak RM6.15 juta atas angin. Tidak mustahil bahawa NGO yang diketuai oleh isteri Shamsuri juga akan mendapat keuntungan atas angin dengan menjual tanah ini sekali lagi. Berapa kali lagi PAS ingin mendapatkan keuntungan atas angin dari tanah yang sama?
Kerajaan BN mengambil semula tanah ini kerana mengambil kira lokasi strategik dan kepentingan rakyat. Namun, kini tanah tersebut dijual sekali lagi dengan harga yang sangat tidak masuk akal. Tidak hairanlah Perikatan Nasional menggunakan slogan "Bersih dan Stabil" sedangkan tanah Kerajaan Negeri dia sapu bersih. Memanglah kewangan mereka stabil jika pemimpin mereka terus membuat duit dengan menjual tanah kerajaan negeri di bawah harga pasaran.
Rakyar yang menderita dan rugi akibat penyalahgunaan kuasa oleh Menteri Negeri PAS Terengganu ini adalah Kerajaan Negeri dan Rakyat Terengganu. Menteri Besar Samsuri perlu menjelaskan mengapa tanah tersebut dijual dengan harga yang sangat murah, dan tidak cukup hanya memberikan alasan bahawa ini adalah isu kecil.Tunjukkanlah transparansi dalam pentadbiran kamu. Kami ingin tahu di mana keberadaan "Bersih dan Stabil" itu?
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brendanjap · 7 months
Do Memes Provide a Useful Way of Understanding Politics?
In the age of social media, the political landscape has undergone a significant transformation. Politicians no longer depend on traditional campaign strategies to connect with the masses. Today, memes have become a powerful tool in the realm of politics. But do these humorous, often irreverent images and videos provide a useful way of understanding politics? In this blog post, I'll delve into the world of political memes in Malaysia and explore their role in shaping digital communities and sociality.
The Rise of Memes in Malaysian Politics
Malaysian politics has witnessed a remarkable evolution in recent years, with the Internet and social media playing a pivotal role in shaping political discourse. Memes, as a form of user-generated content, have become an integral part of this digital landscape. They are short, catchy, and easily shareable, making them a perfect medium for engaging and mobilizing the electorate (Shifman 2013). To illustrate, in the preceding 2023 Malaysian general election, political parties and candidates effectively harnessed memes on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to connect with the younger, tech-savvy demographic.
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Meme Culture and Sociality
The unique culture surrounding political memes in Malaysia can be exemplified by the phenomenon of "political meme pages" on social media platforms. Numerous pages and groups are dedicated to creating and sharing political memes, where users participate in discussions, debates, and humour-filled exchanges. As an example, the "Zunar Cartoonist Fan Club" Facebook page has garnered substantial acclaim for its witty interpretations of Malaysian politics, fostering a strong sense of community among its dedicated followers. This demonstrates how meme culture has not only become a form of commentary but also a means of building a shared digital identity.
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Understanding Complex Issues through Memes
One of the intriguing aspects of political memes is their ability to simplify complex issues (De Leon & Ballesteros-Lintao 2021, p.6). Malaysian politics is no stranger to intricate policies and controversies, but memes have a knack for breaking down these topics into digestible, often exaggerated, forms. This not only helps in spreading awareness but also encourages discussions among citizens who might have otherwise felt overwhelmed by the intricacies of politics.
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Digital Activism and Social Change
Memes are more than just a source of passive entertainment; they can serve as a catalyst for social and political transformation. As an example, during the Sheraton Move in 2020, Malaysian netizens created and circulated memes that critiqued the government's alleged actions. These memes played a pivotal role in increasing awareness of the issue and galvanizing public sentiment against the perceived misconduct (Leiser 2022, p. 245). The use of memes as a form of digital protest and social commentary showcases their potential to hold politicians accountable and drive change.
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The Dark Side of Memes in Politics
While memes can be a force for good in Malaysian politics, they also have a dark side. Misinformation, fake news, and character assassination are common pitfalls (Salam 2018). For instance, consider the case of Ikmal Hisham, a politician affiliated with Perikatan Nasional (PN), who found himself unjustly accused of vaping when a meme featuring him merely holding a cylindrical pen went viral across a multitude of social media platforms (Malaysiakini 2023). Therefore, it's essential to strike a balance between humour and responsibility, ensuring that memes do not undermine the integrity of political discourse.
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In the world of Malaysian politics, memes have emerged as a powerful tool for understanding and engaging with the political landscape. They bridge the gap between the complexities of governance and the everyday experiences of citizens. Through humour and satire, they foster a sense of community and activism within the digital sphere.
However, it's crucial to approach political memes with a critical eye. They should not replace traditional news sources but complement them. The responsibility of fact-checking and ensuring the accuracy of information falls on both creators and consumers of memes.
In the end, memes provide a unique lens through which we can view and understand politics in Malaysia. They offer a glimpse into the collective consciousness of the digital community and serve as a reminder that in this interconnected age, politics is no longer confined to traditional boundaries—it thrives in the virtual world, where ideas and opinions are shared one meme at a time.
Reference List
De Leon, FMG & Ballesteros-Lintao, R 2021, 'The rise of meme culture: Internet political memes as tools for analysing Philippine propaganda', Journal of Critical Studies in Language and Literature, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 1-13, viewed 10 October 2023, < https://jcsll.gta.org.uk/index.php/home/article/view/70/143>.
Leiser, A 2022, 'Psychological Perspectives on Participatory Culture: Core Motives for the Use of Political Internet Memes', Journal of Social and Political Psychology, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 236-252, viewed 10 October 2023, <https://jspp.psychopen.eu/index.php/jspp/article/view/6377/6377.pdf>.
Malaysiakini 2023, 'Saya pegang pen, bukan hisap vape', 21 September, Malaysiakini, viewed 12 October 2023, <https://www.malaysiakini.com/news/679974>.
Salam, A 2018, 'The Hoax Phenomenon in Indonesian Society: Observing Anti-Diversity Memes since 2014', Gadjah Mada University, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 314-324, viewed 10 October 2023, < https://d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net/63926674/0938891-103625-1-PB20200715-14109-1jsdsaq-libre.pdf?1594816369=&response-content-disposition=inline%3B+filename%3DThe_Hoax_Phenomenon_in_Indonesian_Societ.pdf&Expires=1697549211&Signature=bJ9~skzTYbD23PIgStMSf10Uju6bFq7B-3fPjNbG-0x9wEyztGkLEZJ0xv6cWqRZMzVUbTLKAMe-L4nIrQ4~27bGWDmoBcyRLnB130dDf1oDM0nhyptfWSbMuobR1lVzfUI1A1Lcx0kNcoKU677DKkedeOXlBd35F-gp-Jbq2Qx4~On-Mj8jNL4sEYIcvXDgPvQWoNV5DysJtyoWV2vxquqyrtdPtpQOSNoDJiZ0MPyguyxXcMIGJJgEm3tguVew6Y0BODRRLwmkX1RQmZYXATpW2Kj85tt6QObOfJYilxKjIDTSBBMRRq7U8YZ5ORWs1xiSV8s1s3a~OVN0fCykyQ__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA>.
Shifman, L 2013, 'Memes in a digital world: Reconciling with a conceptual troublemaker', Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 362–377, viewed 9 October 2023< https://watermark.silverchair.com/jjcmcom0362.pdf?token=AQECAHi208BE49Ooan9kkhW_Ercy7Dm3ZL_9Cf3qfKAc485ysgAAA1EwggNNBgkqhkiG9w0BBwagggM-MIIDOgIBADCCAzMGCSqGSIb3DQEHATAeBglghkgBZQMEAS4wEQQMsx2iZgcDFb_thnGZAgEQgIIDBD0_Q7fNS3prEYCwj0DfqtSmrZ0j3P4UvPrtkN9aSzsQZPavYTwGd5WN0knOPOSQrilBrYHiVKqjGxB8Qccn2-BXh8p6cwri9_Tr0sFxfBVfstZEiWBIlRwsXoIqKUENymdD_slY9FTV0RFI7b1BqmzqC3a2-J994gRw-IvAmWxpc8ULscC--ZAAYN0egn5DX3gzHKKnG2REMVYKCeTGX_R7wFP1sNPcpm9lByHSBjhucf3bp7fHN1d6ER267gugrYnHqpUD5n7qCLpYqUBxwYG2JM4UDoKHekbyHj5gWfXnRvP6zYDDryQ6BVx2WTx5j4VgHHxfaQNwLtJxQjInmmLpAFXgCOaTmCVM5UezGQ8B5sBTKCwIiRVQJLiexMwm3QxBQEW7xQp_OHdGBraaMuTa-gjTDTHTzSFncPl8lKZ1XINQklrEylrpP9v6fGUVIQb2YS8VOqhAfHLgyAGMVf0in-i_0T8t2DiI9mXRf0K4J98FolVs130d33WeNHsrhgowI9bhalU5fwYQJH5qRhW39SgwyGUu6et4lyaL7nLlmt2Hn_wM728CCaEQJEe0hCXNGoAQu5ckdSF_JabbRMK5aDSdHXle5MXC0PVUAjh117aYGtBRkw5_ps3SbP6IKuR5BANg8JIjWCUrzkfc9OCP990fh1FMRREkgD4VWSeWiJxyGeVgstubOzKSrlUyfJ-YuzMqYgyvgx0p_hsULC8x8IlNEUVWRpVKLj8iqu5dTu1CW7MzORujXD_lSx2npZYpbpsT1p9S5GrMZaplIL0gP4w2greyRLp5OE3kz3TP_80G_HAMooX0j_5-sXf7QKs1ekAwA9G-Ci2mA_20VLxwxXwhKrf54fPtZENzQ3Z_RYIhXpirYqwRGndbYWoYqfiRzAdG3xX0BGndRXKBIHjdsXFHLofaZWyUU3ayLd9rLK02MupPZlAElyFGEokcxSG7if6bSFMIYuJe4YUAoT6ZALrAB7MUgsP84AoSwxfFFQSyL1gHKDCiLveeCDn4LfKNigA>.
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
[SCMP is HK Media]
Of the various appointments, Ahmad Zahid being handed the deputy prime ministership was the most expected among political commentators, even though sceptics warned it would taint Anwar’s administration from the outset.
Ahmad Zahid is widely seen as a close ally of Najib Razak, the ex-leader defeated in 2018 polls and now in jail following a conviction linking him to the 1MDB financial scandal. Ahmad Zahid himself is facing corruption charges of his own for alleged money laundering and criminal breach of trust.
Along with Najib, Ahmad Zahid was among a slew of BN officials slapped with corruption charges following the 2018 vote, which Anwar’s PH won under the leadership of elder statesman Mahathir Mohamad.
The PH government collapsed in 2020, following an internal coup backed by Najib, Zahid and other BN heavyweights.
The conservative Malay-Muslim Perikatan Nasional (PN) bloc led by former prime minister Muhyiddin Yassin opted not to join the unity government, claiming it would be dominated by the Chinese-centric DAP.
2 Dec 22
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scrabbleknight · 1 year
So, for those who don't know, recently my home country of Malaysia had their 15th general election. In order for American/European viewers to understand what this means, let me break it down to you because it's actually stupidly confusing even for locals.
Malaysia's political parties aren't like the ones in the US. They're party coalitions aka groups made of several parties. The popular example would be Barisan Nasional. BN is made out of *looks to Wikipedia* 13 different parties, led by UMNO. BN has 3 main parties - UMNO, MIC and MCA - which were the country's first ever political parties, founded under the purpose of independence.
Malaysia's political parties are mostly about race and/or religion. UMNO are Malays, MIC are Indians and MCA are Chinese, the 3 major racial groups in Malaysia. Another example from a different group is PAS which is an Islamic political party, as well as so many parties focusing on the states of Sabah and Sarawak.
There are 3 main coalitions you need to know: Barisan Nasional, Perikatan Nasional and Pakatan Harapan. PN and PH used to be part of the same coalition known as Pakatan Rakyat (no longer exists). They broke up due to, eh, racial tension.
Much like the US, no single party or party group rules the government. It's always a mixed bag, but because of how these coalitions work, the bag is more mixed than trail mix. So no, you won't have a "Democrats Vs Republicans" situation here. Only "Government vs Opposition", with Government being the major coalition with the supporting Prime Minister.
For general elections, you don't vote for the country. You vote for a representative of the local district, who holds a seat in the government. That seat is essentially a "vote" in of itself, which decides which group holds the government. So the more seats, the stronger the group's influence. That group's leader (decided by the group) becomes the Prime Minister. Essentially, you're not voting for a person; you're voting for a party.
For most of history, BN has been the Government. They were the oldest coalition and had the greatest amount of support and trust. However, due to recent financial and economical recessions and scandals, BN has been rapidly losing support. They're still powerful, mind you, but people are now looking for alternatives.
I am here to announce that Pakatan Harapan has won the recent general election. They were an opposition party founded roughly 8 years ago due to the mentioned scandals fallouts. It's the fastest growing coalition in Malaysian history with huge support from the younger generation. However, they did not win a simple majority (aka half of the seats). Due to that, the sultan (the country's leading figure) asked for PH to form a UNITY GOVERNMENT.
I really need to stress how big of a deal that is. We've never had a unity government before. Essentially, since PH didn't win a simple majority, they'll work together with other coalitions in order to increase the number of seats and ensure a smoother process. So a group of coalitions, which itself is a group of parties, form the new government. A group of groups.
Imagine if the Republicans won the election but didn't win enough, so they began partnering with the Green Party. That's essentially what's happening. The trail mix has been mixed even further.
All in all, it's been a somewhat chaotic general election. Note that unlike the US, we're discouraged from discriminating people due to their political association. That's why it's much more calm and less crazy, despite the chaos that runs in the background.
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thisisbjoeblog · 2 years
General Elections 2022: GE15 - Pakatan Leads But With Some Bad News & Losses
General Elections 2022: GE15 – Pakatan Leads But With Some Bad News & Losses
GE15 results were predictable but the end showed how racial and religious the country has been with the North & East of the Peninsular going to the radial Perikatan Nasional (PN) whilst the West & South to Pakatan Harapan (PH) with Barisan Nasional (BN) picking the middle. East Malaysia squarely went to the dominant GRS & GPS coalition. Image source: Wikipedia (more…)
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dailystraitsdotcom · 15 days
Perikatan Nasional: Focused Electoral Strategy
Mahathir Mohd Rais analyzes the Kuala Kubu by-election, highlighting key voter trends.
By Mahathir Mohd Rais The recent by-election results in the Kuala Kubu state assembly should not be a source of pride for the Democratic Action Party (DAP). Despite the overall results not favoring us, the analysis of voting patterns offers clear directives for our improvement.Firstly, PN extends heartfelt thanks to every voter who lent us their support in this by-election. Your trust in our…
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i-shen-blog · 7 months
Do Memes Provide a Useful Way of Understanding Politics?
The rise of memes in the age of social media has indeed transformed the political landscape. Memes can be a powerful tool for politicians and political movements to connect with the masses in a more informal and engaging way. However, their usefulness in understanding politics depends on how they are approached and interpreted. Thus, this blog post will examine Malaysia's political meme scene and offer insightful analysis on how politics, digital culture, and social dynamics interact.
Memes in Malaysian Politics
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In the dynamic landscape of Malaysian politics, the surge of the internet and the omnipresence of social media have orchestrated a profound metamorphosis. As the political narrative navigates the digital realm, a unique and impactful player has emerged—memes. These bite-sized, visually compelling units of humor and commentary have become an indispensable aspect of the digital discourse, transforming the way politics is communicated, consumed, and engaged with in Malaysia.
As the digital landscape continued to evolve, political memes became a prominent feature of online political discourse in Malaysia. They have been used to critique political figures, highlight social issues, and engage the public in a more accessible and humorous manner. While the trend started around the mid-2010s, the use and impact of political memes in Malaysia have continued to evolve, reflecting the dynamic nature of online political communication:
Positive impact of memes in Malaysian Politics
Within the labyrinth of Malaysian politics, characterized by its multifaceted policies and contentious controversies, memes emerge as both interpreters and storytellers. Their unique ability to distill complex topics into easily digestible, occasionally exaggerated, yet undeniably memorable forms positions them as key conduits of political understanding in the digital age.
In a nation where political dialogue often contends with the challenge of deciphering intricate policy frameworks, memes serve as democratizing agents. They function as linguistic shortcuts, providing citizens with an accessible entry point into the convoluted world of politics. This is particularly crucial in a diverse society where individuals, regardless of their level of political awareness, can find common ground through the shared language of humor and satire embedded in memes.
Moreover, the inherent exaggeration prevalent in many political memes contributes a layer of humor that not only captures attention but also sparks discussions. By amplifying specific facets of political discourse, memes not only entertain but also prompt citizens to reflect and engage. They transform intricate policy debates into conversations that bridge the gap between the complexities of governance and the everyday experiences of Malaysians.
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Negative impact of memes in Malaysian Politics
While the influence of memes in shaping the discourse of Malaysian politics is undeniable, it is essential to recognize the dual nature of this digital phenomenon. As a force for good, memes serve as accessible tools for political engagement, simplifying complex issues and fostering discussions among diverse segments of society. However, as with any powerful tool, memes harbor a darker side that demands careful consideration.
Misinformation, fake news, and character assassination emerge as common pitfalls in the meme-infused political landscape. The rapid dissemination and consumption of memes make them fertile ground for the spread of unverified information, leading to potentially damaging consequences for individuals and political entities alike.
Consider the case of Ikmal Hisham, a politician affiliated with Perikatan Nasional (PN), whose reputation suffered unjustly due to a viral meme. The meme, featuring Hisham innocently holding a cylindrical pen, led to baseless accusations of vaping, illustrating how a seemingly innocuous image can be manipulated and misconstrued (Malaysiakini 2023). This incident serves as a stark reminder of the potential harm that misinformation-driven memes can inflict on the personal and political lives of individuals.
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Finally, as we navigate the realm of political memes in Malaysia, it becomes imperative to strike a delicate balance between humor and responsibility. While memes provide an avenue for creative expression and commentary, the potential for their misuse requires a collective commitment to upholding the integrity of political discourse. Through increased awareness, critical evaluation, and responsible sharing, Malaysians can harness the positive aspects of memes while mitigating the risks associated with their darker potential. Join us in exploring the intricacies of this delicate equilibrium, where the power of political memes is wielded with both wit and wisdom.
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selvarajasomiahposts · 8 months
Muhyiddin Yassin Is at a Crossroads – and His Party's Future May Hang in the Balance
PN chairperson Muhyiddin Yassin who has played an instrumental role in the formation of the Perikatan Nasional (PN) has been sidelined now. On Sept 4, four mentri besar of Perikatan-led states had a meeting with Dr Mahathir and have agreed in principle to form a strategic cooperation and investments group called State Government Four (SG4). PN Chairman Muhyiddin Yassin was not invited for this…
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tengokcerita2023 · 10 months
Terima kasih kepada semua rakyat yang terus menyokong Perikatan Nasional (PN)
Terima kasih kepada semua rakyat yang terus menyokong Perikatan Nasional (PN) sejak pilihan raya umum ke-15 (PRU15). Kejayaan PN meraih sokongan Melayu selepas PRU15 boleh dikaitkan dengan beberapa faktor. Menurut artikel dari New Straits Times, PN mendakwa telah memenangi sokongan orang Melayu kerana parti lain tidak dapat "bercakap," menunjukkan bahawa PN dapat menyampaikan dasar dan janjinya dengan berkesan kepada pengundi Melayu, tidak seperti beberapa parti lain. [ 1]. Sentimen anti-BN, ditambah dengan keupayaan PN untuk merangsang pengundi konservatif yang menolak Barisan Nasional (BN), turut memainkan peranan penting dalam kejayaan mereka semasa PRU15. Mesej anti-rasuah terhadap BN, digabungkan dengan ketidakpopularan pemimpin BN Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, dipaparkan dengan ketara dalam kedua-dua kempen PN dan Pakatan Harapan (PH)[3 ] . Kempen PN yang diselaraskan, penggunaan media sosial yang berkesan, dan keupayaan untuk bergema dengan orang Melayu dan pengundi muda di kawasan tertentu di semenanjung juga merupakan faktor penyumbang kepada kejayaan mereka[ 3 ].
Lebih-lebih lagi, pandangan daripada kajian baru-baru ini oleh Pusat Ilham menjelaskan situasi pasca PRU15. Kajian itu mendedahkan bahawa "gelombang Melayu-Islam" yang diperhatikan semasa PRU15 berterusan, dengan PN memenangi 52% undi Melayu, diikuti oleh BN dengan 32% dan PH dengan 15%[ 2 ] . Kajian menunjukkan bahawa momentum PN dalam pengundi Melayu berkemungkinan berterusan disebabkan oleh faktor seperti politik dalaman yang berterusan dalam Umno dan penerimaan sederhana kerajaan perpaduan di kalangan orang Melayu[2 ] . Walaupun kerjasama antara PH dan Umno mungkin menjejaskan perpecahan dalam undi Melayu, ia mungkin tidak mencukupi untuk mengubah keseimbangan yang memihak kepada gabungan persekutuan[ 2 ].
Dari segi pilihan raya negeri yang akan datang dan Selangor, Ilham Center meramalkan bahawa undi Melayu masih sukar difahami untuk gabungan PH-BN, dan cabaran PN untuk menawan kerajaan Selangor bukanlah mudah melainkan ia mendapat sokongan orang Melayu yang besar[2 ] . Walaupun menghadapi cabaran dalam mendapatkan sokongan Melayu, PN dijangka mendapat manfaat daripada pemindahan undi antara penyokongnya dan mereka yang sebelum ini mengundi calon BN, yang boleh menyumbang kepada peningkatan kerusi di kawasan majoriti Melayu[2 ] . Bagaimanapun, tidak mungkin PN dapat mengambil alih sepenuhnya kerajaan negeri[ 2 ].
Secara ringkasnya, keupayaan PN untuk bergema dengan pengundi konservatif, menyampaikan dasar mereka dengan berkesan, dan memanfaatkan sentimen anti-BN memainkan peranan penting dalam mendapatkan sokongan Melayu sejak PRU15. Walaupun cabaran berterusan dalam meraih undi Melayu, momentum PN dalam pengundi Melayu nampaknya berterusan, dengan beberapa ramalan mengenai prestasinya dalam pilihan raya akan datang.
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🤣. #PN lah ??? 🙃.
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kazifatagar · 2 days
PN collapsing now, says Lokman Adam
UMNO communications director Datuk Lokman Noor Adam highlighted PAS spiritual leader Datuk Hashim Jasin’s statement about contesting Bersatu’s seats in potential by-elections, suggesting the Perikatan Nasional (PN) coalition is nearing dissolution. Read More LM News YouTuber Now ATTACKED by Netizens for Saying They Make RM2,000 a Minute  PN collapsing Hashim’s remarks indicate PAS’s…
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suara-rakyat-blog · 2 years
Macai Politik pelik kenapa Lokman tak berani balun Perdana Menteri Ismail Sabri
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riaunews · 2 years
Hitung Cepat Perlihatkan Mahathir Mohamad Kalah Telak di Pemilu Malaysia
Hitung Cepat Perlihatkan Mahathir Mohamad Kalah Telak di Pemilu Malaysia
Mantan Perdana Manteri Malaysia Mahatir Muhammad. Kualalumpur (Riaunews.com) – Mantan Perdana Menteri (PM) Malaysia dan kandidat koalisi Gerakan Tanah Air (GTA) gagal mempertahankan kursi parlementernya di Langkawi, berdasarkan hasil pemilihan resmi yang diumumkan pada Ahad (20/11/2022). Pria berusia 97 tersebut kalah telak dari Mohd Suhaimi Abdullah dari Perikatan Nasional (PN), yang meraih…
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levynite · 2 years
good gods, imagine passing away on the day of voting, as a candidate
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petnews2day · 2 years
PN offers to reduce PTPTN loans, zero-interest housing loans for youths
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/pet-industry-news/pet-financial-news/pn-offers-to-reduce-ptptn-loans-zero-interest-housing-loans-for-youths/
PN offers to reduce PTPTN loans, zero-interest housing loans for youths
GE15 | Perikatan Nasional’s manifesto includes a slew of benefits for youths from education loan reductions, and home ownership initiatives.
PN chief Muhyiddin Yassin (above) announced tonight that if the coalition takes over Putrajaya, Higher Education Fund (PTPTN) borrowers who graduate second class will get a 25 percent reduction on their loans.
He also pledged that internship and… 
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